96 resultados para pessoas em fim da vida


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A epidemia do HIV/AIDS tem desafiado tanto a biomedicina como a ciência de modo geral. Tecnologias vêm sendo exploradas a fim de criar uma base terapêutica consistente às pessoas infectadas. Se os tratamentos exigem o consumo diário de medicamentos, os exames laboratoriais contemplam uma rotina a ser sempre mantida. Levam a um processo de mudança e adaptação pessoal junto de uma reorganização intensiva das formas de cuidado do corpo. As práticas clínico-terapêuticas devem ser entendidas, porém, como elementos particulares de processos culturais de grande alcance. Partindo de pesquisa etnográfica no Rio de Janeiro, discuto os efeitos sociais da biomedicina como um saber e uma cultura global sobre práticas sociais locais.


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Through the analysis of the informational activity at the primary care of SUS at the scale of places, this dissertation has as central objective to observe the dispute for the concepts of health and sickness, in the ambit of Brazilian Health Movement, featuring, on one hand, the clinic, biomedical or flexnerian line hegemonic, scientifically restrict and the primary frame of references for the Brazilian health politics and on the other hand a multiplicity of new proposals and critic thoughts to the current model, which have , as common characteristic, the worry with a territorial way of thinking the health context, therefore beyond the biological processes. On the first chapter we jut out with details these scientific and ideological movements, on a wider way, but also on the specificities of the public health s information politics. On the second chapter we analyze the downward health information circle at the basic care, observing the operational processes of the information s technical systems SIAB and e-SUS. On the third and last chapter, we give references to think about an upward health information circle, centered on the places, ruled by the notions of autonomy, organic solidarity and communicational density. It would possess, as method s primary horizon, the local organization of production and managing of information through the work of the Health Community Agent, privileging therefore the urgency of the most contingent needs of the people in theirs every day s life


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Pro-social behaviors are seen regularly throughout our daily lives, as we often witness people giving alms, helping a neighbor move, donating blood, or taking care of a friend's children, among others. From an evolutionary perspective, such behaviors occur because they have a high adaptive value to our species, precisely due to our high degree of dependence on group living for survival. Probably, for this same reason, since children have shown a preference for prosocial behaviors over antisocial behaviors, this preference becomes more visible as we grow. However, children with symptoms of conduct disorder show a pattern of aggressive, impulsive and more selfish behaviors than children without such symptoms. Furthermore, these children also experience environments in which antisocial behaviors are more frequent and intense compared to the general population. Priming experiments are one way of measuring the influence of simple environmental cues on our behavior. For example, driving faster when listening to music, religious people help more on religious elements, like the bible, and children are more cooperative after playing games of an educational nature. Thus, the objectives of the current study were to: evaluate whether there is any difference in generosity, through sharing behavior, among children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder; analyze the influence of prosocial priming on sharing behavior on children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder; and finally, analyze from an evolutionary perspective, the reasons given by children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder for sharing or not sharing with their best friend in a classroom environment. To address this question, the teachers of these children were asked to respond to an inventory that was designed to signal the presence or absence of symptoms of conduct disorder. Children identified as having or not having symptoms of conduct disorder could then undergo an experimental (with priming) or control (no priming) condition. Under the experimental condition, the children were asked to watch two short videos showing scenes of helping and sharing among peers, to perform a distraction activity, and finally to chose two of four different materials presented by the researcher and decide how much of these two materials they would like to share with their best friend in the classroom. Then the children were asked about their reasons for sharing or not sharing. Children subjected to the control condition performed the same activities as in the xi experimental condition, but did not watch the video first. The results showed a notable difference in the effect of priming in accordance with the child's stage of development; a difference in the amount of material donated to a best friend by children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder, and a change in this observed difference with the influence of pro-social priming; and finally, a convergence in the thinking of children regarding their reasons for sharing with evolutionary theory. The results of this study also indicate the importance of individual factors, developmental stage, environmental and evolutionary conditions in the pro-social behavior of children with and without symptoms of conduct disorder.


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The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), considered today one chronic nature of the disease due to the advent of antiretroviral therapy (TARV), brings to individuals living with this disease, difficulties related to social interaction and adaptation to new physical condition and the routines imposed by the treatment. This reality has a strong impact on the lives of these people in order of overcoming them use coping strategies, Coping. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical and life habits of people living with AIDS and analyze the coping strategies used with the situation of the disease, according to sociodemographic, clinical and life habits. This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 331 people registered at the clinic of the Hospital Giselda Trigueiro (HGT), located in Natal / RN, who had scheduling for outpatient medical consultation from January to August 2014. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with the Presentation of Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE), paragraph 16578613.0.0000.5537. The data of social characterization showed predominance of men (52%), young people (42%) coming from the capital (58%), mulatto (53%), single (56%), heterosexual (79%), poor (68 %). With regard to clinical aspects it has been found that most held the first HIV testing for less than five years (60%) had signs and symptoms of AIDS before the examination (90%) were hospitalized (90%) started ART for less than five years (60%) believe they have good knowledge of the disease (75%) and believe that their health has improved (92%). For lifestyle, it became clear that most do not consume alcohol (71%), do not smoke (88%) and do not use illicit drugs (92%) and never used condoms before diagnosis (62%) and only 192 (58%) use the currently codon. With regard to the reference was higher coping focused modes of emotion, although the problem solving has been the second most common. The mean scores of women, workers, religious and never abandoned the treatment were higher for all factors. Having a partner, living with family members and support in the treatment had higher average scores for various factors, coinciding in the confrontation, withdrawal and social support. As for the leisure and physical exercise also dominated the modes focused on emotion as was seen in the correlation between the time of treatment, education and family income and IEEFL factors, although with low intensity. The profile of the study population confers with national characteristics, suggesting feminization, internalization, pauperization, heterosexual, increased CD4 cell count and viral load reduction during treatment and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. Coping strategies used were more focused on emotion. In this context, it is understood that the identification of these strategies can facilitate care planning, encouraging such persons to adapt to stressors with the situation of the disease


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The proposal of teaching-service integration from work experience brings a challenge to the professionals involved in health services: to combine their healthcare practice to the preparation of new professionals in accordance with the national health model. In Recife, the assistance network is known as school network, since it provides all its health equipment for Higher Education Institutions, in special for professionals who work as preceptors, making this activity an important component of the services network. The objective of the present study was to analyze preceptorship experience herein Multidisciplinary Residences in Health in the look of health professionals. This is a qualitative descriptive study, involving physicians, dentists, and nurses that have worked as preceptors for at least two years in multidisciplinary residency linked to two Higher Education Institutions. A semistructured interview was used as research instrument and data were processed by using the software Alceste 4.9. Results indicated four semantic classes which were divided into two axis. Axis 1, composed of class 4, and Axis 2, composed of classes 3, 2 and 1. Categorization considered the relation between classes. It was observed that in class 4 work overload is a dilemma for professional participation in preceptorship. This is noted by the words manage, time, patient, give, and complicated. However, it is also observed that the preceptorship involves positive learning and teaching actions, reinforced by the words say, explain, and discuss. Class 2 shows the preceptorship as an experience exchange, a positive moment that provides theoretical upgrade to the preceptor, associated to the professional practices performed by the binominal preceptor-student in health services and communities. In this perspective, everyone is benefited since preceptorship is structured according to dynamic aspects of knowledge, experienced in settings permeated by people´s health necessities. In class 3, potentialities of this practice are shown, and personal compromise is the main reason of acting as a preceptor in this network of education/attention, demonstrated in the words reason, formation, to like and professionals. Last, but not the least, class 1 suggests the importance of preceptorship and one of the strategies to create the National Politics of Humanization, from the teachingservice-community integration, observed in the words: arrives, university, fundamental, manner, partnership, service, and student. Besides, it rates perspectives and challenges for the improvement of the preceptorship in health services. Integrating teaching and service can enhance the proposals of changes concerning the healthcare model practiced in services, but this relation is still superficial. The preceptor is an actor in action, playing real life roles, and that is when he becomes essential to seek training with the profile defended in the proposed training of a professional who is capable of learning to learn


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This thesis has as main objective to reflect about the defining conceptual elements of the embodied curriculum concept, ident ified curriculum conception from the analysis about the rationality employed in the doctoral work of teacher Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, entitled The construction of the curriculum in popular critical perspective: the significant words to the context ualized practices , written and defended in the Postgraduate Program in Education: Curriculum, in the Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo, in 2004. We looked, also, on the problematization of the affinities between postcolonial theories – analytical perspectives towards the discussion about coloniality and their effect on contemporary social weaving – and the embodied curriculum concept. We argue that the reflections present in the aforementioned work bring an articulated curriculum concept based on three conceptual symbiotic elements, namely: negativity, dialogue and praxis, which, by endorsing the possibility of a curricular ingrained practice in the life context of the individuals, have some post - colonial inclinations that lead to the problematizat ion about the neo - colonial manifestations in curricular sphere, outlining a critique of the modus operandi of the colonialism, particularly, in its cultural and epistemic dimension from which the education is inseparable. For that, we used as methodologica l procedure the symbolic cartography, knowledge building strategy systematized by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, which allowed us to construct interpretive maps that enabled the symbolization of the universe which we longed to understand, that is, the concept ual categories mentioned above, which, in our view, underlie the concept of embodied curriculum. In this direction, we anchored ourselves in a meaningful dialogue with the theoretical approach of Paulo Freire and some of his interpreters regarding the disc ussion on curriculum, especially the reflections dev eloped by Antonio Fernando Gouvê a da Silva, and authors whose theoretical developments resonate in prospects for humanization, social justice and empowerment, among which we highlight: Theodor Adorno, Hug o Zemelman, Wilfred Carr, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, among others. We seek, in the same manner, on the contributions of authors considered post - colonial, as Hugo Achugar, Gayatri Spivak, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Enrique Dussel, to name a few, the reason s why we consider the embodied curriculum as a place of political - pedagogical enunciation, conducive to an educational praxis that engages in a curricular work of reality translation in order to see what overwhelms it to, then, elicit the construction of a school curriculum as an awareness project for releasing in relation to what is unjust and inhumane. We consider, finally, that the success of this curriculum embodied translation implies a larger number of speakers mobilized in the production of knowledge that yearns for social emancipation and contribute to the enrichment of human capabilities as the maintenance of the life and the dignity of people.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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This dissertation argues that the book as we know it will not cease to be. It is somehow a manifesto praising the artifact of words in the scope of literature and scientific culture. The present work chooses Umberto Eco and Jean-Claude-Càrriere‟s book Não contem com o fim do livro (2010) as cognitive operator. It presents a brief overview of the evolution of the informational supports and narrates a history of the book as constructed by complex bases; it also highlights the permanent and current state of the book having in mind the concept of contemporary as proposed by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, as opposed by the ephemeral character of the technological informational supports; moreover, it elects the book as a tool for the learning of Science and Culture, as a school for life, as put by Edgar Morin when referring to the Romance genre, in some of his works regarding Education; it presents as supporting evidence, two interviews with book-lover scholars from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Science thinkers like Edgar Morin, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Ilya Prigogine, Giorgio Agamben, Pierre Levy, Umberto Eco, Roger Chartier, among others are used as sources of theoretical references. The dissertation places itself in the interface between Literature, Complexity and Education.


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This re search analyzes the talks dynamics about policy established in YouTube symbolic space. We are interested in examining the way in which the commentators of the video " Globo e os Protestos " articulated in the field intended for comments, a public space directed to the dissemination and circulation of meanings about policy issues. The video studied was published by PC Siqueira and Diego Quint eiro , during the June 2013 protests in Br azil, to direct the political understanding of the movement lived in that period. According to them, the protests had left political position and therefore the protesters should reject the coverage by TV Globo (a comunication vehicle with ideals of right) and allow the participation of political parties linked to the ideological left spectrum. This narrative generated empathy and controversy betwe en commentators, which produced in the comments, an intense argumentative process about these theses (right and left). To understand the phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory qualitative research, the main methodological procedure was a ethnomethodological discourse analysis. We seek the observation of the ways in which the commentators es tablished talks about politics in the comments space, for, thereafter , organize categories of analysis based on identified discursive recurrences. The empirical reflections are supported from discussions about the YouTube potential, while digital media com prising massive strategies and while articulating space in the engagement of individuals in political issues; also confront the aspects involved in the conversation practices that results in sociability dynamics and , especially , in conflict, on the socio - t echnical networks; and finally, we propose a reflection about the circuit actuation in which the people take ownership and realize new readings about the products received. Concluding that the use of digital media , such as YouTube, has caused significant c hanges in the forms of production and reception of symbolic products and ways in which people participate in political issues concerning life in society.


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Through participant observation, held in the administrative region east of Natal / RN, this research aimed to understand about the daily life of men and women living on the streets in the city. How they relate to the space where they live? In this relationship, which uses and survival strategies triggered by this social segment? These were some of the questions that guided this research, in order to highlight the specificities of this way of life and the possible consequences that such a situation could reverberate. In this sense, there was an effort to keep up with people on the streets, their itineraries and seize their narratives. Along the search path - which took place intermittently between the years 2011-2015 - attended spaces of occupation and traffic of this population group in the street, as well as insert me and got involved in events, forums, seminars, meetings and subject of joints on the streets as a political movement (MNPR / RN). They are considered in this study as people on the street to those who occupy the street as their main space of survival and ordering of daily life: in the streets sleep, feed themselves, meet the physiological and hygienic needs, and is where draw sustenance. The street is taken in this research in its broadest sense, including all possible places relatively protected from the cold, rain and exposure to violence, thus includes both open and public spaces: as squares and parks; but also closed and private places: hostels, abandoned warehouses, prisons, etc. It was observed that in none of these spaces guys on the street are established in a fixed manner, in contrast, they experience the roaming, which in part is due to urban systems - which tends to stigmatize them and delete them places - and the very need to survive, because while living in the street differentiated practices are triggered, and these differ from the dominant mode of sedentary life.


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Through participant observation, held in the administrative region east of Natal / RN, this research aimed to understand about the daily life of men and women living on the streets in the city. How they relate to the space where they live? In this relationship, which uses and survival strategies triggered by this social segment? These were some of the questions that guided this research, in order to highlight the specificities of this way of life and the possible consequences that such a situation could reverberate. In this sense, there was an effort to keep up with people on the streets, their itineraries and seize their narratives. Along the search path - which took place intermittently between the years 2011-2015 - attended spaces of occupation and traffic of this population group in the street, as well as insert me and got involved in events, forums, seminars, meetings and subject of joints on the streets as a political movement (MNPR / RN). They are considered in this study as people on the street to those who occupy the street as their main space of survival and ordering of daily life: in the streets sleep, feed themselves, meet the physiological and hygienic needs, and is where draw sustenance. The street is taken in this research in its broadest sense, including all possible places relatively protected from the cold, rain and exposure to violence, thus includes both open and public spaces: as squares and parks; but also closed and private places: hostels, abandoned warehouses, prisons, etc. It was observed that in none of these spaces guys on the street are established in a fixed manner, in contrast, they experience the roaming, which in part is due to urban systems - which tends to stigmatize them and delete them places - and the very need to survive, because while living in the street differentiated practices are triggered, and these differ from the dominant mode of sedentary life.


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Este estudo descreve o estilo de vida e vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes do bairro Felipe Camarão em Natal-RN, a fim de compreender seus comportamentos, conforme vulnerabilidades identificadas. Foram aplicados 145 questionários semi-estruturados entre os adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos, no período de janeiro, a abril de 2005. O estilo de vida descrito, conforme os dados colhidos, informa que 92,4% sabem da importância de se alimentar bem, 86,9% têm sono preservado; 76,5% têm boa relação com seus pais. Porém, 86,9% afirmaram não haver área de lazer/diversão no bairro, enquanto os 31,0% não responderam sobre higiene corporal; 41,4% consomem drogas lícitas (maioria álcool), enquanto 37,9%, as ilícitas (maioria cola); 51,7% dizem que não conversam sobre sexo, enquanto 30,3% conversam com suas mães; 38,0% estão sexualmente ativos, iniciados entre 13 a 16 anos. Os comportamentos de alguns adolescentes estudados indicam um estilo de vida saudável, enquanto outros demonstram justamente o contrário, através de práticas como: pouca participação no lazer, por falta de opção; consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas; a falta de diálogo com os pais sobre sexo; relacionamento sexual precoce, somados às condições econômicas e sociais desfavorecidas que os expõem à adoção de um estilo de vida que implica em vulnerabilidade


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The present thesis aimed at understanding how the insertion of music in the work environment contributes to achieving Quality of Work Life. - QWL, under the perspective of biopsychosocial and organizational well-being. As to music insertion we considered the theoretical-empirical perception about how music is inserted at work and its functions on such place. The context where the study was taken was the manufacturing area of a major textile company, located in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which music is used during labor activities. The only study case was the research strategy adopted, with exploratory and descriptive purposes. The primary data were collected through the focus group technique, applied to the collaborator in the manufacturing sector. The semi-structured interview was done as a complementary tool, directed to the supervisor in that sector. Respecting the theoretical saturation criterion, we formed four focus groups, each one composed of eight members randomly selected, among the seventy-six collaborators in the sector. The data were analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique, more specifically the category analysis. We identified twenty-eight QWL attributes. Six of them were found present in the four focus groups and in the interview. Among these ones, the attribute of Interpersonal Relationship at Work, contemplating the Psychological and Organizational dimensions, was the only one anticipated in four out of fifteen theoretical models here listed. The attribute Music at Work Environment could be inserted in the four QWL dimensions, highlighting the power and relevance of this attribute for the research participants. The way music has been inserted in the labor environment contributes to promoting well-being at work, which goes against theoretical conceptions, especially when it comes to musical genre. We identified nine functions of music at work, among which, Improving Work Conditions, Improving Interpersonal Relationship at Work and Favoring Motivation for Work had to be emphasized for being associated to three QWL attributes. In the total, we highlighted seven associations. The most affected QWL dimension through the insertion of music at work was the Psychological one, followed by the Organizational one. We conclude that music insertion provides biological, social and, above all, psychological and organizational well-being to the contributors, thus contributing to obtaining QWL at the labor environment researched. However, we should consider the context and proceed to periodical plans and adjustments in the way of music insertion so as to avoid health and well-being problems to those people at work


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The theoretical recital of the present study it is initiated of the evidence that the work occupies an important space in the man s life in way that the majority of the people works and passes great part of its time inside organizati ons. However, it is verified that the relation between man and work is becoming increasingly disagreement a time that the employees had started to complain work s routines, stress, not use all their potential and inadequate work s conditions. It can be observed by the way of Dejours (1994) studies. Thus, as contribution for the quality of work life s (QWL) studies the research developed here objectified to characterize the public employees quality of work life at EMATER -RN taking as reference an instrumen t of research synthesized from the typical academic literature of the subject. The synthesis of an ampler instrument is a necessity not taken care to the literature that treats on the subject but already perceived by some studies like Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira & Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho & Souza (2003); El -Aouar & Souza (2003) and Mourão, Kilimnick & Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques & Borges (2005) amongst others. These studies point out weak points of the existing models in the QWL s literature, as well as they recommend the elaboration of a model more flexible, that contemplates Brazilian cultural characteristics, and that contemplates the entire variable studied in the main existing models. For reach this objectiv e the adopted methodology was characterized as a case study with collected data in qualitative and quantitative way. Questionnaires and comments had been used as sources of evidences. These evidences had been tabulated through of statistical package SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), in which the main technique of multivariate analysis used were the factorial analysis. As for the gotten results, it was verified the grouping of the quality of work life s indicators in 11 factors which are: Work s execution, Individual accomplishment, Work s equity, Relation individual and organization, Work s organization, Adequacy of the remuneration, Relation between head and subordinate, Effectiveness of the communication and the learning, Relation between work and personal life, Participation and Effectiveness of the work processes. Whatever to the characterization of the EMATER -RN s quality of work life it was clearly that to the measure that the satisfaction s evaluation with the QWL in the organization walks to intrinsic factors for extrinsic factors this level of satisfaction goes diminishing what points to the importance to improve these extrinsic factors in the institution. In summary it is possible to conclude that the organization studied has offered a significant set of referring variable to the quality of work life of the individual


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The theoretical foundation of this study addresses the construct Quality of Worklife involving pro-active reading organizations in face to social developments of the working class, which is a challenge to the people s management. In this sense, as a contribution to the studies of quality of worklife (QOWL), this study addresses the quality of lifework of nurses at Walfredo Gurgel and Santa Catarina public hospitals. The goal is to make a diagnosis about the quality of lifework of these employees taking as a basis dimensions and performance indicators shown in the model by Fernandes (1996). The research is characterized by field, in a descriptive way. This survey comprised 75 nurses, with 49 by Walfredo Gurgel hospital and 26 by Santa Catarina one. The data collection was carried out through structured questionnaire. The questions were processed in the software Statistic 6.0, with factor analysis and multiple regressions, after the systematization of data. As a result, the most nurses in hospitals are dissatisfied with the quality of lifework, with the highest incidence in Santa Catarina hospital. The variable occupational health assessment was more negative in the hospital Santa Catarina one, whereas in Walfredo Gurgel, was family assistance. The variable guarantee of employment was more positive assessment in two hospitals without, though, implying in high importance on QOWL of nurses. The factor structure and decision showed greater sensitivity to explain the QOWL of nurses, joining 17 variables from 40 of the model. The factor working conditions, joining 6 variables, showed the second highest sensitivity. The compensation factor, gathering 5 variables, showed the third highest sensitivity while image and health factors showed minor importance