81 resultados para coeficiente de determinação


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This work aims to detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through optimized analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography with flame-ionisation detector (CGFID), gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (CGMS), Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Molecular and Purpot of oils and greases (POG). Apply to chemometrics, Factorial Planning 23, in the preparation of samples by liquid-liquid extraction. The sample preparation was used for liquid-liquid extraction and factors in this sample was used for the application of factorial planning 23, such as the use of ultrasound, solvents (dichloromethane, hexane and chloroform) and ratio of solvent / synthetic sample. These factors were assigned two types of levels: positive and negative. It was used to form the cube to better analyze the answers. The responses of the eight combinations were obtained in reading the spectrofluorimetric. The optimization of equipment were used, and they served in the HPA's identification of the samples collected in Rio Potengi. The optimization of the equipment was observed every 16's and PAH in the samples was found that the HPA's came from contamination of the Rio Potengi. The contamination comes through organic household waste, hospital waste, and among other contamination that comes from industries that are installed around the River The factorial design of high validity, it was observed a more effective sample preparation. The factorial design of liquid-liquid extraction showed a way to spend less solvent in less time using an ideal solvent, but also a way to extract more analyte from the matrix itself is water. In planning a smaller form factor extraction was the use of ultrasound, the ratio 1:3 corresponding to a solvent and sample 3 and the best solvent was dichloromethane who presented a viable extraction, not discarding the possibility of using also the hexane. The chloroform and may be toxic not had a good extraction


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This work examined the possibility of using mussel Mytella falcata as bioindicator sample to detect metal ions in several estuaries potiguares, since species substances that accumulate in their tissues due to its characteristics filter feeders have been used for environmental monitoring. The chemometrics by principal components analysis was used to reduce the size of the original data in order to establish a pattern of distribution of metal ion. Samples were collected at three different points in the estuaries Curimataú, Guaraíra-Papeba, Potengi, Galinhos-Guamaré and Piranhas-Assu having been marked with the location using GPS (Global Positioning System). The determination of humidity content and digestion of the samples were performed using methods described in the Compendium of analytical standards of the Institute Adofo Lutz (2005) and the determination of metal ions of the elements Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn were performed by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma as described by USEPA method 6010C. The results show that it is possible to use this molluscum Mytella falcata in the estuaries of Rio Grande do Norte for the determination of metal ions. The data were subjected to principal components analysis (PCA) which enabled us to verify the distribution pattern of the metal ions studied in several estuaries potiguares and group them according to the metal ions in common with and relate them to the activities in each region


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This study used the Thermogravimetry (TG) and molecular absorption spectroscopy in UV-visible region to determine the iron content in herbal medicinal ferrous sulfate used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The samples were characterized by IR, UV, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermoanalytical techniques evaluated the thermal stability and physicochemical events and showed that the excipients interfere in the decomposition of the active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry showed that the decomposition temperature of the active principle Fe2(SO4)3 (T = 602 °C) is higher as compared to samples of tablets (566 586 °C). In the DTA and DSC curves were observed exothermic and endo events for samples of medicines and active analysis. The infrared spectra identified key functional groups exist in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and compressed studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretching of OH, CH, S=O. The analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples had crystallinity and the final residue showed peaks indicating the presence of silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and talc that are excipients contained in pharmaceutical formulations in addition to iron oxide. The results obtained by TG to determine the iron content of the studied drugs showed a variance when compared with those obtained by theoretical and UV-visible, probably due to formation of a mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe2(SO4)3. In one tablet was obtained FE content of 15.7 % and 20.6 % for TG by UV-visible, the sample EF 2 was obtained as a percentage of 15.4 % and 21.0 % for TG by UV-visible . In the third SF samples were obtained a content of 16.1 % and 25.5 % in TG by UV-visible, and SF 4 in the percentage of TG was 16.7 % and 14.3 % UV-visible


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This work presents results derived from a study related to impact on non-controllable costs in the determination of energy taxes. This is done analyzing tax review practiced by concessionaries responsible for the distribution of electrical energy located in the Northeastern Region of Brazil, between 2003 and 2004. This Region was chosen as a study area due to the researcher s expectation in congregating companies that deliver services to markets that have similar social-economical profiles. A brief explanation related to the restructuring of the electrical sector in Brazil is presented, pointing out that there was privatization of the great majority of these companies. The study also points out the definition of regulating rules in service delivery process. The components of taxes that are practiced by these companies aimed at final consumers, as well as the market as a whole and the revision process that is executed by Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ANEEL for the definition of these taxes are demonstrated in the research. A brief historical of the concessionaires that were focus of the research is presented, totaling five companies. Some data used by ANEEL in the tax review process was analyzed as well as data on components of approved taxes. It is concluded that as a media 47, 49% of the components of taxes in the researched companies correspond to the non-controllable costs. These is done considering previous classification by ANEEL in the tax review process. Although, if it is considered that these companies since 2006, by the means of participation in energy auctions are able to negotiate energy prices for their own needs, it is concluded that these concession contracts guarantee the delivery of the service to the costumer in the total tribute. The percentage of non-controllable costs is 16, 27% average of the tax. This means, amongst other information, that the government has a great deal of responsibility in the formation of price practiced by these companies and its target markets


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Haplotypes linked to the βS gene represent patterns of DNA polymorphisms along chromosome 11 of individuals bearing the βS gene. Analysis of haplotypes, in addition to serving as an important source for anthropological studies about the ethnic origin of a population, contributes to a better understanding of the variations in clinical severity of sickle cell anemia. The aim of the present study was to determine βS gene haplotypes in a group of patients with sickle cell anemia treated at the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hematology Center (Hemonorte) in Natal, Brazil and the Oncology and Hematology Center in Mossoró, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained from 53 non-related patients (27 males and 26 females), aged between 3 months and 61 years (mean age: 16.9 ± 12.1 years). Laboratory analyses consisted of the following: erythrogram, reticulocyte count, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurement of hemoglobin A2 and Fetal hemoglobin, solubility test and molecular analysis to determine βS gene haplotypes. DNA samples were extracted by illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin kit and βS gene haplotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP, using Xmn I, Hind III, Hinc II and Hinf I restriction enzymes for analysis of six polymorphic restriction sites in the beta cluster. Of 106 βS chromosomes studied, 75.5% were Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 11.3% Benin (BEN) and 6.6% Cameroon (CAM). The atypical haplotypes had a frequency of 6.6%. More than half the patients (58.5%) were identified as CAR/CAR genotype carriers, 16.9% heterozygous CAR/BEN, 13.2% CAR/CAM and 1.9% BEN/BEN. Patients with atypical haplotype in one or two chromosomes accounted for 9.5% (CAR/Atp, BEN/Atp and Atp/Atp). The genotype groups showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in their laboratory parameters. This is the first study related to βS haplotypes conducted in state of Rio Grande do Norte and the higher frequency of Cameroon halotype found, compared to other Brazilian states, suggests the existence of a peculiarity of African origin