101 resultados para Resinas Compostas


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Nanoemulsions are emulsified systems, characterized for reduced droplet size (50- 500nm), which the main characteristic are kinect stability and thermodynamic instability. These are promising systems on cosmetic area due to their droplet size that provide different advantages when compared to conventional systems, among others, larger surface area and better permeability. The Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill is a plant cultivated on Caatinga Brazilian biome, which has great socioeconomic importance to region. This plant shows carbohydrates utilized for cosmetic industry as moisturizing active in their chemical composition. The aim of study was to develop, characterize, evaluate stability and moisturizing efficacy of cosmetic nanoemulsions added to Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill extract. Nanoemulsions preparation was made using a low energy method. Different nanoemulsions were formulated varying the ratio of oil, water and surfactant phases beyond xanthan gum (0.5% e 1%) and Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill hydroglycolic extract addition on 1% and 3%. Obtained nanoemulsions were submitted to preliminary and accelerated stability tests. The evaluated parameters monitored were: macroscopic aspect, pH value, droplet size, zeta potential and polydispersion index, during 60 days on different temperatures. Stable formulations were submitted to moisturizing efficacy assessment by capacitance and transepidermal water loss methodologies during 5 hours. Stable samples were white and showed homogeneous and fluid aspect, pH value was inside ideal range (4,5-6,0) to topical application and droplet size under 200nm characterizing these system as nanoemulsions. Developed nanoemulsions did not decrease transepidermal water loss, however increased the water content on stratum corneum, highlighting the nanoemulsions containing 0.5% of xanthan gum and 1% of hydroglycolic extract. This work presents cosmetic moisturizing nanoemulsions composed to vegetal raw material from Brazilian Caatinga with potential to be used on cosmetic area.


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Capparaceae comprises 25 genera and 480 species, of which 110 are included in 18 genera in Neotropics. Its distribution is pantropical with high frequency in seasonally dry environments. Its representatives are woody, shrubs and rarely wines, with simple leave or compound 3-foliolate, shorts and deciduous floral bracts, tetramerous and nocturnal flowers with exserts and numerous stamens, ovary supero on a gynophore and fleshy fruits, dehiscents or indehiscentes. For Brazil, 12 genera and 28 species are recorded and 12 of that are endemic to the country, occurring preferentially in vegetation of savanna estépica s.str., seasonal semideciduos forest and restinga. This work shows two chapters. In the first chapter, the distributions patterns of the species occurring in the brazilian semi-arid region and their distribution intra Caatinga are discussed. The distribution patterns were determined from a review of the distribution of species in herbaria collections and supplemented with data obtained from specific bibliography about the family. A map containing 1 × 1 grid cells was used to evaluate the richness, collection efforts and floristic similarity of the species intra Caatinga. Six genera and eight species were registered in Caatinga. Four species are endemic to Brazil, with only one endemic to Caatinga, and the other four are widespread in Neotropics. Four distribution patterns were observed: restricted to the NE, broad and continuous in Brazil, disjunct and neotropical. All the species were recorded in Bahia, state with the highest species richness per grid cell and also remarkable sampling efforts species of the family. The state of Piauí presents priority areas for further collection of Capparaceae, due to low family representation in the state. The floristic similarity analysis intra Caatinga was low, 22 %, probably due to a few species of the family in the region and the wide distribution of the same. The second chapter presents the Capparaceae of flora to Rio Grande do Norte (RN), since the state has a little-known flora, with specific studies. Through collections in the state and herbaria review, five genera and six species of Capparaceae were recorded in RN: Capparidastrum (1 spp.); Crateva (1 spp.); Cynophalla (2 spp.); Mesocapparis (1 spp.) and Neocalyptrocalyx (1 spp.). Capparidastrum frondosum and Mesocapparis lineata are new records for the state. An identification key, descriptions and images, comments on the biology of the species and protected areas where they occur are showed.


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This research aims to systematize a proposal of developing a mobile tablet application in order to help implementing the Semantic Differential technique – SD, under the approach of Participatory Design. In 1975, Osgood et al. created the Semantic Differential technique. Since then, many experiments use it to measure the affective perception of individuals concerning objects and concepts by means of compounded scales of bipolar adjectives, based on the theoretical models that support the technique: the conductible, spatial and metric models. During the application of the technique with potential users, the researcher must simultaneously manage several contexts, that is, audio recorder, when authorized, and observe and record spontaneous reports of the respondent. It is noticeable that often occurs a cognitive overload during this event. Thus, the use of a single application whose interface is assigned to its users and respondents could assist researchers in applying the SD technique. This research aimed to understand the processes inherent to the task of implementing the Semantic Differential technique and obeyed the following steps: a) training of users, b) background questionnaire c) interview with Focus Group, and d) cooperative evaluation. Besides these procedures, one can also observe the degrees of facilitation or difficulty concerning the use of the conventional model, which is the development and application of scales with the aid of printed material, pencil, pens, clipboards, and recorder software for editing the document and data analysis. This paper comprises reactions and impressions from the experiences of users of SD technique. Considering the data recollected from the user’s observation, the hypothesis of the experiment proved to be right. It means that the development of the application for mobile tablet employing the technique of Semantic Differential is viable, since it assembles all the steps in one only tool, increases the accomplishment of the task between user/researcher and user/respondent resulting in their mutual satisfaction.


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The past years have seen a great interest in the use of frequency selective surfaces (FSS), as spatial filters, in many microwave applications. Among these, we highlight applications in telecommunication systems (such as satellite communications and radar), high gain antennas (combined with planar antennas) and (home and industrial) microwave ovens. The FSS is usually composed of two-dimensional periodic arrays, with equally spaced elements, which may be metallic patches (printed on dielectric substrates) or aperture (holes in thin metal surfaces). Using periodic arrays, the FSS have been able to meet the demands of the telecommunications industry. However, new demands are finding technological limitations. In this context, adverse filtering requirements have forced designers to use FSS optimization methods to find specific formats of FSS elements. Another alternative that has been used to increase the selectivity of the FSS is the cascaded FSS, a simple technique that has as main drawback the increased dimensions of the structure, as well as its weight. This work proposes the development of a new class of selective surfaces frequency (FSS) composed of quasi-periodic (or non-periodic) arrangements. The proposed FSS have no array periodicity, in relation with the spatial position of their elements. The frequency responses of these structures were simulated using commercial softwares that implement full-wave methods. For the purpose of validation of this study, FSS prototypes were built and measured, being possible to observe a good agreement between simulated and measured results. The main conclusions of this work are presented, as well as suggestions for future works.


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The task of expression undertaken by the performer falls largely on the right hand of guitarist. Aware of this fact, past and present masters have left their contributions to the development of right hand technique. It is clear, with rare exceptions, that educational and interpretative proposals, so far, have addressed the attack on the strings from the flexion of the fingers. This work, however, presents a technical resource called imalt, including in the attack action, the extension movement. Some techniques used in specific circumstances, such as the dedillo, the alzapúa, the tremulo and the rasgueado also use extension movements in the attack. They are put in perspective with the imalt providing a panoramic view of their individual characteristics. The use of imalt in the traditional guitar repertoire is exemplified in Villa Lobos, Ponce and Brouwer. Three pieces were composed for this work: Shravana, Alegoria and Vandana. Compositional techniques such as melodic contour applying and ostinato have been reviewed and used in the preparation of these compositions. A detailed record of compositional trajectory is presented. Therefore, the Model for the Compositional Process Accompaniment according Silva (2007) is used. Some events that have left the imalt in evidence are reported, as the launch and distribution of the Compact Disc (CD) Imalt, publishing scores and interviews. Finally is presented concluding comments, pointing possibilities opened up by this work.


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Ferroelectric ceramics with perovskite structure (ABO3) are widely used in solid state memories (FeRAM’s and DRAM's) as well as multilayered capacitors, especially as a thin films. When doped with zirconium ions, BaTiO3-based materials form a solid solution known as barium zirconate titanate (BaTi1-xZrxO3). Also called BZT, this material can undergo significant changes in their electrical properties for a small variation of zirconium content in the crystal lattice. The present work is the study of the effects of deposition parameters of BaTi0,75Zr0,25O3 thin films by spin-coating method on their morphology and physical properties, through an experimental design of the Box-Behnken type. The resin used in the process has been synthesized by the polymeric precursor method (Pechini) and subsequently split into three portions each of which has its viscosity adjusted to 10, 20 and 30 mPa∙s by means of a rotary viscometer. The resins were then deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by spin-coating method on 15 different combinations of viscosity, spin speed (3000, 5500 and 8000 rpm) and the number of deposited layers (5, 8 and 11 layers) and then calcined at 800 ° C for 1 h. The phase composition of the films was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and indexed with the JCPDS 36-0019. Surface morphology and grain size were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicating uniform films and average grain size around 40 nm. Images of the cross section of the films were obtained by scanning electron microscopy field emission (SEM-FEG), indicating very uniform thicknesses ranging from 140-700 nm between samples. Capacitance measurements were performed at room temperature using an impedance analyzer. The films presented dielectric constant values of 55-305 at 100kHz and low dielectric loss. The design indicated no significant interaction effects between the deposition parameters on the thickness of the films. The response surface methodology enabled better observes the simultaneous effect of variables.


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Multi-Cloud Applications are composed of services offered by multiple cloud platforms where the user/developer has full knowledge of the use of such platforms. The use of multiple cloud platforms avoids the following problems: (i) vendor lock-in, which is dependency on the application of a certain cloud platform, which is prejudicial in the case of degradation or failure of platform services, or even price increasing on service usage; (ii) degradation or failure of the application due to fluctuations in quality of service (QoS) provided by some cloud platform, or even due to a failure of any service. In multi-cloud scenario is possible to change a service in failure or with QoS problems for an equivalent of another cloud platform. So that an application can adopt the perspective multi-cloud is necessary to create mechanisms that are able to select which cloud services/platforms should be used in accordance with the requirements determined by the programmer/user. In this context, the major challenges in terms of development of such applications include questions such as: (i) the choice of which underlying services and cloud computing platforms should be used based on the defined user requirements in terms of functionality and quality (ii) the need to continually monitor the dynamic information (such as response time, availability, price, availability), related to cloud services, in addition to the wide variety of services, and (iii) the need to adapt the application if QoS violations affect user defined requirements. This PhD thesis proposes an approach for dynamic adaptation of multi-cloud applications to be applied when a service is unavailable or when the requirements set by the user/developer point out that other available multi-cloud configuration meets more efficiently. Thus, this work proposes a strategy composed of two phases. The first phase consists of the application modeling, exploring the similarities representation capacity and variability proposals in the context of the paradigm of Software Product Lines (SPL). In this phase it is used an extended feature model to specify the cloud service configuration to be used by the application (similarities) and the different possible providers for each service (variability). Furthermore, the non-functional requirements associated with cloud services are specified by properties in this model by describing dynamic information about these services. The second phase consists of an autonomic process based on MAPE-K control loop, which is responsible for selecting, optimally, a multicloud configuration that meets the established requirements, and perform the adaptation. The adaptation strategy proposed is independent of the used programming technique for performing the adaptation. In this work we implement the adaptation strategy using various programming techniques such as aspect-oriented programming, context-oriented programming and components and services oriented programming. Based on the proposed steps, we tried to assess the following: (i) the process of modeling and the specification of non-functional requirements can ensure effective monitoring of user satisfaction; (ii) if the optimal selection process presents significant gains compared to sequential approach; and (iii) which techniques have the best trade-off when compared efforts to development/modularity and performance.


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The microstrip antennas in your simplest form consist of a ground plane and a dielectric substrate which supports a conductive tape. As these antennas have some limitations, this work presents a study of anisotropic substrates, as well as some results in microstrip antennas with circular patch, aiming to overcome these limitations, especially in applications at 4G technology. These anisotropic substrates are those in which electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability are represented by tensors of second order. The study consists of a theoretical analysis of substrates and development of a mathematical formalism, the Transverse Transmission Line Method, aimed the application of these substrates in microstrip antennas. Among the substrates used in this study, there are the ferrimagnetic and metamaterials, in which some miniaturizations of the antennas are achieved. For antennas with circular patch, are considered arrays and modified ground planes in order to achieve improvement in parameters, in particular, gain and bandwidth. Several simulations have been made and antennas were constructed so that the measured values could be compared with the simulated values.


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Human activities alter soil features, causing the deterioration of its quality. Land use and occupation in drainage basins of water supply reservoirs can change the environmental soil quality and, thus, lead to the expansion of the soil potential of being a diffuse pollution source. In the Brazilian semiarid region, the soils are generally shallow with high susceptibility to erosion, favoring the sediment and nutrients input into the superficial waterbodies, contributing to the eutrophication process. Moreover, this region has high temperatures and high evapotranspiration rates, that are generally higher than the precipitation rates, causing a negative hydric balance and big volume losses by evaporation. The water volume reduction increases the nutrients’ concentration and, therefore, exacerbates the eutrophication process, deteriorating the water quality. Thereby, we hypothesized that the eutrophication process of semiarid reservoirs is intensified both by the extreme climatic events of prolonged drought, and by the diffuse pollution due to the basin land use and occupation. The study aimed to test whether the land use and occupation activities of the basin and the severe drought events intensify the eutrophication process of a semiarid tropical reservoir. To verify the influence of human activities carried out in the water supply of drainage basin on the soil quality and the eutrophication process, we conducted the mapping of the kind of use and occupation, as well the calculation of erosion for each activity and the soil quality evaluation of the riparian zone and water quality of the water supply. For the water analyses, the samplings were carried out monthly in the deeper point, near dam. For the soil, deformed composite samples were taken for the physical and chemical attributes analysis, according to the identified land use and occupation classes. The results showed that extreme droughts drastically reduces the water volume and elevates the nutrients concentration, contributing, thus, to a bigger degradation of water quality. Furthermore, we verified that human activities in the drainage basin promote the diffuse pollution, by increasing the soil susceptibility to erosion and nutrients contents. Summarizing, our results support the investigated hypothesis that activities of land use and occupation and extreme drought generate a combined effect that provide the intensification of eutrophication process of semiarid reservoirs.


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In this work it is assessed the performance of Portland cement-based mortar to the grouting of type II ceramic plates with the addition of unusable tire rubber powder. It is presented a bibliographical review about the subject in which is done the theoretical and methodological foundation of the whole investigative process. The analyzed universe comprises a sample of mortar to the grouting of conventional ceramic plates type II (reference sample) and five more samples to the grouting of ceramic plates type II, which were made up of the addition of unusable tire rubber powder in the respective proportion (in mass) of 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%. These mortar samples were subject to the trials of determination of the consistency index (Brazilian Standard NBR 13276:2005), water retention ( Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment B:2003), permeability in 240 minutes (Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment G:2003), absorption of water by immersion (Brazilian Standard NBR 9781:2013), resistance to compression (Brazilian Standard NBR14992 Attachment D: 2003), resistance to traction in the flexion (Brazilian Standard NBR 13279:2005), resistance of traction adherence (Brazilian Standard NBR 14081 part 4:2012) and hardened mass density (Brazilian Standard NBR 13280: 2005). It has been found out from the analyzes of the results in the trial the following situation: the reference mortar used met the established requirements in the norms of specifications corresponding to only six from the eight parameters assessed in the research; the mortar with addition of 4,0% of tire rubber powder met the established requirements corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. Thus, the other kinds of mortar with addition of 8,0 %, 12,0 %, 16,0 % and 20,0 % of tire rubber powder met the requirements of specifications corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. This result concludes that the adding of tire rubber powder does not grant improvement to the mortar of type II grouting to the laying of ceramic plates.


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In this work it is assessed the performance of Portland cement-based mortar to the grouting of type II ceramic plates with the addition of unusable tire rubber powder. It is presented a bibliographical review about the subject in which is done the theoretical and methodological foundation of the whole investigative process. The analyzed universe comprises a sample of mortar to the grouting of conventional ceramic plates type II (reference sample) and five more samples to the grouting of ceramic plates type II, which were made up of the addition of unusable tire rubber powder in the respective proportion (in mass) of 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%. These mortar samples were subject to the trials of determination of the consistency index (Brazilian Standard NBR 13276:2005), water retention ( Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment B:2003), permeability in 240 minutes (Brazilian Standard NBR 14992 Attachment G:2003), absorption of water by immersion (Brazilian Standard NBR 9781:2013), resistance to compression (Brazilian Standard NBR14992 Attachment D: 2003), resistance to traction in the flexion (Brazilian Standard NBR 13279:2005), resistance of traction adherence (Brazilian Standard NBR 14081 part 4:2012) and hardened mass density (Brazilian Standard NBR 13280: 2005). It has been found out from the analyzes of the results in the trial the following situation: the reference mortar used met the established requirements in the norms of specifications corresponding to only six from the eight parameters assessed in the research; the mortar with addition of 4,0% of tire rubber powder met the established requirements corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. Thus, the other kinds of mortar with addition of 8,0 %, 12,0 %, 16,0 % and 20,0 % of tire rubber powder met the requirements of specifications corresponding to only the resistance to compression and the resistance of adherence to traction. This result concludes that the adding of tire rubber powder does not grant improvement to the mortar of type II grouting to the laying of ceramic plates.


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This thesis aims to understand the extent to which state capacities of state governments explain the effectiveness of the implementation of Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) in the Northeast, adopting the implementation of the theory as the main theoretical lens and more specifically the concept of state capacity. Methodologically is a study of public policy evaluation, and categorized as a process of evaluation study or implementation. Given the specificity of the object is classified as a multi case study research covering the states of Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia. In addition to using secondary data, the study used semi-structured interviews with members of Intersectoral Committees responsible for the actions of PBF and the Cadastro Único at the state level, composed of representatives of the areas of the state government of Social Welfare, Education and Health. the main findings related to technical and administrative capacities and policies were found: infrastructure with weakness in human resources, technological and financial resources; intra-governmental coordination with boundaries between PBF and Unified Social Assistance System , and the actions of conditionality of health and Health Unic System Basic Attention; intergovernmental coordination carried out mostly by the distance limitations of displacement and incipient regional decentralization of actions; based monitoring in the municipalities of lower performance and from the parameters placed by the federal government and political capacities; representative political system is hardly accessed by instances of program management; minor social participation and low articulation with related issues advice to PBF; audit control by any outside agencies. The thesis concludes that depending on the capabilities found implementing weaknesses are not unique to the program's actions, but from the very institutional capacity of the systems in which it operates that are the Unified Social Assistance System, the Health Unic System and the Educational System. In other words limitations of their own state capacities of the state governments and the municipal governments of each territory, such as quantitative insufficiency and qualification of human resources, financial and institutional resources, lack instance promoting decentralization (Intergovernmental and intra-governmental) as well the weakness or absence of a network of local social services are also factors that explain the program management performance and state capabilities of arrangements formed by states and municipalities in the PBF, only to partially deal with the complexity of joints involving Implementation of the program with regard to inter and intra-governmental action.


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This thesis aims to understand the extent to which state capacities of state governments explain the effectiveness of the implementation of Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) in the Northeast, adopting the implementation of the theory as the main theoretical lens and more specifically the concept of state capacity. Methodologically is a study of public policy evaluation, and categorized as a process of evaluation study or implementation. Given the specificity of the object is classified as a multi case study research covering the states of Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia. In addition to using secondary data, the study used semi-structured interviews with members of Intersectoral Committees responsible for the actions of PBF and the Cadastro Único at the state level, composed of representatives of the areas of the state government of Social Welfare, Education and Health. the main findings related to technical and administrative capacities and policies were found: infrastructure with weakness in human resources, technological and financial resources; intra-governmental coordination with boundaries between PBF and Unified Social Assistance System , and the actions of conditionality of health and Health Unic System Basic Attention; intergovernmental coordination carried out mostly by the distance limitations of displacement and incipient regional decentralization of actions; based monitoring in the municipalities of lower performance and from the parameters placed by the federal government and political capacities; representative political system is hardly accessed by instances of program management; minor social participation and low articulation with related issues advice to PBF; audit control by any outside agencies. The thesis concludes that depending on the capabilities found implementing weaknesses are not unique to the program's actions, but from the very institutional capacity of the systems in which it operates that are the Unified Social Assistance System, the Health Unic System and the Educational System. In other words limitations of their own state capacities of the state governments and the municipal governments of each territory, such as quantitative insufficiency and qualification of human resources, financial and institutional resources, lack instance promoting decentralization (Intergovernmental and intra-governmental) as well the weakness or absence of a network of local social services are also factors that explain the program management performance and state capabilities of arrangements formed by states and municipalities in the PBF, only to partially deal with the complexity of joints involving Implementation of the program with regard to inter and intra-governmental action.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq