110 resultados para Literatura norte-americana


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The inventory management in hospitals is of paramount importance, since the supply materials and drugs interruption can cause irreparable damage to human lives while excess inventories involves immobilization of capital. Hospitals should use techniques of inventory management to perform replenishment in shorter and shorter intervals, in order to reduce inventories and fixed assets and meet citizens requirements properly. The inventory management can be an even bigger problem for public hospitals, which have restrictions on the use of resources and decisionmaking structure more bureaucratized. Currently the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) uses a periodic replacement policy for hospital medical supplies and medicines, which involves one moment surplus stock replenishment, the next out of stock items. This study aims to propose a system for continuous replenishment through order point for inventory of medical supplies and medicines to the hospital HUOL. Therefore, a literature review of Federal University Hospitals Management, Logistics, Inventory Management and Replenishment System in Hospitals was performed, emphasizing the demand forecast, classification or ABC curve and order point system. And also, policies of inventory management and the current proposal were described, dealing with profile of the mentioned institution, the current policy of inventory management and simulation for continuous replenishment order point. For the simulation, the sample consisted of 102 and 44 items of medical and hospital drugs, respectively, selected using the ABC classification of inventory, prioritizing items of Class A, which contains the most relevant items in added value, representing 80 % of the financial value in 2012 fiscal year. Considering that it is a public organization, subject to the laws, we performed two simulations: the first, following the signs for inventory management of Instruction No. 205 (IN 205 ), from Secretary of Public Administration of the Presidency ( SEDAP / PR ), and the second, based on the literature specializing in inventory management hospital. The results of two simulations were compared to the current policy of replenishment system. Among these results are: an indication that the system for continuous replenishment reorder point based on IN 205 provides lower levels of safety stock and maximum stock, enables a 17% reduction in the amount spent for the full replenishment of inventories, in other words, decreasing capital assets, as well as reduction in stock quantity, also the simulation made from the literature has indicated parameters that prevent the application of this technique to all items of the sample. Hence, a change in inventory management of HUOL, with the application of the continuous replenishment according to IN 205, provides a significant reduction in acquisition costs of medical and hospital medicine


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Outsourcing has emerged as one of the new ways of guiding the work. For its advantages and be consistent with the paradigms of managerial reform, outsourcing also started to be used in the Public Administration. However, taking into account the particularities of the latter, some issues are relevant when outsourcing concluded with the State. Gains notoriety, for example, the step of monitoring these contracts, to the extent that, from this activity, we can avoid the negative effects of outsourcing like the fact that the state will pay for labor and wage liens that are obligation of the company providing the services. This study aims to understand the perception that this process is under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, from the point of view of different stakeholders, also explaining the motivations that these agents have to perform the supervisory process. As a theoretical basis was used the Agency Theory, which reinforces the supervisory activities as a necessary means to minimize moral hazard and adverse selection, seeking to understand not only the different motivations tax contracts to properly perform their duties, but also analyze other phenomena arising from this contractual relationship. To achieve the proposed objectives, were taken a literature review and a presentation of how to organize the management and oversight of contracts in UFRN. The methodological procedures included questionnaires and interviews with those involved in the process. After analyzing the results obtained in the survey instruments , and also based on the laws, regulations and instructions governing the procurement process within the UFRN, it was concluded that the process of overseeing the outsourcing of labor contracts in UFRN is not fully institutionalized, some points should be strengthened in order to have the consolidation of this process, highlighting the need for training of UFRN servers that act as tax, the knowledge that the contractual penalties are applied effectively, the need that there is a supervisor of tax of contractors and also the realization of the rotation system of outsourced employees


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The nature of this thesis is interventionist and aims to create an alternative on how to control and evaluate the public policies implementation developed at the Institute for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Rio Grande do Norte State. The cenarium takes place in a public institution , classified as a municipality that belongs to the Rio Grande do Norte government and adopts the design science research methodology , where it generates a set of artifacts that guide the development of a computerized information system . To ensure the decisions, the literature was reviewed aiming to bring and highlight concepts that will be used as base to build the intervention. The use of an effective methodology called Iconix systems analysis , provides a software development process in a short time . As a result of many artifacts created by the methodology there is a software computer able of running on the Internet environment with G2C behavior, it is suggested as a management tool for monitoring artifacts generated by the various methods. Moreover, it reveals barriers faced in the public companies environment such as lack of infrastructure , the strength of the workforce and the executives behavior


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Ce travail est un étude de cas qui analyse la construction litéraire du paysage du « Sertão» du Ceará entre la fin du siècle XIX et le début du siècle XX. Pour cela, quelques oeuvre simbole de la production litéraire du Ceará ont été sélectionnés, comme les textes qui suivent: O sertanejo (1875), de José Martiniano de Alencar; Os retirantes (1879), de José Carlos do Patrocínio; A fome (1890), de Rodolfo Marcos Teófilo; Luzia-Homem (1903), de Domingos Olímpio Braga Cavalcanti; Terra de sol: natureza e costumes do Norte (1912), de Gustavo Dodt Barroso et finalement, Aves de arribação (1914), de Antônio Sales. Ces oeuvres non seulement prend la nature comme personage, elles représentent aussi trois moments de la production litéraire du Ceará : romantique, réaliste et naturaliste. A invenção da Terra da Luz se rapporte à l idée d une littérature qui fait remarquer le paysage diurne du Sertão du Ceará, élaborée par ces hommes des lettres dans ses discours formidables, beaux et des matériaux qui viennent de ses rapports avec le monde naturel. Pour réaliser une tel entreprise, les idées de Edmund Burke et Gaston Bachelard se sont constitués en référence de cet étude. Et cette réflexion sur la description, la rêverie et l imagination marchent côte-à-côte au discours de ces littéreurs qui ont construits un espace simbolique spécifique : le sertão du Ceará. Comme ça, quelques thèmes deviennent canonique à la forme de penser, représenter et imaginer l espace du sertão du Ceará. De cette manière, le paysage est beaucoup plus que la contemplation, une fois qu elle est liée aussi à la rêverie poétique, à la mémoire et l imagination. C est de là l invention du paysage, car ces littéreurs n ont pas l accès au paysage purement naturel parce que ses perceptions et sensibilitées sur le monde du sertão ont été historiquement, c est-à-dire, dans un certain temps et espace


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Backland¹ are not only geographic spaces limited by physically established borders. It is a space composed by events, experiences, behavior, symbology, manners related to how to live and see the world. It is developed from historical processes and layers of discourses that contact each other, compete among themselves, establish agreement, promote consensus which define, resignify and update them over time. The present paper seeks to analyze and discuss the forms in which discourses produced by cordel literature² sold and consumed in popular locations, from backlands to coast cities, during the first four decades of 20th century, represented the environment, habits, moral codes, cultural traits, social types, rites and beliefs, related to northeastern backlands. The paper also aims to investigate the forms on how discourses produced by representations contributed to the constitution of backlands as a space culturally constructed. Poems from the poet and editor João Martins de Athayde will be used to establish dialogues between discourses produced by cordel and others discursive modalities, such as, newspapers, prose literature, painting, texts of memoirists and historiography, about backlands, analyzing how those representations circulated, were consumed and absorbed by backlands and other spaces inhabitants, contacted and agreed with other types of discourse, supporting the establishment of backlands as a space and countryside people as a social type


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A fundamental analysis on Behavioral Ecology is the construction of Activities Budget, which can be defined as the quantification of the time that each animal uses in activities that are important for its survival and reproduction. Initially developed for theoretical studies about Optimal Foraging, the construction of Activities Budgets has recently being used for analyses in Conservation Biology. However, the measurement of behavior through an adequate methodology that allows the comparison between different samples is a challenge for researchers in the area of Ethology. This problem is even bigger for the students of cetaceans behavior due to the difficulty of visualization of these animals. The present work deals with two aspects of the specialized literature on cetaceans: i) it explores possible variations of results in quantification of behavioral states decurrent of the application of different methods of data collection, and ii) it describes the activity budget of a population of Sotalia guianensis that inhabits coastal waters, south Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that the use different methods of data collection result in significant differences, but of small scale, in the quantification of the behavioral frequency. The activity budget of Sotalia in the area here analyzed was similar to that described for other populations of this species inhabiting typically estuarine habitats. Tide and day-hour did not influence the dolphin s behavior, however, significant differences were found related to the position of the animals within the area. These results are discussed considering the dietary and behavioral flexibility of the species, contributing to the scientific knowledge and offering information that will be useful in comparative studies and for analyses on the determination of areas for species conservation


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Since the first years of the regulation of Psychology as a profession in Brazil, it has been carried out studies on the academic graduation, practice, workplace and the social commitment of the category. Despite the diversity of goals and propositions, these studies show that psychologists have been significantly inserted into the social policies field, implying changes in the profession. Since the 1980s, researches in Rio Grande do Norte corroborate the results of national studies. The aim of this paper is to study the insertion and professional career of psychologists in the social policies field in Rio Grande do Norte. In order to accomplish the final results of this paper, it was developed an exploratory research, with the use of a questionnaire, comprised of four parts: general data, academic graduation, complementary graduation and professional experience. The results show three groups of information: characterization, insertion and professional performance. It has been verified expressive insertion of psychologists into the social policies field (41%). The socio-demographic and graduation characteristics are not different from those shown by literature: women, young, from families with an average of 7 to 15 minimum wages. Most of them graduated from public institutions and with post-graduation studies in clinical area. The professionals studied seem to be in worse working conditions compared to the rest of the category, which are also in unfavorable conditions, especially the psychologists who work in social assistance institutions, which present greater problems in its structure. The activities developed do not show anything new, reserving conservative practices instead of effective innovations, emphasizing the discussion on the profession for not considering demands presented to the psychologists in the social policies field. With unique scenario, the eproduction of liberal values corroborates classic performance standards; an unpolitical and uncritical practice is diffused. It is then reconsidered the importance of critical studies that organize goals to the category, with the aim of political transformation concerning the current scenario.


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Tendo em vista a grande biodiversidade existente no litoral brasileiro, onde muitas espécies ainda são pouco conhecidas, inclusive sob o aspecto nutricional, e considerando que os moluscos bivalves se constituem em um recurso natural de boa aceitação pela população mundial, escolheu-se o molusco bivalve Anadara notabilis, por não ter sido encontrado na literatura nenhuma informação nutricional ou toxicológica sobre ele e devido seu tamanho ser bem maior que outras espécies de moluscos mais popularmente encontrados nessa região. Foram determinados neste trabalho teores de umidade, cinzas, proteínas, macro e microminerais, além de íons metálicos de importância toxicológica. Todas as determinações seguiram as Normas Analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz. A determinação de proteína foi realizada pelo método de Kjeldahl. Todos os íons metálicos foram determinados por espectroscopia de emissão ótica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) descrito pela metodologia USEPA 6010C. Os resultados mostraram que a Anadara notabilis pode ser introduzida na alimentação dos seres humanos, tendo em vista sua riqueza mineral. Merecem destaque entre os macronutrientes o magnésio e o fósforo que apresentaram os respectivos valores em mg/kg 918,7 e 586,7. Com relação aos micronutrientes destacam-se o ferro presente com 586,7 mg/kg e o Zinco com 12,31 mg/kg. Não foi encontrado índice elevado de metais contaminantes para este molusco, o que impediria seu consumo, apenas o cromo esta 0,7 mg/kg acima do valor estabelecido pela legislação brasileira. Os resultados obtidos certamente serão muito úteis em futuras pesquisas nutricionais e para construção de uma tabela brasileira de composição química de alimentos


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Given the large existing biodiversity in the Brazilian coast, where many species are still little known, even under the nutritional aspect, and considering that bivalve molluscs are constituted by a natural resource of well accepted by the population, chose the bivalve Anadara notabilis, it was not found in the literature any nutritional or toxicological information about it and because its size is much larger than other species of mollusks commonly found in this region. Were studied moisture, ash, protein, macro and micro minerals, and metal ions of toxicological significance. All analytical determinations followed the standards of the Institute Adolfo Lutz. The protein determination was performed by the Kjeldahl method. All metal ions were determined by optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) method described by USEPA 6010C. The results showed that Anadara notabilis can be introduced into food for human beings, in view of its mineral wealth. Noteworthy among the macronutrients phosphorus and magnesium showed that their values in mg / kg 918.7 and 586.7. With regard to micronutrients stand out with this iron 586.7 mg / kg and zinc with 12.31 mg / kg. Was not found high content of metal contaminants to this mollusc, which would prevent their use, only this chromium 0.7 mg / kg above the value established by Brazilian legislation. The results will certainly be very useful in future studies of nutrition and to build a table of chemical composition of Brazilian foods


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This study presents the results of a research on the use of financial and non-financial performance indicators used by medium and large hotels. The research was conducted in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian State. The objective is to identify the usage of performance measures by these companies. Hotel industry is one of the most important sectors in the Rio Grande do Norte economy. The research takes the Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual framework, since it represents an original contribution to the literature of managerial accounting, for rethinking old issues, pointing out themes that were forgotten or badly interpreted, to discuss the requirements imposed by the economy environment, dominated by competitive companies, and increasing the understanding of the relationship between strategy and operation. The objective of the research is to investigate if the hotel managers make use of a managerial information system or not, when evaluating the performance of their business unit. The research reveals the usage of performance evaluation using a large variety of measures. Among them is worth mention: the usage of accounting profit altogether with the EVA/MVA, the process cycle time, total quality management, process transformation, strategic mission, vision, strategic measures, measures related to feedback, risk, costs, productivity, incomes, customers retention, customer satisfaction and profitability, measures using time as a component, quality of the process, cost of the processes, employees capabilities, information systems, motivation, empowerment and alignment. The research leads to the conclusion that the usage of the deriving concepts of Balanced Scorecard can improve the performance measurement systems used by hotels


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Ce travail de thèse ici proposé a comme but de recherche la production litéraire du poète brésilien Manoel Wenceslau Leite Barros, Manoel de Barros, (1916 Cuiabá-MT) en l articulant avec la reflexion sur le concept de politique de l écrite proposé par le philosophe algérien-français Jacques Rancière (1940 Algiers Algérie). L hypothèse qui se presente est celle sur l écrite poétique de Manoel de Barros dont les ―marques du sensible‖ dans les expériences démocratiques sont perceptibles. Sa production inclue ce que se peut denominer d une micrologie poétique, une reconfiguration du ―partager‖, dans le sense de l élaboration pratiques de l égalité, des pratiques de redistribution et de circulation des voix, instauratrices de la constitution esthétiques des communautés différenciées, considérées comme alternatives, face au modèle de système canonique de la litérature. Au moment que sa fonctionnent comme des formes de subvertions, elles produisent des espaces ou marge d émancipation de l être : lecteur et écrivain, en déclanchant des nouvelles perspectives éthiques et esthétiques. De cette manière, l objectif qui se dessine est ce qui comprend comment se configure la proposition d une politique de l écrite de Manoel de Barros et la façon qu elle se place par rapport à une politique des arts. Pour cela, nous utiliseront comme base la pensée de Jacques Rancière qui se fait remarquer, les dernières années, pour entreprendre une refléxion systématique et lucide par rapport aux relations éxistantes entre esthétique et politique dans la société présente, alié à ce que se défine comme des manières et des formes de penser élaborées par le texte poétique (lui même) de Manoel de Barros et de manière incontinué dans ses entretiens-critiques, plubliées dans des journaux et revues, présentées en vidéos, et nous n oublierons pas non plus des contributions théoriques et des refléxions parvenues de la pensée contemporaine


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Decapod crustaceans are one of the most important portions of megafaunal of coastal waters, playing a role as modifier of the environment and controlling populations of other organisms. Among the Decapoda, crab (brachyuran) constitutes the dominant macrofauna of mangroves. Among brachyuran is the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Linnaeus, 1763), which represents the main component of the macrofauna of mangroves, particularly in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. In Brazil, its distribution is known from the state of Amapá to the north of Santa Catarina. This species is distinguished by its economic importance, being one of the main fishing resources in Brazil, generating a significant impact on their natural populations. This reduction would result in loss of value to the product, preventing its commercialization. Although it´s great ecological and economic importance, there are few articles about the biological aspects of U. cordatus, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Conchas estuary, Porto do Mangue, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. During the period November 2009 to October 2010 the crabs were collected monthly, obeying predetermined lunar periods (new moon or full moon) in a mangrove area in Porto do Mangue - RN. With the aid of a steel caliper (0.01 mm) and a precision balance (0.01 g) were measured biometric variables related to the animal's carapace, major propodus chela, width of abdomen (female), length of gonopodium ( males) and total weight. In addition, it was recorded, the gonads and molt stages, for males and females. In total, 476 crabs were collected, with 338 males and 138 females. Males were larger, heavier and in greater proportion than females. The reproductive period for the species in this location was limited during the months November to May, suggesting a change in current environmental legislation for the closure period. Synchrony was observed between the morphological and physiological maturity with females maturing earlier, possibly, a reproductive strategy adopted, compared to the low fishing pressure in the area. The molting period occurred in the dry season peaking in October. The analysis of growth, based on the parameters of von Bertalanffy was calculated using the nonlinear fit using modes (AJMOD). High growth rates for both males (L = 7.54 cm, k = 0.95, t0 =- 00:08; tmax = 4.84) and females (L = 6.50, k = 1 , 2, t0 =- 0008; tmax = 3.28) were found, contrasting with data from the literature, using other techniques. Males had higher asymptotic width size and longevity, but a lower growth constant when compared with females. The estimated age, for males and females, reaching the minimum capture size was 1.82 years and 1.63 years respectively. The size of physiological maturity, when individuals are able to reproduce, was estimated at 1.4 years and 1.05 years, for males and females, respectively. The recruitment period for this species is seasonal, with two peaks of occurrence, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. This work represented the first effort on understanding the ecology of the mangrove crab, to the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, further studies on its biology should be undertaken, especially those related to growth, and recruitment, where observed that literature is more scarce


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On the modern Continental Shelf to the north of Rio Grande do Norte state (NE Brazil) is located a paleo-valley, submerged during the last glacial sea-level lowstand, that marks continuation of the most important river of this area (Açu River). Despite the high level of exploration activity of oil industry, there is few information about shallow stratigraphy. Aiming to fill this gap, situated on the Neogene, was worked a marine seismic investigation, the development of a processing flow for high resolution data seismic, and the recognition of the main feature morphology of the study area: the incised valley of the River Açu. The acquisition of shallow seismic data was undertaken in conjunction with the laboratory of Marine Geology/Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, in SISPLAT project, where the geomorphological structure of the Rio paleovale Açu was the target of the investigation survey. The acquisition of geophysical data has been over the longitudinal and transverse sections, which were subsequently submitted to the processing, hitherto little-used and / or few addressed in the literature, which provided a much higher quality result with the raw data. Once proposed for the flow data was developed and applied to the data of X-Star (acoustic sensor), using available resources of the program ReflexW 4.5 A surface fluvial architecture has been constructed from the bathymetric data and remote sensing image fused and draped over Digital Elevation Models to create three-dimensional (3D) perspective views that are used to analyze the 3D geometry geological features and provide the mapping morphologically defined. The results are expressed in the analysis of seismic sections that extend over the region of the continental shelf and upper slope from mouth of the Açu River to the shelf edge, providing the identification / quantification of geometrical features such as depth, thickness, horizons and units seismic stratigraphyc area, with emphasis has been placed on the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of discordance limit and fill sediment of the incised valley, control by structural elements, and marked by the influence of changes in the sea level. The interpretation of the evolution of this river is worth can bring information to enable more precise descriptions and interpretations, which describes the palaeoenvironmental controls influencing incised valley evolution and preservation to provide a better comprehensive understanding of this reservoir analog system


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Beachrocks são rochas sedimentares formadas pela cimentação de sedimentos praiais por carbonato de cálcio em especial, calcita e/ou aragonita em zona de estirâncio. A ocorrência dessas rochas é bastante comum em diversas partes do globo, sobretudo em regiões com latitudes inferiores a 40º. O Rio Grande do Norte possui grande quantidade de beachrocks, os quais afloram tanto em regiões costeiras quanto em zona costa-afora. Os depósitos de beachrocks de zona costeira do referido estado têm sido estudados por diversos autores, os quais abordaram os mais variados temas desde o início do século XX. Por outro lado, os depósitos de zona costa-afora apesar de terem sido estudados por poucos autores têm ganhado atenção apenas nos últimos anos. Porém, nenhum trabalho até o presente fez algum tipo de estudo comparativo de cunho geológico entre os corpos de beachrocks presentes em ambas as zonas: costeira e costa-afora. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação teve o intuito de correlacionar os corpos de beachrocks que afloram em zona costeira aos que estão atualmente dispostos em zona costa-afora, próximo a isóbata de 25 m, levando em consideração seus aspectos petrográficos, diagenéticos e sedimentológicos. Para isso, foram percorridos cerca de 260 km de litoral, correspondendo ao trecho entre os municípios de Extremoz e Tibau, em busca de afloramentos de beachrocks. Seções colunares foram confeccionadas e amostras coletadas em estações de amostragem representativas da zona costeira, ao passo que da zona costa-afora apenas seções delgadas foram analisadas. Trabalhos disponíveis na literatura sobre o tema e área em pauta também foram utilizados. A partir dos dados levantados, observou-se que os beachrocks são formados por diferentes camadas ao longo de um perfil vertical. Estas camadas são claramente identificadas em afloramento pela diferença existente na composição, textura e estruturas sedimentares peculiares a cada uma delas. Seções delgadas foram confeccionadas e analisadas a partir de amostras coletadas nas diferentes camadas de diversos afloramentos. Um afloramento foi escolhido como afloramento modelo sendo este o de São Bento do Norte por apresentar a maior espessura de rocha aflorante (1,9 m). Este tem sido muito bem estudado tanto no corrente trabalho quanto em trabalhos de outros autores. A este foram comparados todos os outros afloramentos analisados. A partir da análise micropetrográfica, foram identificadas 03 microfácies para os beachrocks do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo elas: Quartzarenítica (< 2,9% de bioclastos), Quartzarenítica Bioclástica (entre 3 e 9,9% de bioclastos) e Bio-quartzarenítica (> 10% de bioclastos). Associando essas microfácies às análises sedimentológicas realizadas foi possível propor que as microfácies Quartzarenítica e Bio-quartzarenítica foram depositadas em zona de estirâncio enquanto que a microfácies Quartzarenítica Bioclástica foi depositada em zona de face litorânea superior. A história diagenética dos beachrocks estudados é marcada por quatro principais processos: compactação mecânica, cimentação, dissolução e geração de porosidade secundária, e oxidação. Dentre esses, o processo de cimentação é o mais importante, sendo caracterizado por precipitação de cimento de calcita rica em Mg sob cinco morfologias, a saber: cutículas criptocristalinas, franjas prismáticas isópacas, calcita espática microcristalina, calcita espática equante e agregados pseudo-peloidais. Todas estas morfologias foram formadas durante o estágio de eodiagênese, nas zonas freática marinha ativa ou freática meteórica ativa, corroborando assim com a idéia de que beachrocks têm sua litificação completa a pequenas profundidades. Associando as análises microfaciológicas às diagenéticas foi possível sugerir que a sucessão vertical de camadas vista em alguns beachrocks costeiros representam registros de variações de mais alta frequência do nível do mar durante o Holoceno. A partir daí, baseando-se em informações obtidas através de curvas de variação do nível do mar relativo no Holoceno para o Rio Grande do Norte, disponíveis na literatura, e na correlação aqui realizada entre os beachrocks costeiro e aqueles de zona costa-afora, foi possível inferir que estes últimos representam uma antiga linha de costa formada a idades relativas superiores a 7.000 anos A.P


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the quality of prenatal Primary Care in Rio G rande do Norte, Brazil in 2012 under the program Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care. The study was cross - sectional, quantitative. Included 156 mothers of children under 2 years who received prenatal care at the health evaluated. We applied a ques tionnaire on profile, minimum queries, regularity of attendance, laboratory tests, vaccination, participation in educational activities, guidance received, clinical and obstetric procedures and prescription Ferrous sulphate and folic acid. The descriptive analysis of the criteria used Humanization Program Prenatal and Birth. The results showed that 92% of mothers had six or more visits; 85% with the same care was professional; 94% subsequent appointments scheduled. As for tests and procedures the percentage s were: Urine 98%; HIV - 96%; VDRL and 88%; 91% glucose; tetanus vaccination 93%; educational groups 56% with 36% participation, knowledge of the delivery location and 59% achievement breast exam 65%, 33% and preventive gynecological 43%; 98% supplemented wi th 96% Ferrous Sulfate and Folic Acid. It was concluded that there were advances in Rio Grande do Norte concerning assistance and there are weaknesses in the educational practices and conducting some minimal clinical examinations.