102 resultados para Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Brasil) - Avaliação


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Os museus como centros de ciências, enquanto espaços de educação não formal podem, por meio da participação ativa do público, promover a compreensão da ciência ao aguçar a curiosidade do indivíduo e estimular o prazer pela descoberta. Ação desenvolvida como intervenção acadêmica, social e cultural associada ao PIBID/UFRN/Biologia, tem como objetivo avaliar o uso de espaço de ensino não formal, na aprendizagem de conceitos, promovendo a alfabetização científica através de uma exposição em um museu de ciências e morfológicas. A visitação foi realizada no Museu de Ciências Morfológicas da UFRN, com alunos do 1º ano do ensino médio da escola Estadual Lourdes Guilherme, sendo aplicados questionários de pré e pós-visita sobre a Evolução dos Vertebrados, com intuito de analisar a contribuição do museu na aprendizagem destes conteúdos. A porcentagem de acertos no questionário pré-visita variou entre 8 e 68% em relação ao conhecimento geral dos alunos quanto à evolução dos vertebrados, enquanto no pós-visita essa variação foi de 16 a 90%. Com base nesses primeiros resultados verificamos o quanto os museus interativos de ciência se apresentam como um espaço educativo complementar à educação formal, possibilitando a ampliação e a melhoria do conhecimento científico de estudantes. Isso demonstra que o uso de espaços não formais contribui para a aprendizagem significativa, além de promover a alfabetização científica destes alunos ao gerar a compreensão da ciência e aguçar a curiosidade dos mesmos para o prazer da descoberta.


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Parenting styles concern overall interaction characteristics between parents and children. To assess them, it is important to build and adapt valid and reliable instruments. The main objectives of this dissertation were to translate, adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for the Brazilian context, as seek associations between the YPI and Familiogram Test (FG). In current study, YPI was adapted to Portuguese by backtranslation method. Content analyses were made by five judges. 920 high school and college students (543 females), whose ages were between 14 and 69 years (M = 21.3, SD = 6.1), filled out the research instruments. Data were collected in Natal, Petrolina and Brasilia cities and Porto Alegre metropolitan region. The results confirmed the existence of five factors. Final version of the YPI was composed by 49 items. Exploratory factorial analysis (principal components) were conducted using oblimin rotation. Five factors extracted explained 45.12% of the maternal scale variance and 47.59% of paternal scale. Each factor explained, at least, 3% of the variance and showed Eigenvalue over than 1.5. All items have factorial loadings values above 0.3. The confirmatory factorial analysis has showed fit statistics reasonably adequate: for maternal scale,  ² [1114] = 4636.38, p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.16, with GFI = 0.83, AGFI = 0.81 and RMSEA = 0.06; for paternal scale,  ² [1114] = 5133.69 p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.61, with GFI = 0.81, AGFI = 0.79 and RMSEA = 0,06. Thus, final instrument was composed by the following factors: (I) Disconnection and Rejection ( = 0.89 and 0.90), (II) Affectivity and Emotional Stability ( = 0.85 and 0.88); (III) Overvigilance and Other Directedness ( = 0.83 and 0.85), (IV) Overprotection and Impaired Autonomy ( = 0.78 and 0.79) and (V) Impaired Limits ( = 0.66 and 0.71). Finally, relations between the YPI and FG were assessed. Pearson's correlations between the YPI and FG showed moderated associations, particularly between the factors Affectivity (YPI) and Affection (FG) (r = 0.69 and 0.7 for maternal and paternal scale, respectively); and the factors Disconnection and Rejection (YPI) and Conflict (FG) (r = 0.59 and 0.58). The regression models indicated that over than 40% of variance of factors of FG can be predicted by factors of YPI. Beta coefficients for Affection-Affectivity relation were 0.67 (maternal scale) and 0.53 (paternal scale); for Disconnection-Conflict relation were 0.31 (maternal scale) and 0.44 (paternal scale). We conclude the YPI has adequate psychometric parameters and can be used in future research in this area. However, adjustments in the structure of the YPI were made. Moreover, it is suggested further studies to consider other samples and variables, increasing the knowing of parenting styles and the Young‟s theory in the Brazilian context


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The need for universal access to health and the failure of the pedagogical model centered on the transmission of knowledge has led to changes in the training of health professionals. The objective of this study was to provide a new alternative for evaluating dental students through the development, validation and application of evaluation criteria based on the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN in Brazil). Therefore, the study was conducted in three phases: development and validation of evaluation criteria of Dentistry courses based on the DCN; a pilot study to verify the applicability of the validated criteria and evaluation of the dentistry courses in the Northeast. In the first stage, a logical model was formulated, allowing for the construction of a criteria matrix, validated by a modified Delphi consensus technique. The validated matrix has the following dimensions: Profile of graduates, health care guidance, teaching and service integration, and pedagogical approach. The pilot study was conducted in five dental courses through a documentary study of the pedagogical project course (PPC), and application of validated questionnaires and interviews with course coordinators. The results of the pilot study indicate the possibility of being verified by means of validated criteria and using different methodological proposals, advances and curricular limitations facing the proposed reorientation of training recommended by DCN. The evaluation of Northeast Dentistry courses was carried out by applying a questionnaire validating a matrix of 30 course coordinators, including public and private institutions. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis, and also tested the difference between means and the correlation between the assessment of the coordinators in the dimensions and sub-dimensions with each other, among the general evaluation of courses and between the following variables: administrative category, time since last curriculum updating, participation in reorienting the training of health professionals programs, ENADE and CPC (Preliminary Concepts of the Course) scores in the year 2013. Positive correlation (p <0.01) was found between the means obtained by the perception of the coordinators in most dimensions, and also between them and the overall performance of the course. There were no significant differences between the coordinators’ perception about course performance and the administrative category (public / private). This difference is slightly higher when the average performance is compared with respect to time due to the last curriculum update, getting better performance in courses with the latest updated curriculum, even with there not 11 being this significant difference between dimensions. Better averages of performance were obtained in courses that do not participate in reorientation programs of professional training, with a significant difference (p<0.05) for the overall score and for all dimensions except the dimensions of teaching-service Integration (p = 0.064). There was no significant correlation between the assessment of coordinators in all dimensions, in the overall assessment or ENADE and CPC scores in 2013. The final instrument proposed in this study is a different alternative assessment for health training of both dentists and other professionals, considering that the DCN providing for the training and graduation of professionals is focused on the health needs of the population, integrated with the SUS (the National Brazilian Health System) and based on student-centered learning.


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Inaccurate diagnosis of vulvovaginitis generates inadequate treatments that cause damages women's health. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of methods when diagnosing vulvovaginitis. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed with 200 women who complained about vaginal discharge. Vaginal smear was collected for microbiological tests, considering the gram stain method as gold standard. The efficacy of the available methods for diagnosis of vaginal discharge was assessed (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Data were inserted to Graphpad Prism 6, for statistical analysis. Results: the following results were obtained: wet mount for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 31%; specificity = 97%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 54%; negative predictive value (NPV) =93%; accuracy = 91%. Wet mount for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 80%; specificity =95%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 80%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 95%; accuracy = 92%. Syndromic approach for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 95%; specificity=43%; positive predictive value (PPV) =30%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 97%; accuracy = 54%. Syndromic approach for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity =91%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 26%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 98%; accuracy = 90%. Pap smear for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 68%, specificity = 98%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 86%; negative predictive value (NPV) =96%; accuracy = 96%. Pap smear for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity = 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 100%; negative predictive value (NPV) =94%; accuracy = 95%. There was only one case of vaginal trichomoniasis reported – diagnosed by oncological cytology and wet mount – confirmed by Gram. The syndromic approach diagnosed it as bacterial vaginosis. From the data generated and with support on world literature, the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco’s vulvovaginitis protocol was constructed. Conclusion: Pap smear and wet mount showed respectively low and very low sensitivity for vaginal candidiasis. Syndromic approach presented very low specificity and accuracy for bacterial vaginosis, which implies a large number of patients who are diagnosed or treated incorrectly.


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Nos dias atuais, oferecer uma educação para o exercício da cidadania é função primordial das políticas públicas educacionais, conforme estabelece a constituição brasileira e a legislação de ensino. Essa função vem sendo defendida por muitos professores no Ensino Médio, atribuindo-se a disciplina de Química o papel de proporcionar um ensino crítico, participativo, reflexivo e humano. Segundo os documentos oficiais brasileiros para o Ensino de Química, o estudo do conceito de energia deve favorecer o desenvolvimento de competências para que o aluno compreenda a produção e o seu uso em diferentes fenômenos e possam interpretá-los de acordo com modelos explicativos, além de saber avaliar e julgar os benefícios e riscos da produção e do uso de diferentes formas de energia nos sistemas naturais construídos pelo homem, articulando com outras áreas de conhecimento na procura de promover a interdisciplinaridade. As unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas (UEPS), tomam como base um conjunto de teorias de aprendizagem que tem o intuito de promover um ensino com base na aprendizagem significativa e podem ajudar os estudantes nas diferentes relações que um conceito pode ter. Neste sentido, o estudo do conceito da energia a partir do trabalho com UEPS, pode ser uma importante proposta que favorece um ensino de Química na perspectiva construtivista. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é construir e avaliar uma proposta didática para o conteúdo de termoquímica na perspectiva das unidades de ensino potencialmente significativas de Moreira com alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública do Município de Campina Grande-PB. Inicialmente a UEPS foi avaliada por 22 professores em formação inicial de duas instituições públicas de ensino superior. Em seguida, ela foi aplicada para 15 alunos do 2° ano da Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Prof. Raul Córdula, localizada na cidade de Campina Grande-PB. A coleta dos dados para os professores em formação inicial teve como base um instrumento de validação de elaboração de unidades didáticas baseada na Engenharia Didática proposta por Artigue (1996 apud Guimarães e Giordan, 2011). Já para os alunos do ensino médio, os dados foram coletados no decorrer da UEPS e a avaliação final sobre a proposta didática ocorreu através de um questionário tomando como base a escala de Likert e o uso de mapas conceituais. Para a descrição dos dados, foram utilizados os pressupostos da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Como produto educacional foi elaborado a Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa e um DVD contendo orientações de como trabalhar com a proposta. Os resultados deste trabalho apontam uma avaliação positiva quanto à proposta de ensino elaborada para a Educação Básica, onde se observa através do instrumento de validação aplicado, que a maioria das respostas atribuídas pelos professores, ficou entre os itens suficiente e mais que suficiente. Em relação aos momentos de aprendizagem dos alunos do Ensino Médio durante a aplicação da UEPS, foi possível observar que a proposta gerou motivação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos conceitos da termoquímica, como também se percebe que os mapas conceituais apresentados pelos alunos apresentaram mais proposições conceituais em uma segunda tentativa de elaboração, logo a proposta de ensino foi aprovada por mais de 90 % dos estudantes do nível médio. Portanto fica evidente que a proposta didática contribuiu no processo de ensino aprendizagem, despertando interesse e motivação nos estudantes pelo conteúdo de Termoquímica.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart


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We had as the problem of analysis in this research: what are the assumptions, principles and general content that based the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES). We started from the hypothesis that the general content of SINAES is essentially based on the assumptions and principles of a control/regulatory perspective of evaluation and a summative epistemology, objectivist and quantitativist, constituted by members who prioritize testing and classification of courses and institutions based on market values. The overall goal was to make a political evaluation of SINAES and the specific objectives were: a) apply the concepts of politics evaluation and meta-evaluation, b) identify the role of international organizations in education reform in the 1990s and its impact on superior education in Brazil c) redeem the concept of evaluation, especially in the field of studies in education; and d) investigate the evaluation policies of Brazilian superior education leading to SINAES. As for the technical procedures for collecting and analyzing data, the research was made with bibliography and documents, considering that it was developed by bibliographic sources and official publications. It was developed by crossing sources: texts or documents remitted to others; it was also concentrated: on the role of international organizations in educational and State reforms (in the 1990s); on the policies of evaluation of the Brazilian superior education (1980s and 1990s); on the proposal of the Comissão Especial de Avaliação (CEA); on the Law No. 10.861/2004; on the documents of CONAES; on the Decree No. 5.773/2006, and the MEC Regulatory Ordinances No. 4/2008 and No. 12/2008. It did not stop in the so called purely technical aspects, but in the ideological field itself. The research found that international organizations, notably the World Bank, played a political, intellectual and financial role determinant to the field of education, a fact that reflects in the legal framework. It was also found that the politics of evaluation of the superior education is historically marked by conflict, represented by two distinct perspectives of different natures and emphases. On one hand, the focus is on control / regulation, favoring efficiency, productivity and competitiveness benchmarking and prioritizing the punctual performance and measurement. On the other, it seeks to transform academic perspective in primarily formative / emancipatory, in order to support more institutional improvement. It was concluded that the CEA presented a conception evaluation predominantly formative and emancipatory, which emphasized the idea of system, centered around the institution and repudiated the rankings practices. In the post-formulation period, however, some of its principles were fragmenting and, gradually, the institution was giving way to the courses and the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) grew in prominence. With the creation of the Conceito Preliminar de Cursos superiores (CPC) and of the Índice Geral de Cursos da Instituição de Educação Superior (IGC), it was redemeed the practice of evaluation as measurement and control, under the principles of efficiency and productivity. So, SINAES that seemed like a progressive evaluation method has assumed a setting that close resembles the Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC-Provão). Nevertheless, the survival of institutional formative evaluation, in the superior education evaluation policies, still an issue in dispute


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Access is a problem of higher education in Brazil that has existed since the formalization of this has occurred since the installation of the Portuguese court in Brazil in 1808. Only 10% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age attending this level of education in 2000, arriving in 2010 just 15%, far from that determined the National Education Plan in 2001, triple that percentage by the year 2010. In addition, a majority of seats of public HEIs is populated by students from the private network, especially in high-demand courses. In this context, this study aims to identify the costs related to the trajectories of students who were successful in the vestibular UFRN editions from 2006 to 2010. Presents an overview of higher education in Brazil, a brief history of vestibular, as well as new forms of access, and some of the policies to expand such access, highlighting the argument Inclusion UFRN. Focusing on the theme of the paper presents the concepts of opportunity costs and social. After collecting data through a questionnaire and consultation of databases COMPERVE was developed to search for a descriptive and analytical, with the participation of 3,995 students, of whom 1642 (41.1%) had completed secondary education in schools public, and 2,078 (52%) in private schools. The profile indicates that 90% are single, about 50% are 21 years of age, are white and female. In the course of preparation for college entrance exams, 80% chose the course during or after completion of the last year of high school, and almost 70% said they had started preparing at that time. Findings related to the costs involved with this preparation indicate that, in most cases there were school fees and disbursements and workshops, and the purchase of books and other materials, with parents primarily responsible for this cost, the amount disbursed each month was up $ 300 for 64% of respondents and only 7% of them exceeded $ 1,000, the major non-financial costs were characterized by the following resignations: job opportunities (24%) or temporary work (20%) courses of languages (26%), leisure activities (48%), leisure travel (43%), and parties and / or shows (54%). Of social investments by the government, stand out in the tax waiver scholarships for study in private institutions, grant exemption from the registration fee of vestibular, the preparatory courses UFRN, and seminars by COMPERVE / UFRN with networks of high school. From the junction of the opportunity costs (private costs) and social costs (public costs), a new concept: the social opportunity cost, which measures the combined efforts of families and government to finance the opportunity to access higher education of an individual. This concept can and should be incorporated as a strategic vector for the sake of democratic university, which reflects the social model that is sought


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The subject of Classic Gravitation is part of the actual curriculum for High School in Brazil, and it is taught in the first year of that education level. This master thesis presents a research regarding the subject Classic Gravitation in High School. This research was based in two complementary guidelines of research and action. The first guideline was the analysis of 21 didactic books of physics which are the more frequently used in High School, in the city of Natal/RN. The second guideline, worked after being verified the most common deficiencies presents in the didactic books, was the elaboration, followed by a practical application, of a course suggesting how to approach that subject in the classroom. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National Curricular Parameters for High School PCNEM) defend that Classic Gravitation is very important in the student s formation and that its study helps the comprehension of many nature s phenomena. Because of this vision of that subject by the PCNEM, the 21 analyzed books were separated in two groups: the first one, containing 10 books, was edited before the spreading of PCNEM, and the second, with 11 books, after that spreading. Whatever the group to which the didactic books belonged, the great majority of them let that subject in a second plan; two of them even suggesting, in the teacher s orientations, that the subject Gravitation can be suppressed in case of insufficient time . These analyses points that the PCNEM had produced no changes in the conception of the authors that wrote books regarding that subject. To analyze the didactic books, we elaborated a script which was used as an analysis tool, in which we put in evidence the relative importance of the historic and philosophic contextualization of the subject, the quotidian experience of the students and the interdisciplinary approach, among other aspects. It became evident that the didactic books give very little emphasis to historic aspects of the knowledge construction, to the relations with the day-by-day questions and to the interdisciplinary character of the subject Gravitation. It calls attention the non concordance among the authors opinions regarding the necessary previous knowledge or prerequisites the students should fulfill in order to begin to study Gravitation. The course we elaborated was given to a group of teachers as well as to students. In those courses we treated theoretical and practical aspects and emphasized historical questions and the ones which are related to people s daily life. The course for teachers was realized as an extra-mural activity of the UFRN and was given by the author of this thesis at the Escola Estadual Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti (a state public school in Natal/RN). There were 23 teachers present, from several public schools and several fields of knowledge. The thesis supervisor and the master degree s colleagues of the author acted as collaborators , reporting the participants opinions and speeches. The course to the students, on the other hand, had the participation of 300 regular students who belonged to 6 different 1st year classes of the High School Escola Marista de Natal (RN), in which the author acts as a physics teacher. The student s course was realized as part of the regular curriculum activities, in which three classes stood under the responsibility of the author and other three classes in charge of another Marista s teacher, who participated as a collaborator . The teacher s course as well as the students one were given in two stages, with five hours each. The first stage was divided in two moments, the first one focused on the survey of the spontaneous conceptions about gravitation, in which we worked basically with experiments of free throwing and pendulum, and the second one focused in theoretical presentations and quarrels about universe s models. In the second stage of the course we improved the study of Kepler s laws and the Newton s Universal Gravitation law, and we used as motivating tools some practices involving the construction of the solar system in scale. As instruments for evaluating both courses we used questionnaires and reported the speeches with participants opinions, beyond usual written evaluations in the course for the students. The teachers who participated in the course showed very good wills in realizing interdisciplinary practices; nevertheless, according their own speeches, they frequently came across the difficulty of how to do . From the experience we had in both courses, we conclude that the approach we propose hear to the teaching of the subject Classic Gravitation , supported on the tripod theory, practice and historical and philosophical aspects, is viable and effective. One hopes that this research may contribute in the formation of a opinion, among the teachers, concerning how to approach the subject of Classic Gravitation, and may offer suggestions in order those who want to apply that approach may develop classroom practices aiming to improve the teaching of that subject, which has a singular importance in the formation of High School students


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Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students


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The National Program of Professional Education Integration with Basic Education for Youngsters and Adults (PROEJA) Technical Professional Education Ensino Médio has opened a new chapter in the history of education in Brazil, making possible the integration of basic education and professional education. This new form of education, which is still in its early implementation, presents a series of challenges to be overcome. Specifically about the teaching of Chemistry, didactic material to match PROEJA s specific needs is practically inexistent. Thus, this work has the purpose of developing didactic material for the teaching of Chemistry for Professional and Technological Education of Youngsters and Adults in the courses of Electronics, Technical Electronics and Maintenance and Support for Computing at Instituto Federal de Educação,Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte. This material aims at working chemical concepts of oxi-reduction reactions through a theme approach following Freire s conceptions for the teaching of Youngsters and Adults


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The neonatal period, which includes the first 27 da ys postpartum, is a vulnerability phase in child health, making it necessary for a greater mon itoring by health professional through actions that add value to the binomial mother/child and comprehensive care to the newborn. To this end, this study aimed to evaluate the care actions the neonato from the strategies recommended by the Ministry of Health. This is a cr oss-sectional study carried out from the database of the national survey of population base entitled "Call Neonatal: evaluation of prenatal care and to children younger than one year old in the North and Northeast regions". It used as the sample unit the mothers and children yo unger than 1-year-old, costal residents of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil, who attended th e vaccination campaign on June 12, 2010 in nine municipality’s priority for the Pact to Red uce Infant and Neonatal Mortality. To compose the study variables were selected issues/ac tions regarding the neonatal period and socio-demographic factors, followed by a descriptiv e and inferential analysis. A sample of 837 mother/child pairs was obtained, being 57.6% in capital and 42.4% in the whole from the interiors, which was weighted to represent the muni cipalities of the State. It was predominated by mothers aged between 20-29 years, complete high school, not entitled to income transfer program and male children (51.2%). The frequency of the actions of the hospital ranged from 35% to 96% and those performed at the Basic Health Unit (BHU) from 57% to 91.2%. Most actions had an association with hospitals and publi c nature of the state capital (p<0.05). The results for most of the actions are recommended in the care programs and policies for children, and reveal the regional inequities in hea lth and the need for the involvement of services and professionals in search of comprehensi ve care for enabling better care through humanized practices during this increased vulnerabi lity period.


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The importance of the Professionals Master in the field of science education is revealed by the recognition that they provide, to practicing teachers, in particular, training spaces for reflection and application of knowledge. This work appears in the context of the project "Research and training in teaching science and mathematics: a cutout of academic production in the northeast and overview of formative action in basic education" on the Centre for Education program, which main objective was to conduct studies description, analysis and evaluation of the academic production of Postgraduate Programs in Science Teaching of UFRPE, UFRN and UEPB and investigate the contribution of continuing education in stricto sensu level, of graduated teachers to improve the quality of basic education . We sought to examine a cut of academic production PPGECNM / UFRN, taking as reference dissertations of Natural Sciences, finished between the years 2005 and 2012, which have developed and applied educational products for high school students. More specifically we sought to conduct a general characterization of the dissertations analyzed for basic descriptors, to understand if and how the official documents governing the Brazilian education, especially science education, subsidized development of dissertations and identify current trends for science teaching are addressed and which ones are used in preparing the product of dissertations. The survey was based on documentary analysis, a type of qualitative approach in which the documents are objects of study in themselves. The results revealed that most of the work was developed in public schools, on subjects of physics and chemistry. During analytical reading of the text of the dissertations was observed that, in its construction, most of them addressed somehow, official documents governing the Brazilian educational system, that the products are basically teaching units and teaching approaches that are more focused on Experimentation and History and Philosophy of Science


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The evidence of the water theme in news reports is configured as an important topic of interest to contextualize, problematize and/or generate meaning in the midst of discussion of a content from different levels of education and/or disciplines of basic education. The possibilities to use this theme in classroom is also highlighted in Brazilian official documents that guide the practice of teachers of all Brazilian curricular components of this educational level. So, the theme water can be used as subsidy to teach chemistry, since contextualises the teaching of this discipline aiding in the discussion of different chemical concepts. In this perspective, the meaningful learning theory, developed by David Ausubel, has constructivist nature and says that an individual learns significantly when he can relate new information with a specific knowledge structure that integrates the prior knowledge of its structure. In this sense, the use of water as a theme for the approach prior knowledge of chemical concepts has already been characterized as an important topic that can give meaning to the content of education in chemistry. In this dissertation, a teaching unit potentially significant (TUPS) is presented based on meaningful learning theory of David Ausubel approaching the theme water. approaching the theme water. The unit was used in a class of thirty-five students of the 2nd year of high school, a public school in the city of Extremoz-RN, metropolitan region of Natal / RN. Through it was possible to discuss an issue of interest to students of the school to address the chemical contents, such as solutions, physicochemical aspects and stages of water treatment. At first, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the students' previous ideas on the topic under study to the concept of chemical solutions. It was subsequently developed and implemented a series of activities based on students' ideas. To subsidize the sequence, it was prepared four booklets that worked the content of chemical solutions, contextualizing the theme water. The results of this work showed that the alternative conceptions that students have about concepts related to the chemical solutions are similar to the ideas of other students presented in the literature and that the development of the TUPS, allied to the contextualization strategy with the theme water, not only motivated the students for the teaching of chemical content, as yet provided the learning of chemical concepts not in isolation, but making a connection between their ideas and experiences with scientific knowledge. To this, beyond of dialogued lectures, were also used strategies as experimental activities, problem solving, group discussions and construction of concept maps. The final evaluation of the unit was conducted by a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, answered individually by students, who approved the unit as conducive to teaching and learning of chemistry process