118 resultados para Despesa de pessoal, Brasil


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Despite being areas of socioeconomic and ecological importance, the reef environments in northeastern Brazil have been suffering with cluttered tourism impacts, such as trampling, activity that leads to decrease in abundance of organisms, especially benthic, and loss of biodiversity. The objectives of this study were 1) to characterize the benthic community in the shallow sandstone reef of Pirangi/RN, identifying patterns of zonation, and 2) evaluate its process of structuring under different degrees of impact of trampling, providing information to the proper use of the area. Data on abundance of organisms, the percentage coverage of the substrate and physic-chemical parameters were collected. The formation of two zones on the reef was observed: one that considers submerged areas and ones with shorter time of exposure, lower roughness and higher heterogeneity in the coverage of the substrate, with a predominance of sand, foliose algae, rodolit, being related to organisms such as gastropods, crabs and sea-urchin; the second zone comprises areas with longer time of exposure, greater roughness and predominance of bedrock uncovered, being associated with organisms such as barnacles, gastropods, bivalves and crabs. It is concluded that the studied reef presents its own zonation pattern, influenced by both the time of immersion and the substrate characteristics, such as roughness and type of coverage. To answer the second objective of this study, four experimental blocks were mounted on each of the three areas of different intensities of trampling, containing the following treatments: control (isolated from trampling), shaved isolated, trampling and shaved trampling, with data collection by 11 months. The data in abundance, diversity indices and living coverage of the substrate were compared between areas and treatments. The results showed that at the trampling areas, at the end of the experiment, differences were observed between the intensities of the impact, where higher values of abundance and richness of mobile fauna and richness of live coverage (ANOVA, p <0.05) were found in the area of higher trampling intensity. For fauna withdrawal of trampled scraped treatments, it was observed in the area of greatest impact that the abundance of small benthic invertebrates is more than three times smaller than that at the area of intermediate trampling (ANOVA, p <0.05). Initial isolated areas and final ones differed only as to the percentage of live coverage, with an increase of 35% at the end of this experiment. As for the areas that were completely scraped and isolated at the end of the experiment was observed an increase in the percentage of live coverage of 11.11% compared to the initial amount in the area of intermediate impact and 37.5% in the area with greater impact, indicating recovery of the area. It is suggested that the current use of the reef of Pirangi be reviewed, with a decentralization of trampling, or a decrease in visits, so that it does not occur at high intensities


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This study aims to contribute with evidence to reinforce or not the thesis of a possible deindustrialization of the Brazilian economy, with emphasis on period after 1995. The debate began in the late 80s, however, recently the industry deceleration gained strength in discussions academic. Between the main theses in this debate is the new-development that believes in precocious deindustrialization caused primarily by overvaluation exchange rate. However, part of heterodoxy believes the industry downturn is more related to the rate of investment than the exchange rate. Nevertheless, according to the orthodox thesis the loss of competitiveness due to the high cost of production may have caused the de-industrialization in Brazil. On the other hand, part of Orthodoxy does not believe that the country is deindustrializing it, but is occurring convergence of Brazilian industry the world average. Thus, in an attempt to shed light on this debate, this study intends to identify the reasons for the deceleration of the Brazilian industry, emphasizing aspects underexplored in the literature and define whether or not the country suffers a process of deindustrialization. When analyzing various indicators, especially the quantum level we find strong indications that the deceleration of the Brazilian industry can be characterized as a deindustrialization, though still insufficient to qualify as precocious, given the loss of share in physical production in total output and the share of primary goods in the export basket


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The demand side growth accounting studies the demand aggregate component contributions in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Traditionally, international and national organizations that uses the traditional method for calculating such contributions. However, this method does not take into account the effect the induction of imports by the various components of aggregate demand on the calculation of these. As an alternative to this method are presented others studies that consider this effect, as the alternative method proposed by Lara (2013), the attribution method, proposed by Kranendonk and Verbruggen (2005) and Hoekstra and van der Helm (2010), and the method the sraffian supermultiplier, by Freitas and Dweck (2013). Was made a summary of these methods, demonstrating the similarities and differences between them. Also, in the aim to contribute to the study of the subject was developed the “method of distribution of imports” that aims to distribute imports for the various components of aggregate demand, through the information set forth in the input-output matrices and tables of resources and uses. Were accounted the contributions to the growth of macroeconomic aggregates for Brazil from 2001 to 2009 using the method of distribution, and realized comparison with the traditional method, understanding the reasons for the differences in contributions. Later was done comparisons with all the methods presented in this work, between the calculated contributions to the growth of the components of aggregate demand and the domestic and external sectors. Was verified that the methods that exist in the literature was not enough to deal with this question, and given the alternatives for contributions to the growth presented throughout this work, it is believed that the method of distribution provides the best estimates for the account of contributions by aggregate demand sector. In particular, the main advantage of this method to the others is the breakdown of the contribution of imports, separated by aggregate demand component, which allows the analysis of contribution of each component to GDP growth. Thus, this type of analysis helps to study the pattern of growth of the Brazilian economy, not just the theoretical point of view, but also empirical and basis for the decision to economic policies


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The effects of climate change on human societies have become the focus of many researchers for their research. Understanding weather patterns (circulation of the atmosphere, precipitation, temperature) is essences for predicting extreme weather, but analyze how these extreme events act in our society and look for ways to reduce the impact caused by these events is the great challenge. Using a concept very in the humanities and social sciences to understand these impacts and the adaptation of the society's vulnerability. The objective of this work is to develop and apply a methodology for evaluating fining scale and quantify the vulnerability of the Brazilian Northeast to climatic extremes, developing a methodology that combines aspects of vulnerability to drought, as well as socioeconomic and climatic indicators used to assess exposure, ability to adaptation and the sensitivity of geographical microregions of the region. The assessment of the susceptibility or degree of exposure to risk is the regional using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) by the degree of magnitude dried (MD), the rate of precipitation such as PCD (Precipitation Concentration Degree) and PCP (Precipitation Period Concentration) helped characterize and regional climatology, these indices showed satisfactory results in the pilot study of Rio Grande do Norte to assess the degree of exposure to drought. Regarding sensitivity agricultural / livestock multivariate statistical technique to factor analysis showed acceptable results for the proposed model using data for the period 1990-1999 (P1). The application of the analysis of vulnerability considering the adaptive capacity, as the adaptive disability have almost similar results with much of the region's vulnerability to extreme south of Bahia state as a part of the semiarid region has a degree of vulnerability among moderate and mean


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En Brasil, la violencia interpersonal (homicidios) se ha incrementado de forma significativa, convirtiéndose en una preocupación cada vez mayor en todos los ámbitos políticos de la sociedad. Hoy es uno de los más graves problemas sociales y de salud pública. Se refiere a los problemas sociales, ya que interfiere en la distribución de la oferta de bienes y servicios a los ciudadanos; sino también un problema de salud, porque la violencia es uno de los fenómenos que causan gran impacto en la morbilidad y mortalidad del país, y genera un alto costo para el Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta es una crisis social, que es el resultado de un mundo capitalista globalizado, que exige a todos sus instrumentos de dominación (dinero, poder y competitividad en estado puro), en virtud del cual la violencia y los conflictos interpersonales se materializan en el territorio. El Río Grande do Norte (RN) ha estado siguiendo esta realidad que es nacional, con el aumento de las tasas de mortalidad por homicidios. En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la violencia interpersonal (agresión / homicidio), en Brasil y en el estado del RN, para entender cómo esto afecta a su población, en la morbilidad y mortalidad durante los años 2001 a 2011. Para ambos hicimos uso de método descriptivo / cuantitativo para determinar la magnitud, el tamaño, el perfil de las víctimas y los costos del SUS generados por el problema. Como resultado, podemos diagnosticar que en Brasil, la violencia se ha presentado una nueva dinámica regional, promovida por un proceso de interiorización del fenómeno en todo el país, este proceso de internalización se ha reflejado en la última década, el crecimiento de la violencia en el estado del RN, que ha causado un gran impacto en las tasas de la mortalidad del estado. Acerca la victimización, se puede ver que hay un perfil vulnerable formado por, varón, baja instrucción joven, sola y negro. Con respecto a los datos de morbilidad hospitalaria, la demanda creciente del fenómeno genera costes para el sistema de salud, y las graves consecuencias humanas, como la escalada del miedo y la destrucción de una generación de jóvenes brasileños. Por lo tanto, la falta de una política pública para afrontamiento, prevención y mitigación del problema revela el fracaso de la gestión pública, con consecuencias sociales y de salud, tanto individual como colectivamente.


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Le travail suivant discute le salaire touché par les professeurs et leur rémunération, face à l’implémentation du Fond de Mantenance du Développement de l’Éducation de Base et Valorisation des Professionnels de l’Enseignement (Fundeb), au Système d’Éducation Public de la Municipalité de la ville de Natal, entre les années de 2007 a 2010. L’objectif est l’analyse des repercussions du Funeb pour la rémuneration des enseignants dans le contexte de la politique de financement de l’Éducation de Base e ses propositions de valorisation des enseignants – revennu et rémunération. L’étude s’est utilisé la recherche bibliographique et documentale, les informations relatives à : Éducatif (inscriptions), rémunération (bulletin de salaire et bulletin de paie), budgétaires (recette et dépense) au ressource – microinformations du recensement scolaire (INEP/MEC), SIOPE/FNDE et lo PCCR de la municipalité (LC nº058/2004), et comme donné comparatif on utilise la rémunération et la valeur du salaire minimum national – actualisé par le INPC. À partir de là, les études montrent que dès la Constitution Fédeérale de 1988, il y a eu des changements dans la structure du financement de l’Éducation par la politique de Fonds, iniciée par le Fundef et continuée par le Fundeb, avec des reflets pour la valorisation des enseignants, spécialement, sur la rémunération. Par rapport au revennu, l’étude montre un réajustement à chaque année qui observe, en 2007, un pourcentage de 23,74%, c’est-à´dire, la plus grande de la série historique. Par l’analyse des donnés de revennus on peut observer que les enseignants, au début de leur carrière, présente des réajustement sur leur revennu et rémunération plus petit que celui du Salaire Minimum National, et pourtant les enseignants de niveau supérieur (N1), spécialisation et maîtrise (N2) ont présenté le même pourcentage de croissance de la rémunération pendant cet étude, qui correspond à 14,7%. Le pourcentage pour le professeur docteur a été noté en 33,9%. Par rapport aux enseignants de plus de temps de service, entre 10 et 15 ans, les pourcentages de réajustement ont été différents, car ils montrent des proportions croissantes selon le niveau de formation et le temps de carrière comme enseignant. Malgré le Fundeb présente des progressions, il ne s’est pas encore configuré comme une politique d’amélioration de salaire pour les enseignants. On remarque que pendant l’analyse, il y a une diminuition de proportion entre la valeur de rémunération e la quantité de salaires minimum composant le total, ce qui configure un procès qui exige de plus grands investissements aux salaires des enseignants.


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Inside the Borborema Province the Northwestern Ceará (NC) is one of the most seismic active regions. There are reports of an earthquake occurred in 1810 in the Granja town. On January, 2008 the seismic activity in NC has increased and it was deployed a seismographic network with 11 digital stations. In 2009, another earthquake sequence began and it was deployed another seismographic network in the Santana do Acaraú town with 6 stations. This thesis presents the results obtained by analyzing the data recorded in these two networks. The epicentral areas are located near the northeastern part of the Transbrasiliano Lineament, a shear zone with NE-SW-trending that cuts the study area. The hypocenters are located between 1km and 8km. The strike-slip focal mechanisms were found, which is predominant in the Borborema Province. An integration of seismological, geological and geophysical data was performed and it show that the seismogenic faults found are oriented in the same direction to the local brittle structures observed in field and magnetic lineaments. The SHmax (maximum compressional stress) direction in NC was estimated using an inversion of seven focal mechanisms. The horizontal maximum compression stress (σ1 = 300°) with orientation NW-SE and extension (σ3 = 210°) with NE-SW and σ2 vertical. These results are consistent with results of previous studies. The seismic activity recorded in NC is not related to a possible reactivation of the Transbrasiliano Lineament, by now.


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This dissertation has the main objective to assess the legal and constitutional legitimacy of the legislative state act that criminalizes the conduct of carrying drugs for own consumption - in the case of Brazil, art. 28 of the Federal Law n.º 11.343 of August 23rd, 2006. Therefore, it is done, initially, a contextualization, pointing the main regulatory frameworks, internal and external, of what is conventionally called prohibition in the matter of drugs, as well as the different species of liberalizing initiatives today on an upward trend in the international scenario. Then analyzes the state intervention in question in the light of references of human dignity, freedom and privacy, emphasizing, in the point, among other contributions, the various precedents of foreign constitutional jurisdiction over the theme. Immediately thereafter, confronts the policy in screen with what is perhaps, these days, the main control mechanism of the restrictive measures of fundamental rights, namely the proportionality test, here represented by classical elements of appropriateness, necessity and proportionality in the strict sense. After that, it examines the criminalization on the agenda before the parameter of equality and the general interests of health and public safety. Based on theory and empirical enrolled in the development, it is concluded, finally, the unconstitutionality of the option of the ordinary legislature to impose criminal penalties on users - problematic or not - of substances or products capable of causing physical or psychological dependence.


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Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.


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The contamination of aquatic environments is a phenomenon that dates back the origins of human civilizations and was amplified by the advent of industrial processes. The Jundiaí river , Macaíba's main water source, suffering discharge of effluents from various industries. The study work´s in two fronts, the environmental perception front was conducted through semistructured interviews whose textile effluent was appointed by the population as the main problem in the river. It was observed that nearly all respondents had concerns about the environment. In addition, there is an inclusion of individuals as the cause of the problem, because a significant part recognizes that its activities may cause damage to the environment and people's health. In other front, the experimental monitoring of water quality was conducted through ecotoxicological tests and physiochemical analysis that proposed to assess Pomacea lineata .Mysidopsis juniae isolated effect of textile effluent and its influence on the river compared with the limits established by Brazilian law. Although the physio-chemical analysis shows is inconclusive about the participation of the textile effluent in environmental contamination of the river, the ecotoxicological tests have shown to blunt the signal that the effluent may present a risk to aquatic organisms and consequently to human health. Thus, an interdisciplinary way it was possible to study the cause of the environmental problem identified by the population in the realization phase and measurable effect on water quality analysis in the river by means of the tests mentioned.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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A practical approach to estimate rock thermal conductivities is to use rock models based just on the observed or expected rock mineral content. In this study, we evaluate the performances of the Krischer and Esdorn (KE), Hashin and Shtrikman (HS), classic Maxwell (CM), Maxwell-Wiener (MW), and geometric mean (GM) models in reproducing the measures of thermal conductivity of crystalline rocks.We used 1,105 samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks collected in outcroppings of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil. Both thermal conductivity and petrographic modal analysis (percent volumes of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and sum of mafic minerals) were done. We divided the rocks into two groups: (a) igneous and ortho-derived (or meta-igneous) rocks and (b) metasedimentary rocks. The group of igneous and ortho-derived rocks (939 samples) covers most the lithologies de_ned in the Streckeisen diagram, with higher concentrations in the fields of granite, granodiorite, and tonalite. In the group of metasedimentary rocks (166 samples), it were sampled representative lithologies, usually of low to medium metamorphic grade. We treat the problem of reproducing the measured values of rock conductivity as an inverse problem where, besides the conductivity measurements, the volume fractions of the constituent minerals are known and the effective conductivities of the constituent minerals and model parameters are unknown. The key idea was to identify the model (and its associated estimates of effective mineral conductivities and parameters) that better reproduces the measures of rock conductivity. We evaluate the model performances by the quantity  that is equal to the percentage of number of rock samples which estimated conductivities honor the measured conductivities within the tolerance of 15%. In general, for all models, the performances were quite inferior for the metasedimentary rocks (34% <  < 65%) as compared with the igneous and ortho-derived rocks (51% <  < 70%). For igneous and ortho-derived rocks, all model performances were very similar ( = 70%), except the GM-model that presented a poor performance (51% <  < 65%); the KE and HS-models ( = 70%) were slightly superior than the CM and MW-models ( = 67%). The quartz content is the dominant factor in explaining the rock conductivity for igneous and ortho-derived rocks; in particular, using the MW-model the solution is in practice vi UFRN/CCET– Dissertação de mestrado the series association of the quartz content. On the other hand, for metasedimentary rocks, model performances were different and the performance of the KEmodel ( = 65%) was quite superior than the HS ( = 53%), CM (34% <  < 42%), MW ( = 40%), and GM (35% <  < 42%). The estimated effective mineral conductivities are stable for perturbations both in the rock conductivity measures and in the quartz volume fraction. The fact that the metasedimentary rocks are richer in platy-minerals explains partially the poor model performances, because both the high thermal anisotropy of biotite (one of the most common platy-mineral) and the difficulty in obtaining polished surfaces for measurement coupling when platyminerals are present. Independently of the rock type, both very low and very high values of rock conductivities are hardly explained by rock models based just on rock mineral content.


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The aim of the present study was to trace the mortality profile of the elderly in Brazil using two neighboring age groups: 60 to 69 years (young-old) and 80 years or more (oldest-old). To do this, we sought to characterize the trend and distinctions of different mortality profiles, as well as the quality of the data and associations with socioeconomic and sanitary conditions in the micro-regions of Brazil. Data was collected from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Based on these data, the coefficients of mortality were calculated for the chapters of the International Disease Classification (ICD-10). A polynomial regression model was used to ascertain the trend of the main chapters. Non-hierarchical cluster analysis (K-Means) was used to obtain the profiles for different Brazilian micro-regions. Factorial analysis of the contextual variables was used to obtain the socio-economic and sanitary deprivation indices (IPSS). The trend of the CMId and of the ratio of its values in the two age groups confirmed a decrease in most of the indicators, particularly for badly-defined causes among the oldest-old. Among the young-old, the following profiles emerged: the Development Profile; the Modernity Profile; the Epidemiological Paradox Profile and the Ignorance Profile. Among the oldest-old, the latter three profiles were confirmed, in addition to the Low Mortality Rates Profile. When comparing the mean IPSS values in global terms, all of the groups were different in both of the age groups. The Ignorance Profile was compared with the other profiles using orthogonal contrasts. This profile differed from all of the others in isolation and in clusters. However, the mean IPSS was similar for the Low Mortality Rates Profile among the oldest-old. Furthermore, associations were found between the data quality indicators, the CMId for badly-defined causes, the general coefficient of mortality for each age group (CGMId) and the IPSS of the micro-regions. The worst rates were recorded in areas with the greatest socioeconomic and sanitary deprivation. The findings of the present study show that, despite the decrease in the mortality coefficients, there are notable differences in the profiles related to contextual conditions, including regional differences in data quality. These differences increase the vulnerability of the age groups studied and the health iniquities that are already present.


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The objective of this research was to investigate monthly climatological, seasonal, annual and interdecadal of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Acre state in order to better understand its spatial and temporal variability and identify possible trends in the region. The study was conducted with data from Rio Branco municipalities, the state capital, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul considering a 30-year period (1985-2014), from monthly data from weather stations surface of the National Institute of Meteorology. The methodology was held, first, the consistency of meteorological data. Thus, it was made the gap filling in the time series by means of multivariate techniques. Subsequently were performed statistical tests trend (Mann-Kendall) and homogeneity, by Sen's estimator of the magnitude of this trend is estimated, as well as computational algorithms containing parametric and non-parametric tests for two samples to identify from that year the trend has become significant. Finally, analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) was adopted in order to verify whether there were significant differences in average annual evapotranspiration between locations. The indirect method of Penman-Montheith parameterized by FAO was used to calculate the ETo. The results of this work through examination of the descriptive statistics showed that the ETo the annual average was 3.80, 2.92 and 2.86 mm day-1 year, to Rio Branco, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul, respectively. Featuring quite remarkable seasonal pattern with a minimum in June and a maximum in October, with Rio Branco to town one with the strongest signal (amplitudes) on the other hand, the Southern Cross presented the highest variability among the studied locations. By ANOVA it was found that the average annual statistically different for a significance level of 1% between locations, but the annual average between Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarauacá no statistically significant differences. For the three locations, the 2000s was the one with the highest ETo values associated with warmer waters of the North Atlantic basin and the 80s to lower values, associated with cooler waters of this basin. By analyzing the Mann-kendall and Sen estimator test, there was a trend of increasing the seasonal reference evapotranspiration (fall, winter and spring) on the order of 0.11 mm per decade and that from the years of 1990, 1996 and 2001 became statistically significant to the localities of Cruzeiro do Sul Tarauacá and Rio Branco, respectively. For trend analysis of meteorological parameters was observed positive trend in the 5% level of significance, for average temperature, minimum temperature and solar radiation.


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The caatinga is considered the only exclusively Brazilian biome, with a total area of 735.000km². It is estimated that about 59% of this area has already been removed and only 2% are protected in conservations units. The region is characteristic by strong seasonality and heterogeneity in their environments. This paper sets generate information on morphological and population patterns Lanio pilatus in two areas of caatinga of Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC – Seridó), Serra Negra do Norte - RN. Data collection was performed in six phases between July 2012 and December 2014, covering the end of the dry and rainy seasons in the region. The captures were performed with nets and individuals captured were marked with metal rings and measured (weight, wing length, tail, tarsus, culmen and tip of the bill to nostril). Through these measures, we observed that only males of open area range in weight during the dry and rainy season, youngs were significantly lower for all parameters measured, and males were larger than females in three characteristics (weight, wing length and tail) in open area and only one (wing length) in the closed area. The population parameters were generated from the mark-capture-recapture technique by program MARK, using the techniques of robust design and CJS. The survival probability of detection and population estimates varied with time. Only individuals of open area fluctuated in their estimates during the study. Overall, the environment was a great mediator of results which increases the need for more studies on the life history of the species in the region.