151 resultados para Absortância efetiva


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The present study analyses the supervisory practice of the nurse in the hospital environment. It has, as its main objective identify the use of planning, supervision and evaluation, as managerial instruments in the daily nursing practice. It tries also to identify the importance given to these instruments in their supervisory actions and the difficulties encountered in their use. It deals with an exploratory and analytical investigation with a qualitative approach having as its main point of analysis the principles of strategic planning. In order for it to be done 10 nurses were interviewed, distributed in three public hospitals in the city of Natal/RN. The results show that, although the nurses recognize the importance of the managerial instruments, they do not put them into practice in an effective and systematic way. They justify it because of the existence of personal, professional and institutional difficulties. On the other hand we could conclude from what they say that there is the desire to overcome the eminently burocratic vision of the management. Thus, they express a feeling for change and point in the direction of looking for ways that will contribute to innovate this practice


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This study aims to identify the concepts of professional nursing team on assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergencies in SAMU in Mossoró/RN, identifying the difficulties in implementing an emergency assistance to the user in psychiatric distress in this service and point strategies in pursuit of consolidation and expansion of comprehensive health care to the public. It is a descriptive research with qualitative and exploratory approach. The subjects were employees of the nursing staff of SAMU of that mentioned municipality. Semi-structured interviews are applied as tool for data collection. It was counted on the consent of the institution where the study was developed and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN with CAAE No 17326513.0.0000.5537, besides signing the Informed Free Consent Term by the participants. Data analysis was done by means of thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. Thus , as a result of the research produced the following categories: mechanistic practice; dehumanization of care; need for qualification, barriers to assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergency and strategies in pursuit of comprehensive care, which proceeded in preparing two articles entitled "Nursing care to the emergency room and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service" and "Barriers for emergency service and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service". In the studied reality it was identified that nursing care offered to users in situations of urgency and psychiatric emergency is made based primarily on the use of chemical and physical restraints, as well as transportation to the general hospital, constantly using the police force support, which meets the guidelines of the Psychiatric Reform and thereby undermining the provision of an effective and humane care. This scenario is worsened by the lack of an organized network of services in mental health, where after the service the user is taken to a general hospital, considering that there is no ready or appropriate psychiatric emergency service as a Center of Psychosocial Care - CAPs III to reference it, thereby precluding the realization of a resolute and comprehensive care. Thus, it is concluded that nursing care is based on biologicist and medicine-centered model advocated by classical psychiatry, and that despite all the advances in psychiatric reform, still guides the mental health care, so the lack of service network organized in hierarchical and mental health, where the user in urgency and emergency service can be watched in full and the guidelines of the psychiatric reform can be realized in practice


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The increasing competitiveness of the construction industry, set in an economic environment in which the offer is now greater than the demand , causes the prices of many products and services, are strongly influenced by the processes of production and the final consumer. Thus, to become more competitive in the market and construction companies are seeking new alternatives to reduce and control costs, production processes and tools that allow for close monitoring of the construction schedule, with the consequent compliance deadline with the client. Based on this scenario, the creation of control tools, service management and planning work emerges as an investment opportunity and an area that can promote great benefits to construction companies. The goal of this work is to present a system of planning, service management and costs control that through worksheets provide information relating to the production phase of the work, allowing the visualization of possible irregularities in the planning and cost of the enterprise, enabling the company to take steps to achieve the goals of the enterprise in question, and correct them when necessary. The developed system has been used in a piece of real estate in Rio Grande do Norte, and the results showed that its use together allowed the construction company to accompany their results and take corrective and preventive actions during the production process, efficiently and effective


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This work provides a discussion involving the development of practices in Environmental Education (EE) in Natal-RN city, taking as reference the Programa Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas (PVCBE). The EE is emphasized by importance it takes within the context of the reforms carried out in Brazil to formal education, especially from the decade of 1980. The investigations focus the effect of PVCBE in promoting the EE. We take as theoretical - methodological base the global/national guidelines on EE, carried out the non-participant observation, document analysis, and application of questionnaires and use of statistical techniques in the data tabulation. The results indicate that there has been reasonable progress to the achieving of an implementation policy of EE clearly qualitative, with a better coordination among municipal policymakers and the schools involved. It has been also noticed that there is a gap between what the law provides for a formal EE and what is carried out in practice. Despite the limitations noted, we must remember that actions have been achieved. Even considering that they are isolated action; they already show that there are possibilities of follow ways to processes based on the criteria of integration, reflexive action, quality and autonomy


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This paper proposes a methodology for building Information Technology solutions in the form of virtual environments that allow for collaborative construction and democratization of knowledge for and about supply chains, providing tools for collaboration iteration and the social actors involved, valuing its environmental variables and assisting in its development. The scope of supply chains of aquaculture and fisheries and www.redeagua.com.br were the objects of research and prototyping of this paper. AVA Moodle was chosen to create the environment in question by their full fitness the socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience and the structure of existing digital inclusion, making necessary the development of strategies to generate interest from productive agents in their effective participation as collaborators and not just as recipients of content. The structure of this survey work will be qualitative-quantitative, using both traditional elements such as forms and interviews as sources typical of virtual environments, such as statistical reports of visitation and placement in search engines on the Internet


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The methodology Balanced Scorecard (BSC) focuses on the major critical issues of modern organizations, whether with or without profit. The measurement of the effective performance of the latter is by evaluating the successful implementation of organizational strategy. The aim of this paper is to present the development of a system of performance measurement strategy for a nonprofit organization, whose object of study is the Associação de Apoio as Comunidades do Campo - AACC, in the context of the BSC methodology of Kaplan and Norton. The methodology of this case study is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, and diagnose the coherence of the Strategy Map in an organization, based strategic planning from 2010 to 2012. Initially conducted a literature review covering the main aspects of strategy maps and performance evaluation involving the translation of the BSC and strategy evaluation. The main results of the proposed approach refers to evaluation of overall scores for each dimension of the BSC methodology, financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth. These results are able to help the organization evaluate and revise their strategy and, in general, to adopt management methods more accurately. Data collection is centered on interviews with semi-structured questionnaire. The findings highlight on balancing and alignment of strategic objectives, low causality map, strategic communication insufficient and fragmented. For interviewees organizational culture is the biggest impediment to structuring a management model based on indicators and strategic process should be initiated by non-financial indicators gradually. The performance indicators of the AACC/RN portray more meritocracy operational procedures of social projects in the context of the Strategic Map determined in a shortterm over the long term. However, there is evidence of improved performance management and strategic taken as a basis of planning as both the strategic map structured. Therefore, the nonprofits need to adopt a form of management that enables planning, setting objectives and targets that provide the continuity of its activities, and generating instruments that can measure the financial performance and non-financial, in order to develop strategic actions for growth and sustainability


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The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department


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The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis using the transverse resonance technique (TRT) and a proposed MTRT applied in the analysis of the dispersive characteristics of microstrip lines built on truncated isotropic and anisotropic dielectric substrates. The TRT uses the transmission lines model in the transversal section of the structure, allowing to analyze its dispersive behavior. The difference between TRT and MTRT consists basically of the resonance direction. While in the TRT the resonance is calculated in the same direction of the metallic strip normal axis, the MTRT considers the resonance in the metallic strip parallel plane. Although the application of the MTRT results in a more complex equivalent circuit, its use allows some added characterization, like longitudinal section electric mode (LSE) and longitudinal section magnetic mode (LSM), microstrips with truncated substrate, or structures with different dielectric regions. A computer program using TRT and MTRT proposed in this work is implemented for the characterization of microstrips on truncated isotropic and anisotropic substrates. In this analysis, propagating and evanescent modes are considered. Thus, it is possible to characterize both the dominant and higher order modes of the structure. Numerical results are presented for the effective permittivity, characteristic impedance and relative phase velocity for microstrip lines with different parameters and dimensions of the dielectric substrate. Agreement with the results obtained in the literature are shown, as well as experimental results. In some cases, the convergence analysis is also performed by considering the limiting conditions, like particular cases of isotropic materials or structures with dielectric of infinite size found in the literature. The numerical convergence of the formulation is also analyzed. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for the continuity of this work are presented


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In this thesis, a frequency selective surface (FSS) consists of a two-dimensional periodic structure mounted on a dielectric substrate, which is capable of selecting signals in one or more frequency bands of interest. In search of better performance, more compact dimensions, low cost manufacturing, among other characteristics, these periodic structures have been continually optimized over time. Due to its spectral characteristics, which are similar to band-stop or band-pass filters, the FSSs have been studied and used in several applications for more than four decades. The design of an FSS with a periodic structure composed by pre-fractal elements facilitates the tuning of these spatial filters and the adjustment of its electromagnetic parameters, enabling a compact design which generally has a stable frequency response and superior performance relative to its euclidean counterpart. The unique properties of geometric fractals have shown to be useful, mainly in the production of antennas and frequency selective surfaces, enabling innovative solutions and commercial applications in microwave range. In recent applications, the FSSs modify the indoor propagation environments (emerging concept called wireless building ). In this context, the use of pre-fractal elements has also shown promising results, allowing a more effective filtering of more than one frequency band with a single-layer structure. This thesis approaches the design of FSSs using pre-fractal elements based on Vicsek, Peano and teragons geometries, which act as band-stop spatial filters. The transmission properties of the periodic surfaces are analyzed to design compact and efficient devices with stable frequency responses, applicable to microwave frequency range and suitable for use in indoor communications. The results are discussed in terms of the electromagnetic effect resulting from the variation of parameters such as: fractal iteration number (or fractal level), scale factor, fractal dimension and periodicity of FSS, according the pre-fractal element applied on the surface. The analysis of the fractal dimension s influence on the resonant properties of a FSS is a new contribution in relation to researches about microwave devices that use fractal geometry. Due to its own characteristics and the geometric shape of the Peano pre-fractal elements, the reconfiguration possibility of these structures is also investigated and discussed. This thesis also approaches, the construction of efficient selective filters with new configurations of teragons pre-fractal patches, proposed to control the WLAN coverage in indoor environments by rejecting the signals in the bands of 2.4~2.5 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b) and 5.0~6.0 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). The FSSs are initially analyzed through simulations performed by commercial software s: Ansoft DesignerTM and HFSSTM. The fractal design methodology is validated by experimental characterization of the built prototypes, using alternatively, different measurement setups, with commercial horn antennas and microstrip monopoles fabricated for low cost measurements


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Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento dos problemas associados à influência da observabilidade e da visualização radial no projeto de sistemas de monitoramento para redes de grande magnitude e complexidade. Além disso, se propõe a apresentar soluções para parte desses problemas. Através da utilização da Teoria de Redes Complexas, são abordadas duas questões: (i) a localização e a quantidade de nós necessários para garantir uma aquisição de dados capaz de representar o estado da rede de forma efetiva e (ii) a elaboração de um modelo de visualização das informações da rede capaz de ampliar a capacidade de inferência e de entendimento de suas propriedades. A tese estabelece limites teóricos a estas questões e apresenta um estudo sobre a complexidade do monitoramento eficaz, eficiente e escalável de redes


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Spacecraft move with high speeds and suffer abrupt changes in acceleration. So, an onboard GPS receiver could calculate navigation solutions if the Doppler effect is taken into consideration during the satellite signals acquisition and tracking. Thus, for the receiver subject to such dynamic cope these shifts in the frequency signal, resulting from this effect, it is imperative to adjust its acquisition bandwidth and increase its tracking loop to a higher order. This paper presents the changes in the GPS Orion s software, an open architecture receiver produced by GEC Plessey Semiconductors, nowadays Zarlink, in order to make it able to generate navigation fix for vehicle under high dynamics, especially Low Earth Orbit satellites. GPS Architect development system, sold by the same company, supported the modifications. Furthermore, it presents GPS Monitor Aerospace s characteristics, a computational tool developed for monitoring navigation fix calculated by the GPS receiver, through graphics. Although it was not possible to simulate the software modifications implemented in the receiver in high dynamics, it was observed that the receiver worked in stationary tests, verified also in the new interface. This work also presents the results of GPS Receiver for Aerospace Applications experiment, achieved with the receiver s participation in a suborbital mission, Operation Maracati 2, in December 2010, using a digital second order carrier tracking loop. Despite an incident moments before the launch have hindered the effective navigation of the receiver, it was observed that the experiment worked properly, acquiring new satellites and tracking them during the VSB-30 rocket flight.


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Recently the planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications that needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of y and y . This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular and triangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure. This method is applied for the treatment of the fields in stacked structures. The Homogenization theory will be applied to obtaining the effective permittivity for s and p polarizations of the substrate composed of PBG material. Numerical results for the triangular and rectangular antennas with single layer, multilayers resonators with triangular and rectangular patches are presented (in photonic and isotropic substrates). Conclusions and suggestions for continuity of this work are presented


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Attacks to devices connected to networks are one of the main problems related to the confidentiality of sensitive data and the correct functioning of computer systems. In spite of the availability of tools and procedures that harden or prevent the occurrence of security incidents, network devices are successfully attacked using strategies applied in previous events. The lack of knowledge about scenarios in which these attacks occurred effectively contributes to the success of new attacks. The development of a tool that makes this kind of information available is, therefore, of great relevance. This work presents a support system to the management of corporate security for the storage, retrieval and help in constructing attack scenarios and related information. If an incident occurs in a corporation, an expert must access the system to store the specific attack scenario. This scenario, made available through controlled access, must be analyzed so that effective decisions or actions can be taken for similar cases. Besides the strategy used by the attacker, attack scenarios also exacerbate vulnerabilities in devices. The access to this kind of information contributes to an increased security level of a corporation's network devices and a decreased response time to occurring incidents