69 resultados para poedeiras leves
One of the main problems related to the use of diesel as fuel is the presence of sulfur (S) which causes environmental pollution and corrosion of engines. In order to minimize the consequences of the release of this pollutant, Brazilian law established maximum sulfur content that diesel fuel may have. To meet these requirements, diesel with a maximum sulfur concentration equal to 10 mg/kg (S10) has been widely marketed in the country. However, the reduction of sulfur can lead to changes in the physicochemical properties of the fuel, which are essential for the performance of road vehicles. This work aims to identify the main changes in the physicochemical properties of diesel fuel and how they are related to reduction of sulfur content. Samples of diesel types S10, S500 and S1800 were tested according with the methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The fuels were also characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and subjected to physical distillation (ASTM D86) and simulated distillation gas chromatography (ASTM D2887). The results showed that the reduction of sulfur turned the fuel lighter and fluid, allowing a greater applicability to low temperature environments and safer for transportation and storage. Through the simulated distillation data was observed that decreasing sulfur content resulted in higher initial boiling point temperatures and the decreasing of the boiling temperature of the medium and heavy fractions. Thermogravimetric analysis showed a loss event mass attributed to volatilization or distillation of light and medium hydrocarbons. Based on these data, the kinetic behavior of the samples was investigated and it was observed that the activation energies (Ea) did not show significant changes throughout conversion. Considering the average of these energies, the S1800 had the highest Ea during the conversion and the S10 the lowest values
This paper presents a study of the integration of filters and microstrip antennas, yielding devices named as filtennas for applications in wireless communications systems. The design of these structures is given from the observation of filtennas based integration between horn antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSS), used in the band X. The choice of microstrip line structures for the development of a new configuration filtennas justifies the wide application of these transmission lines, in recent decades, always resulting in the production of circuit structures with planar light-weight, compact size, low cost, easy to construct and particularly easy to integrate with other microwave circuits. In addition, the antenna structure considered for the composition of filtennas consists of a planar monopole microstrip to microstrip filters integrated in the feed line of the antenna. In particular, are considered elliptical monopole microstrip (operating in UWB UWB) microstrip filters and (in structures with associated sections in series and / or coupled). In addition, the monopole microstrip has a proper bandwidth and omnidirectional radiation pattern, such that its integration with microstrip filters results in decreased bandwidth, but with slight changes in the radiation pattern. The methods used in the analysis of monopoles, and filters were filtennas finite elements and moments by using commercial software Ansoft Designer and HFSS Ansoft, respectively. Specifically, we analyze the main characteristics of filtennas, such as radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth. Were designed, constructed and measures, several structures filtennas, for validation of the simulated results. Were also used computational tools (CAD) in the process of building prototypes of planar monopoles, filters and filtennas. The prototypes were constructed on substrates of glass-fiber (FR4). Measurements were performed at the Laboratory for Telecommunications UFRN. Comparisons were made between simulated and measured, and found good agreement in the cases considered
Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.
This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant disorder which affects the lip vermilion and results from chronic exposure to sunlight. Currently, it is not possible to predict which cases of AC may progress to squamous cell carcinoma, and therefore, some biomolecular markers have been researched. Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is an enzyme associated with inflammatory response which is overexpressed in oral cancer; however, little is known about the role of this protein in actinic cheilitis. About the treatment of this lesion, currently available therapeutic modalities to AC may cause cytotoxic effects and deleterious results to patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of COX-2 in AC of different risks of malignant transformation and analyse, through clinical follow-up, the efficacy of diclofenac sodium 3% gel in the treatment of this condition. Epithelial immunoexpression of COX-2 was analysed semi-quantitatively in 90 cases of AC classified as low risk (n = 55) and high risk (n = 35) of malignant transformation, in which the scores were assigned: (0) 0 to 5% of positive cells - Negative; (1) 6 to 30% of positive cells - Low expression; (2) 31 to 100% of positive cells - High expression. The chi-square test of Pearson was conducted to verify possible associations between immunoexpression of COX-2 and histologic grade of actinic cheilitis. The weighted kappa coefficient denoted a good interobserver agreement (0.677). Nineteen patients diagnosed with AC were instructed to perform topical application of the gel three times a day for a period of 90 days. In each biweekly visit, a follow-up record was accomplished through digital photographs and after treatment was completed, two researchers analysed all the images to assess clinical aspects of the lip. Furthermore, tolerability to the drug and patient satisfaction after treatment were evaluated. COX-2 was overexpressed in 74.4% of AC cases. Both low and high-risk groups revealed predominance of score 3, followed by scores 2 and 1. There was no significant association (p = 0.315) between COX-2 expression and histological grading. Among the total number of participants of this clinical study, ten showed total remission of all clinical features of the lesion and three had partial improvement of these characteristics. One participant presented worsening of the clinical condition. In five cases, the treatment was discontinued due to development of mild adverse effects at the site of gel application. Regarding analysis of satisfaction and tolerability to the drug, most patients were fully satisfied with the therapy (n = 11) and reported that the drug was not irritating to the lips (n = 9). Our study demonstrates that high expression of COX-2 is common in AC; however, this protein was not associated with malignant transformation risk of the analysed cases. Topical application of diclofenac sodium 3% gel provided a convenient and well tolerated approach in most cases, and may be a promising alternative for the treatment of actinic cheilitis.
Recomendações projetuais baseadas no clima são fontes importantes de diretrizes para os arquitetos. Uma das formas de obtenção dessas recomendações é por meio de normas, como a NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), que agrupa as cidades em zonas homogêneas quanto as estratégias sugeridas. O zoneamento bioclimático brasileiro divide o território do Rio Grande do Norte em duas zonas, a ZB 7 e ZB 8, que possuem algumas recomendações distintas, como aberturas grandes e vedações leves para a região litorânea contra aberturas pequenas e vedações pesadas para a região semiárida. Entretanto, outras configurações climáticas estão presentes no RN e não possuem clara recomendação. Este é o caso das regiões serranas e das regiões intermediárias entre o litoral e a região semiárida. Em virtude disso, este estudo visa encontrar recomendações bioclimáticas para habitações de interesse social nessas quatro condições climáticas. Para tanto, utilizou-se ferramenta computacional para realização de simulações das condições térmicas de três tipos de habitações populares - alongada, ramificada e compacta - e das seguintes estratégias: presença ou ausência de ventilação natural e sombreamento, massa térmica leve ou pesada, e Fator de Calor Solar alto ou baixo. Essas simulações foram realizadas para quatro condições climáticas do estado. Foram analisados os desempenhos de cada caso para identificar as estratégias e tipos de habitação recomendados para cada clima. De maneira geral, nos climas deNatal, Mossoró e Caicó viu-se que habitações com FCS baixo e com presença de ventilação natural possuem os melhores desempenhos. No clima de Areia, a ausência de ventilação aliada ao baixo FCS é que produziu os melhores desempenhos. O sombreamento melhora o desempenho nas cidades de clima quente, mas aumenta as horas com desconforto ao frio em Areia. A massa térmica varia de acordo com as demais estratégias, tendo casos em que habitações com massa térmica alta possuem melhores desempenhos que outros casos com massa térmica baixa. Por fim, viu-se que as estratégias para Natal, Caicó e Mossoró são bem semelhantes, com a recomendação de ventilação natural, FCS baixo nas vedações e sombreamento. Para Areia, a recomendação é não ventilar, ter FCS baixo e massa térmica alta.
Recomendações projetuais baseadas no clima são fontes importantes de diretrizes para os arquitetos. Uma das formas de obtenção dessas recomendações é por meio de normas, como a NBR 15220 (ABNT, 2005), que agrupa as cidades em zonas homogêneas quanto as estratégias sugeridas. O zoneamento bioclimático brasileiro divide o território do Rio Grande do Norte em duas zonas, a ZB 7 e ZB 8, que possuem algumas recomendações distintas, como aberturas grandes e vedações leves para a região litorânea contra aberturas pequenas e vedações pesadas para a região semiárida. Entretanto, outras configurações climáticas estão presentes no RN e não possuem clara recomendação. Este é o caso das regiões serranas e das regiões intermediárias entre o litoral e a região semiárida. Em virtude disso, este estudo visa encontrar recomendações bioclimáticas para habitações de interesse social nessas quatro condições climáticas. Para tanto, utilizou-se ferramenta computacional para realização de simulações das condições térmicas de três tipos de habitações populares - alongada, ramificada e compacta - e das seguintes estratégias: presença ou ausência de ventilação natural e sombreamento, massa térmica leve ou pesada, e Fator de Calor Solar alto ou baixo. Essas simulações foram realizadas para quatro condições climáticas do estado. Foram analisados os desempenhos de cada caso para identificar as estratégias e tipos de habitação recomendados para cada clima. De maneira geral, nos climas deNatal, Mossoró e Caicó viu-se que habitações com FCS baixo e com presença de ventilação natural possuem os melhores desempenhos. No clima de Areia, a ausência de ventilação aliada ao baixo FCS é que produziu os melhores desempenhos. O sombreamento melhora o desempenho nas cidades de clima quente, mas aumenta as horas com desconforto ao frio em Areia. A massa térmica varia de acordo com as demais estratégias, tendo casos em que habitações com massa térmica alta possuem melhores desempenhos que outros casos com massa térmica baixa. Por fim, viu-se que as estratégias para Natal, Caicó e Mossoró são bem semelhantes, com a recomendação de ventilação natural, FCS baixo nas vedações e sombreamento. Para Areia, a recomendação é não ventilar, ter FCS baixo e massa térmica alta.