91 resultados para capacidade antioxidante (DPPH)
Toxoplasmosis, a benign disease in normal healthy individuals, can have serious effects in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. It is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (Tg), an obligatory intracellular protozoan. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against this parasite is very restricted. Thus, there is an ongoing search for novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. A promising alternative is a rational approach using medicinal plants. This study aimed to standardize methodologies for assessing the toxicological, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-Toxoplasma effects of Estragole and Thymol compounds isolated from species of plants (Lippia sidoides and Croton zenhtneri) commonly used in the Cariri region of Ceara State, Brazil. First we evaluated in vivo toxicity and conducted a pathological analysis of mice livers. In vivo antiinflammatory activity was assessed using air pouch and paw edema methods. Cytotoxicity assays were performed and antiproliferative, antioxidant and nitric oxide production analyzed. Anti-Toxoplasma activity was evaluated in a congenital experimental model with varying stages of maternal infection using the ME-49 strain and a non- congenital model by using ME-49 and RH strains. The results suggest low to moderate toxicity for both compounds. Thymol was more toxic in vivo and in vitro, having greater pathological repercussion than Estragole. The compounds were inactive for antiproliferative activity. Thymol showed better antioxidant activity, while Estragole stimulated nitric oxide production in macrophages. Both showed significant antiinflammatory activity. In non-congenital Tg infection, both compounds were active only against the ME49 strain. In congenital infection, Estragole (oral route) improved the newborn weight of infected mothers compared with untreated controls. Subcutaneous administration of the two compounds increased the weight of offspring born to infected mothers compared with untreated controls. We concluded that Estragole and Thymol exhibit important biological and anti-Toxoplasma activities. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of action of these compounds and other possible activities not investigated in the present study
The aim of this study was to evaluate the pain influence regarding location, intensity and duration over functional capacity in institutionalized elderly (Fundacao Leur Brito). This is a descriptive exploratory study with a transversal design and quantitative approach. The population of the study was composed of 60 elderly, being 50% males with 60 years-old minimum age and 104 years-old maximum age, with mean age 77,6 (?}11,64) years-old. Data was collected by a structured query formulary divided in four parts: 1) Social, health and demographic characterization; 2) Pain related aspects (time and location); 3) Pain evaluation by numeric scale and 4) Functional capacity measured by Barthel Index. It was observed after evaluation by Squared-chi test (x2) statistical significant difference between pain presence and Barthel Index activities: bath (pvalue=0,015), dressing (p-value= 0,041), intimal hygiene transference (p-value=0,001), chair and bed transference (p-value=0,032), walking (p-value=0,010) and go upstairs (p-value=0,008). It was also observed statistical difference between total Barthel score (dependent/independent) and pain presence, p-value<0, 000. Through data obtained by this study, a multiprofessional approach is necessary to proper pain control and maintenance and/or regain of functional capacity, leading to an increase in life quality with more independence and autonomy to elderly
(Objective) Assess the functional capacity and determine the difference between the means of functional capacity (basic and instrumental activities of daily living) and the age groups of elderly residents in an outlying area in the hinterland of Bahia/Northeast of Brazil. (Methods) Analytical study with cross-sectional design and a sample of 150 elderly individuals enrolled in four Health Units in the municipality of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. The instrument consisted of sociodemographic and health data, the Barthel Index and the Lawton scale. (Results) In all, 78.00% of the elderly were classified as dependent in the basic activities and 65.33% in the instrumental activities of daily living. Using the Kruskal- Wallis test, we found a statistically significant difference between the means of instrumental activities and the age groups (p= 0.011). (Conclusion) An elevated number of elderly were classified as dependent in terms of functional capacity and increased age is related to greater impairment in the execution of instrumental activities of daily living
Medicinal plants have been used since antiquity to treat various human diseases. The leaves of Bauhinia monandra are widely used in Brazil as herbal remedies in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. From the leaves of B. monandra was purified a galactose-specific lectin, called BmoLL, which also showed a significant hypoglycemic capacity. Following the proposed rules by decree No 116 of 1996/08/08 of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the study aimed to evaluate the potential for toxicity and mutagenicity of BmoLL from the use of tests with Escherichia coli strain CC104 (Forward mutagenesis assay) with Salmonella typhimurium strain TA (Kado test), with plasmid pBCKS (Break occurrences in plasmid DNA) and enzyme exonuclease III (Search of abasic sites). The results demonstrated that the lectin was unable to increase the frequency of reverse mutation of strains of S. typhimurium, with and without metabolic activity. However, a significant decrease in the frequency of spontaneous mutation was observed in strains of E. coli, especially in poor repair (CC104mutMmutY), indicating an antioxidant potential of the lectin. BmoLL is unable to generate genotoxic and cytotoxic damage, based on the concentrations and the tests performed
Introdução: Os hormônios estrogênicos possuem importante papel na defesa contra as espécies reativas do oxigênio, fato que se evidencia na maior incidência de doenças cardiovasculares e neurodegenerativas após a menopausa. O exercício físico melhora as defesas antioxidantes, contudo em altas cargas e em baixas concentrações de estrógeno possui efeito aditivo ao dano oxidativo. O ácido α-lipóico possui uma ampla gama de ação antioxidante e poderia contribuir para diminuição do dano nestas condições. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar a ação do ácido α-lipóico sobre a adaptação antioxidante e funções reprodutivas de ratas submetidas a natação moderada. Material e métodos: Os animais foram submetidos a natação diária (1 hora) e sacrificados após 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os animais foram divididos em controles sedentários e exercitados; suplementados (ácido α-lipóico 100mg/Kg/dia) sedentários e exercitados e animais ovariectomizados e suplementados com ácido lipóico. Avaliou-se diariamente o ciclo estral e os seguintes marcadores de estresse oxidativos foram mensurados em fígado e sangue: atividade enzimática da SOD, GPx e CAT, além do SRAT e GSH. Resultados: O protocolo de exercício aumentou a duração do ciclo estral no grupo controle exercitado, sobretudo na fase diestral. Neste mesmo grupo, houve diminuição da lipoperoxidação com melhora da atividade antioxidante da SOD e GPx. O grupo exercitado e suplementado não apresentou alteração na duração do ciclo estral e manteve os benefícios sobre o sistema antioxidante antes observado nos animais exercitados. A suplementação antioxidante juntamente com a natação em períodos superiores a 30 dias, diminuiu o processo de adaptação antioxidante quando comparado aos animais somente exercitados. Nos animais ovariectomizados, o exercício e a suplementação com ácido lipóico não promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao contrário dos demais grupos. Conclusão: O aumento na duração do ciclo estral e a melhora nos marcadores de estresse oxidativo seriam uma resposta adaptativa frente ao exercício moderado. O ácido lipóico impediu a alteração no ciclo induzida pelo exercício, mas preservou a melhoria no sistema antioxidante. A depleção estrogênica provocada pela ovariectomia eleva o potencial de dano oxidativo gerado pelo exercício. A ação antioxidante do LA na presença de estrógeno diminuiu excessivamente o dano oxidativo, comprometendo a adaptação antioxidante a natação. Nos animais ovariectomizados, contudo, o AL promoveu adaptação antioxidante ao exercício
A incapacidade funcional e o déficit cognitivo são condições relacionadas com o processo de envelhecimento humano. O déficit cognitivo é considerado um importante fator preditor de prejuízos funcionais em populações idosas. Este estudo teve um caráter multidisciplinar na sua elaboração e execução, contando com profissionais de distintas áreas da saúde. Trata-se de um estudo transversal que analisou a associação do desempenho cognitivo na capacidade funcional de uma amostra populacional idosa residente em Natal-RN. Foram avaliados 213 idosos pelo Questionário Multidimensional BOAS e pelo Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Através de análise multivariada, mediante regressão linear, os resultados apontam a idade e o nível de escolaridade como fatores associados ao desempenho cognitivo nos idosos do estudo. O modelo explicativo final elaborado através de regressão logística apresentou o desempenho cognitivo como a única variável associada à incapacidade funcional para as atividades da vida diária, mesmo quando ajustado por variáveis sócio-demográficas. A identificação dos fatores, associados ao declínio do estado funcional dos idosos que vivem na comunidade, poderá reduzir o impacto dessas condições na capacidade funcional através da aplicação de medidas preventivas voltadas para este fim
A prática regular de exercício físico possibilita redução dos efeitos das disfunções hormonais e envelhecimento biológico natural que promovem desajustes hemodinâmicos, vasculares e músculo-esqueléticos, principalmente na população feminina no período pós-menopausa. Nesta fase da vida, o exercício aquático representa mais do que uma forma de ajuste funcional, é uma forma de manutenção de independência para as atividades da vida diária (AVD s) e melhoria na qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações adquiridas pela prática regular de um programa de exercício aquático concorrente de intensidade moderada no nível de óxido nítrico (ON), no índice de resistividade arterial (IR), no perfil lipídico, na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosas. A amostra foi formada por idosas (60 a 80 anos) selecionadas por randomização, por sorteio simples divididas em grupo controle e grupo de intervenção as quais foram submetidas a um programa de exercícios aquáticos proposto inicialmente em projeto piloto, por 12 semanas (n=34) e o ensaio clínico teve duração de 16 semanas (n=40). Foi coletada amostra sanguínea das idosas e avaliado o perfil lipídico pelo método enzimático com kit Labtest e o ON por medida indireta a partir da concentração de nitrito no sobrenadante das células em cultura em leitor de ELISA. A avaliação das artérias carótidas e vertebrais foi feita utilizando o método de ultra-som Doopler. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por quatro testes que simulam atividades da vida diária que são: caminhar 10 metros (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC) e o de levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV). No estudo piloto foi avaliado o índice geral de autonomia funcional (IG) e a qualidade de vida através do questionário WHOQOL-100. Empregou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas nos fatores grupo (GH e GC) e tempo (pré e pós-teste) para as comparações intra e intergrupos nas variáveis seguida do post hoc de Scheffé. Utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson e adotado o valor de p<0,05 para a significância estatística. Houve aumento do ON circulante, redução nos índices de resistividade arterial, melhoria significativa nos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides e ganho na capacidade funcional das idosas após a intervenção. Existiu correlação inversa entre a resistividade da artéria vertebral direita (VERTD) e níveis de ON e entre a VERTD e os níveis plasmáticos de HDL, assim como entre estes e o teste C10m nas idosas em estudo. Não houve modificações significativas na qualidade de vida das idosas. Em conclusão, o programa de exercício proposto foi capaz de oferecer melhorias funcionais, aumentar o nível de óxido nítrico circulante, diminuindo a resistência arterial promovendo modificações no perfil lipídico de idosas
O estudo tem como objetivo principal comparar o limiar e a tolerância à dor em mulheres com fibromialgia e mulheres sem sintomas de dor, correlacionando com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e força de preensão manual. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de corte transversal realizado na Universidade Potiguar e na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, envolvendo uma equipe multidisciplinar com fisioterapeutas, médicos e educadores físicos. Setenta e duas mulheres foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo com fibromialgia (GF, n = 40) e grupo controle (GC, n = 32) sem sintomas de dor, pareadas por idade e índice de massa corporal. Questionários foram usados para medir capacidade funcional (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire FIQ) e qualidade do sono (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - PSQI). Limiar e tolerância à dor foram medidas por um algômetro de pressão e para determinar força foi usado um dinamômetro de preensão manual. Na análise estatística o teste T de Student foi usado para comparar grupos e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi usado no GF para correlacionar limiar e tolerância à dor com as demais medidas. O GF mostrou piores resultados nas medianas comparado ao GC: limiar de dor 2 kg/cm2 versus 5,5 kg/cm2 (p <0,001), tolerância à dor 2,8 kg/cm2 versus 7,2 kg/cm2 (p <0,001) e força de preensão manual 14,5 kgf versus 25,2 kgf (p <0,001). Adicionalmente os dois questionários apresentaram resultados piores também no GF em relação ao GC, respectivamente: FIQ 65 versus 14,3 (p <0,001) e PSQI 13 versus 5 (p <0,001). No GF foi observada correlação negativa tanto entre o limiar de dor quanto a tolerância à dor com os escores do FIQ e do PSQI. No GF foram observadas correlações positivas tanto entre o limiar de dor (p <0,01) quanto a tolerância à dor (p <0,01) com força de preensão manual. É possível concluir que limiar de dor e tolerância à dor estão correlacionados com capacidade funcional, qualidade do sono e força de preensão manual em mulheres com fibromialgia
Bone is a dynamic tissue that is in constant process of remodeling in response to mechanical stress and hormonal changes. This study aimed to understand the relationship between the biochemical changes, which women in the menopausal transition are subject to, and how the use of an alternative therapy with lipoic acid (LA) could influence these changes. The study of double-blind, was carried out in perimenopausal women that underwent a three month treatment with 600 mg of AL compared with another group that received placebo during the same period. This study showed that women had a waist circunference and body mass index above the values recommended by WHO (WC ≥ 80 cm; BMI > 25kg/m2). Associated with this, these women had increased concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides, and borderline LDL (Total Cholesterol > 200mg/dL; Triglycerides > 150mg/dL; LDL >130mg/dL). These changes were not affected by treatment with AL. There were no shifts in liver profile (ALT, AST and GGT), kidney profile (urea, creatinine, total protein and albumin), mineral profile (Total Calcium, Ionized Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium) as well in bone markers (osteocalcin, Total Alkaline Phosphatase and Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase) after treatment with LA. The results of the oxidative profile showed that treatment with LA decreased GPx activity (p < 0,01), while for the TBARS, GSH and SOD activity there were no differences. With regard to SOD, this enzyme will submit to be high in the placebo group after 3 months of study (p<0,05). The expression of RANKL mRNA was reduced (p < 0,05) and of RANK increased (p <0.001), after treatment with LA, while the expression of IL-6 and TNF-ɑ genes were no changed. We conclude that women already in the perimenopause stage have changes in lipid profile and body composition that could induce shifts in oxidative and bone metabolism. However, LA treatment has provided an effective effect in the oxidative and bone profile since the earliest markers such as GPx activity and mRNA expression of RANKL, respectively, were reduced associated with no change in SOD activity. These results suggest a beneficial and protective effect of LA, indicating it potential as an alternative treatment to help the to prevent the complications associated with estrogen deficiency
Post-menopause is a period of women s life cycle that is characterized by estrogen depletion and therefore increasing cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, urogenital atrophy, osteoporosis, hot flushes and sexual discomfort incidences. Estrogen is a hormone with comfirmed antioxidant action and its depletion is related to oxidative stress instalation and damaging various important biomolecules. Regular physical activity has been identified as a factor involved in reducing women s post-menopausal complications in addition to improving antioxidant defense by reducing the oxidative damage and consequently improving life s quality in this part of the population. This study aims to evaluate the influence of hypoestrogenism in antioxidant adaptation due to regular exercise, by determining reduced glutathione (GSH) and Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (SRAT) concentrations and antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) activities in blood, brain and liver of rats. To achieve this goal we used 50 Wistar rats, weighing 180-250g which were divided into two groups, control - GC (25) and ooforectomized - GO (25). Each group was subdivided into five subgroups: Not-trained - S (5), Not-trained Acute Exercise - SEA (5), regular exercise 30 days - E30 (5), regular exercise 60 days - E60 (5) and regular exercise 90 days - E90 (5). Each of the three subgroups exercised regularly was subjected to acute exercise on the eve and the day of sacrifice to collect biological samples of blood, liver and brain and subsequent determination of SRAT concentration, GSH content and antioxidant enzymes GPx, SOD and CAT activities. The results indicated that the sedentary animals acutely exercised presented oxidative stress and regular physical activity led to antioxidant adaptation. In ooforectomized group the antioxidant adaptation seen in control animals showed to be impaired. Unlike the results from blood and liver, in brain there was a shield against oxidative damage originated by the exercise and that hypoestrogenism led to a loss of this natural antioxidant potential. Therefore, hypoestrogenism interferes negatively in antioxidant adaptation due to regular exercise
Spondias mombin is a fruitful species dispersed in tropical regions of America, Africa and Asia. In Brazil, the species can be found mainly in the northern and northeastern regions. Scarce chemical and pharmacological studies have been reported for S. mombin and until this moment studies about chemical markers were not developed. In this context, the aims of this study were to characterize the chemical markers from S. mombin leaves and evaluate their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative potentials. The chemical profile of the hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves analyzed by HPLC-DAD, through a validated method, allowed the identification and quantification of ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid. This extract showed anti-inflammatory potential in acute peritonitis model induced by carrageenan. The hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves was subjected to a liquid-liquid partition with the solvents: n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Regarding the anti-inflammatory potential of the fractions obtained they were active; however, ethyl acetate fraction at 200 mg/kg showed highlighted results. The compounds ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid also inhibited the leukocyte migration to the site of inflammation at 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg. The hydroethanolic extract, fractions and the chemical markers showed significant antioxidant potential when evaluated in different assays: DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging, Superoxide Radical Scavenging, Hydroxyl Radicals Scavenging and Reducing Power. Taken together our results showed that hydroethanolic extract of S. mombin leaves has ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid as bioactive markers and it demonstrated antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties besides no cytotoxicity against 3T3 cells. It enables us to suggest S. mombin as an important species to develop herbal drugs
The ability to work, considered as resulting from a dynamic process between the individual resources in relation to their work, influenced from various factors such as sociodemographic, lifestyle, aging process and requirements of work. Aiming analyze the ability to work in a population of public servants, the study analyzed 132 public servants volunteers of the infrastructure sector, in a Federal Institution of Higher Education of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast, Brazil. Data were collected through a questionnaire called the Index of Capacity for Work - ICT. The variable analysis was done by using descriptive statistics of means, standard deviations, median minimum and maximum values of the scores of quantitative variables. The joint analysis of the variables was performed by multiple linear regression. The server had low capacity to work 11 (8.33%), moderate 31 (23.48%), good 54 (40.91), and Great 28 (21.21). Multiple regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, education, age started to work, length of service, current capacity and full of disease, showed that best explained the variation of the CTI were age, current capacity and full of disease. The survey showed that 75% of the servers showed ICT below 43, so capacity low, moderate or good and only 25% of respondents had the CTI servers over 43 points, so great capacity for work. According to the recommendations of FIOH - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, for servers that have these scores be implemented whose objective is to restore the ability to work which is low, improving the capacity for moderate work, support the capacity for the good work and maintain the ability to work great. Therefore, we recommend that the ICT is implemented in other units of the IFES survey in the perspective of achieving a real situation of all its servers, enabling the implementation of these measures as necessary to promote recovery and health of its employees.
This work presents results of field and laboratory tests using a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, DCP. The tests were performed in order to evaluate the use of the equipment in sand for the control of bearing capacity of shallow foundations and fill compaction. For shallow foundations, the laboratory tests were conducted on sand placed in a metallic mould by the method of sand pluviation. Although the results show the inability to reproduce field conditions in the laboratory it was possible to verify the ability of the DCP to identify less resistant soil layers. The DCP tests for the analysis of compaction control were performed in a strong box with inside dimensions of 1,40 m x 1,40 m and 0,70 m in height. The soil layers were compacted with different densities though the use of a vibrating plate in order to obtain correlations between penetration index, DPI, and soil relative density. Other tests were also conducted to assess the influence of soil moisture on tests results. Among other findings, the results showed the great potential for the use of DCP to control the compaction of sand fills
The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information
Structures capable of absorbing large amounts of energy are of great interest, particularly for the automotive and aviation industries, to reduce tbe impact on passengers in the case of a collision. The energy absorption properties of composite materials structures can be tailored, thus making these structures an appealing option a substitute of more traditional structures in applications where energy absorption is crucial. ln this research, the influence of some parameters, which affect the energy absorption capacity of composite material tubes, was investigated. The tubes were fabricated by hand lay-up, using orthophthalic polyester resin and a plain weave E-glass fabric Test specimens were prepared and tested under compression load. The ínfluence of the following parameters on the specific energy absorption capacity of the tubes was studied: fiber configuration (0/90º or ± 45°), tube cross-section (circular or square), and processing conditions (with or without vacuum). The results indicated that circular cross-section tubes with fibers oriented at 0/90º presented the highest level of specific energy absorbed. Further, specimens from tubes fabricated under vacuum displayed higher energy absorption capacity, when compared with specimens from tubes fabricated without vacuum. Thus, it can be concluded that the fabrication process with vacuum produce composite structures with better energy absorption capacity