113 resultados para Separação conjugal


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Environmental sustainability has become one of the topics of greatest interest in industry, mainly due to effluent generation. Phenols are found in many industries effluents, these industries might be refineries, coal processing, pharmaceutical, plastics, paints and paper and pulp industries. Because phenolic compounds are toxic to humans and aquatic organisms, Federal Resolution CONAMA No. 430 of 13.05.2011 limits the maximum content of phenols, in 0.5 mg.L-1, for release in freshwater bodies. In the effluents treatment, the liquid-liquid extraction process is the most economical for the phenol recovery, because consumes little energy, but in most cases implements an organic solvent, and the use of it can cause some environmental problems due to the high toxicity of this compound. Because of this, exists a need for new methodologies, which aims to replace these solvents for biodegradable ones. Some literature studies demonstrate the feasibility of phenolic compounds removing from aqueous effluents, by biodegradable solvents. In this extraction kind called "Cloud Point Extraction" is used a nonionic surfactant as extracting agent of phenolic compounds. In order to optimize the phenol extraction process, this paper studies the mathematical modeling and optimization of extraction parameters and investigates the effect of the independent variables in the process. A 32 full factorial design has been done with operating temperature and surfactant concentration as independent variables and, parameters extraction: Volumetric fraction of coacervate phase, surfactant and residual concentration of phenol in dilute phase after separation phase and phenol extraction efficiency, as dependent variables. To achieve the objectives presented before, the work was carried out in five steps: (i) selection of some literature data, (ii) use of Box-Behnken model to find out mathematical models that describes the process of phenol extraction, (iii) Data analysis were performed using STATISTICA 7.0 and the analysis of variance was used to assess the model significance and prediction (iv) models optimization using the response surface method (v) Mathematical models validation using additional measures, from samples different from the ones used to construct the model. The results showed that the mathematical models found are able to calculate the effect of the surfactant concentration and the operating temperature in each extraction parameter studied, respecting the boundaries used. The models optimization allowed the achievement of consistent and applicable results in a simple and quick way leading to high efficiency in process operation.


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In recent decades, the generation of solid and liquid waste has increased substantially due to increased industrial activity that is directly linked to economic growth. For that is the most efficient process, it is inevitable generation of such wastes. In the oil industry, a major waste generated in oil exploration is produced water, which due to its complex composition and the large amount generated, has become a challenge, given the restrictions imposed by environmental laws regarding their disposal, making if necessary create alternatives for reuse or treatment in order to reduce the content of contaminants and reduce the harmful effects to the environment. This water can be present in free form or emulsified with the oil, when in the form of an emulsion of oil-water type, it is necessary to use chemicals to promote the separation and flotation is the treatment method which has proved to be more efficient, for it can remove much of the emulsified oil when compared to other methods. In this context, the object of this work was to study the individual effects and interactions of some physicochemical parameters of operations, based on previous work to a flotation cell used in the separation of synthetic emulsion oil / water in order to optimize the efficiency of the separation process through of the 24 full factorial design with center point. The response variables to evaluate the separation efficiency was the percentage of color and turbidity removal. The independent variables were: concentration of de-emulsifying, oil content in water, salinity and pH, these being fixed, minimum and maximum limits. The analysis of variance for the equation of the empirical model, was statistically significant and useful for predictive purposes the separation efficiency of the floater with R2 > 90%. The results showed that the oil content in water and the interaction between the oil content in water and salinity, showed the highest values of the estimated effects among all the factors investigated, having great and positive influence on the separation efficiency. By analyzing the response surface was determined maximum removal efficiency above 90% for both measured for turbidity as a measure of color when in a saline medium (30 g/L), the high oil concentrations (306 ppm) using low concentrations of de-emulsifying (1,1 ppm) and at pH close to neutral


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The present work has the main goal to study the modeling and simulation of a biphasic separator with induced phase inversion, the MDIF, with the utilization of the finite differences method for the resolution of the partial differencial equations which describe the transport of contaminant s mass fraction inside the equipment s settling chamber. With this aim, was developed the deterministic differential model AMADDA, wich was admensionalizated and then semidiscretizated with the method of lines. The integration of the resultant system of ordinary differential equations was realized by means of a modified algorithm of the Adam-Bashfort- Moulton method, and the sthocastic optimization routine of Basin-Hopping was used in the model s parameter estimation procedure . With the aim to establish a comparative referential for the results obtained with the model AMADDA, were used experimental data presented in previous works of the MDIF s research group. The experimental data and those obtained with the model was assessed regarding its normality by means of the Shapiro-Wilk s test, and validated against the experimental results with the Student s t test and the Kruskal-Wallis s test, depending on the result. The results showed satisfactory performance of the model AMADDA in the evaluation of the MDIF s separation efficiency, being possible to determinate that at 1% significance level the calculated results are equivalent to those determinated experimentally in the reference works


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The aim of this work is to use a new technology in the treatment of produced wastewaters from oil industry. An unit for treat produced waters called UTMDIF, was designed, installed and operated in an industrial plant for treatment of effluents from oil industry. This unit operates by means of the method of separation of phase inversion and can become a promising alternative to solve the problem of oil/water separation. This method constitutes the basis of the working of a new design of mixersettler of vertical configuration which occupies small surface area. The last characteristic becomes specially important when there is limitation on the lay-out of the plant, for example, over maritime platforms to explore oil. This equipment in a semi-industrial scale treats produced wastewaters contaminated with oil at low concentrations (ranging from 30 to 150 mg/L) and throughputs of 320 m3/d (47,4 m3 m-2 h-1). Good results were obtained in oil/water separation which leads to the necessary specification to discharge those wastewaters. Besides, the non dependence of the efficiency of separation in spite of the salinity of the medium becomes the equipment an attractive new technology to treat wastewaters containing oil at low concentrations


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Naphthenic lubricating oils are used in transformers with the purpose of promoting electrical insulation and dissipating heat. The working temperature range of these oils typically lies between 60°C and 90°C and their useful life is 40 years in average. In that temperature range, the oils are decomposed during operation, whereby a small fraction of polar compounds are formed. The presence of these compounds may induce failure and loss of physical, chemical and electrical properties of the oil, thus impairing the transformer operation. By removing these contaminants, one allows the oxidized insulating oil to be reused without damaging the equipment. In view of this, an investigation on the use of surfactants and microemulsions as extracting agents, and modified diatomite as adsorbent, has been proprosed in this work aiming to remove polar substances detected in oxidized transformer oils. The extraction was carried out by a simple-contact technique at room temperature. The system under examination was stirred for about 10 minutes, after which it was allowed to settle at 25°C until complete phase separation. In another experimental approach, adsorption equilibrium data were obtained by using a batch system operating at temperatures of 60, 80 and 100°C. Analytical techniques involving determination of the Total Acidity Number (TAN) and infrared spectrophotometry have been employed when monitoring the decomposition and recovery processes of the oils. The acquired results indicated that the microemulsion extraction system comprising Triton® X114 as surfactant proved to be more effective in removing polar compounds, with a decrease in TAN index from 0.19 to 0.01 mg KOH/g, which is consistent with the limits established for new transformer oils (maximal TAN = 0.03 mg KOH/g). In the adsorption studies, the best adsorption capacity values were as high as 0.1606 meq.g/g during conventional adsoprtion procedures using natural bauxite, and as high as 0.016 meq.g/g for the system diatomite/Tensiofix® 8426. Comparatively in this case, a negative effect could be observed on the adsorption phenomenon due to microemulsion impregnation on the surface of the diatomite


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Innovative technologies using surfactant materials have applicability in several industrial fields, including petroleum and gas areas. This study seeks to investigate the use of a surfactant derived from coconut oil (SCO saponified coconut oil) in the recovery process of organic compounds that are present in oily effluents from petroleum industry. For this end, experiments were accomplished in a column of small dimension objectifying to verify the influence of the surfactant SCO in the efficiency of oil removal. This way, they were prepared emulsions with amount it fastens of oil (50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm), being determined the great concentrations of surfactant for each one of them. Some rehearsals were still accomplished with produced water of the industry of the petroleum to compare the result with the one of the emulsions. According to the experiments, it was verified that an increase of the surfactant concentration does not implicate in a greater oil removal. The separation process use gaseous bubbles formed when a gas stream pass a liquid column, when low surfactant concentrations are used, it occurs the coalescence of the dispersed oil droplets and their transport to the top of the column, forming a new continuous phase. Such surfactants lead to a gas-liquid interface saturation, depending on the used surfactant concentration, affecting the flotation process and influencing in the removal capacity of the oily dispersed phase. A porous plate filter, with pore size varying from 40 to 250 mm, was placed at the base of the column to allow a hydrodynamic stable operation. During the experimental procedures, the operating volume of phase liquid was held constant and the rate of air flow varied in each experiment. The resulting experimental of the study hydrodynamic demonstrated what the capturing of the oil was influenced by diameter of the bubbles and air flow. With the increase flow of 300 about to 900 cm3.min-1, occurred an increase in the removal of oil phase of 44% about to 66% and the removal kinetic of oil was defined as a reaction of 1° order


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An evaluation project was conducted on the technique of treatment for effluent oil which is the deriving process to improve cashews. During the evaluation the following techniques were developed: advanced processes of humid oxidation, oxidative processes, processes of biological treatment and processes of adsorption. The assays had been carried through in kinetic models, with an evaluation of the quality of the process by means of determining the chemical demand of oxygen (defined as a technique of control by means of comparative study between the available techniques). The results demonstrated that the natural biodegradation of the effluent ones is limited, as result using the present natural flora in the effluent one revealed impracticable for an application in the industrial systems, independent of the evaluation environment (with or without the oxygen presence). The job of specific microorganisms for the oily composite degradation developed the viability technique of this route, the acceptable levels of inclusion in effluent system of treatment of the improvement of the cashew being highly good with reasonable levels of removal of CDO. However, the use combined with other techniques of daily pay-treatment for these effluent ones revealed to still be more efficient for the context of the treatment of effluent and discarding in receiving bodies in acceptable standards for resolution CONAMA 357/2005. While the significant generation of solid residues the process of adsorption with agroindustrial residues (in special the chitosan) is a technical viable alternative, however, when applied only for the treatment of the effluent ones for discarding in bodies of water, the economic viability is harmed and minimized ambient profits. Though, it was proven that if used for ends of I reuse, the viability is equalized and justifies the investments. There was a study of the photochemistry process which have are applicable to the treatment of the effluent ones, having resulted more satisfactory than those gotten for the UV-Peroxide techniques. There was different result on the one waited for the use of catalyses used in the process of Photo. The catalyses contained the mixing oxide base of Cerium and Manganese, incorporated of Potassium promoters this had presented the best results in the decomposition of the involved pollutants. Having itself an agreed form the gotten photochemistry daily paytreatment resulted, then after disinfection with chlorine the characteristics next the portability to the water were guarantee. The job of the humid oxidation presented significant results in the removal of pollutants; however, its high cost alone is made possible for job in projects of reuses, areas of low scarcity and of raised costs with the capitation/acquisition of the water, in special, for use for industrial and potable use. The route with better economic conditions and techniques for the job in the treatment of the effluent ones of the improvement of the cashew possesses the sequence to follow: conventional process of separation water-oil, photochemistry process and finally, the complementary biological treatment


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During production of oil and gas, there is also the production of an aqueous effluent called produced water. This byproduct has in its composition salts, organic compounds, gases and heavy metals. This research aimed to evaluate the integration of processes Induced Air Flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton for reducing the Total Oils and Greases (TOG) present in produced water. Experiments were performed with synthetic wastewater prepared from the dispersion of crude oil in saline solution. The system was stirred for 25 min at 33,000 rpm and then allowed to stand for 50 min to allow free oil separation. The initial oil concentration in synthetic wastewater was 300 ppm and 35 ppm for the flotation and the photo-Fenton steps, respectively. These values of initial oil concentration were established based on average values of primary processing units in Potiguar Basin. The processes were studied individually and then the integration was performed considering the best experimental conditions found in each individual step. The separation by flotation showed high removal rate of oil with first-order kinetic behavior. The flotation kinetics was dependent on both the concentration and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the surfactant. The best result was obtained for the concentration of 4.06.10-3 mM (k = 0.7719 min-1) of surfactant EO 2, which represents 86% of reduction in TOG after 4 min. For series of surfactants evaluated, the separation efficiency was found to be improved by the use of surfactants with low HLB. Regarding the TOG reduction step by photo-Fenton, the largest oil removal reached was 84% after 45 min of reaction, using 0.44 mM and 10 mM of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. The best experimental conditions encountered in the integrated process was 10 min of flotation followed by 45 min of photo-Fenton with overall TOG reduction of 99%, which represents 5 ppm of TOG in the treated effluent. The integration of processes flotation and photo-Fenton proved to be highly effective in reducing TOG of produced water in oilfields


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The nonionic surfactants when in aqueous solution, have the property of separating into two phases, one called diluted phase, with low concentration of surfactant, and the other one rich in surfactants called coacervate. The application of this kind of surfactant in extraction processes from aqueous solutions has been increasing over time, which implies the need for knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of these surfactants. In this study were determined the cloud point of polyethoxylated surfactants from nonilphenolpolietoxylated family (9,5 , 10 , 11, 12 and 13), the family from octilphenolpolietoxylated (10 e 11) and polyethoxylated lauryl alcohol (6 , 7, 8 and 9) varying the degree of ethoxylation. The method used to determine the cloud point was the observation of the turbidity of the solution heating to a ramp of 0.1 ° C / minute and for the pressure studies was used a cell high-pressure maximum ( 300 bar). Through the experimental data of the studied surfactants were used to the Flory - Huggins models, UNIQUAC and NRTL to describe the curves of cloud point, and it was studied the influence of NaCl concentration and pressure of the systems in the cloud point. This last parameter is important for the processes of oil recovery in which surfactant in solution are used in high pressures. While the effect of NaCl allows obtaining cloud points for temperatures closer to the room temperature, it is possible to use in processes without temperature control. The numerical method used to adjust the parameters was the Levenberg - Marquardt. For the model Flory- Huggins parameter settings were determined as enthalpy of the mixing, mixing entropy and the number of aggregations. For the UNIQUAC and NRTL models were adjusted interaction parameters aij using a quadratic dependence with temperature. The parameters obtained had good adjust to the experimental data RSMD < 0.3 %. The results showed that both, ethoxylation degree and pressure increase the cloudy points, whereas the NaCl decrease


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The drilling fluid used to assist in the drilling operation of oil wells, accumulates solids inherent in the formation as it is circulated in the well, interfering in the fluid performance during operation. It is discarded after use. The disposal of these fluids causes one of the most difficult environmental problems in the world. This study aims to promote liquid phase separation of drilling fluids, which have circulated in oil wells, and enable this recovered liquid to formulate a new fluid. For this, non-ionic surfactants were used in order to select the best outcome in phase separation. Five real water-based drilling fluids were utilized, which were collected directly from the fields of drilling oil wells, classified as polymeric fluids. The methodology used consisted in combining the fluid with surfactant and then subjecting it to a process of centrifugation or decantation. The decantating tests were scheduled through experimental planning 23 and 32, using as variables the percentage (%) of surfactant utilized and the stirring time in minutes. The surfactants used were ethoxylated nonylphenol and lauryl alcohol ethoxylated with different degrees of ethoxylation. Phase separation was monitored first by tests of stability, and subsequently by the height of the interface in beakers of 100 mL. The results showed that from the surfactants studied, the lauryl alcohol ethoxylated with 3 ethoxylation units has been the most effective in the phase separation process of the drilling fluids tested. The statistical tool used was of great industrial value regarding the programming phase separation in drilling fluids. In conclusion, the liquid phase separated using surfactant can be reused for a new formulation of drilling fluid with similar properties of a new fluid, assuring its efficiency. And in the resulting analysis it is also suggested that the adsorption is the mechanism that leads the phase separation, with surfactant adsorbing in the active solids


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The present work has as objective the knowledge of the process of drying of the cephalothorax of shrimp to give support the industry to make possible the use of this byproduct. In this sense, the process conditions in this tray dryer and spouted bed were analyzed. With these results, it was projected and constructs a dryer with specific characteristics for the drying of the cephalothorax. The desorption isotherms were obtained by the dynamic method in the temperatures of 20, 35 and 50º C and in the interval of 10-90% of relative humidity. It was observed that the product in form of powder can be conserved with larger stability for lower relative humidity to 40%. The curves of drying of the dryer of fixed bed were adjusted for the models: single exponential, biparametric exponential and Page. The model biparametric exponential more adequately described all the drying conditions studied. The tests carry out in spouted bed showed high drying rate for the material in the paste form in beds active dynamicly-fluid, provely the necessity of a feeding in shorter intervals of time to increase the thermal efficiency of the process. The projected dryer, be considered the obtained results, it was a rotary dryer with inert bed, feed co-current, discharge in cyclone to take place the separation gas-solid, and feed carry out in intervals of 2 minutes. The optimization of the equipment projected it was accomplished used the complete factorial experimental design 24, this had as independent variables temperature velocity of the air, feed flow rate and encapsulated concentration (albumin), as variables answers the thermal efficiency, the moisture content of obtained powder, total time of test and the efficiency of production of powder in several points of processing. The results showed that the rotary dryer with inert bed can present, also, good results if applied industrially


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The mirror has always been related to different symbols, usually connected to self-knowledge and truth. This is due to the fact that this object shows whoever looks oneself in it an image as close to reality as it is possible. On the other hand, the mirror is also associated to mysticism and to the supernatural for it can magically duplicate one who looks into it. This ambiguous characteristic turns the mirror into an element that is fantastic in itself and places it in the central position of our discussion. Therefore, in this study, we analyze the texts In a Glass Darkly, by Agatha Christie, The Oval Portrait, by Edgar Allan Poe, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, giving special attention to the study of the images and artificial representations of men: the mirror, as an ephemeral representation; and the portrait, as an attempt to eternize an ephemeral image. We also discuss themes such as jealousy, the double, and death in the several forms in which it appears in the texts: suicides, homicides, attempted murders, death in life (mourning, separation, and developmental phases) all of which are, somehow, related to the specular representations. The narrative resource of using a mirror to introduce the supernatural event, along with the theme of death in all the narratives we have studied, and the difficulty to place these texts within the pre-established genres led us to categorize them as being part of a hybrid genre that presents characteristics both of the fantastic and of the detective story which we have named fantastic-detective story


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Esta investigación toma como tema la asignatura Lengua Portuguesa en el contexto de la enseñanza media integrada a la educación profesional, implementado en el año de 2005, en el Instituto Federal de Educação, ciência y tecnología del Rio Grande do Norte. En el ámbito general, objetiva analizar las voces reveladas en posicionamientos sobre la asignatura Lengua Portuguesa en este contexto. En este estudio, el uso del adjetivo integrado es comprendido como revelador de una formación escolar no basada en investigaciones dicotómicas, sobre todo en aquellas que evidencian una separación entre el conocimiento y el ejercicio profesional. Se buscó aporte teórico en los debates del área de educación, sobre formación integrada, en la visión de contemporaneidad de Bauman y en la concepción de lenguaje de M. Bakhtin. El corpus se compone de material empírico de la naturaleza cuantitativa y cualitativa, obtenido por medio de aplicación de cuestionarios con alumnos y profesionales, además del análisis documental de los PCNEM y de las OCEM, a lo que se refiere a asignatura Lengua Portuguesa. El direccionamiento metodológico es guiado por el paradigma cualitativo inserido en una perspectiva socio-histórica y eligió como categoría de análisis el concepto de voces sociales. Los resultados indican que la asignatura Lengua Portuguesa, en la perspectiva de integración con el mundo del trabajo, adquiere, en mayor o menor grado, en lo observado en los documentos oficiales y en los posicionamientos de alumnos y profesionales de la enseñanza media integrada a la educación profesional del IFRN, un perfil cuya esencia, lejos de asumir características de una enseñanza instrumental reductora, requiere una concepción de lenguaje que esté en sintonía con el mundo del trabajo de la sociedad contemporánea, una sociedad cada vez más abierta a la pluralidad de opiniones y a la ambivalencia de sentidos


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The effect of confinement on the magnetic structure of vortices of dipolar coupled ferromagnetic nanoelements is an issue of current interest, not only for academic reasons, but also for the potential impact in a number of promising applications. Most applications, such as nano-oscillators for wireless data transmission, benefit from the possibility of tailoring the vortex core magnetic pattern. We report a theoretical study of vortex nucleation in pairs of coaxial iron and Permalloy cylinders, with diameters ranging from 21nm to 150nm, and 12nm and 21nm thicknesses, separated by a non-magnetic layer. 12nm thick iron and Permalloy isolated (single) cylinders do not hold a vortex, and 21nm isolated cylinders hold a vortex. Our results indicate that one may tailor the magnetic structure of the vortices, and the relative chirality, by selecting the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer and the values of the cylinders diameters and thicknesses. Also, the dipolar interaction may induce vortex formation in pairs of 12nm thick nanocylinders and inhibit the formation of vortices in pairs of 21nm thick nanocylinders. These new phases are formed according to the value of the distance between the cylinderes. Furthermore, we show that the preparation route may control relative chirality and polarity of the vortex pair. For instance: by saturating a pair of Fe 81nm diameter, 21nm thickness cylinders, along the crystalline anisotropy direction, a pair of 36nm core diameter vortices, with same chirality and polarity is prepared. By saturating along the perpendicular direction, one prepares a 30nm diameter core vortex pair, with opposite chirality and opposite polarity. We also present a theoretical discussion of the impact of vortices on the thermal hysteresis of a pair of interface biased elliptical iron nanoelements, separated by an ultrathin nonmagnetic insulating layer. We have found that iron nanoelements exchange coupled to a noncompensated NiO substrate, display thermal hysteresis at room temperature, well below the iron Curie temperature. The thermal hysteresis consists in different sequences of magnetic states in the heating and cooling branches of a thermal loop, and originates in the thermal reduction of the interface field, and on the rearrangements of the magnetic structure at high temperatures, 5 produce by the strong dipolar coupling. The width of the thermal hysteresis varies from 500 K to 100 K for lateral dimensions of 125 nm x 65 nm and 145 nm x 65 nm. We focus on the thermal effects on two particular states: the antiparallel state, which has, at low temperatures, the interface biased nanoelement with the magnetization aligned with the interface field and the second nanoelement aligned opposite to the interface field; and in the parallel state, which has both nanoelements with the magnetization aligned with the interface field at low temperatures. We show that the dipolar interaction leads to enhanced thermal stability of the antiparallel state, and reduces the thermal stability of the parallel state. These states are the key phases in the application of pairs of ferromagnetic nanoelements, separated by a thin insulating layer, for tunneling magnetic memory cells. We have found that for a pair of 125nm x 65nm nanoelements, separated by 1.1nm, and low temperature interface field strength of 5.88kOe, the low temperature state (T = 100K) consists of a pair of nearly parallel buckle-states. This low temperature phase is kept with minor changes up to T= 249 K when the magnetization is reduced to 50% of the low temperature value due to nucleation of a vortex centered around the middle of the free surface nanoelement. By further increasing the temperature, there is another small change in the magnetization due to vortex motion. Apart from minor changes in the vortex position, the high temperature vortex state remains stable, in the cooling branch, down to low temperatures. We note that wide loop thermal hysteresis may pose limits on the design of tunneling magnetic memory cells