118 resultados para Reconfiguração de laboratórios remotos


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To manage the complexity associated with the management of multimedia distributed systems, a solution must incorporate concepts of middleware in order to hide specific hardware and operating systems aspects. Applications in these systems can be implemented in different types of platforms, and the components of these systems must interact each with the other. Because of the variability of the state of the platforms implementation, a flexible approach should allow dynamic substitution of components in order to ensure the level of QoS of the running application . In this context, this work presents an approach in the layer of middleware that we are proposing for supporting dynamic substitution of components in the context the Cosmos framework , starting with the choice of target component, rising taking the decision, which, among components candidates will be chosen and concluding with the process defined for the exchange. The approach was defined considering the Cosmos QoS model and how it deals with dynamic reconfiguration


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The use of middleware technology in various types of systems, in order to abstract low-level details related to the distribution of application logic, is increasingly common. Among several systems that can be benefited from using these components, we highlight the distributed systems, where it is necessary to allow communications between software components located on different physical machines. An important issue related to the communication between distributed components is the provision of mechanisms for managing the quality of service. This work presents a metamodel for modeling middlewares based on components in order to provide to an application the abstraction of a communication between components involved in a data stream, regardless their location. Another feature of the metamodel is the possibility of self-adaptation related to the communication mechanism, either by updating the values of its configuration parameters, or by its replacement by another mechanism, in case of the restrictions of quality of service specified are not being guaranteed. In this respect, it is planned the monitoring of the communication state (application of techniques like feedback control loop), analyzing performance metrics related. The paradigm of Model Driven Development was used to generate the implementation of a middleware that will serve as proof of concept of the metamodel, and the configuration and reconfiguration policies related to the dynamic adaptation processes. In this sense was defined the metamodel associated to the process of a communication configuration. The MDD application also corresponds to the definition of the following transformations: the architectural model of the middleware in Java code, and the configuration model to XML


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Multimedia systems must incorporate middleware concepts in order to abstract hardware and operational systems issues. Applications in those systems may be executed in different kinds of platforms, and their components need to communicate with each other. In this context, it is needed the definition of specific communication mechanisms for the transmission of information flow. This work presents a interconnection component model for distributed multimedia environments, and its implementation details. The model offers specific communication mechanisms for transmission of information flow between software components considering the Cosmos framework requirements in order to support component dynamic reconfiguration


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Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network


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Multimedia systems must incorporate middleware concepts in order to abstract hardware and operational systems issues. Applications in those systems may be executed in different kinds of platforms, and their components need to communicate with each other. In this context, it is needed the definition of specific communication mechanisms for the transmission of information flow. This work presents a interconnection component model for distributed multimedia environments, and its implementation details. The model offers specific communication mechanisms for transmission of information flow between software components considering the Cosmos framework requirements in order to support component dynamic reconfiguration


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About 40% of the earth is occupied by tropical and subtropical forests, including 42% of dry forests, where there is Caatinga Bioma, contemplating tree forests and shrubs, with xerophytic characteristics. Study and conservations of Caatinga biologic diversity is one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science because those are, proportionally, the less studied among natural areas, with most of the scientific effort centered in very few points around the main cities in the area and also because it is the less protected natural Brazilian area. The environmental degradation is constantly increasing and has its rhythm accelerated by the men appropriation to meet or not their own needs. Therefore, species conservation should be based in three principles: the use of natural resources by present generation, waste prevention and use of the natural resources to benefit the majority of the citizens. Among the strategies to species conservation, we can mention the ex situ conservation , in which the conservation of genetic resources may be realized outside of the natural environment in which the species occur, and in situ conservation , or, in other words, in the places where the species occur. In ex situ conservation, the germplasm collections are maintained in the field and/or in laboratories (conservation chambers), and this mainly conserves intraspecific diversity (genetic variance), the ex situ collections are continuously enriched by collection activities, introduction and germplasm interchange; the in situ conservation preserving ecosystems and habitats, maintaining and recovering native population of species of interest. So, the objective of this paper is the search for strategies to the conservation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia B. (sabiá) using instruments of environmental perception and plant biotechnology, as mechanisms of in situ and ex situ conservation. To environmental perception, were realized open, semi-structured and qualitative interviews. The questions included socioeconomic data and knowledge of Sabiá specie. To plant biotechnology, Sabiá seed collection were realized in different location to formation of a germplasm bank. The specie micropropagation was made from nodal segment of plants from the matrizeiro. About the knowledge of rural populations and the use of Sabiá plant, some preferences occurred from speeches that the plant possesses a firm wood, not attacked by termites, legalized for exploration by the Brazilian environmental organ (IBAMA), and is a native specie. This research found the rural population has knowledge about Sabiá specie and the natural resources are exhausting. The proposal that the rural community brought was the donation of the Sabiá specie seeding initiating on the rain season, in which the seeding would be plated between the lots, in individual plantations. To the formation of a matrix bank, plant biothecnology brought answers favorable to Sabiá specie seeding, with the formation of multiple shoots


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A progressiva diminuição de carga horária destinada às disciplinas baseadas em microscopia, os altos custos dos laboratórios e a necessidade de materiais multimídia que integrem a teoria com a prática e incentivem os alunos a estudar têm propiciado o desenvolvimento de atlas interativos e ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, que são, em geral, pouco adotados por professores e alunos. O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de Histologia, baseado na metodologia de design participativo e em princípios da ergopedagogia, no qual alunos e professores conduziram sua construção. Com base na avaliação do protótipo, concluiu-se que, embora os ambientes virtuais devam adequar-se às necessidades de aprendizagem, características dos alunos e ao contexto de uso, é preciso que os professores integrem estes recursos em suas práticas de ensino, para seu uso efetivo


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This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.


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Ce travail de thèse ici proposé a comme but de recherche la production litéraire du poète brésilien Manoel Wenceslau Leite Barros, Manoel de Barros, (1916 Cuiabá-MT) en l articulant avec la reflexion sur le concept de politique de l écrite proposé par le philosophe algérien-français Jacques Rancière (1940 Algiers Algérie). L hypothèse qui se presente est celle sur l écrite poétique de Manoel de Barros dont les ―marques du sensible‖ dans les expériences démocratiques sont perceptibles. Sa production inclue ce que se peut denominer d une micrologie poétique, une reconfiguration du ―partager‖, dans le sense de l élaboration pratiques de l égalité, des pratiques de redistribution et de circulation des voix, instauratrices de la constitution esthétiques des communautés différenciées, considérées comme alternatives, face au modèle de système canonique de la litérature. Au moment que sa fonctionnent comme des formes de subvertions, elles produisent des espaces ou marge d émancipation de l être : lecteur et écrivain, en déclanchant des nouvelles perspectives éthiques et esthétiques. De cette manière, l objectif qui se dessine est ce qui comprend comment se configure la proposition d une politique de l écrite de Manoel de Barros et la façon qu elle se place par rapport à une politique des arts. Pour cela, nous utiliseront comme base la pensée de Jacques Rancière qui se fait remarquer, les dernières années, pour entreprendre une refléxion systématique et lucide par rapport aux relations éxistantes entre esthétique et politique dans la société présente, alié à ce que se défine comme des manières et des formes de penser élaborées par le texte poétique (lui même) de Manoel de Barros et de manière incontinué dans ses entretiens-critiques, plubliées dans des journaux et revues, présentées en vidéos, et nous n oublierons pas non plus des contributions théoriques et des refléxions parvenues de la pensée contemporaine


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This thesis encompasses the integration of geological, geophysical, and seismological data in the east part of the Potiguar basin, northeastern Brazil. The northeastern region is located in South American passive margin, which exhibits important areas that present neotectonic activity. The definition of the chronology of events, geometry of structures generated by these events, and definition of which structures have been reactivated is a necessary task in the region. The aims of this thesis are the following: (1) to identify the geometry and kinematics of neotectonic faults in the east part of the Potiguar basin; (2) to date the tectonic events related to these structures and related them to paleoseismicity in the region; (3) to present evolutional models that could explain evolution of Neogene structures; (4) and to investigate the origin of the reactivation process, mainly the type of related structure associated with faulting. The main type of data used comprised structural field data, well and resistivity data, remote sensing imagery, chronology of sediments, morphotectonic analysis, x-ray analysis, seismological and aeromagnetic data. Paleostress analysis indicates that at least two tectonic stress fields occurred in the study area: NSoriented compression and EW-oriented extension from the late Campanian to the early Miocene and EW-oriented compression and NS-oriented extension from the early Miocene to the Holocene. These stress fields reactivated NE-SW- and NW-SE-trending faults. Both set of faults exhibit right-lateral strike-slip kinematics, associated with a minor normal component. It was possible to determine the en echelon geometry of the Samambaia fault, which is ~63 km long, 13 km deep, presents NE-SW trend and strong dip to NW. Sedimentfilled faults in granite rocks yielded Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Single-Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) ages at 8.000 - 9.000, 11.000 - 15.000, 16.000 - 24.000, 37.000 - 45.500, 53.609 - 67.959 e 83.000 - 84.000 yr BP. The analysis of the ductile fabric in the João Câmara area indicate that the regional foliation is NE-SW-oriented (032o - 042o), which coincides with the orientation of the epicenters and Si-rich veins. The collective evidence points to reactivation of preexisting structures. Paleoseismological data suggest paleoseismic activity much higher than the one indicated by the short historical and instrumental record


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This doctorate thesis concerning on the Characterization of the Environmental Dynamics of the Coastal Area of the Municipal district of Galinhos, Septentrional Coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, is located in the influence area of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, having as general objective the understanding of the active coastal dynamics in the region of Galinhos, whose specific objectives were: To study the variation of the coast line in the decades of 1954, 1967,1988, 1996, 2000, from remote sensing products; To elucidate the hypothesis of the region of Galinhos to have been an old system of islands barriers, using as basic tool the penetration radar in the soil - GPR; To monitor and to characterize the coastal dynamics of the study area starting from monthly data of beach profiles, sedimentological analysis, hydrodynamic data and environmental characterization data; which were used to feed the database of the N-NE network of Environmental Monitoring of Areas under Influence of the Petroliferous Industry;(REDE05/FINEP/CNPq/CTPETRO/ PETROBRAS). This research is justified, of the environmental point of view, by involving the mangrove ecosystem considered one of the most delicated environments of the State. From the viewpoint of the petroleum exploration, the systems of islands barriers are favorable for hydrocarbons reservoirs and, consequently important targets to the oil and gas industry, becoming this region attractive in comparison with similar lithified environments. With the results of the variability study in the position of the coast line in the Municipal district of Galinhos/RN from the analysis of remote sensing images, it was possible to investigate the changes in the coast line in temporal scale; the use of directional filters allowed to emphasize linings in the direction NE and to identify submerged features such as sandwaves. The use of GPR enabled the confirmation of paleochannels existence and thus confirmed the hypothesis that the Galinhos spit was formed from an old system of islands barriers. The results of the granulometric analyses indicated that in the summer period the sediments in the profiles A and B in the foreshore portion were classified with the granulometry of sand with scattered gravel and in the shoreface were constituted by sand, but in the winter period these same morphologic compartments were constituted by sand with sparse gravel and siltic sand respectively. In the profile C, in the summer and in the winter, the shoreface and foreshore compartments presented predominantly constituted by sand with sparse gravel. The hydrodynamic results showed that the largest wave heights were registered in the month of February (62 cm) and the highest period of 1,00 m/s in the month of May, the sense of the coastal currents was kept among the quadrants SW and NW, and the winds coming from NE were predominant. The analysis of the beach profiles demonstrated that in the profile A, although it had occurred erosion and deposition during the monitored months, the morphology of the referred profile was kept constant. In the profiles B and C, there were abrupt changes in the morphology, during the monitored months, having been identified a cyclic pattern in the features of the foreshore zone sometimes forming longitudinal sandy bars and in other times forming berm. These results evidenced, therefore, that studies of this nature are of fundamental importance for the coastal zoning, aiming subsidies to the organs managers in the closing of decisions as for the implantation of enterprises in the area, and for the industry of the petroleum through generation of information that subsidize the implementation and location of petroliferous structures adequate to this environment


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The Galaxy open clusters have a wide variety of physical properties that make them valuable laboratories for studies of stellar and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. In order to better settle these properties we investigate the abundances of a large number of chemical elements in a sample of 27 evolved stars of the open cluster M67 with different evolutionary stages (turn-off, subgiant and giant stars). For such a study we used high-resolution spectra (R 47 000) and high S/N obtained with UVES+FLAMES at VLT/UT2, covering the wavelength interval 4200-10 600 Å. Our spectral analysis is based on the MARCS models of atmosphere and Turbospectrum spectroscopic tool. The oxygen abundances were determined from the [O I] line at 6300 Å. In addition, we have also computed abundances of Si I, Na I, Mg I, Al I, Ca I, Ti I, Co I, Ni I, Zr I, La II and Cr I. The abundances investigated in this work, combined with their stellar parameters, offers an opportunity to determine the level of mixing and convective dilution of evolved stars in M67. Based on the obtained parameters, the abundances of these seem to follow a similar trend to the curve of solar abundances. Additionally, following strategies of other studies have investigated the relative abundances as a function of effective temperature and metallicity, where it was possible to observe an abundance of Na, Al and Si to the stars in the field of giants. A large dispersion from star to star, is observed in the ratios [X / Fe] for the Co, Zr and La, and the absence of Zr and La, in the stars of the turn-off. Comparisons made between our results and other studies in the literature show that values of abundances are in agreement and close to the limits of the errors


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In the current work are presented the results about the study of digital mapping of analogs referents the fluvial oil reservoirs in the Açu Formation. With the regional recognizing in the south corner of Potiguar Basin was selected a area of 150 Km square in the west of Assu city. In this area was chosen the outcrops for the digital mapping and from the data fields and remote sensors were done the depositional architectural for the fluvial deposits, which it was named coarse meandering fluvial systems. In the deposits were individualized 3 (three) fluvial cycles, which they was separated by bounding surface of fifth order. Such cycles are preferentially sandy, with fining-upward sequence finished in flood plain deposits. Inner of the sandy levels of the filling channels were characterized least cycles, normaly incomplete, constituted by braided sandy bodies and bounding surfaces of fourth order. In the mapped area was chosen a outcrop with great exposition, where it was possible to see tipical deposits of filling channel and was in this outcrop that was done the digital mapping. In this outcrop was used diverse technics and tools, which they integrated sedimentological, altimetric (GPS, Total Station), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), digital photomosaic of high resolution and of the inner geometries (Ground Penetration Radar) data sets. For the integrating, interpretation and visualization of data was used software GoCAD®. The final product of the outcrop digital mapping was the photorealistic model of part of the cliff (or slope) because the observed reflectors in the radargrams were absents. A part of bar oblique accretion was modeled according to GPR gride of 200x200 meters in the alluvial Assu river probable recent analog. With the data of inner geometries was developed the three-dimentional sedimentary architectural, where it was possible characterize sand sheet deposits and many hierarchy of braided channels. At last, simulations of sedimentary geometries and architectures of the Potiguar Basin Fluvial Reservoirs were done with PetBool software, in order to understand the capacity of this program in simulations with a lot of numbers of conditioning wells. In total, 45 simulations was acquired, where the time and the channel numbers increase in relation of the conditioning wells quantity. The deformation of the meanders was detected from the change of simulated dominion dimensions. The presence of this problem was because the relationship between the simulated dominion and the width of the meander


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The study area is inserted in Ponta do Tubarão region, Macau City, setentrional littoral of Rio Grande do Norte State, composed of Tertiary and Quatemary sedimentary rocks and sediments. This region is characterized for the intense action of the coastal processes, causing the morphologic instability in part of the area, beyond the interference of human activities, as the Petroliferous Industrial Polo, salt companies and shrimp farms. This justifies the integration of multidisciplinary and multitemporal detailed scientific studies dealing with the evaluation of the changing behavior of this coastal environment by geoenvironments elements characterization, identifying protected and recuperation areas, mainly those under socioeconomic intervention. The main objective was the coastal monitoring using geoprocessing techniques to prepare thematic maps useful for oil spilling environment risk areas survey. The methodology was based on multitemporal interpretation of remote sensing images and field checking, integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Geologic, Geomorphologic, Vegetation, Soil and Land Use maps were prepared, and later on they allowed the generation of the Natural Vulnerability and Environmental Vulnerability maps. These maps had been classified in accordance with vulnerability degrees: very low, low, medi um, high and very high. Beyond these maps the GIS allowed the analysis of the shoreline evolution for 10 distinct dates, using Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM+ and SPOT-HRVIR images. This analysis made possible the attendance of the coastal morphodynamic evolution, where the results had been represented by areasof erosion and accretion (or deposition) of sediments, pointing critical areas under erosive process to the petroliferous industry (Macau and Serra fields). The GIS also provided to prepare the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil Spill (SAO Maps) in operational scale (1: 10.000), according to the norms ofthe Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA 2002). The SAO Map in operational scale was based on IKONOS images mosaic where the ESI (Environmental Sensitivity Index) was represented according with two tides phases of theregion. Therewere recognizedfiveESI (3, 4,7,9, 1O) for the low tide; to the high tide the ESI number increased to seven (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10). All these information are necessary to the decisions making about oi! spill and its derivatives containment. These techniques application makes possible the optimization and implantation ofnew socioeconomics activities of low environmental impact, indicates areas for better productivity and security exploration, and benefits local communities with fauna and flora preservation. The development of these activities is inserted in the scope of Monitoramento Ambiental de Áreas de Risco a Derrames de Petróleo e Seus Derivados Cooperation Project (Rede 05/01 - PETRORISCO, FINEP/CTPETRO/PETROBRAS) of multidisciplinary and interinstitucional characteristics dealing with subjects involving the environmental monitoring and the petroliferous activity