96 resultados para Radiação sincrotronica


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The use of solar energy for water disinfection, and is accessible to disadvantaged communities because of its low cost, has the advantage of using disposable materials such as bottles of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). We present a study that used two methods of disinfection: the methodology proposed by the project Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS), which consisted of water disinfection by solar radiation and temperature and the methodology which the temperature of the water for disinfection. In both, we seek to eliminate microorganisms that cause serious diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc. Water samples were collected in the community of Bass, where the population has low income and the incidence of waterborne diseases is high. The experiments were divided into two stages. In step 1 we studied the feasibility of disinfection and in step 2 the feasibility of the pilot plant to obtain adequate levels of disinfection temperatures desired. The results showed the efficiency of the disinfection process, reaching an average of 80 to 100% death of microorganisms, but regrowth was observed in some samples. Finally on the good results of stage 1, is designed and built and tested in an experimental pilot plant, which has shown to be feasible to promote water disinfection through the use of solar energy. The water after treatment is in accordance with the limits established by Brazilian legislation for clean water, maintaining a positive performance for the disinfection and acceptable levels of bacterial regrowth


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Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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This paper presents an analysis of technical and financial feasibility of the use of a solar system for water heating in a fictitious hotel located in the Northeast region. Thereunto it is used techniques of solar collectors´ sizing and methods of financial mathematics, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback. It will also be presented a sensitivity analysis to verify which are the factors that impact the viability of the solar heating. Comparative analysis will be used concerning three cities of distinct regions of Brazil: Curitiba, Belém and João Pessoa. The viability of using a solar heating system will be demonstrated to the whole Brazil, especially to the northeast region as it is the most viable for such an application of solar power because of its high levels of solar radiation. Among the cities examined for a future installation of solar heating systems for water heating in the hotel chain, João Pessoa was the one that has proved more viable.


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Experiments were performed to study the effect of surface properties of a vertical channel heated by a source of thermal radiation to induce air flow through convection. Two channels (solar chimney prototype) were built with glass plates, forming a structure of truncated pyramidal geometry. We considered two surface finishes: transparent and opaque. Each stack was mounted on a base of thermal energy absorber with a central opening for passage of air, and subjected to heating by a radiant source comprises a bank of incandescent bulbs and were performed field tests. Thermocouples were fixed on the bases and on the walls of chimneys and then connected to a data acquisition system in computer. The air flow within the chimney, the speed and temperature were measured using a hot wire anemometer. Five experiments were performed for each stack in which convective flows were recorded with values ranging from 17 m³ / h and 22 m³ / h and air flow velocities ranging from 0.38 m / s and 0.56 m / s for the laboratory tests and air velocities between 0.6 m/s and 1.1m/s and convective airflows between 650 m³/h and 1150 m³/h for the field tests. The test data were compared to those obtained by semi-empirical equations, which are valid for air flow induced into channels and simulated data from 1st Thermodynamics equation. It was found that the chimney with transparent walls induced more intense convective flows than the chimney with matte finish. Based on the results obtained can be proposed for the implementation of prototype to exhaust fumes, mists, gases, vapors, mists and dusts in industrial environments, to help promote ventilation and air renewal in built environments and for drying materials, fruits and seeds


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The utilization of synthetic fibers for plastic reinforcement is more and more frequent and this growing interest requires that their mechanic behavior under the most variable conditions of structural applications be known. The use of such materials in the open and exposed to the elements is one of them. In this case, it becomes extremely necessary to study their mechanical properties (strength, stiffness) and the mechanism of fracture by which the environment aging them out. In order to do that, the material must be submitted to hot steam and ultraviolet radiation exposure cycles, according to periods of time determined by the norms. This study proposal deals with the investigation of accelerated environmental aging in two laminated polymeric composites reinforced by hybrid woven made up of synthetic fibers. The configurations of the laminated composites are defined as: one laminate reinforced with hybrid woven of glass fibers/E and Kevlar fibers/49 (LHVK) and the other laminate is reinforced with hybrid tissue of glass fibers/E and of carbon fibers AS4 (LHVC). The woven are plane and bidirectional. Both laminates are impregnated with a thermofix resin called Derakane 470-300 Epoxy Vinyl-Ester and they form a total of four layers. The laminates were industrially manufactured and were made through the process of hand-lay-up. Comparative analyses were carried out between their mechanical properties by submitting specimen to uniaxial loading tractions and three-point flexion. The specimen were tested both from their original state, that is, without being environmentally aging out, and after environmental aging. This last state was reached by using the environmental aging chamber


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Many applications require that the plasma discharge is produced apart from the surface to be processed, thus preventing damage caused by bombardment and/or plasma radiation. In the post-discharge regime in various applications thermally sensitive materials can be used. In this work, active species produced by discharge and post-discharge hollow cathode were diagnosed by optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The discharge was produced with the gases Ar and Ar - N2 gas flow ranging from 1 to 6 cm3/min and electric current between 150 to 600 mA. It was estimated that the ion density inside the hollow cathode, with 2 mm diameter ranged between 7.71 and 14.1 x 1015 cm-3. It was observed that the gas flow and the electric current changes the emission intensity of Ar and N2 species. The major ionic species detected by quadrupole mass spectrometry were Ar+ and N2+. The ratio of optical emission intensities of N2(1 +)/Ar(811 nm) was related to the partial pressure of N2 after the hollow cathode discharge at low pressure


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The proposed design provides a solar furnace alternative, box-like, low-cost operation to be used in cooking, comprising three scrap tires to make the recycling thereof. The tires were coupled to each other, forming an enclosure, which stood on its bottom covered by a parable multiple mirrors made from a urupema (sieve indigenous) and the inner sides of the oven aluminum sheet painted black, obtained from beer cans, thus being made to obtain the increase in the concentration of solar radiation incident on the inside of the prototype studied. Two tires were attached, leaving an air layer between them, with the function of thermal insulation. The third tire aimed to support the other two and thermally insulate the bottom of the oven. Externally was placed a metal frame with flat mirrors to reflect the incident rays into the oven, having a mobility to correct the apparent motion of the sun. Its primary feature is the viability of clean, renewable energy to society by tackling the ecological damage caused by the large-scale use of wood for cooking food. The tests show that the furnace reached the maximum temperature of 123.8 °C and baking various foods such as pizza, bun, and other lasagne in an average time 50 minutes. Proves the feasibility of using the oven. Presenting still able to improve their performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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O gradiente térmico da superfície para o interior do sólido depende da taxa de colisões das partículas e da condutividade térmica do material utilizado. Quando um sólido é imerso em plasma, a transferência de energia ocorre por radiação e colisões das partículas sobre a superfície do material. Dependendo da taxa de colisões das particulas e da condutividade térmica do sólido existirão gradientes térmicos da superfície para o interior das amostras, ocorrendo picos térmicos na superficie, ou seja, o aquecimento pontual nas regiões de colisões. A fim de estudar esse efeito, amostras de aço rápido AISI M35 cujos valores de dureza são fortemente sensíveis à temperatura de revenimento, foram utilizadas como micro sensores térmicos. Amostras foram temperadas em forno resistivo e, em seguida, parte das mesmas foram revenidas em forno resistivo e a outra parte em plasma. A partir do gráfico da dureza (Hv) em função da temperatura (T) das amostras revenidas em forno resistivo foi possível obter uma função Hv(T) para determinação indireta do perfil térmico das amostras tratadas em plasma. As amostras foram revenidas em plasma utilizando temperatura de referência igual a 550 oC. Em seguida foi obtido o perfil de dureza dessas amostras ao longo da seção transversal e, subsequentemente, o perfil de temperatura. Verificou-se que amostras tratadas em plasma, ao contrário daquelas tratadas em forno resistivo, apresentaram gradiente de temperatura da superfície para o núcleo. Além disso, verificou-se que as amostras tratadas em configuração planar apresentaram gradientes térmicos inferiores àquelas tratadas em configuração cátodo oco, variando de 20 a 120 °C, respectivamente


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In the oil industry the mixture oil/water occurs in the operations of production, transportation and refining, as well as during the use of its derivatives. The amount of water produced associated with the oil varies and can reach values of 90% in volume in the case of mature phase of the production fields. The present work deals with the development of new design of the Mixer Settler based on Phase Inversion (MDIF) in a laboratory scale. We envisage this application in industrial scale so the phases of project, construction and operation are considered. The modifications most significant, in comparison with the original prototype, include the materials of construction and the substitution of the equipment used in the mixing stage of the process. It was tested the viability of substitution of the original system of mechanical mixing by a static mixer. A statistical treatment by means of an experimental design of composed central type was used in order to evaluate the behavior of the main variables of the separation process as function of the efficiency of separation for the new device. This procedure is useful to delimit an optimal region of operation with the equipment. The variables of process considered on the experimental design were: oil concentration in the feeding water (mg/L); Total volumetric flow rate (L/h); Ratio organic/water on volumetric basis (O/A). The separation efficiency is calculated by comparison of the content of oil and greases in the inlet and outlet of the equipment. For determination of TOG (Total Oil and Grease), the method used was based in the absorption of radiation in the infra-red region. The equipment used for these determinations was InfraCal® TOG/TPH Model HATR-T2 of the Wilks Enterprise, Incorporation. It´s important to stand out that this method of measure has being used by PETROBRAS S.A. Results of global efficiency of separation oil/water varied from 75.3 to 97.7% for contaminated waters containing up to 1664,1 mg/L of oil. By means of tests carried out with a real sample of contaminated water supplied by PETROBRAS we have got an effluent specified in terms of the legal standards required for discharging. Thus, the new design of equipment constitutes a real alternative for the conventional systems of treatment of produced water in the oil industry


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With water pollution increment at the last years, so many progresses in researches about treatment of contaminated waters have been developed. In wastewaters containing highly toxic organic compounds, which the biological treatment cannot be applied, the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) is an alternative for degradation of nonbiodegradable and toxic organic substances, because theses processes are generation of hydroxyl radical based on, a highly reactivate substance, with ability to degradate practically all classes of organic compounds. In general, the AOP request use of special ultraviolet (UV) lamps into the reactors. These lamps present a high electric power demand, consisting one of the largest problems for the application of these processes in industrial scale. This work involves the development of a new photochemistry reactor composed of 12 low cost black light fluorescent lamps (SYLVANIA, black light, 40 W) as UV radiation source. The studied process was the photo-Fenton system, a combination of ferrous ions, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation, it has been employed for the degradation of a synthetic wastewater containing phenol as pollutant model, one of the main pollutants in the petroleum industry. Preliminary experiments were carrier on to estimate operational conditions of the reactor, besides the effects of the intensity of radiation source and lamp distribution into the reactor. Samples were collected during the experiments and analyzed for determining to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, using a TOC analyzer Shimadzu 5000A. The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was also used for identification of the cathecol and hydroquinone formed during the degradation process of the phenol. The actinometry indicated 9,06⋅1018 foton⋅s-1 of photons flow, for 12 actived lamps. A factorial experimental design was elaborated which it was possible to evaluate the influence of the reactants concentration (Fe2+ and H2O2) and to determine the most favorable experimental conditions ([Fe2+] = 1,6 mM and [H2O2] = 150,5 mM). It was verified the increase of ferrous ions concentration is favorable to process until reaching a limit when the increase of ferrous ions presents a negative effect. The H2O2 exhibited a positive effect, however, in high concentrations, reaching a maximum ratio degradation. The mathematical modeling of the process was accomplished using the artificial neural network technique


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The oil and petrochemical industry is responsable to generate a large amount of waste and wastewater. Among some efluents, is possible find the benzene, toluene, ethilbenze and isomers of xilenes compounds, known as BTEX. These compounds are very volatily, toxic for environment and potencially cancerigenous in man. Oxidative advanced processes, OAP, are unconventional waste treatment, wich may be apply on treatment and remotion this compounds. Fenton is a type of OAPs, wich uses the Fenton s reactant, hydrogen peroxide and ferrous salt, to promove the organic degradation. While the Photo-Fenton type uses the Fenton s reactant plus UV radiation (ultraviolet). These two types of OAP, according to literature, may be apply on BTEX complex system. This project consists on the consideration of the utilization of technologies Fenton and Photo-Fenton in aqueous solution in concentration of 100 ppm of BTEX, each, on simulation of condition near of petrochemical effluents. Different reactors were used for each type of OAP. For the analyticals results of amount of remotion were used the SPME technique (solid phase microextraction) for extraction in gaseous phase of these analytes and the gas chromatography/mass espectrometry The arrangement mechanical of Photo-Fenton system has been shown big loss by volatilization of these compounds. The Fenton system has been shown capable of degradate benzene and toluene compounds, with massic percentage of remotion near the 99%.


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Effluents from pesticide industries have great difficulty to decontaminate the environment and, moreover, are characterized by high organic charge and toxicity. The research group Center for Chemical Systems Engineering (CESQ) at the Department of Chemical Engineering of Polytechnical School of University of São Paulo and Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte have been applying the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP's) for the degradation of various types of pollutants. These processes are based on the generation of hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive substances. Thus, this dissertation aims to explore this process, since it has been proven to be quite effective in removing organic charge. Therefore, it was decided by photo-Fenton process applied to the degradation of the fungicide Thiophanate methyl in aqueous system using annular reactor (with lamp Philips HPLN 125W) and solar. The samples were collected during the experiment and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (TOC) using a Shimadzu TOC (Shimadzu 5050A e VCP). The Doehlert experimental design has been used to evaluate the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the concentrations of methyl thiophanate (C12H14N4O4S2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron ions (Fe2+), among these parameters, was considered the best experimental conditions, [Fe2+] = 0.6 mmol/L and [H2O2] = 0.038 mol/L in EXP 5 experiment and in SOL 5 experiment, obtaining a percentage of TOC removal of 60% in the annular reactor and 75% in the solar reactor


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The oil industry, experiencing a great economic and environmental impact, has increasingly invested in researches aiming a more satisfactory treatment of its largest effluent, i.e., produced water. These are mostly discarded at sea, without reuse and after a basic treatment. Such effluent contains a range of organic compounds with high toxicity and are difficult to remove, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, salts, heavy metals, etc.. The main objective of this work was to study the solar distillation of produced water pre-treated to remove salts and other contaminants trough of a hybrid system with a pre-heater. This developed apparatus was called solar system, which consists of a solar heater and a conventional distillation solar still. The first device consisted of a water tank, a solar flat plate collector and a thermal reservoir. The solar distillator is of simple effect, with 1m2 of flat area and 20° of inclination. This dissertation was divided in five steps: measurements in the solar system, i.e. temperatures and distillate flow rate and weather data; modeling and simulation of the system; study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of the synthetic wastewater by the aqueous solution of p-xylene; physical and chemical analyses of samples of the feed, distillate and residue, as well as climatology pertinent variables of Natal-RN. The solar system was tested separately, with the supply water, aqueous NaCl and synthetic oil produced water. Temperature measurements were taken every minute of the thermal reservoir, water tank and distillator (liquid and vapor phases). Data of solar radiation and rainfall were obtained from INPE (National Institute for Space Research). The solar pre-heater demonstrated to be effective for the liquid systems tested. The reservoir fluid had an average temperature of 58°C, which enabled the feed to be pre-heated in the distillator. The temperature profile in the solar distillator showed a similar behavior to daily solar radiation, with temperatures near 70°C. The distillation had an average yield of 2.4 L /day, i.e., an efficiency of 27.2%. Mathematical modeling aided the identification of the most important variables and parameters in the solar system. The study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium from Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis indicated heteroazeotropia and the vapor phase resulted more concentrated in p-xylene. The physical-chemical analysis of pH, conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), chlorides, cations (including heavy metals) and anions, the effluent distillate showed satisfactory results, which presents a potential for reuse. The climatological study indicates the region of Natal-RN as favorable to the operation of solar systems, but the use of auxiliary heating during periods of higher rainfall and cloud cover is also recommended


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One of the main impacts to the environment is the water pollution, where the industrial sector is one of the main sources of this problem. In order to search for a solution, the industrial sector is looking forward to new technologies to treat its wastewaters with the goal to reuse the water in the own process. In this mode, the treatment presents a reduction in its costs with the water suply. One of these technologies that are getting more and more applications is the advanced oxidative processes (AOP´s). In this work two industrial wastewaters have been studied, i.e., containing polymers and pharmacus. In the case of the wastewaters with polymers the UV/H2O2 process has been applied with a systematic series of experiments, using irradiation from a mercury lamp and also solar. The following variables of the UV/H2O2 process for the polymers wastewaters have been studied systematically with the lamp reactor: mode of addition of hydrogen peroxide, temperature, time of reaction, hydrogen peroxide concentration and power of the lamp (80, 125, 250 and 400W). The results demonstrated to be satisfactory, obtaining rates of organic charge removal of 100% in 120 minutes of reaction. The studied variables for the experiments with solar irradiation using polymers wastewaters were only the time of reaction, the mode of addition and concentration of the hydrogen peroxide. The results with the solar irradiation demonstrated to be not satisfactory, reaching maximum of 22% of TOC removal in 240 minutes of reaction. This is in accordance with the fact that the solar source has only 5% of low UV irradiation. With respect to the photodegradation of the pharmacus wastewaters, the process UV/H2O2 and photo-Fenton have been applied. As a source of photons, in this case, a mercury UV lamp of 80 W has been used. The studied variables for the experiments with artificial irradiation with the pharmacus wastewaters were: initial concentration of the pollutant, concentration of Fe2+ and time of reaction. The results demonstrated a degree of degradation fairly satisfactory, showing a maximum conversion value of 46% in 120 minutes


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This work aims to study the drying of cashew-nut pulp with different lay-out of dryers using conventional and solar energy. It concerns with the use of exceeding of the regional raw material and the suitable knowledge for the applicability of the drying systems as pathway for food conservation. Besides, it used renewable sources as solar energy to dry these agroindustrial products. Runs were carried out using a conventional tray-dryer with temperature, air velocity control and cashew slice thickness of 55°C, 65°C, 75°C; 3.0; 4.5, 6.0 m s-1; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 cm, respectively, in order to compare the studied systems. To evaluate the conventional tray-dryer, it was used a diffusional model of 2nd Fick´s law, where the drying curves were quite well fitted to an infinite flat plate design. For the drying runs where the room temperature had no control, it was developed a phenomenological-mathematical model for the solar dryer with indirect radiation under natural and forced convection based on material and energy balances of the system. Besides, it was carried out assays in the in natura as well as dehydrated, statistic analysis of the experimental drying data, sensorial analysis of the final dry product and a simplified economical analysis of the systems studied