67 resultados para Prática de ensino - formação de professores
This dissertation aims to analyze the relevant knowledge in countryside History teachers practice in high school and understand how these teachers themselves construct school knowledge in History, from the mobilization of different knowledge that make up teaching practice. Tree teachers from State Jacumauma High School and the researcher himself worked together in order to carry out this survey. The main theoretical-methodological elements of this research are based on assumptions of a qualitative research in cooperation. This approach was used to make possible to construct knowledge between teachers and researcher considering a less oppressive relationship as well as to help a continuous school upbringing of the individuals what can make them to understand the professional practice as an aspect in which one can exercise autonomy and criticism. The empirical research procedures were oral individual interviews, reflexive sessions and cooperative observations. Individuals speeches have presented, in some moments, teachers concerns about the educational fragmented system in which there are few opportunities to dialogic interactions among educationalists making still more difficult the dialog between school and reality surrounds it. Their assertions pointed out that relevant knowledge can be identified during the daily educational work and that they find proper reasons from the aim that each knowledge exerts in relation to the construction of professional practice. Classroom connections points out to more intense interactions between teachers and students, by recognizing affection as an important tool in order to make the interactions not so authoritarian at all. Regarding the countryside teachers understanding, the school knowledge in History is produced by sharing concerns and senses assigned by the individuals who are involved in the teaching-learning process. The referential science knowledge pervade History teaching, however they take another meaning according to specific features of the school environment. The intense and complex dynamic of the educational context makes that historical knowledge acquires specific characteristics that are constantly changing. As they change, there are some marks of elaborations and re-elaborations not only the new but also the traditional
The central question of the present study is to identify the epistemological knowledge that the teachers-trainees possess regarding the characteristics (properties) of the decimal numbering system; its purpose is to offer a contribution to the pedagogic practice of the teachers who work within the Basic Literacy Cycle, in terms of what concerns both the acquisition of contents and the development of the knowledge that helps them in the elaboration of adequate strategies to working with the Decimal Numbering System in the classroom. The study is based on the constructivist sociointeractionist approach to teaching Mathematics and it constitutes, in itself, a methodological intervention with the teachers-trainees engaged in the Professional Qualification Program in Basic Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The foundations of the study were found in investigations of researchers who had carried out studies on the construction of numerical writing, showing, for instance, that the construction process of ideas and procedures involved in groupings and changes to base 10 take a lot longer to be accomplished than one can imagine. A set of activities was then elaborated which could not only contribute to the acquisition of contents but that could also make the teachers-trainees reflect upon their teaching practices in the classroom so that in this way they will be able to elaborate more consistent didactic approaches, taking into consideration the previous knowledge of the students and also some obstacles that often appear along the way. Even when teachers have access to the most appropriate dicactic resources, the lack of knowledge of the content and of the real meaning of that content make the Decimal Numbering System, a subject of fundamental importance, be taught most times in a mechanical way. The analisys of the discussions and behaviours of the teachers-trainees during the activities reavealed that they made them reflect upon their current practices in the classroom and that, as a whole, the aims of each of the activities carried out with the teachers-trainers were reached
This work proposes a transdisciplinary approach that integrates transpersonal psychology exercises with astronomy teaching, seeking to allow one to reintegrate the sky in his/her daily life, expand his/her environmental awareness and eventually experiment the unity between human and cosmos. This proposal intends to collaborate with the supplying of education, which lacks initiatives of this kind, with the promotion of an integration of the scientific knowledge with the human experience that transcends the materialistic and fragmentary objectives of the current educational system. As a result of that lack, the teachers formation is also poor as for an integral and transdisciplinary approach. Besides, we also approached in this research the necessity to propose alternatives so that the educators may work in a more assertive way with the environmental and anthropological crisis in which we are living. Our working hypothesis is that the contents of astronomy, when they are dealt in a holisticanthropological focus and are related with transpersonal psychology practices, can come to be an efficient cultural-academic vehicle, capable of propitiating an expansion of consciousness and changes in the way one conceives the world. Such changes are necessary so that a more solidary, fair and ecologically balanced life may come to exist and prevail in the planet. Part of the collection of data was done through the ethnographic method, once an anthropological interpretation is inextricably associated with this kind of educational intervention, which will naturally include ethno-visions of the universe as well as specific cultural elements. In the beginning the scope of this research was a group of students attending the Astronomy assignment in an undergraduate Geography course (UFRN), in which we accomplished participant observation, half-open interviews and the first experimental practices mentioned. After the evaluation of the first data collected from that initial group, we elaborated an academic extension course, Laboratory in Cosmoeducation, and we offered it to teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles of the fundamental level of the Alceu Amoroso Lima State School, located in the North Zone of Natal. We prized self-experimentation in that course, so that the teachers could enrich their repertoire of personal experiences, stimulating meditative reflections and eventual changes in the ways of conceiving the world and in their pedagogical practice. The transdisciplinary attitude permeated all our educational action, because this approach transcends the boundaries of disciplines, seeking essentially the integral development of the human being. The process has made us realize that the practice of looking at the sky , as a way of reintegrating it into daily life, provokes a process of expansion of the consciousness and of reintegration of the self in a wider level of environmental interrelation. According to the results, the occurrence of conceptual and existential changes of the world vision of the participant teachers was evident, reassuring ourselves of the idea that the interface between astronomy teaching and the practices of transpersonal psychology can contribute to the recovery of a holistic relationship between the human being and the cosmos and to inspire the arising of a more wide-ranging ethics, based on universal, impartial and sustainable values
Official documents indicate to a curriculum organization that promotes the dialogue in different areas of knowledge. Among the proposals strategies are the "School Projects". This research appears from the staff need evidenced in the development of practice of the researcher in recent years as Pedagogical Advisor in high school. The comments made in the daily work on the kinds of projects and how they were developed in the school, generated concerns. They aroused the interest in further the discussion, aiming to reflect with teachers about the implementation of a pedagogic action on the use of educational projects in the classroom, as a didactic strategy which promotes the learning of students. In this sense, it seeks to develop studies and discussions by the application of questionnaires and the holding of a workshop with teachers in the area of Science of Nature and Mathematics in private high school institutions from Natal, searching opinions of them as the preparation and development of school projects. As general purpose, it aims to contribute with elements to the reflection of the teachers on the use of this strategy of education. For both, we propose: the knowledge of ideas/opinions of teachers on planning, development and evaluation of projects, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, identifying the main difficulties of these teachers about the work with projects at school; reviewing projects developed at school after the press conference in a meeting with teachers, incorporating the identified aspects as weak points. In the course of the methodology research, questionnaires were used with open and closed questions for the lifting of preliminary ideas for teachers in order to subsidize the planning of a developed meeting later in the school itself on the subject in question. 10 teachers took part of the first step and 17 in the second one (pressconference). In the third stage, an individual interview was carried out and analysis of projects already developed. It is observed that, as the main difficulty for the development of projects in school, pointed to the time factor in the planning team, followed by excessive working hours for teachers that, generally, also work in other schools. Some teachers say they do not develop projects for not having knowledge of how to develop school projects, neither disciplinary, nor interdisciplinary
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
La reflexión crítica sobre la escuela y los quehaceres docentes ha favorecido la producción y la sistematización de nuevos saberes basados en fundamentos científicos, principalmente sobre las prácticas pedagógicas. En la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa, las investigaciones buscan comprender lo qué y cómo se enseña y se aprende durante la escolarización. En esa perspectiva, realizamos un estudio sobre la formación del profesor de Lengua Portuguesa y sus implicaciones en la clase, buscando observar la actuación de los alumnos-maestros en el contexto escolar, durante la realización de las Prácticas. Para tanto, elegimos como objetivo general, investigar cómo la carrera de Filología de la UFRN/CERES/Campus de Currais Novos promovía la formación de futuros profesores para atender a las expectativas de las políticas públicas para la enseñanza de Lengua Materna. Como referencial teórico, estudiamos los PCN, el proyecto político pedagógico de la carrera y autores del área de enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa y de Educación, entre ellos, Geraldi (1996), Travaglia (1996, 2003), Antunes (2003, 2007, 2009 y 2010), Lomas (2003), Figueiredo (2005), Marcuschi (2001, 2008), Oliveira (2010), Riolfi et al. (2008), Possenti (2003), Alarcão (1996, 2001) Imbernón (2011), Pimenta y Lima (2010) y Schön (1993). El estudio está situado en el ámbito de la Lingüística Aplicada y se caracteriza como investigación cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativista, a partir de un abordaje de inspiración etnográfica del ambiente de las Prácticas. En los resultados constatamos que los alumnos-maestros privilegian la enseñanza prescriptiva, fundamentado en una concepción de lengua como sistema, direccionando la enseñanza de la lengua para la dirección contraria al abordaje funcionalista (lengua / uso), distanciándose considerablemente de la propuesta de formar un alumno crítico y agente de transformación. Respecto a la visión de los alumnos-maestros sobre la carrera, fueron listadas algunas cuestiones relevantes, entre ellas, los contenidos que hacen parte de la carrera, la distribución de la carga horaria de los componentes curriculares, la revisión de las ementas, la oferta de asignaturas de inclusión social, la reorganización de las actividades de la práctica en relación al acompañamiento y orientación a los alumnos-maestros y, especialmente, la desarticulación teoría / práctica que fue considerada como responsable por muchas de las dificultades encontradas por los referidos alumnos en la fase de regencia de clase en la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa en los niveles de enseñanza fundamental y media. De ese modo, a partir del análisis de estos significados construidos por los alumnos-maestros sobre el proceso de formación en esa carrera de Letras, constatamos la necesidad de una revisión del proyecto de la carrera, pues éste presenta esas fragilidades que necesitan ser analizadas en función de la mejoría de la calidad de la enseñanza de la graduación
Análisis de Ensino de la geografía usando las representaciones cartográficas en el ciclo 2º en las escuelas públicas de Navidad - RN, en la vista de la relación teo'rico-pra'ctica dividida en dos, en cuanto a la aplicabilidad verdadera de estos recursos en la educación de la geografía. Este análisis entiende una revisión bibliográfica, a la luz de teorías y de conceptos en el proceso de la educación y de aprender de la geografía y el uso de los recursos de los geocartográficos el largo de historia. El objetivo para caracterizar pertenecer al espacio de la escuela, a la escuela en la comunidad, a la educación de la geografía y al uso de los recursos cartográficos, la importancia de los recursos didácticos como ayudas de los metodológicos en la educación de la geografía, la dirección de señalar soluciones para mejorar las lecciones en Ensino básico, y comtemplaba preguntas primordiales relativas a los profesores prácticos; para la comprensión, mientras que profesional de la educación, la lucha para la valuación de la enseñanza y la educación pública; para la importancia social de la mejora de la formación de profesores de la educación básica, en el ejercicio completo de las actividades de enseñanza, y para el acceso a las fuentes y a los espacios de la investigación donde ejercemos la función del profesor del formador en el Instituto de Educación Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP