78 resultados para Desenvolvimento do turismo: Portugal


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A área da pesquisa localiza-se no município de Tibau do Sul, situado na costa leste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, a 80 km ao Sul da capital Natal. O turismo, a pesca esportiva e instalação de empreendimentos vêm aumentando nessa área litorânea, disputando espaços com pescadores artesanais. A dissertação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os conflitos socioeconômicos e ambientais entre a atividade pesqueira e a atividade turística no Município de Tibau do Sul, para subsidiar órgãos governamentais e entidades ligadas ao setor pesqueiro, com futuras políticas de incentivo e desenvolvimento sustentável local. O presente trabalho está dividido em introdução e dois capítulos. A introdução apresenta proposta e justificativa da pesquisa, com fundamentação teórica, em seguida são apresentados os procedimentos metodológicos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a caracterização da pesca artesanal e o perfil socioeconômico dos pescadores de Tibau do Sul, identificando os conflitos entre a atividade pesqueira e o turismo. Para alcançar esse propósito, foram realizados levantamentos qualitativos e quantitativos, através da efetivação de 100 entrevistas com questionários semiestruturados, os quais foram aplicados a quatro comunidades pesqueiras. Os resultados constataram a real situação da pesca artesanal local e foram identificados vários conflitos, dentre eles: a falta de investimento no setor, baixo desenvolvimento tecnológico e de infraestrutura, além da ocupação desordenada em área de desembarque da produção. Todos esses fatores têm contribuído para o declínio da atividade pesqueira nesse município. O segundo capítulo apresenta uma análise territorial a partir da elaboração do mapa de ocupação do solo utilizando a metodologia de geoprocessamento. Constatou-se que a ocupação desordenada ocorreu principalmente depois da chegada dos turistas em Tibau do Sul e está concentrada principalmente na praia de Pipa, observou-se também que os empreendimentos construídos na área de estudo interferem no acesso público as praias e área de desembarque da produção dos pescadores. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para elaboração do plano de manejo nas comunidades pesqueiras e possa subsidiar os gestores na implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável local


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As transformações em curso no sistema mundial evidenciaram, dentre outros aspectos, a necessidade de (re) significação da noção de desenvolvimento e a compreensão das modificações significativas na relação Estado, mercado e sociedade. Nesse cenário, redefinemse papéis de atores sociais, que passam a fazer parte da efetivação de propostas de desenvolvimento que se materializam nos espaços locais. Em meio a essa reconceituação, pode-se incorporar a dimensão da responsabilidade social empresarial. Assim, desmistifica-se a globalização como geradora de um modo homogêneo de vida, permitindo visualizar outra sociabilidade possível, induzida pelo agir multifacetado dos participantes da dinâmica local


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This study emerges and develops, from a note by Italo Calvino, who in his novel Invisible Cities advised to avoid saying "that sometimes different cities follow on the same site and with the same name, born and die without knowing, without communication among itself ". The research with a transdisciplinary work ( using elements of sociology, anthropology, geography and communication) made a reflection about segregation and tourism: poverty-richness, center-periphery, tradition- spectaclezation , the visitor-visited maping the touristic circuit and discussing about the phenomenon on the real city and touristic place: Natal and the "Sun City" - Rio Grande do Norte, studying videos produced by residents (documentary) and tourists ( posted on the Internet). Doing a comparative analysis between the realities of these two subjects (resident and tourist), the research found few similarities, many differences on the urban experience, with the existence of two distinct realities (tourist region X the periphery region). Based on theory of phenomenology, social representation, and using content analysis of film, it was noted that promotes to the visitor a trip segmented and disintegrated to daily life, culture and contact with the resident. Resident that, in largely part, lives in a unattended area, with no prospect of life (represented by Novo Horizonte Community). The confinement and segregation occurs even in his moments of leisure and cultural expressions (represented by Redinha‟s Beach), because the private an public leisure areas of tourism indirectly prevent access by people who can not contribute to the consumption on this places. This papper concluded that the tourism in Natal is an activity-phenomenon that directs and focuses on public investments for infrastructure tourist region (Ponta Negra Beach), in detriment of the poorest and periphery areas of the city


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The present study has addressed the issues surrounding the Solidarity Economy and Tourism, their perspectives and contributions to the development process of local communities, as well as the connection point between the two. This study evaluated the extent to which social economy through cooperatives and associations in tourism has generated socio-economic improvements for the artisans of the tourist Seridó. The study made as to their objectives, was exploratory and descriptive, since it involved both standard techniques of data collection, questionnaires and systematic observation, and secondary research and case studies, which characterizes an exploratory research, according to Castro (2008 ). The results indicate significant improvements offered by the inclusion of members in groups (associations and cooperatives) in matters concerning health, education, interpersonal relationships, and access to consumer credit to the artisans. Through this study, one might also note that the inclusion of products and services in tourism is not a relevant factor for the socio-economic improvements observed for the elevated presence of middlemen in the marketing process


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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La presente pesquisa contempla reflexiones referentes de la actividad turística en la organización socio-espacial en el litoral de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, región de la Grande Natal. Nuestro objetivo principal es el estudio de las transformaciones del espacio y de sus implicaciones socio-ambientales en curso en el proceso de producción del espacio turístico en el litoral de las referidas comarcas desde 1997 hasta 2007, momento de importancia publica-privada que, a partir del PRODETUR, tuvo la base para el incremento de las potencialidades turísticas. En este sentido, varias fueron las técnicas para una mejor compresión de las aspiraciones y de la percepción de los actores envueltos con la actividad turística (comerciantes, turistas, populación y poder publico local) para conocer cuales son sus consideraciones en cuanto a los cambios que proceden de la implantación de la actividad turística en el lugar, cuanto a la mejora de la calidad de vida, de la generación de empleo y de renta, comercialización, conservación, preservación del ambiente, cumplimiento de la legislación, afirmación cultural así como las acciones puestas en ejecución en las comarcas. Para tal necesidad, se buscó analizar los datos estadísticos a partir del uso de los cuestionarios con preguntas estructuradas y semi-abiertas como instrumento de colecta de información que les era correlacionada con la opinión de los actores locales de modo que podamos formar y entender los elementos básicos que son parte de los espacios turísticos en foco. Fueran utilizadas fotografías aéreas de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, provistas por el IDEMA, con la intención de percibir acerca de los cambios del espacio y las implicaciones socio-ambientales de la área en estudio. Concluimos en función de los resultados que el modelo de Turismo concebido por lo Brasil, estimulado y financiado por lo Gobierno Federal, está insertado en el contexto de la economía global y, por lo tanto, el Estado del Rio Grande del Norte, en específico los espacios litoraneos de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, que poseen características similares a este modelo, con sus particularidades, que si traduzca por la exclusión social, formas de apropiación privada de los espacios público y áreas de protección ambiental como las playas, las dunas y las lagunas, el desacato o no el cumplimiento de la legislación ambiental, aumento de las desigualdad de renta en una región que posee una problemática social grave y sin inversión, implantación de la infraestructura, ausencia de política pública local, donde los intereses económicos son prioridad delante de las aclamaciones populares. Se sugiere un repensar cuanto al modelo actual de desarrollo adoptado, que el planeamiento sea pautado en base a la participación integrada de los varios agentes implicados con la actividad turística, incluyendo en la medida del posible, las aspiraciones de la población local como precusoras de sus reales necesidades, donde esta acción interactiva contestará ciertamente en un esfuerzo significativo en la construcción de un nuevo paradigma, modelo del desarrollo sustentable, siendo posible superar gradualmente el incremento de la pobreza, de la exclusión y de los impactos ambientales, donde la calidad de vida sea factor fundamental


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PARA ONDE SOPRAM OS VENTOS , metaphor used to indicate turism public politicsway to the west zone of Fortaleza, against the direction where until now this public politics was targeted, to the east zone. This context, análise the public politics implemented in the Grande Pirambu, so like the processes of nonterritorialization and reterritorialization unchain by the program os settlement and indemnification of the Projeto Costa Oeste. Aim to learn the transformations that unroll in the studied área, based in proceding methodologic that privileged the interviews with many social actors resettled, indemnificators, intirenants, livers and fishmen. The public politics analyzes run to the Grande Pirambu infer that the same answer at trying of urbam requalification of the área, object of the new exigence pretender by the touristics activities developed in Fortaleza, wish to incorporate this área at the turistics dynamic of the city. However, the implementation of the Projeto Costa Oeste do not occuring in calm way, by opposite sence the beginning, the same has been propitiated polemics and discussions, stired up about public politics between the municipa and state power, to bring about injury in the public coffers, to the developing turismo f the city and, mainly to the living around Grande Pirambu, unquiet and sad with the buildings of the referring project that there is running for four years


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This thesis analyzes another side of Potiguar tourism , the unplanned side, neglected and kept out of touristic activities: excursionism, a leisure practice enjoyed by tourists with low consumer power, and who are commonly referred by the pejorative term farofeiros (picnic lovers). The geographic research sites considered for this study include Arituba, Boágua and Carcará lakes in Nísia Florest, Rio Grande do Norte, where on Sundays and holidays the arrival of hundreds of excursionists, from around the metropolitan region of Natal, from surrounding municipalities, and neighboring States, such as Paraíba and Pernambuco, can be observed. The objective of this study is to analyze the appropriation of the physical site by the practice of excursionism, focusing on its relation to other social agents that also appropriate a designated touristic area. The theoretical discussion considers the use of the space by the touristic leisure practice and the appropriation by distinct social agents, using categories of analysis, such as, production of the space, territory and leisure. The field work was completed with interviews and questionnaires administered to excursionists, excursion organizers, local merchants, representatives of the public setor from the municipalities, and professional dune buggy drivers; besides this, photos, informal dialogue and field observations were important methodological instruments used. From the data, statistical analysis and the development of thematic maps demonstrating the established flux between excursionists and the segregated activity were done. With this research, one can affirm that the practice of excursionism is neglected by the public sector, contrary to the intention of the hegemonic agent‟s intentionality present in this touristic territory which aim at the development of a lucrative activity, geared toward tourists with greater spending power. This ignored and neglected faction of Potiguar tourism is considered poor or dirty , and generate conflicts among the distinct social agents: tourists, the market and the public sector, simultaneously peaking interest, which is then appropriated by the informal sector and formal economy. Excursionism is an expressive phenomenon, a socially relevant practice, enjoyed by citizens of the working class who, in order to have a day of leisure, use alternative consumer practices and subvert various strategies of segregation that are imposed within these tourist areas, behavior that, in part, justifies the nickname, picnic lovers , given to these tourists


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Natal has come through major changes in the last 150 years, since the actions of city beautification, in the 19th century, until the present day, when such transformations start to have the objective of including the city in the competition for the attraction of the capital flows and consumption, domestically and in a foreign sense. It is thought that the first initiatives aimed at increasing tourism in Natal occurred in the 1960s, however, it became apparent that only from the 1980s was there a significant increase in tourist activities in Natal and the Metropolitan Region, especially on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, leading to an expansion of the labour market, the significant increase of foreign investment, territorial changes of great impact and the production of buildings primarily intended for the hotel industry and second residence for European tourists. Since then, the incentives for tourist activity in the state have been maintained and even increased, based on tourism aimed at natural beauties, local cuisine and events, which transformed the tourist activity in one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the city of Natal. In the early 21st century, the construction of high-rise condominiums, monuments (including the designer ones), such as the Parque da Cidade, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, were already established. Also, shopping centers and, in order to host the World Cup, the new football stadium, the Arena das Dunas, among others, which were aimed at local and foreign consumers, especially European, stood out in the city. It is understood that these new buildings, monuments and also renovations and restorations that were deployed in the city of Natal aimed at constructing a new identity for the city, within the process of capitalist development and urban spectacle. It is considered that the monuments and the iconic buildings are attributes of the cities aimed at selling locations as goods, establishing a new urban environment, a new role as cities, which aimed at seeking greater autonomy from the nation-state. In this research, it was sought to analyze the architectural object, that is, buildings and monuments built or restored in Natal and its relevance to the city marketing promoted by the city itself. It was found that, indeed, such buildings and monuments are inserted in contemporary architectural production as a basis for increasing the competitive nature of Natal. In addition, they reveal a capitalist mode of production, supported by public resources, operating in the production of urban space with a view to repeating the hegemonic model of a competitive city


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Tourism is configured as an activity that presents constant movement could boost local development in the economic, sociocultural and human in locations with potential for structuring and such. Because it is a dynamic activity, tourism allows changes in its flow, extending the periods of seasonality. To this end, in view of the aforementioned dynamics, it becomes relevant to the presence of tourism planning, initially starting from the government so that it create laws and standards and develop projects for the management of activities in an orderly way, seeking citizen participation, making essential the presence of actors and agents in local tourism, expanding democracy and knowledge of their place of origin. In this scenario, the Ministry of Tourism is emerging with the National Tourism Plan which incorporates among its actions, the Regionalization Program Guide, adopting a model of regional local management, a participatory manner, through the bodies of governance imposed at the poles, and the shares of public policy in their various departments most responsible for promoting tourism in pole Seridó. This scientific work aims to analyze the pole Seridó, under the theory of tourism area life cycle (TALC) proposed by BUTLER (1980), locating actions for tourism and chronology of the locality applied the proposed process activity. For both the methodology is descriptive and exploratory, qualitative approach, historical, descriptive and narrative level, non-probability sampling, using secondary sources, through documents and other records occurred during the planning processes in the region, in order to have access to information related to the planning process of tourism in Seridó, using as a way to research the data collected the technique of content analysis. As a conclusion of this study it is observed that from the survey in relation to the history of tourism in the region, economic activities of livestock, cotton industry, mining and ceramics industry were responsible for the initiation of tourism in the locality through the flow directed to the same, the insertion of the first hotels and performing traditional events, giving rise to the demand for public policies that aided in directing the activity being, therefore, inserted into the engagement phase, the second phase proposed by BUTLER (1980) model, and the study was terminated with suggestions for the continuation of tourism in the region.


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O tema deste estudo visa pesquisar o papel e atuação das Organizações Não Governamentais - ONGs, terceiro setor do turismo, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte - RN, identificando a atuação e participação no turismo, para, assim, elencar suas contribuições e benefícios para as populações locais, para o usuário dos serviços e para o incremento da economia no Estado. Analisando as que atuam no turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, procurou-se identificar suas contribuições, características e estruturas, descrever as suas formas de atuação e os respectivos resultados e influências. Buscou-se verificar se a organização atua na área de turismo e local adequado para o desenvolvimento das atividades turísticas nos seus projetos, na gestão administrativa e operacional. Para tal, utilizamos a teoria do livro “Análise Estrutural do Turismo” (Beni), bem como o Modelo Referencial do Sistema de Turismo (SISTUR). Avaliando se o tempo em que essa instituição atua na área propiciará às pessoas, de acordo com seus perfis, assimilarem conhecimento como gestoras no processo dos projetos. Observamos como funciona a Gestão de ONGs, a fim de identificarmos se as ONGs trabalham adequadamente as funções gerenciais. Se há envolvimento da organização nos projetos e nas suas fases de processo, assim como, sua importância e dificuldades encontradas na relação estabelecida entre as ONGs e a sociedade. A partir disso, poderemos identificar o envolvimento da comunidade que se beneficia.


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This study has the main objective to analyze the role of the bodies of state and local governance of tourism, aimed at tourism development process in the city of Manaus / AM , by the public practices of planning, management and development activity in the respective municipality . To the specific objectives were established four aims: 1) To characterize the process of formation of governance entities active in tourism in the city of Manaus. 2) Lift the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014. 3) To question through the perception of the actors representing the different classes and entities of the Amazonian society, the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014 and 4) Identify key similarities and the differences in decision-making about actions aimed at cultural tourism in Manaus. We adopted a qualitative approach, using the methodological design of descriptive and exploratory, with the help of the use of the techniques of literature search, document, with on-site data collection through interviews with semi-structured script application forms to the representatives of sectorial institutions that make up the locations of governance in tourism. In addition, the treatment of information was used content analysis technique. In response to stated objectives, it can be concluded that the creation of public arenas, through the tourism of governance has enabled incipient discussion in a democratic manner and decision-making in the area of planning and management of tourism in Manaus. It was also observed that obstacles that hinder and undermine the structures of the bodies, which reflect the joint, in the promotion and cultural tourism development in the city of Manaus.


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In a globalized society, the relations between heritage and tourism are reflected in an ambiguous reality, shaped between the interests of preservation and the aspirations for economic benefits. On the one hand, the cities as a main generating cultural offerings needs to contemplate its heritage as a development axis, finding in the cultural tourism promotion a strategy to support the high cost of recovery and maintenance of its historical center and its expressions cultural. On the other, adds to the new requirements of demand, causing the tourism projects to turn to the cultural factor in the formation of their products, which allows municipalities to attract the growing cultural tourism segment. In this perspective, this study develops into a focused cross-cut in the analysis of Natal’s Historical City Center, in order to understand how this cultural heritage fallen has been used by the municipal administration for tourism. By understanding the heritage as a reference to identity and memory, as well as a cultural symbol of Natal society, characterized as an element surrounded by complex and strictly private situations, it identified the need for a qualitative approach to his deep understanding. The in-depth case study developed in two stages, first the realization of bibliographical and documentary research; and thereafter the interpretation of data collected through semi-structured interviews with municipal administrators and local residents. The survey results show that the official representatives of heritage are concerned about the preservation of the material dimension of the architectural heritage of the city, however, still can not reach and sensitize the local population, which seems to be part of a process that should be democratic and strengthening the sense of belonging of these people. Finally, it indicates an absence of revitalization strategies by the current municipal public administration for Natal’s Historical City Center, revealing a speech covered by a positivist interpretation of tourism, which deals with the use of assets by the scope of the marketing empiricism.


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Globalization, the enormous speed of information exchange, technology updated in a speed never before and the growth of the cultural industry places us in a new reality in which we must adapt ourselves puting issues concerning to culture and technology at the center of development discussions. The Creative Economy, therefore, is inserted in this dicussion bringing these new elements to the center of the debate. The development potential of this new economy are real in Natal / RN, from, especially their link withim tourism. Thus, the intention of the work is to answer the questions: What is the weight of the creative economy in Natal? What are the issues that accelerate or hinder their development? To answer these questions we mapping the creative sectors on Natal’s economy, stressing labor and income figures, exercise already done by national and international organizations. The issues that connect the Creative Economy to education, R & D, cultural policy and tourism is also discussed. The review of the indicators related to these topics will be used to explain how they are configured as obstacle for the development of the creative economy in Natal/RN.


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Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism