69 resultados para personagens femininas


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This paper investigates the cognitive processes that operate in understanding narratives in this case, the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Our work belongs to the field of Embodied-based Cognitive Linguistics and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, it dialogues with theoretical and methodological frameworks of Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Therefore, we adopt an exploratory research design, recall and cloze tests, adapted, with postgraduation students, all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The choice of Macunaíma as the novel and initial motivation for this proposal is due to the fact it is a fantastic narrative, which consists of events, circumstances and characters that are clearly distant types from what is experienced in everyday life. Thus, the novel provides adequate data to investigate the configuration of meaning, within an understanding-based model. We, therefore, seek, to answer questions that are still, generally, scarcely explored in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as to what extent is the activation of mental models (schemas and frames) related to the process of understanding narratives? How are we able to build sense even when words or phrases are not part of our linguistic repertoire? Why do we get emotionally involved when reading a text, even though it is fiction? To answer them, we assume the theoretical stance that meaning is not in the text, it is constructed through language, conceived as a result of the integration between the biological (which results in creating abstract imagery schemes) and the sociocultural (resulting in creating frames) apparatus. In this sense, perception, cognitive processing, reception and transmission of the information described are directly related to how language comprehension occurs. We believe that the results found in our study may contribute to the cognitive studies of language and to the development of language learning and teaching methodologies


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The objective of this paper is to analyze the work of the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864), The Scarlet Letter (1850), in the light of the contributions of Literature and History of the American people in the context of New England. Accordingly, we highlight aspects that justify the inclusion of the work as a historical novel, especially based on the reading of The Historical Novel (1936-37) written by Georg Lukács. The diversity of voices and social interrelationships that come out of the main characters of the plot of the novel, as well as their contextual buildings, constituted as important traces to understanding the novel as being of historical value. During our study, we found out that it is in the plots of the novels that the characters reflect, at the same time, the specific conditions of their singularities, the general trends of the historical process and the social conditions from which they arise. We also could see that it is in their singularities that lie special tendencies of human beings. Our references to this study came from scholars as Howard (1964), Bakhtin (1998), Eagleton (2006), Todorov (2009), Zabel (1947), Sellers (1985), Cunlife (1986), Candido (1993) and Schwarz (1981)


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In the study of African literature in Portuguese language, the theme importance of memory is done by contact those literary works have with the context in which they operate. This study aims to reflect how memory as social element becomes an agent of the composition of literary structure in the O Vendedor de Passados (2004), by José Eduardo Agualusa. Therefore, we have as reference the critical method developed by Antonio Candido (1976), regarding the critical dialectic, in order to understand how such a throwback acts in the structuring of the romance in a relationship with both structural and thematic elements. Firstly, it presents a panoramic reading the Angolan literary scene in the post-independence, relating this context with the route of writing of José Eduardo Agualusa. Then it performs the analysis of the relationships between narratives categories - narrator, characters, space, time - and the memorial element, keeping in mind that these categories would be constructed in dialogue with the memory. Lastly, there is the reflection on the dynamics between fiction and reality apprehended in novelistic discourse in which a seller of past figures in an analysis that takes place from the skeptical look on this work. As a theoretical approach, we highlight mainly readings: Hampaté-Bâ (2010), Laura Padilla (2007), Tania Macêdo (2008) for the observation of the specific African context quickened in the novel; Tedesco (2004), Halbwachs (2006), Le Goff (2003) regarding the conceptualisation of memory; and Landesman (2006), Krause (2004), Gai (1997) in cutting the skeptical outlook with which the romance dialogues


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Trata-se nesta dissertação de estabelecer, partindo do pensamento contemporâneo francês da linha deleuziana e guattariana, sobretudo, uma analítica do desejo capaz de reconfigurar o romance de Nelson Rodrigues, Asfalto selvagem: Engraçadinha, seus amores e seus pecados, desterritorializá-lo em relação à tradição crítica e estética, fundada no paradigma realista-naturalista enraizado no pensamento literário brasileiro, especificamente no século XX. Movemo-nos por discussões sobre o autor e sobre o romance, empreendidas por Rolnik, interlocutora de Guattari, o qual está ligado aos novos paradigmas estéticos, à questão da produção de subjetividades, à micropolítica, às multiplicidades e às minorias. Buscamos contribuir para esse redimensionamento, colocando-nos na perspectiva cartográfica e rizomática para surpreender, em Asfalto, seus processos de subjetivação, incidindo sobre as singularidades selvagens, considerando os conceitos de Foucault, aplicados à construção literária enquanto espaço heterotópico, configurando a experiência do fora, como princípios estéticos. Veremos que as personagens, com foco em Engraçadinha, funcionam, como pequenas máquinas desejantes, Corpos sem Órgãos, moléculas desestabilizando as formações molares. Destarte, Nelson Rodrigues, na perspectiva da produção autoral, torna-se o pornógrafo, o literato iterador, como agenciador de uma palavra perversa, para além dos dogmas, da cena romantizada, originando, em sua poética, a revelação da obs-cena, a obscenidade, como crítica às instituições falidas. Trazemos, nesse sentido, referências de Bataille, quanto ao que na atividade estética se relaciona com o excedente da visão, relacionados ao espaço tático-ótico, concepção deleuziana referentes ao corpo-linguagem, pornografia, pornógrafo, narrativas abomináveis. Acompanhamo-nos, pois, dos conceitos da problemática da diferença e da alteridade, repercutindo na larvaridade, nas afecções, que abrem vias comunicantes com fenômenos extremos, atuantes em torno do mesmo e do outro, trazendo a rizomaticidade do mal e da monstruosidade para a construção estética de Asfalto selvagem, vistos sob a ótica de Bataille, Deleuze, Baudrillard, em ensaios que rompem o olhar estrutural em torno da obra e oferecem subsídios para a construção de uma cartografia outra, o território do ficcional, habitado por um povo por vir, na perspectiva tratada por Deleuze e por Blanchot


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This study focalizes the memoirs of rivers and of lakes in the romantic construction starting from the romances Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947) and Três casas e um rio (1958), of writer Dalcídio Jurandir; of the book of memoirs Marajó, minha vida (1998), of writer Dita Acatauassu; of the story "A Feiticeira", published in the book Contos Amazônicos, written by Inglês de Sousa (1883); of the short story "O Peixe", published in O carro dos milagres, (1990), of writer Benedicto Monteiro; of the oral narratives Honorato: Cobra Grande , O encanto de Honorato and A Lenda da Cobra Norato , picked up by the project named The Imaginary in the Shape of Oral Narratives of Paraense Amazon (IFNOPAP) of the Federal University of Pará. In those speeches, the voices of the memory detach the multiple functions of rivers and lakes represented as space, atmosphere, scenery, route and route, thread and fabric, re-elaborated in the narrators' memoirs, characters and narrators/character of the fiction and in popular narratives


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In this dissertation, we analyze, in a comparative perspective, the link between the short stories: Dama da Noite‟ and O Rapaz mais triste do mundo‟, of Caio Fernando Abreu. In order to reveal, analyze and establish relevant dialogues with Queer Theory, it‟s important, above all, make a misreading guided in the discursive contextuality of postmodern literature. In order to justify and clarify the many issues that arises in the emblematic relationships of characters that are present in the text and in the cultural context, historically and socially. It also highlights the utterance comparative value identified in the works, given the peculiarities of each one of them, not being possible to classify them as `figures of language` with which the comparison can be cited as an example. In this case, they serve to inspire the ways that may lead us to a better understanding of the parallels created between a world of the binary value and adjectives suggested by society and so well portrayed in the ideas and writings of Caio Fernando Abreu


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted


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This research presents a reading of the poetics of silence in the profile and actions of characters in Fogo morto, by Paraiba s novelist José Lins do Rego and Cartilha do silêncio, by Sergipe s writer José Francisco Costa Dantas. As a starting point, we intend to demonstrate, through analysis, how the traditional issue of patriarchy, installed in rural areas of Northeast Brazil, live their momentum of rise and decline in different social spaces within narratives. This article shows how man lives tensions caused by the socio-political changes that will gradually be deployed in their environment due to the process of transition from traditional to modern life. From this perspective, this reading encourages a critical reflection on the social space of the mills and farms at the time of their rise and decay, as well as the various gender relationships between the feminine and the masculine world. The analysis indicates that all the changes both in family and social space unfold a world of silent variants and this paper takes as its theoretical basis the concept of silence built from the reflections of Eni Puccinelli Orlandi (2002), Barros Lourival Holland (1990 ), Luiz Costa Lima (1974) and Marisa Simons (1999).


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A abordagem da visão da literatura nacional dentro do contexto cultural brasileiro da segunda metade do século XIX e do posicionamento crítico de José de Alencar fez, de sua produção romanesca, especialmente a indianista, representada aqui por sua obra Iracema, um símbolo do conjunto de intenções nacionalistas que invadiu a alma e o coração de todo o povo, no que diz respeito ao sentimento de brasilidade , condizente com a estética romântica da qual faz parte seu autor. Seu posicionamento, quer seja crítico ou artístico, faz de Alencar o maior polemista em defesa da liberdade cultural e literária do Brasil, enquanto alguém bem consciente de sua função social, e por que não dizer, crítica, identificando a metalinguagem como um diferencial fomentador de uma teorização de poética na defesa de sua ficção, abrindo caminho, assim, para a pesquisa da poética explícita na sua produção artística. A referida análise buscará, a partir de uma análise estrutural das partes formais que o compõem esteticamente, como também de uma compreensão temática dos ditos e interditos utilizados pelo narrador alencariano na composição de seu discurso, identificar Iracema enquanto um romance que disputa o título de obra fundacional do Brasil. Para isso se faz necessário empreender uma abordagem do como e do quanto os elementos da Natureza, num romance romântico que tem a Natureza enquanto uma de suas temáticas mais significativas, podem constituir e interferir na percepção e construção de um personagem, que é todo Natureza, e no meio natural em que ele vive; até mesmo ser, por causa disso, o elemento mais representativo dessa nação que se deseja criar, trazendo para o cenário cultural brasileiro do século XIX uma versão de instituição baseada no revigoramento da memória da cultura selvagem. Faz-se lícito também animar forças da natureza e da terra-paisagem que poderiam ser tidas, apenas, como exóticas, mas que na obra em questão funcionam como protagonistas, mesmo fantasmas, de um pacto social e político que, mesmo quando rompe, recusa-se em deixar romper, mergulhando no espaço romanesco da magnitude das águas ou na frieza tumular da terra. Tomar-se-á, também, como ponto de estudo, a análise da fusão da experiência histórica com a experiência ficcional, observando o imbricamento de um discurso no outro, como também as fronteiras que se estabelecem a partir dessa tentativa; tomando o erotismo e a alegoria como pontos de convergência na obra em questão. Por meio da verificação de uma relação que se constrói a partir da solidão, da memória e do esquecimento em que acabam por mergulhar todos os seus personagens, que são, por vezes, tragados em algum dilúvio bíblico da purificação, dentro de um projeto audacioso de invenção de uma nação, que se quer de identidade cultural, e também política, mas que termina condenado ao silêncio, não gozando de liberdade em relação ao espaço a que pertence e, no entanto representa, só cabendo a eles regressarem para dentro da terra-mãe, ou se submeterem a um ritual de profunda aculturação, verificar-se-á, através desse discurso historicamente construído, o ideário de uma nação que se almejava projetar. O conflito de Iracema, personagem protagonista de sua obra homônima, a negação e a perda de si mesma, de tudo aquilo que poderia representar a sua identidade social e cultural, e, conseqüentemente, a morte e a vida dessa mãe genti(o)l, simbolizam a vida e a arte de um povo que, passando pelos embates da colonização, através de seus artistas rebeldes e românticos da Independência, que ilustraram, em grande síntese, a visão através da qual o homem do Novo Mundo foi vislumbrado, rabiscou a imagem da americanidade pelo discurso da História


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This work has the purpose to analyze the female images unrolled at the Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930) poetry of her three books published, Livro de Mágoas (1919), Livro de Sóror Saudade (1923) e Charneca em Flor (1931, posthumous), showing how the female mythic constituents Eve and Lilith advance among the books, delineating the female image which culminates to the female poet image, free of moral conventions and social principles in the beginning of 20th century. For this exam, we will apply the Imaginary criticism, and realize a short explanation about mythic archetypes theories from C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, E. Meletínki and Gilbert Durand, theories that will lead us to make the connection between the mythic constituents and Nietzsche tragic constituents, from which we will explain how these female mythic images associated to reason and unreason mythic constituents, unrolled at the Florbela poetry, also reveal the tragic esthetic at her work


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The purpose of this work is to bring forward cultural identities of the city of Natal that are built upon representations contained in the work of Twentieth-Century Potiguar1 poets. We started out with the premise that the urban tissue owes its formation to the effect of the feelings produced and to the individuals that give shape to them, thus causing the city to abound with feelings and meanings that are relevant for both society and the individual. As cities and their identities may be studied and interpreted from different viewpoints, we have used in this study poetic discourse that functions as a memory to the city and takes shape out of a set of historically established social practices. Our research is situated within the area of Applied Linguistics, an area of knowledge focused mainly in language that is increasingly expanding its investigation limits in an interdisciplinary way. Therefore, this study is based on a social and historical model of language, with language construed as a discourse practice (Bakhtin and Circle), and presents an interface with cultural studies (Hall, Canclini), taking into account the fact that culture builds up values and brings forth differences in respect of the conditions under which such values and differences are produced. In this sense, we have tried to ―listen‖ to what the poets say, by understanding and interpreting the meanings produced by their discourse, in order to identify the formation of the identities of the city that arise out of distinct points of view and diverse stylistic marks. Analysis of these poetic utterances lead to multifold cultural identities of the city, ranging from a naive and multicolored Natal to a city that builds itself on its characters and on to an insurgent, usurped Natal


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Este trabalho analisa relações da experiência, memória e humor e investiga representações da infância, da velhice, da loucura e do alcoolismo no romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris, de Eulício Farias de Lacerda e em contos de Primeiras Estórias, de Guimarães Rosa, destacando-se que meninos, velhos, cegos e loucos, mesmo marginalizados, podem ser encarados como atores sociais na formação das comunidades. Verifica-se que essas personagens constituem uma coletividade no sentido de evocar a representação de indivíduos. Também se procura examinar práticas literárias e culturais no âmbito do sistema literário brasileiro, com ênfase em regionalismos, oralidade e considerações sobre literatura e sociedade. É desse modo que se busca observar que as obras destacadas estão inseridas numa discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento sociocultural. Portanto, a preocupação desta pesquisa deriva da discussão moderna acerca do desenvolvimento social. Diante disso, observa-se nos textos de Guimarães Rosa e de Eulício Farias um tratamento narrativo em torno dessas personagens, enfatizando que as situações vividas por eles envolvem experiências que os levam a construir, em relação ao contexto social, aspectos de amadurecimento, rememoração, compartilhamento, encantamento, viagem ao desconhecido, movimentos históricos, alegrias e tristezas, sempre demonstrando uma sintonia com a temática da modernidade. Assim, as condições sociais são interpretadas para evidenciar e confrontar: discriminação, amizade, conflito, respeito, marginalização, memória social. Ainda são estabelecidas comparações entre personagens do romance As Filhas do Arco-Íris com as de alguns contos de Primeiras Estórias, salientando-se considerações sobre o narrador, as inter-relações, regionalismo e relações entre literatura, organização e processo social. Esta pesquisa tem por base o conceito de sistema literário consolidado idealizado por Antonio Candido e os postulados de estudiosos e teóricos como: Walter Benjamin, Jacqueline Held, Mikhail Bakhtin, Roland Barthes, Ana Paula Pacheco, Serge Moscovici, François Laplantine, Liane Trindade


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This thesis A paz tensa da chama fugaz: a configuração do amor no romance contemporâneo, Lygia Fagundes Telles e Lídia Jorge aims to study the configuration of Love in contemporary novels. Their corpuses of study are the novels As horas nuas (1989), by the Brazilian writer Lygia Fagundes Telles; and O vento assobiando nas gruas (2002), by the Portuguese writer Lídia Jorge. The following research tries to understand how the characters from those texts deal with some love questions on the context of the contemporary narrative; it also tries to comprehend the love expression which is formed as a contradictorily fluid feeling and intensely wanted, which are important points concerning the love discourse at the present day. As a critic-comparative study, this research focuses on the problematic concerned love as a synonym of Eros, in other words, the relation between lovers, analyzed through social and philosophical perspective. Through that, this work broadens the study of two contemporary novels, and it also establish connections between the characters from those novels and the literary environment where they are placed, once it focuses on the human and social context presented in this books. The thesis ends calling attention to the dichotomy of love and death, to the image of love which grows through absence and through the longing of completeness of the human being; that is why this work sustains that the Lygia Fagundes Telles and Lídia Jorge update and materialized in their texts the plurality of contemporary love conception, which continues to be contradictory, fragmented and problematic


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This thesis endorses the interpretation that in Plato`s Republic the argument made by Thrasymachus in which justice is the convenience of the most powerful one is implicitly accepted by Socrates. Although Thrasymachus´ discussion does not show any similarity with the argument of Socrates, it proposes a sarcastic and ironic comment on political life. Socrates accepts this comment to develop a more refined notion of the category of the most powerful ones. While Thrasymachus assumes that the convenience of the most powerful ones includes the power to subordinate all and everything to their individual pleasures, Socrates admits that the most powerful ones are defined only by their characteristic of being able to hold power in perpetuity. In this context, the main theme of The Republic is that the harmony between the functional classes of the city is convenient for perpetual power. For preservation of harmony, the functional class of the most powerful considers the convenience of forsaking a possible monopoly on pleasure towards a redistribution that promotes harmony, which also makes it convenient for the other classes. Thus, we can explicitly say that the most powerful ones believe in a sense of justice as convenience for everyone, but implicitly believe only in the argument that justice is what is convenient for themselves. Since convenience is what promotes harmony between functional classes, it becomes convenient to Socrates to believe that the understanding justice that the most powerful ones have is not publicly disclosed. The notion that all the speculation of the dialogue between the characters cannot be true, but, at best, only plausible and convenient is also part of the central argument in The Republic. Socrates needs to modify the nature of the functional classes through a targeted program of sexual reproduction and a program of ideological indoctrination so that the proposal to promote harmony through the elements of the city, declaring that justice is in favor of the weakest becomes a more plausible and convenient speech. To make the new system more plausible, Socrates develops a metaphysics based on the mathematical notion of harmony, such metaphysics serving the official rhetoric of the political regime presented by Socrates