241 resultados para espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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This study aimed to evaluate the potential of oxidative electrochemical treatment coupled with adsorption process using expanded perlite as adsorbent in the removal of textile dyes, Red Remazol and Novacron Blue on synthetic effluent. Dyes and perlite were characterized by thermogravimetry techniques (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Spectroscopy infrared (IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques. Electrochemical treatments used as anodes, Ti/Pt and Pb/PbO2 under different conditions: 60 minutes, current density 20, 40 e 60 mAcm-2, pH 1, 4.5 e 8 and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC. In the case of adsorption tests, contact time of 30 minutes for the Remazol Red dye and 20 minutes for Novacron Blue were established, while pH 1, 4.5 e 8, 500 mg adsorbent and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC were used for both treatments. The results indicated that both treatments, electroxidation/adsorption and the adsorption/electroxidation, were effective for removing color from synthetic solutions. The consumption of electricity allowed to evaluate the applicability of the electrochemical process, providing very acceptable values, which allowed us to estimate the cost. Total organic carbon (TOC) and Gas Chromatography linked mass spectrometer (GC-MS) analyzes were performed, showing that the better combination for removing organic matter is by Pb/PbO2 and perlite. Meanwhile, GC-MS indicated that the by-products formed are benzoic acid, phthalic acid, thiocarbamic acid, benzene, chlorobenzene, phenol-2-ethyl and naphthalene when Remazol Red was degraded. Conversely, aniline, phthalic acid, 1, 6 - dimethylnaphthalene, naphthalene and ion hidroxobenzenosulfonat was detected when Novacron Blue was studied. Analyses obtained through atomic absorption spectrometry showed that there was release of lead in the electrochemical oxidation of analyzes that were performed with the anode Pb/PbO2, but these values are reduced by subjecting the effluent to adsorption analysis. According to these results, sequential techniques electroxidation/adsorption and adsorption/electroxidation are to treat solutions containing dyes.


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This study aimed to evaluate the potential of oxidative electrochemical treatment coupled with adsorption process using expanded perlite as adsorbent in the removal of textile dyes, Red Remazol and Novacron Blue on synthetic effluent. Dyes and perlite were characterized by thermogravimetry techniques (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Spectroscopy infrared (IR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques. Electrochemical treatments used as anodes, Ti/Pt and Pb/PbO2 under different conditions: 60 minutes, current density 20, 40 e 60 mAcm-2, pH 1, 4.5 e 8 and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC. In the case of adsorption tests, contact time of 30 minutes for the Remazol Red dye and 20 minutes for Novacron Blue were established, while pH 1, 4.5 e 8, 500 mg adsorbent and temperature variation 20, 40 e 60 ºC were used for both treatments. The results indicated that both treatments, electroxidation/adsorption and the adsorption/electroxidation, were effective for removing color from synthetic solutions. The consumption of electricity allowed to evaluate the applicability of the electrochemical process, providing very acceptable values, which allowed us to estimate the cost. Total organic carbon (TOC) and Gas Chromatography linked mass spectrometer (GC-MS) analyzes were performed, showing that the better combination for removing organic matter is by Pb/PbO2 and perlite. Meanwhile, GC-MS indicated that the by-products formed are benzoic acid, phthalic acid, thiocarbamic acid, benzene, chlorobenzene, phenol-2-ethyl and naphthalene when Remazol Red was degraded. Conversely, aniline, phthalic acid, 1, 6 - dimethylnaphthalene, naphthalene and ion hidroxobenzenosulfonat was detected when Novacron Blue was studied. Analyses obtained through atomic absorption spectrometry showed that there was release of lead in the electrochemical oxidation of analyzes that were performed with the anode Pb/PbO2, but these values are reduced by subjecting the effluent to adsorption analysis. According to these results, sequential techniques electroxidation/adsorption and adsorption/electroxidation are to treat solutions containing dyes.


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Plasma process like ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding are utilized in order to become hard surface of steels. The ionic nitriding is already accepted in the industry while cathodic cage plasma nitriding process is in industrial implementation stage. Those process depend of plasma parameters like electronic and ionic temperature (Te, Ti), species density (ne, ni) and of distribution function of these species. In the present work, the plasma used to those two processes has been observed through Optical Emission Spectroscopy OES technique in order to identify presents species in the treatment ambient and relatively quantify them. So plasma of typical mixtures like N2 H2 has been monitored through in order to study evolution of those species during the process. Moreover, it has been realized a systematic study about leaks, also thought OES, that accomplish the evolution of contaminant species arising because there is flux of atmosphere to inside nitriding chamber and in what conditions the species are sufficiently reduced. Finally, to describe the physic mechanism that acts on both coating techniques ionic nitriding and cathodic cage plasma nitriding


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In the search for products that act as corrosion inhibitors and do not cause environmental, impact the use of plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors is becoming a promising alternative. In this work the efficiency of polar extracts (ethanol extracts) obtained from the plants Anacardium occidentale Linn (AO) and Phyllantus amarus Schum. & Thonn (PA) as corrosion inhibitors were evaluated in different concentrations. For that AO and PA extracts were solubilized in the microemulsion systems (SME) containing saponified coconut oil as surfactant (SME -OCS and SME-OCS-1) in saline (NaCl 3,5 %) solution, which was also used as electrolyte. Both SME-OCS and SME-OCS-1 were characterized by surface tension and viscosity methods showing a Newtonian fluid behavior. The SME-OCS and SME-OCS-1 systems satisfactorily solubilized the polar extracts AO and PA with measurements carried out by ultraviolet spectroscopy. The measurements of corrosion inhibition efficiencies were performed by the electrochemical linear polarization resistance (LPR) technique as well as weight loss, on the surface of AISI 1020 carbon steel. The maximum corrosion inhibition efficiencies were determined by extrapolation of Tafel plots, showing the following values: 95,6 % for the system SME-OCS-AO, 98,9 % for the system SME-OCS-AO-1 and 93,4 % for the system SME-OCS-PA


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ALVES, Ana paula Melo. Vermiculitas tratadas quimicamente na obtenção de sólidos microporosos como precursores para híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos com aplicações adsortivas. 2009. 124 f. Tese (Doutorado em Quimica) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, 2009.


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MELO, D. M. A. et al. Synthesis and charactezarion of lanthanum and yttrium doped Fe2O3 pigments. Cerâmica, São Paulo, v. 53, p. 79-82, 2007.


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Since the first description of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweeds, the biological activities of these compounds have been evaluated under different aspects and experimental procedures. Among the broad biological activities presented by seaweed polysaccharides, anticoagulant action appears as a promising function. In this present study we have obtained sulfated polysaccharides from the green seaweed Codium isthmocladium by proteolytic digestion, followed by separation into five fractions (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.2) by sequential acetone precipitation. The chemical analyses have demonstrated that all fractions are composed mainly by sulfated polysaccharides. The anticoagulant activity of these fractions was determined by activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time test (PT) using citrate normal human plasma. None fraction has shown anticoagulant activity by PT test. Furthermore, all of them have shown anticoagulant activity by aPTT test. These results indicated that the molecular targets of these sulfated polysaccharides are mainly in the intrinsic via of the coagulation cascade. Agarose gel electrophoresis in 1,3-diaminopropane acetate buffer, pH 9.0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue showed the presence of two or three bands in several fractions while the fraction 0.9 showed a single spot. By anion exchange chromatography, the acid polysaccharides from the 0.9 acetone fraction were separated into two new fractions eluted respectively with 2.0 and 3.0 M NaCl. These compounds showed a molecular weight of 6.4 and 7.4 kDa respectively. Chemical analyses and infrared spectroscopy showed that Gal 1 and Gal 2 are sulfated homogalactans and differ one from the other in degree and localization of sulfate groups. aPPT test demonstrated that fractions 2,0 and 3,0M (Gal1 and Gal 2, respectively) have anticoagulant activity. This is the first time that anticoagulant sulfated homogalatans have been isolated from green algae. To prolong the coagulation time to double the baseline value in the aPTT, the required amount of sulfated galactan 1 (6,3mg) was similar to low molecular heparin Clexane®, whereas only 0,7mg of sulfated galactan 2 was needed to obtain the same effect. Sulfated galactan 2 in high doses (250mg) induces platelet aggregation. These results suggest that these galactans from C. isthmocladum have a potential application as an anticoagulant drug


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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Sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are biomolecules with a great biotechnological potential. There are few data about PS from high plants. In addition, pharmacological activities of PS from plants have not been carrying out. The aim of this work was extract PS from the angiosperm Halodule wrightii and study their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities. Histological analysis showed the presence of the PS manly in the roots. A polysaccharide-rich extract was obtained from H. wrightii by proteolysis followed by methanol and TCA precipitation. Chemical, infra-red analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis in 1.3 diaminopropane acetate buffer confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides made by glucose, galactose, xylose and sulfate residues in the proportion 1: 0,9: 1: 1. In addition polyacrilamide electrophoresis have shown that extract is mainly compose by 11kDa sulfated polysaccharides. Pharmacological analysis have shown total antioxidant capacity (CAT) that resulted in 15,21 μg for equivalent of ascorbic acid, scavenging activity of the DPPH radical with 41,36 % of scavenging, activity of reducing power with the maximum of 0,290 nm (50 % of vitamin C activity) and scavenging activity superoxide radical (O2-) with a maximum of 32,23 %. Chelating activity of metal less than 4% and scavenging activity of the radical hydroxyl (OH-) less than 2%. Time of activated partial tromboplastin (aPTT) doubling the time of coagulation from 20μg of and protrombin time (PT) was not present. The data indicate that PS from Halodule wrightii could be considered for future applications in medicine, food production or cosmetic industry


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The exopolysaccharides are extracellular compounds produced by some species of fungi and bacteria. It is suggested that these molecules, even when in the form of complex polysaccharide-peptide, are the main bioactive molecules of many fungus. Some of the biological activities displayed by these compounds can be accentuated and others may arise when you add chemically polar or nonpolar groups to polysaccharides. The fruiting body of Pleurotus sajor-caju produces a heteropolysaccharide with antineoplastic and antimicrobial activity, but other biological activities of this polymer have not been evaluated. In this work the exopolysaccharide of Pleurotus sajor-caju was sulfated chemically and structurally characterized. We also evaluated the antiproliferative, antioxidant and anticoagulant activities from native exopolysaccharide (PN) and its sulfated derivated (PS). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (¹³C) proved successful in sulfation of PN to obtain PS. Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy showed that PN and PS are composed of mannose, galactose, 3-O-methyl-galactose and glucose in proportion percentage of 44,9:16,3:19,8:19 and 49, 7:14,4:17,7:18,2, respectively. The percentage of sulfate found in PS was 22.5%. Antioxidants assays revealed that the sulfation procedure affects differently the activities of exopolysaccharides, while the total antioxidant capacity, the scavenging activity of superoxide radical and ferric chelating were not affected by sulfation, on the other hand the chemical modification of PN enhanced the scavenging activity of hydroxyl radical and reducing power. PS also showed anticoagulant activity in a dose-dependent manner and clotting time was 3.0 times higher than the baseline value in APTT at 2 mg/mL. The exopolysaccharide not presented antiproliferative activity against HeLa tumor cells, but PS affects the cellular proliferation in a time-dependent manner. After 72 h, the inhibition rate of PS (2.0 mg/mL) on HeLa cells was about 60%. The results showed that PN sulfation increase some of their activities.


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The corn cob is an agricultural by-product still little used, this in part due to the low knowledge of the biotechnological potential of their molecules. Xylan from corn cobs (XSM) is a polysaccharide present in greater quantity in the structure of plant and its biotechnology potential is little known. This study aimed to the extraction, chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activities of xylan from corn cobs. To this end, corncobs were cleaned, cut, dried and crushed, resulting in flour. This was subjected to a methodology that combines the use of alkaline conditions with waves of ultrasound. After methanol precipitation, centrifugation and drying was obtained a yield of 40% (g/g flour). Chemical analysis indicated a high percentage of polysaccharides in the sample (60%) and low contamination by protein (0.4%) and phenolic compounds (> 0.01%). Analysis of monosaccharide composition indicated the presence of xylose:glucose:arabinose:galactose:mannose:glucuronic acid in a molar ratio 50:20:15:10:2.5:2.5. The presence of xylan in the sample was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H and ¹³C) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Tests were conducted to evaluate the antioxidant potential of XSM. This showed a total antioxidant capacity of 48.45 EAA/g sample. However, did not show scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radical and also reducing power. But, showing a high capacity chelating iron ions with 70% with about 2 mg/mL. The ability to XSM to influence cell proliferation in culture was also evaluated. This polymer did not influence the proliferation of normal fibroblast cells (3T3), however, decreased the rate of proliferation of tumor cells (HeLa) in a dose-dependent, reaching an inhibition of about 50% with a concentration around 2 mg/mL. Analyzing proteins related to cell death, by immunoblotting, XSM increases the amount of Bax, Bcl-2 decrease, increase cytochrome c and AIF, and reduce pro-caspase-3, indicating the induction of cell death induced apoptosis dependent and independent of caspase. XSM did not show anticoagulant activity in the PT test. However, the test of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), XSM increased clotting time at about 5 times with 600 μg of sample compared with the negative control. The presence of sulfate on the XSM was discarded by agarose gel electrophoresis and IR. After carboxyl-reduction of XSM the anticoagulant activity decreased dramatically. The data of this study demonstrate that XSM has potential as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticoagulant compound. Future studies to characterize these activities of XSM will help to increase knowledge about this molecule extracted from corn and allow their use in functional foods, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.


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Fungal polysaccharides have received a great deal of attention due to itsbecause of their potential use in a wide rangegreat variety fromof industries. Some studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted offrom basidiomycetes they have presented significant properties as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tumoral properties. In spite of thisDespite these potential properties, these mushrooms have not been insufficiently investigated, and the great number of antibiotics number produced forby these organisms suggests that they canmay be a new source of bioactives composites source. In tThe present work, reports onlated the chemical composition, potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory and citotoxycity of extracted polymers extracted offrom the fruits bodies of the fungiius Geastrum saccatum and Polyporus dermoporus, native mushrooms of the Atlantic forest inof the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The Cchemical analyses had revealed ademonstrated text of total sugar rates of 65% and 49%, and proteins of 7.0% for in extracts of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus extracts, respectively. The analyses ofNMR spectroscopy of RMN had demonstrated that these extracts are composites forof a complex involving β- glucans and- proteins complex. The inhibition of the formation of superoxide radicals formation was of 88.4% in G. saccatum and 83.3% in P. dermoporus, and 75 and 100% for inhibition of hydroxyls radicals inhibition. TopicalThe topic application of extracts the 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg extract in BALBc mice with cutaneous inflammation induced byfor croton oil demonstrated to inhibitedion of ear edema of ear and cells polimorfonuclears cells atin the inflamed siteplace, being this reply more effective in lower concentrations being more effective. The evaluation of the glucans of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus glucans under induced pleurisy for carrageenan-induced pleurisya of showed the antiinflammatory action of these composites., being analyzed tThe frame number in the pleural exudates and thedosage of nitric oxide dosage was also analyzed. The cytotoxic action of these polymers was analyzed throughthrough the mitochondrial function (MTT). The incubation of the glucans with mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood demonstrated that the extracted glucans extracted fromof G. saccatum havepossess a moderate cytotoxic action. These results suggest that these mushrooms possess polymers formed byfor a complex glucana-protein complex, with antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions


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Compounds derived from fungi has been the subject of many studies in order to broaden the knowledge of their bioactive potential. Polysaccharides from Caripia montagnei have been described to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this study, glucans extracted from Caripia montagnei mushroom were chemically characterized and their effects evaluated at different doses and intervals of treatment. It was also described their action on colonic injury in the model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and its action on cells of the human colon carcinoma (HT-29). Compounds extracted of C. montagnei contain high level of carbohydrates (96%), low content of phenolic compounds (1.5%) and low contamination with proteins (2.5%). The (FT-IR) and (NMR) analysis showed that polysaccharides from this species of mushroom are composed of α- and β-glucans. The colonic damage was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, biochemical and immunologic analyses. The results showed a reduction of colonic lesions in all groups treated with the glucans of Caripia montagnei (GCM). GCM significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 (50 and 75 mg/kg, p < 0.05), a major inflammatory cytokine. Biochemical analyses showed that such glucans acted on reducing levels of alkaline phosphatase (75 mg/kg, p < 0.01), nitric oxide (p < 0.001), and myeloperoxidase (p < 0.001). These results were confirmed microscopically by the reduction of cellular infiltration. The increase of catalase activity suggest a protective effect of GCM on colonic tissue, confirming their anti-inflammatory potential. GCM displayed cytostatic activity against HT-29 cells, causing accumulation of cells in G1 phase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Those glucans also showed ability to modulate the adhesion of HT-29 cells to Matrigel® and reduced the oxidative stress. The antiproliferative activity against HT-29 cells displayed by GCM (p <0.001) can be attributed to its cytostatic activity and induction of apoptosis by GCM