53 resultados para ensino de física
The study research case with a quantitative approach and prospective data, carried out between December 2010 and February 2011 with the aim of identifying the profile of women in the study, to characterize the acts of violence in the type, frequency, location occurrence and aggressor, analyze the steps taken after the occurrence of acts of violence and the main consequences on the victims. The population consisted of 285 workers in a tertiary institution in Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that 99 (34.74%) have between 51 to 60 years of age, 78 (27.37%) of 41 to 50 and 62 (21.75%) between 20 and 30 years, are considered color white, 162 (56.84%) have completed higher education, 171 (60.00%) and of these 97 (56.73%) reported having some post-graduate degrees, are married, 141 (49.47%) and have from zero to one child, 148 (51.93%) reside in the south of the city of Natal, 146 (51.23%) have a monthly income of three to five minimum wages, 171 (60.00%) and are mostly in the Technical Administrative Sciences 152 (53.33%), 77 (27.02%) reported having experienced violence, 60 (62.50%) episodes of verbal aggression, 26 (27.08%) of bullying , 05 (5.21%) of physical abuse and 05 (5.21%) sexual harassment; 05 (100.00%) assaults were made by the spouse or partner of the victims and co-workers is another profession were responsible for 18 (30.00%) verbal aggression, 15 (57.69%) bullying and 03 (60.00%) sexual harassment, 02 (40.00%) of victims of physical aggression and 18 (30.00 %) of verbal abused only once, 10 (38.46%) of bullying and 02 (40.00%) of sexual harassment experienced four or more times 05 (100.00%) assaults occurred at domestic and work stood out with 36 (60.00%), verbal abuse, 22 (84.62%), moral harassment and 04 (80.00%) sexual harassment, 35 (36.46%) told colleagues work and 31 (32.29%) for family and friends in 75 (78.13%) cases there was no intervention, 07 (7.29) were unable to respond if something had been done and 14 (14.58% ) have been reported intervention of these, 09 (64.29%) were taken by the heads of the victims, 26 (32.10%) did not notify the fact on the ground that no action would be taken, 62 (80.52%) felt stress , 5 (1.76%) of women turned away from work after the episode of violence, accounting for 198 days of absenteeism. It is concluded that there is a high rate of violence against women, even when they have a good socioeconomic status, and in this sense is important to establish bases of new proposals for improving control of cases of health professionals, especially nurses, to approach patients with a more investigative, and that by identifying a case of violence, be instructed about the paths to be followed for notification while providing psychological support to victims.
Placed in the field of Didactic of Science, this paper proposes an approach to the introduction of the History of Science in science education, at high school level. It was designed and implemented a series of activities regarding the history of the Principle of Inertia. The aim of this approach was to give more meaning to scientific education, while opening new avenues for a better understanding of the processes of construction of scientific knowledge. The preparation of the activities involved a study of the historical development of the concept of motion, from the Aristotelian physics through physical movement concepts at medieval period, from Galileo, Gassendi, Descartes, until the first law of Newton. The strategy of teaching was applied to three classes of high school (night period) of a state public school at the city of Natal (RN). The results indicated the difficulty of overcoming alternative conceptions about movement by students. Nevertheless, we consider that the implementation of this strategy of teaching both represented gains for the learning of students, and contributed to the resizing of pedagogical practices of the teacher-researcher
This study has as its aim the elaboration, presentation and application of a proposal which makes possible an inter-disciplinary relationship between knowledge of physics and geography in the graduation course for forming geography teachers in the Dom Aureliano Matos Faculty of Philosophy in the city of Limoeiro do Norte in the State of Ceára. Initially, we observe in pertinent literature and opinions of specialists what capacities and abilities are suggested for a future teacher of geography. Following that, we select subject matter which broaches upon physic concepts and may be contextualized within topics present in the daily fare of a geography teacher, such as natural phenomena related principally to natural environment and climate, envolving astronomic features, using didactic materials and resources in easily understood language and without the excessive presence of mathematical formulas. An evaluation of the experience allows us to affirm that inter-disciplinary treatment, as an important alternative for curriculam organization, when applied in the classroom shows that there is better learning, a reduction in class evasion and a significant fall in failures when compared with traditional proposals for the teaching of physics in relation to geography. On the other hand, it is notable that to maintain and augment such measures it is a challenge to be met, with the purpose that students of other courses may perceive that physic concepts have much to do with their reality, and that understanding them is relevant for their professional and personal formation
In recent decades, humanity has become increasingly concerned with environmental problems. Proofs of this are increasing initiatives in civil society organizations, private institutions and government actions, either local, state or national actions to promote environmental protection. The goal of this research is to contribute to the formation of citizens more aware of their responsibilities to sustainable development issues, simultaneously to their learning of physics in the secondary school. Thus, we have designed a research project that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the adoption of the concept of sustainable development as a central theme in physics classes in high school. From this goal, we designed, implemented and evaluate lesson plans that aim not only to construct and apply the concept of energy, but also to understand their transformations and conservation law, as well as their processes of production, distribution and consume in the context of physical laws in which it is involved. Then, it was deliberately provided to students, during classes, to read, interpret and produce texts, by this way being able to think and start to have a critical view of the world around him, as well as absorb the energy concept and understand his occurrence in phenomena of nature and in technologies. The approach used for this was that constraining science, technology, society and environment - STSE. This teaching methodology has been applied in the IFRN Ipanguaçu campus, for students of two classes of first year of high school integrated course in agroecology and in technical computing. The survey results show the effectiveness of both methods with respect to the viewpoints of students in relation to the guidelines of sustainable development and the learning of physics content proposed. It is hoped with this dissertation to contribute to the formation of future men and women as citizens environmentally friendly, but also as a source of inspiration for teachers who wish to foster in its students such a critical position about civic education, from their classes
A disciplina Física do Meio Ambiente (FMA) foi criada em 1976 no Departamento de Física Teórica e Experimental da UFRN e, atualmente, faz parte da estrutura curricular do curso de Licenciatura em Física da UFRN e é de caráter obrigatório. Tal caráter se justifica, dentre outros motivos, pelo fato de que esta disciplina representa uma boa oportunidade dos licenciandos estudarem de que forma a Física pode contribuir para a compreensão de fenômenos relativos ao nosso Meio Ambiente, sejam eles relacionados às atividades humanas ou aos fenômenos naturais propriamente ditos e que, de uma forma ou de outra, afeta a sociedade. O nosso trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo principal elaborar um novo programa de ensino para a disciplina de Física do Meio Ambiente adequado às necessidades da educação científica para o século XXI. A pesquisa foi conduzida inicialmente com um levantamento histórico da disciplina desde sua origem no Departamento de Física ate os dias atuais, analise dos Projetos Pedagógicos do curso de Licenciatura em Física da UFRN, revisão bibliográfica sobre as definições de competências e habilidades em um contexto de ensino e segundo o pensamento de vanguarda nesse campo de pesquisa, acompanhamento do curso durante um semestre através de aulas observacionais, aplicação de questionário para a coleta de dados e análise de alguns livros didáticos de Física do Ensino Médio. A partir do perfil ou modelo profissional para o licenciado em Física da UFRN definimos os objetivos gerais para a disciplina de FMA em termos de habilidades gerais relacionadas com as atividades que um futuro professor de Física irá desempenhar no seu dia a dia. O nosso programa de ensino foi pensado no sentido de introduzir conteúdos de didática específica ao longo da disciplina, isto é, familiarizar os professores em formação com investigação e inovação didáticas voltadas para o ensino de temas que envolvam a conexão entre Física e Meio Ambiente. Como resultado de nossa pesquisa foi proposto um novo Programa de Ensino para FMA que pode ser útil aos futuros professores desta disciplina e foi elaborado segundo uma metodologia de organização científica do processo ensino
Compreendemos o esporte como um dos fenômenos mais expressivos no âmbito da cultura de movimento. Dessa forma, descrevemos uma experiência pedagógica, tendo o esporte como conteúdo e a concepção de aulas abertas como norteadora didático-pedagógica. A experiência realizou-se em uma escola privada, da cidade de Natal, com uma turma do 5º ano, a partir de temas geradores. Com a duração de seis aulas, ocorreu durante o 3º bimestre do ano letivo de 2008, tendo como fechamento da unidade a explanação temática das pesquisas dos alunos na Feira de Ciências da escola. A partir dessa experiência, foi possível observar a realização de um trabalho com a turma que contemplasse o conteúdo esporte numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, abrangendo a Educação Física e os demais componentes curriculares, com a participação maciça dos alunos e suas opiniões na construção das aulas
A discussão a respeito de perspectivas críticas no cenário da Educação Física é relativamente recente. Nesse sentido, nos propusemos refletir sobre a ginástica rítmica no âmbito escolar a partir de uma visão crítica, tendo como alicerce teórico-metodológico as abordagens crítico-emancipatória (KUNZ, 2001) e crítico-superadora (COLETIVO DE AUTORES, 1992), bem como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Educação Física (BRASIL, 2001). Delimitamos nosso universo de estudo perpassando, historicamente, dos Movimentos ginásticos europeus ao contexto olímpico mundial para então, situar a entrada da ginástica rítmica no Brasil e sua inserção na escola e por fim, apontar e refletir perspectivas críticas do ensino da ginástica rítmica como conteúdo das aulas de Educação Física
O texto tem como objetivo descrever e refletir sobre uma situação vivida no âmbito do ensino superior, mais especificamente na disciplina dança educacional da licenciatura em educação física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), com enfoque nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem da dança vivenciados a partir de uma experiência de composição coreográfica. Partindo de uma atitude fenomenológica, o texto descreve as experiências vividas na situação pedagógica do ensino da dança no âmbito da licenciatura como vivências significativas para refletir sobre as relações entre o conhecimento sobre a dança e o conhecimento pedagógico necessário ao seu ensino