58 resultados para Teste de sensibilidade bacteriana


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of milking procedures on the levels of total bacterial count (TBC) in bovine milk. In the first study the influences of procedures for hygienic milking, cleaning of milking equipment and milk cooling tanks on the TBC levels were evaluated. Four bulk samples of milk were collected from each tank in eight properties for TBC analysis, employing the flow cytometry method. A questionnaire was applied in each property to assess the current situation of milking procedures on each production system that took part on this research, followed by training of employees in good agricultural practices in the production of milk and monitoring of the TBC measurements. The methodology for analysis of longitudinal data was considered, focusing on random effects models. The results showed that the handling procedures for milking and the cleanliness of the cooling tank contributed to a further reduction in the levels of TBC raw milk cooling tanks. The second study aimed to describe the percentage of the properties that comply with the Normative Instruction Nº 51 (Brazil s IN 51) with regard to total bacterial count (TBC) in bovine milk. The study was conducted from January 2010 to July 2011. Milk samples were collected from the eight properties selected for TBC analysis by the flow cytometry method. Again, on each property a questionnaire was applied to assess the current situation of milking procedures on each production system that took part on this research, followed by training of employees in good agricultural practices in the production of milk and monitoring of the TBC measurements. The methodology of marginal models based on Generalized Estimate Equations (GEEs) was followed in the statistical analysis. The results showed that the handling procedures of the milking and the cleanliness of the cooling tanks contributed to a considerable percentage of the properties that reached the limits of TBC established by IN 51


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain with palpable tender points, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Patients with FM have hormonal changes that are directly correlated with symptoms of the syndrome. The neuroendocrine regulation may be impaired, with abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis with various hormones showing changes in their levels. In women in fertile period, various gonadal hormones are associated with symptoms of the syndrome, but studies focusing only a population of women in post-menopausal period who do not use hormone replacement are rare. We developed an analytical cross sectional study to assess the plasma levels of cortisol and dehidroepiandrosterona sulfate (DHEA-S) with quimioluminescence method in a group of 17 women with FM and 19 healthy women in post-menopause who do not use hormone replacement and observe the correlation with the symptoms of pain through algometry, depression and physical functional capacity measured from the Beck Depression Index (BDI) and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Three blood samples were collected in the morning (between 8:00 9:30) with an interval of 24 hours for the measurements of hormonal levels and biochemical profile. There were no immunological or lipid changes in patients with FM. Comparing the two groups, there is no difference in levels of cortisol and a tangential effect for DHEA-S (p=0,094) with the lowest levels in the FM. DHEA-S also correlated with pain threshold (r=0,7) and tolerance (r=0,65) in group FM. We found the presence of depressive state and low physical functional capacity in FM. It was also evident that women in post-menopausal period, DHEA-S should influence the symptoms of increased sensitivity to pain, but not the presence of depressive status and low physical functional


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The increase of elderly population in the world and in Brazil has indicated the necessity of health systems capable to evaluate, to diagnose and to intervene in the conditions of health and disease of that segment. During that stage of human development, physical and cognitive changes happen and they are capable to influence the functional acting. It s important to distinguish the limit between the normal and the pathological. Besides the common changes during the aging, biological rhithmicity changes happen, as alterations in the cycle vigil-sleep that can influence in certain tasks performance. This study aimed to verify the influence of the age, of the sex and of the hour in a maze test performance. Eighty individuals were evaluated, 40 youths (20 men and 20 women) and 40 senior (20 men and 20 women). They were separated in 2 different groups that were tested at 9:00 o clock and at 15:00 o clock. Initially they were submitted to health evaluation, cognitive evaluation and of sleep quality and chronotype. They were instructed to accomplish the maze test whose time of execution was timed and registered. Significant differences were observed according to age for the masculine group between elderly in the morning and in the afternoon and in the feminine group between youth and elderly in the test accomplished in the morning and in the afternoon. Significant differences were not observed according to sex and hour of the day and also between attempts. In compare between the 30th and the31st, accomplished in a 15minutes of interval, significant difference was observed just for the elderly group in the morning and in the afternoon. We observed significant correlations in the maze test performance with the cronotype, with the age, with the education and with the cognitive acting. The maze test was capable to detect differences between age in the acting profile and in the evaluation of the information maintenance after 15 minutes, however it was not possible to verify difference between sex and hour of the day. Finally the correlations of the maze test with another varied may indicate your importance as coadjutant instrument in those functions evaluation


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Millon describes the normal personality by means of adaptation styles that are effective in normal environments and personality disorders such as unadapted operating styles. To operacionalize his theoretical model, Millon has built several instruments, including the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III), wich consists of a self report inventory composed by 175 true or false response items, containing four verification scales, and others scales wich evaluates 14 personality patterns and 10 clinical syndromes. The Substance Dependence scale (T) is placed along with Clinical Syndromes scales. This research is justified by the lack of a Brazilian instrument to assess personality psychopathological aspects, and aims to translate and semantically adapt the MCMI-III to the Brazilian context, checking validity elements of the Substance Dependence scale, and developing a computer application for assisting the evaluation of assessment results. To this intent, 2.588 individuals data was collected, male and female, aged between 18 and 85 years, characterized as belonging to a clinical or non-clinical group, who took part in the survey via the internet or in person. Respondents completed the MCMI-III, a socio-demographic questionnaire and a subgroup also answered to the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Besides descriptive statistics, we performed the analysis using the Student t test, principal components analysis and internal consistency. Despite difficulties related to translating very specific English terms, the assessment by judges, experts on Millon´s theory, and the back translation, attested the adequacy of the Brazilian version. Factorial analysis indicated the grouping of translated T scale items into three factors (social activities prejudice, lack of impulse control, and oppositional behavior), by presenting a single item on a fourth factor (apparently related to seeking pleasurable stimuli). The Cronbach alpha for this set of items was 0,82, indicating an acceptable scale reliability. The data analysis resulted in distinction of scores between clinical and non-clinical groups and between men and women; the relationship between high scores on the scale T and the other scales; scores of drug users according to the declared used substance; and the relationship between high scores on T and the verification of disorder or risk on GHQ mental health factor, indicating the instrument´s adequate sensistivity in identifying psychopathologies and the relationship between the different disorders or psychopathological personality patterns. Although further studies are necessary to develop the scores transformation factors, the computerized correction tool was adequate.


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Esse trabalho objetivou promover a adaptação transcultural para o Brasil da VASS. Os passos para adaptação transcultural seguirão a proposta de operacionalização alicerçado na apreciação de diferentes tipos de equivalência: a conceitual e de itens, a semântica e a de mensuração. Para alcançar as duas primeiras etapas utilizou-se as técnicas de tradução e retrotradução associada ao procedimento intitulado Painel de Especialistas. Para o pré-teste e verificação de equivalência de mensuração, aplicou-se o questionário com uma população de 30 e 66 idosos, respectivamente. Para as análises dos resultados foi utilizada a estatística descritiva e inferencial, em especial o KR-20, teste T de student, correlação de Pearson e ANOVA univariada, bem como o método kappa de Fleiss para verificação do índice de confiabilidade. Verificou-se que o conceito utilizado para construção do instrumento, bem como seus itens se mostram adequados à investigação do fenômeno. Evidenciou-se boa equivalência semântica entre os itens das retrotraduções e do instrumento original, especialmente quanto aos resultados de T1 R1. Os juízes optaram pelo uso de 11 itens de T1 à versão-síntese. A equivalência operacional mostrou-se satisfatória. Em geral, os resultados apresentados mostraram-se aceitáveis. Quanto à etapa da equivalência de mensuração, verificou-se que a idade dos participantes variou entre 60 a 84 anos, prevalecendo respondentes idosas (n = 38), representando 57,6% da amostra estudada. O valor do KR-20 para o escore geral do instrumento foi de 0,688 (IC95%: 0,670). Os valores encontrados para as quatro dimensões propostas pelos autores do estudo inicial do instrumento foram 0,528, 0,289, 0,552 e 0,303, respectivamente. Apenas os valores de consistência interna das subescalas Vulnerabilidade e Coerção mostraram-se aproximados aos encontrados no estudo original, a saber, 0,550 e 0,390, respectivamente. Verificou-se que com a retirada dos itens nº 04, nº 06 e nº 10, houve aumento do índice de consistência interna da escala total. Já quanto aos valores da consistência interna das subescalas, percebeu-se que apenas com a retirada dos itens nº 09, referente à escala que dimensiona o Desânimo, e nº 12, item da subescala Coerção, é que houve acréscimo nesses valores. Destaca-se que esses são resultados preliminares, uma vez que após a verificação da adequabilidade e de padrões psicométricos iniciais acerca do uso do instrumento para a população idosa, ainda há de se dar continuidade à etapa concernente à verificação de propriedades psicométricas robustas do instrumento, que indiquem, por exemplo, evidências de fidedignidade em situação de teste-reteste, validade de constructo e de critério, se possível e aplicável. A principal limitação do estudo é a falta de um instrumento padrão-ouro para testar a fidedignidade, sensibilidade e especificidade do instrumento em questão. Apesar desta limitação, a adaptação transcultural e a verificação de propriedades psicométricas preliminares do instrumento de uma medida de autorrelato que afere indicativo de violência doméstica contra o idoso tem sua relevância e foi satisfatória


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This study investigates the chemical species produced water from the reservoir areas of oil production in the field of Monte Alegre (onshore production) with a proposal of developing a model applied to the identification of the water produced in different zones or groups of zones.Starting from the concentrations of anions and cátions from water produced as input parameters in Linear Discriminate Analysis, it was possible to estimate and compare the model predictions respecting the particularities of their methods in order to ascertain which one would be most appropriate. The methods Resubstitution, Holdout Method and Lachenbruch were used for adjustment and general evaluation of the built models. Of the estimated models for Wells producing water for a single production area, the most suitable method was the "Holdout Method and had a hit rate of 90%. Discriminant functions (CV1, CV2 and CV3) estimated in this model were used to modeling new functions for samples ofartificial mixtures of produced water (producedin our laboratory) and samples of mixtures actualproduced water (water collected inwellsproducingmore thanonezone).The experiment with these mixtures was carried out according to a schedule experimental mixtures simplex type-centroid also was simulated in which the presence of water from steam injectionin these tanks fora part of amostras. Using graphs of two and three dimensions was possible to estimate the proportion of water in the production area


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The epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders varies widely in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TMD in dental students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte assessed by different indexes. The sample consisted of 101 individuals selected by a randomized process, whose general outline was systematic sampling. For evaluation of the signs and symptoms of TMD, an anamnestic index, Fonseca s protocol, and two clinical indexes, the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), or standard index, and the Helkimo s Clinical Dysfunction Index were applied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and kappa, besides verifying the sensitivity and specificity (5% significance). The diagnosis of TMD by different indexes showed a variation in the prevalence between 72.3% (Helkimo s Clinical index), 64.4% (Fonseca s anamnestic index) and 35.6% (RDC/TMD). There was no statistical difference between the sexes for the RDC/TMD, although this difference was found for Fonseca s and Helkimo s indexes (p<0.05). The most frequent type of TMD were joint disorders (Groups II and III), and the subtypes disc displacement with reduction (17.8%) and arthralgia (15.8%). Most individuals showed a mild TMD (45.5%) for both indexes, Fonseca and Helkimo. When comparing the types of diagnoses, RDC/TMD with Fonseca and Helkimo, low agreement was found (k=0.17 and k= 0.35, respectively). A moderate correlation between the severity of TMD was obtained (kw= 0.53) for Fonseca s protocol and Helkimo s index. High sensitivity and low specificity were seen for both diagnoses compared to standard, resulting in excessive false positives. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the prevalence of TMD can vary widely, depending on the index used for its diagnosis


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The calculation of tooth mass discrepancy, essential for good planning and a proper orthodontic finishing, when performed manually, besides being laborious, requires considerable time consumption. The aim of this study was to develop and test Bolton Freeware, a software for analysis of the tooth mass discrepancy of Bolton, aiming to minimize the consumption of time in a less onerous way. The digital analysis of the software was done by means of two-dimensional scanning of plaster study models and compared to manual evaluation (gold standard), using 75 pairs of stone plaster study models divided into two groups according to the magnitude of the Curve of Spee (group I from 0 to 2 mm, group II greater than 2 to 3mm). All the models had permanent dentition and were in perfect condition. The manual evaluation was performed with a digital caliper and a calculator, and the time required to perform the analysis for both methods was recorded and compared. In addition, the software was evaluated by orthodontists regarding its use, by means of questionnaires developed specifically for this purpose. Calibration was performed prior to manual analysis, and excellent levels of inter-rater agreement were achieved, with ICC > 0.75 and r > 0.9 for total and anterior proportion. It was observed in the evaluation of error of the digital method that some teeth showed a significant systematic error, being the highest measured at 0.08 mm. The analysis of total tooth mass discrepancy performed by Bolton Freeware, for those cases in which the curve of Spee is mild and moderate, differ from manual analysis, on average, 0.09 mm and 0.07 mm respectively, for each tooth evaluated, with r> 0, 8 for total and anterior proportion. According to the specificity and sensitivity test, Bolton Freeware has an improved ability to detect true negatives, i.e. the presence of discrepancy. The Bolton analysis digitally performed was faster, with an average difference of time consumed to perform the analysis of Bolton between the two methods of approximately 6 minutes. Most experts interviewed (93%) approved the usability of the software


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With the increasing complexity of software systems, there is also an increased concern about its faults. These faults can cause financial losses and even loss of life. Therefore, we propose in this paper the minimization of faults in software by using formally specified tests. The combination of testing and formal specifications is gaining strength in searches mainly through the MBT (Model-Based Testing). The development of software from formal specifications, when the whole process of refinement is done rigorously, ensures that what is specified in the application will be implemented. Thus, the implementation generated from these specifications would accurately depict what was specified. But not always the specification is refined to the level of implementation and code generation, and in these cases the tests generated from the specification tend to find fault. Additionally, the generation of so-called "invalid tests", ie tests that exercise the application scenarios that were not addressed in the specification, complements more significantly the formal development process. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for generating tests from B formal specifications. This method was structured in pseudo-code. The method is based on the systematization of the techniques of black box testing of boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, as well as the technique of orthogonal pairs. The method was applied to a B specification and B test machines that generate test cases independent of implementation language were generated. Aiming to validate the method, test cases were transformed manually in JUnit test cases and the application, created from the B specification and developed in Java, was tested. Faults were found with the execution of the JUnit test cases


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Este estudo parte do princípio de que o conhecimento da Educação Física é, eminentemente, vivencial e reconhece que a tecnologia da informação, especifi camente a comunicação de massa, é capaz de transmitir informação para um grande público, modifi cando a vivência das práticas corporais tematizadas pela Educação Física. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetiva analisar como o aparato tecnológico, em especial a televisão, interfere na apropriação do conhecimento na Educação Física, com base na refl exão sobre o esporte. Assim, utilizamos o olhar estético sobre o telespetáculo esportivo e a análise de conteúdo para trabalhar com discursos de profi ssionais. Além disso, apontamos para a revisão de alguns conceitos pertinentes à área, tais como corpo, sensibilidade e conhecimento


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The so-called gravitomagnetic field arised as an old conjecture that currents of matter (no charges) would produce gravitational effects similar to those produced by electric currents in electromagnetism. Hans Thirring in 1918, using the weak field approximation to the Einsteins field equations, deduced that a slowly rotating massive shell drags the inertial frames in the direction of its rotation. In the same year, Joseph Lense applied to astronomy the calculations of Thirring. Later, that effect came to be known as the Lense- Thirring effect. Along with the de Sitter effect, those phenomena were recently tested by a gyroscope in orbit around the Earth, as proposed by George E. Pugh in 1959 and Leonard I. Schiff in 1960. In this dissertation, we study the gravitational effects associated with the rotation of massive bodies in the light of the Einsteins General Theory of Relativity. With that finality, we develop the weak field approximation to General Relativity and obtain the various associated gravitational effects: gravitomagnetic time-delay, de Sitter effect (geodesic precession) and the Lense-Thirring effect (drag of inertial frames). We discus the measures of the Lense-Thirring effect done by LAGEOS Satellite (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) and the Gravity Probe B - GPB - mission. The GPB satellite was launched into orbit around the Earth at an altitude of 642 km by NASA in 2004. Results presented in May 2011 clearly show the existence of the Lense-Thirring effect- a drag of inertial frames of 37:2 7:2 mas/year (mas = milliarcsec)- and de Sitter effect - a geodesic precession of 6; 601:8 18:3 mas/year- measured with an accuracy of 19 % and of 0.28 % respectively (1 mas = 4:84810��9 radian). These results are in a good agreement with the General Relativity predictions of 41 mas/year for the Lense-Thirring effect and 6,606.1 mas/year for the de Sitter effect.


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The area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte beaches, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings due to the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole nearby, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil. Before all these characteristics had been organized MAMBMARE and MARPETRO projects with the main objective to execute the geo-environmental monitoring of coastal areas on the northern portion of RN. There is a bulky amount of database from the study area such as geologic and geophysical multitemporal data, hydrodynamic measurements, remote sensing multitemporal images, thematic maps, among others; it is of extreme importance to elaborate a Geographic Database (GD), one of the main components of a Geographic Information System (GIS), to store this amount of information, allowing the access to researchers and users. The first part of this work consisted to elaborate a GD to store the data of the area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte cities. The main goal was to use the potentiality of the GIS as a tool to support decisions in the environmental monitoring of this region, a valuable target for oil exploration, salt companies and shrimp farms. The collected data was stored as a virtual library to assist men decisions from the results presented as digital thematic maps, tables and reports, useful as source of data in the preventive planning and as guidelines to the future research themes both on regional and local context. The second stage of this work consisted on elaborate the Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps. These maps based on the Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps to Oil Spill developed by the Ministry of Environment are cartographic products that supply full information to the decision making, contingency planning and assessment in case of an oil spilling incident in any area. They represent the sensitivity of the areas related to oil spilling, through basic data such as geology, geomorphology, oceanographic, social-economic and biology. Some parameters, as hydrodynamic data, sampling data, coastal type, declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (biologic, economic, human or cultural) and the land use of the area are some of the essential information used on the environmental sensitivity maps elaboration. Thus using the available data were possible to develop sensitivity maps of the study area on different dates (June/2000 and December/2000) and to perceive that there was a difference on the sensitivity index generated. The area on December presented more sensible to the oil than the June one because hydrodynamic data (wave and tide energy) allowed a faster natural cleaning on June. The use of the GIS on sensitivity maps showed to be a powerful tool, since it was possible to manipulate geographic data with correctness and to elaborate more accurate maps with a higher level of detail to the study area. This presented an medium index (3 to 4) to the long shore and a high index (10) to the mangrove areas highly vulnerable to oil spill


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The study area is located in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State comprising the mouth of Açu-Piranhas river including the cities of Porto do Mangue e Areia Branca. The local geological setting comprises Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary geological units of the Potiguar Basin. One is about a region of high morphologic instability due to action of the rigorous dynamic coastal processes, beyond the intense human activities mainly for the performance of the petroliferous industry, salt farms and tanks of shrimp industry.For the accomplishment of this work Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM + from four distinct dates were used as cartographic base, in which one applied techniques of digital processing to elaborate thematic maps of the existing natural resources to support the geologic and geomorphologic characterization and the soil and landuse maps. The strategy applied was the interpretation of multitemporal images from aerial and orbital remote sensors alIied to the terrain truth recognition, integrated through a Geographic Information System. These activities had alIowed the production of Sensitivity Maps of the Coast to Oil Spilling for the area, on the basis of the Coastal Sensibility Index. Taking into account the seasons were created maps to distinct datas: July 2003 represents the winter months that presented a sensibility lower when compared with the month of December 2003. For the summer months greater sensitivity is due to the hydrodynamic data that suggest a lesser capacity of natural cleanness of the oil and its derivatives in spilling case.These outcomes are an important and useful database to support an assessment to a risk situation and to taking decision in the face of an environmental disaster with oil spilling in coastal area, alIowing a complete visualization of the area and identifying all portions in the area with thei environmental units and respective Coastal Sensibility Index.