100 resultados para Teste de materiais


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Considering the transition from industrial society to information society, we realize that the digital training that is addressed is currently insufficient to navigate within a digitized reality. As proposed to minimize this problem, this paper assesses, validates and develops the software RoboEduc to work with educational robotics with the main differential programming of robotic devices in levels, considering the specifics of reality training . One of the emphases of this work isthe presentation of materials and procedures involving the development, analysis and evolution of this software. For validation of usability tests were performed, based on analysis of these tests was developed version 4.0 of RoboEduc


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This work purposes the application of a methodology to optimize the implantation cost of an wind-solar hybrid system for oil pumping. The developed model is estimated the implantation cost of system through Multiple Linear Regression technique, on the basis of the previous knowledge of variables: necessary capacity of storage, total daily energy demand, wind power, module power and module number. These variables are gotten by means of sizing. The considered model not only can be applied to the oil pumping, but also for any other purposes of electric energy generation for conversion of solar, wind or solar-wind energy, that demand short powers. Parametric statistical T-student tests had been used to detect the significant difference in the average of total cost to being considered the diameter of the wind, F by Snedecor in the variance analysis to test if the coefficients of the considered model are significantly different of zero and test not-parametric statistical by Friedman, toverify if there is difference in the system cost, by being considered the photovoltaic module powers. In decision of hypothesis tests was considered a 5%-significant level. The configurations module powers showed significant differences in total cost of investment by considering an electrical motor of 3 HP. The configurations module powers showed significant differences in total cost of investment by considering an electrical motor of 5 HP only to wind speed of 4m/s and 6 m/s in wind of 3 m, 4m and 5 m of diameter. There was not significant difference in costs to diameters of winds of 3 m and 4m. The mathematical model and the computational program may be used to others applications which require electrical between 2.250 W and 3.750 W. A computational program was developed to assist the study of several configurations that optimizes the implantation cost of an wind-solar system through considered mathematical model


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An solar alternative system for water heating is presented. Is composed for one low cost alternative collector and alternative thermal reservoir for hot water storing. The collector of the system has box confectioned in composite material and use absorption coils formed for PVC tubes. The box of hot water storage was confectioned from a plastic polyethylene drum used for storage of water and garbage, coated for a cylinder confectioned in fiber glass. The principle of functioning of the system is the same of the conventionally. Its regimen of work is the thermosiphon for a volume of 250 liters water. The main characteristic of the system in considered study is its low cost, allowing a bigger socialization of the use of solar energy. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the system of considered heating, and its competitiveness in relation to the available collectors commercially. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be shown that such system of alternative heating, that has as main characteristic its low cost, presents viabilities thermal, economic and of materials


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An cylinder-parabolic solar concentrator is presented to produce steam for different applications. This prototype was built in glass fiber with dimensions that follow a study of optimization of parameters inherent in the optical reflection of sunlight by the surface of reflection and absorption of the same by tubing that leads the fluid of work. The surface of the concentrator of 2.24 m² has been covered by layers of mirror with 1.0 m of lenght and 2.0 cm wide. The absorb tubing consists of a copper tube diameter equal to 28 mm. The concentrator is moving to follow the apparent motion of the sun. It will be presented the processes of manufacturing and assembly of the concentrator proposed, which has as main characteristics the facilities construction and assembly, in addition to reduced cost. Will be presented data from tests performed to produce steam setting up some parameters that diagnose the efficiency of the concentrator. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the proposed system.The maximum temperature achieved in the vacuum tube absorber was 232.1°C and average temperature for 1 hour interval was 171.5°C, obtained in a test with automation. The maximum temperature achieved in the output of water was 197.7°C for a temperature of 200.0°C in the absorber tube. The best average result of the water exit temperature to interval of 1 hour was 170.2°C for a temperature of 171.2°C, in the absorber tube, obtained in test with automation. Water exit mean temperatures were always above of the water steaming temperature. The concentrator present a useful efficiency of 38% and a production cost of approximately R$ 450,00 ( $ 160.34)


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The production of the red pottery brick, made traditionally with clay, is a technique that is already stabled. However, in spite of the little complexity that involves the conventional process of these bricks production, it are exposed to many problems that begin in the fase of exploration of the mines, the problems get worse because of the lack of the clay's characterization, and they continue through the steps of the dough preparation, conformation of the products, the drying and the burning process. The wastefulness is shown and so is the low quality of the material produced. Among other factors, the high use of energy in the burning makes the cost of this material inaccessible to the low income consumer. Besides this, the destruction of the environment around the mines and the use of native vegetation to produce wood - the most used fuel in the pottery industry - make serious environmental damage. The production technique of a new type of simple brick (adobe), that has low cost and no environmental damage, can be the viable altemative to lower the cost of this part of the civil construction, and, consequently, in the building of cheaper houses. In this paper, the results of the mechanical resistance of the adobe brick are shown, using in its composition, clay, natural vegetable fibers, cement and plaster in a process that is completely handcrafted and manual. It is intented to make clear that are possible alternatives to be put in practice, with the simple process, using "raw earth" that has been used in the construction of houses in thousands of years, trying to solve these severe problems. Analysis and tests were performed to find results that could prove the possibility of the utilization of this kind of material. Other studies are in progress, and the new researches are necessary to enrich this work, but it stays the certainty that there is potential to produce bricks from adobe, as an alternative that has low cost to civil construction


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The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above


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They are in this study the experimental results of the analysis of thermal performance of composite material made from a plant matrix of polyurethane derived from castor oil of kernel of mamona (COF) and loading of clay-mineral called vermiculite expanded. Bodies of evidence in the proportions in weight of 10%, 15% and 20% were made to determine the thermal properties: conductivity (k), diffusivity (ά) and heat capacity (C), for purposes of comparison, the measurements were also performed the properties of polyurethane of castor without charge and also the oil polyurethane (PU), both already used in thermal insulation. Plates of 0.25 meters of material analyzed were manufactured for use as insulation material in a chamber performance thermal coverage. Thermocouples were distributed on the surface of the cover, and inside the material inside the test chamber and this in turn was subjected to artificial heating, consisting of a bank of incandescent lamps of 3000 w. The results obtained with the composite materials were compared with data from similar tests conducted with the camera alone with: (a) of oil PU, (b) of COF (c) glass wool, (d ) of rock wool. The heat resistance tests were performed with these composites, obtaining temperature limits for use in the range of 100 º C to 130 º C. Based on the analysis of the results of performance and thermal properties, it was possible to conclude that the COF composites with load of expanded vermiculite present behavior very close to those exhibited by commercial insulation material


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In this work a pyrometer using the classic model of Kimball-Hobbs was developed, tested and calibrated. The solar radiation is verified through the temperature difference between the sensible elements covered by absorbing (black) and reflecting (white) pigmentations of the incoming radiation. The photoacoustic technique was used to optimize the choice of the pigments. Methodologies associated with linearity, thermo-variation, sensibility, response time and distance are also presented. To correctly classify the results, the international standard ISO 9060 as well as indicative parameters of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are used. In addition a system of data acquisition of two channels with 12 bits, constructed during the this time, was used to measure the global solar radiation on the ground by the pyrometer and also by another pyrometer certified in the case of Keep & zonen. The results statistically show, through the hypothesis test presented here, that both equipments find population average with 95% of correctness


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A housing unit was built to study the thermal performance, and of material using a composite made of gypsum and EPS ground. We used two techniques of construction, using blocks, and filling on the spot. Two compositions of the composite were studied. The blocks were fixed using conventional mortar. In the technical of filling on the spot were used PET bottles up inside the walls to provide mechanical and thermal resistance. Compression tests were realized according to the ABNT standard of sealing bricks. It is going to be shown an analysis of the thermal comfort through the use of thermocouples placed on the walls of the building, internally and externally. The manufacturing viability of houses, using recyclable materials, through the use of composite materials proposed will be demonstrated. The constructive aspects showing the advantages and disadvantages of the technique used also will be broached. The block used presents structural functions and thermal insulating, is low cost and represents an alternative to the use of EPS and PET bottles which are materials that end up occupying much space in the landfills, giving than an ecologically correct use. The results of thermal analysis shows the thermal comfort provided by the composite by the obtainment of a difference between the internal and external surfaces of the walls more exposed to the sun around 7º C. The average temperature of the air inside the building, around 28.0 º C was below the zone of thermal comfort recommended for countries with hot weather


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The vehicles are the main mobile sources of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) released into the atmosphere. In the last years the increment of the fleet of vehicles in the municipal district of Natal-RN it is contributing to the increase of the emissions of those pollutants. The study consisted of a statistical analysis of the emissions of CO and HC of a composed sample for 384 vehicles with mechanization Gasoline/CNG or Alcohol/Gasoline/CNG of the municipal district of Natal-RN. The tests were accomplished in vehicles submitted to Vehicular Safety's Inspection, in the facilities of INSPETRANS, Organism of Vehicular Inspection. An partial gases analyzer allowed to measure, for each vehicle, the levels of CO and HC in two conditions of rotation of the motor (900 and 2500 rpm). The statistical analysis accomplished through the STATISTICA software revealed a sensitive reduction in the efficiency of the converters catalytic after 6 years of use with emission average it is of 0,78% of CO and 156 (ppm) of HC, Which represents approximately 4 (four) times the amount of CO and the double of HC in comparison with the newest vehicles. The result of a Student s t-test, suggests strongly that the average of the emissions of HC (152 ppm), at 900 rpm, is 40% larger than at 2500 rpm, for the motor without load. This result reveals that the efficiency of the catalytic conversion is limited kinetically in low engine speeds. The Study also ends that when comparing the emissions of CO and HC considering the influence of the fuels, it was verified that although the emissions of CO starting from CNG are 62% smaller than arising from the gasoline, there are not significant differences among the emissions of HC originating from of CNG and of the gasoline. In synthesis, the results place the current criteria of vehicular inspection, for exhaust gases, in doubt, leading the creation of emission limits of pollutant more rigorous, because the efficiency of the converters catalytic is sensibly reduced starting from 6 years of use. It is also raised the possibility of modifications in the test conditions adopted by the current norms, specifically in the speed engine, have seen that in the condition without load the largest emission indexes were registered in slow march. That fact that allows to suggest the dismissal of the tests in high speed engine, reducing the time of inspection in half and generating economy of fuel


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In the manufacture of composite, textile materials are being used as reinforcement. Generally, the combination of the matrix with the textile material in the form of fibres or yarns is used depending on their distribution in the web. In the present work, in place of fibres or yarns, a knitted structure in the form of the final product which is defined as preform. The preform is weft knit manufactured with polyester filaments. In the manufacture of composite, polyester resin was used as matrix. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the weft knit were analysed. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the knitted structure were analysed. The results obtained on the analysis show that the courses and wales of the weft knit structure and the tensile properties help the formability of the structure and the impregnation of the resin. It could be clearly observed that composite structure in the direction of the courses support more tension than in the direction of the wales. In relation to the three points flexural tests it was possible to note that there was more flexion in the direction of wales, what was expected. It was also possible to note that there are other advantages such as reduction in the loss of materials used, homogeneity in the distribution of the knitted structure in the mould, reduction in the preparation time and also in the reduction in the cost of manufacture


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The 100% cotton fabric (CO)* treated with plasma of methane CH4 has direct application in all areas that needs of aqueous solutions repellent material like coatings and uniforms applied biomedical, aeronautics, and automobile between others. 100% cotton fabric (CO) samples were treated by plasma with two differents atmosphere: Methane gas (CH4), treatment time was varied in 10 in 10 min. until 60 min., and mixture methane/argon (CH4/Ar), it was varied the proportion 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2 e 9:1, with treatment time of 30 minutes. In both, the fluxe was 5 sccm (second cubic centimeter), pressure 6 mbar, voltage 490 V and current 0,15A. The objective of work was measure the superficial tension of 100% CO then it treated with plasma, using contact angle measures of water and glycerol with the surface. The samples were tested after treatment, with 8 and 12 months to verify the superficial modification effects. It was verified an increase of hydrophobility with the Sessile drop values varied between 116,69º to 137,85º and it carried on after 12 months. The no treated samples shows contact angle equal 0º. OES analysis and Raman spectroscopy were accomplished. In the SEM analysis was verified oligomers. The plasma treatment is correct environmental, It turning greater than conventional treatments


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The modern technology of materials and structural integrity of pipelines requests the use of inspection tools named inspection pigs to detect, localize and measure the length, width and depth dimensions of the thickness losses of walls of buried and underwater pipelines in service. These tools run them internally, performing and recording measurements, with performance that varies according to the pig s technology. It has been developed recently an instrumented pig technology, called feller pig. This work aims to indicate factors that influence the feller pig technology performance in the detection and in the accuracy of measurement of the length, width and depth dimensions of the thickness losses on the internal surface of an oil pipeline wall under normal conditions of oil pipe inspection with pig. In this work, is made a collection of factors and an analyses of the technology based on the available literature, as well as an experiment to observe the technology and the factors operating. In the experiment, a feeler pig is used in a pipeline built in carbon steel and in operation that flows petroleum, in witch are observed areas with internal thickness losses occurred naturally. Some of these areas and their dimensions taken by automated ultra-sound scanner are compared with the ones indicated by the feller pig. Based on the data collection, on the analysis and on the experiment, the influence of factors object of this research is discussed. It is concluded that, among these, there are factors related to pipe fabrication tolerances, to wear of pig components, to internal adhesive wear of pipeline, to other pipeline damages and to technology characteristics. Finally, actions are suggested to know better, improve and define the applicability of this technology


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The static and cyclic assays are common to test materials in structures.. For cycling assays to assess the fatigue behavior of the material and thereby obtain the S-N curves and these are used to construct the diagrams of living constant. However, these diagrams, when constructed with small amounts of S-N curves underestimate or overestimate the actual behavior of the composite, there is increasing need for more testing to obtain more accurate results. Therewith, , a way of reducing costs is the statistical analysis of the fatigue behavior. The aim of this research was evaluate the probabilistic fatigue behavior of composite materials. The research was conducted in three parts. The first part consists of associating the equation of probability Weilbull equations commonly used in modeling of composite materials S-N curve, namely the exponential equation and power law and their generalizations. The second part was used the results obtained by the equation which best represents the S-N curves of probability and trained a network to the modular 5% failure. In the third part, we carried out a comparative study of the results obtained using the nonlinear model by parts (PNL) with the results of a modular network architecture (MN) in the analysis of fatigue behavior. For this we used a database of ten materials obtained from the literature to assess the ability of generalization of the modular network as well as its robustness. From the results it was found that the power law of probability generalized probabilistic behavior better represents the fatigue and composites that although the generalization ability of the MN that was not robust training with 5% failure rate, but for values mean the MN showed more accurate results than the PNL model


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The standardization of the bovine skin thickness in the leather industry generates a residue known as wet-blue . At the end of twentieth century, the brazilian industry discarded about 131 thousand tons of this residue in nature, provoking a great environmental liability. In this paper is presented the analyses of the termophysical properties, thermal and volumetric expansion performance of a composite of vegetable resin of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) with load of industrial residue of leather "wet-blue", for application as thermal isolation material of warm surfaces. There were considered four percentile levels of residue load in the proportions in mass of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, added to the expansible resin of castor oil plant in two configurations: sawed leather and crushed leather in a smaller particle (powder) by grinding in a mill of balls. Twenty-one proof bodies were produced for termophysical properties analysis (three for each configuration) and four proof bodies for rehearsals of thermal acting. Analyses of thermal acting were done in test cameras. The results of the rehearsals were compared to those obtained considering the castor oil plant foam without residue addition. A small reduction of the thermal conductivity of the composite was observed in the proportion of 10% of leather residue in both configurations. Regarding thermal conductivity, calorific capacity and diffusivity, it was verified that the proposed composite showed very close values to the commercial insulating materials (glass wool, rock wool, EPS). It was still demonstrated the technical viability of the use of composite as insulating thermal for systems of low potency. The composite presented larger volumetric expansion with 15% of sawed residue of leather.