86 resultados para Social representations theory


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We believe that the dissatisfaction arising from the lack of belief in the possibilities of change in the workplace, which cause difficulties to achieve professional results in the professional psychological distress that currently fits into the context of mental health. This is a qualitative, descriptive and representational research aiming to discover how the professional nurses represent the very psychological distress from work in the hospital environment. Aided and supported by specific objectives of identifying factors that generates this suffering and strategies for defense and confronting these professionals in the hospital. 22 nurses participated in this research, officials of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes, located in the city of Natal / RN, with length of service in the institution more than one year and less than five, and they accepted, by signing the Term of Free and Informed Consent, participate in the study. We use plurimethodological approach: a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview and the design-story with a theme adapted from Trinca with the support of the Theory of Social Representations and that nurses do in their psychological distress of the Central Core. We reviewed the data from the results generated by the ALCESTE software, based on hierarchical categorization downward, leading seven classes used as categories: Work process: completeness vs. incompleteness; labor contradiction of the nurse; qualitative aspects of interpersonal relationships; hospital surveillance: Challenges, muteness and neglect; Expectations, conflicts and feelings in the work process; Leisure: the other side of the work process, and Suffering generating aspects of in the work process. We consider the analysis of quarters generated by the program, which SLQ houses in the central core of the representations; the SRQ and the DLQ the intermediaries elements and the DRQ the peripheral elements that nurses do in their psychological distress. We analytically adequate results in the three belonging dimensions of social representations: the Subjectivity, the Intersubjectivity and Trans-subjectivity. We infer that the interpersonal relationship, the extra work, the deviation in the role of nurse show themself as the factors responsible for psychological distress of it. In that sense, the central core of SR of this profession is based on the level of trans-subjectivity and understood as a Social Representation controversy


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The psychiatric care and mental health are undergoing constant change over the History. The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, which brings up the deinstitutionalization as a structuring in the restorative care process. The Reform has as one of the mainly substitutive services the Centers for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), which work from the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) in order to restore the autonomy and restore the dignity of users. The therapeutic workshop is some of the resources used and work several kinds of activities as: writing, handcraft, music, poetry, and so forth. This study set up to apprehend the social representations of helping of the music workshop carried out in the CAPS II east of Natal/RN, from the reports given by the participants of the workshop, using the focal group as technique. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach. A total of 16 users participated in four musical therapeutic workshops from April to May 2010. The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of UFRN. The discursive material from the workshop was submitted to the informational resource of Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d um Ensemble de Segments de Texte, ALCESTE, and analyzed based on the Theory of Representations and the Central Core Theory. The majority of subjects were men (62.5%), single (62.5%), aged 40-49 years (37.6%) and elementary school level (56.2 %). The reports were transcribed and submitted to the classification system of ALCESTE, which elected the following categories: Category 1 - Experience in the Word Family Sung, Category 2 - Musical Experiences and Approaches, and Category 3 - Feelings and emotions evoked by music. The representation of these individuals is anchored in the experience they have with the CAPS, lived and socialized by common sense, through this particular social group workshop objectified in music therapy as a therapeutic modality enjoyable. The central core revealed the intrinsic relationship between users and the music, establishing a relationship of openness to use the same while its therapeutic use in workshops of substitute services for mental health. Peripherals elements issues are related to listen, share and experience music in the family. Intermediary Elements relate to the feelings and emotions evoked by music, given her close relationship with it. It was found in the study that music can be construed as an artifact of good therapeutic responsiveness to users, configuring it as an invigorating and enjoyable therapy, confirming the need for continuity of this activity, as well as its expansion into the service


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Leprosy is a chronic infectious-contagious disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, manifested by dermatological and neurological signs and symptoms and has great disabling power. It was marked by a strong stigma throughout its history, since its bearers represented a threat, target of fear and social contempt. Currently, leprosy has treatment and cure, and the need to separate the diseased from family and social environment is no more necessary. However, patients still suffer prejudice and discrimination. This study aimed to understand the social representations of leprosy that interfere modifying mental health of the patient with leprosy in relation to stigma and prejudice. This is a descriptive and exploratory study, with qualitative approach, which involved 22 users of the Special Care Clinic in Infectious Diseases at the Hospital Giselda Trigueiro, located in Natal / RN. They were in use of multidrug therapy in the period of data collection, were of both sexes, aged between 16 and 80 years of age and classified as paucibacillary or multibacillary. The study was approved by the UFRN Ethics in Research Committee. Data collection was performed by filling the questionnaire identification and then for conducting the semi-structured interview, which was recorded. After the end of data collection, there was the construction of tables and graphs, using the Microsoft Excel Start 2010 for proper characterization of the research subjects; and for the treatment of the data obtained from the interviews, was used the Content Analysis and based on the Theory of Social Representations. The subjects studied were mostly male (64%), married or in a stable relationship (68%), concentrated in the age group 50-60 years (36%) and 28-38 years (23%), had at most elementary education (65%) and were low-income (59%). Of the total respondents, 64% were classified as multibacillary, with predominantly dimorfous form, and 50% had disability grade I or II, with different periods of diagnosis. The reports originate two categories: 1. The negative meanings of illness and leprosy; and 2. The positive meanings of illness in leprosy, which were subsequently subdivided into subcategories. Thus, it was found that in the group studied, the social representation of leprosy experiences a moment of transition, as regards the understanding of the disease and its way of experiencing the disease process. Such representation is anchored in the quality of information on the disease of its bearers and aimed at an attempt to face the illness of leprosy as a "normal process". It was found in this study that the transition is due to the work of combating stigma and consequences of leprosy, which is able to gradually transform reality, both regarding the team work of reference, and in relation to a broader character, of actions of health education, which favors overcoming of psychosocial disabilities


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Oral health measures directed to children are characterized by the lack of policies that consider the individual and his biopsychosocial aspects. As a consequence, it can be observed that a child´s dental experience has normally been prejudged as unpleasant and threatening. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating dental treatment from the child´s viewpoint using the theory of social representations for theoretical/methodological support. This theory was selected for being able to build practical knowledge surrounding the interrelations between social actors, the phenomenon and the world around them. The investigation was performed at the Professor José Fernandes Machado State School, located in the Ponta Negra district of Natal-RN-Brazil. The participants consisted of 30 children from the public elementary school system in the 6-10 year age group, who had undergone dental treatment within the previous year or were being treated at the time of data collection. An in-depth interview and story drawing within a theme were used as collection instruments. Thematic Content Analysis (Bardin, 2002) was used to analyze the material collected in the interviews, whereas for story drawing within a theme, in addition to content analysis, the data were also analyzed by the Coutinho model (2001). The two instruments demonstrated similarity of content as well as complementarity and contained categories associated to the model for dental treatment in children, the description of the dental office environment., the perception of the image of the dentist, as well as psychological and behavioral manifestations. The results enable us to understand determinate reactions of the children in relation to dental treatment, which has been characterized by its technical-curative approach, where the motive for seeking treatment, the manner in which it is performed and the relation of the dentist with the child are all in evidence. Thus, this study intends not only to reveal the viewpoint of children faced with dental treatment, but also to contribute to a dental practice directed towards them, in this way instilling in the professionals who attend them a more concrete awareness of the needs, anxieties and feelings of these young patients


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The Social Representation Theory provides subsidies to scientifically analyze what is called common sense, suggesting that thought be given credibility to the individual, from the assignment of logic to it. The Representations allow us to interpret, understand, explain and thus classify information, events and people. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze how social representations of the actors of the intinerant traders who operate in Ponta Negra/RN can be used as an element for tourism planning. To achieve the desired goals, we conducted a qualitative study, from a descriptive study, using methods of data collection the research literature, the technique of free association of words and the questionnaire, applied with 90 intinerant traders who work in Ponta Negra/RN beach. As tools of data analysis were used to analyze literature, and software EVOC and SPHINX. This research has revealed the predominance of people in itinerant male, between 18 and 28 years, with incomplete primary education, no contributors of Previdência Social and working seven days a week. The core elements of representations brings that explain that their knowledge is guided by collectively shared knowledge in the culture of tourism, which is seen as something that brings economics benefits (money) to the society, from the travel and entertainment. The plan represents the forward thinking, based on development plans that seek improvements and organization. The structure and operation of tourism planning in Natal/RN, there were no representation of intinerant traders. It is concluded that understanding the needs of itinerant traders provides grants to developing strategies for the development of tourism. This is achieved from its inclusion in tourism planning, since it enables tourism managers to understand how they are capturing, interpreting and acting on their next reality, since these representations are fundamental in forming opinions and the establishment of individual attitudes and collective. Thus, it is an important theory to be used to subsidize social research with individuals living reality and local needs, but which is the margin of decision-making processes of economic in the Brazil


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The attention to health issues in aging has increased and it becomes a challenge for public policies directed to the elderly. This study aimed at learning the social representations built by seniors about the service in the Family Health Unit. It is an exploratory study, funded by the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici. It was held at the Health Unit of the Family Felipe Shrimp, located in the neighborhood Felipe Shrimp in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil. The participants were one hundred and two elderly / as, served by the Family Health Strategy. The data collection period was extended from July to September 2014. Data were collected through the Word Free Association Test and Interview semi-structured, and analyzed with the help of EVOC software. Interviews were conducted with 20 elderly and subjected to content analysis. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Research Onofre Lopes, in the opinion 704,323. It was possible to apprehend negative connotations regarding attendance, listing it as bad and disrespectful, and the limited hours of service, difficult to schedule appointments and tests and inadequate infrastructure, the most marked aspects. Seniors express satisfaction with the medical care, however, they understand that it is necessary that all services are properly integrated to a qualified service. The statements reveal that the service in the drive needs to implement new strategies host for users to participate more in educational and health promotion. It is noted, the need of integrated care, the host of qualified hearing in the health services that they address the elderly seeking care at the clinic of the family, so sticking to the principles of the Unified Health System.


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Aging as a social phenomenon is guided in the ways of production and reproduction, that is linked to the peculiarities and compliances of the social structure influence the values and erected senses. The search for the understanding of the reality will be given by the appropriation of knowledge/information that in contemporary times are increasingly tied to the media means, so that they go beyond the mere condition media, reaching the condition of instruments of direct, attitudes and opinions production. Among the media instruments, there are news medias, that are important means of information dissemination and consequently production of senses, including over aging. Thus, the objective is to: apprehend the social representations and meanings associated with aging in the media space about aging; browse the social representations about aging in media space and their influence on the relations that are established in the cultural socio-economic context. To do it The Theory of Social Representation will be used. To collect the data, 57 online news from the three main state newspapers were studied: Tribuna do Norte, Gazeta do Povo and Jornal de Hoje, which were captured through a search tol of these newspaper sites, using the words: “aging””elderly”. These materials were analyzed making use of Bardin’s Qualitative Analysis, which allowed the establishment of five categories, namely: Aging and violence; Aging in contemporary times; Aging and health; Aging and citizenship; and Aging, work and action. In the first category news reporting violent situations are framed the regardless of the victim’s condition or the one charged by the violence, the fragility of elderly persists. In Aging in contemporary times the attempts of the news media to explain the demographic changes of the quantitative increases in the elderly, the burden it may lead to the full development of the country are noticed. In Aging and health is noticed the imminent end of the condition brought on age, as a synonym for diseases and conditions. In the fourth category, Aging and citizenship situations are shown where peculiarities and needs or the elderly need to turn into obligation to be fulfilled, denouncing the condition of low expression and social power of the class. Finally, in Aging, work and action situations that indicate the non-expectation of elderly interaction with new technologies and participation in decision-making directions of society are brought. In a general and specific form this analysis allowed learning the ways of production of meanings about aging in the papers, as these ones tend to represent aging through intentioned situations as hegemonic needs, building the social representation of the elderly as fragile person, submissive, inactive, subject to violence and susceptible to becoming ill.


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The current study presents the characteristics of self-efficacy of students of Administration course, who work and do not work. The study was conducted through a field research, descriptive, addressed quantitatively using statistical procedures. Was studied a population composed of 394 students distributed in three Higher Education Institutions, in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the State of Pará. The sampling was not probabilistic by accessibility, with a sample of 254 subjects. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of a set of questions divided into three sections: the first related to sociodemographic data, the second section was built to identify the work situation of the respondent and the third section was built with issues related to General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999). Sociodemographic data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics. This procedure allowed characterizing the subjects of the sample. To identify the work situation, the analysis of frequency and percentage was used, which allowed to classify in percentage, the respondents who worked and those that did not work, and the data related to the scale of self-efficacy were processed quantitatively by the method of multivariate statistics using the software of program Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows - SPSS, version 17 from the process of Exploratory Factor Analysis. This procedure allowed characterizing the students who worked and the students who did not worked. The results were discussed based on Social Cognitive Theory from the construct of self-efficacy of Albert Bandura (1977). The study results showed a young sample, composed the majority of single women with work experience, and indicated that the characteristics of self-efficacy of students who work and students who do not work are different. The self-efficacy beliefs of students who do not work are based on psychological expectations, whereas the students who work demonstrated that their efficacy beliefs are sustained by previous experiences. A student who does not work proved to be reliant in their abilities to achieve a successful performance in their activities, believing it to be easy to achieve your goals and to face difficult situations at work, simply by invest a necessary effort and trust in their abilities. One who has experience working proved to be reliant in their abilities to conduct courses of action, although know that it is not easy to achieve your goals, and in unexpected situations showed its ability to solve difficult problems


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Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations


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This study has as general object: to verify as the health professionals that work in different hospitals evaluate the hospital services; and specific objectives: identify how health professionals evaluate the work conditions in different hospitals and verify the central nucleus and the peripheral elements of the social representations elaborated by these professionals about these institution. This is a descriptive study realized in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. Were collected 213 questionnaires. Concerning the evaluation of the health services, high averages had been verified in the philanthropic hospital, for example, quality of the customer service. At the state hospital was observed lowest ones: respect to the privacy of the patients. Similar results were found about work conditions. It was observed as central nucleus the categories Overcrowded and Humanized care, in the state and philanthropic hospital respectively, and as peripheral elements Low wages and Overcrowded. Being thus the conflicts in this scene are inevitable because of the poor structure of some public hospitals, however, these problems can be foresee and solvable if the hospital has a free expression channel accessible to all agents. The evaluation has to become integrant part of the culture of the organization, a time that this will guide the steps in direction to the best quality in the hospital assistance


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This study aims to identify the social representations built on senior care health workers of Primary Care. This is an exploratory research within the subsidized social representations held in 100 Basic Health Units in the city of João Pessoa-PB, with a sample of n= 204 workers of both sexes, who agreed to participate. To collect the data used to set an interview in two parts: the first looked at the Test of Free Association of Words using the inductive stimulus "senior care". The interviews were analyzed with the help of a software for quantitative analysis of textual data ALCESTE (version 2010). The results were interpreted from the theoretical framework of social representations. The study included 178 women (87.25%) and 26 men (12.75%), working in Family Health Units in the city of João Pessoa, the majority are aged between 40-49 years of age ( 28.92%), and have higher education with 81.86%. The results of Alceste link to the term inducer six (6) where the hierarchical classes representing senior care workers as synonymous with care and attention, showing situations neglect of the elderly, for that patience is required to promote the increase of disease prevention and living with the elderly to generate humanization in health services. It is considered that the social representations of health workers on assistance to the elderly may support modeling of strategic actions in health services with health promotion programs for large groups, able to modify practices and behavior in elder care and strengthening the policy was directed at the elderly


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This study aimed to analyze the social representations of Brazilian and Portuguese nurses on stress in the emergency service. A semi-structured interview and the free word association test, with "stress" as the inductive stimulus, were used as research instruments. Data were collected from 120 nurses, being 60 from an emergency hospital in the city of Natal, Brazil and 60 from an urgency hospital in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. Data from the word association test were analyzed with the EVOC 2002 program, after thematic categorical content analysis, enabling construction of a data bank. Data gathered from the interview were analyzed by ALCESTE 4.8 software. Nurse represent the stress in the urgency department as a generation of physical and mental detrition where adaptation is unsatisfactorily, resulting in the onset of fatigne, irritability, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, pessimism, impaired interpersonal relationship and low productivity. The solution is part of a complex whole, which demands an integrated way of acting that has demanded increasingly professional attitudes based on multidisciplinarity


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In the last three decades, the Brazilian social dynamics evidenced increasing requirements in the public security, in the search not only for efficient and efficient police institutions, however that they added in its daily one, positions more adjusted to the Democratic State of Right and a bigger respect to the human rights and the citizenship. In this direction, the practical one of the police violence has been hardly debated in the media and the academics institutions, in the search for elements that clarify its roots and elements of intervention that allow to its control and reduction. The research considers, from the study of the social representations constructed by the soldiers of the Military Policy of the Rio Grande do Norte, having as objects the police violence, searching to evidence the central elements of these representations and its practical reproduction in the daily one, while a products of habitus effective in the institution


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In recent years, issues involving public safety have gained more prominence in scientific debates, the media, and common sense, because undoubtedly the feeling of fear and insecurity caused by the increase in violence overall, has spread like construction element of social representations, both in individual levels, as well as collectively. Violence is a social phenomenon existing in human manifestations, from the older societies, ie it was present in all historical periods, but in different ways in the subjective and objective, having had the task of being the central element in modeling process for the formation of individual behavior, both in older societies as in modern society. However, it has a peculiar feature of acquiring new contours to the extent that the individual and collective behaviors are modified in relation individual-violence. In this sense, the institutions that establish the order from the control of violence, have their social representations in the context of social relationships permeated by elements of violence, fear and insecurity, that shift the subjective feeling of insecurity, or existential, for a concrete plan and goal, namely to the level of physical insecurity in daily life in the modern world. The objective of this study was to capture the construction of social representations of the population in Aracaju on the police institution and the figure of the policeman in the contemporary context. We focus our attention only to the institutions of order, which constitute the field of the apparatus of public security and social protection of our state


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This study aims to understand how facing a context of Constant interaction whit the local population, the gypsies family Alves dos Santos, neighborhood residentes in uptown, Limoeiro do Norte Ce, maintain a sense of ethnic belonging. To that end, I analyze both the social relations between Gypsies and non-gypsies community, as it is from the contact that the social boundaries are delineated, as the discourses and social representations that are used to qualify them from stigma. So, I found that grounded in the notion of family, gypsies are seen as a group, searching the history / past nomadic origing and blood common elements that underlie its condition, and the language a cultural trait that makes it possible to establish objective distinctions among gypsies and other community residentes, becoming thus a diacritical mark.