51 resultados para Rentabilidades diárias
This work analizes the financing of Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande Do Norte, starting at the presumption that SUS is “Bombarded” by fiscal ajustments, as a neoliberal strategy to face capital crises.The trafectory of the financing of SUS demands the comprehension of two principles which are, in essence, contradictory: the “principle of universatility”, which is caracterized by the uncompromising defence of the fundaments of the Sanitary Reform, and the “principle of containment of social costs”, articulating the macroeconomic policy that has being developed in Brazil since the 1990s and which substantiantes itself on the 2000s.This last defends the reduction of the social costs, the maintanance of primary surplus and the privatization of public social services. Considering these determinations, the objective of this research constitues in bringing a critical reflection sorrounding the financing of the Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on the period from 2004 to 2012.Starting from a bibliografic and documentary research, it sought out to analyze the budget planning forseen on the Budget Guideline Law (LDO) and on the Multiannual Plans (PPA), investigating the reports of the Court of Auditors of the State of RN and gathering information about expenses with health, available on the System of Information About Public Budgeting in Health (SIOPS).The Analises of the data obtained, in light of the theoretic referece chosen, reveals trends in the public budget setting for health on the State of Rio Grande do Norte, which are: a tiny share of investment expenditure on health, when compared to other expenses, the amount used in daily fees and advertising; the high expense in personnel expenses, especially for hiring medical cooperatives;the strong dependence of the state on revenue transferences from the Union; the aplication of resources in actions of other nature considered as health, in exemple of the expenditures undertaken by the budgeting unit Supplying Center S/A (CEASA) on the function of health and subfunction of prophylactic and therapeutic and on the Popular Pharmacy program. Since 2006, expenses refering to Regime Security Servers (RPPA) on the area of health also have being considered as public actions and services in health for constitutional limit ends, beyond the inconsistencies on the PPAs with the actions performed efectively.
Advanced age may become a limiting factor for the maintenance of rhythms in organisms, reducing the capacity of generation and synchronization of biological rhythms. In this study, the influence of aging on the expression of endogenous periodicity and synchronization (photic and social) of the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) was evaluated in a diurnal primate, the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This study had two approaches: one with longitudinal design, performed with a male marmoset in two different phases: adult (three years) and older (9 y.o.) (study 1) and the second, a transversal approach, with 6 old (♂: 9.7 ± 2.0 y.o.) and 11 adults animals (♂: 4.2 ± 0.8 y.o.) (study 2). The evaluation of the photic synchronization involved two conditions in LD (natural and artificial illuminations). In study 1, the animal was subjected to the following stages: LD (12:12 ~ 350: ~ 2 lx), LL (~ 350 lx) and LD resynchronization. In the second study, the animals were initially evaluated in natural LD, and then the same sequence stages of study 1. During the LL stage in study 2, the vocalizations of conspecifics kept in natural LD on the outside of the colony were considered temporal cue to the social synchronization. The record of the activity was performed automatically at intervals of five minutes through infrared sensor and actimeters, in studies 1 and 2, respectively. In general, the aged showed a more fragmented activity pattern (> IV < H and > PSD, ANOVA, p < 0.05), lower levels of activity (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and shorter duration of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in LD conditions, when compared to adults. In natural LD, the aged presented phase delay pronounced for onset and offset of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05), while the adults had the active phase more adjusted to light phase. Under artificial LD, there was phase advance and greater adjustment of onset and offset of activity in relation to the LD in the aged (ANOVA, p < 0.05). In LL, there was a positive correlation between age and the endogenous period () in the first 20 days (Spearman correlation, p < 0.05), with prolonged held in two aged animals. In this condition, most adults showed free-running period of the circadian activity rhythm with < 24 h for the first 30 days and later on relative coordination mediated by auditory cues. In study 2, the cross-correlation analysis between the activity profiles of the animals in LL with control animals kept under natural LD, found that there was less social synchronization in the aged. With the resubmission to the LD, the resynchronization rate was slower in the aged (t-test; p < 0.05) and in just one aged animal there was a loss of resynchronization capability. According to the data set, it is suggested that the aging in marmosets may be related to: 1) lower amplitude and greater fragmentation of the activity, accompanied to phase delay with extension of period, caused by changes in a photic input, in the generation and behavioral expression of the CAR; 2) lower capacity of the circadian activity rhythm to photic synchronization, that can become more robust in artificial lighting conditions, possibly due to the higher light intensities at the beginning of the active phase due to the abrupt transitions between the light and dark phases; and 3) smaller capacity of non-photic synchronization for auditory cues from conspecifics, possibly due to reducing sensory inputs and responsiveness of the circadian oscillators to auditory cues, what can make the aged marmoset most vulnerable, as these social cues may act as an important supporting factor for the photic synchronization.
Advanced age may become a limiting factor for the maintenance of rhythms in organisms, reducing the capacity of generation and synchronization of biological rhythms. In this study, the influence of aging on the expression of endogenous periodicity and synchronization (photic and social) of the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) was evaluated in a diurnal primate, the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This study had two approaches: one with longitudinal design, performed with a male marmoset in two different phases: adult (three years) and older (9 y.o.) (study 1) and the second, a transversal approach, with 6 old (♂: 9.7 ± 2.0 y.o.) and 11 adults animals (♂: 4.2 ± 0.8 y.o.) (study 2). The evaluation of the photic synchronization involved two conditions in LD (natural and artificial illuminations). In study 1, the animal was subjected to the following stages: LD (12:12 ~ 350: ~ 2 lx), LL (~ 350 lx) and LD resynchronization. In the second study, the animals were initially evaluated in natural LD, and then the same sequence stages of study 1. During the LL stage in study 2, the vocalizations of conspecifics kept in natural LD on the outside of the colony were considered temporal cue to the social synchronization. The record of the activity was performed automatically at intervals of five minutes through infrared sensor and actimeters, in studies 1 and 2, respectively. In general, the aged showed a more fragmented activity pattern (> IV < H and > PSD, ANOVA, p < 0.05), lower levels of activity (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and shorter duration of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05) in LD conditions, when compared to adults. In natural LD, the aged presented phase delay pronounced for onset and offset of active phase (ANOVA, p < 0.05), while the adults had the active phase more adjusted to light phase. Under artificial LD, there was phase advance and greater adjustment of onset and offset of activity in relation to the LD in the aged (ANOVA, p < 0.05). In LL, there was a positive correlation between age and the endogenous period () in the first 20 days (Spearman correlation, p < 0.05), with prolonged held in two aged animals. In this condition, most adults showed free-running period of the circadian activity rhythm with < 24 h for the first 30 days and later on relative coordination mediated by auditory cues. In study 2, the cross-correlation analysis between the activity profiles of the animals in LL with control animals kept under natural LD, found that there was less social synchronization in the aged. With the resubmission to the LD, the resynchronization rate was slower in the aged (t-test; p < 0.05) and in just one aged animal there was a loss of resynchronization capability. According to the data set, it is suggested that the aging in marmosets may be related to: 1) lower amplitude and greater fragmentation of the activity, accompanied to phase delay with extension of period, caused by changes in a photic input, in the generation and behavioral expression of the CAR; 2) lower capacity of the circadian activity rhythm to photic synchronization, that can become more robust in artificial lighting conditions, possibly due to the higher light intensities at the beginning of the active phase due to the abrupt transitions between the light and dark phases; and 3) smaller capacity of non-photic synchronization for auditory cues from conspecifics, possibly due to reducing sensory inputs and responsiveness of the circadian oscillators to auditory cues, what can make the aged marmoset most vulnerable, as these social cues may act as an important supporting factor for the photic synchronization.
Para processar a informação ambiental e perceber o tempo, os indivíduos utilizam-se de pistas ambientais, como luz e temperatura, que servem como guias para o relógio interno. O mecanismo temporizador endógeno é chamado relógio circadiano, o qual comanda uma grande variedade de ritmos diários bioquímicos, fisiológicos e comportamentais presentes nos organismos. Com isso, os animais podem antecipar eventos espaço-temporalmente distribuídos e usar essa informação para organizar as atividades diárias, o que é uma vantagem adaptativa para os indivíduos, já que muitos fatores ambientais apresentam variação circadiana. Aprendizagem espaço-temporal (do inglês: "time-place learning’’-TPL) é a habilidade de associar lugares com importantes eventos biológicos em diferentes horas do dia. Em nosso estudo utilizamos como modelo o peixe paulistinha (Danio rerio), conhecido por ser altamente social, para testar aprendizagem espaço-temporal baseada em reforço social. Além disso, objetivamos averiguar os efeitos das condições de claro constante e escuro constante na aprendizagem espaço-temporal, e se nessas condições, a atividade do peixe paulistinha é alterada. Para isso, testamos três diferentes condições (n=10): grupo claro-escuro (CE), grupo claro constante (CC) e grupo escuro constante (EE) durante 30 dias da seguinte maneira: diariamente, um grupo de 5 peixes paulistinha foi introduzido em um recipiente localizado no compartimento da manhã (um dos lados do aquário), às 8:00h e retirado às 9:00h, e em outro recipiente do compartimento da tarde (lado oposto do aquário), às 17:00h e removido às 18:00h, servindo como estímulo para que o peixe experimental ocupasse o compartimento onde o grupo fosse colocado. O comportamento foi filmado nos dois horários, 15 minutos antes e durante os 60 minutos de exposição ao estímulo, no 15º e no 30ª dia, porém neste último, os peixes foram filmados sem a presença do estímulo a fim de averiguarmos a aprendizagem espaço-temporal. Por fim, para saber a influência das três condições luminosas na atividade dos peixes, filmamos os últimos 6 dias de teste, para registrar o padrão de atividade. Nossos resultados mostraram que em ciclo claro-escuro (CE) o peixe paulistinha apresenta TPL, bem como é capaz de antecipar a hora e local do estímulo (grupo de coespecíficos), enfatizando a importância do estímulo social para a aprendizagem. Em condições de claro constante e escuro constante, o peixe paulistinha não apresentou aprendizagem espaço-temporal. Ademais, após 30 dias em condições luminosas constantes (claro constante e escuro constante), o peixe paulistinha mantém ritmo circadiano, porém em claro constante sua atividade é aumentada e seu ritmo atividade-repouso é alterado, através de um padrão de atividade distribuída homogeneamente ao longo das 24h, ao invés de concentrada na subjetiva fase clara, como nos grupos de ciclo claro-escuro e escuro constante, os quais conservam o padrão de atividade diurno da espécie.
Grains and legume seeds are foods that form the basis of the diets of many cultures around the world, winch contritbute to the daily nutrient requirements of humans. Vicilins (7S globulin) are storage proteins found in legume seeds, and may have an additional function constitutive defense of the embryo against pests and pathogens. In this work the vicilin from Anadenanthera macrocarpa - AmV (red-angico), was purified and partially characterized, its effect on development and larval survival and adult emergence of Callosobruchus maculatus was evaluated by determination of LD50, WD50 and ED50 in system bioassay. Purification of vicilin was initiated by the chitin affinity chromatography and then gel filtration (Superdex 75 Tricorn 10x300 mm) FPLC system followed by reverse phase chromatography (C8 phenomenex) on HPLC system. Bioassays WD50 and LD50 for larvae were 0.32% and 0.33% (w:w) respectively, since the ED50 for adults was 0.096%. The probable mechanism of action was evaluated by testing digestibility of AmV in vitro, and observed for the involvement of two fragments vicilins immunoreactive against polyclonal Anti-vicilin from Erythrina velutina (Anti-EvV) about of 22 and 13 kDa chitin binding. The AmV in its native form has been recognized by the anti-EvV, indicating that there is a conserved region in the vicilin and is probably corresponding to the chitin binding domains. These results point to a new vicilin chitin binding that can subsequently be used as a possible biopesticide protein source, in order to control insect pest C. maculatus and confirm literature findings that demonstrate vicilin in the presence of different kinds of ligands to conserved regions chitin not yet characterized
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and it causes death and blindness among children in the developing countries. The fortification of food could be an important source of vitamins to control deficiency. 60 Coturnix coturnix japonica quails were used in a randomized design with duration of seven weeks. The birds were assigned into five treatments with four repetitions. The objective was to evaluate the influence of the supplementation with different levels of retinyl palmitate (2,000 IU, 4,000 IU, 8,000IU and 16,000 IU) in quails under the levels of retinyl in egg yolks. The method used to dose retinyl in yolks of quail eggs was High Performance Liquid Chromatography and the enzymatic method to quantify the cholesterol concentration. The weight and production of eggs was significantly modified by the supplementation with retinyl in the birds. The results showed a gradual increase in the incorporation of retinyl in the egg yolk as a response to the supplementation, reaching values 384% higher than the control values. By the end of the supplementations a significant reduction in the concentrations of retinyl in the eggs yolk was observed. The most lasting supplementations were with 8,000 IU and 16,000 IU which lasted for three weeks. The cholesterol content in eggs was not significantly modified. The consumption of one egg enriched with 16000UI of retinol palmitate in the present study, by day, would probably reach 10 and 7,3% of the daily recommendations of this micronutrient for children of 1 to 3 years of age, and for 4 to 8 years, respectively. The nutritional value of eggs, related to the vitamin A, can be improved by supplementation of quails