110 resultados para Linguagem e memória


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Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL), reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCHÖN, 1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics of the concept of reflection according to Schön (1983, 1987), and supported by other authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; GÓMEZ, 1995; IMBERNÓN, 2009, among others); of critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO, 2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional approach.


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Infância is undoubtedly memory, high qual ity l iterature, reputable, as the story moves between f ict ion and reality. Personal and social history, wi th such a sense of reality, causing the reader to prof it f rom the honesty and the sinceri ty producing, in this work, remarkable results in a constancy of cl ippings, f rame -by-f rame. Memory and obl ivion are this work guidance. We aim to denounce the relat ionship between the chi ld and violence, and as it is a memorialist ic text , we see the importance of f ict ion for this type of narrat ive to be sustained. I aim thereby show the tone of this report humanizing memories, its deep and decisive meaning, through the memories concepts by Le Gof f , by Seligmann-Silva and by Ecléa Bosi. I t is also through the theories of Jeanne Marie Ganegbin that I just ify the concept of remembering and forget t ing, and also it is also according the concepts of Eliane Zagury that I give support to the importance of autobiography as a a mean of expressing the reported memor ies. Final ly, in Infância, there is no room for fantasy. The lyricism that overwhelms, throughout each chapter, commands the author's imaginat ion. The need to invent gives way to the need to test ify, to denounce. And this t ransit ion occurs gradually, slow as Gra c il ia n o s c h i ld li f e , d u e to such humiliat ion and submission


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Our research has as goal to describe and analyze the main processes related to the activation of conceptual domains underlying the comprehension in the discourse pattern cartoons by the students of third grades of high school, at Professor Antonio Basílio Filho School. Theoretically, we are grounded on assumptions of Conceptual Linguistics, whose interest analyzes our cognitive apparatus in correlation with our socio-cultural and bodies experiences. We intend to check how is the process of meaning construction and integration of various cognitive domains that are activated during the reading activity. That s why, we take the concept of cognitive domains as equivalent to the structures that are stored in our memory from our sociocultural and corporeal experiences and they are stabilized, respectively, through the frames and schemas. The activation of these conceptual domains, as evidenced by our data, supports the assumption that previous knowledge from our inclusion in specific sociocultural contexts, concurrently with the functioning of our sensory-motor system are essential during the construction activity direction. With this research, we still intend to present a proposal confront the expectations of responses produced by students from the activation of frames and schemas with our predictions


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This study incorporates many areas of knowledge to the Linguistics field, as it centers the social historicity of Brazilian and autos potiguares on two analytical proposes: the presence of linguistic formulas - in its macrostructure - into the paradigm of discursive traditions, following Kabatek (2006), Koch and Oesterreicher (2007), besides the theory of Speech Acts, in its microstructure, proposed by Austin (1990) and Searle (1995). Under Zumthor (1993; 1997; 2000; 2005; 2010), the idea of textual variability (mouvance) was alluded, highlighting that the text is always modifying, according to the performance and reception of the language uses. Considering this theoretical framework, we focus on the trinomial linguistic formulas, orality and performance, in order to describe the dynamics of stability, variation and change, emphasizing yet how extra-linguistic social-historic cultural relations influence its composition. Such discuss is inherent more precisely to Textual Analysis in enhancing the orality tradition as a linguistic support. The text, in its turn, becomes effective as an evocation, motivated by the transmission, reception and variability from its conservation and reiteration. Naturally, a methodological support based on quali-quantitative research was chosen, based on Flick (2009), who justifies the corpus composed by Brazilian Folias de Reis chants and Bois de Reis potiguares . Thereby Language dynamics, subjacent to tradition which takes effect by the use of a common social memory, are observed from two dimensions: on the first, it evocates the sacralization (religious) in which they stand their devotion to biblical History; secondly, a dissacralization with identified and ideological values, inherent to a people culture. The chant shows, in this ludic impulse, a contextualized activity which results in the following conclusion: the changing and stability processes in textual macro and microstructures occur, at the same time, by the adjustment to the use of the text accomplishing a social-political function and an ethical-pedagogic one; supposedly, social relationships arise the tradition and it, on its turn, evocates the variability and the nomadism in the text


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In this work, we analyzed reading memories of mother language teachers in continuing education context. Our objective was to understand how each individual has built his/her reader image. Our theoretical approach to the construction of selfimage was based on the concept of discursive ethos, understanding it with Charaudeau (2006) as something constructed in the intersection of glances (of the self and the other). To understand how each teacher has built his/her reader image in that intertwining of glances (of the self and the other) we are on the contributions of Bakhtin (2003, 2010b) on exotopic glance or distant/external glance. Therefore, in the analysis, we tried to capture the exotopic glance of the teachers about themselves in the various stages of their reader formation and from our exotopic look of researcher; we gave provisional finish of the reader image that teachers built of themselves. For the analysis, we adopted other theoretical assumptions: about genres, theme, composition and style, statement and social voices we based on Bakhtin (1997, 2003, 2010a, 2010b); on the notion of the discursive ethos we anchored in studies conducted by Maingueneau (2008a, 2008b); about reading, we adopted the theoretical references of Rojo (2005, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2009d), Garcez (2002), Freire (2008) and Silva Neto (2007). For the discursive genre reading memories makes reference to the theme memory as well as is related to the context of teacher training, the study was supported in Aragão (1992) and Nóvoa`s (2007) theory. Situated in the area of Applied Linguistics, the research aligns with qualitative-interpretative approach of socio-historical basis. Finally, from the analysis of the corpus, data that emerged from the findings, we conclude by stating that readers have created images of themselves as active readers, readers interested in both readings, the ones respected and the ones unappreciated by the official culture


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This research, part of Applied Linguistics field, aims to analyze the language of a school blog, developed with the participation of students, as a work based on the conception of multiliteracies, focusing on the construction of different meanings. The research is carried on from the building and maintenance of a school blog, the Ieceblog, with students of Ensino Fundamental II, since 2008, in a private school in Natal-RN. The investigation of the language produced on a school blog is justified due to the interactive conceptions of writing and reading on the virtual environment. Given the fact that new technologies are a reality in the schools opened to the practices of multiliteracies, it is assumed that text, image, video, audio, non-graphic signs and hypertext intensifies the produced interaction, in which the students become real authors. In this perspective, some voices belonging to the statements that are formed through the posts and comments chosen to the analyses and reflection on the blog space as locus of productions of senses inserted in the school and the world environment, as well as for the identification of the language resources used to intensify the senses that emerge from it. From the view of dialogism conceptualized by Bakhtin Circle, the qualitative interpretive-research deepens the experience of a school blog focusing on digital language in line with the vision of digital literacy. From the blog posts, a corpus that promote the exposure of different manifestations of language in the design of digital multiliteracies is elected. Thereby, the method used was the dialogical analysis of speech based on Bakhtin s studies and the Circle. The corpus was taken from the blog s posts in order to point up the different language manifestations in the following categories: (i) mood reinforced by the mockery, (ii) search for compliance with school sphere, (iii) conflicting social values and consistent complicity between sense and verbal imagery, and finally (iv) social practices that take place from and through the discursive genre. The study points to the tension between the active voices in several directions, revealing the distorted unit of posts which, under the analytical observation raises multiple meanings in a responsive manner. The analysis of the dialogue interaction in which intersperses the digital one becomes more apparent that the multiliteracies events that are mediated by language in addition to structure of the language and makes us rethink the students


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This study focalizes the memoirs of rivers and of lakes in the romantic construction starting from the romances Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947) and Três casas e um rio (1958), of writer Dalcídio Jurandir; of the book of memoirs Marajó, minha vida (1998), of writer Dita Acatauassu; of the story "A Feiticeira", published in the book Contos Amazônicos, written by Inglês de Sousa (1883); of the short story "O Peixe", published in O carro dos milagres, (1990), of writer Benedicto Monteiro; of the oral narratives Honorato: Cobra Grande , O encanto de Honorato and A Lenda da Cobra Norato , picked up by the project named The Imaginary in the Shape of Oral Narratives of Paraense Amazon (IFNOPAP) of the Federal University of Pará. In those speeches, the voices of the memory detach the multiple functions of rivers and lakes represented as space, atmosphere, scenery, route and route, thread and fabric, re-elaborated in the narrators' memoirs, characters and narrators/character of the fiction and in popular narratives


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This thesis analyses the poetry of João Lins Caldas (1888-1967), in Brazilian literature context, aiming at describing and understanding the main features of his poetry. Thus, this research presents a corpus to be worked on: the poems in Poeira do céu e outros poemas (2009). Our study is characterized by a biographical, historiographical and critical tendency, by trying to organize the manuscripts of the author and biographical aspects while analyzing his poems. It is showed the relation between Brazilian poetry written by some authors, since the parnasianism and symbolism period until the twentieth century. On the one hand, our analysis is based on the ideas and criticism by Antonio Candido (2006; 2002; 1985), discussing the process of formation of Brazilian literature and the procedure to analyse poetry. It is also based on the concept of poetry and resistance, developed by Alfredo Bosi (2000; 2002), and the notion of Brazilian matter, identified by Roberto Schwarz (1987, 1997, 1999). On the other hand, this work focuses on melancholy under the theoretical ideas of authors such as Aristotle (1998), Walter Benjamin (1984), Jaime Ginzburg (1997) and Moacyr Scliar (2003). This focus on melancholy contributes to a better understanding of one of the main themes found in the poems analysed. By studying the poetry of João Lins Caldas, it was perceived the relevance of melancholy and resistance in his verses. This can be seen in his dissonant language, characterized by the broken syntax in his verses, as well as contradictory images and complex meanings in his poetry. This causes the effect of unfamiliarity on the reader. His poetry is the result of a style that finds its place in the best moment of modern Brazilian poetry and reveals its singularity through the inverted syntax with powerful themes such as love, death, pain, delusion, loss, memory, nature and God. All of them are aspects of Brazilian historicity. Finally, the work of João Lins Caldas is part of a multifaceted poetry


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This current study consists in an analysis of the work Contos de enganar a morte (2004), of the novelist, illustrator and researcher of popular culture Ricardo Azevedo, aiming to highlight aspects and elements present in this work which show the update and the permanence of traditional popular narratives, widespread by orality, especially those collected by the Luís da Câmara Cascudo in Literatura oral no Brasil (1984), linked to the category of the Cycle of the Death and Tales of the Deceived Demon. It is argued that the symbolic, playful, humor and aspects of orality, evident in these narratives are cultural possessions own of a popular tradition that diffuses, is updated and maintained by the memory of handmade anonymous narrators (BENJAMIN, 1994), poets and brazilian singers of cordel, holders of the traditional knowledge not established, but polyphonic, dialogical and democratic in essence (BAKHTIN, 1996). Still, alongside the people who know and counts the stories of Trancoso and Fairies, the tale, as a written literary genre, has allowed to maintain outstanding the same subjects successively renewed, enabling the resistance of popular narrative tradition and understanding and appreciation of popular orality (ZUMTHOR, 1993; 2000) and of the updates performed in the contemporarity (CANDIDO, 1976), without losing sight of the singularity and autonomy of the literary work


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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This research presents a reading of the poetics of silence in the profile and actions of characters in Fogo morto, by Paraiba s novelist José Lins do Rego and Cartilha do silêncio, by Sergipe s writer José Francisco Costa Dantas. As a starting point, we intend to demonstrate, through analysis, how the traditional issue of patriarchy, installed in rural areas of Northeast Brazil, live their momentum of rise and decline in different social spaces within narratives. This article shows how man lives tensions caused by the socio-political changes that will gradually be deployed in their environment due to the process of transition from traditional to modern life. From this perspective, this reading encourages a critical reflection on the social space of the mills and farms at the time of their rise and decay, as well as the various gender relationships between the feminine and the masculine world. The analysis indicates that all the changes both in family and social space unfold a world of silent variants and this paper takes as its theoretical basis the concept of silence built from the reflections of Eni Puccinelli Orlandi (2002), Barros Lourival Holland (1990 ), Luiz Costa Lima (1974) and Marisa Simons (1999).


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With the purpose of contribute to the understanding of oral texts constituent processes, we seek, with this work, verify how formulaicity processes in the benditos and novenas , religious intangible heritage, are established. For this, we made an overview on the performance of repetitions which are established in the corpus collected for the study, considering the presence of Discourse Traditions in the analyzed texts. It is noteworthy that the corpus consists of benditos and novenas collected in the municipality of Lajes, Rio Grande do Norte. This material is part of the differential corpus of the Project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese (PHPB-RN). Regarding the theoretical framework used to guide the research, we based our analysis on Discourse Traditions (DTs) theoretical assumptions, with the ideas defended by Johannes Kabatek, besides taking into consideration the assumptions of Paul Zumthor about orality in popular religious texts, among other authors cited throughout the work. In the context of popular cultures, the existence of oral texts serves to various interactive objects and this is not different in popular benditos and novenas (cf. Sá Júnior, 2009). In this sense, focusing the gaze through Discourse Traditions (DTs), we can verify that the texts/discourses present discursive regularities or textual forms already produced by society, in earlier times, which remain or are modified throughout its existence, as shows Johannes Kabatek (2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006). Also in this sense, Paul Zumthor (1993) presents us the idea that talk about using "word" in memory, in its real sense, implies admitting it as something which has an immeasurable power, which is able to decide directions in world, and from that is established the "wealth of oral traditions"


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A abordagem da visão da literatura nacional dentro do contexto cultural brasileiro da segunda metade do século XIX e do posicionamento crítico de José de Alencar fez, de sua produção romanesca, especialmente a indianista, representada aqui por sua obra Iracema, um símbolo do conjunto de intenções nacionalistas que invadiu a alma e o coração de todo o povo, no que diz respeito ao sentimento de brasilidade , condizente com a estética romântica da qual faz parte seu autor. Seu posicionamento, quer seja crítico ou artístico, faz de Alencar o maior polemista em defesa da liberdade cultural e literária do Brasil, enquanto alguém bem consciente de sua função social, e por que não dizer, crítica, identificando a metalinguagem como um diferencial fomentador de uma teorização de poética na defesa de sua ficção, abrindo caminho, assim, para a pesquisa da poética explícita na sua produção artística. A referida análise buscará, a partir de uma análise estrutural das partes formais que o compõem esteticamente, como também de uma compreensão temática dos ditos e interditos utilizados pelo narrador alencariano na composição de seu discurso, identificar Iracema enquanto um romance que disputa o título de obra fundacional do Brasil. Para isso se faz necessário empreender uma abordagem do como e do quanto os elementos da Natureza, num romance romântico que tem a Natureza enquanto uma de suas temáticas mais significativas, podem constituir e interferir na percepção e construção de um personagem, que é todo Natureza, e no meio natural em que ele vive; até mesmo ser, por causa disso, o elemento mais representativo dessa nação que se deseja criar, trazendo para o cenário cultural brasileiro do século XIX uma versão de instituição baseada no revigoramento da memória da cultura selvagem. Faz-se lícito também animar forças da natureza e da terra-paisagem que poderiam ser tidas, apenas, como exóticas, mas que na obra em questão funcionam como protagonistas, mesmo fantasmas, de um pacto social e político que, mesmo quando rompe, recusa-se em deixar romper, mergulhando no espaço romanesco da magnitude das águas ou na frieza tumular da terra. Tomar-se-á, também, como ponto de estudo, a análise da fusão da experiência histórica com a experiência ficcional, observando o imbricamento de um discurso no outro, como também as fronteiras que se estabelecem a partir dessa tentativa; tomando o erotismo e a alegoria como pontos de convergência na obra em questão. Por meio da verificação de uma relação que se constrói a partir da solidão, da memória e do esquecimento em que acabam por mergulhar todos os seus personagens, que são, por vezes, tragados em algum dilúvio bíblico da purificação, dentro de um projeto audacioso de invenção de uma nação, que se quer de identidade cultural, e também política, mas que termina condenado ao silêncio, não gozando de liberdade em relação ao espaço a que pertence e, no entanto representa, só cabendo a eles regressarem para dentro da terra-mãe, ou se submeterem a um ritual de profunda aculturação, verificar-se-á, através desse discurso historicamente construído, o ideário de uma nação que se almejava projetar. O conflito de Iracema, personagem protagonista de sua obra homônima, a negação e a perda de si mesma, de tudo aquilo que poderia representar a sua identidade social e cultural, e, conseqüentemente, a morte e a vida dessa mãe genti(o)l, simbolizam a vida e a arte de um povo que, passando pelos embates da colonização, através de seus artistas rebeldes e românticos da Independência, que ilustraram, em grande síntese, a visão através da qual o homem do Novo Mundo foi vislumbrado, rabiscou a imagem da americanidade pelo discurso da História


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The purpose of this work is to bring forward cultural identities of the city of Natal that are built upon representations contained in the work of Twentieth-Century Potiguar1 poets. We started out with the premise that the urban tissue owes its formation to the effect of the feelings produced and to the individuals that give shape to them, thus causing the city to abound with feelings and meanings that are relevant for both society and the individual. As cities and their identities may be studied and interpreted from different viewpoints, we have used in this study poetic discourse that functions as a memory to the city and takes shape out of a set of historically established social practices. Our research is situated within the area of Applied Linguistics, an area of knowledge focused mainly in language that is increasingly expanding its investigation limits in an interdisciplinary way. Therefore, this study is based on a social and historical model of language, with language construed as a discourse practice (Bakhtin and Circle), and presents an interface with cultural studies (Hall, Canclini), taking into account the fact that culture builds up values and brings forth differences in respect of the conditions under which such values and differences are produced. In this sense, we have tried to ―listen‖ to what the poets say, by understanding and interpreting the meanings produced by their discourse, in order to identify the formation of the identities of the city that arise out of distinct points of view and diverse stylistic marks. Analysis of these poetic utterances lead to multifold cultural identities of the city, ranging from a naive and multicolored Natal to a city that builds itself on its characters and on to an insurgent, usurped Natal


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The present work aims to reflect on the everyday and its Vincentian practices of sociability in the early years of the presence of television in the city of São Vicente (RN), from the memories of the protagonists who witnessed the first insertion of TV set sin the beginning sof 1970s.Thus, the research was guided by some questions deemed relevant to the study in order to understand the most significant changes in the daily Vincentian boosted by the arrival of television in some private houses, which soon became a meeting place, recreation and sociability. At that time, filled the role of TV unites and brings people together. These houses, reinvented in spaces of sociability, were sanctioned by the various actors who gathered daily to include television programming. This popularity of television was measured by the joint efforts of people who moved their homes to homes that had this technical device. Each home with their uniqueness sand peculiarity, which attracted the population frequency f these spaces were frequent. Of course people still sit on the sidewalks, to be held the night rides in the streets and square, but soon came to the program schedule Preferred came into leaving their homes or to homes that had TV, watch them in the design of audiovisual programs. We use the oral memory as the principal methodology in order to interpret the memories recounted by people who lived in that time period studied. For this purpose we constructed a narrative that highlights the categories memory, media, social practices, everyday life and thus has the theoretical and methodological contributions of authors of humanities and social sciences its main foundation. In field research in the use of in-depth interviews, since the narratives of our research is interviewed. The importance of a study of such order, is not only in understanding the TV as an essential mediator for the interaction of individuals in society, from 1970 in São Vicente (RN), but also for the unveiling of his relationship with the daily routines of the Vincentians, founded in environments and symbols that regulated the conduct and reordered the social practices and sociability of these subjects. In this sense, the making of a work on the presence of TV in the city of São Vicente (RN) is also of paramount importance for the history of this media at the national level, since this is nothing more than a set of multiple stories