77 resultados para Linguística textual


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In this dissertation, we analyze the constitution and functioning of the humorous discourse in discursive genre cartoon from the recognition and analysis of the techniques of humor used to get the desired effects of meaning. We used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis henceforth (AD) for the research. Specifically on the techniques of humor, we rely on authors like Possenti (1998) and Propp (1992) to see how these procedures are present in the cartoons and make the discourse of humor. To achieve this goal, ten (10) cartoons were analyzed dealing with episodes relating to the management of the mayor Micarla de Souza in the city of Natal, RN. These cartoons were published in the newspaper Tribuna do Norte during the year 2012. The research falls within the field of study of Applied Linguistics and is qualitative, interpretive nature. In the first part, we did a rescue of the foundations of discourse analysis, discussing the concept of interdiscourse, then we carry on about the notion of gender discourse from the perspective of AD, and the genre itself cartoon as we work with the cartoon as a discourse genre, and finally, we deal with this humor discourse in cartoons. We then developed some analyzes to illustrate the postulate that all text is founded upon certain conditions of enunciation; that the relationship between the cartoons and interdiscourse is a constitutive relationship that brings out certain cartoons/ discourses and not others, and especially what humor techniques are used strategically by the cartoonist, whose discursive decisions cause certain effects of meaning. The results of this paper find that discursive relations are relations of subjects and meanings, that the discourse of cartoon is built from other sayings and discourses, and that certain textual and discursive procedures/techniques, as parody, irony, lowering the other, the ambiguity and displacement are mobilized in the text to generate the possible effect of the comic, thus building the humor discourse of the cartoons analyzed


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This study is part of interactional perspective, focusing on Conversation Analysis theories, from the Textual Interactive Perspective and Text Linguistics . This research, from its guiding questions, aims at understanding the interaction between teacher and students in the process of the knowledge construction as well as at describing, analyzing and understanding aspects of topical organization speech in the classroom in elementary school, observing the opening and closing procedures of the speech topics in that particular space. Considering that the procedures for opening and closing of discursive topics occur through language marks, we tried to identify which speech marks are used in the opening and closing of the topics studied in the classroom, in interaction during the collaborative process of the discourse established between teacher and students. Therefore, this study is based on authors who analyze specific questions of the text in real context of language use: Koch (1993, 1999), Jubran et al (1991), Jubran (2006), Pine (2005), Penhavel (2010), Galembeck (2012), Barros (1991), Marcuschi (1986 , 1990, 1991 , 1998 , 1999, 2003 , 2004a), Kerbrat - Orecchioni (2006), Favero (1999, 2002) and Galvão (2004, 2010). As a methodology of investigation, the study is focused on the postulates of ethnographic research in order to carry out data collection, through audio and video recordings which were transcribed, according to the NURC project proposal, with some adaptations. Data analysis showed that the procedures for opening and closing of the speech topics occurred by the use of discourse markers, in particular the marker "then", allowing us to understand that these elements are important in the topical organization speech, contributing to ensure textual cohesion and coherence. We conclude that the organization of the discursive topic in the classroom occurs through events that support the explicitness of the content of teaching and learning, considering the diverse necessity of an institutional academic plan, whose main objective is the construction of knowledge


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This work analyzes deverbal nominalizations with the sufix dor in Brazilian Portuguese, under the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, the Construction Grammar. The aim is to determine the general features of interpretation that characterize this deverbal construction and its use in formal writing. Based on the cognitive assumption that grammatical structure is motivated, explained, and determined by the structure of cognitive patterns, created from our experience in the world, and by the communicative function of language, the dor deverbal is treated as a polysemic grammatical construction. In the composition of V+dor, the relation rootsuffix is focused, through a characterization of the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and the values of the suffix. Among the different values conventionally related to the XDOR construction, the agentive is considered as the prototypical sense. The relation between the other values and the prototype is explained by cognitive abilities and discourse motivations. The deverbal construction X-DOR is also interpreted as a valency noun that, like an action nominal, retains the argument structure of the deriving predicate. It is also intended to demonstrate the textual function of this deverbal construction, as a device of information condensing and anaphoric recovery. The data were taken from Veja magazine and the approach is qualitative (explicative), with quantitative support


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The literary critic Terry Eagleton obtained notoriety in academic circles when he was recognized intellectually for his bestselling book Literary Theory: An Introduction. In this book, the English author boldly proposes the end of literature and literary criticism. However, Eagleton proposed years before, in his book Criticism and Ideology (1976), a scientific system of analysis of literary texts, which seemed less radical, both in theory and in method, than in his later theoretical proposal. Based on this, the objective of this dissertation is to present the English literary critic´s initial method, explaining the reasons that led him to abandon his initial project - of develop a method of analysis of the literary text on a Marxist scientific perspective - and to propose, in the following years, in his most famous book and others, a revolutionary vision that would go beyond textual analysis and make literary texts have a practical intervention in society. Finally, we explain what would be his idea of revolutionary criticism


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With the purpose of contribute to the understanding of oral texts constituent processes, we seek, with this work, verify how formulaicity processes in the benditos and novenas , religious intangible heritage, are established. For this, we made an overview on the performance of repetitions which are established in the corpus collected for the study, considering the presence of Discourse Traditions in the analyzed texts. It is noteworthy that the corpus consists of benditos and novenas collected in the municipality of Lajes, Rio Grande do Norte. This material is part of the differential corpus of the Project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese (PHPB-RN). Regarding the theoretical framework used to guide the research, we based our analysis on Discourse Traditions (DTs) theoretical assumptions, with the ideas defended by Johannes Kabatek, besides taking into consideration the assumptions of Paul Zumthor about orality in popular religious texts, among other authors cited throughout the work. In the context of popular cultures, the existence of oral texts serves to various interactive objects and this is not different in popular benditos and novenas (cf. Sá Júnior, 2009). In this sense, focusing the gaze through Discourse Traditions (DTs), we can verify that the texts/discourses present discursive regularities or textual forms already produced by society, in earlier times, which remain or are modified throughout its existence, as shows Johannes Kabatek (2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006). Also in this sense, Paul Zumthor (1993) presents us the idea that talk about using "word" in memory, in its real sense, implies admitting it as something which has an immeasurable power, which is able to decide directions in world, and from that is established the "wealth of oral traditions"


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A Linguística Cognitiva tem como um de seus principais objetivos descrever e analisar os processos de construção de sentido. Para isso, suas pesquisas pressupõem a existência de estruturas cognitivas oriundas das experiências sensório-motoras e socioculturais dos usuários da língua, as quais são acessadas pelo sujeito durante a compreensão textual. Fundamentada teoricamente nesta abordagem cognitiva da linguagem, esta dissertação tem como objetivo nuclear descrever e analisar como os domínios cognitivos - representados pelos esquemas e frames - permitem ao leitor depreender o risível em textos humorísticos. Entende-se por esquemas os domínios das informações construídas e armazenadas na mente do sujeito, oriundas de sua experiência corporal, como ao movimentar-se ou manipular objetos. Os frames, por sua vez, são os constructos que emergem a partir da interação, estabelecida de forma dinâmica e consensual, entre os sujeitos em contextos socioculturais específicos. Percorremos este caminho não somente por acreditarmos que o efeito de humor decorrente de um texto está subordinado à ativação e ao acionamento dos esquemas e frames armazenados na mente no leitor, como ainda por crermos na existência de vários níveis de compreensão, o que explica a recuperação de trechos humorísticos em um texto. Para confirmar a nossa hipótese, utilizamo-nos da aplicação de um experimento (uma atividade, com textos humorísticos, para alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio registrarem sua compreensão). Para a análise dos resultados dessa atividade, apropriamo-nos, metodologicamente, do processo da introspecção (entendida como a intuição do pesquisador e a responsável pela produção de ideias e raciocínios ao manipular os dados). Durante a observação minuciosa do nosso experimento, chegamos à conclusão de que o humor é apreendido intelectualmente quando os esquemas e frames são confrontados


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This doctoral thesis investigate the way vestibulandos and pré-vestibulandos construct their discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar in their textual production. At the same time, aims to discuss its implications for the ATD and for the teaching and learning of textual production in the context of Portuguese Language classes. Its theoretical framework is inspired mainly by three sources: textual linguistics, the textual analysis of discourses (ADAM, 2008), as well as by frames semantics (FILLMORE, 2006; FELTES, 2007). The methodology is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches (VIANNA et al., 2008). The data is composed of 168 empirical texts written by the vestibulandos of PSV/2005 da UFRN, Natal, RN, and by secondary school students who attended Escola Estadual Juscelino Kubitschek (EEJK), Assú, in the 2008 school year. The results indicate different categories of discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar , such as designation of referents, prediction, aspectualization, spatial-temporal circunstances , and metaphor, which reveal the influence of factors such as: the encyclopedic knowledge, the culture, as well as the cognitive components related to textual production. These results point out to the necessity of a teaching practice which enables the interaction among students, the discussion of current themes, as well as the student involvement with different textual genres, mainly the work with textual production in the classroom, so that it enables the students do acquire the textual production strategies. Thus, the overall goal is the (re)construction of their discursive representations, so that they can cope with new contexts of communicative interaction.


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The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte


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As a professor in Curso de Licenciatura em Letras, from Campus Avançado Profa Maria Eliza Albuquerque Maia (CAMEAM),do Estado do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), in the town of Pau do Ferros, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, we had the chance to carry out several writing activities , as well as guiding re-writing activities for the texts produced. From this experience, we started looking at the need of reflecting upon the writing process in higher education. Thus, we aim at analyzing, in this research, the methodology used in the moment of carrying out the writing practices activities in higher education, investigating, in particular, the rewriting practices, concerning the operations used for carrying out such activities, as well as the sense effects produced from the alterations which were made in the texts. Our theoretical foundation is grounded on a conception of text as a verbal action , what reveals a socio-interactional view of the language (MARCUSCHI, 2008; SAUTCHUK, 2003). As the production of written texts, our research focus, we assume that, for this activity, we deal with distinct figures (active writer and internal reader), so that we can, apart from writing, reflecting upon our writing and, this way, deciding about operations which are carried out to make the alterations which are necessary to the rewriting of our texts (SAUTCHUK, 2003). Still about the theoretical foundations used in this research, we made use of the theories from the Textual Analysis of Discourse (TAD) which discusses the belief on the evidence on the existence of the texts, which is opposite to the fixist view of textuality which believes that the texts exist by themselves. (ADAM, 2008; [2005]2010). Under this perspective, we have also adopted, the concepts which come from genetics criticism which is concerned about the relation between text and genesis, using as objects documents which bring traits of the text in progress, on the ground that the text is the result of work in progress, and the writing practice, on the other hand, as an activity in a continuous movement (HAY, [1975]2002; DE BIASI, [2000]2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990]2008; [1992]2002; SALLES, 2008a). The methodology in this research is an ethnography-based one, an approach which focuses on the process, as well as is meaning-based. To understand the objectives proposed in our research, we made use of different procedures of collecting data which include an ethnographic study, such as: observation, note-taking, document analysis. The data which were analyzed were collected during the semester of 2008.2, in a first term classroom of Curso de Letras from CAMEAM, when we were able to collect twenty-one written texts and all of them were rewritten based on rewriting activities, what provides a corpus of forty-two texts which will be analyzed based on the linguistics operations identified by Generative Grammar and adopted by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). From these analyses, we were able to confirm that writing is a process, and rewriting has become an extremely important activity for this process. Still due to these data, we observed that substitution was the most used operation by text authors. We believe that this result is justified by the fact that the substitution, according to what proposes the Genetic Criticism, constitutes the source of all erasure, from which one can easily make a change in writing. Regarding the operations of addition and deletion, we found that they were used in quantitative terms, almost equivalently, which can be explained when we see that the two operations require, by the author of the text, different strategies from those used for the replacement, what includes , respectively, adding or removing a segment. Finally, we found out that the shift operation was the least used, since it works with a segment that will not be replaced, added or deleted, but transferred to another place of text, which requires a greater ability of the author to perform this operation and not compromising the meaning of his/her writing. As a result, we hope to contribute to the reflection on the teaching of writing, considering, in a particular way, those with a Bachelor in Arts. Our analysis will contribute to the teaching of Portuguese language, specifically for activities that guide the production of texts in order to explore with students the ability to rewrite their own text


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Nossa pesquisa se circunscreve nos estudos da Análise Textual dos Discursos, proposta pelo linguista Jean-Michel Adam. Nosso foco principal está voltado para o fenômeno da Responsabilidade Enunciativa (doravante RE). Além das categorias de análise para se estudar a RE, conforme Adam (2008, 2010, 2011), também seguiremos outros estudiosos no assunto, como Oswald Ducrot (1984), os teóricos Teoria Escandinava da Polifonia Linguística, (2004), Zlatka Guentchéva (1994), Jean-Pierre Desclés (2009) e Jacqueline Authier-Revuz (1998, 2004). Utilizaremos os pressupostos apresentados por Alain Rabatel (2004, 2008, 2009, 2010), sobretudo, no que concerne às noções de locutor/enunciador, ponto de vista ou vozes que podem ser encontradas em um texto. Para tanto, analisaremos um relato de viagem, Itinéraire d un Voyage en Allemagne (doravante Itinéraire), escrito no século XIX por Nísia Floresta, uma norte-rio-grandense que fez residência na França e ficou conhecida como uma das primeiras feministas do Brasil. O relato de viagem é um gênero diferenciado para se analisar a RE, sobretudo o Itinéraire, pois nele também podemos encontrar a presença de outros gêneros, quais sejam: epistolar e autobiográfico. Assim, percorreremos, primeiramente, algumas abordagens sobre gêneros de discurso, utilizando-nos, principalmente, dos pressupostos de Mikhail Bakhtin (1992, 2003), Geneviève Bordet (2011), Jean Michel Adam (2011) e Luiz Antônio Marcuschi (2008) e, posteriormente, apresentaremos algumas características que envolvem os gêneros citados. Por fim, para análise dos dados, estamos seguindo a abordagem qualitativa de natureza interpretativista. Nossa pesquisa comprovou que o Itinéraire apresenta muitas marcas de assunção da RE, mas que, apesar de Nísia Floresta ser locutora e enunciadora, é possível encontrar marcas de não assunção da RE, ou seja, outros PDV


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Esta investigación está incluida en las discusiones sobre las relaciones entre literatura y enseñanza, recortando el lugar de las escritas poéticas en las clases de Lengua Portuguesa en la Enseñanza Media. En términos epistemológicos, nuestra reflexión problematiza, entre otras cuestiones, el desplazamiento que ocurre cuando las manifestaciones literarias se apartan de sus soportes originales y se adentran a las escenas de la clase de lengua materna, transformándose en objeto de enseñanza y contenido didáctico. En el ámbito de las prácticas escolarizadas de la lectura literaria en la Enseñanza Media, nuestra reflexión tiene como objeto la didactización del género textual poema. En esa etapa de la enseñanza, el poema como componente curricular aún no está definido. Eso es ocasionado, de modo general, por dos razones: por la naturaleza específica del género y por los procedimientos didácticopedagógicos utilizados cuando se hace la lectura del poema en clase. En relación al modelo consagrado de la enseñanza de literatura en la Enseñanza Media, apoyado en la descripción de la historia de la literatura brasileña a través de esquemas cronológicos de movimientos estético-culturales, pretendemos hacer un desplazamiento en lo que respecta a ese abordaje y situar el letramiento literario a partir de las formas líricas recurrentes en la producción literaria en Brasil, en la perspectiva de la enseñanza de la lengua mediada por el estudio del texto. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte teórico las siguientes áreas del conocimiento: la teoría literaria, la lingüística aplicada y la pedagogía de la enseñanza de lengua materna


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A current worry in the teaching process at the university these days is text production process and genres produced there, especially those kind of writing that is concerned to course conclusion such as monograph, dissertation and thesis. From this perspective and considering our aims at understanding discursive process involved in the production of monograph genre at the university we want to analyze teachers and students discourses about the productive process of monograph in Letras Course, considering the guide, writing and specific aspects of that genre. To get the aims, we took as background theory the studies by Bakhtin linked to Utterance Linguistics with foundation concepts in Discourse Text Analysis by Adam (2010), and finally the studies developed about text production at college. This way, this work is based on a qualitative research and in data ethnographic procedures, they are: the observation in locus, as well as the application of questionnaires with opened questions to ten students and six teachers from Letras Course. The discourse analysis from the subjects reveal us that: i) the monograph production and the guidance are form of act by language, that need take into account in its development: students free chose as a principle in writing monograph, as well as a wide involvement between the teacher and the student in a sense to turn the writing better, among other aspects; (ii) there is a need to articulate monograph project and the text produced, considering that the guide process comes from a project written before; (iii) there are a number of role to discourses by teachers and students to the function of student and guide teacher, in a way that both can see the same assumptions in teachers and students discourses; (iv) teacher s and students discourses show that they assume the utterance responsibilities by the content of utterances proposed, they also show the voice from methodology guidebooks to monograph texts. So, we conclude that this research has some contributions to teach writing production at the university, especially to monograph in the ending of the courses. It can also be helpful in developing research in this area, mainly at the question about guide final works at college


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The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship


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Esta pesquisa de natureza documental e etnográfica se insere no campo da Linguística Aplicada, tendo por objeto de estudo o Manual do Professor, que acompanha o livro didático de Língua Portuguesa, e por objetivo geral (re)conhecer os aspectos sociorretóricos do gênero Manual do Professor. O interesse desta tese está concentrado no uso situado desse gênero, a partir do qual se observam seus aspectos sociorretóricos, a saber: o que está posto no produto, o ambiente de interação onde é encontrado e como é visto por seus usuários em potencial. Em um primeiro momento, produzimos um quadro epistemológico que nos permitiu, dentre outros reparos, (i) compreender gênero textual como ação retórica tipificada baseada numa situação retórica recorrente e (ii) obter um panorama dos programas de governo voltados para a avaliação de coletâneas didáticas, nos quais encontramos aspectos indispensáveis a um Manual do Professor. Os aportes teóricos adotados neste estudo referem-se à concepção sociorretórica dos estudos de gênero textual à luz, sobretudo, de Johns et al. (2006), Bazerman (2011) e Miller (2011). Em um segundo momento, sob o viés da abordagem sociorretórica, procuramos definir o Manual do Professor como gênero textual e apresentamos os aspectos retóricos encontrados nas amostras que analisamos, considerando a organização constitutiva, o contexto de uso desse gênero e as percepções de seus usuários autores e professores. A geração de dados deu-se inicialmente a partir da seleção de três exemplares de Manuais de coletâneas didáticas adotadas no IFRN; em seguida, no sentido de reconhecer as percepções dos usuários desse gênero, realizamos grupo focal com professores e entrevistamos o coautor de uma das coletâneas. Para análise dos dados, elegemos o método etnográfico de análise de gêneros postulado por Reiff (apud JOHNS et al, 2006), que nos permitiu analisar o objeto de estudo em contextos autênticos de uso do gênero. Nossos resultados mostram que o Manual do Professor está inserido num sistema de gêneros e no sistema de atividades profissionais de domínio do professor e não se limita apenas a explicar como está organizado o livro didático do aluno. Outros sete propósitos foram observados, dentre os quais se encontram: possibilitar ao docente uma reflexão sobre a sua prática de ensino e sugerir caminhos para a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa poderá estimular professores, em relação à importância (e não obrigatoriedade) de consultas periódicas aos Manuais; autores, no que se refere a estabelecer uma interlocução mais pessoalizada com seus leitores em potencial e no sentido de esclarecer ainda mais as facetas do livro didático; e editoras, sobretudo no que tange a recursos de editoração, para que o Manual do Professor se torne mais atrativo


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This documental research in a qualitative and interpretative nature is inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics and its object of study is teachers‟ writing in a literacy event (public exam) held for teachers of Portuguese Language by municipality in Natal city - RN in 2008. Overall, we have aimed to investigate the textual production of these teachers, considering their knowledge about writing, their sayings in relation to themselves and their views on new technologies and teaching. Specifically, we have chosen the following objectives: a) identifying what knowledge about writing have emerged from teachers' written text; b) analyzing the written text production of teachers, considering the knowledge they have revealed about themselves; c) mapping the sayings of the teachers about the teaching profession and new technologies. Our discussion is grounded theoretically by Bakhtin studies of language (BAKHTIN [1934], 1990; [1952-1953], 2000; BAKHTIN; VOLOSHINOV [1929], 1999); in studies of critical literacy as formulated by STREET (1984, 1995, 2006, 2010, 2014); KLEIMAN (1995, 2005, 2006, 2008); (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON; Ivanic, 1991); studies on teacher training in critical educational perspective (GIROUX, 1986; 1987; 1997; 1999) FREIRE, 1999; 2001). The corpus of this study is consisted of written texts by participants of this examination about the Writing Test, in which they were asked to produce an opinion paper. The research has allowed us to realize that, in relation to the writing, despite the recurring negative discourse on literacy teachers, especially the Portuguese ones, these, in the fabric of their texts, both have revealed to have dominion over the formal structure, particularly in respect to prototypical schema of argumentative sequence, as proposed by Adam (1992, 2008) and the mechanisms of textualization postulated by Bronckart (2007), and on those enunciation-discursive strategies relating to opinion genre. The relevance of this research is justified by seeking to understand the teacher‟s writing beyond the language system, i.e, writing as speech, assuming it as a contrapalavra (BAKHTIN, [1934], 1990) to those voices that insist on underestimating literacy teachers and they do so much harm to society, to the extent that foster a sense of disbelief in the qualification of teachers' work and distrust of the social role of these professionals in the preparation of future generations