81 resultados para Idosos - Qualidade de vida
In the last decade, an increasing number of studies focusing on the impact of oral deformities on quality of life have been published. However, the evaluation of patients at different phases of the treatment has not been performed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact that dentofacial deformities have on patients` quality of life, as well as the influence exerted by social, economic, demographic and orthodontic factors, type and severity of malocclusion. A bicentric study - of the cross-sectional type of repeated panels - involving two cities - Natal and Rio de Janeiro - was carried out. A total of 227 patients participated in the study: 71 patients in the initial phase of the treatment (before any orthosurgical procedure), 115 patients in the pre-surgical (with braces) phase and 41 patients in the postoperative phase. The quality of life was measured using the Orthognatic Quality of Life Questionnnaire - OQLQ, translated and validated into Portuguese. The normative and aesthetic need for treatment was assessed with the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) and the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI); the social, economic and demographic factors, the type of service and malocclusion were also assessed. The data were analyzed through χ2/ Fisher`s exact test to seek the association between the nominal categorical variables in the three phases of treatment, Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test for gauging the existence of significant differences between two and three groups regarding each domain of OQLQ, respectively. For all tests, it was adopted a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.001) in the general scores of OQLQ and in the domains of social aspects, facial aesthetics and oral function, when the "postoperative group" was compared to the "initial" and "orthodontic preparation" groups. Women, single, aged between 31 and 59 and living in Natal had the greatest impact on quality of life among patients in the "orthodontic preparation" group. Only the variable "income" (2 to 3 minimum wages), for the "initial" group, and gender (female) for the "postoperative" group, showed significant association with quality of life. The normative variable IOTN (DHC and AC) showed significant association with the OQLQ for the "initial" group, and the IOTN-AC-auto in the group of orthodontic preparation, being less important to women. We conclude that the ortho-surgical therapy has positive effects on quality of life after orthognathic surgery
Edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional denture might experience poor masticatory function and negative impact of oral health on quality of life. The aim of this controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of mandibular overdenture on oral health-related quality of life and masticatory efficacy in patients wearing mandibular complete dentures. The edentulous patients (n=16) were rehabilitated with new maxillary and mandibular complete dentures and, after 3 months, mandibular overdentures retained by 2 implants (bar-clip system) were fabricated. The Brazilian version of OHIP-Edent questionnaire was used to assess the oral healthrelated quality of life. Masticatory efficacy was evaluated through a colorimetric method with chewing capsules. The mean OHIP-Edent score was 8.5 with conventional dentures and 2.0 with mandibular overdenture, which means a positive impact of oral health on quality of life with overdentures (p=0.001). The mean absorbance for masticatory efficacy was 0.025 for conventional dentures and 0.073 for overdentures. There was statistically significant difference for masticatory efficacy before and after implants rehabilitation (p=0.003). However, there was no correlation between masticatory efficacy and OHIP (p>0.05). So, mandibular overdenture retained by 2 implants improved the quality of life and masticatory efficacy of edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional complete dentures
O diabetes é uma doença crônico-degenerativa de grande prevalência na população mundial configurando-se enquanto sério problema de saúde pública. Por ser crônico exige dos sujeitos autocuidado e autogoverno longitudinal. A autonomia, por sua vez, é um direito fundamental e também um dos princípios da bioética mais discutidos na atualidade. Seu conceito é complexo e leva em conta a vida experimentada ao longo dos anos. Quando a discussão sobre autonomia se trata de diabetes, a dependência do outro e os conflitos no controle da doença, diante de novas regras e estilos de vida, nem sempre condizentes com os valores dos pacientes, torna-a fragilizada. Embora a autonomia seja claramente parte integrante do tratamento e alicerce para uma vida digna e de qualidade, observamos que os sujeitos se tornam ainda mais dependentes dos serviços de saúde, quando se deparam com o diagnóstico e não têm confiança para tomar suas próprias decisões diante da patologia limitadora. Por isso, há a necessidade dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde traçarem estratégias para promover a saúde desses sujeitos. Os Grupos de Promoção da Saúde são estratégias recentemente utilizadas para influenciar no nível de autonomia dos sujeitos, pois possibilitam, respeitando os limites éticos, a garantia de participação decisória no grupo, através de estratégias e treinamentos de habilidades com competências claramente definidas, que favorecem o empowerment e o protagonismo dos sujeitos. Desse modo, este trabalho objetiva identificar estratégias no âmbito da promoção da saúde na ESF, que contribuam para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos sujeitos com diabetes mellitus, a partir de sua percepção. E, mais especificamente, analisar o perfil clínico e socioeconômico dos portadores de diabetes da ESF; identificar as experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos com diabetes sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida; e realizar um levantamento em conjunto com os sujeitos com diabetes, sobre aspectos que sirvam de evidências para construção de propostas para implantação de um Grupo Estratégico de Promoção da Saúde GEPS, com foco na autonomia. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com 65 sujeitos com diabetes acompanhados por uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do Município de Santa Cruz/RN. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas interdependentes: 1) coleta de dados clínicos e socioeconômicos, para o qual foi utilizado entrevista estruturada e análise retrospectiva dos registros feitos em seu prontuário; 2) a análise das experiências, necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos sobre autonomia, autocuidado e qualidade de vida, que se utilizou de entrevista semiestruturada com 6 sujeitos, sendo 3 com mais e 3 com menos complicações autorreferidas e verificadas no prontuário; e 3) a construção coletiva de propostas para melhor autonomia e qualidade de vida dos próprios participantes do estudo, por meio de roda de conversa. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos software de estatísticas simples para os dados das questões fechadas de cunho quantitativo e os dados qualitativos foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo. Observamos que o perfil clínico e socioeconômicos dos sujeitos com diabetes aproximam-se das estatísticas nacionais, embora existam variáveis, como cor da pele, com variação significativa. A autopercepção dos sujeitos diante de algumas complicações divergem de registros encontrados em seu prontuário o que aponta uma possível desvalorização de queixas como hipoglicemia e disfunção sexual, como também baixa adesão ao tratamento por, muitas vezes, não terem suas opiniões valorizadas. As categorias encontradas: vida, qualidade de vida, diagnostico e enfrentamento do problema, autonomia, limites e dependência assim como as práticas coletivas de promoção da saúde, apontam para a necessidade de estratégias por meio de grupos que considerem as crenças e valores dos sujeitos, favoreçam sua emancipação e torne-os protagonistas de sua própria história e de seu processo saúde doença. A autonomia é fundamental para o exercício da cidadania efetiva. É por meio dela que os sujeitos transformam sua realidade e a si mesmo. A contribuição desta pesquisa consiste em identificar estratégicas que se propõe a potencializar a autonomia dos sujeitos, através dos GEPS, norteando a atuação dos profissionais na atenção primária à saúde, que deve sustentarse em ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde e também no incentivo à participação popular e protagonismo dos sujeitos
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar o efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomas climatéricos em mulheres climatéricas com e sem fibromialgia. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 90 mulheres na fase do climatério, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo fibromialgia (47) e grupo controle (43). Todas as pacientes foram avaliadas com relação às seguintes variáveis pré e pós-intervenção: qualidade de vida (Utian Quality of Life - UQOL), função sexual (questionário do Quociente sexual/versão feminina - QS-F) e intensidade dos sintomas climatéricos (Índice Menopausal de Blatt-Kupperman - IMBK). Ambos grupos foram submetidos a programa de cinesioterapia composto de 20 sessões consecutivas, realizada duas vezes por semana com técnicas para percepção, contração voluntária, dissociação e automatização do assoalho pélvico, mobilização de pelve e treino respiratório. Análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes t-Student pareado, análise de variância de delineamento misto e Kappa de Cohen’s, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Em relação à qualidade de vida, foi observada melhora estatisticamente significante no período pós-intervenção em ambos os grupos para todos os domínios avaliados. Entretanto, na análise intergrupo foi evidenciado diferença estatisticamente significante nos domínios emocional (p=0,01), saúde (0,03) e sexual (p=0,001) com ganhos mais expressivos para o grupo controle. Quanto à função sexual, foi verificada elevação significativa dos escores em ambos os grupos, após a intervenção; na análise intergrupo as mulheres com fibromialgia apresentaram escores inferiores ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Em relação aos sintomas climatéricos não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na analise intergrupo pós-intervenção (p=0,73), entretanto, ambos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa da sintomatologia após a intervenção (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A cinesioterapia do assoalho pélvico exerce efeito benéfico sobre os domínios da qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomatologia climatérica em mulheres com e sem fibromialgia na fase do climatério, entretanto a fibromialgia parece ser fator limitante para melhores resultados em alguns aspectos avaliados.
OBJETIVO: analisar o impacto da fibromialgia sobre os sinais e sintomas climatéricos, qualidade de vida, função sexual em mulheres na fase do climatério. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo observacional analítico de corte transversal, envolvendo 161 mulheres na fase do climatério. As participantes foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo sem fibromialgia (83) e grupo com fibromialgia (78). As variáveis investigadas foram: Qualidade de vida medida através do questionário UQOL (Utian Quality of Life), Função sexual analisada através do questionário Quociente Sexual - versão feminina (QS-F) e sinais e sintomas climatéricos avaliados pelo Índice menopausal de Blatt & Kupperman (IMBK). No estudo estatístico, foi realizada análise inferencial através do método de modelos lineares generalizados. Para análise do UQOL e seus domínios assim como o QS-F e IMBK, foi utilizado uma função de ligação linear de Log Poisson com exposição de contrastes para os níveis dos fatores de exposição. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: No grupo fibromialgia foram observados escores significativamente inferiores para o domínio ocupacional UQOL (p 0,01) e UQOL total (p = 0,02), em comparação ao grupo sem fibromialgia. O grupo de mulheres com fibromialgia apresentou escores superiores em relação à intensidade dos sinais e sintomas climatéricos (p ˂0,01) e escores inferiores na avaliação da função sexual pelo QS-F (p = 0,01), quando comparado ao grupo sem fibromialgia. As mulheres mais jovens, com trabalhos extra domicílio, maior renda e maior grau de escolaridade apresentaram melhores escores na qualidade de vida em todos os domínios. Quanto aos sinais e sintomas climatéricos, a renda mais alta e maior tempo de escolaridade exerceram associação direta com sinais e sintomas mais leves, entretanto, quanto mais jovens, maior relação com sintomatologia mais intensa. Em relação à função sexual, melhores escores estiveram associados com idade entre 45 a 49 anos e trabalho extra domicílio. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo permitem concluir que o diagnóstico de fibromialgia na fase do climatério apresentase como influência negativa no domínio ocupação da qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas climatéricos e função sexual, sendo esta associação influenciada significativamente por diversos fatores sócio demográficos
INTRODUCTION: Human sexuality is recognized as one of the pillars of quality of life. In women, sexual function is influenced throughout life by many factors that can lead to the appearance of changes in the cycle of sexual response, and hence the quality of life (QOL). Pregnancy is a period of change, leaving them physically and mentally vulnerable, which may affect sexual function and quality of life during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between sexual function, presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in pregnant women. METHODS: The study included 207 pregnant women attending prenatal examination of the Maternity Divine Love, Parnamirim / RN and the participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN (central campus). Initially it was applied, a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetric data, as well as body and sexual self-knowledge. Sexual function was assessed using the Sexual Function Index Female (Female Sexual Function Index - FSFI). To assess the quality of life, we used the Quality Index Ferrans Life & Powers mom. The presence of depressive symptoms was verified by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality was carried variables, Mann-Whitney test for carrying out the comparisons and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the monthly sexual frequency before and during pregnancy. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the relationship between sexual function, depressive symptoms and quality of life. We used the Spearman correlation to check correlation between the variables. Ap value <0.05 was adopted. RESULTS: Sexual function and depressive symptoms were related quality of life (R2 = 0.30, p <0.001). Depression had a moderate negative correlation with quality of life (0.53; p <0.001), whereas sexual function showed a positive correlation with low quality of life (0.22; p = 0.001). The planning of pregnancy, education and income shown to influence depression scores. With respect to sexual function, it was seen that during pregnancy, a reduction in the monthly frequency of sexual partner (Z = -10.56; p <0.001). Among the sexual domain, just the pain, showed a statistically significant difference compared between the second and third quarter (Z = -1.91, p <0.05). The score of the quality of life of women with sexual dysfunction was xvii significantly lower than that pregnant women without dysfunction (Z = -2.87, p = 0.004). Conclusion: Sexual function and the presence of depressive symptoms are related to the quality of life of pregnant women.
INTRODUCTION: The pregnancy and childbirth cause many changes in a woman's life, whether physical, hormonal, emotional or social. Such changes may affect the postural balance and the quality of life of women in pregnancy and may persist after delivery. To analyze changes in postural balance and quality of life in women in pregnancy and postpartum. METHODS: This study consisted of 47 women participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN, evaluated during pregnancy (2° or 3° trimester) and in the period 1-8 months postpartum. In all participants was evaluated the postural balance, the Balance Master® in five specific tests: (1) Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance-MCTSIB; (2) Rhythmic Weight Shift Test - RWS (3) unilateral stance - US, (4) Sit to Stand - STS, and (5) Walk Across - WA. The quality of life (QoL) was assessed by applying the Quality Score of life Ferrans & Powers (IQVFP), both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. For statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software for Personal Computer- SPSS (version 20.0), applying the tests: Shapiro-Wilk to assess the normality of the data; Chi-square to analyze the frequency of postural balance changes in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups; McNemar test to analyze balance disorders frequency of related samples in the two time points; to compare the behavior of postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum, and to compare the QoL between the periods, we used the Wilcoxon test; and yet, the MannWhitney test to compare the QoL scores in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups. We adopted p-value <0.05. RESULTS: Comparing the postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum in MSTSIB test has statistical difference in unstable surface with closed eyes (p=0.001) and in the US test, the speed of oscillation with right leg with eyes closed (p=0,03). Quality of life, there was statistical difference between the scores only among postpartum groups, the family domain (p=0.03); and to comparing pregnancy and postpartum in domain health and operation (p=0.02) and the Socioeconomic domain (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the balance changes present during pregnancy persist postpartum, and the quality of life is considered good by women, both during pregnancy and postpartum.
Introduction: The rehabilitation of edentulous patients is one of the main challenges of Dentistry. Objective: To assess the satisfaction and the impact of oral health on quality of life of patients rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures in both arcades. Method: A clinical trial with 25 patients rehabilitated with CCD was conducted. The impact of oral health in individuals quality of life was evaluated through the Brazilian version of the OHIP-Edent and the patient satisfaction was evaluated using a specific questionnaire. The instruments were applied before and 3 months after rehabilitation. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement (p <0.001) on the impact of the quality of life of the denture users after the new rehabilitation. The analysis of 4 OHIP domains also showed statistically significant improvement (p <0.001). The final overall satisfaction with the dentures was statistically superior to initial satisfaction (p <0.001). The analysis of the specific aspects of satisfaction with CCD after 3 months of rehabilitation also showed significant results in the improvement of every aspect. Conclusion: Patients disappointed with their dentures, have their quality of life improved after the new rehabilitation, reducing the negative impact of the prostheses on oral health, and improving their satisfaction with the rehabilitation.
Schizophrenia is a severe and persistent mental illness; diagnosis occurs mainly during adolescence. The pharmacological treatment is done with typical and atypical antipsychotics. Atypical have the advantage of reduced extrapyramidal effects, which make them promising for the treatment of schizophrenia, furthermore, they have shown significant metabolic and hormonal changes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine and risperidone on the quality of life and on their adverse effects in schizophrenic patients. For this we analyzed the quality of life of patients with implementation of EuroQol-5D-3L instrument and performing biochemical and hormonal tests, blood pressure measurement, and measurement of anthropometric indices, besides the application of Ugvalg scales for Kliniske Undersgelser (UKU) and Simpson-Angus, who evaluated the side effects caused by drugs. Data were analyzed using the Student t test and chi-square test, with 5% significance level. The results showed that the EuroQol the antipsychotic olanzapine causes significant losses associated with personal care (p <0.001). Comparing the two groups of antipsychotics, the average years of quality-adjusted life, known per QALY was favorable for the risperidone group (p <0.032). The results of olanzapine and risperidone groups were compared. In terms of socioeconomic, it was observed that men used, the prevalent form, olanzapine (p <0.008); this same group showed the following results significantly unfavorable, related to anthropometric variables: waist circumference (p <0.01), hip circumference (p <0.02), weight (p <0.02) and blood pressure (p <0.04). The biochemical and hormonal analyzes showed that olanzapine resulted in losses related to the following variables: triglycerides (p <0.04), HDL cholesterol in men (p < 0.02) and cortisol (p < 0.01). In risperidone users, the only negative value was prolactin (p < 0.04). Regarding the analysis of the Simpson-Angus scale, the group treated with olanzapine was handicapped because the average total scores for olanzapine was 0.38, while for risperidone was 0.11 (p < 0.02). In the UKU scale, the following results were obtained also unfavorable for the olanzapine group: fatigue (P <0.02), dystonia (p <0.01) and tremor (p <0.03). According to the UKU scale, the side effects present in the risperidone group included: gynecomastia (p <0.01), ejaculatory dysfunction (p <0.02) and erectile dysfunction (p <0.02). It was concluded that olanzapine users had the worst score of quality of life, higher metabolic risks associated with overweight and inadequate lipid profile and greater tendency to extrapyramidal manifestations. However, risperidone users were more likely to adverse reactions due to hormonal changes.
The increased incidence along to new therapies for the treatment of HIV/AIDS bring way up exercise as a treatment option, as this promotes relevant changes in the general functioning of the body. The objective of this study was to evaluate in different periods the influence of exercise on quality of life and quality of sleep people living with HIV/AIDS, Natal/RN. The sample consisted of 17 people living with HIV/AIDS participating in physical exercise program, along accompanied by 25 months during the period January 2013 to April 2015. We evaluated through specific instruments quality of life, sleep quality and immunological parameters, which were evaluated before starting the exercise program and reassessed during periods of 2-4 months (short), 5-17 months (average period or intermediate) and finally to 19-25 months (long period). The results showed significant differences in five of the nine areas of quality life, pointing positive behaviors, specifically in the areas overall function, life satisfaction, health concerns, concerns about the medication and acceptance to HIV. We conclude that physical exercise promoted benefits both in short and long term, especially for the areas of quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS and also demonstrated positive behavior changes and to aspects of sleep quality.
Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.
Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.
Introduction: Menopause is characterized by the depletion of ovarian follicles and the gradual decline in estradiol levels, which ends with the definitive cessation of menstrual periods (menopause). As a result of hypoestrogenism, characteristic symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, insomnia, mood swings and depression can be observed. There is also the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles (MAP) as a result of progressive muscle-aponeurotic and connective atrophy with consequent decreased sexual function. Objective: To evaluate the strength of MAP, sexual function and quality of life of menopausal women. Methodology: This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 55 women (35 postmenopausal and 20 perimenopausal), aged between 40 and 65, who were assessed by muscle strength and perineometry test. For the assessment of sexual function and quality of life, used the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Utian Quality of Life (UQOL), respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation and multivariate analysis. Results: The mean age was 52.78 (± 6.47 years). Sexual dysfunction presented, 61.8% of participants (43.62% of postmenopausal and perimenopausal 18.17%). Muscle strength test and the maximum perineometry had a median of 3.00 (Q25: 2 e Q75: 4) and 33,50 cmH20 (Q25: 33,5 e Q75: 46,6), respectively. No correlation was found between sexual function and muscle strength (r = 0.035; p = 0.802) and between sexual function and perineometry (r = 0.126; p = 0.358). The mean total score of UQOL was 74.45 (± 12.23). Weak positive correlation was found between sexual function and quality of life (r = +0.422 p = 0.001). Multivariate analysis identified associations between sexual function and variables: quality of life, climacteric symptoms, physical activity and education level. Conclusions: These results suggest that the climacteric symptoms, quality of life, physical activity and level of education are associated with sexual function in menopausal women. However, the muscular component of sexual function needs to be further investigated in this context.
Background: Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) has effect on mortality in patients with heart failure (HF) chronic, and the exercise of the treatment of this patient. The most common exercise is ongoing training. Recently we have been studying the effects of interval training, but there is no consensus on the optimal dose of exercise. Objective: To evaluate the effects of interval aerobic training are superior to continuous aerobic training in patients with chronic HF. Methods: The clinical trial evaluated patients through cardiopulmonary test (CPX) and quality of life before and after the RC (3 times / 12 weeks). Patients were randomized into Group Interval Training (GTI - 85% of heart rate reserve - FCR), Continuous Training Group (GTC - 60% of HRR) and control group (CG) who received guidelines. Results: 18 patients were evaluated (mean age 44.7 ± 13.2 years and 35.2 ± 8.9% of left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]). Both groups were efficient to increase the peak VO2 and 15.1% (P = 0.02) in GTI and 16.1% (P = 0.01) GTC. As for the quality of life the GTI GTC showed improvement compared to the control group (P = 0.006). Hemodynamic mismatch events during the CPX were reduced after training in more GTC (patients 1 to 4) than in the GTI (5 to 3). Cardiac risk also decreased in the GTC (3 patients left the severe risk to take after training). Conclusion: Continuous training becomes more appropriate for improving fitness with little chance of developing cardiac event patients with chronic HF.
The objective of this randomized, blind and prospective clinical trial was to compare the pain, the edema, the mandibular movements, the masticatory efficiency and life quality, in the first 60 days after surgery using 2 different clinical protocols for myofunctional recovery, in patients who underwent orthognathic surgery. A sample of 19 patients was used and divided into 2 groups. The control group (CG) consisted of 10 patients who had postoperative rehabilitation guided by a standard protocol, conducted by the Service of Surgery and Traumatology Oral and Maxillofacial. In other hand, the experimental group (EC) totaled 9 patients who received the speech therapy rehabilitation protocol specialized, by professionals in the area. The variables pain, edema and mandibular movements were analyzed during 48h, 96h, 7 days, 14 days, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. The masticatory efficiency and the quality of life were classified with 60 days after surgery . The data were submitted an analysis of variance, Student's t-test and Fisher's independence, at the level of 5% probability. It was identified that patients of GE have benefited in the first 14 days(p<0,001), as they have had reported less pain than those in the CG. Significant statistics differences between groups for pain parameters (after 14 days) (p=0,065), edema(p=0,063), mandibular movements(p=0,068), masticatory efficiency(p=0,630) and the impact on quality of life (p=0,813) were not observed on this study. The speech therapy protocol for myofunctional recovery (EG), although it has not obtained statistical results superiors than the CG in the general context, presents itself as a viable alternative to conventional therapy assumed by many maxillofacial surgeons, allowing the surgeon to optimize time with patients in the period postoperatively.