60 resultados para Experiências de vergonha, memórias de vergonha, centralidade do acontecimento, adolescentes
This study examines peasant family farming from an agroecological perspective. It intends to analyze the changes resulting from the transition from conventional to agro-ecological agriculture in the daily practices of farmers articulated associated with the Network of Agroecological and Solidarity Farmers of the Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys Territory, the locus of this empirical research, and a space which has highlighted the social dynamics of agroecological innovation, as well as articulating environmental exchanges and knowledge development. As a way to further that goal, we seek to identify the forms of social organization previously present in the daily lives of these subjects, in addition to grasping the determinants that lead or led them to adopt agroecology, noting the need to verify the forms of resistance, and the strategies adopted by farmers and how they articulate collectively. Through the historical and dialectical methods, we seek to take the implications of technical modernization of agriculture under the conditions of production and reproduction of peasants and thus situate the emergence of agroecology, a focus that is born as a counterpoint to conventional patterns of agricultural development based on the paradigm of the Green Revolution. We structured this study around the trajectory of agroecological farmers that developed and internalized agroecological practices, processes, and organizational forms. For the analysis, we used theoretical and methodological frameworks from literature related to field research. The systematization and analysis of experiments revealed that agroecological transition is a broad process of change, not restricted to technical matters. We observed changes in production practices, diversification of production and feeding practices, ecological awareness, production autonomy, and organizations formed to face the challenges resulting from the imposition of the dominant agricultural development model that combines environmental degradation, land ownership concentration, and wealth concentration
The knowledge known as "winter experiences" has been developed for centuries among country people in the Brazilian Northeast hinterlands. It consists in the systematic observation of the nature to forecast and protect people against the effects of droughts. This knowledge is transmitted orally through generations. These experiences are guided by the observation of the behavior of fauna, flora, stars, the weather in the holy days and other very specific aspects of the lives of country people. Almost all country people living in the rural area know at least one experience, but the Prophets of Rain are known as the communicators of winter prophecies formulated from the observation of the experiences. The country person is identified as a Prophet of Rain because of his close relationship with nature and his ability to forecast. No matter if the prophecies are always right, he possesses a vital social role, as his practices contribute to prevent, ease and encourage other people. The main aim of this work is to analyze the role of the winter experiences for the country people in the Seridó Potiguar. In this sense, we sought to understand to what extent this knowledge still orients the productive practices of farmers living in this region and identify which factors instigate the observation of winter experiences nowadays. 241 questionnaires were applied to farmers in the rural cities of Acari, Caicó, Parelhas and Lagoa Nova and interviews were conducted with 15 Prophets in the Seridó. The methodological framework of this work is the analysis of content proposed by Bardin (2010). In this study area, the experiences exert influence and relevance to the country people in the Seridó, because they consider them as a way to ease their anguishes face the possible drought in the region. The major role of the Prophet is to feed the hope of country people for better days, rather than contribute for the organization of the productive activities. Among the interviewed people, the forecast from the observation of winter experiences have greater credibility than the meteorological and disseminated by media. The Prophets of Rain base their prophecies on the set of natural elements present in the environment. Many factors stimulate the winter experiences by the Prophets nowadays, as cultural transmission, age, relationship with nature, level of education, faith, among others, but specially the productive activities (agriculture and cattle raising) and the droughts. The winter means abundance and happiness in this region and the experience is one of the ways that people find to minimize the anxiety and, according to their possibilities, to prepare for a year of droughts or for winter
O presente projeto tem como objeto de investigação as experiências do movimento como referências para a formação do professor de dança. Compreende-se a experiência a partir da fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty, como modo de ser no mundo e delimitam-se para a investigação as experiências relacionadas à cultura de movimento, em geral, e a dança, em particular. Interessa questionar como o movimento mobiliza o sujeito e interfere em sua formação como professor de dança. Do ponto de vista metodológico a pesquisa orienta-se pela Fenomenologia, com enfoque na produção de narrativas escritas do próprio pesquisador e outros professores artistas da cidade de Natal-RN-Brasil. Nesse sentido, espera-se que a investigação seja capaz de apontar perspectivas para a formação do professor de dança que parta primeiramente de sua própria experiência como ser dançante, dinâmica essa necessária à vinculação do professor a área de conhecimento que exerce a docência
This research aims to study the constitution of subjectivities in discursive practices included in imagistic and verbal texts of tattoos. Seeks to grasp the effects of meanings which translate emotions, experiences and disaffection that marked and / or transformed the lives of tattooed subjects. This thesis was anchored in Foucault's theories (1990, 2010, 2012) that address ways of subjectivity from the writing itself, transgression technologies as overshoot, opening new possibilities for discursive subject producing care of itself. Still notions from this analysis of French discourse (AD), as interdiscourse and discursive memory are used. The nature of qualitative research intends to contribute to the understanding of discourse as social practice constitutive of meaning in ways of being of the subject, as well as production of discourses about social norms. The corpus is composed of testimonials and imagistic and verbal texts of five subjects, among the ten respondents who tattooed experiences in the skin. The results show data demonstrating the constitution itself through lived experiences and printed on the skin. The meanings generated in the skin are types of subjectivities that reflect happiness, resilience, protection and immortality. We conclude that our subjects are positioned discursively in order to rebuild their bodies and experiences as necessary and that the images and statements recorded in bodies produce effects felt around the reflection about the ways of life and the existence choices of each one of the tattooed subjects.
This dissertation addresses the work of the memoirs of the potiguar writer Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898 - 1986) from an integrated reading of four works that comprise: O Tempo e Eu (1968), Pequeno Manual do Doente Aprendiz (1969), Na Ronda do Tempo (1971) and Ontem (1972). Produced under the contingency of the modern movement and urban reform, memories Cascudo evoke the old landscapes of old, populated by those who belonged to the old romantic and provincial Natal that no longer exists, but which still survives in the idealized memory author and that is (re)constructed by him from a written permeated with touches of imagination and a sense of nostalgia. Seeking to analyze how is the process of building memoirist of Cascudo, as well as reflect on the role that memory plays in the (re)construction of a time and a lost space, we used the studies of Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and Ecléa Bosi (1994). Within this theoretical framework, we seek, above all, to understand not only how the lived experiences of Cascudo will work in this matter of his memory, but also as this will guide a writing that touches on the history and social frameworks of the past
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
In this research, we intend to deliver a possible reading of the narrative Oiteiro: memórias de uma Sinhá-Moça (1958), by the writer Magdalena Antunes, placing it within the context of the Brazilian Literature of Rio Grande do Norte. The author’s personal and social relations described in her book as well as the outcomes within an autobiographical, memorialistic and fictional approach will be under inquiry here. Our intent is to reach an understanding of the autobiographical aspects in Antunes’ work that reveal the “writing of the self” and its probable fictional traits, by means of the tensions identified in the narrative. For this reason, we rely on contributions by Lejeune (2008); Amorim (2007; 2012); Walty (1985) and Iser (2002), among others. Aditionally, Antunes’ work is also constituted of a memorialistic nature, which emerges in the book through the reinterpretation of memories based on the author’s childhood and adolescence. For a theoretical description of those moments, we will utilize some conceptions on individual and collective memory and the thoughts of Henri Bergson (1999) and Le Goff (1984), as opposed to the contributions brought by Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and other authors.
The school has the social function of educating the individual, building knowledge, attitudes and values that make supportive, critical, ethical and participatory. It is understood, however, in this study, these functions will only be, in fact, met at school if the family engagement at school. As a result, the objective of this research is to rescue the stories of families literacies yesterday and today and their expectations forward to school literacy of children. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (STREET, 1984; KLEIMAN, 1995; TFOUNI, 1995; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2008) and in research on family literacy (HEATH, 1982; 1983; DANTAS; MANYAK, 2010). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research which fall within the field of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006), characterized as an approach of the kind interpretative (MAYRING, 2000; CRESWEL, 2010). It takes as research area Municipal School Councilman Jose Sotero - Igapó / Natal-RN, using data generation tools such as: interview, questionnaire, teaching sequence and conversation wheel, aiming to seek answers to the following questions: How important to recover the reading and writing practices of the parents? What are the relationships between the history of the parents and the reading practices prevalent in the family? Which way to articulate these two systems: family and school, giving new meaning to the literacy practices experienced in the family context and the implications of literacy in school literacy of children? From the analysis of the data generated is expected to understand the family-school binomial and its interference in the literacy process of the students.
The school has the social function of educating the individual, building knowledge, attitudes and values that make supportive, critical, ethical and participatory. It is understood, however, in this study, these functions will only be, in fact, met at school if the family engagement at school. As a result, the objective of this research is to rescue the stories of families literacies yesterday and today and their expectations forward to school literacy of children. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (STREET, 1984; KLEIMAN, 1995; TFOUNI, 1995; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2008) and in research on family literacy (HEATH, 1982; 1983; DANTAS; MANYAK, 2010). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research which fall within the field of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006), characterized as an approach of the kind interpretative (MAYRING, 2000; CRESWEL, 2010). It takes as research area Municipal School Councilman Jose Sotero - Igapó / Natal-RN, using data generation tools such as: interview, questionnaire, teaching sequence and conversation wheel, aiming to seek answers to the following questions: How important to recover the reading and writing practices of the parents? What are the relationships between the history of the parents and the reading practices prevalent in the family? Which way to articulate these two systems: family and school, giving new meaning to the literacy practices experienced in the family context and the implications of literacy in school literacy of children? From the analysis of the data generated is expected to understand the family-school binomial and its interference in the literacy process of the students.
Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.
A Saúde do Trabalhador (ST) refere-se a um campo do saber que compreende as relações entre o trabalho e o processo saúde/doença de modo articulado a um corpo de práticas teóricas interdisciplinares. No contexto das possibilidades para se efetivar a ST na amplitude que exige este conceito, diferentes iniciativas de Educação Popular em Saúde se articulam com demandas do Controle Social em Saúde, permitindo novas abordagens para configurar a formação crítica e ativa de trabalhadores de saúde e movimentos sociais no mosaico das políticas de ST. Nessa direção, os projetos de extensão universitária orientados pela Educação Popular têm desvelado caminhos metodológicos e novas possibilidades teóricas de pensar a Atenção à Saúde do Trabalhador, de forma articulada com a necessidade de re-significar o processo de formação dos profissionais da saúde, com ênfase no cuidado integral na atenção à saúde. O estudo promovido por ocasião do Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde propiciou a avaliação do impacto e da potência das ações destes projetos na reorientação do cuidado guiado pela educação popular no campo da saúde do trabalhador. A sistematização foi utilizada como principal estratégia metodológica para a produção dos dados analisados, além de estratégias de pesquisa qualitativa como constituintes da fase exploratória do estudo, tendo como técnica central, nesse sentido, o grupo focal. Os resultados mostraram mudanças significativas no processo do cuidar em saúde guiado pela educação popular, A reorientação de práticas e saberes, coadunadas aos princípios fundamentais do Sistema Único de Saúde, foi observada nos sujeitos que participaram da experiência. A sistematização da experiência permitiu ainda concluir que estratégias de diálogo, organização político-social e troca de experiências de vida se apresentam como cenário significativo no compartilhamento de cultura e saúde do trabalhador, oportunizando crescimento coletivo e melhor qualidade de vida.
In this research, we have as study object the identification process with the profession of students of the Undergraduate course for preparing professors for teaching Physics of the Federal University of Piauí. We start from the following question: - What relationships can be established among the senses given by the students to the group of the experiences lived in their initial formation and the identity construction as teacher? The presupposition is that the process of identification with the profession can contain formative experiences that are impossible to be reduced to the situations of disciplines learning. We considered that, in the development of the process of professional identification, the articulations and the connections that the students established with themselves, with the others - their formative teachers, managers - and with the world - the University, the public school - they should be understood in the interdependence relationships, consubstantiated in the experiences lived during the initial stage of their formation. Therefore, our objective is to understand the process of identification of the students with the teaching profession, based in the senses given to their formative experiences. In order to get this aim, we used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview, and we chose as methodological and theoretical principles: the multi-referential theoretical framework, 'configuration and interdependence', the relationship among 'identity and alterity', the sensitive hearing and the 'intellectual craft'. The study is organized in two parts: the first, contains two chapters, that have introductory character. The second part is unfolded in five chapters, and it constitutes the development of the thesis. In the "paths", we revealed, starting from the actions and intentions that mobilized the students, processes involved in the choice of the course, and, this way, the initial identifications with the being an university student. We looked for to identify possible dissonances among the curriculum 'instituted and instituting', as well as the implications of its management of the formative experiences of future teachers. In short, we tried to capture, through the speeches of a group of students, the signs, the images and the senses of their formative experiences, which indicate as a vision of how their teaching profession is built. With this study, we sought to contribute for the researches on the field of degrees, taking as axis the formative processes that configure those courses. Finally, that the proposition of professor formation politics should be fundamentally based in internal demands, lived in the formative processes.
The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate
This study reviews the spatial configuration from the road network of an urban compound formed by the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha (the Crajubar - core of the Cariri metropolitan region, in the State of Ceará, Brazil), in order to establish nexus (or relations) between different levels of accessibility and the formation/ transformation and specialization of centralities in local and metropolitan scales. Stemming from the Social Logic of Space theoretical and operational apparatus, the study explores modeling possibilities (with axial lines, segments and lines of continuity) which is then confronted to empirical observations concerning movement flows and land use, within a Geographic Information System database. At different scales of analysis, the results suggest evidences of continuity were found in the permanence of intra-urban centres and sub-centres within each town, whereas evidences of change pointed out to the formation of a new centrality of metropolitan magnitude in the neighbourhood referred to as the Triângulo, in the municipality of Juazeiro, where high levels of topological accessibility coincides with the appearance of new business buildings as well as with the emergence of urban equipment of a scale more adequate to meet a regional demand
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the major sexually transmitted disease all over the world. There are many factors associated to infection and the virus persistency in the organism. This study aims to evaluate the women's knowledge, attitudes and practice about the Papanicolaou test (Pap), as well as analyze the HPV and Chlamydia trachomatis infections prevalences in sexually active women from the city of São José do Mipibu/RN/Brazil. This research was divided in two steps (step I and step II), using different methodologies and samples each. The samples collected in each step, even socio-demographic or from uterus cervix, are from different patients e were analyzed separated. In step I was evaluated 267 rural and urban zone women s knowledge, attitudes and practices about the Pap by home interview. In the step II were included 605 women with age ranged from 15 to 71 years old, with mean of 33,5 years old and from each one were collected two cervical samples, one for Pap and other for molecular biology, beside the epidemiological interview to investigate the correlation between prevalence of HPV infection and risk factors. To molecular analyses, the samples were processed using a mammal rapid DNA extraction technique protocol. For C. trachomatis DNA detection were used the CP24/27 primers, and GP5+/GP6+ to HPV. PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 8% polyacrylamide gels, followed by silver staining. The results of the step I showed that, in spite of only 46,1% of the interviewed women they have demonstrated to possess appropriate knowledge on the Pap test, the attitude and practice proportions were significantly larger, 63,3% and 64,4% respectively. The largest education degree presented association with adaptation of the knowledge, attitudes and practice, while neglect, lack of solicitation of the exam for the doctor and shame, came as main barriers for the accomplishment of the exam. In the stage II the HPV general prevalence was 28,9%, being 26,7% in the women with normal cytology or benign alterations, 26,7% in the ones that had atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and 80% in those with Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). the HPV infection prevalence was larger in the patients with up to 30 years of age and in the unmarried women, and those that had more than one sexual partner presented larger infection risk. The results show that the sexual relationship with multiple partners increased the infection risk for HPV and consequently the possibility of the occurrence of lesions uterine cervix