65 resultados para Ecologia Vegetal


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Bromeliads are an important microhabitat for the herpetofauna, for being widely used as refuge from predators and their leaf architecture allows humidity maintenance and relatively constant temperature inside, setting a favorable environment for amphibians and reptiles, especially in areas under hydric stress. However, studies addressing this relationship are still incipient and more concentrated in fitotelmatas bromeliad. For non-fitotelmatas rupicolous bromeliads of the gender Encholirium, which develops into rocky outcrops and contains species of semi-arid regions such as the Caatinga, animal-plant relationships are almost unknown. In this context, this study aimed to know the herpetological fauna inhabitant of macambiras bromeliads, Encholirium spectabile, analyzing occupation and use of these bromeliads by different taxa, and the behavioral ecology of the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha, seeking to identify factors associated with this strict relationship in Caatinga. An extensive review of the world literature on the subject “lizards in bromeliads” subsidized this study from the ecological perspective of this association. The field work was carried out at Fazenda Tanques, municipality of Santa Maria / RN, mesoregion of Agreste Potiguar. The observations and/or data collection in daytime and in the evening was conducted monthly during three consecutive days, from January 2011 to August 2012, totaling 450 hour.man of sampling effort. Sixteen species were registered: six lizards (Mabuyidae, Tropiduridae, Gekkonidae and Phyllodactylidae Families), six snakes (Boidae and Dipsadidae Families) and four of amphibians of Hylidae Family. The effect of the forest edge on the distribution of species along the outcrop was significant, with most species found in outcrop edges. Significant difference was found between some pairs of species concerning use of bromeliads, and almost total niche overlap in the use of microhabitat. 62.5% of the species are nocturnal and use these plants for sheltering, breeding and feeding. Regarding the relations between 4 the lizard Psychosaura agmosticha and macambiras bromeliads, behaviors of thermoregulation and foraging in the dry and wet seasons were recorded. Activity periods were concentrated between 7 and 10 am and between 3 and 5 pm in both seasons, showing a clear bimodal pattern. The species basically used the green leaves and there were no significant differences between males and females in the use of bromeliads. Positive associations were found between body temperature and temperatures of bromeliads and air. This species spent 1.95% ± 3.8 of the time moving (PTM) and moved on average 0:36 ± 2.1 seconds per minute (MPM), with significant differences between the wet and dry to PTM, and between the average time of stop and average duration of movements, being considered a sedentary forager. Psychosaura agmosticha, in the study area, is bromelicolous and uses macambiras primarily for thermoregulation and foraging. The results of this study elevate the rupicolous bromeliads Encholirium spectabile as key elements for the maintenance of amphibians and reptiles associated with it, and a clear advantageous association for the conservation of the groups involved.


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The trophic ecology studies issues related to the diet of individuals within a community .The relation between the body size of the predator and the prey size, individual specialization and niche breadth are some of the issues that can be discussed by it .I collected the lizards using pitfall trap, glue and active collecting traps in a fragment of Caatinga. The most common species in this community were Tropidurus hispidus, T. semitaeniatus and Cnemidophorus ocellifer. The visits to the farm also relied on collecting invertebrates at each season to understand how the nutritional resources of lizards were presented in each one of them. I tried to answer some questions : 1) If there was a positive relation between body size of the predator and the size of prey of the community ; 2) If in different seasons the relation of body size of the predator and the maximum and/or minimum size of the prey would be positive ; 3) If species with different foraging strategies have positive relation on the size of the predatorprey relation; 4) If the seasonality would influence on the individual expertise of lizards community and more common species; 5) If the breadth of the niche would be influenced by seasonality ; 6) If more individuals with different morphology between them would present less similar diet. I found that there was indeed a positive relationship between size of prey and predator, but nonexistent related to the minimum size of prey; Among the seasons relative size of predators and prey was different for the maximum and minimum size, but was positively related only to the size of the maximum prey. And comparisons between different foraging strategies had the maximum and minimum line inclination greater than zero and different from each other; individual specialization was not influenced by seasonality and the niche breadth was wider in the dry season only to T. semitaeniatus. At last I didn't find a significant negative relationship between morphological dissimilarity and similarity of diet.


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The Caatinga biome, a semi-arid climate ecosystem found in northeast Brazil, presents low rainfall regime and strong seasonality. It has the most alarming climate change projections within the country, with air temperature rising and rainfall reduction with stronger trends than the global average predictions. Climate change can present detrimental results in this biome, reducing vegetation cover and changing its distribution, as well as altering all ecosystem functioning and finally influencing species diversity. In this context, the purpose of this study is to model the environmental conditions (rainfall and temperature) that influence the Caatinga biome productivity and to predict the consequences of environmental conditions in the vegetation dynamics under future climate change scenarios. Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) was used to estimate vegetation greenness (presence and density) in the area. Considering the strong spatial and temporal autocorrelation as well as the heterogeneity of the data, various GLS models were developed and compared to obtain the best model that would reflect rainfall and temperature influence on vegetation greenness. Applying new climate change scenarios in the model, environmental determinants modification, rainfall and temperature, negatively influenced vegetation greenness in the Caatinga biome. This model was used to create potential vegetation maps for current and future of Caatinga cover considering 20% decrease in precipitation and 1 °C increase in temperature until 2040, 35% decrease in precipitation and 2.5 °C increase in temperature in the period 2041-2070 and 50% decrease in precipitation and 4.5 °C increase in temperature in the period 2071-2100. The results suggest that the ecosystem functioning will be affected on the future scenario of climate change with a decrease of 5.9% of the vegetation greenness until 2040, 14.2% until 2070 and 24.3% by the end of the century. The Caatinga vegetation in lower altitude areas (most of the biome) will be more affected by climatic changes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O estudo dos efeitos que a diversidade de espécies pode causar nos processos ecossistêmicos tem crescido vertiginosamente nas últimas duas décadas. Diversos trabalhos experimentais realizados no mundo todo têm demonstrado que uma maior diversidade de plantas contribui para o aumento da produtividade de ecossistemas terrestres. Além disso, esse efeito pode influenciar processos em diversos níveis tróficos, contribuindo assim para a estabilidade dos processos ecossistêmicos a longo prazo. Paralelamente com os estudos do efeito da diversidade, muita atenção tem sido dada para desvendar o papel das características funcionais das espécies no funcionamento dos ecossistemas. Isto porque as características funcionais das espécies têm se mostrado importantes "peças" no entendimento dos efeitos que espécies individuais podem exercer nos ecossistemas e suas respostas ao ambiente. Nesta tese de doutorado eu explorei algumas lacunas de conhecimento dentro dessa área em crescente desenvolvimento conhecida na literatura ecológica como "biodiversidade e funcionamento dos ecossistemas". No primeiro capítulo, eu busquei evidências para mecanismos que podem explicar a relação positiva entre diversidade e funcionamento com foco em cinco mecanismos relacionados às interações entre plantas, tendo como parâmetro de funcionamento a produtividade primária. No segundo capítulo, eu utilizei técnicas para a estimativa de padrões de diversidade em escalas biogeográficas e bases de dados de satélites com longa duração para desvendar se a biodiversidade em escalas macroecológicas promove a estabilidade da produtividade dos ambientes terrestres no semiárido brasileiro. Por fim, o objetivo do terceiro capítulo foi entender como a perda da cobertura vegetal originária do uso da terra por comunidades tradicionais no semiárido brasileiro influenciaria os processos de interações entre plantas e o papel das características funcionais das espécies nessas interações. Acredito que a contribuição individual de cada capítulo preenche lacunas de conhecimento importantes dessa área da Ecologia que ainda se encontra em expansão.


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Le present travail a pour objectif, discuter le dialogue entre deux des formes de penser le processos santé-maladie: la médécine traditionnelle et celle scientifique. Et cette dernière représentée par le Système Unique de Santé, particulièrement par une Équipe de Santé de la Famille. Partant du questionnement “quel est le rôle de chaque système de santé dans les problèmes sanitaires ainsi que dans la prévention des maladies?”, il s‟agit de vérifier si l‟ ”Écologie des Savoirs” discutée par Santos (2007) a été appliquée dans les deux manières de penser et pratiquer les politiques de santé; tenant em compte que chacune d‟elles ayant son champ de possibilites et d‟impossibilités agit directement sur le quotidien des aires géographiques concernés par la recherche: le District de São João do Abade dans le Municipe de Curuçá/PA et l‟Équipe de Santé de la Famille Abade localisée dans ce même district. Cette étude fut réalisée à partir d‟instruments de collecte de données comme la recherche de terrain, l‟observation directe et les interviews semi-structurés (HAGUETTE, 1997) e apports théoriques à partir de certains des concepts clés les plus utilisés par les Épistémologies du Sud où nous mettons en relief l' “Écologie des Savoirs” (Santos, 2007); le “travail de Traduction” (SANTOS, 2008); la “Sociologie des Absences et la Sociologie des Émergences” (SANTOS, 2004); le concept de “Santé-Maladie” (MINAYO, 1988); ainsi que les discussions autor des “Savoirs de la Tradition” (ALMEIDA, 2010; RAMALHO et ALMEIDA, 2011). La stratégie “Santé de la Famille fut pensée à travers la vision de Guedelha (2008) et Vilar et al. (2011) où à partir de cette dernière la discussion sur le concept de “Médécine Communautaire” (DONNANGELO e PEREIRA, 1976) comme recours importante dans la recherche de l‟ “Écologie des Savoirs” dans la Stratégie Santé de la Famille a été possible.


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Este trabalho visa analisar o potencial do sombreamento vegetal no edifício para promover conforto térmico, luminoso e eficiência energética, a partir de simulações computacionais nos softwares DesignBuilder e Daysim. Foram simuladas diferentes combinações de fator de céu visível (FCV), transparência da copa vegetal e percentual de abertura da fachada (PAF) para edificação residencial térrea em Nata/RN, a fim de quantificar os impactos e propor recomendações projetuais. Os modelos foram analisados por meio do método de conforto adaptativo indicado pela ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE, 2010), classificação do nível de eficiência energética do Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R), resultados de Daylight autonomy (DA) e uniformidade da luz natural para as exigências lumínicas de 100-300-500 lux. Os resultados demonstram grande potencial para integração da vegetação na edificação, principalmente para os fatores de céu médio e grande, e falta de coerência do RTQ-R para classificar as edificações da Zona bioclimática 08 pelo método de simulação.


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Este trabalho visa analisar o potencial do sombreamento vegetal no edifício para promover conforto térmico, luminoso e eficiência energética, a partir de simulações computacionais nos softwares DesignBuilder e Daysim. Foram simuladas diferentes combinações de fator de céu visível (FCV), transparência da copa vegetal e percentual de abertura da fachada (PAF) para edificação residencial térrea em Nata/RN, a fim de quantificar os impactos e propor recomendações projetuais. Os modelos foram analisados por meio do método de conforto adaptativo indicado pela ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE, 2010), classificação do nível de eficiência energética do Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R), resultados de Daylight autonomy (DA) e uniformidade da luz natural para as exigências lumínicas de 100-300-500 lux. Os resultados demonstram grande potencial para integração da vegetação na edificação, principalmente para os fatores de céu médio e grande, e falta de coerência do RTQ-R para classificar as edificações da Zona bioclimática 08 pelo método de simulação.


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The feasibility of using the corn cob to obtain a polymer matrix composite was studied. To obtain the bran, corncob passed the drying process in a solar dryer, and was subsequently triturated in forage and to obtain the different particle sizes, by sieving. Three different grain sizes were used: fine particles (FP) size between 0,10 and 2mm; sized particles (PM) with sizes between 2,10 and 3,35 mm; large particles (PG) sizes between 3,45 and 4,10 mm. Using 20% of residue relative to the resin, the test samples were constructed for characterization of the composite, taking into account thermal and mechanical parameters. The main advantage of the proposed composite is that it has a low density, below the relative resin, about 1.06 kg / m³ for the PG. The composite showed a mechanical behavior less than of the resin to the grain sizes and for all formulations studied. Showed better results for the bending, reaching 25.3 MPa for the PG. The composite also showed be feasible for thermal applications, with thermal conductivity less than 0.21 W / m, ranking as insulation. In terms of homogeneity of the mixture, the most viable grain size is the PF, which also showed improved aesthetics and better processability. This composite can be used to make structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as tables, chairs, planks, and solar and wind prototypes, such as ovens and cookers and turbines blades.


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The feasibility of using the corn cob to obtain a polymer matrix composite was studied. To obtain the bran, corncob passed the drying process in a solar dryer, and was subsequently triturated in forage and to obtain the different particle sizes, by sieving. Three different grain sizes were used: fine particles (FP) size between 0,10 and 2mm; sized particles (PM) with sizes between 2,10 and 3,35 mm; large particles (PG) sizes between 3,45 and 4,10 mm. Using 20% of residue relative to the resin, the test samples were constructed for characterization of the composite, taking into account thermal and mechanical parameters. The main advantage of the proposed composite is that it has a low density, below the relative resin, about 1.06 kg / m³ for the PG. The composite showed a mechanical behavior less than of the resin to the grain sizes and for all formulations studied. Showed better results for the bending, reaching 25.3 MPa for the PG. The composite also showed be feasible for thermal applications, with thermal conductivity less than 0.21 W / m, ranking as insulation. In terms of homogeneity of the mixture, the most viable grain size is the PF, which also showed improved aesthetics and better processability. This composite can be used to make structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as tables, chairs, planks, and solar and wind prototypes, such as ovens and cookers and turbines blades.


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Cervídeo Mazama gouazoubira é a espécie de veado que possui maior distribuição dentre as espécies sul americanas. Aspectos da vegetação, predação, competição, caça e perda de habitat são fatores importantes para compreender a distribuição espacial de herbívoros na paisagem. Dessa forma, considerando a falta de estudos de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Caatinga, objetivamos compreender quais os fatores ambientais e antrópicos que influenciam a ocupação do veado-catingueiro (M. gouazoubira) na região semiárida do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em 10 áreas amostrais e utilizamos armadilhas fotográficas para amostragem e modelos de ocupação foram construídos representando nossas hipóteses biológicas. Os modelos foram ranqueados através dos valores obtidos do AIC. As variáveis cobertura vegetal de caatinga e densidade da vegetação mostraram maior efeito, já a caatinga arbórea mostrou um efeito menor, sugerindo que a espécie é altamente dependente da vegetação para ocorrer, possuindo menor dependência de caatinga arbórea. Esperamos que nossos resultados possam ser utilizados como suporte para planos de manejo e criação de novas unidades de conservação no estado.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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The feeding habits and biological aspects of the reproductive cycle of two-spot astyanax, Astyanax cf. lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874) were investigated. Fish samples were captured on a monthly basis, using gillnets of 4 cm mesh size, from the Piató Lake, Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of September, 2006 to August, 2007. Physico-chemical parameters, such as, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the lake were registered. The monthly values of rainfall also were obtained. The 360 individuals captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, and stomach weight and the stage of gonadal maturity were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion with limnological parameters and rainfall. The food items identified were separated into distinct groups according to their origin. Sex ratio and Gonadosomatic Relation of females were verified to determine the spawning period and fecundity. The physico-chemical parameters presented the following annual mean values: temperature = 28.8ºC, electrical conductivity = 992.5 µS.cm-1; dissolved oxygen = 4.9 mg.L-1 during the study period. The annual mean of the rainfall was 63.5 mm. The results indicate that this species present an omnivorous feeding habit with a tendency towards insectivory, with an increase in feeding activity during the dry season. The aquatic oxygen to interfere very importance in the feeding activity than the others factors physico-chemicals of water and rainfall. There was a predominance of females, with a sex proportion of 1M:7F. The macroscopic characteristics of the ovaries and testicles revealed four stages of gonadal development: immature, maturing, mature and spent. A temporal variation was observed for the gonadal development of males and females. There was reproductive activity through out the year, with peaks in the months of February, April and June to correspond with the rain of precipitation of the region. The mean fecundity was 7.681 mature oocytes, varying from 4.476 to 12.036, with mean of 7.681. There was positive relation between fecundity and body mass. Condition Factor is not an efficient indicator of the reproductive period of this species. The species A. cf. lacustris is an opportunist and is well adapted to the conditions of the semi-arid Caatinga Biome


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The Caatinga biome is rich in endemic fish species fauna. The present study the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the hydrographic basin of Piranhas-Assu of the Brazilian Caatinga biome. The fish samples collected were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families (Characidae, Curimatidae, Auchenipteridae, Anostomidae, Prochilodontidae, Erythrinidae, Cichlidae, Sciaenidae, Heptapteridae, Loricariidae, Synbranchidae) and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic and five have been introduced from other basins. The order Characiformes was the most representative in number of species (46,35% ) followed by Perciformes (35,38%), Siluriformes (17,44%) and Synbranchiformes (0,5%). The Nile tilapia, Oreochomis niloticus, the only exotic species, was most expressive in number of individuals (24.92%) followed by the native species piau preto, Leporinus piau (18,77 %). Considering the relative frequency of occurrence of the 22 species, 13 were constant, five were accessory and four were occasional. This study investigated the reproductive ecology of an endemic fish black piau, Leporinus piau from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. Samplings were done on a monthly basis from January to December 2009, and a total of 211 specimens were captured. The environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of water were recorded. The sampled population showed a slight predominance of males (55%), however females were larger and heavier. Both sexes of L. piau showed positive allometric growth, indicating a higher increase of weight than length. The first sexual maturation of males occurred at smaller size, with 16.5 cm in total length than females (20.5 cm). During the reproductive period, the condition factor and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. piau were negatively correlated. This species has large oocytes with a high mean fecundity of 54.966 with synchronous oocyte development and total spawning