93 resultados para Consciência Fonológica


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This proposal is to search, investigate practical experience in environmental education for the construction of Local Agenda 21, in the municipality of Maxaranguape-RN, attended that brought together various subject and collective social actors of civil society organizations, among them, the Center for Education and Advice Herbert de Souza - CEAHS (NGOs who serves on the council since 1999), associations of farmers and farmers in areas of settlements, teachers / as, groups of women and young people, entrepreneurs, public power, the German partner entities IBAMA. INCRA, BNB in the project of Agenda 21. They are members and participants, constituents of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21, the main actor privileged in the search. As an object of study to identify the limits and scope of this practice, with regard to aspects of awareness / participation and awaken to an awareness of critical social subjects in the collective social and environmental perspective. The study seeks to investigate if this experience has allowed the individual and collective social subjects, understand and act in their daily life, as the changes in attitudes postures, and expand their interests to participate in various public spaces this intention, is considered the educational activities made with the principles of environmental education in the construction of Agenda 21 that have contributed in raising awareness / participation of social actors of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21. While reference methodology, the research focuses on theoretical design Freireana with relevance on the dimensions of dialogue, critical thinking and the human dimension comprising the act as educational practice of freedom, the prospect of human emancipation and social transformation of reality, and bring other thinkers as, Carvalho (2004), Trigueiro (2003), Days (2004), among others. The investigation of this practice points to the subject of education, which ECOCIENCIA to install the Agenda 21 and its effect on demand under municipal, German, providing a change of attitudes and postures and certainly, generating a new look and act in the world, broadening their interests and desires of inserting themselves, to participate in public spheres, particularly in establishing relations with dialogical criticality with the authorities and face the demands socio-environmental locations.


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It has been remarkable among the Science Teaching debates the necessity that students do not learn only theories, laws and concepts, but also develop skills which allows them to act towards a critical citizenship. Therefore, some of the skills for the natural sciences learning must be taught consciously, intentionally and in a planned way, as component of a basic competence. Studies of the last twenty years have shown that students and teachers have plenty of difficulties about skills development and, among several, the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics, essential for the comprehension of Natural Science. In that sense, the development of that type of professional knowledge during the initial education of future Chemistry teachers has become strategic, not only because they need to know how to use it, but also because they need to know how to teach it. This research has as its general objective the organization, development and study of a process of formation of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics as part of the teachers professional knowledge. It has been accomplished through a formative experience with six undergraduate students of the Teaching Degree Course of Chemistry of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), in Brazil. In order to develop that skill, we have used as reference P. Ya. Galperin s Theory of the Stepwise Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts and its following qualitative indicators: action form, degree of generalization, degree of consciousness, degree of independence and degree of solidness. The research, in a qualitative approach, has prioritized as instruments of data collecting the registering of the activities of the undergraduate students, the observation, the questionnaire and the diagnosis tests. At the first moment, a teaching framework has been planned for the development of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics based on the presupposed conceptions and steps of Galperin s Theory. At the second moment, the referred framework has been applied and the process of the skill formation has been studied. The results have shown the possibility of develop the skill conscious about the invariant operation system, with a high degree of generalization and internalized the operational invariant in the mental plane. The students have attested the contributions at that type of formative experience. The research reveals the importance of going deeper about the teaching comprehension of the individualities tied to the process of internalization, according to Galperin s Theory, when the update of abilities as part of the teaching professional knowledge is the issue


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender los sentidos dados a la relación entre el planeamiento y el proceso de formación continuada por profesores de una escuela pública municipal de la ciudad de Natal (RN). La conjetura guía es la percepción de que los profesores parecen no concebir el planeamiento escolar como espacio de formación colectiva y continuada. Así, esta conjetura es motivo de reflexión a medida que el planeamiento puede ser visto como un proceso cargado por tensiones y conflictos estructurales reprimidos en la escuela. Nuestro principio teórico metodológico es una interpretación de múltiples referencias que parte de conceptos en diferentes modelos de análisis en la comprensión de una realidad en que diferenciadas dimensiones están entremezcladas. Adoptamos como metodología de investigación la Entrevista Comprensiva, en que el objeto de la investigación se construye por medio de la elaboración teórica de las hipótesis surgidas en el campo de la investigación. El investigador busca dominar y personaliza los instrumentos y teoría a un proyecto concreto de investigación, cuya imagen más cercana es lo que se denomina de artesanía intelectual . En el proceso de construcción comprendemos la necesidad de entender el registro de un saber social incorporado por los individuos a su historicidad, a sus orientaciones y definiciones de su acción en relación al conjunto de la sociedad. En este sentido, los profesores entrevistados comentan su entendimiento revelando sentidos sobre cómo hacer efectivo un planeamiento que atienda las realidades del cotidiano de los alumnos. Observamos en nuestros análisis que parte del grupo de profesores tiene consciencia de hacer del planeamiento como base del trabajo docente no apenas dirigido al aspecto práctico elaboración y ejecución -, sino relacionado a un proceso de otros aspectos simultáneos como la reflexión acción-reflexión sobre la acción. De este modo, existe la posibilidad de mejorar el planeamiento transformándolo en más dinámico y participativo a través de los proyectos de trabajo como alternativa de enseñanza y de acercar la práctica pedagógica a la realidad de los alumnos, por ese motivo el planeamiento diario es de fundamental relevancia, ya que el espacio escolar es complejo y dinámico. Sin embargo, percibimos que existe incomprensión del planeamiento como espacio de formación continuada en la escuela en consecuencia de prácticas sin reflexión, y por eso, el proceso de planeamiento tiende a ser visto apenas como técnico y no un proceso político que apunta hacia la acción reflexiva. Por estas razones surgen tensiones externas e internas, unidas a las incertidumbres del trabajo docente en el cotidiano escolar, asociada a los sentimientos antagónicos que pueden ser elementos que dificultan y limitan el trabajo profesional de los docentes, llevándolos a la improvisación. Los profesores sugieren la construcción de la propuesta pedagógica dirigida a la formación continuada, coligada a la introducción de una práctica reflexiva que considere a la colectividad, siendo incluidas la autonomía, la flexibilidad y la abertura del planeamiento, y resaltan la actuación mediadora del coordinador pedagógico como de fundamental importancia para fortalecer el trabajo colectivo en la escuela y de enfatizar practicas reflexivas


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This work is about the historical and cultural assumptions inserted in the contents of literacy of the Campanha de Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler, a movement of culture and popular education, developed in the State of Rio Grande do Norte in the period between 1961 and 1964. The hypothesis is the one of the existence of a romantic-political ideology which permeated a national developmentalist conception sited in its didactic-pedagogic instrument of literacy, the Book of Lecture of De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler/RN (1963). It has the aim to understand how the popular critical consciousness marked by conceptions of culture and popular education in its social, cultural and ideological relations, happened. Analyses the object of study by the symbolical cartography, methodological procedures which have as principles to retire from an antecedent source implicit meanings that can discover new realities, articulating the keywords of that document to the ideology that surrounded the Campanha de Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler /RN. As results, the research showed that, considering the historical-cultural assumptions of the national developmentalist thought sited in the studied Book of Lecture, the conditions of the political-cultural context and of the advance of the Brazilian national industry on the beginning of the 1960th , admitted a process of social integration lavished by the popular literacy on the Campanha de Pé no Chão/RN, linked with the possibility of transition of the popular conscience, in a romantic-political perspective of the culture and the popular education


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Este trabajo, intitulado pensando y actuando: estudio da le relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento y la práctica pedagógica del profesor, tiene como objetivo investigar la relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento teórico y la práctica pedagógica de una profesora de la educación pre primaria que actúa en una escuela pública de Natal / RN, con niños de edades variables de cuatro a cinco años. En términos específicos, pretendemos propiciar la continuidad de un proceso de formación que le permita elaborar el significado de los conceptos que componen los conocimientos curriculares, específicamente, el concepto de familia; tener el dominio de los procesos y procedimientos lógicos inherentes al desarrollo del pensamiento y la formación del concepto; mediar de forma consciente y planeada las etapas necesarias para que se efectiven los procesos de elaboración conceptual propicios al desarrollo del pensamiento. Para desencadenar el proceso investigativo, utilizamos los principios del materialismo histórico-dialéctico mientras que para el método de análisis, porque comprendemos que, a través de esta lógica, es que podremos buscar los elementos que darán sustentación a una mediación pedagógica que permita mayor eficacia en la comprensión de los fenómenos. Recurriremos a la investigación colaborativa, una vez que era nuestra intención desarrollar una acción investigativa compartida, teniendo en vista buscar medios para resolver los problemas de la práctica pedagógica. La investigación colaborativa posibilita al sujeto participante reflexionar, ser investigador, coadjutor-constructor de su práctica. Así, algunos procedimientos metodológicos fueron considerados adecuados para que pudiéramos alcanzar los resultados deseados, como Reuniones, Planeamientos, Ciclos de Estudios Reflexivos, Observación Colaborativa, y Sesiones Reflexivas. Utilizamos la metodología conceptual de Ferreira (2009) como soporte para el análisis del concepto de familia elaborado. Para hacer el análisis de ese proceso nos utilizamos de las teorizaciones de Vigotski (2009, 1998), Rubinstein (, Liublinskaia, Ferreira, Freire, entre otros. Podemos decir que, en la perspectiva de la colaboración, la reflexión sobre la práctica puede desencadenar una nueva visión del profesor sobre su práctica pedagógica y el desarrollo del pensamiento de su alumno. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que este fue un trabajo bien sucedido en el sentido de que percibimos una relación estrecha entre lo que la profesora realizó y los aprendizajes adquiridos por los alumnos. El sentido que la participante da a su hacer posibilitó la abertura de caminos para el desarrollo del pensamiento, a partir del trabajo con la metodología conceptual, revelando la conciencia del significado de su acción, y dialogando con las necesidades del alumno y trabajando las. Destacamos la importancia de la colaboración y del proceso reflexivo para la formación y la práctica del profesional profesor y los aprendizajes adquiridos con relación al reflexionar crítico y colaborativamente, en la argumentación y en la reformulación de nuestras ideas. Afirmamos que lo que realizamos es apenas el comienzo de nuevos caminos que surgirán por la necesidad que tenemos de busca, de descubiertas, y por las ganas de desarrollar acciones productivas, propicias de condiciones para la expansión de la formación profesional y de la práctica pedagógica del profesor. Las conclusiones a que llegamos están lejos de que se acaben, ya que es un tema complejo, que puede posibilitar el surgimiento de nuevos estudios, de nuevas investigaciones, de nuevos conocimientos


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The focus of this thesis is a production of video biographies with/by sheltered teenagers. The general objective is discuss the potential production of video biographies while a device of research-action-formation. From de point of view of research, the study interrogates cultural practices that demarcates the passage of teenagers in shelter institutional; From the point of view of action, seeks to identify the modes of appropriation of space for audiovisual creation by teenagers; and, from the point of view of formation, asks the potentiality of audiovisual language while the way from which teenagers can auto-configure themselves responsibly, in the reinvention of places and others worlds for them. The research falls in the intersection of qualitative approach of ethnographic and of research-action-formation. Is anchored theoretically in autobiographical approaches - Pineau (2005); Passeggi (2008); Delory-Momberger (2008); Josso (2010) e Bertaux (2010) - and in the filmic method - Ramos (2003); Wohlgemuth (2005) and Comoli (2009). Participated in the research eleven teenagers members of the production cycle of biographical traces, among these, the three teenagers who advanced to cycles of audiovisual recording life narratives and reflective exercises around produced reports, procedures of which we extract the set of empirical material analyzed The analysis revealed that teens use in under three types of practices: the practices of mess , as way of expression; the practices of evasion , as resistance to restraint the right to come and go, and the practices of claim a regime of "truth" to the institutional environment, which emerge as a survival tactic in the face of paths desvínculos, family abandonment and neglect. The study also showed the appropriation of spaces of audio-visual creation meaningful expression through music by teenagers and encourage dialogue between and with the teenagers and the achievement of reflective exercises focused for awareness of their stories in becoming. These findings show a broader sense the thesis that visual language is a potent mobilizer artifact reflections and empowerment of individuals in situations of social exclusion


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El trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la percepción de profesores de la infancia respecto sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de inserción institucional, y como objetivo analizar como los participantes de la investigación articulan, narrativamente, sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de actuación profesional para inserción institucional en un Colegio de Aplicación. Adopta principios epistemológicos y métodos de la investigación (auto)biográfica: Ferrarotti 2010); Delory-Momberger (2008, 2011, 2012); Josso (2010); Nóvoa (2007); Nóvoa y Finger (2010); Dosse (2009); Passeggi (2011, 2012, 2013); Souza (2004, 2010, 2013). El corpus está constituido por diez memoriales académicos; diez proyectos de actuación profesional; la transcripción de entrevistas realizadas en dos grupos de discusión y el diario de campo de la investigadora. Las analises se basan en las contribuciones de Jovchelovitch y Bauer (2010), Schütze (2010) y Weller (2006). Los resultados de la investigación permitiran concluir que el proceso de biografización y el proyecto de actuación profesional introduce una doble función: constituirse en una herramienta de evaluación y como dispositivo de formación, permitiendo a los profesores la reflexión sobre las particularidades del proceso de biografización en el contexto de injunción institucional y el conocimiento de las potencialidades de sus percursos de formación. Permitiran, todavia, la definición de tres eixos organizadores de una cartografía de formación, tomando lo que Nóvoa (2007) sugiere sobre los procesos de Adesión, Acción y Autoconsciencia en la constitución de la identidad docente. Ao relatar sus percursos de formación los profesores reconstituyen adesiones a los principios, valores y proyectos en diferentes contextos de formación, revisitan acciones desarrolladas en el ejercicio de la profesión y elaboran reflexiones que resultan en la autoconciencia de potencialidades y limitaciones de sus acciones en la institución. El trabajo contribuye para pensar la producción de memoriales y proyectos académicos de experiencia profesional como espacio fundador de reflexión sobre la formación del profesorado de la infancia


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A pesquisa analisa o fazer teatral no âmbito do Programa Multicampiartes da Universidade Federal do Pará, principalmente com relação ao processo metodológico desenvolvido nas oficinas de teatro, nas cidades de Castanhal, Abaetetuba e Altamira. A análise tem como base os desdobramentos do fazer teatral como prática educativa e a articulação dos saberes dos artistas locais com os saberes dos professores do Programa. Acreditamos que essa articulação mediada pelo fazer teatral, contribui para a tomada de consciência de desejos, valores, inspirações permitindo a ampliação da sensibilidade e do juízo crítico do cidadão, tornando-o mais participativo e preparado para as escolhas no caminho da cidadania e da hominização. Fundamentamo-nos, especialmente, nas idéias de Paulo Freire (1987, 1981, 1996) e Augusto Boal (1991, 2003) por evidenciarmos e defendermos um fazer teatral implicado com as questões vivenciadas pelos homens no seu lócus de ação. Essa fundamentação pressupõe que a linguagem teatral é comprometida com a realidade sóciocultural, podendo atuar sobre ela e transformá-la. Metodologicamente, optamos pela análise das impressões e avaliação dos participantes através de depoimentos sobre a metodologia desenvolvida nas oficinas teatrais e suas implicações sócio-educativas nas comunidades. Os resultados apontam para uma diversidade de caminhos, dos quais destacamos: (a) a importância da presença da Universidade nas cidades como forma de reconhecimento do potencial artístico dos artistas locais; (b) as implicações na metodologia de trabalho organizada pelos professores do programa, cuja característica principal foi a flexibilidade e a disponibilidade para o inesperado que permitia maior vinculação com a comunidade local e maior envolvimento na formação no âmbito do Programa Multicampiartes. Apontamos, finalmente, a necessidade de organização de programas e ações que avancem no sentido da formação do cidadão, fora os muros da universidade e no cumprimento do seu papel, responsabilidade e compromisso social


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This dissertation reports the results of a research which has aimed to analyze the senses attributed to the curriculum by the students of the Technical Course of Computation Maintenance and Support, organized through the Programme of Integration of the the Professional Education with the Basic Education in the Youngster and Adult Education Modality (PROEJA), at Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Campus Santa Cruz. It has been sought to know who the students are and to investigate their curriculum conceptions, on which the this investigation has been based on. Thus, those senses attributed by the students on their narratives have been compared to the official proposed curriculum for the Programme and to the curriculum implemented by IFRN. The current research follows the qualitative approach being led by a study case and life stories methods. In order to effective that approach, two data collecting instruments have been developed: questionnaires and semi structured interviews. The collected data has been complemented by the legal and institutional documents analysis. This study is derived from the presupposition that PROEJA s students, although are able to access school after the educational system restructuration, are still facing difficulties during their courses because of the excluding and traditional curriculum, decontextualized with their personal and work life, that is, without curriculum integration. This study has accomplished PROEJA s students characterization presenting important data for the integrated curriculum construction at IFRN and revealing that the students consider the Programme as inclusive. Nevertheless, the practices concerned to the democratic construction of the curriculum and its dialogical action indicate partial inclusion, considering that, in order to include those students indeed, it would be necessary to include them to the institutional and academic context. Contradictory situations have been detected on the course pedagogical project, considered traditional and decontextualized, especially regarding to methodological aspects. The research also allowed to increase PROEJA s investigation field as well as to contribute with a better implementation of the Programme as curricular proposal bonded to Basic and Professional Education in the Youngster and Adult Modality Education Modality


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This program resumes the history of the political-pedagogic actions on the Serviço de Assistência Rural SAR, of Natal archdiocese, and analyses the contributions of this actions on the process of rural workers organization in the social movements on the countryside. The educative actions of the RAS are happening in a permanent tension between the pedagogic project of a church in change and, a pedagogy of the groups, communities and social movements, that is centered in the cultural action, in the culture lived from its condition of citizens. This research reveals that this entity fulfilled a strategic attribution for the Natal s church on the formation of the community leaderships, at a first moment and leaderships for social movements. Before the military dictatorship, the work methodology of this entity had as priority, begin from the reality leaved by the rural workers in the expectation that these became to qualify themselves for a more citizen participation in the call development. During the military regime, the entity goes measuring theirs activities in the new context, until the moment that redefines the work line. Goes then defining regions and thematic of operation supporting the fights for land, salary campaigns, women agricultural workers organizations. The pedagogy of work has as one of its supporters the Paulo Freire s pedagogy, privileging the dialog as a source of production of knowledge from the reality leaved in a permanent transformation. The actions of this entity, with the groups and social movements, produces the necessary knowledge for the organization of the rural workers while individual and social subjects of a changing world. The process of action-reflection of the activities intended, by a creative form, a permanent production of strategies of fight of the workers. Research ever, not to make accommodate itself to the new knowledge acquired in the action-reflection it is part of the pedagogical idea of this Institution. One searched in this process of formation of the man and the woman to question the reality, to create actionreflection-action spaces on the fights for a possible transition of an ingenuous conscience for a critical conscience, in view of the transformation of the structures that oppresses them


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Ao longo desta pesquisa, defendemos que projetos sociais como o Programa Segundo Tempo podem ampliar seus objetivos e ações interventivas para além da inclusão social de pessoas excluídas socialmente do acesso a direitos sociais, considerando esses espaços também como promotores de possibilidades educativas. Dialogamos com diversos autores da área da Educação, da Educação Física e das Ciências Sociais, para fortalecer nossos argumentos. Nesse sentido, nossa proposta de pesquisa orientou-se pelo método de pesquisa ação e pelas estratégias e técnicas de pesquisa que o apoiam, desenvolvendo uma proposta de intervenção e acompanhamento sistemático caracterizado basicamente pela realização de seminários e ciclos de observação da prática pedagógica dos monitores e coordenadores de núcleo do PST no convênio da Prefeitura Municipal de Riacho da Cruz, a fim de contribuir para processos de tomada de consciência e mudanças na prática pedagógica que se apresentassem indesejáveis às orientações teóricas e metodológicas do PST. Para tanto, buscamos analisar os problemas da transição das orientações teóricas e metodológicas do PST e contribuir para essa transição por meio de acompanhamento pedagógico sistemático. Partimos de uma questão de estudo que não se encerra em si mesma, mas que foi constantemente alimentada por novas problemáticas e objetivos emergidos do campo empírico durante a pesquisa: quais são os limites e possibilidades encontrados pelos monitores e coordenadores de núcleo do PST para aplicar as orientações teóricas e metodológicas nos núcleos do programa? Os resultados demonstraram que as principais limitações enfrentadas pelos recursos humanos do convênio da Prefeitura Municipal de Riacho da Cruz para aplicar as orientações do PST são: não formação específica na área de Educação Física ou Esporte; experiências de trabalho com o ensino do esporte anteriores ao trabalho no PST, insuficientes ou inexistentes; fragilidades no processo de capacitação segundo modelo do PST que não possibilitaram mais exemplos de experiências para o ensino do esporte nos núcleos; e fragilidades no formato de acompanhamento pouco assíduo realizado pela Equipe Colaboradora. Sobre as possibilidades para superação desse quadro encontramos, justamente na participação e envolvimento do próprio grupo sujeito em tentar minimizar essas limitações, buscando na proposta de acompanhamento pedagógico por seminários e ciclos de observações das atividades desenvolvidas, uma alternativa importante para a resolução das situaçõesproblemas emergidas nesta pesquisa. Desse modo, o sucesso da proposta desenvolvida nos levou a algumas conclusões, dentre as quais está a de que o sucesso do PST não reside somente na cobrança da especificidade da área ou grau de formação dos monitores e coordenadores de núcleo que lidam com o trabalho pedagógico nos núcleos dos convênios, mas na realização de um acompanhamento mais assíduo das Equipes Colaboradoras aos núcleos, que possibilite maiores momentos de troca de experiências entre as Equipes Colaboradoras do PST e o recursos humanos, inclusive considerando as variantes de contexto, estreitando assim a relação teoria e prática no PST. Por fim, reconhecemos as limitações do nosso estudo, o que abre perspectivas para futuras reformulações, mas esperamos contribuir para a interface estabelecida entre as áreas de Educação Física e Ciências Sociais, ampliando os conhecimentos relativos à prática pedagógica em projetos sociais


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Care, in a global perspective, appears in the main quarrels as the necessary phenomenon that will have to permeate the thoughts, the perception and values for the change that will lead to the overcoming of a paradigmatic crisis. The professional care was attributed, in elapsing of history, to the Nursing. Its historical evolution and articulation with the social processes, political and scientific in prominence place, in what it says respect to human well-being, not objectifying to cure, but to comfort, to complement the weak capacities and to the establishment the present capacities, alleviating pain, in other words, caring. The Teaching of care in Nursing, suffered great influences of the biomedical model, being like this, the education in Nursing has been criticized for if being valid pedagogical models incapable to promote the growth of the subjects, keeping it passive before your life processes, showing fragilities, attitudes and questionable behaviors, dissonances, appearing the imminence of an act of to care and to educate that needs to be considered as dialectical and intersubjective act. The objective of this research is to understand the lived experience of the nursing teachers in the Teaching of Care, in order to reflect about the insert of Nursing in the current world context, watching the dialetics of the Teaching of care and the paradigm changes in the section health. It is a phenomenological research that used the analysis of the located phenomenon, to obtain the units of meaning of the speech Nursing teachers about your experience lived in the Teaching of care. This study allowed the Nursing teachers could share your existences, senses and information on the interior of your pedagogic action exalting the interpretation, which appears intentionally in the conscience, emphasizing the pure experience of the be-professor, including emotions and affectivities in the teaching of care. In the construction of the results, three moments were devoted for discussion: Multidimensional Care; Care as Professional Practice; and the Teaching of care. The speeches had revealed rich, complex and for paradoxical times. The understanding of a sensitive teaching, that sometimes, arrives if to worry in rescuing the tenderness and the humanity, it is running into the other permeated speeches of fragilities, inconstancies, technifying, that showed lacks of pedagogic preparation. The Teaching of care needs to adopt a conception of education/learning and to use methodologies that can lead to an action liberating, capable to breach with traditional mooring cables and preconceptions or little healthful habits of life, favoring the use of methods that promote educating for the way of the sensitive, detaching aspects that they contribute for this end, as the intuition, the emotion, the creation, the perception and the sensibility. In this direction, it is considered important to deepen subjects that make possible the creation of care strategies and educational with the human being vision in your totality, therefore if it perceives that the necessary therapeutical boarding to be ampler, passing for the social individual, family and its relations


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Estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado num hospital de urgência hospitalar referência em traumatologia, em Natal/RN, com o objetivo de identificar o conhecimento do enfermeiro a respeito da ECGl para avaliação do nível de consciência e do processo de cuidar na fase pré-hospitalar e hospitalar às vítimas de TCE. A população constou de 44 enfermeiros e os dados foram coletados entre abril e maio de 2010. Os resultados mostram que, 35 (79,5%) dos enfermeiros eram do sexo feminino; 17 (38,64%) estavam na faixa etária entre 24 a 30 anos e 12 (27,27%) entre 51 a 60 anos; 25(56,82%) solteiros, 30 (68,18%) católicos e 25 (56,82%) sem filhos; 40 (90,90%) eram formados por instituições públicas, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço na enfermagem acima de 21 anos e 14 (31,82%) até quatro anos; 18 (40,91%) estavam alocados nas UTIs e 13 (29,55%) atuavam em mais de um setor e 20 (65,90%) possuíam especialização. Dos que estavam mais especializados, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço até quatro anos e 08 (34,48%) acima de 21 anos. Todos relataram ter prestado assistência às vítimas de TCE e 36 (81,82%) sentiam-se preparados; 35 (46,67%) adquiriram essas informações na prática e apenas 8 (10,67%) na graduação. Em relação a opinião dos pesquisados sobre os empecilhos que dificultam esta assistência, 23 (23,01%) relataram déficit de recursos humanos e 19 (20,65%) despreparo da equipe de enfermagem, estrutura física inadequada e recursos materiais precários. Como propostas de solução para os problemas, 26 (47,27%) sugeriram reforma na gestão e 13 (23,63%) referiram educação continuada. Em relação a ECGl, 40 (90,1%) afirmaram conhecê-la, 33 (82,50%) a utilizavam, 32 (80%) conheciam sua finalidade, 25 (62,5%) acertaram os indicadores fisiológicos e 36 (90%) classificaram corretamente a gravidade do TCE. Dos enfermeiros que utilizam a ECGl, 23 (92%) conheciam seus indicadores e classificação e 20 (60,61%) utilizavam uma vez por plantão. Em relação às dificuldades no manejo da ECGl, 11 (21,58%) não tinham nenhum problema; 10 (19,60%) citaram a falta de tempo e com o mesmo percentual responderam interpretação da resposta verbal nos pacientes intubados. Quanto ao conhecimento dos enfermeiros na descrição do processo de cuidar, 31 (70,45%) das respostas da fase pré e 35 (79,55%) da hospitalar não possuíam etapas importantes, sendo consideradas como incorretas. Quanto à afirmativa dos enfermeiros em estar, e realmente estar preparados para esta assistência, detectamos que daqueles que disseram estar preparados, apenas 12 (33,33%) acertaram todos os passos do atendimento pré hospitalar e 6 (16,67%) no atendimento hospitalar. Concluímos que diante dos resultados obtidos, os enfermeiros conhecem a ECGl, no entanto, necessitam de capacitação para sua melhor compreensão e utilização. Quanto ao conhecimento do processo de cuidar aos pacientes com TCE, é necessário modificar urgente esta realidade, especialmente na atenção às ações desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro no âmbito hospitalar, onde as consequências das lesões secundárias, muitas delas evitadas com diagnóstico precoce e intervenções imediatas, podem acarretar incapacidades permanentes e prejudicar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos


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Posture is one of the most worrying problems dentists face. That is because of the high incidence of low back pathologies regarding the professional activity, despite the development on the field of Dental Ergonomics. This work took place at the dental schoolclinic at a Federal University, and it was grounded on the Ergonomic Principles in the workplace. Its main objective was to analyze the determinants of inadequate posture adopted by students inasmuch as the adoption of non ergonomic methods at the school-clinic may influence them to develop inadequate postures in their working environment. The analysis of the activity showed us that it requires some complex procedures in the patient s mouth. Thus, when the students carry out the activity, they start to adopt, although unconsciously, inadequate postures which will make easier the visual accuracy and the access to the operation focus. In case there is no internal (body awareness) or external warning mechanisms (the professor s or the partner s counseling) regarding posture or possible risks which lead them to self-correction, the students become vulnerable to osteomuscle disorders. The time pressure, because the students are expected to perform their task in a predetermined clinical time. The facts related to each patient s variability as well as the stress caused by the expectations to get their work done in time make the students to advance it believing they will waste time if they help their partners or using an indirect view. We could also notice that there was no assistant to perform the job of minor ones, as well as there was no professor who could actually connect the knowledge on Ergonomics to its working practice. The conclusions of this work stand out the need of widen the discussion at the academic environment regarding health professionals in places such as universities. The ergonomic principles in the workplace aim a multidisciplinary analysis based on the experience of students, professors, staff members and janitors that can contribute to some reflection upon the issue and consequently actions which will bring positive changes at the working environment


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This work presents a study of the ambient management in urban centers, considering the ambient perception as element necessary to develop in the population the conscience of the necessity to preserve the environment. For this, the attitudes and behaviors of the community, represented for students of an Institution had been evaluated, so that strategies and actions are traced that come to minimize the ambient degradation and to provide an aggregate sustainable development to the economic development. The objective of this research consists of studying the problematic one of the ambient management in urban centers under the point of view of the awareness, of the ambient perception and of the participation of the population, this because the ambient questions are inserted in the aspects that involve the practical life and the daily one, for what becomes excellent to understand that the environment is a right of all, therefore, must be preserved. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type likert contends variables that compose the acts and mannering aspects, beyond a partner-demographic scale. The Chi-square method was used in the analysis statistics de Pearson to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic 0 variable and the acts and mannering variables. The results point that the academic environment is opportune to deal with the subject, in view of that the ambient preservation goes for all the contents, and that the pupils of today will be able, in the future, in its areas of performance to plan action to safeguard the sustainable development. One concludes that the strategies to manage the environment pass for the awareness of the citizen, therefore when it is educated its attitudes will be more responsible, a time that the ambient concern will be present in its day-by-day. Therefore, the Public Power when planning programs of ambient preservation that comes to promote changes of habits of the population, such as: management of the solid residues generated by the population, recycling, programs of selective collections, ambient education, etc. the local community for the success of its actions will have to be involved