71 resultados para Combinações de Previsões


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In this work the use of coconut fiber (coir) and bamboo shafts as reinforcement of soil-cement was studied, in order to obtain an alternative material to make stakes for fences in rural properties. The main objective was to study the effect of the addition of reinforcement to the soil-cement matrix. The effect of humidity on the mechanical properties was also analyzed. The soil-cement mortar was composed by a mixture, in equal parts, of soil and river sand, 14% in weight of cement and 10 % in weight of water. As reinforcement, different combinations of (a) coconut fiber with 15 mm mean length (0,3 %, 0,6 % and 1,2 % in weight) and (b) bamboo shafts, also in crescent quantities (2, 4 and 8 shafts per specimen) were used. For each combination 6 specimens were made and these were submitted to three point flexural test after 28 days of cure. In order to evaluate the effect of humidity, 1 specimen from each of the coconut fiber reinforced combination was immersed in water 24 hours prior to flexural test. The results of the tests carried out indicated that the addition of the reinforcement affected negatively the mechanical resistance and, on the other hand, increased the tenacity and the ductility of the material.


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The history match procedure in an oil reservoir is of paramount importance in order to obtain a characterization of the reservoir parameters (statics and dynamics) that implicates in a predict production more perfected. Throughout this process one can find reservoir model parameters which are able to reproduce the behaviour of a real reservoir.Thus, this reservoir model may be used to predict production and can aid the oil file management. During the history match procedure the reservoir model parameters are modified and for every new set of reservoir model parameters found, a fluid flow simulation is performed so that it is possible to evaluate weather or not this new set of parameters reproduces the observations in the actual reservoir. The reservoir is said to be matched when the discrepancies between the model predictions and the observations of the real reservoir are below a certain tolerance. The determination of the model parameters via history matching requires the minimisation of an objective function (difference between the observed and simulated productions according to a chosen norm) in a parameter space populated by many local minima. In other words, more than one set of reservoir model parameters fits the observation. With respect to the non-uniqueness of the solution, the inverse problem associated to history match is ill-posed. In order to reduce this ambiguity, it is necessary to incorporate a priori information and constraints in the model reservoir parameters to be determined. In this dissertation, the regularization of the inverse problem associated to the history match was performed via the introduction of a smoothness constraint in the following parameter: permeability and porosity. This constraint has geological bias of asserting that these two properties smoothly vary in space. In this sense, it is necessary to find the right relative weight of this constrain in the objective function that stabilizes the inversion and yet, introduces minimum bias. A sequential search method called COMPLEX was used to find the reservoir model parameters that best reproduce the observations of a semi-synthetic model. This method does not require the usage of derivatives when searching for the minimum of the objective function. Here, it is shown that the judicious introduction of the smoothness constraint in the objective function formulation reduces the associated ambiguity and introduces minimum bias in the estimates of permeability and porosity of the semi-synthetic reservoir model


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior of Sell-Side analysts and analysts propose a classification, considering the performance of the price forecasts and recom- mendations (sell-hold-buy) in the Brazilian stock market. For this, the first step was to analyze the consensus of analysts to understand the importance of this collective interven- tion in the market; the second was to analyze the analysts individually to understand how improve their analysis in time. Third was to understand how are the main methods of ranking used in markets. Finally, propose a form of classification that reflects the previous aspects discussed. To investigate the hypotheses proposed in the study were used linear models for panel to capture elements in time. The data of price forecasts and analyst recommendations individually and consensus, in the period 2005-2013 were obtained from Bloomberg R ○ . The main results were: (i) superior performance of consensus recommen- dations, compared with the individual analyzes; (ii) associating the number of analysts issuing recommendations with improved accuracy allows supposing that this number may be associated with increased consensus strength and hence accuracy; (iii) the anchoring effect of the analysts consensus revisions makes his predictions are biased, overvaluating the assets; (iv) analysts need to have greater caution in times of economic turbulence, noting also foreign markets such as the USA. For these may result changes in bias between optimism and pessimism; (v) effects due to changes in bias, as increased pessimism can cause excessive increase in purchase recommendations number. In this case, analysts can should be more cautious in analysis, mainly for consistency between recommendation and the expected price; (vi) the experience of the analyst with the asset economic sector and the asset contributes to the improvement of forecasts, however, the overall experience showed opposite evidence; (vii) the optimism associated with the overall experience, over time, shows a similar behavior to an excess of confidence, which could cause reduction of accuracy; (viii) the conflicting effect of general experience between the accuracy and the observed return shows evidence that, over time, the analyst has effects similar to the endowment bias on assets, which would result in a conflict analysis of recommendations and forecasts ; (ix) despite the focus on fewer sectors contribute to the quality of accuracy, the same does not occur with the focus on assets. So it is possible that analysts may have economies of scale when cover more assets within the same industry; and finally, (x) was possible to develop a proposal for classification analysts to consider both returns and the consistency of these predictions, called Analysis coefficient. This ranking resulted better results, considering the return / standard deviation.


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Launching centers are designed for scientific and commercial activities with aerospace vehicles. Rockets Tracking Systems (RTS) are part of the infrastructure of these centers and they are responsible for collecting and processing the data trajectory of vehicles. Generally, Parabolic Reflector Radars (PRRs) are used in RTS. However, it is possible to use radars with antenna arrays, or Phased Arrays (PAs), so called Phased Arrays Radars (PARs). Thus, the excitation signal of each radiating element of the array can be adjusted to perform electronic control of the radiation pattern in order to improve functionality and maintenance of the system. Therefore, in the implementation and reuse projects of PARs, modeling is subject to various combinations of excitation signals, producing a complex optimization problem due to the large number of available solutions. In this case, it is possible to use offline optimization methods, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), to calculate the problem solutions, which are stored for online applications. Hence, the Genetic Algorithm with Maximum-Minimum Crossover (GAMMC) optimization method was used to develop the GAMMC-P algorithm that optimizes the modeling step of radiation pattern control from planar PAs. Compared with a conventional crossover GA, the GAMMC has a different approach from the conventional one, because it performs the crossover of the fittest individuals with the least fit individuals in order to enhance the genetic diversity. Thus, the GAMMC prevents premature convergence, increases population fitness and reduces the processing time. Therefore, the GAMMC-P uses a reconfigurable algorithm with multiple objectives, different coding and genetic operator MMC. The test results show that GAMMC-P reached the proposed requirements for different operating conditions of a planar RAV.


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The Caatinga biome, a semi-arid climate ecosystem found in northeast Brazil, presents low rainfall regime and strong seasonality. It has the most alarming climate change projections within the country, with air temperature rising and rainfall reduction with stronger trends than the global average predictions. Climate change can present detrimental results in this biome, reducing vegetation cover and changing its distribution, as well as altering all ecosystem functioning and finally influencing species diversity. In this context, the purpose of this study is to model the environmental conditions (rainfall and temperature) that influence the Caatinga biome productivity and to predict the consequences of environmental conditions in the vegetation dynamics under future climate change scenarios. Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) was used to estimate vegetation greenness (presence and density) in the area. Considering the strong spatial and temporal autocorrelation as well as the heterogeneity of the data, various GLS models were developed and compared to obtain the best model that would reflect rainfall and temperature influence on vegetation greenness. Applying new climate change scenarios in the model, environmental determinants modification, rainfall and temperature, negatively influenced vegetation greenness in the Caatinga biome. This model was used to create potential vegetation maps for current and future of Caatinga cover considering 20% decrease in precipitation and 1 °C increase in temperature until 2040, 35% decrease in precipitation and 2.5 °C increase in temperature in the period 2041-2070 and 50% decrease in precipitation and 4.5 °C increase in temperature in the period 2071-2100. The results suggest that the ecosystem functioning will be affected on the future scenario of climate change with a decrease of 5.9% of the vegetation greenness until 2040, 14.2% until 2070 and 24.3% by the end of the century. The Caatinga vegetation in lower altitude areas (most of the biome) will be more affected by climatic changes.


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In the context of climate change over South America (SA) has been observed that the combination of high temperatures and rain more temperatures less rainfall, cause different impacts such as extreme precipitation events, favorable conditions for fires and droughts. As a result, these regions face growing threat of water shortage, local or generalized. Thus, the water availability in Brazil depends largely on the weather and its variations in different time scales. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to study the moisture budget through regional climate models (RCM) from Project Regional Climate Change Assessments for La Plata Basin (CLARIS-LPB) and combine these RCM through two statistical techniques in an attempt to improve prediction on three areas of AS: Amazon (AMZ), Northeast Brazil (NEB) and the Plata Basin (LPB) in past climates (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100). The moisture transport on AS was investigated through the moisture fluxes vertically integrated. The main results showed that the average fluxes of water vapor in the tropics (AMZ and NEB) are higher across the eastern and northern edges, thus indicating that the contributions of the trade winds of the North Atlantic and South are equally important for the entry moisture during the months of JJA and DJF. This configuration was observed in all the models and climates. In comparison climates, it was found that the convergence of the flow of moisture in the past weather was smaller in the future in various regions and seasons. Similarly, the majority of the SPC simulates the future climate, reduced precipitation in tropical regions (AMZ and NEB), and an increase in the LPB region. The second phase of this research was to carry out combination of RCM in more accurately predict precipitation, through the multiple regression techniques for components Main (C.RPC) and convex combination (C.EQM), and then analyze and compare combinations of RCM (ensemble). The results indicated that the combination was better in RPC represent precipitation observed in both climates. Since, in addition to showing values be close to those observed, the technique obtained coefficient of correlation of moderate to strong magnitude in almost every month in different climates and regions, also lower dispersion of data (RMSE). A significant advantage of the combination of methods was the ability to capture extreme events (outliers) for the study regions. In general, it was observed that the wet C.EQM captures more extreme, while C.RPC can capture more extreme dry climates and in the three regions studied.


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Ferroelectric ceramics with perovskite structure (ABO3) are widely used in solid state memories (FeRAM’s and DRAM's) as well as multilayered capacitors, especially as a thin films. When doped with zirconium ions, BaTiO3-based materials form a solid solution known as barium zirconate titanate (BaTi1-xZrxO3). Also called BZT, this material can undergo significant changes in their electrical properties for a small variation of zirconium content in the crystal lattice. The present work is the study of the effects of deposition parameters of BaTi0,75Zr0,25O3 thin films by spin-coating method on their morphology and physical properties, through an experimental design of the Box-Behnken type. The resin used in the process has been synthesized by the polymeric precursor method (Pechini) and subsequently split into three portions each of which has its viscosity adjusted to 10, 20 and 30 mPa∙s by means of a rotary viscometer. The resins were then deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by spin-coating method on 15 different combinations of viscosity, spin speed (3000, 5500 and 8000 rpm) and the number of deposited layers (5, 8 and 11 layers) and then calcined at 800 ° C for 1 h. The phase composition of the films was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and indexed with the JCPDS 36-0019. Surface morphology and grain size were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicating uniform films and average grain size around 40 nm. Images of the cross section of the films were obtained by scanning electron microscopy field emission (SEM-FEG), indicating very uniform thicknesses ranging from 140-700 nm between samples. Capacitance measurements were performed at room temperature using an impedance analyzer. The films presented dielectric constant values of 55-305 at 100kHz and low dielectric loss. The design indicated no significant interaction effects between the deposition parameters on the thickness of the films. The response surface methodology enabled better observes the simultaneous effect of variables.


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Este trabalho visa analisar o potencial do sombreamento vegetal no edifício para promover conforto térmico, luminoso e eficiência energética, a partir de simulações computacionais nos softwares DesignBuilder e Daysim. Foram simuladas diferentes combinações de fator de céu visível (FCV), transparência da copa vegetal e percentual de abertura da fachada (PAF) para edificação residencial térrea em Nata/RN, a fim de quantificar os impactos e propor recomendações projetuais. Os modelos foram analisados por meio do método de conforto adaptativo indicado pela ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE, 2010), classificação do nível de eficiência energética do Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R), resultados de Daylight autonomy (DA) e uniformidade da luz natural para as exigências lumínicas de 100-300-500 lux. Os resultados demonstram grande potencial para integração da vegetação na edificação, principalmente para os fatores de céu médio e grande, e falta de coerência do RTQ-R para classificar as edificações da Zona bioclimática 08 pelo método de simulação.


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Este trabalho visa analisar o potencial do sombreamento vegetal no edifício para promover conforto térmico, luminoso e eficiência energética, a partir de simulações computacionais nos softwares DesignBuilder e Daysim. Foram simuladas diferentes combinações de fator de céu visível (FCV), transparência da copa vegetal e percentual de abertura da fachada (PAF) para edificação residencial térrea em Nata/RN, a fim de quantificar os impactos e propor recomendações projetuais. Os modelos foram analisados por meio do método de conforto adaptativo indicado pela ASHRAE Standard 55 (ASHRAE, 2010), classificação do nível de eficiência energética do Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R), resultados de Daylight autonomy (DA) e uniformidade da luz natural para as exigências lumínicas de 100-300-500 lux. Os resultados demonstram grande potencial para integração da vegetação na edificação, principalmente para os fatores de céu médio e grande, e falta de coerência do RTQ-R para classificar as edificações da Zona bioclimática 08 pelo método de simulação.


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In the last decades the study of integer-valued time series has gained notoriety due to its broad applicability (modeling the number of car accidents in a given highway, or the number of people infected by a virus are two examples). One of the main interests of this area of study is to make forecasts, and for this reason it is very important to propose methods to make such forecasts, which consist of nonnegative integer values, due to the discrete nature of the data. In this work, we focus on the study and proposal of forecasts one, two and h steps ahead for integer-valued second-order autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity processes [INARCH (2)], and in determining some theoretical properties of this model, such as the ordinary moments of its marginal distribution and the asymptotic distribution of its conditional least squares estimators. In addition, we study, via Monte Carlo simulation, the behavior of the estimators for the parameters of INARCH(2) processes obtained using three di erent methods (Yule- Walker, conditional least squares, and conditional maximum likelihood), in terms of mean squared error, mean absolute error and bias. We present some forecast proposals for INARCH(2) processes, which are compared again via Monte Carlo simulation. As an application of this proposed theory, we model a dataset related to the number of live male births of mothers living at Riachuelo city, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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In the last decades the study of integer-valued time series has gained notoriety due to its broad applicability (modeling the number of car accidents in a given highway, or the number of people infected by a virus are two examples). One of the main interests of this area of study is to make forecasts, and for this reason it is very important to propose methods to make such forecasts, which consist of nonnegative integer values, due to the discrete nature of the data. In this work, we focus on the study and proposal of forecasts one, two and h steps ahead for integer-valued second-order autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity processes [INARCH (2)], and in determining some theoretical properties of this model, such as the ordinary moments of its marginal distribution and the asymptotic distribution of its conditional least squares estimators. In addition, we study, via Monte Carlo simulation, the behavior of the estimators for the parameters of INARCH(2) processes obtained using three di erent methods (Yule- Walker, conditional least squares, and conditional maximum likelihood), in terms of mean squared error, mean absolute error and bias. We present some forecast proposals for INARCH(2) processes, which are compared again via Monte Carlo simulation. As an application of this proposed theory, we model a dataset related to the number of live male births of mothers living at Riachuelo city, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


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The thesis presents the results of research that addresses the performance of selective horizontal partitioning to promote Fire Safety in Buildings - FSB. Horizontal partitioning is a passive protection measure, settable in the early stages of the design process and controlled by the architect. However, there is a frequent reconfiguration of the rooms in academic buildings to adjust them for the space demand. Thus, large classrooms could turn into two or more smaller rooms, for example. Regardless when the subdivision occurs in the design phase or during the occupation of the building, the regulations just ensures the compartimentation of the room if all fireguard devices are present in the room. Knowing the fire's first minutes are the most important for life protection, we defend the hypothesis that a kind of partitioning ignored by regulatory standards is able to favoring the building vacancy and occupants rescue, for promote the room’s smoke exhaust. The performance of the selective horizontal partitioning due different blend of openings for smoke outlet was simulated on CFD software. The results indicate that selective horizontal partitioning is able to promote an upper smoke free layer and delay the indoor temperature growth.


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The thesis presents the results of research that addresses the performance of selective horizontal partitioning to promote Fire Safety in Buildings - FSB. Horizontal partitioning is a passive protection measure, settable in the early stages of the design process and controlled by the architect. However, there is a frequent reconfiguration of the rooms in academic buildings to adjust them for the space demand. Thus, large classrooms could turn into two or more smaller rooms, for example. Regardless when the subdivision occurs in the design phase or during the occupation of the building, the regulations just ensures the compartimentation of the room if all fireguard devices are present in the room. Knowing the fire's first minutes are the most important for life protection, we defend the hypothesis that a kind of partitioning ignored by regulatory standards is able to favoring the building vacancy and occupants rescue, for promote the room’s smoke exhaust. The performance of the selective horizontal partitioning due different blend of openings for smoke outlet was simulated on CFD software. The results indicate that selective horizontal partitioning is able to promote an upper smoke free layer and delay the indoor temperature growth.


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Bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticle has attracted attention several researchers because great applicability that they offer. The possibility of combining different functionalities of magnetic materials make them a key piece in many areas as in data processing permanent magnets and biomagnetics sistems. These nanoparticles are controlled by intrinsic properties of the core and shell materials as well as the interactions between them, besides size and geometry effects. Thus, it was developed in this thesis a theoretical study about dipolar interaction contribution between materials different magnetic properties in bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticles conventional spherical geometry. The materials were analyzed CoFe2O4, MnFe2O4 e CoFe2 in various combinations and sizes. The results show that the impact of the core dipole field in the shell cause reverse magnetization early its, before of the core, in nanoparticle of CoFe2O4(22nm)@CoFe2(2nm), thereby causing a decrease coercivity field of 65% in comparection with simple nanoparticle of CoFe2O4 (HC=13.6 KOe) of same diameter. The large core anisotropy in conventional nanoparticle makes it the a stable dipolar field source in the shell, that varies length scale of the order of the core radius. Furthermore, the impact of dipolar field is greatly enhanced by the geometrical constraints and by magnetics properties of both core@shell materials. In systems with core coated with a thin shell of thickness less than the exchange length, the interaction interface can hold reversal the shell occurring an uniform magnetization reversal, however this effect only is relevant on systems where the dipole field effects is weak compared with the exchange interaction.