131 resultados para Artesian wells
The oil companies in the area in general are looking for new technologies that can increase the recovery factor of oil contained in reservoirs. These investments are mainly aimed at reducing the costs of projects which are high. Steam injection is one of these special methods of recovery in which steam is injected into the reservoir in order to reduce the viscosity of the oil and make it more mobile. The process assisted gravity drainage steam (SAGD) using steam injection in its mechanism, as well as two parallel horizontal wells. In this process steam is injected through the horizontal injection well, then a vapor chamber is formed by heating the oil in the reservoir and, by the action of gravitational forces, this oil is drained down to where the production well. This study aims to analyze the influence of pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the SAGD process. Numerical simulations were performed using the thermal simulator STARS of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The parameters studied were the thermal conductivity of the formation, the flow of steam injection, the inner diameter of the column, the steam quality and temperature. A factorial design was used to verify the influence of the parameters studied in the recovery factor. We also analyzed different injection flow rates for the model with pressure drop and no pressure drop, as well as different maximum flow rates of oil production. Finally, we performed an economic analysis of the two models in order to check the profitability of the projects studied. The results showed that the pressure drop in injection well have a significant influence on the SAGD process.
Stimulation operations have with main objective restore or improve the productivity or injectivity rate in wells. Acidizing is one of the most important operations of well stimulation, consist in inject acid solutions in the formation under fracture formation pressure. Acidizing have like main purpose remove near wellbore damage, caused by drilling or workover operations, can be use in sandstones and in carbonate formations. A critical step in acidizing operation is the control of acid-formation reaction. The high kinetic rate of this reaction, promotes the consumed of the acid in region near well, causing that the acid treatment not achive the desired distance. In this way, the damage zone can not be bypassed. The main objective of this work was obtain stable systems resistant to the different conditions found in field application, evaluate the kinetic of calcite dissolution in microemulsion systems and simulate the injection of this systems by performing experiments in plugs. The systems were obtained from two non ionic surfactants, Unitol L90 and Renex 110, with sec-butanol and n-butanol like cosurfactants. The oily component of the microemlsion was xilene and kerosene. The acqueous component was a solution of HCl 15-26,1%. The results shown that the microemulsion systems obtained were stable to temperature until 100ºC, high calcium concentrations, salinity until 35000 ppm and HCl concentrations until 25%. The time for calcite dissolution in microemulsion media was 14 times slower than in aqueous HCl 15%. The simulation in plugs showed that microemulsion systems promote a distributed flux and promoted longer channels. The permeability enhancement was between 177 - 890%. The results showed that the microemulsion systems obtained have potential to be applied in matrix acidizing
The several existing methods for oil artificial lifting and the variety of automation equipment for these methods many times lead the supervisory systems to be dedicated to a unique method and/or to a unique manufacturer. To avoid this problem, it has been developed the supervisory system named SISAL, conceived to supervise wells with different lifting methods and different automation equipments. The SISAL system is working in several Brazilian states but, nowadays, it is only supervising rod pump-based wells. The objective of this work is the development of a supervision module to the plunger lift artificial lift method. The module will have the same characteristics of working with automation hardware of many manufacturers. The module will be integrated to the SISAL system, incorporating the capacity to supervise the plunger lift artificial lift method.
From their early days, Electrical Submergible Pumping (ESP) units have excelled in lifting much greater liquid rates than most of the other types of artificial lift and developed by good performance in wells with high BSW, in onshore and offshore environments. For all artificial lift system, the lifetime and frequency of interventions are of paramount importance, given the high costs of rigs and equipment, plus the losses coming from a halt in production. In search of a better life of the system comes the need to work with the same efficiency and security within the limits of their equipment, this implies the need for periodic adjustments, monitoring and control. How is increasing the prospect of minimizing direct human actions, these adjustments should be made increasingly via automation. The automated system not only provides a longer life, but also greater control over the production of the well. The controller is the brain of most automation systems, it is inserted the logic and strategies in the work process in order to get you to work efficiently. So great is the importance of controlling for any automation system is expected that, with better understanding of ESP system and the development of research, many controllers will be proposed for this method of artificial lift. Once a controller is proposed, it must be tested and validated before they take it as efficient and functional. The use of a producing well or a test well could favor the completion of testing, but with the serious risk that flaws in the design of the controller were to cause damage to oil well equipment, many of them expensive. Given this reality, the main objective of the present work is to present an environment for evaluation of fuzzy controllers for wells equipped with ESP system, using a computer simulator representing a virtual oil well, a software design fuzzy controllers and a PLC. The use of the proposed environment will enable a reduction in time required for testing and adjustments to the controller and evaluated a rapid diagnosis of their efficiency and effectiveness. The control algorithms are implemented in both high-level language, through the controller design software, such as specific language for programming PLCs, Ladder Diagram language.
Water injection is the most widely used method for supplementary recovery in many oil fields due to various reasons, like the fact that water is an effective displacing agent of low viscosity oils, the water injection projects are relatively simple to establish and the water availability at a relatively low cost. For design of water injection projects is necessary to do reservoir studies in order to define the various parameters needed to increase the effectiveness of the method. For this kind of study can be used several mathematical models classified into two general categories: analytical or numerical. The present work aims to do a comparative analysis between the results presented by flow lines simulator and conventional finite differences simulator; both types of simulators are based on numerical methods designed to model light oil reservoirs subjected to water injection. Therefore, it was defined two reservoir models: the first one was a heterogeneous model whose petrophysical properties vary along the reservoir and the other one was created using average petrophysical properties obtained from the first model. Comparisons were done considering that the results of these two models were always in the same operational conditions. Then some rock and fluid parameters have been changed in both models and again the results were compared. From the factorial design, that was done to study the sensitivity analysis of reservoir parameters, a few cases were chosen to study the role of water injection rate and the vertical position of wells perforations in production forecast. It was observed that the results from the two simulators are quite similar in most of the cases; differences were found only in those cases where there was an increase in gas solubility ratio of the model. Thus, it was concluded that in flow simulation of reservoirs analogous of those now studied, mainly when the gas solubility ratio is low, the conventional finite differences simulator may be replaced by flow lines simulator the production forecast is compatible but the computational processing time is lower.
Among the different types of pollutants typically attributed to human activities, the petroleum products are one of the most important because of its toxic potential. This toxicity is attributed to the presence of substances such as benzene and its derivatives are very toxic to the central nervous system of man, with chronic toxicity, even in small concentrations. The area chosen for study was the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, where samples were collected in six different areas in the city, comprising 10 wells located in the urban area, being carried out in three distinct periods March/2009, December / June/2010 and 2009, and were evaluated for contamination by volatile hydrocarbons (BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), so this work aimed to assess the quality of groundwater wells that supply funding for public supply and trade in the urban area of the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, contributing to the environmental assessment of the municipality. The analysis of BTEX in water was performed according to EPA Method 8021b. Was used the technique of headspace (TriPlus TP100) coupled to high resolution gas chromatography with selective photoionization detector (PID) and flame ionization (FID) - model Trace GC Ultra, Thermo Electron Corporation brand. The procedure adopted allowed the detection of concentrations of the order of μg.L-1. Data analysis with respect to BTEX in groundwater in the area monitored so far, shows that water quality is still preserved, because it exceeds the limits imposed by the potability Resolution CONAMA Nº. 396, April 2008
The world has many types of oil that have a range of values of density and viscosity, these are characteristics to identify whether an oil is light, heavy or even ultraheavy. The occurrence of heavy oil has increased significantly and pointing to a need for greater investment in the exploitation of deposits and therefore new methods to recover that oil. There are economic forecasts that by 2025, the heavy oil will be the main source of fossil energy in the world. One such method is the use of solvent vaporized VAPEX which is known as a recovery method which consists of two horizontal wells parallel to each other, with a gun and another producer, which uses as an injection solvent that is vaporized in order to reduce the viscosity of oil or bitumen, facilitating the flow to the producing well. This method was proposed by Dr. Roger Butler, in 1991. The importance of this study is to analyze how the influence some operational reservoir and parameters are important in the process VAPEX, such as accumulation of oil produced in the recovery factor in flow injection and production rate. Parameters such as flow injection, spacing between wells, type of solvent to be injected, vertical permeability and oil viscosity were addressed in this study. The results showed that the oil viscosity is the parameter that showed statistically significant influence, then the choice of Heptane solvent to be injected showed a greater recovery of oil compared to other solvents chosen, considering the spacing between the wells was shown that for a greater distance between the wells to produce more oil
The Compound Portland cements are commonly used in construction, among them stand out the CPII-Z, CPII-F and CPIV. These types of cement have limited application on oil well cementing, having its compositional characteristics focused specifically to construction, as cement for use in oil wells has greater complexity and properties covering the specific needs for each well to be coated. For operations of oil wells cementing are used Portland cements designed specifically for this purpose. The American Petroleum Institute (API) classifies cements into classes designated by letters A to J. In the petroleum industry, often it is used Class G cement, which is cement that meets all requirements needed for cement from classes A to E. According to the scenario described above, this paper aims to present a credible alternative to apply the compound cements in the oil industry due to the large availability of this cement in relation to oil well cements. The cements were micro structurally characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM tests, both in its anhydrous and hydrated state. Later technological tests were conducted to determine the limits set by the NBR 9831. Among the compound cements studied, the CPII-Z showed satisfactory properties for use in primary and secondary operations of oil wells up to 1200 meters cementing
Oil recovery using waterflooding has been until now the worldwide most applied method, specially for light oil recovery, its success is mainly because of the low costs involved and the facilities of the injection process. The Toe- To-Heel Waterflooding TTHWTM method uses a well pattern of vertical injector wells completed at the bottom of the reservoir and horizontal producer wells completed at the top of it. The main producing mechanism is gravitational segregation in short distance. This method has been studied since the early 90´s and it had been applied in Canada with positive results for light heavy oils, nevertheless it hasn´t been used in Brazil yet. In order to verify the applicability of the process in Brazil, a simulation study for light oil was performed using Brazilian northwest reservoirs characteristics. The simulations were fulfilled using the STARS module of the Computer Modelling Group Software, used to perform improved oil recovery studies. The results obtained in this research showed that the TTHWTM well pattern presented a light improvement in terms of recovery factor when compared to the conventional 5- Spot pattern, however, it showed lower results in the economic evaluation
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
Cementing operations may occur at various stages of the life cycle of an oil well since its construction until its definitive abandonment. There are some situations in which the interest zones are depleted or have low fracture pressure. In such cases, the adoption of lowdensity cement slurries is an efficient solution. To this end, there are basically three ways to reduce the density of cement slurries: using microspheres, water extending additives or foamed cement. The objective of this study is to formulate, to study and to characterize lowdensity foamed cement, using an air entrainment surfactant with vermiculite or diatomite as water extenders and stabilizers. The methodology consists on preparation and evaluation of the slurries under the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) guidelines. Based on calculated densities between 13 and 15 ppg (1.559 and 1.799 g/cm3), the slurries were prepared with fixed surfactant concentration, varying the concentrations of vermiculite and diatomite and were compared with the base slurries. The results of plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength and the compressive strength for 24 h showed that the slurries presented suitable rheology and mechanical strength for cementing operations in oil wells, and had their densities reduced between 8.40 and 11.89 ppg (1.007 and 1.426 g/cm3). The conclusion is that is possible, under atmospheric conditions, to obtain light weighted foamed cement slurries with satisfactory rheological and mechanical properties by means of air entrainment and mineral additions with extenders and stabilizers effects. The slurries have great potential for cementing operations; applicability in deep wells, in low fracture gradient formations and in depleted zones and bring cost savings by reducing the cementing consumption
Originally aimed at operational objectives, the continuous measurement of well bottomhole pressure and temperature, recorded by permanent downhole gauges (PDG), finds vast applicability in reservoir management. It contributes for the monitoring of well performance and makes it possible to estimate reservoir parameters on the long term. However, notwithstanding its unquestionable value, data from PDG is characterized by a large noise content. Moreover, the presence of outliers within valid signal measurements seems to be a major problem as well. In this work, the initial treatment of PDG signals is addressed, based on curve smoothing, self-organizing maps and the discrete wavelet transform. Additionally, a system based on the coupling of fuzzy clustering with feed-forward neural networks is proposed for transient detection. The obtained results were considered quite satisfactory for offshore wells and matched real requisites for utilization
The objective of the thermal recovery is to heat the resevoir and the oil in it to increase its recovery. In the Potiguar river basin there are located several heavy oil reservoirs whose primary recovery energy provides us with a little oil flow, which makes these reservoirs great candidates for application of a method of recovery advanced of the oil, especially the thermal. The steam injection can occur on a cyclical or continuous manner. The continuous steam injection occurs through injection wells, which in its vicinity form a zone of steam that expands itself, having as a consequence the displace of the oil with viscosity and mobility improved towards the producing wells. Another possible mechanism of displacement of oil in reservoirs subjected to continuous injection of steam is the distillation of oil by steam, which at high temperatures; their lighter fractions can be vaporized by changing the composition of the oil produced, of the oil residual or to shatter in the amount of oil produced. In this context, this paper aims to study the influence of compositional models in the continuous injection of steam through in the analysis of some parameters such as flow injection steam and temperature of injection. Were made various leading comparative analysis taking the various models of fluid, varying from a good elementary, with 03 pseudocomponents to a modeling of fluids with increasing numbers of pseudocomponents. A commercial numerical simulator was used for the study from a homogeneous reservoir model with similar features to those found in northeastern Brazil. Some conclusions as the increasing of the simulation time with increasing number of pseudocomponents, the significant influence of flow injection on cumulative production of oil and little influence of the number of pseudocomponents in the flows and cumulative production of oil were found
The multiphase flow occurrence in the oil and gas industry is common throughout fluid path, production, transportation and refining. The multiphase flow is defined as flow simultaneously composed of two or more phases with different properties and immiscible. An important computational tool for the design, planning and optimization production systems is multiphase flow simulation in pipelines and porous media, usually made by multiphase flow commercial simulators. The main purpose of the multiphase flow simulators is predicting pressure and temperature at any point at the production system. This work proposes the development of a multiphase flow simulator able to predict the dynamic pressure and temperature gradient in vertical, directional and horizontal wells. The prediction of pressure and temperature profiles was made by numerical integration using marching algorithm with empirical correlations and mechanistic model to predict pressure gradient. The development of this tool involved set of routines implemented through software programming Embarcadero C++ Builder® 2010 version, which allowed the creation of executable file compatible with Microsoft Windows® operating systems. The simulator validation was conduct by computational experiments and comparison the results with the PIPESIM®. In general, the developed simulator achieved excellent results compared with those obtained by PIPESIM and can be used as a tool to assist production systems development
The study of complex systems has become a prestigious area of science, although relatively young . Its importance was demonstrated by the diversity of applications that several studies have already provided to various fields such as biology , economics and Climatology . In physics , the approach of complex systems is creating paradigms that influence markedly the new methods , bringing to Statistical Physics problems macroscopic level no longer restricted to classical studies such as those of thermodynamics . The present work aims to make a comparison and verification of statistical data on clusters of profiles Sonic ( DT ) , Gamma Ray ( GR ) , induction ( ILD ) , neutron ( NPHI ) and density ( RHOB ) to be physical measured quantities during exploratory drilling of fundamental importance to locate , identify and characterize oil reservoirs . Software were used : Statistica , Matlab R2006a , Origin 6.1 and Fortran for comparison and verification of the data profiles of oil wells ceded the field Namorado School by ANP ( National Petroleum Agency ) . It was possible to demonstrate the importance of the DFA method and that it proved quite satisfactory in that work, coming to the conclusion that the data H ( Hurst exponent ) produce spatial data with greater congestion . Therefore , we find that it is possible to find spatial pattern using the Hurst coefficient . The profiles of 56 wells have confirmed the existence of spatial patterns of Hurst exponents , ie parameter B. The profile does not directly assessed catalogs verification of geological lithology , but reveals a non-random spatial distribution