45 resultados para nutrientes e biomassa
E utrophication in continental aquatic ecosystems and the following deterioration of water quality are some of the greatest problems to be solved in this century. Due to their own peculiarities reservoirs from semi - arid regions constitute a great challenge to water management because of their greater vulnerability to eutrophication process. I dentification of biolo gical community components that may be used as bioindicators is important to allow an early detection of adverse changes, and also to provide subsidies for management and conservation actions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the potential of zo oplankton community as bioindicator of the trophic state of two reservoirs belonging to the Piranhas - Açu basin, RN, Brazil: Boqueirão de Parelhas and Passagem das Traíras. Monthly sampling s of both systems were carried out in both systems during the period of January to December. Measurements were performed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water electrical conductivity besides water samples collection for nutrients, suspended solids, chlorophyll - a and zooplankton analyses. T axonomic composition of zooplankton , density and biomass were analysed. Trophic state index, ABC curves , W statistic and the Calanoida: Cyclopoida ratio were also obtained. The results evidenced that Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir was a mesotrophic sy stem, and Passagem das Traíras r eservoir was eutrophic. In both reservoirs zooplankton community had low species richness, mostly constituted by tolerant species which have wide geographical distribution, as well the dominance of the rotifers Brachionus havanaensis , B. calyciflo rus and Keratella tropica ; of the calanoid copepods Notodiaptomus cearensis and N. iheringi ; cyclopoid copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, and of the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Among the biological indices the ABC curves fo r the zooplankton community indicated a moderate dis turbance in both reservoirs, th e Calanoida: Cyclopoida ration indicated not impacted environments , e xcept during the end of the study to the reservoir Passagem das Traíras . It was concluded that the indices used are good indicators of disturbance and alteration in the community, however they are not good indicators for monitoring the trophic state of the studied reservoirs due to the simultaneous occurrence of other factors selecting species, as the c oncentration of ions and high turbidity, which are part of the reservoir characteristics of semiarid.
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, intermediate between rivers and lakes, with diferent morphological and hydrological characteristics that can provide many important benefits to society. However, the use of this water for human consumption, watering livestock, leisure, irrigated agricultural production and pisciculture development, directly influence the increase loading of nutrients to aquatic environments and contribute to acceleration of eutrophication. Furthermore, global climate models are predicting a higher occurrence of extreme events such as floods and severe droughts, which will create hydrological stresses in lakes. In the semiarid northeast we can see the occurrence of these events, the drought of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was the worst drought in 60 years, according to the National Water Agency (ANA). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of the semiarid tropical water sources, identifying temporal patterns in periods with extreme hydrological events (floods and severe droughts). The study results showed that Gargalheiras and Cruzeta reservoirs presented significative changes in the limnological variables between rain and severe drought periods, with better appearance and in the most of the water quality variables in the rainy season and higher nutrientes concentrations and high electrical conductivity values in severe season, indicating decay of its quality. However, we found diferent behaviors between the reservoirs in severe drought. While Gargalheiras showed a typical behavior of the region, with high concentrations of algal biomass, indicating the worsening eutrophication, Cruzeta demonstrated a colapse in the total phytoplankton biomass, evidenced by the decrease in chla concentrations. This fact occurred because the low depth and proximity with the sediment facilited the inorganic solids resuspension and, consequently, resulted in turbid water column and light by limitation. In addition, the different behaviors between the reservoirs indicate that the responses of these environments problems such as extreme events must take into account factors such the region climate, size, depth of the reservoir and the basin characteristics.
The artifi cial eutrophication is one of the biggest t h reat for the quality of aquatic ecosystems in the whole world. The expectations for the future climatic scenarios in arid and semi - arid regions are intense and frequent droughts enhancing the risk of eutrophicati on and cyanobacterial blooms. Restoration techniques of eutrophic lakes were proposed to reduce nutrient loading and improve the water quality. A successful technique used in temperate regions is the biomanipulation by benthivorous fish removal . Our hypoth esis is that the benthivorous fish removal reduces phytoplankton total biomass and change the composition of phytoplankton functional groups, improving water quality. The aim of the study was evaluate the impact of biomanipulation on phytoplankton function al groups and in the water quality. We applied the technique of biomanipulation in the artificial lake ESEC, in a semi - arid region of Brazil and analyzed the physical and chemical variables and the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups monthly during November 2012 to August 2013. With the removal of benthivorous fish we observed a significant increase of the euphotic depth, phytoplankton richness and the recruitment of green algae (groups F and J ), indicators of good water quality. However, we did not observe significant differences on total phosphorous concentration and on phytoplankton biomass and diversity. The drought effect in the region during the study was evident , promoting a drastic reduction on water level which influenced the availability of resource and affected phytoplankton community before the biomanipulation. To evaluate the effect of severe drought on the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups and test if the drought periods are favorable to dominance of cyanobacterial groups, we stu died two artificial neighbors lakes (ESEC and Pocinhos) in a semi - arid tropical region during May 2012 to February 2013. We observed a temporal differentiation of biotic and abiotic variables caused by drought. Both lakes presented reduction of 2 meters of water level and increase on conductivity, turbidity, nutrients concentration and a reduction on water transparency, during the severe drought. The deeper lake (Pocinhos) increased phytoplankton total biomass and presented cyanobacterial functional group d ominance (group S N ) and the shallower lake (ESEC) reduced phytoplankton total biomass and presented dominance of mixotrophic and flagellate functional groups (groups W 1 e W 2 ). Summarizing, the knowledge of the effects of benthivorous fish removal in semi - a rid tropical lakes still unknown and this study had limitations caused by the impact of drought. Thus, it is necessary a long term monitoring to investigate the real effects of biomanipulation on the functioning of the studied ecosystems. Otherwise, period s of drought could have opposite effects (increase or reduction) on total biomass and composition of phytoplankton functional groups. Drought not always leads to dominance of cyanobacterial groups.
Droughts are climatic phenomena whose frequency has increased in the last decades and also compromised drinkable water supplies in semiarid regions. The lack of rain combined with high evaporation rates promotes a significant reduction of the volume of reservoirs in these regions. Shallower conditions favors nutrients concentration and phytoplankton overgrowth, including potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooming. Therefore, there is a tendency to the intensification of eutrophication in those reservoirs during drought periods. Phytoplankton can respond quickly to environmental conditions related to light and nutrient availability by changes in algal biomass and composition, therefore it is considered a good predictor of environmental variables. Two functional approaches - Reynolds’s Functional Groups (FG) and Kruk’s Morphologically Based Functional Groups (MBFG) - were used to assess which environmental variables were responsible for phytoplankton dynamics, in addition to compare which functional approach explains environmental changes better. This study highlights that the reduction of 90% in the volume of a tropical reservoir of Brazilian semi-arid region, as well as light limitation and nutrient increase, can promote phytoplankton overgrowth. Multivariate analyses using both functional approaches indicated a clear separation between high volumes and low volumes conditions, showing that light and nutrient availability were the main variables that better explained the combination of functional groups. The composition of phytoplankton assemblage changed from species of meso-eutrophic habitats (FG: F and J; MBFG: VI), to organisms of eutrophic and turbid environments (FG: SN and M; MBFG: VIII and VII) during shallower conditions. Both ecological approaches described properly the phytoplankton dynamics according to light and trophic state alterations related to the water volume reduction, therefore they can be considered as equivalent approaches for using in similar environments.
Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.
Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.
Omnivory is a predominant feeding strategy among tropical fishes, but knowledge about its causes and consequences of this pattern is scarce. In this study we hypothesized that tropical fish feed lower in food web as a way to compensate a higher energetic demand, which increases with increasing water temperature and body size. Information about 8172 freshwater and marine fish species from whole world, from tropical and temperate ecosystems, showed that the trophic position of non-carnivore fish decreases with increasing body size in tropical but not in temperate ecosystems. This result indicates that the higher energetic demand of large-bodied tropical fish should exert a selective force in favor of omnivory. As a consequence, trophic dynamics in tropical freshwater ecosystems should have different patterns comparing to temperate ones, with major implications for water management and restoration of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. Another hypothesis of this work was that effects of tropical omnivorous planktivorous fish on planktonic communities depend of primary producers stoichiometric composition, which depends of light availability relative to nutrients ratios. A mesocosm experiment, manipulating light availability and planktivorous fish presence, confirmed our hypothesis indicating that resource stoichiometric composition (consequently nutritional quality), determine trophic structure of pelagic food webs in tropical lakes. Finally another mesocosm experiment indicated that the removal of omnivorous benthivorous fish should be more efficient than removal of omnivorous planktivorus fish, as a way to improve water quality in tropical lakes and reservoirs. This last experiment showed that omnivorous planktivorous fish increase phytoplankton biomass due to trophic cascade interactions, without increasing nutrient concentrations in the water column. On the other hand, omnivorous benthivorous fish, feeding on detritus and other benthonic food sources and excreting nutrients in the water column, are responsible for translocate nutrient from sediments to the water column, increasing phosphorus pool and phytoplankton biomass. Thereby, internal phosphorus supply should be reduced and water quality of eutrophicated lakes could be improved by removing omnivorous benthivorous fish.
Omnivory is a predominant feeding strategy among tropical fishes, but knowledge about its causes and consequences of this pattern is scarce. In this study we hypothesized that tropical fish feed lower in food web as a way to compensate a higher energetic demand, which increases with increasing water temperature and body size. Information about 8172 freshwater and marine fish species from whole world, from tropical and temperate ecosystems, showed that the trophic position of non-carnivore fish decreases with increasing body size in tropical but not in temperate ecosystems. This result indicates that the higher energetic demand of large-bodied tropical fish should exert a selective force in favor of omnivory. As a consequence, trophic dynamics in tropical freshwater ecosystems should have different patterns comparing to temperate ones, with major implications for water management and restoration of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. Another hypothesis of this work was that effects of tropical omnivorous planktivorous fish on planktonic communities depend of primary producers stoichiometric composition, which depends of light availability relative to nutrients ratios. A mesocosm experiment, manipulating light availability and planktivorous fish presence, confirmed our hypothesis indicating that resource stoichiometric composition (consequently nutritional quality), determine trophic structure of pelagic food webs in tropical lakes. Finally another mesocosm experiment indicated that the removal of omnivorous benthivorous fish should be more efficient than removal of omnivorous planktivorus fish, as a way to improve water quality in tropical lakes and reservoirs. This last experiment showed that omnivorous planktivorous fish increase phytoplankton biomass due to trophic cascade interactions, without increasing nutrient concentrations in the water column. On the other hand, omnivorous benthivorous fish, feeding on detritus and other benthonic food sources and excreting nutrients in the water column, are responsible for translocate nutrient from sediments to the water column, increasing phosphorus pool and phytoplankton biomass. Thereby, internal phosphorus supply should be reduced and water quality of eutrophicated lakes could be improved by removing omnivorous benthivorous fish.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The integrated culture of seaweed and aquatic animals is an ancient practice in Asian countries. The expansion of this practice to western countries is consequence of the recognition of this system as a sustainable alternative that allows economical diversification and mitigation of environmental impacts generated by effluents of aquaculture. This study evaluated the growth of the seaweed Gracilaria caudata and of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps and algae) systems, and accessed the effect of the seaweed in the water quality. There were two treatments in the experiment: monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps/ algae). The organisms were cultured in 6 aquaria (10L) filled with seawater (35.0±0.0 PSU and 28.1±0.4°C) for 28 days. The nutrients of water (PO43-, NH4+, NO2-, NO3- and DIN), the biomass and the relative growth rate (RGR, % day-1) of seaweed and shrimps were measured weekly. The parameters pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured daily. The concentration of NH4+ in integrated culture (62.8±25.2µM) was lower (Mann-Whitney p<0.001) than in monoculture (85.6±24.3µM). The mean of PO4- in monoculture (10.4±4.6µM) was markedly higher (Mann-Whitney; p=0.024) than that in integrated culture (8.7±4.1µM). The level of dissolved oxygen in integrated culture (6.0±0.6mg/L) was higher (t-Student; P=0.014) than that in shrimp monoculture (5.8±0.6mg/L). The mean values of the parameters pH, NO2-, NO3- and DIN were 7.5±0.2, 10.1±12.2µM, 24.5±3.2µM and 120.17±30.76µM in monoculture, and 7.5±0.2, 10.5±13.2µM, 27.4±3.5µM and 100.76±49.59µM in integrated culture. There were not differences in these parameters between treatments. The biomass and RGR of seaweed reached 15.0±1.9g and 7.4±2.8% day-1 at the end of the experiment. The performance of shrimp was favorable in monoculture (1.5±0.8g; 5.7±1.6% dia-1) and in integrated culture (1.5±0.7g; 5.2±1.2% dia-1), and the rate of survival was 100% in both treatments. The tolerance and favorable performance of Gracilaria caudata suggest that this seaweed might be integrated into shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture systems
This study aimed to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in trophic state and its relation with the structure and dynamics of planktonic community of a large reservoir located in semi-arid tropical region of Northeast Brazil. The reservoir Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves is the biggest reservoir of the Rio Grande do Norte State and is responsible for about 53% of all surface water accumulated in the State. The samples of water and plankton were taken monthly in 10 points distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of the reservoir and over a full hydrological cycle. The samples were collected to determine concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and suspended solids (fixed and volatile) and for determining the composition and abundance of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. During the study period, the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic and there was no trend of increasing the trophic state of the reservoir in the period of drought. The concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended fixed solids decreased towards the dam while the N:P ratios increased in the same direction due to the reduction in the phosphorus concentrations and relative constancy in the nitrogen concentrations. The N:P ratios observed were indicative of greater limitation by phosphorus than by nitrogen. However, as concentrations of both nutrients were high and the water transparency was very low, with secchi depth usually lower than one meter, it seems likely that the planktonic primary production of the reservoir is more limited by the availability of light than the availability of nutrients. High nutrient concentrations coupled with low availability of light may explain the continuing dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the plankton of the reservoir.These cyanobacteria are potentially toxic and pose a serious environmental problem because it compromises the water quality for public supply, recreation and fishing when present in high densities as in this study. The mesozooplankton of the reservoir was dominated by the calanoid Notodiaptomus cearensis and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma spinulosum. In general, the structure of zooplankton community seems to be particularly influenced by the spatial variation of cyanobacteria. The results of the regression analyses show that both the chlorophyll a concentrations and the cyanobacteria biovolume were more strongly correlated with the nitrogen than with phosphorus and that the water transparency was more strongly correlated with algal biomass than with other sources of turbidity. The maximum load of phosphorus to attain the maximum permissible concentration of total P in the reservoir was estimated in 63.2 tonnes P/ year. The current external P load to the reservoir is estimated in 324 tonnes P / year and must be severely reduced to improve the water quality for water supply and allow the implementation of aquaculture projects that could contribute to the socio-economic development of the region
Marine shrimp farming has grown exponentially during the last years in Brazil. In spite of the promising economical situation, this activity is facing an increasing criticism due to its environmental impact. Thus, the necessity of alternatives to mitigate environmental degradation caused by this activity. An alternative that is being studied is the policulture that is the integrated culture of two or more organisms, normally one of them a filtering organism. Among filtering organisms, macroalgae are very practicable because they are efficient in the removal of the exceeding nutrients of the water and do not leave residues in the water. Besides, the integrated culture with macroalgae allows the economical exploration of the seaweed (for the manufacture of jelly and jam, for the dairy industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) along with possibility of a sustainable aquaculture. In the present experiment, the development of the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae, the influence and tolerance of this species to the environmental parameters, and its absorption efficiency in relation with the three kinds of macronutrients (NH4+, NO3- and PO4-3) found in the effluents of marine shrimp farming was studied. The experiment was divided in two parts: a laboratorial part and one part carried under natural conditions. The water used in the laboratory trial was collected in the shrimp ponds of Tecnarão farm and distributed in aquaria containing 20 g of G. birdiae. In the field trial, 0.5 kg of G. birdiae was inserted in PVC cages cultivated in the farm. The results of the study showed a modest growth of G. birdiae, probably due to its low tolerance to highly eutrophicated environments. However, the removal of nutrients was very expressive. Ammonia was reduced in approximately 34 %. Ortho-phosphate showed a reduction of 93.5 %. The capacity of biofiltration of the NO3- by the macro algae was of 100 %, showing that G. birdiae is a seaweed-filtered with a high level of removal for this nutrient under laboratorial conditions. In spite of the low growth of the macro algae in the experiment, the results in relation to the removal of nutrients of the water was encouraging, suggesting that this species can be an efficient biofilter and thus, a strong candidate to be used in a sustainable aquaculture
Tangara da Serra is located on southwestern Mato Grosso and is found to be on the route of pollutants dispersion originated in the Legal Amazon s deforestation area. This region has also a wide area of sugarcane culture, setting this site quite exposed to atmospheric pollutants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotoxicity of three different concentrations of organic particulate matter which was collected from August through December / 2008 in Tangara da Serra, using micronucleus test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). The levels of particulate matter less than 10μm (MP10) and black carbon (BC) collected on the Teflon and polycarbonate filters were determined as well. Also, the alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified on the samples from the burning period by gas chromatography detector with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The results from the analyzing of alkanes indicate an antropic influence. Among the PAHs, the retene was the one found on the higher quantity and it is an indicator of biomass burning. The compounds indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were identified on the samples and are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic. By using Trad-MCN, it was observed a significant increase on the micronucleus frequency during the burning period, and this fact can be related to the mutagenic PAHs which were found on such extracts. When the period of less burnings is analyzed and compared to the negative control group, it was noted that there was no significant difference on the micronuclei rate. On the other hand, when the higher burning period is analyzed, statistically significant differences were evident. This study showed that the Trad-MCN was sensible and efficient on evaluating the genotoxicity potencial of organic matter from biomass burning, and also, emphasizes the importance of performing a chemical composition analysis in order to achieve a complete diagnosis on environmental risk control
The Potiguar basin has large fields of viscous oil where the used method for recovering is based on vapor injection; this operation is carried out by injecting vapor in the oilwell directly, without the protection of a revetment through thermal insulation, what causes its dilation and, consequently, cracks in the cement placed on the annular, and lost of hydraulic insulation; this crack is occasioned by the phenomenon of retrogression of the compressive resistance due to the conversion of the hydrated calcium silicate in phases calcium-rich, caused by the high temperatures in the wells, subjected to thermal recuperation. This work has evaluated the application of composite pastes with addition of residue of biomass of ground sugar-cane bagasse as anti-retrogression mineral admixture for cementation of oil-wells subjected to thermal recuperation. The addition of the mineral residue was carried out considering a relative amount of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 59% in relation to cement mass, trying to improve the microstructure of the paste, still being developed a reference paste only with cement and a paste with addition of 40% of silica flour - renowned material in the oil industry as anti-retrogression additive. Pozzolanic activity of the ash was evaluated through XRD, TG/DTG, as the resistance to compression, and it was also determined the physical and mechanical behavior of the pastes when submitted to cure at low temperatures (22 and 38º C); besides it was evaluated the behavior of the pastes when submitted to two cycles of cure at high temperature (280ºC) and pressure (7 MPa). It was verified that the ash of the sugar-cane biomass presents pozzolanic reaction and has great efficiency in decrease the permeability of the paste by filler effect, as well as that addition of ash in a relative amount of 10, 20 e 30% increases cured compressive resistance at low temperatures. It was also showed that the ash in a relative amount of 40% and 59% has very significant efficiency as anti-retrogression additive, since it prevents the decrease of compressive resistance and forms hydrated calcium silicate type xenotlita and tobermorita which have more resistance and stability in high temperatures