44 resultados para Teste de validade


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The so-called gravitomagnetic field arised as an old conjecture that currents of matter (no charges) would produce gravitational effects similar to those produced by electric currents in electromagnetism. Hans Thirring in 1918, using the weak field approximation to the Einsteins field equations, deduced that a slowly rotating massive shell drags the inertial frames in the direction of its rotation. In the same year, Joseph Lense applied to astronomy the calculations of Thirring. Later, that effect came to be known as the Lense- Thirring effect. Along with the de Sitter effect, those phenomena were recently tested by a gyroscope in orbit around the Earth, as proposed by George E. Pugh in 1959 and Leonard I. Schiff in 1960. In this dissertation, we study the gravitational effects associated with the rotation of massive bodies in the light of the Einsteins General Theory of Relativity. With that finality, we develop the weak field approximation to General Relativity and obtain the various associated gravitational effects: gravitomagnetic time-delay, de Sitter effect (geodesic precession) and the Lense-Thirring effect (drag of inertial frames). We discus the measures of the Lense-Thirring effect done by LAGEOS Satellite (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) and the Gravity Probe B - GPB - mission. The GPB satellite was launched into orbit around the Earth at an altitude of 642 km by NASA in 2004. Results presented in May 2011 clearly show the existence of the Lense-Thirring effect- a drag of inertial frames of 37:2 7:2 mas/year (mas = milliarcsec)- and de Sitter effect - a geodesic precession of 6; 601:8 18:3 mas/year- measured with an accuracy of 19 % and of 0.28 % respectively (1 mas = 4:84810��9 radian). These results are in a good agreement with the General Relativity predictions of 41 mas/year for the Lense-Thirring effect and 6,606.1 mas/year for the de Sitter effect.


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Among several theorems which are taught in basic education some of them can be proved in the classroom and others do not, because the degree of difficulty of its formal proof. A classic example is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra which is not proved, it is necessary higher-level knowledge in mathematics. In this paper, we justify the validity of this theorem intuitively using the software Geogebra. And, based on [2] we will present a clear formal proof of this theorem that is addressed to school teachers and undergraduate students in mathematics


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Systemic Arterial Hypertension – SAH – is defined as the syndrome which its main feature is the presence of high tensional levels, associated with alterations of functional or structural levels in the organs that it strikes. Its specific causes are not very well bounded and have an asymptomatic character. Due to its chronicity it requires adherence to the treatment plan in a systematic and permanent manner, implicating in lifestyle changes, combined or not with the use of medication. The personality inventories have been largely used in the lineation of indicative traits of difficulties with the adherence to the treatment. In this sense, developed by Theodore Millon, the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD is an instrument made from the consensus among healthcare professionals, aiming at identifying psychological factors that may compromise medical treatment so that they can be conducted in a way to enable a better adherence. Objective: evaluation of the evidence of validity of the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD for a public of patients with hypertension, aiming at investigating the indicators implicated in the adherence or not to the anti-hypertensive treatment. Method: there was a group of 200 participants in a university hospital in the city of Natal/RN, males and females, ranging from 20 to 70 years old. An interview protocol was administered in order to obtain information about socio-demographic data, clinical history, healthcare habits and way of conducting treatment, and after, the administration of the MBMD followed. Results: by means of Factor Analysis it was verified that the organization proposed by the factors is favorable and it adjusts to the theory, allowing the visualization of other underlying constructs to the scales, with adequate adjustment indexes and satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha indicators. Besides, the MBMD revealed itself sensitive to the intragroup differences relative to the sex, age, schooling, marital status, profession, income, SAH history, diagnostic time, medication use, comorbidity presence, hyposodic diet, social support and adherence criteria variables. The utilization of such instrument in the evaluation of the adherence to the anti-hypertensive treatment show, therefore, indicators of validity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the final common pathway of most diseases affecting the heart, being responsible for a high level of mortality and hospitalization, as well as significant reduction in quality of life of those affected. Interventions that claim to optimize patient adherence to their medical regimen, and improve self-care behavior, have proven effective in preventing unplanned admissions and improves the outcome for patients, however, studies have shown the problem of non-adherence, and some psychological instruments have been used to show that traces indicate difficulties with treatment adherence. Having shown this, the aim of this work is to evaluate the evidence of validity of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) in a population of patients with CHF. The study included individuals with CHF, males and females, between the age of 18 and 85 years, treated in a reference hospital in the city of NatalRN. A total of 120 patients answered, in addition to the MBMD, another questionnaire structured with sociodemographic aspects and clinical itens. The results indicated that the parameter of the MBMD reliability was satisfactory the most of extracted factors, and some scale. In terms of the population studied, we could verify that the disease was more prevalent in men, but women had the highest average in indicators related to negative health habits and depressed mood. Younger pacients and those who had no partner had the highest averages in groups of items that dealt with feelings of sadness and discouragement. Hasn’t been observed differences related to negative health habits and problematic adherence among patients in different functional classes. More studies in this research line, with a larger population and from other regions of the country, are needed in order to expand the data presented here


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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The Nursing Homes are an important alternative care in the world, but Brazil still has no valid instrument to monitor the quality these institutions. In the United States, the Observable Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality Instrument (OIQ) is used to assess the quality of Nursing Home care using 30 indicators of structure (2 dimensions) and process (5 dimensions) related to quality person-centered care. The present study aimed at cross-culturally adapting the OIQ in order to evaluate the quality of Nursing Home care in Brazil. Conceptual and item equivalence were determined to assess the relevance and viability of OIQ in the Brazilian context, using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and a group of specialists composed of 10 participants directly involved in the object of study. Next, operational, idiomatic and semantic equivalence were carried out concurrently. This consisted of 5 phases: (1) two translations and (2) their respective back translations; (3) formal appraisal of referential and general meaning; (4) review by a second group of specialists; (5) application of the pretest at three Nursing Homes by different social entities: health professionals, sanitary surveillance regulators and potential consumers. Measurement equivalence was evaluated by the Cronbach’s alpha test to verify the internal consistency of the instrument. To measure inter-evaluator agreement, the General Agreement Index (ICG) and Kappa coefficient were used. Timely compliance and 95% Confidence Interval of indicators, dimensions and total construct were estimated. The CVI obtained high results for both relevance (95.3%) and viability (94.3%) in the Brazilian context. With respect to referential meaning, similarity was observed, ranging between 90-100% for the first back translation and 70-100% for the second. In relation to general meaning, version 1 was better, classified as “unchanged” in 80% of the items, whereas in version 2 it was only 47%. In the pretest, the OIQ was easy to understand and apply. The following outcomes were obtained: a high Cronbach’s alpha (0.93), satisfactory ICG (75%) and substantial agreement between the pairs of evaluators (health professionals, regulators from the Superintendency of Sanitary Surveillance –SUVISA-, and potential consumers), according to the Kappa coefficient (0.65). It´s possible take the operational equivalence held since it preserved the original layout in the Brazilian version from the maintenance in application mode, response options, number of items, statements and scores. The performance of nursing homes obtained approximate average scores of 87, a variation 55-111 considering a range from 30 to 150 points. The worst outcomes were related to process indicators with a mean of 2.8 per item, while structure was 3.75 on a scale of 1 to 5. The lowest score was obtained for the care dimension (mean 2). The OIQ version was deemed to be a valid and reliable instrument in the Brazilian context. It is recommended that health professionals, regulators and potential consumers adopt it to access and monitor the quality of Nursing Home care and demonstrating opportunities for improvement.


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Voice disorders (VD) in the elderly can interfere negatively in communication, emotional well-being and quality of life, conditions that correspond to greater exposure to illness and social isolation bringing consequent economic impact for the health system. It is assumed that institutionalized confinement, weakness and morbidity associated to nursing home (NH) contribute to transform VD an especially prevalent condition in institutionalized elderly, including those without cognitive impairment. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of VD in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment. There is no epidemiological diagnostic instruments of VD for elderly populations, so the first step of this study was dedicated to prepare and analyze the psychometric properties of a short, inexpensive and easy to use questionnaire named Screening for Voice Disorders in Older Adults (Rastreamento de Alterações Vocais em Idosos—RAVI). The methodological procedures of this step followed the guidelines of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and contemplated validity evidence based on test content, based on response processes, based on internal structure and based on relations with other variables, as well as reliability analysis and clinical consistency. The result of the validation process showed that the RAVI final score generate valid and reliable interpretations for the epidemiological diagnosis of VD in the elderly, which endorsed the use of the questionnaire in the second stage of the study, performed in ten NH located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. At this stage, data from socioeconomic and demographic variables, lifestyle, general health conditions and characterization of the institution were collected. It was performed a bivariate analysis and it was calculated the prevalence ratio as a magnitude association measure, with a confidence interval of 95%. The variables with p-value less than 0.20 were included in the multiple logistic regression model that followed the Forward selection method. The odds ratio found in the multivariate model was converted into prevalence ratio and the level of significance was 5%. The sample consisted of 117 subjects with predominance of females and average of 79.68 (± 7.92) years old. The prevalence of VD was 39.3% (95% CI: 30.4-48.1%). The multivariate model showed statistically significant association between VD and depressive symptoms, smoking for a year or more and selfreported hearing loss. In conclusion, VD is a prevalent health condition in NH elderly residents without cognitive impairment and is associated with factors involving psychosocial, lifestyle and communicative disability that require attention of managers and professionals involved with NH environment. Strategies to encourage communication and social integration, actions to combat smoking and minimizing the effects of hearing loss could stimulate the physical well-being, emotional and mental health of institutionalized elderly population, contributing to the vocal and communicative maintenance, a more effective social inclusion and better overall health condition.


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Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.


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Indicators and analyses that used the database from SB Brazil 2003 (the most recent nationwide oral health survey) have been criticized as unreliable due to sampling problems. The current study countered that this critique was based solely on statistical concepts, unsupported by empirical evidence. The critique's essentially epistemic approach leads to peremptory reductionism that denies other forms of knowledge and fails to recognize the multidisciplinary nature of epidemiology. The current study retrieves information on the implementation of the oral health survey and its impact on knowledge output in the field. The article draws an analogy between science and art, demonstrating the multifaceted images obtained by both. Thus, recognition of validity requires a full grasp of the field and appropriate use of value criteria. The current article concludes that use of the SB Brazil 2003 database is a reliable and relevant application of epidemiology to oral health.


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INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.


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INTRODUCTION: Humanized and quality prenatal and post-partum care is critical to maternal and newborn health, as well as oral health care. Currently, the National Oral Health Policy is aiming at expanding dental care for pregnant women. Thus, the promotion of oral health and attention to prenatal care policies should be integrated; however, there is still limited participation of pregnant women. Thus, it is necessary to verify the knowledge of pregnant women related to oral health, seeking to estimate the quality of dental care provided during prenatal care, being essential for the Family Health strategy to organize personnel, plan costs and to ensure the quality standard of care. OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a research instrument on the knowledge of pregnant women about their oral health and of their baby. METHOD: This is a construction and validation study with 93 pregnant women in Family Health Units and specialized private clinics in Obstetrics, in the city of Natal / RN. It was authorized by the Onofre Lopes University Hospital Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under the registration number 421.163/13. The construction of the instrument followed steps so that it was valid, reliable and sensitive: creation and reduction of the items (drafting of the instrument), content validity and testing of the instrument, and hypotheses validation. Once constructed, the instrument was evaluated by experts who suggested modifications. There was consultation with the target population about the new version of the created instrument, which had the instrument validation verified by internal consistency through intra and inter-calibration and test-retest. Next, the hypotheses were validated. A database was built in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. After creating the hypotheses, an association was found for validating the criteria between each of the specific issues for each established criteria, considering a 5% significance level. Data analysis was carried out by describing the absolute and relative frequencies of the variables pertaining to issues relating to their pregnancy knowledge about their oral health and their baby. The Kappa coefficient was used for the calibration process (Inter and Intra-examiner calibration) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to analyze instrument reproducibility (test-retest). In addition, the chi-square test was used to cross the dependent variable with the (dichotomized) independent variables. RESULTS: The intra and inter agreement analysis presented a Kappa coefficient between 0.400 and 1.000. Internal consistency through the analysis showed that 90% of the instrument's questions showed great reliability in the answers (Cronbach α ˃ 0.7). In the investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable (knowledge about oral health) and the independent variables (trimester of pregnancy, education, income and multiparous), it was found that none of these independent variables were significantly associated. All hypotheses had their Ho confirmed. CONCLUSION: The constructed instrument was validated, considering that it showed to be sensitive with good reliability and good accuracy, and therefore can be used to assess pregnant women’s knowledge about their oral health and the oral health of their baby.


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NARVAI, Paulo Capel et al. Validade científi ca de conhecimento epidemiológico gerado com base no estudo Saúde Bucal Brasil 2003. Caderno de saúde pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 4, p. 647-670, abr. 2010.


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This document aims to improve the quality of the production test in vertical tanks with free water drain pipes, through a device to control the draining system. This proposal consists of an interface detector close to the tank bottle and a control valve on the pipe-drain; they are attached to a remote supervisor system, which will be minimizing the human influence in the conclusion of the test result. And for more consciousness the work shows the importance of the wells production test in the attendance and diagnosis of the productive process, informing the large number of tests executed and problems of the procedure adopted in the field today. There are many possible sources of uncertainty in this kind of test as shown in the experiments realized in the field; the object prototype of this dissertation will be made in the field, based upon the definition of parameters and characteristics of the devices proposal. For a better definition of the draining process the action results of the assessment test are shown, especially changed some for the understand ing of the real process. It shows the proposal details and the configuration that will be used in the tank of Monte Alegre s field Production Station, explaining the interface detector kind and the control system. It is the base to a pilot project now in development, named as the new project classified in the status of the new technology and production improvement of PETROBRAS in Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará. This dissertation concludes that the automation of the conventional test with the draining system will bring benefits both economically as metrologically, because it reduces the uncertainty of the test procedures with free water draining, and also decreases the number of tests with problems