99 resultados para Raspagem dentária


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This work aims at investigating the surgeons-dentists acceptability in the field of public health in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, about the possibility of medicinal plants insertion in basic attencion of health. Moreover, it searchs to know if during their professinal formation it had some theoretician-pratical basement on this subject, as well as investigating their confidence on the medicinal plants. The basic motivation for developing this study is the possibility of contributing to the insertion of a tradicional health pratical at public assistance scope, endorsed by popular use, but now scientifically proven. For in a such way, the medicinal plants use is emphasized as a way to be followed to increase basic pharmaceutical assistance, improving the acess to the medicine and diminish expenses. Following this logic, family health program constitutes the way through which this pratical will be available to the users of health services. The research was done over thirty surgeonsdentists, all ofthem pertaining to public service ofNatal, state ofRio Grande do Norte. It was used, as research instrument, semi-estructured interview associated with methodological analysis user s speeches. On this form, this work is inserted in a trend observed nowadays not only in Brazil, where the use of the medicinal plants has been stimulated and defended to be inserted at programs ofprimary attenction of health


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The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors related to hyposalivation among non-institutionalized independently living elderly people, living in Natal-RN, Brazil. The study was a control-case type and the data collection was accomplished by carrying a questionnaire, oral examination and a non-stimulated and stimulated sialometry. The cases were identified by values of salivary flow rate <0,1mL/min and stimulated ≤ 0,5 mL/min, and the controls were by observing the values of sialometry that were bigger than the previously defined parameters. Age and gender were used as pairing variables. The data were analyzed using X2 (α = 0,05) and odds ratio. The sample was composed of 98,1% female and 1,9% male, with mean age 68. There was not association between hyposalivation and the following studied variables: income, schooling, profession, dwelling conditions, domiciliary density, illness, number of teeth and use of prothesis. However, a link was found between hyposalivation and smoking frequency in the passet (OR=5,14), indicating that, referring to elderly people, the tabagism frequency habit was a risk factor to the studied condition. Therefore, refering to non-institutionalized independently elderly people, economic-social-demographic conditions, general and bucal health, diet and habits such as alcoholism have been not risk factors to hyposalivation. However, people that have been smoking have more risk to have the studied conditions


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The contents introduction concerning the individual health cares reveals important since the school education. In this direction, the present study objectified to know an effect of Oral Health education intervention in the oral hygiene and in the schools children information level, of 4º e 5º basic education years. The study was composed by two groups, chosen of random form: control group (n = 115) and experimental group (n = 132), with 247 public net school children in total sample. The experimental group participated of some educative activities in Oral Health, with biweekly frequency, during the 4 months period, given for a surgeon-dentistry. Both the groups were submitted to a clinical examination for a previous verification of the Plaque Index (PI) and of Loe Silness Gingival Index (GI). A questionnaire with closed questions on Oral Health was applied before and after to verify the school children rightness index. After the intervention, the final data, represented for the PI, GI and Rightness Index verification, has been collected for statistical analyses through the chi-square test to a 95 % of reliable level, using the SPSS 10,0 software. The PI and GI were categorized in high and low on the initials index basis medium; already the Rightness Index was categorized in inadequate (< 50%) and adequate (≥ 50%). It was verified that the PI (p = 0,014; IC 0.24-0.86) and the GI (p = 0,013; IC 0,28-0,84) presented differences statistically significant, after the education activities, when compared to with the control, favoring the experimental group. It was verified too the experimental group got greater rightness index, presenting difference highly significant (p<0,0001; IC 3,73-26,81). It was still observed that there was no association between the oral hygiene indicators and the school children information level. Ahead the results, it can been concluded that education activities related in the school routine were capable to give positives effects in the oral hygiene control and in the information level about Oral Health, however, not necessarily, the individual with bigger information is that one who has practiced an oral hygiene more adjusted. One become necessary, however, that the education in Oral Health occurs of permanent and integrated form with others school actors, for the positive effect does not lose the student s life longterm


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This work is intended to bring a contribuition to the verification of the prevalance of malocclusion in the deciduous, permanent and mixed dentition in the student population in the city of Natal, Brazil. In this purpose, a sectional study of infantiles aging 5, 8 and 12 years old was carried out. The average prevalance of malocclusions in the group as a whole was 76,5%. Considering the different dentitions separately, the study showed malocclusion prevalence as follows: Deciduous Dentition 75,5%; Mixed Dentition 84% and Permanent Dentition 70,5%. The most common malocclusion cases found in the deciduous dentition were openbite (20.6%); overbite (16.6%) and maxillary overjet (14,7). Mixed Dentition: the most commonly found occlusional malfunctions in this dentitional phase were maxillary overjet (33,8%); crowding (28,3%), and mandillary discrepancy (19,9%). In the univaried analysis, he application of the Chi square test of independence, (significance 5%), has indicated a meaningful association of the variables social class (p=0,019), primata space (p = 0,036), habits (p= 0,002) and time-and-habit (P=0,03). The same test on the permanent dentition group revealed a significant association for the independent variables, as follows: Social class (p=O,OOO), School (p=O,OOI), Income (p=O,OOO), housing standard (p=0,001), facial pattem (p=0,004), caries record (p=0,031). No significant association was found in the mixed dentition. The Logistic Regression analysis on the deciduous dentition has shown that income, ethnicity, habit and canine relationship constitute factors of risk regardless of the other variables. As for the permanent dentition, only Facial Pattem was pointed as a factor of risk for the formation of malocclusion


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors to the functional edentulism in adults aged 35 a 44 years old of Natal-RN, 278 adults took part in the study. They were all selected from a previous dental loss prevalence study thus being complemented by an active research. The study was a case-control based and data collection was made though a survey as well as with a clinical examination. The cases were identified through individuals with 20 or more teeth. Age and gender were used as variables of pairing off. The data was analyzed through chi-square, significant level of 95% to the checking of its force associations. The independent variables were grouped in three levels. The first one, more macro, is related to the region where the individual lives, which was also related to the second level, the family-based one, linked with a third level, at this low socio-economical level, where the domiciliary density was favorable, living in capital cities, regions with prime sanitary condicitions, with predominant possibility of accessing the public dental service, but in despite of this, only looking for this service when tooth ache is felt, where preferentially an aid dressing treatment is executed in detriment of preventive procedures. From all the samples, less than 25% of the individuals make use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages for quite a number of years. There was an association of functional edentulism with all the studied variables in a regional method. In the family-based with Critério Brasil (OR=4,45) and monthly wages (OR=9,62) and to an to an individual level, the associations took place with the current use of kind of attendance (OR=1,78), looks for dressing treatment (OR=2,51), does not look for preventive treatment (OR=3,31), pain as the main cause of demand (OR=1,92), previous treatment as the demanding reason for dental service (OR+0,28), interval of the last visit to the dental service (OR=1,35) and when advise was received (OR=1,66). It was noticed from the results that the functional edentulism is much more expressive in those families which live in environments with precarious social economical sanitary conditions. Such conditions seem to have a direct influence upon the family social economical conditions which are also shown in detriment to functional edentulism. In the same way, the collection of variants influence the social economical conditions of the individual, as well as the kind of dental service searched by them, the reason of the search and the interval of the last visit to the dental service were strong determiners to the functional edentulism. Beyond that, individual habits like the use of tobacco and its frequency on its previous use influenced in a significant way the existence of functional edentulism in the studied population


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Periodontal infections consist of a group of inflammatory conditions caused by microorganisms that colonize the tooth surface through the formation of dental biofilm. Chronic infections such as periodontitis have been associated to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. AIM: Detect cultivatable and non-cultivatable periodontopathogenic bacteria in atheromatous plaques; search for factors associated to the presence of these bacteria in the atheromatous plaques and characterize the presence of cultivatable and non-cultivatable bacteria in these plaques. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 30 patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis in the carotid, coronary or femoral arteries and surgically treated with angioplasty and stent implant, bypass or endarterectomy. The plaques were collected during surgery and analyzed using the PCR molecular technique for the presence of the DNA of the cultivatable bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola and of the non-cultivatable Synergistes phylotypes. The patients were examined in the infirmary, after the surgery, where they also responded to a questionnaire aimed at determining factors associated to the presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria in the atheromatous plaques. RESULTS: All patients with tooth (66,7%) possessed disease periodontal, being 95% severe and 65% widespread. No periodontopathogenic bacteria were found in the atheromatous plaques. However, four samples (13.3%) were positive for the presence of bacteria. Of these, three participants were dentate, being two carriers of widespread severe chronic periodontite and one of located severe chronic periodontitis. None of them told the accomplishment of procedures associated to possible bacteremia episodes, as treatment endodontic, extraction the last six months or some procedure surgical dental. CONCLUSION: The periodontopathogenic bacteria studied were not found in the atheromatous plaques, making it impossible to establish the prevalence of these pathogens or the factors associated to their presence in plaques, the detection of positive samples for bacteria suggests that other periodontal and non-periodontal pathogens be studied in an attempt at discovering the association or not between periodontal disease and/or others infections and atherosclerosis, from the presence of these bacteria in atheromas


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For a complete comprehension of the effect of tooth loss is necessary to listen to the patients that have it. This study, of qualitative approach, investigate, in the dental history of users of SUS, listening to his/her experiences with the services of dental care, the reason that lead his/her to dental lost and the repercussion of this in his/her life. The collect of data was made by narrative interview, obeying to a pre-defined schema. The subjects interviewed were six (three of urban zone and three of rural zone), all of them were users of Family Health Units. The criterions of inclusion were the followings: the presence of tooth lost (total lost in both dental arch or in one of them, or partial lost in at least six elements in one of the arches); age between 25 and 59; male or female; to live in municipal district of São Tomé/RN or Natal/RN. Based on previous interviews was elaborated the odontological history of each patient. Such narratives, systemized in odontological history, were analyzed taking as base the studies of Souza71 and the proposal of Schutze, suggested for Jovchelovitch, Bauer34. The results show that toothache was the main reason for the search of odontological care. The patients confront the ache with home-made medicaments, allopathic ones, and searching for dental care. The searching for exodontics was stimulated for geographic access difficulties or for repressed demand, which as a result produced the aggravation of the lesions and the discredit in restoration s treatment. The self-care practice of tooth-brush with juá or toothpaste and the controlled ingestion of sugar was not sufficient to avoid dental lost. Guilty sentiments were identified in relation with lack of care with teeth. The acceptance of dental lost as a natural factor is an important motivation in lack of pain and in the belief that it was a simple part of life in old age. Life with dental prosthesis makes clear the difference between which was natural and which was unnatural, and difficulties with the prosthesis appeared. The limitation of the prosthesis in its functional aspect can be compensated by esthetic restitution, making possible smiling expression. Starting with this study and considering the high number of dental lost, mainly in low-rent population, which live with toothless limitations or bad-quality prosthesis which do not rehabilitate adequately, we suggested the realization of qualitative researches which include, also, another actors in heath care services such as professionals and administrators


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The non-adaptation of the removable partial prosthesis (RPP) base to fibromucosal tissue is caused by resorption of residual ridges (RRR). The onset of bone resorption, which occurs after tooth extraction and continues throughout life, is accelerated by local or systemic factors. Aim: Assess the degree of non-adaptation of removable partial prosthesis saddles and the factors that influence it. Methodology: A sectional study was conducted with 81 patients using RPP who had their prostheses installed between 2003 and 2007 (1 to 5 years of use) at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). After anamnese and clinical examination, a cast was made with polyether-based material, using the base of the prosthesis to make the impression. The base of the saddle was loaded with the casting material and positioned in the mouth, applying pressure on the supports. After polymerization, the material was removed from the saddle and measurements were taken at 3 different points using a pachymeter. Results: The non-adaptation of the saddle increased significantly with years of use (p = 0.005). The tooth-tissue supported prostheses obtained higher mean non-adaptation values than those of tooth supported prostheses (p < 0.001). Flaccid mucosa showed the worst non-adaptation results, which were statistically different from resilient mucosa (p < 0.001). The greater the extension of the saddle, the greater the non-adaptation (p < 0.001). The natural tooth antagonistic arch yielded better results than did RPP and total prosthesis (p < 0.001). Saddle non-adaptation at the free end was less near the pillar tooth and greater in the more posterior region (p < 0.001). When adaptation of the supports to the niches was poor, greater saddle non-adaptation occurred than when it was good or fair (p < 0.001). Saddles located in the posterior region of the arch had greater non-adaptation than those in the anterior region (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The mean non-adaptation of the saddle to the residual ridges was 0.27 mm. It can be concluded that, even with the use of RPP, bone height reduction was slight within the 1-5-year period of use. The following are factors that influence adaptation of the RPP saddle base: years of use, age, force transmission path to the alveolar bone, location of the toothless area, antagonistic arch, type of mucosa, adaptation of supports to the niche and extension of the saddle


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The present experiment used cell culture to analyze the adhesion capacity of mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament to different titanium surfaces. Grade II ASTM F86 titanium discs 15mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick were used and received 2 distinct surface treatments (polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding). The cells were isolated from the mouse bone marrow and rat periodontal ligament and cultured in α-MEM basic culture medium containing antibiotics and supplemented with 10% FBS and 5% CO2, for 72 hours at 37ºC in a humidified atmosphere. Subculture cells were cultured in a 24-well plate with a density of 1 x 104 cells per well. The titanium discs were distributed in accordance with the groups, including positive controls without titanium discs. After a 24-hour culture, the cells were counted in a Neubauer chamber. The results show that both the mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament cells had better adhesion to the control surface. The number of bone marrow cells adhered to the polished Ti surface was not statistically significant when compared to the same type of cell adhered to the Ti surface treated by cathodic cage plasma nitriding. However a significant difference was found between the control and polished Ti groups. In relation to periodontal ligament cell adhesion, a significant difference was only found between the control and plasma-treated Ti surfaces. When comparing equal surfaces with different cells, no statistically significant difference was observed. We can therefore conclude that titanium is a good material for mesenchymal cell adhesion and that different material surface treatments can influence this process


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The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients who wear complete dentures due to the limitations of this type of prosthesis. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) is used to achieve, besides other advantages, greater masticatory efficiency. However, analyzing critically the literature, it is observed that there is not enough scientific evidence that support the BBO as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. This way, the purpose of the present study was to verify if complete dentures wearers with BBO present better masticatory efficiency and capacity than those with canine guidance (CG). A double-blind controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was made of 24 completely edentulous patients. The subjects wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts for equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test, performed by the colorimetric method, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine- containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient´s ratings of their chewing function, which is the masticatory ability. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0,0952) and masticatory ability (x2=0,5711/ p=0,4498) between the two occlusal concepts studied, as well as there was no correlation between these two variables (p=0,2985). Based on these results, it seems reasonable to use CG for the setup of complete dentures, since it is an easier and quicker technical procedure, until that future researches can come to complement this question


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The search which it aim was to analyze the Periodontal Disease as a risk factor for the development of the Stable Angina Pectoris. For that, 120 patients (52 blokes and 68 wenches ), ages ranging from 40 to 65 years old, and attended to the Hemodinamic´s Sector of the Natal Hospital Center, showing the historic of Angina Pectoris to accomplishment of cinecoronariografhy. Before the accomplishment of this exam, the patients were submitted to interview, to investigate the possible risk factors for the Cardiovascular diseases , and it was followed of clinical periodontal examination to evaluate the presence of Periodontal Disease. After the cinecoronariography, the patients who presented diagnosis of important arterial obstruction (above 70%) were enrolled to the case grup. However the individuals with arteries free of obstruction, or obstrution below 30%, were considered without historic of Cardiovascular disease and therefore enrolled for the control grup. The groups were paired by the variables age and gender. From the analysis of the results, a did not observed statisticment the significant association between the presence of the Periodontal Disease, probing depth, periodontal attachment level, severity and extension index of the Periodontal Disease, besides the visible plaque index (VPI) an gingival bleeding index (GBI) regarding to the existence of Stable Angina Pectoris. Nevertheless , it was identified statisticment the significant association between the sistemic arterial hypertension , seric level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides, showing all of them, classic risk factors appointed by the literature. Therefore, it was conclued that Periodontal Disease did not represent association with the StableAngina Pectoris at least among the studied population


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Family Health Strategy (FHS), founded in 1994 has appeared to play a strategic role in the SUS construction and consolidation. It has reaffirmed its Principles and Guidelines and has elected family as core of attention. The principle that has guided the work concerns the quality of the relationship between professional and family. Thus, the FHS has the family as a subject of health-disease process, and relations with its own characteristics and can be partners in building their health and improvement of quality of life of its members and the entire community. This study aims to characterize the surgeon-dentist (SD) working process in the family health strategy, from the knowledge of the SD integration with other team members; organization of services; development of shares, changes perceived by SDs, as well as knowing the surgeon-dentist profile who is part of this strategy. The collecting tool used was a semi-structured questionnaire, in which participated 30 professionals. As for profile, most professionals were women, completed the graduation in public university and did not have any training to work by joining the FHS. Almost all have other public or private working ties. They often carry out activities with students, and occasionally do home visits. In relation to team work, in activities such as home visits, school health, community activities, among others, they sometimes seek the cooperation of other members. The way of accessing for users in the most part has occurred through the schedule. The most frequently activities made to the Centro Especialidades Odontológicas (CEO), are in Endodontics and Prosthesis. The majority of them participate in team meetings, but they do not have frequency set to happen. As for the planning and programming of activities to be conducted, most said that individually develops them. Concerning the performance of their duties, most reported being satisfied, but that improvements could happen. Besides, they reported improvements in dental care following the inclusion of SD in the FHS in various aspects, such as access, organization, humanization, care and oral disease prevention. The professionals had poor integration with other team members, in addition to have a profile to more individualistic work, a fact seized by way of development and planning of actions. They work the actions in individual and curative way, in detriment promotion and collective ones. They work humanization, definition of territory and adscript population. Thus, it is concluded that the working process developed by SDs, includes the part which is advocated by FHS. This points out to a greater undertaking of this process aiming to detect the weakness met in order to reach the potential that the FHS represents in organization of basic attention


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Introduction: Cancer of the lip is very common in tropical countries, being noticeable the squamous cell carcinoma as the main histological type. Objective: Evaluate the socialdemographic profile, habits, occupation, clinical characteristics of the cancer lesions and the aftermath of treatment of the patients treated on the Luiz Antônio Hospital (Natal-RN). Design: Retrospective cohort. Methods: We analyzed 181 medical records of patients from the Luiz Antônio Cancer Hospital (Natal-RN) in the period between 1997 and 2004. The statistic evaluation of time between the diagnosis and the relapse or the cure of the patient were done through the Kaplan-Meier method and the comparison of survivor functions were done through the Log-rank test. Later, was estimated the proportional risk model of Cox. Results: The study population were composed by 69,1% males, 95,2% unlettered, the mean age of 66,5 years, 89,0% of smokers and 64,1% had an occupation involving sun exposure. In regard to the clinical characteristics, most lesions were in the lower lip (77,9%), the size of the tumor was smaller than 2 cm (51,8%), 92,6% had localized lesions. Were verified 16,3% of local relapse and 13% of regional. Almost the totally of the cases corresponded to squamous cell carcinoma (97,2%). We observed smaller accumulated probability of not occurrence of local relapse when the base and borders were free of lesions (p=0,041), as well as a smaller probability of regional relapse when the sort of treatment was surgery, associated with other therapeutics modalities (p=0,001). The patients with advanced pathologic stage (p=0,016), treated with surgery associated with other therapeutics modalities (p=0,001) and diameter above 4cm (p=0,019) presented a bigger possibility of any kind of relapse. The multivariable analysis pointed the complex treatments (surgery plus other therapeutics modalities) as a predictor variable for occurrence of new local lesions (p=0,001) and total (p=0,046), besides the age above 70 years to the regional relapse (p=0,050). Conclusion: Cancer of the lip occur in the lower lip, in males, smokers and individuals exposed to Sun light. The relapse was frequent, even being localized and without great consequences to the patient s health. The probability of relapse is related to the size and borders of the lesion and to the histological exam, as well as to the patient s age and complexity of the treatment chosen


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Some studies reported in the literature that emotional factors and quality of life may be involved both in aetiology, as in the progression of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Proposition: The purpose of this study is to observe a possible association between different forms of anxiety, quality of life and general health of patients diagnosed as carriers of various types and levels of Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 patients diagnosed as carriers of TMJD origin of muscle, joint, or both, with different levels of severity (mild TMD, moderate and severe). The patients were diagnosed with TMD-RDC (Research Diagnostic Criteria) to assess the type of dysfunction (muscle or joint) and by the Protocol of Fonseca to verify the degree of dysfunction (mild, moderate or severe). To evaluate the psychosocial aspects were used three self-applied, with the purpose of obtaining information about the general health (General Health Questionnaire - GHQ), the type of anxiety (Trait Anxiety Inventory-State - STAI) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality Of Life Short WHOQOL-brief). Results: There was a correlation between all indicators studied in several forms of TMD with varying degrees of commitment. Quality of life appeared linked to the type and the level of TMD: Muscular and Articular TMD (p = 0,037), Disk Displacement With Reduction (p = 0.01) and Mild TMD (p = 0.042). The General Health showed association with the level of TMD, with the exception of the stress factor (p = 0.78). For the analysis of the types and levels to Severe Muscular TMD had a statistically significant indicator of the quality of life (p = 0049). The anxiety only showed association with the level of TMD (p = 0,047 for anxiety-trait). Conclusion: Besides the limitations of the study, it was concluded that anxiety, quality of life and general health are important psychosocial indicators, which are linked to several forms of TMD in different levels of severity


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The Specialized Dental Care Centers (CEO) were developed to provide specialized dental care to the population, given the accumulated needs of health since the past. They must operate as units of reference for the Oral Health Team of the Primary Care, complementing the dental procedures performed at this level of attention. This study aims to assess the performance of CEOs of the Grande Natal Health Region as a strategy of Secondary Care consolidation in oral health through users, dentists and managers. For this to try to identify factors about access, hosting and satisfaction with the service, the actions developed in these centers, integration between the CEOs and the Basic Health Units (UBS), considering the reference and counter reference. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, conducted in four CEOs, among 253 users, 31 dentists and 4 managers. It was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to content analysis by software ALCESTE 4.5. The results revealed that the specialties of prosthesis, endodontics and surgery were the most sought by 38.2%, 23.7% and 21.7% of respondents, respectively. It was noticed that among users aged 18 to 30 years-old the greatest demand is for the specialty of endodontics (44.4%) and over 50 years for prosthesis (76.4%). There is a weakness in the reference and counter reference between UBS and CEO, because part of users goes directly to the centers without going before to the Primary Care and the majority does not want to return to the dentist of Health Unit. Satisfaction with care was reported by 90.9% of users, because they resolved the problems needed and were welcomed by the team. But the delay in care was the main factor for not satisfaction. For most dentists, some users could solve their problems completely in Primary Care, which shows the existence of unnecessary referrals to the CEOs, however they consider the existence of limiting factors in UBS that compromise the service. Most dentists revealed that some users do not get to CEOs with the basic dental treatment done, and some of them do not counter reference users. It can be concluded that the studied CEOs are being resolutive for those who access them, offering necessary care for the population, and if they don t account with this service, will encounter obstacles to resolution of problems, ranging seek care service in particular, in another public sector, or even giving up treatment. However, it is perceived the need of professionals training to understand the importance of the reference and counter reference, to that they can better serve and guide users. It is also important that cities offer better conditions to UBS and CEOs, so they can work together, with complementary actions of oral health, seeking full care, aiming for better resolution to the users' health problems