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Measures of mortality represent one of the most important indicators of health conditions. For comprising the larger rate of deaths, the study of mortality in the elderly population is regarded as essential to understand the health situation. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the mortality profile of the population from 60 to 69 (young elders) and older than 80 years old (oldest old) in the Rio Grande do Norte state (Brazil) in the period 2001 to 2011, and to identify the association with contextual factors and variables about the quality of the Mortality Information System (SIM). For this purpose, Mortality Proportional (MP) was calculated for the state and Specific Mortality Rate by Age (CMId) , according to chapters of ICD- 10, to the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte , through data from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IGBE). In order to identify groups of municipalities with similar mortality profiles, Nonhierarchical Clustering K-means method was applied and the Factor Analysis by the Principal Components Analysis was resort to reduce contextual variables. The spatial distribution of these groups and the factors were visualized using the Spatial Analysis Areas technique. During the period investigated, 21,813 younger elders deaths were recorded , with a predominance of deaths from circulatory diseases (32.75%) and neoplasms (22.9 %) . Among the oldest old, 50,637 deaths were observed, which 35.26% occurred because of cardiovascular diseases and 17.27% of ill-defined causes. Clustering Analysis produced three clusters to the two age groups and Factor Analysis reduced the contextual variables into three factors, also the sum of the factor scores was considered. Among the younger elders, the groups are called misinformation profile, development profile and development paradox, which showed a statistically significant association with education and poverty and extreme poverty factors, factorial sum and the variable related to underreporting of deaths. Misinformation profile remained in the oldest old group, accompanied by the epidemiological transition profile and the epidemiological paradox, that were statistically associated with the development and health factor, as well as with the variables that indicate the SIM quality: proportion of blank fields about the schooling and underreporting. It proposed that the mortality profiles of the younger elders and oldest old differ on the importance of the basic causes and that are influenced by different contextual aspects , observing that 60 to 69 years group is more affected by such aspects. Health inequalities can be reduced by measures aimed to improve levels of education and poverty, especially in younger elders, and by optimizing the use of health services, which is more associated to the oldest old health situation. Furthermore, it is important to improve the quality of information for the two age groups


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations


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In the work reported here we present theoretical and numerical results about a Risk Model with Interest Rate and Proportional Reinsurance based on the article Inequalities for the ruin probability in a controlled discrete-time risk process by Ros ario Romera and Maikol Diasparra (see [5]). Recursive and integral equations as well as upper bounds for the Ruin Probability are given considering three di erent approaches, namely, classical Lundberg inequality, Inductive approach and Martingale approach. Density estimation techniques (non-parametrics) are used to derive upper bounds for the Ruin Probability and the algorithms used in the simulation are presented


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This paper presents the public square as a subsystem of the city for the potential integration of elements 'natural' and built environment. But sometimes the suitability of projects and the social processes involved are not compatible and favorable to their real functions in urban space. The city of Natal, with a population of 803,739 inhabitants has 253 public parks not uniformly distributed in the urban area, but mostly in central areas and their absence in some peripheral neighborhoods. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to analyze the quality and spatiality of the city's public squares within the urban socio-environmental problems. For this, use of simple random sampling to define the sample and the proportional allocation of districts, totaling 168 squares to be raised. We prepared a form to collect data on the field that includes aspects of leisure, infrastructure and environment. For each square sampled was calculated Square Quality Index (PQI), then calculating the average per IQP neighborhood. The rates found were crossed with census data and Municipal Public Administration by neighborhood, using multivariate analysis. We generated maps, charts and tables, considered appropriate to each question format, focused comparison. The public square appears as an indicator of environmental challenges present in intra-urban spaces of the city. Their spatial distribution is not consistent demand population, both by disposition and by how much. In terms of quality are characterized by different levels of inadequacy and degradation aspects of leisure, environmental and infrastructure, often causing disfigurement, abandonment and improper occupation in such spaces. Multivariate analysis point to a central concentration and their problems in certain administrative units, not only as regards the public squares, but also to aspects of education, income, and other violence, perpetuating the problem. The various levels of inadequacy and degradation of public squares have been more blatant in the poorest neighborhoods of the city, pointing to a structural pattern associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the neighborhood and the socioeconomic profile of the local population. These are problems of social and environmental dimensions, threaded in and influenced the political, economic and broader social process of transformation of the city and the urban. Based on an uneven process in which space necessarily reflect the contradictions inherent in the active forces and interests. Thus evidencing the importance of managing the necessary public effectively engaged with the problems that are present there, in order to equate them, without being prioritized certain areas of the city at the expense of others


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The diagnosis of nutritional status is extremely re levant in clinical practice and population assessment, due to the association betwe en body fat and metabolic alterations. The aim of this study is to analyze th e prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components in the pubertal stages of f emale students in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, in accordance with Internation al Diabetes Federation criteria. This is a cross-sectional study with 449 students aged betw een 8 and 19 years, stratified into pubertal stages systematized by Marshal and Tanner (1969), as follows: 27.6% prepubertal, 44.3% pubertal and 28.1% postpubertal, with mean ages of 9.4±1.27, 12.4±2.23 and 15.1±1.88 years, respectively. Preval ences were analyzed using distribution of frequencies and their respective 95 % confidence intervals, while the chi- square test and odds ratio were applied to analyze the associations between variables. The general prevalence of MS was 3.3% (CI: 2% - 5%) , without occurrences in the prepubertal stage, observing that it emerges from t he pubertal stage onwards with a prevalence of 2.5% (CI 95% 0.1% - 5%), 1% (CI 95% 0.4% - 2.3%) of cases with overweight and 1.5% (CI 95% -0.1% - 3.2%) with obes e individuals, while in the postpubertal stage the prevalence is 7.9% (CI 95% 3 .2% - 12.6%), 0.8% (CI 95% -0.8% - 2.3%) normal weight cases, 4% (CI 95% 0.6% - 7.4% ) overweight and 3.1% (CI 0.1% - 6.2%) obese individuals. There was an association (p<0.02) between pubertal stages and MS ( x 2 =5.2), with an OR of 3.3 (CI: 1.2 - 5), showing tha t postpubertal adolescents are more prone to SM than pubertals, while the OR i n obese individuals was 2.1 (CI: 2– 2.2) compared to the overweight. Body mass index (B MI) ( x 2 = 29.4; p<0.001) and age range ( x 2 = 13.1; p<0.001) showed a significant linear assoc iation with MS. Of the adolescents with MS, those aged ten years or younge r exhibited higher %G. The most prevalent components in all the stages were altered waist circumference (27.2% [CI 23% - 31%]) and low HDL cholesterol (39.6% [CI 35% – 44%]), which, coupled with hypertension, displayed significant differences in the postpubertal stage in relation to the other stages. The results show that MS emerges from the pubertal stage onwards in proportion to excess childhood body fat, a fact tha t calls for prevention strategies using an educational approach, reducing the large demand on the National Health System. Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, pubertal stages, risk factors.


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This work has the main objective to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose, extracted from the pineapple leaf fibres (PALF), as reinforcement for the manufacture of biocomposite films with polymeric matrices of Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and Poly(lactic acid) (PLA). The polymer matrices and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose were characterised by means of TGA, FTIR and DSC. The analysis was performed on the pineapple leaves to identify the macro and micronutrients. The fibers of the leaves of the pineapple were extracted in a desfibradeira mechanical. The PALF extracted were washed to remove washable impurities and subsequently treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in the removal of impurities, such as fat, grease, pectates, pectin and lignin. The processed PALF fibers were hydrolysed in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at a concentration of 13.5 %, to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose. In the manufacture of biocomposite films, concentrations of cellulose, 0 %, 1 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9% and 12% were used as reinforcement to the matrices of PVA and PLA. The PVA was dissolved in distilled water at 80 ± 5 oC and the PLA was dissolved in dichloromethane at room temperature. The manufacture of biocompósitos in the form of films was carried out by "casting". Tests were carried out to study the water absorption by the films and mechanical test of resistance to traction according to ASTM D638-10 with a velocity of 50 mm/min.. Chi-square statistical test was used to check for the existence of significant differences in the level of 0.05: the lengths of the PALF, lengths of the nano and microcrystals of cellulose and the procedures used for the filtration using filter syringe of 0.2 μm or filtration and centrifugation. The hydrophilicity of biocompósitos was analysed by measuring the contact angle and the thickness of biocompósitos were compared as well as the results of tests of traction. Statistical T test - Student was also applied with the significance level (0.05). In biodegradation, Sturm test of standard D5209 was used. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose with lengths ranging from 7.33 nm to 186.17 nm were found. The PVA films showed average thicknesses of 0.153 μm and PLA 0.210 μm. There is a strong linear correlation directly proportional between the traction of the films of PVA and the concentration of cellulose in the films (composite) (0,7336), while the thickness of the film was correlated in 0.1404. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose and thickness together, correlated to 0.8740. While the correlation between the cellulose content and tensile strength was weak and inversely proportional (- 0,0057) and thickness in -0.2602, totaling -0,2659 in PLA films. This can be attributed to the nano and microcrystals of cellulose not fully adsorbed to the PLA matrix. In the comparison of the results of the traction of the two polymer matrices, the nano and microcrystals have helped in reducing the traction of the films (composite) of PLA. There was still the degradation of the film of PVA, within a period of 20 days, which was not seen in the PLA film, on the other hand, the observations made in the literature, the average time to start the degradation is above 60 days. What can be said that the films are biodegradable composites, with hydrophilicity and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose, contribute positively in the improvement of the results of polymer matrices used.


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Hebb proposed that synapses between neurons that fire synchronously are strengthened, forming cell assemblies and phase sequences. The former, on a shorter scale, are ensembles of synchronized cells that function transiently as a closed processing system; the latter, on a larger scale, correspond to the sequential activation of cell assemblies able to represent percepts and behaviors. Nowadays, the recording of large neuronal populations allows for the detection of multiple cell assemblies. Within Hebb’s theory, the next logical step is the analysis of phase sequences. Here we detected phase sequences as consecutive assembly activation patterns, and then analyzed their graph attributes in relation to behavior. We investigated action potentials recorded from the adult rat hippocampus and neocortex before, during and after novel object exploration (experimental periods). Within assembly graphs, each assembly corresponded to a node, and each edge corresponded to the temporal sequence of consecutive node activations. The sum of all assembly activations was proportional to firing rates, but the activity of individual assemblies was not. Assembly repertoire was stable across experimental periods, suggesting that novel experience does not create new assemblies in the adult rat. Assembly graph attributes, on the other hand, varied significantly across behavioral states and experimental periods, and were separable enough to correctly classify experimental periods (Naïve Bayes classifier; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.55 to 0.99) and behavioral states (waking, slow wave sleep, and rapid eye movement sleep; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.64 to 0.98). Our findings agree with Hebb’s view that neuronal assemblies correspond to primitive building blocks of representation, nearly unchanged in 10 the adult, while phase sequences are labile across behavioral states and change after novel experience. The results are compatible with a role for phase sequences in behavior and cognition


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Objective: Evaluate the work structure and process in Psychos ocial Care Centers (CAPS) and the professionals profile, the satisfaction, conditions and work overload. Methods: Cross - sectional study conducted in five CAPS in Campina Grande city. The study sample consisted of five coordinators, 42 graduate professional s, 26 mid - level (technical and auxiliary nurses, and caregivers), and the medical records pertaining to 413 users followed up. Data were collected using validated questionnaires (CAPSUL - rating CAPS in southern Brazil) and adapted to the study, between July and October 2014. The questionnaires were double entered and submitted to validation in the sub - program “Validate Epi Info 3.5.4” , used along with the “SPSS 17.0” for processing the statistical analyzes. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were ap plied to the descriptive analyzes; “Fisher's” exact test to check the CAPS impact on hospital admissions and the “Bonferroni” adjusted to verify the diagnoses according to sex. 5% significance level was adopted. The study was approved by the Ethics Committ ee of the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (UFRN), protocol 719.435, of 05.30.2014. Results: From the structure analysis were identified contextual factors that influenced the work process of CAPS professionals, such as: deficiencies with regard to h uman resources; forms of health professionals employment and qualifications; temporary contract existence. As to process dimension, it was found that the home visits performance by health professionals shows to be ineffective, given its insufficiency and i rregularity, which can be explained by the high demand, reduced staff and transportation lack. It was low coverage of items inherent to Therapeutic Individual Project, as the income generation program, insertion at work and home visit. The reference and co unter reference flow are still not satisfactorily organized. There was statistically significant difference for the diagnosis, with a predominance of mood disorders related to stress among women and those related to alcohol and other drugs among men (p <0. 05). There was an association between the degree of health professionals satisfaction and working conditions, overload and factors related to the content and working conditions, the security measures, comfort and CAPS appearance, contact between the teams and users, families treatment by the teams, temporary employment relationship. Conclusion: The data collected indicate the need for the CAPS organization through increased investments in the sector in order to enhance the infrastructure as potentiating el ement of practices with a view to changing the care model for mental health proposed by the Psychiatric Reform. It is hoped therefore that this research will contribute to better planning in CAPS unit management, with another tool to improve the dimensions involving the structure and the professional work process and improve this mental health care model.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq


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Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.


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Ambient seismic noise has traditionally been considered as an unwanted perturbation in seismic data acquisition that "contaminates" the clean recording of earthquakes. Over the last decade, however, it has been demonstrated that consistent information about the subsurface structure can be extracted from cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise. In this context, the rules are reversed: the ambient seismic noise becomes the desired seismic signal, while earthquakes become the unwanted perturbation that needs to be removed. At periods lower than 30 s, the spectrum of ambient seismic noise is dominated by microseism, which originates from distant atmospheric perturbations over the oceans. The microsseism is the most continuous seismic signal and can be classified as primary – when observed in the range 10-20 s – and secondary – when observed in the range 5-10 s. The Green‘s function of the propagating medium between two receivers (seismic stations) can be reconstructed by cross-correlating seismic noise simultaneously recorded at the receivers. The reconstruction of the Green‘s function is generally proportional to the surface-wave portion of the seismic wavefield, as microsseismic energy travels mostly as surface-waves. In this work, 194 Green‘s functions obtained from stacking of one month of daily cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise recorded in the vertical component of several pairs of broadband seismic stations in Northeast Brazil are presented. The daily cross-correlations were stacked using a timefrequency, phase-weighted scheme that enhances weak coherent signals by reducing incoherent noise. The cross-correlations show that, as expected, the emerged signal is dominated by Rayleigh waves, with dispersion velocities being reliably measured for periods ranging between 5 and 20 s. Both permanent stations from a monitoring seismic network and temporary stations from past passive experiments in the region are considered, resulting in a combined network of 33 stations separated by distances between 60 and 1311 km, approximately. The Rayleigh-wave, dispersion velocity measurements are then used to develop tomographic images of group velocity variation for the Borborema Province of Northeast Brazil. The tomographic maps allow to satisfactorily map buried structural features in the region. At short periods (~5 s) the images reflect shallow crustal structure, clearly delineating intra-continental and marginal sedimentary basins, as well as portions of important shear zones traversing the Borborema Province. At longer periods (10 – 20 s) the images are sensitive to deeper structure in the upper crust, and most of the shallower anomalies fade away. Interestingly, some of them do persist. The deep anomalies do not correlate with either the location of Cenozoic volcanism and uplift - which marked the evolution of the Borborema Province in the Cenozoic - or available maps of surface heat-flow, and the origin of the deep anomalies remains enigmatic.


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The work referred to above, in order to contribute to the legal issues, economic, political and social of the violation of social rights, performs even firmer approach to various implementation mechanisms of social rights in Brazil. Therefore, it begins the study dealing with aspects and important characters of the rights under discussion, as its normative forecast, concept, classifications; respect of social rights with the existential minimum; the principle of reservation of the possible and the need to use this principle as optimization commandment of state resources and the deficit of the realization of social rights in the country. This, in later chapters, in an interdisciplinary approach, challenges and proposals for the realization of social rights by bringing in each chapter, mechanisms for such implementation. That way, as a general objective, it has been to contribute to the discussed problems, when present proposals for the realization of social rights in the Brazilian context. As specific objectives, as well as record the key aspects of the rights in allusion, the one has to promote the perspective of economic development and taxation as posts instruments that the State must be focused on the promotion of social rights by registering in this context that nonexistent economic development without reducing poverty, misery and social inequality and adding that there should be a directly proportional relationship between the tax burden in the country and the human and social development index; analyze the achievement of budget control as essential and healthy measure for the realization of social rights; highlight the importance of society to the achievement of unavailable social interests, affirming the need for the implementation of participatory democracy and, in this line, brings knowledge of the Constitution and the constitutional sense as elements that provide the constitutional progress. Finally, it presents a study on public policies, considering that these are equivalent to the primary means of the promotion of social rights. That way it analyzes the stages that integrate public policies, ranging from the perception of social problems for evaluation and control of the policies implemented; debate about the administrative discretion in when it comes to public policies; brings the classification of essential public policies, the relationship of these with the existential minimum, control parameters and, finally, the legalization of public policy, regarded as legitimate to remedy the unconstitutional state failure and give normative effectiveness and strength to the defining constitutional rules for fundamental social rights. It uses to achieve the objectives outlined, the bibliographic and normative approach method and performs an analysis of jurisprudence related understandings to matter. In the conclusions, it rescues the most important aspects elucidated at work, with the aim of giving emphasis to the proposals and mechanisms that contribute to the solution of the discussed problems.


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This study examined the influence of the tourism destination image as well as satisfaction and motivation in the intention of engaging in a positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM) by tourists through Facebook. In addition, it was also specifically expected to assess the sociodemographic profile and frequency of eWOM publications from those who answered the questions; it also assessed the adequacy of the manifested variables for composition of the following dimensions: Quality, Satisfaction, Image, Motivations and Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). And finally, it analyzed a relational model where there are relationships between Quality, Satisfaction, Image and Motivations in the explanation of engagement in the Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). With this aim it was conducted a study, based on a hypothetical-deductive logic, which was descriptive in relation to its goals. The analytical approach was quantitative (a survey). The sampling procedure was non-probabilistic, by the convenience method of sampling specifically, having the choice of the subject been made through the probabilistic systematic method, and using time as a factor of systematization in an attempt of making randomly the selection of the interviewed people. The study sample consisted of 355 tourists. The used instrument to collect information was the structured questionnaire whose answers were collected in the main points of entry, exit and rides of tourists on the Pipa’s Beach/RN. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and multivariate statistics, mainly exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Among the main results, it was possible to confirm that the Motivations, Satisfaction and Image strongly affect the intention of engaging in positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Emphasis is given to the motivations, as they demonstrate bigger impact in explaining the dependent variable; they are followed by the satisfaction and the image. The latter, however, is inversely proportional. Among the motivations, the one with the highest percentage of variance were the social benefits sought by tourists; and presenting the same percentage appears the desire to help other tourists and to vent Positive Emotions. The manifested variables demonstrate to be fully acceptable to be taken as reflexes of their respective factors.


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Introduction: Population aging in Brazil underscores the need to discuss the proper management of the budget allocated in health field, especially in the sectors of high complexity, where coexist costly procedures, limited resources and the need for cost containment. In the other hand, demand is growing in a way directly proportional to the increase in the number of elderly in country. Objective: In this way, this research had as main objective to analyze the costs resulting from the admission of elderly in intensive care units (ICU) and its associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach and featured as a descriptive and exploratory research. Data were collected from medical records of elderly hospitalized in ICU from a brazilian city called Natal-RN, between november first, 2013 and january, 31 of 2014. The variables collected relate to the socio demographic profile, morbidity framework and characterization of hospitalization. The dependent variable was categorized by quartile 75 in high and low expense of hospitalization and submitted to chi-square test with the independent variables of the survey. Associations with p value <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to the technique of multiple logistic regression. We opted for the construction of three regression models from the above algorithm: general regression model, composed by all 493 hospitalizations in the study, other made with 181 individuals admitted in health public system (SUS) and a third one related to 312 cases from private service in health area. Results: In the general regression model, the variables respiratory diseases, hospitalizations in the private system, disoriented patient and previous stroke were associated with greater probability of high spending in the ICU. In the other hand, in SUS kind of hospitalizations, this probability was associated with disoriented patient, 80 years old or more, sepsis and admission for clinical reason. In the cases from the private network health, the high expenditure was associated with respiratory disease, mechanical ventilation, hospitalization for clinical reason and disoriented patients. Conclusion: The increased expenditure on hospitalization of elderly in intensive care depends on the clinical conditions of individuals. This highlights the importance of avoiding hospitalizations due to diseases sensitive to primary care by health preventive actions and providing comprehensive care to the elderly. In addition, obtaining different explanatory models, according to kind hospital funding, demonstrates the importance of the organization in health services related to composition of costs of hospitalization among the elderly. Another question founded was the need that to improve the funding, we must use rationally the available resources by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations of elderly people in the extremes of severity. On this kind of precarious funding, ICU hospitalization of elderly non-critical or in a terminal state can compromise the quality of services provided to those who really need intensive care.