474 resultados para Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários
This thesis investigates materialization strategies of non-assumption of enunciation responsibility and inscription of an authorial voice in scientific articles produced by initial researchers in Linguistics. The specific focus lays on identify, describe and interpret: i) linguistics marks that assign enunciation responsibility; ii) the positions taken by the first speaker-enunciator (L1/E1) in relation to points of view (PoV) imputed to second enunciators (e2); and iii) the linguistic marks that assign the formulation of themselves' PoV. As a practical deployment, it is proposed to discuss how to teach taking into account text discursive strategies regarding to enunciation responsibility and also authorship in academic and scientific texts. Our research corpus is formed by eight scientific essays and they were selected in a renamed Linguistics scientific magazine which is high evaluated by Qualis/CAPES (Brazil Science Agency). The methodology follows the assumptions of a qualitative research, and an it has such an interpretative basis, even though it takes support in a quantitative approach, too. Theoretically, we based this research on Textual Analysis of Speech and linguistics theories about linguistic enunciation area. The results show two kinds of movements in PoV management: imputation and responsibility. In imputation contexts, the most recursive linguistic marks were reported speech, indirect speech, reported speech with “that”, modalization in reported speech (in enunciation with “according to”, “in agreement with”, “for”), beyond that we see certain points of non-coincidences of speech, specifically the non-coincidence of the speech itself. The way those linguistic marks occur in the text point out three kinds of enunciation positions that are assumed by L1/E1 in relation to PoV of e2: agreement, disagreement and a pseudo neutrality. It was clearly recursive the imputation followed by agreement (explicit or not), this perspective puts other’s voices to defend a speech assumed like own authorship. In speech responsibility contexts, we observed such a formulation of inner PoV that results from theoretical findings undertaken by novice researchers (revealing how he/she interpreted concepts of the theory) or arising from their research data, allowing them to express with more autonomy and without reporting to speeches from e2. Based on those data, we can say that, in text by initial researchers, the authorship is strongly built upon PoV and also dependent from others' words (theory and the scholars quoted there), taking into account that many contexts in which we can observe agreement position, PoV formulations with words taken from e2 and assumed as own words by syntactic integration, the comments about what the other says, the absence of explanations and additions, as well as a data analysis that could show agreement with the theory used to support the work. These results allow us to visualize how initial researcher dialogs with the theoretical enunciation sources he or she takes as support and how he/she displays the status of a subject doing a research and positioning himself/herself as a researcher/author in the scientific field. In assuming the reported speech, when quoting, as a resource that allows the enunciation responsibility and also when doing evidence to the positions of speaker-enunciator in relation do reported PoV, this suggests to a textual-discursive treatment of quoting in academic and scientific text, in a context of teaching that gives attention to the development of communication skills of initial researcher and that can contribute to insert and interact students in the scientific field.
This thesis investigates materialization strategies of non-assumption of enunciation responsibility and inscription of an authorial voice in scientific articles produced by initial researchers in Linguistics. The specific focus lays on identify, describe and interpret: i) linguistics marks that assign enunciation responsibility; ii) the positions taken by the first speaker-enunciator (L1/E1) in relation to points of view (PoV) imputed to second enunciators (e2); and iii) the linguistic marks that assign the formulation of themselves' PoV. As a practical deployment, it is proposed to discuss how to teach taking into account text discursive strategies regarding to enunciation responsibility and also authorship in academic and scientific texts. Our research corpus is formed by eight scientific essays and they were selected in a renamed Linguistics scientific magazine which is high evaluated by Qualis/CAPES (Brazil Science Agency). The methodology follows the assumptions of a qualitative research, and an it has such an interpretative basis, even though it takes support in a quantitative approach, too. Theoretically, we based this research on Textual Analysis of Speech and linguistics theories about linguistic enunciation area. The results show two kinds of movements in PoV management: imputation and responsibility. In imputation contexts, the most recursive linguistic marks were reported speech, indirect speech, reported speech with “that”, modalization in reported speech (in enunciation with “according to”, “in agreement with”, “for”), beyond that we see certain points of non-coincidences of speech, specifically the non-coincidence of the speech itself. The way those linguistic marks occur in the text point out three kinds of enunciation positions that are assumed by L1/E1 in relation to PoV of e2: agreement, disagreement and a pseudo neutrality. It was clearly recursive the imputation followed by agreement (explicit or not), this perspective puts other’s voices to defend a speech assumed like own authorship. In speech responsibility contexts, we observed such a formulation of inner PoV that results from theoretical findings undertaken by novice researchers (revealing how he/she interpreted concepts of the theory) or arising from their research data, allowing them to express with more autonomy and without reporting to speeches from e2. Based on those data, we can say that, in text by initial researchers, the authorship is strongly built upon PoV and also dependent from others' words (theory and the scholars quoted there), taking into account that many contexts in which we can observe agreement position, PoV formulations with words taken from e2 and assumed as own words by syntactic integration, the comments about what the other says, the absence of explanations and additions, as well as a data analysis that could show agreement with the theory used to support the work. These results allow us to visualize how initial researcher dialogs with the theoretical enunciation sources he or she takes as support and how he/she displays the status of a subject doing a research and positioning himself/herself as a researcher/author in the scientific field. In assuming the reported speech, when quoting, as a resource that allows the enunciation responsibility and also when doing evidence to the positions of speaker-enunciator in relation do reported PoV, this suggests to a textual-discursive treatment of quoting in academic and scientific text, in a context of teaching that gives attention to the development of communication skills of initial researcher and that can contribute to insert and interact students in the scientific field.
Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.
Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.
Education and community are currently intertwined, so that social practices, situated problems and emancipation processes have, more and more, entered in the school environment. Considering this context, the expansion of studies focusing on family literacy becomes necessary for the mobilization of alternatives and actions in this area. This research forms part of the project "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in metropolitan Natal" (CAPES/OBEDUC/UFRN) and the program "Literacies and public policies: the family at school" (MEC/PROEXT/UFRN). In view of the chosen object – family literacy – therefore, we try to: 1) discuss actions implemented in a family literacy program, with specific reference to create literacy resources to register, discuss material, events, texts, 2) actions and promote forms of interaction by the family in the school environment; 2develop bonding strategies between school and families; 3) point the impact of such experiences of family literacy. To achieve these objectives, we base the discussion on theoretical contributions of the New Literacy Studies (STREET, 1984; McLAREN, 1988; BARTON & HAMILTON, 1993; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2000), focusing on Family Literacy and Literacy Project issues. Regarding to the research paradigm, we consider the Applied Linguistics field of study and we take the qualitative model (ERICKSON, 1990; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008), with ethnographic critical approach (MOITA LOPES, 1993; THOMAS, 1993; HEATH & STREET, 2008). We understand, through our analysis, that families have much to contribute to the reality of schools, and, having seen relevance and value, these collaborators participate and act in support of the actions and the student’s education, even in the midst of complex routine situations. Still, we have learned that dialogues and activities with the community are necessary, looking forward to having involvement, local knowledge and the construction of shared learning; following this path, the collaborative environment is produced and the collaboration is effective.
Education and community are currently intertwined, so that social practices, situated problems and emancipation processes have, more and more, entered in the school environment. Considering this context, the expansion of studies focusing on family literacy becomes necessary for the mobilization of alternatives and actions in this area. This research forms part of the project "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in metropolitan Natal" (CAPES/OBEDUC/UFRN) and the program "Literacies and public policies: the family at school" (MEC/PROEXT/UFRN). In view of the chosen object – family literacy – therefore, we try to: 1) discuss actions implemented in a family literacy program, with specific reference to create literacy resources to register, discuss material, events, texts, 2) actions and promote forms of interaction by the family in the school environment; 2develop bonding strategies between school and families; 3) point the impact of such experiences of family literacy. To achieve these objectives, we base the discussion on theoretical contributions of the New Literacy Studies (STREET, 1984; McLAREN, 1988; BARTON & HAMILTON, 1993; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2000), focusing on Family Literacy and Literacy Project issues. Regarding to the research paradigm, we consider the Applied Linguistics field of study and we take the qualitative model (ERICKSON, 1990; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008), with ethnographic critical approach (MOITA LOPES, 1993; THOMAS, 1993; HEATH & STREET, 2008). We understand, through our analysis, that families have much to contribute to the reality of schools, and, having seen relevance and value, these collaborators participate and act in support of the actions and the student’s education, even in the midst of complex routine situations. Still, we have learned that dialogues and activities with the community are necessary, looking forward to having involvement, local knowledge and the construction of shared learning; following this path, the collaborative environment is produced and the collaboration is effective.
Augusto Boal (Brasil) y Heiner Müller (Alemania) son dramaturgos del siglo XX que vivieron en países y contextos evidentemente distintos. Sin embargo, con la crisis del teatro burgués y de las condiciones de legitimidad del régimen de producción de este teatro, ambos presentan puntos de contacto en sus líneas y vectores teatrales que, frente a la universalidad cuestionable de la dramatización, llevan a la concepción de un teatro múltiple y perturbador del orden de lo sensible. Los procesos de escenificación contemporánea exige un adelantamiento del sentido político, desviando del juego de representaciones sociales, para dar lugar al trabajo deconstructor de imágenes como cisión entre la palabra y lo representado, entre lo legible y lo visible. Frente al expuesto, las escritas escénicas y, por eso, literarias de estos autores, sitios de singularización – no con ausencia de paradojas – capaces de movilizar manifestaciones e impases cuanto a las imágenes que ordenan o desordenan los textos dramáticos, traen para la contemporaneidad tensiones que llevan al teatro mismo, tanto a interpelarse como, en su fuerza plural, a encontrar pasajes para el nuevo. Llevar a la superficie aspectos políticos en las imágenes de los textos dramáticos, considerándolos en su inscripción literaria: “La misión: recuerdos de una revolución”, de Heiner Müller, y de “El hombre que era una fábrica”, de Augusto Boal, se hace un desafío, una vez que las imágenes pretendidas son aquellas con formas o materialidades todavía no visibles en la escena, podríamos decir, en estado virtual. Como imágenes pensantes, ellas suceden en el plan de inmanencia del lenguaje (Deleuze y Guattari). Siendo lo “político” una perturbación en lo sensible, contrario a la política (Rancière), la dramaturgia se abala en multiplicidades, desplazando y desnaturalizando las funciones de autor/dramaturgo y lector/actor, teatro/literatura. Dramaturgia simultánea, imagen, fragmento y colaje se muestran como procedimientos artísticos y literarios creativos que se encuentran apropiados sea en la teoría del teatro del oprimido (Boal), sea en el teatro pos-dramático (Hans-ThiesLehmann), a pesar de que, al confrontarlas, sobresalían en desentendimientos: la primera coincide con la lógica de la identidad y la segunda, esta se desarticula, movida por la diáfora, contestación, o desacuerdo. Tales relaciones – no apriorísticas – se suceden en cuanto acontecimiento de la lectura o de la literatura como acontecimiento en que lo político en las imágenes se da, antes, en las lagunas y obscuridades, aludiendo a lo que está más allá de lo sentido, de la escena del gesto y de la palabra. El lector no se para para atribuir sentido, se interroga frente a las metamorfosis y formas oblicuas de acontecimientos insospechables que componen lo político estableciendo la gestión colectiva de la enunciación. En este caso, el texto de Boal y el texto de Müller se inscriben en la producción de una literatura menor, o de un teatro menor, o que los califica como agentes de devenires revolucionarios, agitando, a través de la política en las imágenes, e irrumpiendo contra el problema del poder en las artes.
The Triennial Evaluation of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) is made according to several indicators, divided into several issues and items, and their weights. In these it is evident the importance of scientific periodicals. This study aims to evaluate the relative efficiency of post-graduate students in Business Administration, Accounting and tourism evaluated by CAPES in Brazil. The methodology used the data envelopment analysis - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data were obtained from the site and organized by the CAPES Qualis score. The analysis was performed by the DEA variable returns to scale, product-oriented (BCC-O), with data from the three-year periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009. Among the main results are the average increase significantly the relative efficiency of the programs in the period 2007-2009 compared to 2004-2006 period, the highest average efficiency of programs linked to public institutions in relation to private, doctoral programs with the present average efficiency sharply higher than those only with masters, and senior programs in general were more efficient. There is also moderate and significant correlation between the efficiency scores and concepts CAPES. The Malmquist index analysis showed that more than 85% of programs had increased productivity. It is noteworthy that the main effect that influences the increase of the Malmquist index is the displacement of the border (Frontier-shift)
The present work investigates related discourse in rewriting discursive practices, at monographic works specifically at the theoretical foundation section. Focalizing some discursive strategies of voice management (direct and indirect discourse and modalization voice) we detach the introduction way and function of cited discourse. To do so, it were analyzed eighteen monographic works: nine of them final graduation works and other nine specialization works seeing that each works belonging to the same student, in two different stages, in the period from 2003 in graduation conclusion to 2005 in the end of specialization course. The data reveal that the monographic writer/student emphasizes the use of direct discourse in graduation works while in specialization works there was an emphasis at indirect speech. The analysis the way they introduce cited discourse pointed out that writer/student in graduation course such as specialization student make meaningless constructions when they do not use discendi verbs, they demonstrate difficulties inarticulate citing discourse with cited discourse. In what is related to functions of cited discourse we verify that the student/writer, in both stages or levels give emphasis to the function maintain an assertion, indicating that other s discourse serve mainly as a resource of authority just because that this function reveals the absence of a dialog between student writing and cited discourse. In a general way, the forms of other s discourse claim a form of writing that is found starting from a sequence of cited discourse in what student/writer voice in graduation and specialization comes to text surface just few times, but most of the times, the student takes other s words as they were themselves, every time there is an overlap of author/source
The present research intends to propose a reading in a new dimension of the fantastic (weird) literature and, especially, of its Brazilian more representative author, Murilo Rubião. At the beginning with concepts and associations with the erotic, starting from the myth of Eros and Psique and developing relations with Georges Bataille's theory on the theme. Afterwards, other associations are made, now with relation to the own fantastic literature. With the essence of this literature, examples of the traditional close to the contemporary. A last, association is made with the absurd literature. The contemporary man as being object and its configuration represented in the field of the dreams and its possibilities. At the end of the work, a "post scriptum" suggests a more imersive reading of tales in the entire that appeared broken into fragments along the research
The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of the indicative mood, instead of the subjunctive prescribed by the normative grammar, in complement clauses introduced by the conjunction que in Brazilian Portuguese. Contexts of use of the subjunctive according to grammatical prescription, and contexts of fluctuation on the use of that verbal mood were analyzed, in an attempt to investigate what interferes on the choice of the mood by the user of the language. This study is based on North-American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, oriented to analyzing language in use, in the light of the principles of grammaticalization and markedness. The results obtained support that the contexts that favor the indicative over the subjunctive are those composed by a complement clause functioning as a direct object the unmarked clause of all complement clauses and by a verb on the main sentence that belongs to the semantic field of low certainty, corresponding to the epistemic sub-mode the unmarked category of the deontic sub-mode. The results indicate that pragmatics and semantics factors influence the language user on the choice of the verbal mood. This research also presents comparative data on the use of the indicative mood in place of the subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French, aiming to providing suggestions on language teaching
Qué se piensa aquí, esencialmente, está a mapear el itinerario de la melancolía creativa en el discurso de Dom Casmurro; es decir, aquél de el cual el valle narrativo de una sensación de la angustia a alçar él él las maneras de la representación en el discurso de Dom Casmurro. El árbol básico en el cual éste estimaba incurre en se basa en el acuerdo de eso que la actual melancolía en el texto del machadiano se puede analizar por las estratagemas de la lengua creativa en la intención de demostrar en él una especie del espacio virtual - el conducir de metáforas, de ironies y del exacerbamento de imágenes - por cuál se prepone el narrador construir su salvación . El propósito es analizar el uso de el proyecto del alegórico y el irónico previstos por el autor en la intención de descubrir pues tales procedimientos contribuyen para crear un texto ese desestabiliza el carácter malsano de la melancolía. Puede propagar lengua creativa de tal manera cuánto otras maneras de la representación de eso las marcas del arte utilizan. Más allá de este traz poético, la contribución de este trabajo también constituye: para componer una escena en la cual el teatralidade de la lengua de Dom Casmurro constituye drama y no tragedia. Después de la pista de los conceptos de los benjaminianas de la melancolía, alegoria, metalenguaje la ironía, vimos que éstos disalign de la voluntad que los estatutos se estabilizaron de las figuras del retórico para consistir mientras que las estrategias de los discursivas. Subyacente a este proceso es posible percibir el flash del rescate de la escritura melancholic, visto bajo luz del saturnine de una mirada que si desea alegórico, en la misma incandescencia de la risa del fáustico
Esta pesquisa trata da referenciação ocorrida pelas anáforas diretas e indire-tas em produções textuais de alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Como elemento pri-mordial de nossas investigações, ancoramo-nos na referenciação e estudos da aná-fora no âmbito da Lingüística Textual como fazem Mondada e Dubois (2003); KOCH (2003) e Marcuschi (2005). De acordo com estudos já realizados e envolvidos com a temática, defendemos a noção de referenciação como sendo um processo de cons-trução de sentidos que se realiza no discurso, isto é, em atividades interativas entre os sujeitos exigindo, portanto, uma ação colaborativa entre os interlocutores. Nesse aspecto, a interação precisa existir, visto que os referentes de um termo anafórico nem sempre se encontram na superfície textual; muitas vezes, são construídos a partir de uma representação ou modelo mental disponível na memória discursiva. Nessa perspectiva, procuramos analisar o processo de referenciação construído a partir de anáforas diretas e indiretas identificando as estratégias utilizadas em textos produzidos em situações de sala de aula. Dizemos que a anáfora direta, de modo geral, é definida pela relação de correferencialidade estabelecida entre o anafórico e seu antecedente, enquanto a anáfora indireta é vista como uma estratégia referenci-al de associação, sem referente explícito, tendo que se esforçar para estabelecer a continuidade referencial no texto e para isso utiliza-se da ativação (referenciação mental) de elementos novos e não de uma reativação de referentes já conhecidos, o que constitui um processo de referenciação implícita. Para alcançarmos nosso obje-tivo, utilizamos como subsídio teórico, o processo de informação na memória cogni-tiva, a referência e estudos da anáfora no âmbito da Lingüística Textual. O corpus deste trabalho constitui-se de sessenta textos escritos por alunos de 7ª série (atual 8º ano), dentre os quais analisamos o processo de referenciação ocasionado pelas anáforas diretas e indiretas em doze desses textos. Considerando os dados analisa-dos, dentre os tipos de anáforas estudados, constatamos que houve preponderância no uso das anáforas diretas, destacando-se entre elas a anáfora direta correferencial co-significativa, com maior manifestação no uso das retomadas diretas por pronomi-nalização
In this study we investigate the reference to other s discourse done it through the resource of direct cited discourse at background section in monographic texts produced by university students at the last phase of final work in their graduate Letras course. This work is guided in cited/related discourse studies in Bakhtin (2004), Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, 2004), Maingueneau (1996, 2002), Charaudeau and Maingueneau (2004); in genre approaches developed by Bakhtin (2000); Maingueneau (1996, 2002); socio-discursive interaction (BRONCKART, 1999, 2003; SCHNEUWLY, 2004; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and Bazerman (2005); and also in presuppositions of Textual Linguistics presented by Charrolles (1988), Van Dijk (1997), Beaugrande and Dressier (1981), Koch and Travaglia (1993, 1995), Koch (2002, 2004) and Val (2000, 2004). We have established as aims to analyze and interpret meaning relations problems in how to articulate direct cited discourse with citing discourse and at the same time explain semantic implications that comes from that articulation that compromise text meaning, at background section in that monographic genre. The analysis, by qualitative and quantitative basis in eleven monographic works that form our corpus, gave us the opportunity to achieve and see that meaning relationships in the articulation of direct cited discourse with citing discourse show problems that may be categorized into three different groups: problems related to meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes before it, problems of meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes after it, and problems with of meaning relationships with citing discourse that come before it and at the same time with citing discourse that comes after it (i.e. in relation to both). These analysis also allow us assert that, these problems, just because they occur frequently, they affect the micro level text coherence, and they also compromise the text global meaning. The results show that students at Letras Course, even in the ending process of their course do not show the real domain in relation to some ways of direct cited discourse organization and working, and also how the ideas articulation work in the construction of relations between direct cited discourse and the citing discourse that can turn those students able to produce a text that enhance acceptable patterns
The analysis of this work seeks to investigate the meaning of the laughter in the paraibano writer Ariano Suassuna s armorial theater. The study departs, firstly, from an argumentation which centers its content in the theory of the many theoreticians of the question: Henri Bergson, Vladimir Propp, Jolles, Freud, Bakhtin. The essence of the laughter in Suassuna and its esthetic relations are commented, because those elements are responsible for the strength of the literary text. On the condition of scholar about Esthetic and Art History, Suassuna always puts the methods of the estheticism in favor of the loud laughter bearing in mind that it is a source of improvisation, i.e., it may have many senses depending on what it is pretended to transmit to the reader/viewer. The laughter is a mask which is changed to each new situation, representing that way own human condition. Because the theater is an art subjected to recreation, the laughter also is. And because it is a great party where other arts (the dance, the music, mamulengo e the bumba-meu-boi) are present, united to compose a confluent and hybrid language, the meaning of hilarity during the popular celebrations is studied mainly those that happened in Medieval Europe. Thus, in the second part, the basis of the research is the Russian Mikhail Bakhtin s theory that helps to link Suassuna s laughter to the popular party, showing the language used in them and the jokes that give life to the joy of the folk. Soon after, the importance of Suassuna s laughter to the Brazilian Culture, is examined making a reflection about its function at the sociocultural context of the country