88 resultados para Maneiras


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as transformações do cotidiano profissional do enfermeiro do hospital universitário após a realização do curso de mestrado. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no Complexo Hospitalar Universitário da UFRN, composto pelo Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJEC), e Hospital de Pediatria Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra (HOSPED) localizados em Natal-RN; e pelo Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra (HUAB) situado em Santa Cruz-RN. A população foi composta por vinte e dois enfermeiros, com título de mestre em enfermagem, que trabalham nessas instituições. Após encaminhamento e aprovação pelo Comitê de ética em pesquisa, conforme Parecer nº 268.498 e CAAE: 13922713.1.0000.5537, as entrevistas foram iniciadas, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado, organizado em questões orientadas em conformidade com os objetivos do estudo. Do material empírico, emergiram as categorias que foram trabalhadas com base na análise de conteúdo temática, tendo como aporte teórico os estudos de Agnes Heller acerca do cotidiano e os de Paulo Freire sobre educação e mudanças, buscando a possível interlocução entre esses autores. Os resultados demonstram que o cotidiano dos enfermeiros nos hospitais universitários, após cursarem o mestrado, modifica-se a partir da própria motivação em cursálo e do apoio institucional recebido. As continuidades e rupturas apontadas estão distribuídas nas categorias: a inércia da cotidianidade, na qual os enfermeiros relatam a dificuldade em mudar seu cotidiano devido à rotina exaustiva e à falta de apoio; reconhecem mudanças particulares, compreendendo a formação de um olhar crítico/reflexivo/analítico, e a qualificação para o ensino e pesquisa; e as rupturas do cotidiano, que se referem às mudanças ocorridas no serviço, como a melhoria da assistência, pela implantação de resultados; e uma prática diferenciada por ter um profissional qualificado. Portanto, considera-se que a realização do mestrado contribuiu para o crescimento do intelectual e profissional do enfermeiro e, consequentemente, para o serviço, no cotidiano do Complexo Hospitalar Universitário, sendo reconhecido pelos enfermeiros o compromisso com uma maior responsabilidade social. Porém, ainda são necessárias reflexões sobre maneiras de minimizar as dificuldades apontadas, como forma de incentivar essa qualificação


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The question of participation has been debated in Brazil since the 1980 decade in search a better way to take care of poulation s demand. More specificaly after the democratic open (1985) begins to be thought ways to make population participates of decisions related to alocation of public resources. The characteristic of participates actualy doesn t exist, population to be carried through is, at top, consulted, and the fact population participates stays restrict to some technics interests at the projects, mainly of public politics of local development. Observe that this implementation happens through a process and that has its limits (pass) that could be surpassed through strategies made to that. This dissertation shows results of a research about participative practices in city of Serrinha between 1997 and 2004, showing through a study of the case of Serrinha what was the process used to carry through these pratices in a moment and local considered model of this application. The analyses were developed through a model of research elaborated by the author based on large literature respects the ideal process to implant a participative public politics. The present research had a qualitative boarding, being explorative and descritive nature. The researcher (author of this dissertation) carried through all the research phases, including the transcriptions of interviews that were recorded with a digital voice recorder. Before the analysis of these data was verified that despite the public manager (former-mayor) had had a real interest in implant a process of local development in city, he was not able to forsee the correct process to do it. Two high faults were made. The first was the intention to have as tool a development plan, what locked up to make this plan was the booster of supossed participative pratice and no the ideal model that would be a plan generate by popular initiative. The second one was absence of a critical education project for the population that should be the fisrt step to carry through a politc like that


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This work discusses the environmental management thematic, on the basis of ISO 14001 standard and learning organization. This study is carried through an exploratory survey in a company of fuel transport, located in Natal/RN. The objective of this research was to investigate the practices of environmental management, carried through in the context of an implemented ISO 14001 environmental management system, in the researched organization, from the perspective of the learning organization. The methodology used in this work is supported in the quantitative method, combining the exploratory and descriptive types, and uses the technique of questionnaires, having as scope of the research, the managers, employee controlling, coordinators, supervisors and - proper and contracted - of the company. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research, it was used software Excel and Statistical version 6.0. The analysis of the data is divided in two parts: descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results point, on the basis of the studied theory, as well as in the results of the research, that the implemented ISO 14001 environmental system in the searched organization presents elements that promote learning organization. From the results, it can be concluded that the company uses external information in the decision taking on environmental problems; that the employees are mobilized to generate ideas and to collect n environmental information and that the company has carried through partnerships in the activities of the environmental area with other companies. All these item cited can contribute for the generation of knowledge of the organization. It can also be concluded that the company has evaluated environmental errors occurrences in the past, as well as carried through environmental benchmarking. These practical can be considered as good ways of the company to acquire knowledge. The results also show that the employees have not found difficulties in the accomplishment of the tasks when the manager of its sector is not present. This result can demonstrate that the company has a good diffusion of knowledge


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In this work, we propose methodologies and computer tools to insert robots in cultural environments. The basic idea is to have a robot in a real context (a cultural space) that can represent an user connected to the system through Internet (visitor avatar in the real space) and that the robot also have its representation in a Mixed Reality space (robot avatar in the virtual space). In this way, robot and avatar are not simply real and virtual objects. They play a more important role in the scenery, interfering in the process and taking decisions. In order to have this service running, we developed a module composed by a robot, communication tools and ways to provide integration of these with the virtual environment. As welI we implemented a set of behaviors with the purpose of controlling the robot in the real space. We studied available software and hardware tools for the robotics platform used in the experiments, as welI we developed test routines to determine their potentialities. Finally, we studied the behavior-based control model, we planned and implemented alI the necessary behaviors for the robot integration to the real and virtual cultural spaces. Several experiments were conducted, in order to validate the developed methodologies and tools


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The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information


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Frequency selective surfaces (Frequency Selective Surface - FSS) are often used in various applications in telecommunications. Some of these applications may require that these structures have response with multiple resonance bands. Other applications require that the FSS response have large frequency range, to meet the necessary requirements. FSS to design with these features there are numerous techniques cited in the scientific literature. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine some common techniques such as: Overlap of FSS; Elements combined; Elements Elements convolucionados and fractals. And designing multiband FSS and / or broadband selecting simple ways in terms of construction and occupy the smallest possible space, aiming at practical applications. Given these requirements, three projects FSS were performed: a technology applied to IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n and two projects for application in UWB. In project development, commercial software Ansoft DesignerTM and experimental results were satisfactory was used


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The nanometric powders have special features that usually result in new properties, originating applications or expanding them in various fields of knowledge. Because having a high area/volume ratio, phenomena such as superficial strength of adsorption becomes greater than the weight of the powder which makes more difficult its handling. The high power of agglomeration of these powders requires study and development of equipments to enable its management into the plasma torch. The objective of this work is to develop a powder feeder which can solve the mainly problems about insertion of powder into the thermal spray developed in the laboratory of plasmas, which are carried out with plasma torch arc not transferred (plasma spray). Therefore, it was made a aluminum s powder feeder and tests were performed to verify their operation and determine its rate of deposition by spraying powders of niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) with particle sizes less than 250 mesh (<0.063 mm). We used masses of 0.5 g - 1.0 g and 1.5 g of each powder in tests lasting 15 seconds - 20 to 25 seconds for each mass. The tests were performed in two ways: at atmospheric pressure using argon gas with a flow of 9 l / min as carrier gas and through a Venturi pipe also using argon gas with a flow of 9 l / min as carrier gas and with a flow of 20 l/min as the feed gas passing through the Venturi pipe. The powder feeder developed in this paper is very easy to be handling and building, resulting in feeding rate of 0.25 cm3/min - 1.37 cm3/min. The TiO2 showed higher feeding rates than the Nb2O5 in all tests, and the best rates were obtained with tests using mass 1.5 g and time of 15 seconds, reaching feeding rate of 1.37 cm3/min. The flow of feed had low interference in feeding rate during the tests


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Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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The present dissertation performs a study about abacus part on the continuous education of Elementary School s Mathematic teachers on what concerns the basic operations of addition and subtraction with (re)unification by using the manipulative and/or informatical abacus. Therefore, the research intends to answer the following question: How does a teacher reframe the pedagogical practice while teaching the Decimal Numeral System and the conventional operations of addition and subtraction with (re)unification through manipulative and informatical abacus? In order to do so, we rely ourselves on the Guy Brousseau s Theory of Didactic Situations (TDS) from 1996 that affirms the necessity to trace a way in accordance with the teaching situations that lead the student s learning; and on the work of Pierre Lévy (1993), in which the poles of communication oral, written and virtual create three ways of communication through which the learning process happens. The methodology of this paper was based on the Strategic Research-Action of Franco (2005). The didactic sequence was elaborated in accordance with TDS and used the manipulative and informatical abacus as didactic resource. With the application of the didactic sequence, it was verified that the continued formation of Elementary School s teachers concerning the operations of addition and subtraction on the initial years/levels is pertinent once it has been observed some difficulties of the teachers concerning this mathematical subject. Besides, the analysis of the didactic sequence has allowed one to realize that teachers had some difficulties concerning the numeric representation with order zero, the resolution of operations of addition and subtraction using the manipulative and informatical abacus and the realization of (re)unification on the subtraction with meaning. These observations has been discussed with the teachers and, after that, it has been done some didactic-methodological routings of the operations of addition and subtraction with re(unification) that contributes with the teaching and learning process.


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Normally initial teacher training has not been sufficient to provide all the tools for an updated and efficient teaching practice. It is presented here one of the ways of working the completion of the initial training through a course of continuing education. This course is based on inquiry teaching which is considered an important teaching strategy for science education. This kind of teaching enables improvement of students reasoning and cognitive skills, the cooperation among them, the understanding of the nature of scientific work, and the motivation to think about the relationship between science, technology, society and environment. For this dissertation a course of continuing education based on this approach was followed in order to evaluate which contributions it can bring to the teaching practice. The course was followed based on three stages: on the first there was a questionnaire and an informal interview; next it happened through participant observation with audio and visual aid; the third stage happened through semi structured interview. The collected information was analyzed based on Content Analysis. An inquiry teaching pedagogical material was produced for the course including some examples and applications of this approach. The aim of the material is that it can be a support for the teachers after de course. The results allowed seeing that the course was very useful, different from the traditional and the teachers that put the approach to use found it to be very positive. Thus it can be said that some of the teachers who participated will try again to apply it, try to contextualize more the teaching situations with the students day to day life, as well make them more active and critic. We can also gather from the study, that the inquiry teaching is a very different tool from what the teacher was taught and is accustomed to use and the theoretical comprehension, acceptance and practice change is a complicated process and demands time


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Este trabajo busca analizar cómo algunos aspectos presentes en la obra de ficción del escritor catalán Enrique Vila-Matas permiten pensar las prácticas de la escritura literaria contemporánea. A partir de una forma híbrida que reconsidera las relaciones tanto entre los géneros como entre los discursos crítico y de ficción, la obra del autor se propone reflexionar sobre sus propias posibilidades en el contexto sociocultural contemporáneo. De este modo, a través de una ficción que muchas veces adquiere los atributos del ensayo, Vila-Matas trae al centro de sus enredos la discusión de cuestiones relacionadas con los impases de una escritura que vuelve su atención para el destino de una tradición literaria desvinculada de los preceptos meramente mercadológicos contemporáneos. Su manera crítica de abordar la literatura y la experimentación en busca de nuevas posibilidades permite asociarlo tanto a Laurence Sterne como al proyecto literario de Jorge Luis Borges. Estos autores tienen propuestas que tratan de superar los límites del texto, ya que ahí está el deseo de acogerse a la ficción para demostrar la inestabilidad de los elementos de una cultura, apropiándose y desestabilizando los discursos y las claras distinciones entre los saberes. En este sentido, las diversas formas en que Vila- Matas se apropia de los textos de otros y construye una obra de carácter fuertemente intertextual denuncian jerarquizaciones y modos de circulación de textos que permiten aproximarse de la tensión existente entre temas como influencia, citación, prácticas de lectura y escritura


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Some authors have suggested that learning tasks conducted in L2 classes can motivate learners in different ways. Similarly, Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) have already been linked as drivers to engagement and enthusiasm in L2 classes, which may cause some impact on affective variables that influence learning (e.g. motivation). This crosssectional mixed-methods study aims to understand how situational motivation caused by learning tasks mediated by the IWB impact participants. We seek to answer the following research questions: (1) How does motivation as a personality trait of the learner relate to his/her additional language learning performance?, (2) How does the type of learning task mediated by the IWB impact the learner s motivation?, (3) How does motivation vary along the learning task mediated by the IWB? and (4) What is the relation between the learning task motivation and the learners perception about the task mediated by the IWB? Data collection lasted four months with 29 learners from a private language school. The instruments used were the following: (a) an initial questionnaire (adapted from the Attitudes/Motivation Test Battery by GARDNER, 2004), (b) situation-specific on-line scales to assess learners motivation in three moments: before, during and after the task, and analyze how motivation varies along the task; (c) class observations and field notes resulting from these observations, (d) participants end-of-course grades to understand the connection between academic success and their motivational profiles and (e) a final questionnaire with the qualitative purpose to know learners perceptions about the tasks mediated by the IWB. Our theoretical framework is based on Task-Based Learning and cognitive aspects present in tasks (WILLIS, 1996; SKEHAN, 1996), theories on motivation and second language learning (GARDNER, 2001; DÖRNYEI e OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000; 2002) and conceptions about L2 learning mediated by technology (GIBSON, 2001; OLIVEIRA, 2001; MILLER et al, 2005). Our results do not point out to a significative correlation between learners end-of-course grades and their motivational profiles. However, they indicate that there is some variability in situational motivation along the tasks, even among learning tasks from the same type. Furthermore, they show that learners report different perceptions for each learning task and that the impact of the IWB on participants did not have a large proportion


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VoiceThread (VT) is a collaborative and asynchronous web 2.0 tool, which permits the creation of oral presentations with the help of images, documents, texts and voice, allowing groups of people to browse and contribute with comments using several options: voice (microphone or cell phone), text and audio-file or video (webcam) (BOTTENTUIT JUNIOR, LISBÔA E COUTINHO, 2009). The hybrid experience with VoiceThread allows learners to plan their speech before recording it, without the pressure often existent in the classroom. Furthermore, the presentations can be recorded several times, enabling students to listen to them, notice the gaps in their oral production (noticing) and edit innumerous times before publishing them online. In this perspective, oral production is seen as a process of L2 acquisition, not only as practice of already existent knowledge, because it can stimulate the learner to process the language syntactically (SWAIN, 1985; 1995). In this context, this study aims to verify if there is a relation between the oral production of the learners more specifically the grammatical accuracy and the global oral grade and their noticing capacity, how the systematic practice with VoiceThread, in a hybrid approach, can impact the learners global oral development, their oral production in terms of fluency (number of words per minute), accuracy (number of errors in hundred words), and complexity (number of dependent clauses per minute), and on their noticing capacity (SCHMIDT, 1990; 1995; 2001), that is, the learner s capacity of noticing the gaps existent in their oral production. In order to answer these research questions, 49 L2 learners of English were divided into an experimental group (25 students) and a control group (24 students). The experimental group was exposed to the hybrid approach with VT during two months and, through a pre- and post-test, we verified if this systematic practice would positively influence these participants oral production and noticing capacity. These results were compared to the pre- and post-test scores from the control group, which was not exposed to VT. Finally, learners impressions in relation to the use of this tool were also sought through a questionnaire applied after the post-test. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the learners speech production (accuracy and global oral grade) and their noticing capacity. Besides, it was verified a positive impact of VoiceThread on the learners speech production variables and on their noticing capacity. They also reveal a positive reaction by the learners in relation to the hybrid experience with this web tool


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This investigation aims at describing, analyzing and interpreting the Commitment in Initial Petitions, which is a genre circumscribed in the judicial domain. For this purpose, we have chosen sections, facts as found and relevant law , sections of the petition, with the understanding that, in this way, respectively, the narration of events, which gives margin to the propositioning to the judicial action, and the exposition of the law that upholds the author s intention. We base our discussion on the field of Linguistics, more precisely, Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), whose theoretical basis is derived from Textual Linguistics (TL) and Enunciative Linguistics. We foreground, particularly, the way in which the author of texts, objects of analysis, use discursive strategies that evidence ER. The relevance of this study, then, is in the formation of a critique of the judicial text, as it conceives of a dialogical approach to the point of view, raising not only questions about the way in which a linguistic instance conceives an object of discourse, but also considering questions of language inherent to technical writing and, in this aspect, contributing to the work of those operating in Law about the many ways ER is formed in the body of a petition. We selected two categories to analyze that, according to Adam (2011), characterize the degree of ER in the textual material of the propositional enunciations: the different types of representation of speech and the indications of profile of mediators. In this sense, with this task as an objective, we base our study regarding point of view on Rabatel (2003, 2009a, 2010) with relation to the enunciative approach, including the study of PDV in polyphonic and dialogical theoretical framework to study the ER from different types of speech representations that conceive forms of transmission of discourse and the role of the enunciating subject, mainly the responsibility and the prerogative by the propositional contents. In the same way, intending to study the indications of the mediator profiles, we observed the postulations of Guentchéva (1994, 1996), which develop the notion of mediative grammatical categories, of which permit the linguistic marking of distance and engagement of the enunciator with regard to the information expressed. The methodology we adopted was based on qualitative research, of an interpretive and introspective nature, in light of the fact that his study focuses on processes and strategies underlying language use. The corpus of the research is comprised of Initial Petitions, which gave rise to actions originating in the Civil Court of Currais Novos County RN. The data analysis shows that an object of discourse is always perspective oriented and presents the point of view of one or more enunciators. Consequently, the producer of a text, using the PDV of other enunciators, influences and establishes the argumentative orientation of the text. In the same way, it evidences the relevance of the use of mediated constructions in the judicial text, as they function as strategies attenuated to the responsibility of the producer of the text with what is said, and at the same time points to a discourse of authority through the entrance of the sources of law. Moreover, it reveals the documental and international importance of this practice, at the same time that it exposes the compositional and normative difficulties with regard to legal and linguistic aspects


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Common understanding about what freedom means has always been more or less related to the power to realize something intended, desired, a capability. Therefore, being free is commonly interpreted under the concept of free-will and the category of possibility to act. Although there are predecessors in History of Philosophy, Schopenhauer refuses the thesis of free will proposing otherwise the denial of willing (to live) as the ultimate possibility for human freedom, if not the only one left. The thesis that would make him famous was deeply misunderstood and so miscarried somewhat due to the way it was many times presented by the means of exotic examples wrapped in a mystical mood besides exaltations to Eastern traditions, which may satisfy anthropological curiosity instead of being capable to satisfy the reader in a philosophical way. It seems to result from Schopenhauer s thought a kind of pessimism against life. Otherwise, typical readings on the Schopenhauerian thesis are found full of inconsistencies once closely regarded, which blame does not belong to the author but to his interpreters. A new reading about the denial of willing as the ultimate possibility for human freedom demands a criticism on the inconsistencies and prejudgments deep grounded. For this, we firstly clarify the ways of understanding the willing nothing , which cannot be reduced to the mere refusal or conformism, being instead positively understood as a special manner of willing: the admission of oneself for the sake of one is. A few more than a century later The world as will and representation came to light, Heidegger proposes in his fundamental ontology that the proper being-free concerns to originary decision by which, in anguish of being suspended in nothingness, Dasein renders itself singular as the being who is in-a-world and to-death, concluding that the ultimate possibility of freedom is being-free-to-death. Developing the hypothesis that freedom, properly understood, concerns to nothingness as to indeterminate possibilities, we seek for a dialogue between Schopenhauer s thought and existential philosophy aiming to reconstitute and overcome Metaphysics tradition turning the question about freedom into a matter of Ontology. From the factual existence perspective, as we must show, every human activity (or inactivity) is ordinarily mediated by representations, in which me and world appear as distinct entities. So, each one among determininate individuals finds itself connected to the things in the world by interest, which proper concept must be sufficiently explored. Starting from this point, we may proceed to detailed analysis of usual representations of freedom aiming their destruction by Ontology and then reaching existential thesis according to Kierkegaard and Heidegger. Turning back to the analysis of Schopenhauer s work, we conclude existential understanding of freedom as will-to-be can also be found in Schopenhauer. In this way, denial of willing means ultimate freedom once the Will turns back to its own essence by suppressing the world as representation, which means the originary absolute indetermination of the extreme possibility to-be