45 resultados para Leitura precoce


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In this work, we analyzed reading memories of mother language teachers in continuing education context. Our objective was to understand how each individual has built his/her reader image. Our theoretical approach to the construction of selfimage was based on the concept of discursive ethos, understanding it with Charaudeau (2006) as something constructed in the intersection of glances (of the self and the other). To understand how each teacher has built his/her reader image in that intertwining of glances (of the self and the other) we are on the contributions of Bakhtin (2003, 2010b) on exotopic glance or distant/external glance. Therefore, in the analysis, we tried to capture the exotopic glance of the teachers about themselves in the various stages of their reader formation and from our exotopic look of researcher; we gave provisional finish of the reader image that teachers built of themselves. For the analysis, we adopted other theoretical assumptions: about genres, theme, composition and style, statement and social voices we based on Bakhtin (1997, 2003, 2010a, 2010b); on the notion of the discursive ethos we anchored in studies conducted by Maingueneau (2008a, 2008b); about reading, we adopted the theoretical references of Rojo (2005, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2009c, 2009d), Garcez (2002), Freire (2008) and Silva Neto (2007). For the discursive genre reading memories makes reference to the theme memory as well as is related to the context of teacher training, the study was supported in Aragão (1992) and Nóvoa`s (2007) theory. Situated in the area of Applied Linguistics, the research aligns with qualitative-interpretative approach of socio-historical basis. Finally, from the analysis of the corpus, data that emerged from the findings, we conclude by stating that readers have created images of themselves as active readers, readers interested in both readings, the ones respected and the ones unappreciated by the official culture


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This study focalizes the memoirs of rivers and of lakes in the romantic construction starting from the romances Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947) and Três casas e um rio (1958), of writer Dalcídio Jurandir; of the book of memoirs Marajó, minha vida (1998), of writer Dita Acatauassu; of the story "A Feiticeira", published in the book Contos Amazônicos, written by Inglês de Sousa (1883); of the short story "O Peixe", published in O carro dos milagres, (1990), of writer Benedicto Monteiro; of the oral narratives Honorato: Cobra Grande , O encanto de Honorato and A Lenda da Cobra Norato , picked up by the project named The Imaginary in the Shape of Oral Narratives of Paraense Amazon (IFNOPAP) of the Federal University of Pará. In those speeches, the voices of the memory detach the multiple functions of rivers and lakes represented as space, atmosphere, scenery, route and route, thread and fabric, re-elaborated in the narrators' memoirs, characters and narrators/character of the fiction and in popular narratives


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Este trabajo tiene como objeto de investigación literaria la obra: O testamento de Jo , lanzada en 1965, por Walflan de Queiroz. El poeta norte-río-grandense ilustra a través de un conjunto de poemas su experiencia religiosa y metafísica a partir de la desgracia sufrida por el personaje bíblico Jo, desarrollando una estética de la soledad, de la pobreza y de la marginalidad. Según Alter y Kermode (1997), la poesía de Jo es asombrosa en su fuerza e inventiva. Se pretende demostrar que las poesías de Walflan de Queiroz poseen dos corrientes definidas: si, por un parte, se vinculan al tema de Jo, mon doux Job , como él escribió en un poema; por otra, diseminan una postura amorosa. Con el objetivo de situar al autor y a su obra, se discuten el contexto histórico y la agitación cultural en Río Grande do Norte en la década de 1960. La lectura de O testamento de Jo nos llevó a realizar inicialmente una comparación de la poética walflaniana con textos bíblicos para la construcción de una atmósfera mística en el libro. Enseguida, el abordaje de los poemas amorosos que retratan la imagen femenina presente de forma platónica o bajo el velo de la mitología, de los mitos de Orfeu y Eurídice, retomados por el poeta. En Walflan de Queiroz, el amor no se concretiza. Y el bardo escribe como los románticos y los simbolistas


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The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship


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In The Structure of Empirical Knowledge Laurence Bonjour tries to prove the inefficiency of a foundational explanation as a solution to the skeptical problem. His view is that there are no basic beliefs in the proper sense, that is, beliefs capable of having some justificatory force other than the ones derived by the coherence with other beliefs. We will show that this proposal is not achieved satisfactorily by BonJour, and that a non inferential observational belief in his theory would be more plausible if it were interpreted as being basic in terms of a weak foundational theory.


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Made from the bases of metaphysics, this dissertation is related do Kant‟s moral philosophy. But the itinerary to reach the main speculation used to develop this current understanding of Kant‟s thoughts, it is nothing but an attempt to make the formal rigor more flexible, which has always been associated to Kantian ethics‟ perspectives. From the awareness of what this formalism could be, while a moral arrangement, it is how we will be able to come upon a teleological Kant. That is the fundamental element to comprehend some of the significant aspects in that ethical system, which necessarily comes through the effort to demonstrate the proximity between reason and sensibility, as well as nature and liberty. In this environment, the journey to achieve the autonomy, as the bedrock of liberty and morality, evokes the support of education in Kantian patterns, which enables a course of improvement of the human being, as an individual e, more significantly, as specie. This evolution progress, which tents to reveal the destiny of the humanity, is evolved in the relationship between necessity and finality, as a condition to make the structure of a project to humanity possible. We should mention that it is a rational, an educational and a moral project to be developed in the course of history. As a consequence, the amount of all these elements permits the development of the man‟s natural disposition as a creature that looks for self knowledge , becoming, afterward, dignified to be qualified as a human being. Finally, this study intent to figure out the necessity of the human being inclusion to nature, which happens throughout the acquirement of the individuals‟ conscience


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This present research aims to understand the concept of homosexuality as a social creation that comes permeated by the discourses of sexuality devices. It discusses the issue of homosexuality with a focus on works of Michel Foucault, in special The History of Sexuality, where the author emphasizes that homosexuality as a social construct that manifests itself during the nineteenth century. From the Foucauldian discourse, it is proposed to understand and analyze the creation of the concept of homosexuality, which is built around the subordination of the individual as a social agent, or the creation of homosexuality does not refer to sexual intercourse between individuals of the same sex, but a social subject and the position it takes in society. So along with the birth of the homosexual individual, there is also the construction of the individual as a social subject, as being, homosexuality and homosexual subject are products of overlapping powerculture. When addressing this theme, it breaks the hegemony that seeks to characterize naturalized of sexuality and, consequently, homosexuality, born with the original speeches on medical and psychiatric couches, in which one perceives the role of power in the discourses deploying the truths aimed at sexuality. With this, there has been an argument that seeks to refute the eugenics that includes sexuality as something natural, instituting a homosexual as a guy born hostage to a bad genetic and abnormal who should be treated for their disease, and understand this individual as a product of social discourse


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Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane


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The aim of this study is to understand the version of St. Francis of Assisi created by Friar Thomas of Celano in his hagiographic works. That study also it examines how the Order of Friars Minor and the Papacy have understood the relationship between Christians and the world and turned thisunderstanding in a version of the Saint. Factors such as the replacement of Neoplatonism byAristotelianism as philosophical paradigm and economic and social changes have contributed to change the interpretation of the biblical mandate to not love the world , no longer interpreted as materiality, but as an order for Christians to flee sin. The rejection of the world was replaced by a greater appreciation of nature and society. Moreover, increasingly, the body went from enemy to friend, becoming the brotherbody. Such analysis is important to review the idea, so common in the historiography of what MaxWeber called Worldly Asceticism, the Christian life lived in society, only emerged in Protestantism in opposition to monasticism. The mendicant orders, especially the minority tried during the thirteenth century, the period of analysis of this work, experience the loving nature of Christianity and acting,through preaching and charity in the cities.To make this work, were analyzed the hagiographic discourse (on San Francisco) made by Thomas of Celano, Vita beati Francisci (called Vita Prima) and Memorial in desideiro anime (named Vita Secunda) and, from this, understand the Celano´s interpretation on how it should be the Christian's relationship with the world. The world ceased to be adistorted reflection of a perfect reality, becoming the perfect reflection of God's goodness.


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Breast cancer has been considered a grave global public health problem due to its increase in incidence, in women s mortality and in the amount of financial resources spent on the therapeutic interventions used in the treatment of this neoplasia. However, this scenario presents some variations. In developing countries, the incidence of breast cancer is increasing but, on the other hand, the mortality is declining among patients because of public health actions toward early diagnostic that also result in cure of patients and decreasing levels of physical and psychosocial stress. In Brazil, we face of both the increasing number of breast cancer incidence and number of mortalities. Almost always the reason for that is a delayed detection that will provide a late diagnostic. The early detection of breast cancer has been studied in several researches. Some of them are concerned with women s experiences. Despite that, there is a lack of researches on dynamic comprehension of early attention to breast cancer from the health professionals points of view. The present research was carried out at the Unidade Mista de Felipe Camarão (UMFC) and it was conducted with 11 professionals who work in the Family Health Program (PSF). The aim was to understand how early diagnostic and attention to breast cancer is being planned, discussed and accomplished by health professionals in their day-to-day actions. Semi-structure interviews were held individually with each professional, in a way that they could feel free to express their ideas about several issues. All the information from these interviews was analyzed and discussed using an Institutional Ethnographic approach. It was observed that the actions of health professionals working with early detection of breast cancer does not take place in a vacuum; they occur within institutional, relational and social ways. This interdependence influences their actions and points of view on the theme


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Early childhood caries, especially in its severe form, which is characterized by an acute and aggressive nature, can have negative impacts on thequality of life of a child, due to effects such as difficulty in chewing, decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, changes in behavior and a decreased performance in school, among others. Moreover, the quality of life of the child`s family can also be affected, as the pain and discomfort caused by this type of caries result in loss of working days of parents, spending on dental treatments, changes in sleep patterns and stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of severe early childhood caries in the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of public daycares`s preschool children through the Escala de Impacto da Saúde Bucal na Primeira Infância, a Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). A single calibrated examiner (kappa=1.0) evaluated, through the dmfs index, the oral health of 116 children aged between 3 and 5, which were included in one of three study groups: "caries-free", "not-severe early childhood caries" and "severe early childhood caries". The parents responded to ECOHIS, to assess their perception regarding the OHRQoL of their children, and a questionnaire on socioeconomic conditions. The OHRQoL was measured through the total scores and domains of ECOHIS. Descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, chi-square test and Poisson multiple regression with robust variance were used. Among the children observed, 38.8% were caries-free, 27.6% showed not-severe early childhood caries and 33.6% showed severe early childhood caries. Regarding the total score of ECOHIS, severe early childhood caries had a greater negative impact on OHRQoL, compared to caries-free and not-severe early childhood caries groups (p <0.001). Regarding the child subscale, there was significant difference between the "severe early childhood caries" group and the other groups in all domains, except for theone of self-image / social interaction. In the family subscale domains, there was statistical significance between the severe early childhood caries and the caries-free groups in all domains (p <0.001), whereas between the "severe early childhood caries and not-severe early childhood caries groups there was a statistically significant difference only in the domain of parental anguish (p <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that early childhood caries and the parent`s age were significantly associated to OHRQoL (p <0.05), independently of the other variables in the model. The presence of severe early childhood caries resulted in greater negative impact on OHRQoL (AdjPR= 6.016; 95%CI = 3.12 11.56; p<0.001), while older parents reported better OHRQoL (AdjPR = 0.603; 95%CI = 0.428 - 0.850; p = 0.004). The presence of severe early childhood caries had a negative impact on OHRQoL of preschool children and their families.


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Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN


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This work aims to read the phenomenon of the Sublime as the main aesthetical concern in the work of the Brazilian poet Mario Quintana. The research was based on the dialogical approach used by Mario Quintana to see life & poetry. This search noticed that such aesthetical concern is an answer to the modern age that surrounds the post-war man. Immerse in his aesthetical concerns, Mario Quintana designs, through his poetry, a way to give humanity back to men. In this attempt of rupture, Mario Quintana returns to tradition through astonishment besides laughter


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It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform


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It analyzes the production of the space of the North Zone of Natal/RN, of the beginning of its formation - decade of 1970 - a present time, under the optics of the urban planning and of the administration of the territory. Inside of that path, it examines the interests that orientated the "creation" of the referred space, as support to the process of urban planning and of administration of the territory; as well as the recent processes that evidence a new partner-space dynamics, which is configured, now as an incipient insert of the North Zone to the context natalense urban-space, now as a "reedition" of its report process of partner-space segregation. It stands out that, while in the beginning of the formation of the North Zone, the State was made the main actor, making possible the expansion of the capital in the north sense of the city of Natal, through the implantation of the Industrial District of Natal (DIN) and of the expansion of the habitational politics of the House of Financial System (SFH); at the present time, the new space processes are configured through the economical inclination, through expansion of the tertiary section in the city of Natal. It is based in bibliography regarding the theme in focus, in primary and secondary sources, as well as in processes and forms that were unchained in the North Zone along the research. It analyzes the North Zone then in its group, the one that makes possible apprehend the inherent conflicts to the process of production-appropriation of the urban space, for the several social actors - the State, the capital and the society - that dispute the control of the production of the space according themselves their interests