55 resultados para Higiene veterinária - Produtos industrializados - Comercialização


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The industries of structural ceramics are among the most important production chains in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The industry and other interest groups to target the replacement of firewood by natural gas. Studies accordingly concluded that simple change does not guarantee products of superior quality, and that the increase in spending on fuel can economically cripple the use of gas for burning the majority of products manufactured by that action. However some proposals of innovations in terms of process and product are being studied in an attempt to justify the use of natural gas in industry, structural ceramics. One of the aspects investigated is the development of ceramic products differentiated, with new designs and greater value added. Inserted in that context, this paper aims to investigate the potential use of clay-firing clear fabrication of the "bricks of apparent joins drought", a new ceramic product with an innovative way. The development of the work was done in three stages. In the initial stage was held the characterization of raw materials, sought information on physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical samples. In the second stage five bodies were made using two of the nine ceramic clay characterized the first step. The masses were analyzed and compared with respect to the size distribution, plasticity and technological properties. In the last part of this work was carried out tests on massive bricks manufactured on an industrial scale. The results show that the nine clays can be used in the manufacture of new ceramic products, is the only constituent of mass ceramic or by mixing with other(s) clay(s


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The limits to inform is about the character stico of basic, quimica, mineralogical and mechaniques of matlaughed material used in the manufacturing process the product certified in economic region the Cariri, specifically in the city of Crato, Ceará state, motivated the development of this work, since in this region the exist ing economic context that a general appear as important in the production chains. Were made twentyfive soils-test specimen collection and the study was performed to differentiate the mat laugh materials of variaveis processing of mathing raw materials in the factory The product mica monkeys by extrusion and pressing. The results were obtained ap s as analyzes: grain size, index of plasticity, fluoresce incidence X-ray difration the X-ray, and analyzes thermicals and properties technological. through s of curves gresifica returned to was a comparison between the retro the linear, absorb to water, porosity and bulk density. the results show that the excellent distribution and character acceptable available for the processing of the structure color dark red. needing, therefore, of the mixture of a less plastic clay with thick granulation, that works as plasticity reducer. In spite of the different resignation forms for prensagem and extrusion, the characteristics of absorption of water and rupture tension the flexing was shown inside of the patterns of ABNT


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Cashew-nut-shell-liquid (CNSL) is a phenolic oil that hás been due its their antioxirsion properties for use in fuels. The present work develops a method to the conversion of hidrogenated cardanol, that is the main component of the CNSL, in a compound with similar chacteristics to antioxidants used in products from petroleum. The antioxidants wasd obtained by exhaustive alkylation of the compound with tert-butyl chloride. After completing the optimization of several reaction steps, the product 2,4,6 tri-tert-butyl (pentadecylphenol) was obtained for the first tima. Characteeization and determination of physico-chemical properties were realized too, as well as wasd developed a study for check your application as an oxidative inhibitor by the molecular modeling. Estimation of process evalution was executed as well, where a rapid and practical computational methodology was utilizated in projects of the fine chemistry. The research showed satisfactory results and it could be concluded that the commercialization of this chemical products is feasible


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The crude glycerine is a raw material that can be used in a wide variety of products. Even with all the impurities inherent in the process of being obtained, the crude glycerin is already in a marketable product. However, the market is much more favorable to the commercialization of purified glycerine. The glycerin is a byproduct gotten from the process of transesterification of waste oils and fats in the production of biodiesel. More recently, the deployment of the new Federal Law of Brazil, related to the implementation of energy resources, forces, from 2008, the increase of 2% biodiesel in diesel common with prospects for 5% (B5). Therefore, it is indispensable that new routes of purification as well as new markets are developed. The objective of this work was to purify, through ion exchange, the crude glycerin, obtained from the reaction of transesterification of cottonseed oil. The cottonseed oil was characterized as the fatty acid composition and physical-chemical properties. The process of ion exchange was conducted in batch. In this process were used strong cation, low anion resins and a mixed resin used to de-ionize water. The purified glycerin was characterized as the content of metals. Tests were performed with activated charcoal adsorption, and for this, it was made tests of time contact with coal as well as quantity of coal used. The time of activation, the amount of the activation solution, the contact time of the glycerol solution in resins, the amount and type of resin applied were evaluated. Considering the analysis made with activated charcoal, when the glycerin solution was treated using the resins individually it was observed that in the conditions for treatment with 10 g of resin, 5 hours of contact with each resin and 50 mL of glycerin solution, its conductivity decreased to a cationic resin, increased to the anionic resin and had a variable value with respect to resin mixed. In the treatment in series, there was a constant decrease in the conductivity of the solution of glycerin. Considering two types of treatment, in series and individually, the content of glycerol in glycerin pre-purified solution with the different resins varied from 12,46 to 29.51% (diluted solution). In analysis performed without the use of activated charcoal, the behavior of the conductivity of the solution of glycerin were similar to results for treatment with activated charcoal, both in series as individually. The solution of glycerin pre-purified had a glycerol content varying from 8.3 to 25.7% (diluted solution). In relation to pH, it had a behavior in accordance with the expected: acid for the glycerin solution treated with cationic resin, basic when the glycerin solution was treated with the anionic resin and neutral when treated with the mixed resin, independent of the kind of procedure used (with or without coal, resins individually or in series). In relation to the color of the glycerin pre-purified solution, the resin that showed the best result was the anionic (colorless), however this does not mean that the solution is more in pure glycerol. The chromatographic analysis of the solutions obtained after the passage through the resins indicated that the treatment was effective by the presence of only one component (glycerol), not considering the solvent of the analysis


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Coalho cheese is a typical product of the Northeastern Brazil, which is consumed both raw and cooked. The present work aimed to study the characteristics of artisanal and industrial processes in the production of coalho cheese sold in Natal / RN in order to evaluate its quality and consumer s profile. Four artisanal cheeses plants were monitored and a questionnaire was sent to different cheese industries. Besides this, eight cheese samples (four artisanal and four industrial) were evaluated in regard to the microbiological quality, physical-chemical and sensory attributes. The sensory acceptance was evaluated by using 108 non-trained panelists by using the hedonic scale. The consumer s profile survey was applied to 400 consumers of coalho cheese. The lack of hygiene control was detected at the artisanal cheese production, which uses raw milk as its raw material. Research has shown that the industrialized cheeses are made from pasteurized milk provided by their own production or by a third party, as observed in cheese making dairies. In general, the results indicate variation in the manufacturing process of coalho cheese, which results in the lack of product standardization. Regarding the physical-chemical analysis, most artisanal and industrial samples presented moisture content between 36 and 40 %, classified as medium moisture cheese, which is the only parameter that showed no significant difference (p>0.05). However, the water activity (Aw), pH and acidity results differed significantly. All artisanal samples showed coliform contamination at 35 °C, which confirms the poor hygienic conditions. In regard to coliforms at 45 °C, 75 % of artisanal coalho cheese samples had value higher than 103 MPN / g, a value above the lawful limits determined by RDC nº 12. Fifty percent of industrial coalho cheese samples showed coagulase-positive Staphylococcus values above the limit allowed by the RDC nº 12, indicating poor handling. The sensory evaluation revealed that the taste was the only parameter that showed significant difference, and this difference was only between two industrial brands. The consumer s survey showed that the coalho cheese flavor is the most important reason for buying this kind of cheese. Although coalho cheese is mainly bought in supermarkets, open street markets and country shops are still important selling points. It is concluded that there is no coalho cheese standardization in the RN state, which leads to variations in physical-chemical and sensory attributes. Moreover, it is necessary greater hygiene control in the production and handling procedures of coalho cheese.


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The dried beef is a food traditionally eaten by Northeastern and has an extensive trade in the city of Natal-RN. It is usually produced in an empirical manner, without any standardization in production. Characterized as partially dehydrated meat product, so that the activity of water present is not sufficient to prevent microbial growth, degradation or the production of microbial toxins. The guarantee that the market dried beef is to provide a quality product hygienic, microbiological, physicochemical and sensory stable and adequate for the safety and consumer satisfaction, which has been increasingly attracted to food with natural preservatives. Thus, the meat industries are replacing the current seasonings and natural preservatives for similar, with it without affecting the shelf life of products. Lactic acid has been used to meet these requirements. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of lactic acid on the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory, besides knowing the consumer profile of dried meat of the City of Natal / RN. The results demonstrated that the use of lactic acid in concentrations of 1% and 2% during the processing of dried meat, had statistically significant effect (p < 0.05) on the physico-chemical (pH and water activity) and consequently reduced the microbial count does not alter the taste of the new product developed. Regarding the results on the consumer profile, it was found that the majority of respondents (71.75%) did not observe the presence of the stamp of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) to buy this meat food that 81.55% of consumers check the hygiene conditions of the site and handlers, however, a large proportion of respondents not concerned with the guarantee of origin of typical regional products featuring a hazard to food safety for consumers of the city of Natal-RN


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Tropical fruits have been extensively studied due to their functional potential attributed to the presence of natural bioactive compounds. The exotic fruit jambolan (Syzygium cumini) has been reported for its appreciable amount of phenolic compounds, especially anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity. Nevertheless, there are hardly any derived jambolan products in the Brazilian market. In addition to that, considerable volumes of fruit are lost due to their high perishability. Dried fruits have become an important fruit market segment due to its weight and volume reduction and decreased transportation and storage costs. Thus, this study evaluated the jambolan pulp submitted to spouted bed drying (JLJ) and lyophilization (JLI), besides assessing the drying impact on the final product. In order to achieve this, the process performance was calculated and compared, as well the physicochemical and bioactive characteristics (moisture, water activity (aw), solubility, hygroscopicity, density, color, structure through images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), concentration of bioactive (total phenolic compounds (TPC), anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and ascorbic acid) and antioxidant activity. The results showed drying efficiency higher than 60% for both products and that JLJ group showed higher moisture and water activity when compared to the JLI group (p<0.05). The two types of drying were able to produce stable final product in the microbiological point of view, given that both showed aw < 0.6. The final products exhibited high solubility (73.7 to 81.6%) and low hygroscopicity (9.8 to 11.6%), desirable characteristics for dehydrated foods. Despite the losses caused by drying, the dried jambolan pulp by both methods showed high TPC (468.6 to 534.0 mg GAE/100g dm), anthocyanins (from 491.9 to 673.4 mg. eq. cyanidin-3-glicoside/100g dm), proanthocyanidins (66.9 to 76.6 mg QTE/g dm) and ascorbic acid (156.4 to 186.8 mg/100 g dm). Taken together, the results of this study reveal spouted dried and freeze dried jambolan pulp as bioactive-rich natural products with suitable physicochemical and functional characteristics to be used as food ingredients. The data also demonstrate the drying techniques as rational strategies for the exploitation of the exotic fruit jambolan


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The green bean has organoleptic and nutritional characteristics that make it an important food source in tropical regions such as the Northeast of Brazil. It is a cheap source of protein and important for nutrition of rural population contributing significantly in subsistence farming of the families from Brazil s northeast. It is consumed in entire region and together with the dry meat and other products composes the menu of typical restaurants, being characterized as an important product for economy of Northeast. The green bean is consumed freshly harvested and has short cycle, being characterized as a very perishable food, which hampers your market. The drying method is an alternative to increase the lifetime and provide a reduction volume of this product making easier your transportation and storage. However is necessary to search ways of drying which keep the product quality not only from the nutritional standpoint but also organoleptic. Some characteristics may change with the drying process such as the coloring, the rehydration capacity and the grains cooking time. The decrease of drying time or of exposure of the grains to high temperature minimizes the effects related with the product quality loss. Among the techniques used to reduce the drying time and improve some characteristics of the product, stands out the osmotic dehydration, widely used in combined processes such as the pretreatment in drying food. Currently the use of the microwaves has been considered an alternative for drying food. The microwave energy generates heat inside of materials processed and the heating is practically instantaneous, resulting in shorter processing times and product quality higher to that obtained by conventional methods. Considering the importance of the green beans for the Northeast region, the wastefulness of production due to seasonality of the crop and your high perishability, the proposal of this thesis is the study of drying grain by microwaves with and without osmotic pretreatment, focusing on the search of conditions of processes which favor the rehydration of the product preserving your organoleptic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the results of osmotic dehydration and dielectric properties was defined the operating condition to be used in pretreatment of the green bean, with osmotic concentration in saline solution containing 12,5% of sodium chloride, at 40°C for 20 minutes. The drying of green bean by microwave was performed with and without osmotic pretreatment on the optimized condition. The osmotic predehydration favored the additional drying, reducing the process time. The rehydration of dehydrated green bean with and without osmotic pretreatment was accomplished in different temperature conditions and immersion time according to a factorial design 22, with 3 repetitions at the central point. According to results the better condition was obtained with the osmotically pretreated bean and rehydrated at a temperature of 60°C for 90 minutes. Sensory analysis was performed comparing the sample of the green bean in natura and rehydrated in optimized conditions, with and without osmotic pretreatment. All samples showed a good acceptance rate regarding the analyzed attributes (appearance, texture, color, odor and taste), with all values above 70%. Is possible conclude that the drying of green bean by microwave with osmotic pretreatment is feasible both in respect to technical aspects and rehydration rates and sensory quality of the product


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This work has the main purpose of conducting a survey of educational products present in dissertations and doctoral theses focused on the use of history in mathematics teaching and Didactics of mathematics with a French foundation produced in graduate programs in the strict sense of the Brazil between 1990 and 2010, the areas of Education, Mathematics Education, school of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and related areas, according to the research proposal of Mendes (2010). Our interest was to select the products that present concrete proposals for educational activities that can be used in the classroom of Basic Education and Training of Teachers of Mathematics. The research was implemented through a bibliographic study documents the Bank of dissertations and theses from CAPES, libraries and archives of some Postgraduate programs in the country who focus their studies on the subject object of this research, besides the Brazilian Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDBTD). From this survey we selected works that present educational products materialized in blocks of activities based on the use of teaching history of mathematics to the classroom as well as the sequence of activities based on the Teaching of Mathematics. In possession of material, produce a CD-ROM containing the selected activities, in order to help support the work of teachers regarding the use of these activities, as a supplementary material to textbooks in their math classes


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The contents introduction concerning the individual health cares reveals important since the school education. In this direction, the present study objectified to know an effect of Oral Health education intervention in the oral hygiene and in the schools children information level, of 4º e 5º basic education years. The study was composed by two groups, chosen of random form: control group (n = 115) and experimental group (n = 132), with 247 public net school children in total sample. The experimental group participated of some educative activities in Oral Health, with biweekly frequency, during the 4 months period, given for a surgeon-dentistry. Both the groups were submitted to a clinical examination for a previous verification of the Plaque Index (PI) and of Loe Silness Gingival Index (GI). A questionnaire with closed questions on Oral Health was applied before and after to verify the school children rightness index. After the intervention, the final data, represented for the PI, GI and Rightness Index verification, has been collected for statistical analyses through the chi-square test to a 95 % of reliable level, using the SPSS 10,0 software. The PI and GI were categorized in high and low on the initials index basis medium; already the Rightness Index was categorized in inadequate (< 50%) and adequate (≥ 50%). It was verified that the PI (p = 0,014; IC 0.24-0.86) and the GI (p = 0,013; IC 0,28-0,84) presented differences statistically significant, after the education activities, when compared to with the control, favoring the experimental group. It was verified too the experimental group got greater rightness index, presenting difference highly significant (p<0,0001; IC 3,73-26,81). It was still observed that there was no association between the oral hygiene indicators and the school children information level. Ahead the results, it can been concluded that education activities related in the school routine were capable to give positives effects in the oral hygiene control and in the information level about Oral Health, however, not necessarily, the individual with bigger information is that one who has practiced an oral hygiene more adjusted. One become necessary, however, that the education in Oral Health occurs of permanent and integrated form with others school actors, for the positive effect does not lose the student s life longterm


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The objectives of this study were to characterize the goat production systems and to identify the factors limiting the production chain and develop solutions to improve the goat industry in the Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. One hundred and sixty two questionnaires were applied to goat farmers looking for productive, economic and social information about the utilized systems in the micro regions of Chapada do Apodi and Angicos. The majority producers interviewed were male, aging from 31 to 50 years old, attended elementary school, associated to farm organizations and living with his family on farm. Their main concerns are feeding the heard and animal theft. Their average farmlands areas range from 11 to 50 hectares. Goat meat is the main production in Chapada do Apodi whereas milk is produced by farmers in Angicos micro region. The majority of goat production works with an extensive system, with low technological inputs. It was detected that the meat and milk production as the marketing of goat products is not well conducted. Other point to be improved is to increase the meat and dairy goat products to be available for consumers. Goat systems for meat and milk production has great to potential for this micro regions, although public policies for an organized supply chain is needed


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The quantitative chemical characterization of the inorganic fraction of scale products is very relevant in studying, monitoring and controlling corrosive processes of oil pipelines. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a very versatile analytical technique, which can be used in quantitative analysis in solid samples at low concentrations of the chemical element, in the order of few ppm. A methodology that involves sample preparation diluted in the proportion of 1:7 (one portion of the sample for seven of wax), pressed as pellets was used in the XRF calibration for chemical analysis of scale products from oil pipelines. The calibration involved the preparation of reference samples from mixtures of P.A. reagents, aiming to optimize the time consumed in the steps of sample preparation and analysis of Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si, Sr and Ti, using the same pressed pellet for trace and major elements analysis


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Among the new drugs launched into the market since 1980, up to 30% of them belong to the class of natural products or they have semisynthetic origin. Between 40-70% of the new chemical entities (or lead compounds) possess poor water solubility, which may impair their commercial use. An alternative for administration of poorly water-soluble drugs is their vehiculation into drug delivery systems like micelles, microemulsions, nanoparticles, liposomes, and cyclodextrin systems. In this work, microemulsion-based drug delivery systems were obtained using pharmaceutically acceptable components: a mixture Tween 80 and Span 20 in ratio 3:1 as surfactant, isopropyl mirystate or oleic acid as oil, bidistilled water, and ethanol, in some formulations, as cosurfactants. Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS) were also obtained using propylene glycol or sorbitol as cosurfactant. All formulations were characterized for rheological behavior, droplet size and electrical conductivity. The bioactive natural product trans-dehydrocrotonin, as well some extracts and fractions from Croton cajucara Benth (Euphorbiaceae), Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae) e Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae) specimens, were satisfactorily solubilized into microemulsions formulations. Meanwhile, two other natural products from Croton cajucara, trans-crotonin and acetyl aleuritolic acid, showed poor solubility in these formulations. The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity, by DPPH method, of plant extracts loaded into microemulsions evidenced the antioxidant activity of Phyllanthus amarus and Anacardium occidentale extracts. For Phyllanthus amarus extract, the use of microemulsions duplicated its antioxidant efficiency. A hydroalcoholic extract from Croton cajucara incorporated into a SMEDDS formulation showed bacteriostatic activity against colonies of Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli bacteria. Additionally, Molecular Dynamics simulations were performed using micellar systems, for drug delivery systems, containing sugar-based surfactants, N-dodecylamino-1-deoxylactitol and N-dodecyl-D-lactosylamine. The computational simulations indicated that micellization process for N-dodecylamino-1- deoxylactitol is more favorable than N-dodecyl-D-lactosylamine system.


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This paper discusses the expression of informality in contemporary capitalism. Thematic of relevance to the analysis of the reality of work today and the logic that moves the capital, its real presence in the lives of individuals. The street trading of Pau dos Ferros town, popularly known as "street market" was chosen as the search space. The main objective is to seize and examine the articulations and logic, present in the configuration of the street trading of this city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, explaining the functionality of informality for capitalist accumulation, but also for the reproduction of segments of the working class. Our analysis is based in the perspective of totality, trying to grasp the historical determinations of the phenomenon in focus. It includes the analysis of the mechanisms used by the capital to reproduce itself in the current historical context, which has been implicated in the composition of the labor markets of different countries and in various forms of exploitation to which workers in general are subject. It also means discussing the development of capitalism in Brazil, the logic that permeates its dependence, and especially the use of over-exploitation of labor, as a lever for internal accumulation. The course of investigation consisted of theoretical research to form the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis and to outline the context in which our research object is inserted, and field research conducted in two phases: systematic observation, which allowed to map traders features and the infrastructure of commerce, and the conduction of interviews with key informants. The material collected was scrutinized according to analytical scheme inspired by the content analysis. Among the main considerations developed from the research process we include: the street trading of Pau dos Ferros remains shrouded in the majority sale of agricultural products, this demonstrates the structural characteristics of the region. However, the supply of this product is no longer restricted to the excess of small local producers. The presence of the dealer changed the distribution of the product, streamlining it. In parallel, business practices are developed, practices in which traded goods (industrial) reflect the moment of capitalist restoration, a larger business network. The reflections also made it possible to show that street trading follows developing on the basis of informal work, which gains functionality to the system, as it is configured as a space commonly used to drain part of the production, of industries (clothing/shoes), especially if the distribution is considered as an essential element of the complex process that aims at capital appreciation. This activity has been functioning as a place of employment and income generation for the subjects who are away from formal employment, masking, this way, unemployment, moreover, they allow them to continue as consumers. Such expressions reflect the ability and the logic of capital to expand and aggregate into so many realities. It is underway today, the logic that has led many workers to join the project of domination of capital, by the illusory chance to become capitalists. The aim has been to turn the subject into a consumer and the worker an enterprising


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Model-oriented strategies have been used to facilitate products customization in the software products lines (SPL) context and to generate the source code of these derived products through variability management. Most of these strategies use an UML (Unified Modeling Language)-based model specification. Despite its wide application, the UML-based model specification has some limitations such as the fact that it is essentially graphic, presents deficiencies regarding the precise description of the system architecture semantic representation, and generates a large model, thus hampering the visualization and comprehension of the system elements. In contrast, architecture description languages (ADLs) provide graphic and textual support for the structural representation of architectural elements, their constraints and interactions. This thesis introduces ArchSPL-MDD, a model-driven strategy in which models are specified and configured by using the LightPL-ACME ADL. Such strategy is associated to a generic process with systematic activities that enable to automatically generate customized source code from the product model. ArchSPLMDD strategy integrates aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), modeldriven development (MDD) and SPL, thus enabling the explicit modeling as well as the modularization of variabilities and crosscutting concerns. The process is instantiated by the ArchSPL-MDD tool, which supports the specification of domain models (the focus of the development) in LightPL-ACME. The ArchSPL-MDD uses the Ginga Digital TV middleware as case study. In order to evaluate the efficiency, applicability, expressiveness, and complexity of the ArchSPL-MDD strategy, a controlled experiment was carried out in order to evaluate and compare the ArchSPL-MDD tool with the GingaForAll tool, which instantiates the process that is part of the GingaForAll UML-based strategy. Both tools were used for configuring the products of Ginga SPL and generating the product source code