44 resultados para Gargalos demográficos
Stroke is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that causes physical impairments and disabilities. Brazil leads the statistics stroke mortality among Latin American countries, demonstrating still be a neglected disease in this country. The incidence is related to risk factors and still is great misinformation in our country about stroke, treatment and prophylaxis. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of knowledge about stroke and patients need to use educational booklet for physiotherapy. The sample consisted of 53 patients, 22 females and 31 males, mean age 56.2 ± 10.9 years. Patients were evaluated by completing questionnaires, observing the socio-demographic and clinical aspects, neurological assessment, functional assessment, knowledge of pathology and presenting educational booklet. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. According to the results, it was observed that the patients had not enough knowledge about the terminology, complications and warning signs of stroke, were not aware and did not perform the proper positioning of the limb and transfers, however, were aware and performed the stretching maneuvers. This reveals the need to implement policies that lead to information about stroke population. Following discharge from outpatient physical therapy using educational booklets with guidelines on positioning, stretching exercises and transfer is important in functional rehabilitation and encouraging independence of the individual affected by stroke
Background: The gait automaticity loss difficults realization of concurrent activities - Dual Task (DT). In these situations, individuals with Parkinson`s disease (PD) show a significant reduction in gait velocity and stride length, as strides variability and asymmetry increased, factors predisposing to falls. However, recent studies have shown that training involving DT may cause subsequent improvements in gait variables with DT in individuals with PD. The treadmill use was adopted by this study, by promoting greater regularity in step and enhance training. Objective:To investigate immediate effects of gait training associated with cognitive tasks on gait in individuals with PD. Methods: Twenty-two volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: control group (n = 11), who performed gait training on a treadmill for 20 minutes, and the experimental group (n = 11), who performed treadmill gait training for 20 minutes associated with cognitive tasks of verbal fluency, memory, and spatial planning. Participants were evaluated in phase on of antiparkinsonian medication as the demographic, clinical and anthropometric (identification form), cognitive status (Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA), executive function (Frontal Assessment Battery), level of physical disability (Hoehn and Yahr Modified), motor and functional status (Unified Rating Scale for Parkinson`s Disease - UPDRS), and kinematics (Qualisys Motion Capture System). Results: There were not differences between groups, but both showed improvement after the intervention. The control group had an increase in velocity (p = 0.008), stride length (p = 0.04), step length (p = 0.02) and decreased double support time(p = 0.03). The experimental group showed an increase in speed (p = 0.002), stride length (p = 0.008), step length (p = 0.02) and cadence (p = 0.01), as well as a decrease in the width stride (p = 0.001) and total support time (p = 0.02). As the angular variables, the experimental group had a significant increase in the initial contact angle of ankle (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The gait training combined with cognitive activities didn`t provide significant improvements in gait variables with DT, but this study was the first to demonstrate that gait training on treadmill as simple task minimized the negative interference of DT in PD
The term fatigability concerns the degree of fatigue associated with performing an activity of any type (physical, mental, emotional and / or social). Recently scales for assessing fatigue in the English language were created, however, gaps exist regarding the validity of these scales in relation to oxygen consumption and levels of perceived fatigue. Objective: To investigate the validity of perceived fatigability scale in older women frail and non-frail by the expired gases kinetics. Methods: This is a study of type validation, where were evaluated 48 elderly. The evaluation was conducted at two different sessions. In the first, data were collected demographic partners, as well as assessment of cognitive function, physical health, and the phenotype of frailty. The second was composed by the test 6-minute walk (6MWT) associated the expired gases kinects and assessment of perceived fatigability. Statistical analysis was performed a descriptive analysis and then we used the Pearson correlation test to evaluate the relationship between the measure of perceived fatigue and variables oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER)before and after 6MWT. We used a linear regression model initially considering the following explanatory variable: age, Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of frailty, comorbidities, level of physical activity, distance covered in the 6MWT , the energy cost of walking and severity of fatigability on performance. Results: The final sample consisted of 44 elderly women, 4 elderly were excluded because they didn t complete all phases of this study. The mean age obtained was 75 years (± 7.2 years). There was no significant correlation between fatigability measures and the values of VO2 ( r = .09 , p = .56 ) , VCO2 ( r = .173 , p = .26 ) , RER ( r = - .121 , p = .43 ). The final linear regression model showed that the energy cost of walking, the usual level of physical activity and the performance severity of fatigability explained 83.5 % (R2 = 0.835, p < 0.01) of the variation in the perceived fatigability. Conclusion: Our findings indicate a relationship between greater severity of fatigability and lower levels of physical activity and increased energy cost in walking, suggesting that the fatigability analyses using a simple numeric scale is valid and viable for assessment of fatigue in older women
The present work was carried through in the Grossos city - RN and had as main objectives the elaboration of an physicist-ambient, socioeconomic survey and execution a multisecular evaluation of 11 years, between 1986 and 1996, using remote sensing products, to evaluate the modifications of the land use, aiming at the generation of an information database to implementation a geographical information system (GIS) to management the this city. For they had been in such a way raised given referring the two Demographic Censuses carried through by the IBGE (1991 and 2000) and compared, of this form was possible to the accomplishment of an evaluation on the demographic aspects (degree of urbanization, etária structure, educational level) and economic (income, habitation, vulnerability, human development). For the ambient physical survey the maps of the natural resources had been confectioned (simplified geology, hydrography, geomorphologi, veget covering, ground association, use and occupation), based in comments of field and orbital products of remote sensoriamento (images Spot-HRVIR, Landsat 5-TM and IKONOS - II), using itself of techniques of digital picture processing. The survey of these data and important in the identification of the potentialities and fragilities of found ecosystems, therefore allows an adequate planning of the partner-economic development by means of an efficient management. The project was part of a partnership between the Grossos city hall the municipal City hall of Grossos - RN and the Geoscience post-graduate program of the UFRN, more specifically the Geomatica laboratory LAGEOMA
This study aimed to examine the perception of dentist-surgeon about the Permanent Education in Health (PEH). It is characterized as a qualitative research with focus in the field of public health policies. It refers specifically to the development of Permanent Education policy in Health in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. They were participants of this research 42 dentist surgeons and 83.3% females and 16.7% males, participants in Specialization courses approved and agreed by the Permanent Education Center in Health (PEC-RN) in the period 2005 to 2007. These professionals are part of the Family Health Strategy (FHS), and 11.9% work in management at the central level and 88.1% are directly related to oral health care in the Basic Health Units of the Family, 30 cities in the state. Data collection was through a questionnaire, with questions that guided the research development and achieve the objectives proposed. The socio-demographic data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and subjective content was subjected to content analysis by Bardin. The emerging categories from the textual material generated by respondents were: program content, methodological approach and concepts of Permanent Education in Health. The subjects surveyed reported that the program content is more comprehensive and directs to the reflection of everyday practices, with regard to the methodological approach, concern that occurs through discussion and reflection with dynamic, participative, varied and constructive activities, questioning and putting as the main focus. As for understanding of the concepts of the PEH, there was a consensus that define as education stable strategies which contributing to transform and improve the health workers to have the upgrade, improvement of practices, being based on everyday experience and taking into account the accumulation and renewal of these experiences. Therefore, results presented showed that there is a clear understanding of the subjects on the proposals and guidelines of the PEH. It was concluded that lack continuous access to the policies proposed by Ministry of Health involving health workers, managers, communities, through social control and the teaching-service integration and that they are worked within the health system and can classify all these segments of society favor the existence of a more participatory, effective, fair and better quality health service
This study aimed to verify the prevalence of lip and perioral lesions in worker who were under sunshine on the beaches of Natal/RN and to investigate possible associations of these with sociodemographic, occupational and general health variables. For this, 362 individuals who had one of the urban beaches (Ponta Negra / Environment / Redinha) in the city of Natal/RN as a working environment in the study. We excluded people under 18 years old. Data collection was done through epidemiological analysis and extra-oral validated questionnaire with questions that characterize socioeconomic and demographic factors, occupational exposure and general health. The male subjects (72.6%) were the majority in the sample. The people who worked directly exposed to high peaks of ultraviolet radiation, as well as informal workers predominated. Considering the total sample of individuals, ephelides in the perioral region (33.7%) and labial region (24.0%), solar lentigo perioral (15.2%) and actinic cheilitis (13.8%) stood out as the most prevalent lesions. Indoor workers and those who had a habit occurrence of injuries by 19% and 21% respectively higher when compared to outdoor workers and people without habits. The variable use of cap / hat was associated with the presence of cold sores (Qui2 = 1,328, p = 0,058). On the threshold of significance, the type of work was also associated with lesions in lip occurrence (p = 0,042). Men showed a lower incidence of perioral lesions when compared to female workers (PR=0,716, p valor = 0,002). The present study showed high prevalence of lip and perioral lesions. The premalignant lesions were the most identified, both as in lip skin. It is important therefore to be encouraged to adopt protective measures against excessive sun exposure, fairly and consistently
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the current situation of white enamel lesions on vestibular surfaces of permanent upper incisors, diagnosed 6 years ago, without clinical intervention. Methods: A prospective study reassessed 53 students of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all attending the public school system in Natal, Brazil. Data collection was performed by duly calibrated examiners, and a clinical chart consisting of demographic data on dental caries, oral hygiene, and gingival condition was prepared. A tactile-visual examination was conducted using a clinical mirror and periodontal probe. Data compilation and analysis were carried out using a SPSS software. In this analysis the chi-squared test was used for qualitative independent variables. To identify the net effect of treatment, multiple logistic analysis with forward stepwise model selection was performed. Results: The final sample was composed of 106 lesions in the 53 individuals, with mean age of 15.02 years, visible plaque index (VPI) of 23.34%, and gingival blood indices (GBI) of 25.92%. A statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) was found between initial DMFS and prognosis of white enamel lesion. Conclusions: We observed that past caries experience and dental plaque were the main predictive factors for negative lesion outcomes, demonstrating the need for oral hygiene control through continuing preventive measures
The assessment of oral health status in elderly patients is essential for the development of specific health policies. The prevalence of oral diseases is high in this population. The self-perception of oral health conditions influences the demand for oral care and quality of life for seniors. The aim of this study was to assess self-perception of oral health status in 100 elderly of both sexes, aged 60 years or older and functionally independent the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camarão II, Natal, Brazil. For comparison of self-perception data was collected in Bom Pastor, Natal / RN. In this research data were collected a questionnaire grouped into two parts. The first part with the socio-demographic data, subjective and objective condition of oral health and access to the service, the second part GOHAI Index. This index consists of 12 items that make it possible to obtain information involving aspects of chewing, speech, phonation, and self-assessed oral health. The results were subjected to statistical tests of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test (α = 0.05), to identify possible predictors of self-evaluation. As a result, 69% were female, ages ranged from 60 to 86 years, with a median of 65 years. In relation to marital status 48% were married. For the years of study, the sample had an average of 3 years. For the last visit to the dentist, only 27% of seniors had visited the Dentist for less than a year. Regarding the questions about the presence of gingival and dental problems were answered by 46% and 21% respectively. The data on the perception of your teeth and gums, 44%. The index showed GOHAI value for self-perception of 30 points to Felipe Camarão and 28 points for the Bom Pastor, both considered a low perception. We identified predictors of self-rated number of people in the room, participate in any associational activity, there is problems with your teeth and your gums. Concluded a negative self-perception of oral health condition by Gone in both areas, influenced by socioeconomic and cultural issues, although they realize the importance given to oral health, but by the misfortunes of other prominent favored little valuing of oral health
The Callitrichidae family is characterized by flexibility in its mating system, being possible to find monogamous, polyandrid and polygynic groups. Its social organization and mating system can be defined by the interaction between ecological and demographic factors plus the degree of relatedness among the individuals in the population. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the influence of relatedness and coexistence on the establishment and maintenance of social relations between Callithrix jacchus adult males. Four pairs of related adult males (CP), 4 pairs with coexistence between the animals in the pair (CC) and 4 pairs with no relatedness (SP) were studied. The pairs in the group CC had been kept in the same cage for at least 8 months before the experiment and the pairs in the group SP were put together at the beginning of the study. Each animal was observed 3 times/week for 2 months, in 15 min. sessions, through focal time sampling with instantaneous record each minute. In the first month, only the pair of males was kept in the cage (Phase I) and in the second month, a female was introduced into the cage (Phase II). The affiliative, agonistic and sexual interactions were registered. Affiliative interactions showed similar frequencies for all groups in phases. There was also no significant difference in the agonistic interactions of the CP, CC and SP males in Pase I, even considering that group SP exhibited higher levels of agonism. In Phase II, there was a statistically significant increase comparing to the others. The results demonstrate that relatedness and coexistence are of great importance for maintaining reprodutive and social stability inside the group. Nonetheless, in this study, only one of the males in the pair had sexual interations with the females, except for 2 pairs. This was assured through mate guarding and agonism directed to the potencial competitor. The most probable mating system would be functional monogamy, where the males would present low levels of competition, if there is relatedness and coexistence among them; on the other hand, a strong competition if there is no relatedness between the individuals. Even so, a polyandric system would also have to be considered
In recent years, much has been discussed about global climate changes (GCCs), popularly known as global warming. The scientific evidences point out to the influence of human actions for its drastic intensification. Therefore, studies of the psychological aspects involved become relevant. This study aimed at the investigation of the views of adolescents concerning GCCs, and the possible relations between those views and their pro-ecological commitment. Such commitment is measured by willingness for engagement in pro-environmental behaviors; environmentalism attitudes, like ecocentric and anthropocentric; consideration of future consequences; and ecological worldviews. Participants were 348 adolescents who answered a questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic data, open questions about the practice of environmental care, and about GCCs, and the scales of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, the Consideration of Future Consequences and the Ecological Worldviews assessment scale. From the inter-relationships between variables, procedures carried out by means of descriptive and correlacional statistics, it was observed that 55% of teenagers said that they did not engage in actions of environmental care, which was associated with apathyanthropocentric, immediatism, and individualism. The consideration of future consequences joined the practice of environmental care, corroborating evidence from the literature. It was evident that views concerning GCCs were superficial; adolescents perceive it as a generic environmental problem, and are confused with other problems such as pollution. This study found no association between views about GCCs and the indicators of pro-ecological commitment, perhaps due to the conceptual confusion about the subject. However, the lack of environmental care actions and other indicators of non-commitment (apathy-anthropocentric, individualism and immediatism) were associated with conceptually poor or incomplete responses (with no indication of cause, consequence or responsibility for the problem), demonstrating diminished knowledge and the failure to consider these issues
Many surveys are conducted comparing oral health conditions with individual variables, such as socioeconomic and demographic factors. However, in the same way that individuals differ among themselves, the groups also have their own characteristics and the effects of this differentiation must be researched. Brazil, despite being one of the major economic powers of the world and shows an improvement in the average value of its health indicators, is also one of the most unequal and remains among the countries with the greatest health inequities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of social determinants on the contextual level oral health among Brazilian adolescents, population not much researched by the literature. The research was made using an ecological approach in order to identify possible inequalities between cities and capitals. Using data from SBBrasil 2010 it was evaluated less common outcomes (loss of first molar, dental care index and T-Health) which provide information on the degree of morbidity of caries and health level of dental tissues, in addition to analyze the related services. The association of these oral health indicators with socioeconomic factors such as income, employment, education and inequality, collected from Census 2010, was analyzed by simple and multiple linear regressions. The study included the 27 state capitals and four clusters representing the municipalities of the country. It was possible to see better access to services in locations with better income distribution. However, the strong association of contextual factors related to poverty, low levels of education and poor housing and jobs with poorer levels of oral health in adolescents seems to overshadow the effects of income inequalities on dental caries in the country. In some locations, particularly within the North and Northeast, whichever one keeps dentistry mutilating, whose effects are already noticeable in its adolescent population. Access to restorative services in Brazil remains limited and unequal. The results of this study highlight the inequities in oral health in the country and show the need of the inclusion of new perspectives on the traditional approach of Preventive Dentistry and education models in Dentistry. Tackling health inequalities in oral health in the country requires the cooperation of various actors involved in the process and the inclusion of oral health in the context of overall health. The social determinants approach, as well as evaluating the distribution of oral diseases in the country and its inclusion in the context of overall health, should guide the implementation of programs and oral health practices in order to contribute to the reduction of inequalities
In the last decade, an increasing number of studies focusing on the impact of oral deformities on quality of life have been published. However, the evaluation of patients at different phases of the treatment has not been performed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact that dentofacial deformities have on patients` quality of life, as well as the influence exerted by social, economic, demographic and orthodontic factors, type and severity of malocclusion. A bicentric study - of the cross-sectional type of repeated panels - involving two cities - Natal and Rio de Janeiro - was carried out. A total of 227 patients participated in the study: 71 patients in the initial phase of the treatment (before any orthosurgical procedure), 115 patients in the pre-surgical (with braces) phase and 41 patients in the postoperative phase. The quality of life was measured using the Orthognatic Quality of Life Questionnnaire - OQLQ, translated and validated into Portuguese. The normative and aesthetic need for treatment was assessed with the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) and the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI); the social, economic and demographic factors, the type of service and malocclusion were also assessed. The data were analyzed through χ2/ Fisher`s exact test to seek the association between the nominal categorical variables in the three phases of treatment, Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test for gauging the existence of significant differences between two and three groups regarding each domain of OQLQ, respectively. For all tests, it was adopted a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant difference (p <0.001) in the general scores of OQLQ and in the domains of social aspects, facial aesthetics and oral function, when the "postoperative group" was compared to the "initial" and "orthodontic preparation" groups. Women, single, aged between 31 and 59 and living in Natal had the greatest impact on quality of life among patients in the "orthodontic preparation" group. Only the variable "income" (2 to 3 minimum wages), for the "initial" group, and gender (female) for the "postoperative" group, showed significant association with quality of life. The normative variable IOTN (DHC and AC) showed significant association with the OQLQ for the "initial" group, and the IOTN-AC-auto in the group of orthodontic preparation, being less important to women. We conclude that the ortho-surgical therapy has positive effects on quality of life after orthognathic surgery
The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full
The present research wants to comprehend the small towns process of production situated in the Seridó Potiguar, under a historical perspective. Many were the ways passedthrough and the social agents involved in the organization of this space that is build in the treefold: cattle-breeding/cotton plantation/mining, giving origin to the firstcenters. Through the analysis of demographic, economical and social aspects we elaborate a small towns urban profile, considering the 80 s period until today. Those aspects reveal a town s systems with several characteristics and impossible to be insert in some table of reference. These elements are showed in the concentration of urban equipment in the distribution of economical opportunities and in the social connection that are made in the routine of each place. However, the analysis of production s process and special organization proportinated us an explanation of small towns reality, confirming its importance in the urban system, catching sight that, although the restrict urban functions presented, it confirms its towns character by organizing andadministratingthe life specific community