78 resultados para Equações diferenciais elipticas


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute


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O objetivo desta tese foi analisar os recursos intangíveis de um destino turístico. Foi feito um estudo de desempenho da cidade de Natal tendo como base a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa para oportunizar a construção de um modelo de medida com vistas à captação de variáveis latentes para os recursos intangíveis existentes no setor do turismo em Natal-RN. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos intangíveis que são evidenciados pelos turistas acerca da cidade. Finalmente, foi feita a investigação de um modelo de estrutura que estabeleceu as relações entre as variáveis latentes dos recursos intangíveis e a percepção de desempenho do turismo na cidade de Natal. Procedeu-se uma revisão de literatura para construção de um modelo inicial acerca dos ativos intangíveis dentro da teoria das capacidades e foram relacionados dez recursos, quais sejam: recursos humanos prestadores de serviços; recursos humanos como gestores; cultura local; conservação do meio ambiente; know-how empresarial; inovação empresarial; tecnologia; marca; preço; e promoção. Estes dez recursos, em conjunto, seriam responsáveis pelo desempenho do destino turístico. Após ser realizada uma análise de equações estruturais, apenas quatro recursos manifestaram relações com o desempenho: marca; cultura; conservação do meio ambiente; e preço. Análisando dos dados, verificou-se que a variável desempenho positivo da cidade na ótica do turista se manifestou fortemente e foi influenciada de forma forte pela cultura local, marca e conservação do meio ambiente em conjunto. O preço foi influenciado pelo desempenho positivo mostrando que o turista sente que o preço pago foi satisfatório diante dos atributos do destino Provavelmente, isso seja um ponto positivo muito forte para o destino turístico de Natal, pois, em termos de recursos intangíveis e de juntos formarem capacidades, eles são inimitáveis, raros e são capazes de se ajustarem às mudanças organizacionais e ambientais, para reconfigurar os ativos e as estruturas de um destino, corroborando, assim, com a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Esses recursos da cidade de Natal, como destino turístico, são únicos e provavelmente têm um peso muito maior para o desempenho da cidade do que problemas existentes na localidade. Logo, esses atributos devem ser estimulados a continuar crescendo e se modificando de acordo com as exigências atuais e futuras de consumo


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The internationalization as an organizational phenomenon fundamentally strategic had as theoretical contributions some Schools that throughout the decades 60, 70, and 80 developed behavioral and economic approaches in order to explain the process. The behavioral approach deals with the perception of phenomenon as a gradual process from the perspective of the executives behavior (JOHANSON and VAHLNE, 1977; HALLÉN and WIEDERSHEIM - PAUL, 1979; CZINKOTA, 1985). This phenomenon in permanent theoretical and managerial evolution made an opportunity to build this investigation, whose goal is to analyse the impact comes from organizational capabilities and the external environment on the international performance of exporting firms. For both, were used as theoretical basis two types of analysis for the comprehension of international performance: Strategic Management - Industrial Organization and Resource-Based View and International Businesses - Current Economic and Behavioral. It was made a cross-sectional survey-based explanatory research, including 150 exporting companies with operations in the Northeast of Brazil. A conceptual model was made with eight constructs and eight research hypotheses, representative of the effects of external factors on international performance. The data were processed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The structural equations model was reespecified and estimated through the use of the maximum-likelihood method up to achieve adequated values of indexes of adjustment. As the main theoretical contribution, were identified organizational and physical resources which shows the importance of the management skills development, of the learning capability and capability to establish strategic alliances abroad. That because the knowledge, as the operational point of view as in its strategic application, offers to organization conditions of market positioning which can create opportunities sustainable competitive advantages and which impact the performance of international companies


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The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities


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This study aimed to examine how students perceives the factors that may influence them to attend a training course offered in the distance virtual learning environment (VLE) of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). Thus, as theoretical basis it was used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the result of an integration of eight previous models which aimed to explain the same phenomenon (acceptance/use of information technology). The research approach was a quantitative and qualitative. To achieve the study objectives were made five semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire (websurvey) in a valid sample of 101 public employees scattered throughout the country. The technique used to the analysis of quantitative data was the structural equation modeling (SEM), by the method of Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). To qualitative data was the thematic content analysis. Among the results, it was found that, in the context of public service, the degree whose the individual believes that the use of an AVA will help its performance at work (performance expectancy) is a factor to its intended use and also influence its use. Among the results, it was found that the belief which the public employee has in the use of a VLE as a way to improve the performance of his work (performance expectation) was determinant for its intended use that, in turn, influenced their use. It was confirmed that, under the voluntary use of technology, the general opinion of the student s social circle (social influence) has no effect on their intention to use the VLE. The effort expectancy and facilitating conditions were not directly related to the intended use and use, respectively. However, emerged from the students speeches that the opinions of their coworkers, the ease of manipulate the VLE, the flexibility of time and place of the distance learning program and the presence of a tutor are important to their intentions to do a distance learning program. With the results, it is expected that the managers of the distance learning program of ENAP turn their efforts to reduce the impact of the causes of non-use by those unwilling to adopt voluntarily the e-learning, and enhance the potentialities of distance learning for those who are already users


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This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication


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The present study aims to investigate the constructs of Technological Readiness Index (TRI) and the Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) as determinants of satisfaction and continuance intention use in e-learning services. Is proposed a theoretical model that seeks to measure the phenomenon suited to the needs of public organizations that offer distance learning course with the use of virtual platforms for employees. The research was conducted from a quantitative analytical approach, via online survey in a sample of 343 employees of 2 public organizations in RN who have had e-learning experience. The strategy of data analysis used multivariate analysis techniques, including structural equation modeling (SEM), operationalized by AMOS© software. The results showed that quality, quality disconfirmation, value and value disconfirmation positively impact on satisfaction, as well as disconfirmation usability, innovativeness and optimism. Likewise, satisfaction proved to be decisive for the purpose of continuance intention use. In addition, technological readiness and performance are strongly related. Based on the structural model found by the study, public organizations can implement e-learning services for employees focusing on improving learning and improving skills practiced in the organizational environment


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This research aims to investigate the Hedge Efficiency and Optimal Hedge Ratio for the future market of cattle, coffee, ethanol, corn and soybean. This paper uses the Optimal Hedge Ratio and Hedge Effectiveness through multivariate GARCH models with error correction, attempting to the possible phenomenon of Optimal Hedge Ratio differential during the crop and intercrop period. The Optimal Hedge Ratio must be bigger in the intercrop period due to the uncertainty related to a possible supply shock (LAZZARINI, 2010). Among the future contracts studied in this research, the coffee, ethanol and soybean contracts were not object of this phenomenon investigation, yet. Furthermore, the corn and ethanol contracts were not object of researches which deal with Dynamic Hedging Strategy. This paper distinguishes itself for including the GARCH model with error correction, which it was never considered when the possible Optimal Hedge Ratio differential during the crop and intercrop period were investigated. The commodities quotation were used as future price in the market future of BM&FBOVESPA and as spot market, the CEPEA index, in the period from May 2010 to June 2013 to cattle, coffee, ethanol and corn, and to August 2012 to soybean, with daily frequency. Similar results were achieved for all the commodities. There is a long term relationship among the spot market and future market, bicausality and the spot market and future market of cattle, coffee, ethanol and corn, and unicausality of the future price of soybean on spot price. The Optimal Hedge Ratio was estimated from three different strategies: linear regression by MQO, BEKK-GARCH diagonal model, and BEKK-GARCH diagonal with intercrop dummy. The MQO regression model, pointed out the Hedge inefficiency, taking into consideration that the Optimal Hedge presented was too low. The second model represents the strategy of dynamic hedge, which collected time variations in the Optimal Hedge. The last Hedge strategy did not detect Optimal Hedge Ratio differential between the crop and intercrop period, therefore, unlikely what they expected, the investor do not need increase his/her investment in the future market during the intercrop


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This study presents the results of field research of an exploratory descriptive character that seeks to identify the latent dimensions of leadership and organizational commitment as well as to discover the relationship between these two sets of indicators. In the study, 236 respondents were interviewed, 84 being managers or owners and 152 being sales personnel. The research was undertaken in five shopping centers in the municipality of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, and employed two different questionnaires. One of them was developed by Bass and Avolio, 1992 (in NORTHOUSE, 2004), contained 21 indicators of leadership and was completed by store managers. The other instrument, completed by sales personnel in the stores, was developed by Medeiros, Albuquerque, Marques and Siqueira (2003) and contained a total of 28 indicators of organizational commitment. For the analysis of the data, factor analysis techniques and structural equations modeling were used. Using the factor analysis, five dimensions of leadership and seven dimensions of organizational commitment were found, all of which have a theoretical basis for their explanation. Through the structural equations modeling, a relationship was established between leadership and organizational commitment, in which it was possible to observe that certain leadership styles influence in a positive form the commitment of the employee


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Neste estudo, foram examinadas as relações existentes entre a motivação e a satisfação do trabalhador no espaço laboral. O estudo empírico foi conduzido em uma única etapa, por meio da qual buscou-se conhecer as dimensões latentes identificadas e, a partir das dimensões validadas, buscou-se estabelecer relações com características motivacionais, como antecedentes, e satisfação pelo trabalho realizado, como conseqüência do atendimento das necessidades manifestadas pelo trabalhador. Foram entrevistados 38 (trinta e oito) funcionários da empresa Água Mineral Cristalina, incluindo-se os que ocupam cargos de chefia. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizada parte do complexo da Auditoria do Sistema Humano ASH, criado por Quijano (1999), que se trata de um modelo de pesquisa na área de Psicologia Social, incluindo a Administração de Recursos Humanos, que analisa os processos psicológicos e psicossociais nas organizações. Para esta pesquisa, foram utilizados dois formulários sugeridos pelo autor citado, (anexos 01 e 02). O primeiro denomina-se condições para a motivação , com 15 (quinze) questões do tipo likert. O segundo, "trabalho bem feito e satisfação de necessidades", tem 22 (vinte e duas) questões, também do tipo likert. O instrumento foi respondido por colaboradores, independente da posição hierárquica, em aproximadamente 10 (dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos. A aplicação foi realizada diretamente pelo pesquisador nas unidades de produção e de administração da empresa. Por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, foi estabelecido um modelo de relações causais entre as dimensões latentes relacionadas à motivação e o desempenho do empregado quando tem satisfeitas as suas necessidades. Quanto ao tratamento dos dados, este ocorreu de forma quantitativa. Quanto à análise, aconteceu após os dados terem sido tratados. Nesta pesquisa, os dados foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas, atualizando-se os recursos de softwares específicos como Statistic ou SPSS Statistic Package for Social Sciences. Usou-se a técnica de Análise de Regressão, na qual foi utilizado o método STEPWISE que inclui na equação de explicação de uma variável dependente somente aquelas que auxiliam ou incrementam sua explicação. Como variáveis dependentes, foram utilizadas as variáveis do formulário "trabalho bem feito e satisfação de necessidades" e como variável independe as variáveis do questionário "condições para motivação". Sob o ponto de vista prático, este estudo mostrou que um determinado conjunto de características motivacionais influi positivamente na satisfação do trabalhador, que poderá realizar um trabalho bem feito; do lado teórico, a pesquisa verificou explicitamente a hipótese de que os aspectos motivacionais contribuem para que o empregado, sentindo-se satisfeito, desempenhe melhor as atribuições que lhe são conferidas


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In this work, ceramic powders belonging to the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6) were synthesized for their use as catalysts to syngas production partial. It was used a synthesis route, relatively new, which makes use of gelatin as organic precursor. The powders were analyzed at several temperatures in order to obtain the perovskite phase and characterized by several techniques such as thermal analysis, X-rays diffraction, Rietveld refinement method, specific surface area, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy of X-rays and temperature programmed reduction. The results obtained using these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the synthesis method employed to obtain nanosized particles. The powders were tested in differential catalytic conditions for dry reforming of methane (DRM) and partial oxidation of methane (POM), then, some systems were chosen for catalytic integrals test for (POM) indicating that the system Nd2-xSrxNiO4 for x = 0, 0.4 and 1.2 calcined at 900 °C exhibit catalytic activity on the investigated experimental conditions in this work without showing signs of deactivation


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Rio Grande do Norte State stands out as one great producer of structural clay of the brazilian northeastern. The Valley Assu ceramic tiles production stands out obtained from ilitics ball clays that abound in the region under study. Ceramics formulation and the design of experiments with mixture approach, has been applied for researchers, come as an important aid to decrease the number of experiments necessary to the optimization. In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of the formulation, temperature and heating rate in the physical-mechanical properties of the red ceramic body used for roofing tile fabrication of the Valley Assu, using design of mixture experiments. Four clays samples used in two ceramics industry of the region were use as raw material and characterized by X-ray diffraction, chemical composition, differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), particle size distribution analysis and plasticity techniques. Afterwards, they were defined initial molded bodies and made specimens were then prepared by uniaxial pressing at 25 MPa before firing at 850, 950 and 1050 ºC in a laboratory furnace, with heating rate in the proportions of 5, 10 e 15 ºC/min. The following tecnologicals properties were evaluated: linear firing shrinkage, water absorption and flexural strength. Results show that the temperature 1050 ºC and heating rate of 5 ºC/min was the best condition, therefore presented significance in all physical-mechanical properties. The model was accepted as valid based of the production of three new formulations with fractions mass diferents of the initial molded bodies and heated with temperature at 1050 ºC and heating rate of 5 ºC/min. Considering the formulation, temperature and heating rate as variables of the equations, another model was suggested, where from the aplication of design of experiments with mixtures was possible to get a best formulation, whose experimental error is the minor in relation to the too much formulations


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The new oil reservoirs discoveries in onshore and ultra deep water offshore fields and complex trajectories require the optimization of procedures to reduce the stops operation during the well drilling, especially because the platforms and equipment high cost, and risks which are inherent to the operation. Among the most important aspects stands out the drilling fluids project and their behavior against different situations that may occur during the process. By means of sedimentation experiments, a correlation has been validated to determe the sedimentation particles velocity in variable viscosity fluids over time, applying the correction due to effective viscosity that is a shear rate and time function. The viscosity evolution over time was obtained by carrying out rheologic tests using a fixed shear rate, small enough to not interfere in the fluid gelling process. With the sedimentation particles velocity and the fluid viscosity over time equations an iterative procedure was proposed to determine the particles displacement over time. These equations were implemented in a case study to simulate the cuttings sedimentation generated in the oil well drilling during stops operation, especially in the connections and tripping, allowing the drilling fluid project in order to maintain the cuttings in suspension, avoiding risks, such as stuck pipe and in more drastic conditions, the loss of the well


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This work proposes a model to investigate the use of a cylindrical antenna used in the thermal method of recovering through electromagnetic radiation of high-viscosity oil. The antenna has a simple geometry, adapted dipole type, and it can be modelled by using Maxwell s equation. The wavelet transforms are used as basis functions and applied in conjunction with the method of moments to obtain the current distribution in the antenna. The electric field, power and temperature distribution are carefully calculated for the analysis of the antenna as electromagnetic heating. The energy performance is analyzed based on thermo-fluid dynamic simulations at field scale, and through the adaptation in the Steam Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) by Computer Modelling Group (CMG). The model proposed and the numerical results obtained are stable and presented good agreement with the results reported in the specialized literature