81 resultados para Ecologia humana - Brasil.
The use of animals is a common activity but it can be really variable between human populations. This work analyzed the knowledge about useful animal species between human communities in Caatinga and Atlantic Forest considering the influence of socioeconomics and environmental factors on the species selection. Forty people were interviewed in Caraúbas community (Atlantic Forest) and thirty were interviewed in Barrocas community (Caatinga). A total of 193 animals were cited. The communities showed a low degree of similarity (20%) and the general diversity of mentioned species was significantly bigger in Caraúbas. Men cited a diversity of species greater than women for food category in Caraúbas and pet category in Caraúbas and Barrocas. Women cited greater species diversity for medicinal use in Caraúbas. In general, in both communities, the age group >60 years showed a greater knowledge than the others. The multiple regression analysis showed the age as the only socioeconomic factor which influenced significantly the knowledge about animals for the food category in both communities. Considering the richness of known species, there were differences only between gender for sum of uses and food category in Caraúbas and for the pet category in Barrocas with men showing a greater knowledge than women. The results showed that local environmental differences are fundamental at the species selection but they also showed that within communities there are other factors like gender and age that tend to influence the knowledge about species. It is important to consider cultural, economic, social and environmental factors to understand better the interactions between people and animals so that this information can be used to facilitate the implementation of conservation measures
O uso da biodiversidade pelo homem leva a alterações no funcionamento dos ecossistemas, podendo ainda levar a perda de resiliência. Pode-se definir resiliência como a capacidade de um sistema absorver um distúrbio e reorganizar-se, enquanto submetido a mudanças, mantendo a mesma estrutura e funcionamento. Em um sistema social, entende-se como a capacidade dos usuários de recursos naturais de enfrentar e adaptar-se as mudanças nas regras que regem o uso e acesso a estes. Alterações na resiliência, tanto ecológica quanto social, podem ser resultantes das ações de exploração e manejo destes recursos. Assim, torna-se essencial compreender como funcionam as estratégias de manejo e sua interação com a resiliência sócio-ecológica, permitindo a auto-avaliação das ações e possíveis modificações das mesmas. Neste projeto, propõe-se comparar a resiliência sócio-ecológica de três Unidades de Conservação (UCs) de uso sustentável: Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Ponta do Tubarão, localizada no estado do Rio Grande do Norte; e as Reservas Extrativistas do Batoque e Prainha do Canto Verde, ambas localizadas no estado do Ceará. Em cada área de estudo serão escolhidas comunidades pesqueiras, permitindo a comparação entre elas. A partir destas comunidades, alguns aspectos relacionados ao uso dos recursos serão analisados, como atividade pesqueira, dieta e modo de vida. Os dados serão coletados através de questionários semi-estruturados, contendo questões baseadas em aspectos sociais, econômicos e ecológicos. Os resultados obtidos servirão de indicadores para a resiliência ecológica (informações obtidas com base na atividade pesqueira) e social (informações obtidas com base no acompanhamento da dieta e análise do modo de vida). Apesar da similaridade ecológica entre as áreas de estudo, algumas estratégias de manejo distintas em função da categoria da UC podem apresentar diferentes resultados sobre a resiliência sócio-ecológica. Desta forma, compreender como a resiliência sócio-ecológica se comporta, dentro dos sistemas de manejo estudados, permitirá avaliar a influência destes dois tipos de UCs (RDS e RESEX) na promoção da sustentabilidade ecológica e/ou social
The soil macrofauna is influenced to several biotic and abiotic environmental factors, from changes in the physical environment to a variety of interactions among the species involved, affecting the patterns of biodiversity of soil fauna. The power and specificity of the mechanisms that act on soil organisms vary greatly depending on environmental conditions at different scales of space and time. The Caatinga has great spatial heterogeneity of vegetation, climate and soil, so the soil macrofauna would follow this local spatial variation in the environment? This study aimed to investigate the effects of local environmental variables on biological parameters (taxa richness, total abundance and biomass) of soil macrofauna in a fragment of caatinga in João Câmara, Rio Grande Norte, Northeast Brazil. The study was conducted in the Cauaçu farm, where a grid of 2000m x 500m was drawn, and later, 30 sampling points were randomly selected. The methodology used to collect the macrofauna was the TSBF method. We tested the effects of 10 environmental variables on macrofauna across the plots and across the layers of soil. The hypothesis that macrofauna soil responds to changes in the environment was not supported throughout the plots, but was confirmed to soil layers. The soil macrofauna shows a pattern of concentration in the surface layer and decreases considerably in the deeper layers. This pattern had significant and positive relationship with the aerial plant biomass and fine root stock. The aerial plant biomass releases plant necromass that accumulates in the surface layer, providing an important source of resource and shelter for soil macrofauna, explaining their greater abundance in this layer. The roots are used as a means for the arrival of nutrients to the soil from the primary production, thus a greater amount of root conditions higher food intake for macrofauna, especially the herbivores
This study to aimed investigate the community of ectoparasites associated with birds in the Mata do Olho D água, in the municipality of Macaíba, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, its structure and the ambiental and hosts influential variables on it, and to verify microhabitats preferences by species of chewing lice and feather mites. We examined 172 individuals belonging to 38 species of Passeriformes and non-Passeriformes. 12 new geographic records are reported and 11 host-parasite associations not yet known for chewing lice and feather mites species. Significant relationship was found between the abundance of chewing lice and the variables total length (r = 0.29, p <0.05) and exposed culmen (r = 0.38, p <0.05) of the hosts. A principal component (PC1) accounted for 90.1% of the hosts morphological variation was significantly influential on the abundance of chewing lice (p <0.05), indicating that the morphological characteristics of the hosts may be positively influencing the abundance of these ectoparasites. Significantly higher frequency of individuals with high loads of chewing lice was detected during the dry period (x ² = 8.5, p <0.05), corroborating studies that propose that birds of arid environments suffer as much pressure as those of parasitic humid environments. Analyses of null models of co-occurrence and niche overlap showed a high degree of structure in the feather mites and chewing lice assemblies, when compared with other groups, and preferences in the use of microhabitats by taxa identified. These results corroborate ecological theories in host-parasite systems, contribute to the knowledge of ectoparasites associated with neotropical birds, and the need for experimental studies, as well as further deepening the biology of these arthropods
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A Indústria Farmacêutica é uma das mais competitivas indústrias do mundo contemporâneo, e um dos seus principais desafios está na comercialização de seus medicamentos, que na sua maioria depende da prescrição médica. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho utilizadas pela Indústria Farmacêutica de origem multinacional que atua no nordeste Brasileiro e o papel dos seus gerentes, para avaliar os propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos. Para tanto, buscouse reunir elementos para uma abordagem satisfatória que contemple a complexidade da temática pesquisada: Avaliação de Desempenho, Estratégias da Indústria Farmacêutica, Propaganda Médica e Competências dos Propagandistas de Medicamentos. A temática justifica-se em razão da importância estratégica dos propagandistas de medicamentos para a indústria farmacêutica, que é uma das indústrias que mais investe em pesquisa na atualidade, e contribui para melhorar a qualidade de vida e a saúde humana. A metodologia é caracterizada como um survey, de natureza quali-quantitativa. O objeto de estudo é composto pelas empresas farmacêuticas multinacionais de origem Americanas, Europeias e Asiáticas, associadas à INTERFARMA que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário fechado (instrumento de pesquisa), composto por 5 perguntas fechadas que abordam a temática central dessa dissertação, 27 afirmativas para medir a concordância(escala likert) e 1 tabela contendo 46 competências, aplicado junto a gerentes da indústria farmacêutica. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio das técnicas de estatística descritiva e uma análise quantitativa para estabelecer o Ranking Médio (RM) para a parte do questionário que utilizou escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos para mensurar o grau de concordância dos respondestes. Através dos resultados desta pesquisa foi possível identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho, utilizadas pelas empresas farmacêuticas, que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil, na gestão dos propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos, e identificar as competências essenciais dos propagandistas de medicamentos, na percepção dos gestores. Os resultados demonstraram que a Indústria Farmacêutica desenvolve e utiliza várias estratégias para medir e avaliar o desempenho dos propagandistas de medicamentos no Brasil, assim como em outros países, e que na percepção dos gerentes da Indústria Farmacêutica existem competências consideradas essenciais ao bom desempenho profissional dos propagandistas de medicamentos da indústria farmacêutica, contribuindo de para avanço do conhecimento deste tema
The objective of this paper is to analyze the work of the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 - 1864), The Scarlet Letter (1850), in the light of the contributions of Literature and History of the American people in the context of New England. Accordingly, we highlight aspects that justify the inclusion of the work as a historical novel, especially based on the reading of The Historical Novel (1936-37) written by Georg Lukács. The diversity of voices and social interrelationships that come out of the main characters of the plot of the novel, as well as their contextual buildings, constituted as important traces to understanding the novel as being of historical value. During our study, we found out that it is in the plots of the novels that the characters reflect, at the same time, the specific conditions of their singularities, the general trends of the historical process and the social conditions from which they arise. We also could see that it is in their singularities that lie special tendencies of human beings. Our references to this study came from scholars as Howard (1964), Bakhtin (1998), Eagleton (2006), Todorov (2009), Zabel (1947), Sellers (1985), Cunlife (1986), Candido (1993) and Schwarz (1981)
This study investigated factors that influence the group size during the behavior foraging of estuarine dolphin Sotalia guianensis in the coast south of the state Rio Grande do Norte (RN), it also characterized the diet of estuarine dolphins and elaborated an otoliths catalog for aid in the identification of the preys found in the stomach contents. In relation to the group size during behaviour foraging, inside of the Curral Bay, larger frequency of solitary hunt was observed. Factors as tide variation, group composition and seasons didn't present correlation with the number of animals observed during a feeding episode. Capture success for participant was shown significantly larger when the animals hunted alone, what possibly explains the largest frequency of solitary hunt inside of the Curral Bay. About diet, were identified 18 bone fishes species, with predominance of species the families Haemulidae and Sciaenidae and five cephalopods species, including two new species in the diet of Sotalia guianensis in Brazil. Our results indicated that estuarine dolphin in the coast oriental from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) feeds predominantly of fish that form shoal, of habitat estuarino and producing of sounds. The analysis of the images, otoliths of 43 species of coastal fish of the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), aided by the offered descriptions, demonstrated to be an effective methodology for the knowledge of those structures, as well as it represented a form of reducing the subjectivity in the identification of the bone fishes found in stomach content
In this thesis I discuss the reproductive behaviour and ecology of the libellulid Diastatops obscura Fabricius, 1775, (Insecta: Odonata) in natural conditions. Populations of this species were studied on the middle stretch of the Pitimbu River, Parnamirim municipality, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, during four discontinuous periods between 2002 and 2004. The objectives include the description of strategies and behaviors of both sexes, with especial interest in the intra-male competition for territories and females, the mate selection by females and the importance of male body size and other secondary characters on their reproductive success; from an adaptationist point of view. It was observed that the behavior of males and females in the reproductive areas are interrelated : the males came earlier to compete for the best territories and the females waited the result of that competition to be fertilized by dominants males, which preferably occupied areas near the river margin. The reproductive success of males with territories on the margin, estimated by number of copulations, ovipositions and days acting as territorial, was better than obtained by more separated territorial males and by satellite males. The body size of males is an important factor for the copulation and oviposition taxes and for the number of territorial days, favoring the biggest individuals. I also discuss the apparently importance of wing brilliance and wing integrity on male reproductive success. On inter-sexual relationships, I proved that females of D. obscura participate in mate selection, rejecting non-territorial males or substituting their sperm for other of higher status
Tropidurus semitaeniatus and Tropidurus hispidus are lizard species that are widely distributed in Brazil. The former is endemic to the Caatingas, where they live in syntopy with the latter, which is distributed in other ecosystems and biomes. In this work, diet was evaluated including seasonal variations as well as foraging behavior, to determine the importance of these factors in the structure of these populations and the coexistence of these species in syntopy. No significant difference was found in diet composition between the two species, although T. hispidus feed on larger preys than do T. semitaeniatus; this fact, along with the different foraging behavior in the rainy season, are ecological factors that contribute to the syntopic coexistence of these species in the Caatinga area studied
The physical and environmental factors presented by each habitat and the rhythm of behavior patterns strongly influence the ecology and behavior of the all living beings. At same time this factors may provide clues about the structure of a population and its ecological balance. The organizational structure, ecology and behavior of a species appraised in a region if we know be in balance when compared to the same type of appraisal made in a degraded area can provide a clear view of how the anthropogenic influences acted on these species and what steps can be taken in order to mitigate the effects and keep the population. The region where this study was conducted is, like most areas of port, subject to intense physical and environmental degradation. With the emerging interest of change in the quality of these environments also by the companies themselves that use the port services, the proposed study aimed to characterize the use of habitat, the distribution of behavioral activities carried out throughout the day and influence of geomorphology of the bed, depth and variation of tide on the expression of the behavior of Sotalia guianensis in the port of Maceio - Alagoas. From this information will be possible establish parameters for comparison with other populations of S. guianensis and establish conservation measures for the population occurring in the port of Maceio - AL, serving also as a basis for conservation actions future performed in other port regions
As part of a broader project, Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Floristic and Faunistic composition of remnants of Potiguar s Atlantic Forest, as subsidies to conservation , that subsidizes a group of institutional research, This study aimed to evaluate the structure of the assemblage of lizards a remnant of the of the northern Atlantic Forest, identifying ecological factor (s) that contribute to the coexistence of sympatric species. Additionally, we studied the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of umbrophily and heliophily species live the Parque Estadual Mata da Pipa (PEMP), a remnant of Atlantic forest located in the Tibau do Sul municipality of, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. It is one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest and has an area of approximately 290 ha. The study was performed by four excursions to the field for 20 days each, when active search and pitfalls traps were used to record and colleted specimens in different habitats of the area. We recorded the presence of 19 species of lizards, of which seven are typical of forest areas, three are endemic Atlantic Forest, these two northern and one are new record for the Rio Grande do Norte. The use of resources, the results showed that phylogenetically related species do not always use a similar way the resources available; the feeding niche was the segregated component of the species that overlapped extensively in the use of space and vice versa. To examine the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of Kentropyx calcarata and Coleodactylus natalensis, we recorded the clocal temperature (Tc), oh the substrate (Ts) and of the air (Ta) to investigate what of these are the source of heat more important to the temperature s body of these lizards. Behavioral observations were conducted to analyze strategies to optimize the acquisition of heat. The air temperature explained most strongly to variation in body temperature of K. calcarata, while the temperature of the substrate to C. natalensis. As for the behavioral observations, they confirmed that K. calcarata is an active thermoregulatory; C. natalensis is a passive thermoregulatory.
The wide distribution along the Brazilian coast of specie Sotalia guianensis has been growing interest in searchers on the ecology of this species, addition to commercial interests by whalewatching. This work described the accoustic repertory of S. guianensis and their behavior associated and found if underwater noises affect this repertorie in Pipa-RN. It were analyzed 18:49h of recordings maked between april and june/2009. It were found 3258 whistles, 289 calls, 873 clicks and no gargle. The frequencies range of guiana dolphins was 1 a 48kHz and may be related to system response recorder and population s regionalization. The frequencies overlaps the noise made by motorboats, schooners and water bomb. The behavior travelling ocurred siletly in 72,58% and socialization presented no sound (56,4%) and presence of sound (43,6%). This great absence of sound may be relacioned to saving energy, probably because in this behaviors they can use physical and visual contacts. The foraging presented highest records of all class noise with 46,84% clicks, 33,84% whistles and 9,02% calls. All this sounds occurred differently in each behavior (travelling: x2 = 134,35 df = 3 p = 0,0001; foraging: x2 = 19,83 df = 3 p= 0,00018 and socialization x2 = 60,35 df = 3 p = 0,0001). It was possible to determine that underwater noise cause changes in the repertorie and does a considerable increase in whistle s number and reduce clicks. Also occurs changes in some whistles (FI: t=2,42, p=0,015; FF: t= -2,22, p=0,025), calls (FMI: t= -3,13, p=0,001; FMA: t= -3,49, p=0,0005; FD: t= -2,21, p=0,027; D: t=2,89, p=0,004) and clicks parameters (D: t= -3,85, p=0,0001; I: t= -5,32, p=0,0001) during presence of noise. These changes may be a strategy of these animals to win this sound barrier. We can not say which noise has more impact, ix however the water bomb seems to affect more the clicks and the motorboats seems to affect the others sounds. Little is know about auditive sensibility of this specie, but daily exposure to this noise may cause damage and this specie appears to have residence. The specie conservation is necessary because the population already seems to suffer damage as decrease in length of stay, number of individuals entering the inlet and the apparent diminution in the foragind during vessels presence and control standards and ambiental education can help. So, we can advance in knowledge about the ecology of this specie especially when it come to bioacoustics and their behaviors associated and reveals some of the impacts that the noise have brought to this population
Collembola is one of the most abundant and diverse group of terrestrial arthropods, being at the base of the food chain operating in the decomposition process. They have a wide distribution in the world and can be found in practically all habitats. The knowledge of this distinctive fauna is still deficient in brazilian territory, especially in semi-arid region. The aim of this study was to investigate which climatic variables may act as predictors of species richness, abundance of individuals and compositional structure of the taxocenose of Collembola over 12 months in an area dominated by semi-arid Caatinga vegetation, northeastern Brazil and describe new species of the genus Seira found, more diverse taxon of Collembola in Brazil. Samples were collected in João Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte. Ten plots of 20 x 20 meters were established and the specimens were collected with collection effort of one hour/people using entomological aspirator. The identification and description of the species was carried out by studying the morphology and chaetotaxy. Was performed a multiple regression analysis between species richness and abundance of individuals with climatic variables. A total of 1231 individuals belonging to 15 species, 12 genera and nine families. The greatest richness and abundance of Collembola were found during the rainy season. The genus Seira was the most abundant. Rainfall explained the temporal variation in species richness and abundance of Collembola in the semi-arid region, which is consistent with the biology of these animals. The populations of Collembola showed grouped distribution. Three new species of Seira were described and illustrated and all show similarities with species already registered in the national territory
Collembola is one of the most abundant and diverse group of terrestrial arthropods, being at the base of the food chain operating in the decomposition process. They have a wide distribution in the world and can be found in practically all habitats. The knowledge of this distinctive fauna is still deficient in brazilian territory, especially in semi-arid region. The aim of this study was to investigate which climatic variables may act as predictors of species richness, abundance of individuals and compositional structure of the taxocenose of Collembola over 12 months in an area dominated by semi-arid Caatinga vegetation, northeastern Brazil and describe new species of the genus Seira found, more diverse taxon of Collembola in Brazil. Samples were collected in João Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte. Ten plots of 20 x 20 meters were established and the specimens were collected with collection effort of one hour/people using entomological aspirator. The identification and description of the species was carried out by studying the morphology and chaetotaxy. Was performed a multiple regression analysis between species richness and abundance of individuals with climatic variables. A total of 1231 individuals belonging to 15 species, 12 genera and nine families. The greatest richness and abundance of Collembola were found during the rainy season. The genus Seira was the most abundant. Rainfall explained the temporal variation in species richness and abundance of Collembola in the semi-arid region, which is consistent with the biology of these animals. The populations of Collembola showed grouped distribution. Three new species of Seira were described and illustrated and all show similarities with species already registered in the national territory