59 resultados para Contaminantes


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The water quality of many reservoirs in the world has been reduced due to percolation of contaminants to water, which can have natural or anthropogenic origin, increasing the level of genotoxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems. This fact has contributed to the reduction of environmental quality, and commitment the health of living beings that inhabit these ecosystems, including the human population. In this backdrop of reduced water quality, is the Lucrecia dam, which is a major surface water reservoirs by volume of semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and that has shown contamination by heavy metals, cyanobacteria toxic and the natural presence of Radon. The population that use this source has been showing high rates of cancer, popularly associated with the consumption of this water, with a prevalence about three times higher compared to the whole state of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic potencial of surface water from the Lucrecia dam, using the Micronucleus Test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MN) and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (CBMN) assay, as well as identify the concentrations of some heavy metals in this water. Water samples were collected on a dry season and a rainy season, in two distinct points. Moreover, in order to bring a completely view about the relationship of man-health-environment in this local, through the knowledge of knowing / acting environmental from residents of Lucrecia, and the use and perceptions they have about the dam of your city, a study of Environmental Perception was carried out with local residents. The results obtained for the both micronucleus test, showed significant results for the three points analyzed. The strongest mutagenic effect was observed in the dry season for both assays. Chemical analyses detected an increase of heavy metal levels in different points and season above the maximum allowed by legislation. Regarding the study of Environmental Perception with local residents, it was observed the knowledge of the environment that the residents have, as well as the strong ties and perceptions with the dam of the city. Thus, the combination of these two aspects (the genetic toxicity tests conducted in the dam together with analysis of environmental perception with the residents of Lucrecia) allowed to draw a more complete diagnosis on the local situation


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The interference of man in the middle atmosphere can be evidenced by the presence of carbon monoxide, gas associated with burning fossil fuels and carbon dioxide content, essential for respiration of plants and thermal balance of the Earth. In this thesis we initially evaluated the intensity of the spatial distribution of carbon monoxide in the Northeast of Brazil, and subsequently the behavior of temporal variations of the pollutants carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the atmospheric boundary layer Maxaranguape / RN. Research has shown that, driven by speculation and promoting the occupation of land for agriculture, cattle ranching and tourism in the Northeast of Brazil, the changes established by the man in the middle geomorphological affect the lower troposphere on a large scale, with a predominance of concentrations in central Pernambuco, Paraiba's south-central and central-west of Alagoas. However, the study of Maxaranguape / RN results showed little variation in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, with the speed of the wind persisting with values greater than 7.8 m / s, showing dispersion and diffusion of pollutants which resulted in faster renewal of local atmospheric air


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The separation methods are reduced applications as a result of the operational costs, the low output and the long time to separate the uids. But, these treatment methods are important because of the need for extraction of unwanted contaminants in the oil production. The water and the concentration of oil in water should be minimal (around 40 to 20 ppm) in order to take it to the sea. Because of the need of primary treatment, the objective of this project is to study and implement algorithms for identification of polynomial NARX (Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Input) models in closed loop, implement a structural identification, and compare strategies using PI control and updated on-line NARX predictive models on a combination of three-phase separator in series with three hydro cyclones batteries. The main goal of this project is to: obtain an optimized process of phase separation that will regulate the system, even in the presence of oil gushes; Show that it is possible to get optimized tunings for controllers analyzing the mesh as a whole, and evaluate and compare the strategies of PI and predictive control applied to the process. To accomplish these goals a simulator was used to represent the three phase separator and hydro cyclones. Algorithms were developed for system identification (NARX) using RLS(Recursive Least Square), along with methods for structure models detection. Predictive Control Algorithms were also implemented with NARX model updated on-line, and optimization algorithms using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). This project ends with a comparison of results obtained from the use of PI and predictive controllers (both with optimal state through the algorithm of cloud particles) in the simulated system. Thus, concluding that the performed optimizations make the system less sensitive to external perturbations and when optimized, the two controllers show similar results with the assessment of predictive control somewhat less sensitive to disturbances


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Environmental liabilities from accidents in the retail petroleum industry, especially in urban areas, have represented a serious problem whose impact reaches the underground, people's health and even economic losses with the remediation process. In U.S.A. are estimated hundreds of billions of dollars invested in soil remediation processes. The results of the reports and investigative reports of liabilities in fuel stations distributed in the urban area of Natal-RN were used to estimate the local scenario of contamination. This database has been possible to determine the main contaminants (BTEX, PAHs, TOC), affected neighborhoods and types of potentially more impacted soils. Experiments were carried out in order to reverse contamination of this scenario, where the soil type was a factor in the planning, because it influences directly on the effectiveness of remediation techniques studied: Oxidation by hydrogen peroxide and oxidation by sodium persulphate. These oxidants are activated forming free radicals (HO•-, SO4 •-, HO2 • , O2 •-, S2O8 -2, etc) responsible for to mineralize the hydrocarbons and other organic compounds (releasing O2 e CO2). In the activation process, the ferrous ions (II) and ferric (III) were studied as well as hydrogen peroxide activation technique with sodium persulfate, the latter being presented the best efficiency among all the study, when activated with Fe+3. In addition to defining the most efficient technique, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different soils among oxidative techniques, characterizing the effect of the concentration of these oxidants and also the concentration of the catalysts. Exists in most scenarios evaluated the presence of intrinsic total iron soil matrix. The so-called latosols present microaggregates reddish indicating the presence of these reactive species like iron and clayey aspect. The kinetic study was conducted by experimental design and monitoring of the percentage of total carbon (SSM-5000A) in the solid and liquid phases, knowing that 82.4% of the diesel molecule is carbon. Yet organic carbon and pH of liquid samples were analyzed for technical, characterizing the influence of soil type and its operating condition. The Fenton-like technique H2O2 e Fe+2 presented satisfactory oxidation, including sandy soil, but well below the best result. The sodium persulphate only activated with temperature, even in the most favorable soil, did not provide good efficiency. The best technique in the study had the concentration profile with 2,2x10- 1mol.L-1 of Na2S2O8 activated with 6,53x10-1mol.L-1 of H2O2 and 2,5x10-2 Fe3+mol.L-1 which reduced in less than a day 96 contamination in red soil, initially with 66,667 mg of diesel per kg of clean soil


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The contamination of water sources of public drinking by waste originated by anthropogenic activities has brought various risks to human health. Among the consequences of such activities can highlight the bloom of microalgae and cyanobacteria, which have the potential to produce toxins dangerous to humans, and the presence of humic substances that are generated by the decomposition of natural organic matter (NOM), such as vegetation. When found in water sources for public supply, present negative aspects conferring high color, odor and taste. The double filtration technology has good efficiency in water with the presence of cyanobacteria and different quality variations. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of the technique of double filtration with pre-oxidation for water purifiers the lagoon of Extremoz-RN, which currently has high concentrations of cyanobacteria. The research is summarized in four phases: the first phase turned to static tests in jarteste equipment in the laboratory and subsequent phases were tested in the Pilot Plant of Double Filtration. For the second and third stage filtration rates were tested filtration rates of 120 and 180 m3 / m2 .day for ascending boulders filters and 160 and 240 m3 / m2 .day in the filters in quick sand descendants. The last phase aimed to evaluate the double filtration with pre-oxidation. The results demonstrated that the system could produce double filtration in all trials of good quality water according to the Decree nº. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health. The use of preoxidation favored the removal of microcystin and color at the end of the tests, reaching a percentage of color removal around 60%. The analysis of variance in the data, enabled prove that the filtration rates of 180 m3 / m2.d the gravel filter and 240 m3 /m2 .d in rapid filters, were the most significant for the removal of turbidity. The ascending filter of boulder 4 with particle size finer filter layer showed the best performance and the best means of turbidity and apparent color. The rapid filter downward 1 was more efficient in removing turbidity reaching removal about 100%


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The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.


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Drilling fluids have fundamental importance in the petroleum activities, since they are responsible for remove the cuttings, maintain pressure and well stability, preventing collapse and inflow of fluid into the rock formation and maintain lubrication and cooling the drill. There are basically three types of drilling fluids: water-based, non-aqueous and aerated based. The water-based drilling fluid is widely used because it is less aggressive to the environment and provide excellent stability and inhibition (when the water based drilling fluid is a inhibition fluid), among other qualities. Produced water is generated simultaneously with oil during production and has high concentrations of metals and contaminants, so it’s necessary to treat for disposal this water. The produced water from the fields of Urucu-AM and Riacho da forquilha-RN have high concentrations of contaminants, metals and salts such as calcium and magnesium, complicating their treatment and disposal. Thus, the objective was to analyze the use of synthetic produced water with similar characteristics of produced water from Urucu-AM and Riacho da Forquilha-RN for formulate a water-based drilling mud, noting the influence of varying the concentration of calcium and magnesium into filtered and rheology tests. We conducted a simple 32 factorial experimental design for statistical modeling of data. The results showed that the varying concentrations of calcium and magnesium did not influence the rheology of the fluid, where in the plastic viscosity, apparent viscosity and the initial and final gels does not varied significantly. For the filtrate tests, calcium concentration in a linear fashion influenced chloride concentration, where when we have a higher concentration of calcium we have a higher the concentration of chloride in the filtrate. For the Urucu’s produced water based fluids, volume of filtrate was observed that the calcium concentration influences quadratically, this means that high calcium concentrations interfere with the power of the inhibitors used in the formulation of the filtered fluid. For Riacho’s produced water based fluid, Calcium’s influences is linear for volume of filtrate. The magnesium concentration was significant only for chloride concentration in a quadratic way just for Urucu’s produced water based fluids. The mud with maximum concentration of magnesium (9,411g/L), but minimal concentration of calcium (0,733g/L) showed good results. Therefore, a maximum water produced by magnesium concentration of 9,411g/L and the maximum calcium concentration of 0,733g/L can be used for formulating water-based drilling fluids, providing appropriate properties for this kind of fluid.


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During the oil refining process a huge discard volume of water occurs, which carries the contaminants from the process. A class of contaminant compounds resulting from the petrochemical industry are the Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's). To evaluate the biodegradation of Dibenzothiophene in refinery water a synthetic wastewater was prepared to be treated using activated sludge. For this, a 2 3 Composite Design (plus 3 central points and six axial points) was carried out. The planning had as independent variables (factors) the initial concentration of DBT, pH and time of biodegradation. Biodegradation of DBT was assayed following the parameters COD, pH, temperature, SS, VSS, FVS, SVI. Concerned to the chromatographic conditions, a methodology was validated in order to verify the presence of DBT and its metabolite, 2-HBF, in the final wastewater treated by activated sludge system using a liquid - liquid extraction coupled to HPLC / UV analysis. The parameters used for validation were DL, QL, linearity, recovery and repeatability. As for optimization, the results indicated that the studied methodology can be used in monitoring the DBT degradation and 2- HBF by activated sludge, as they showed excellent linearity values, coefficients of variation, so as satisfactory recovery percentage. COD reduction efficiency tests showed an average percentage of 64.4%. The increasing trend for the results for the TSS and VSS tests showed that the activated sludge was well tailored. The best operating conditions for the reduction of COD were observed when operated with median concentrations of DBT, a higher time to biodegradation, and pH in both the acidic range as the basic one. The biodegradability of the DBT was confirmed by determining the presence of HBF-2. The highest concentrations of HBF-2 were obtained in extreme concentrations of DBT and pH, and higher biodegradation times.


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The detection of emerging interest microcontaminants in environmental samples of surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and effluents from water and sewage treatment plants (WTP and STP), in many countries, suggests these pollutants are widespread in the environment, mainly in urban areas. This is a reason for great concern, since many of these compounds are potentially harmful for humans other living beings, and they are not efficiently removed in the majority of WTP and STP, which is exacerbated by precariousness of water supply and sanitation services. In Natal, like other Brazilian cities, the sewage system serves only part of the urban area (about 30%), so that the rest of the wastewater is infiltrated in the sandy soil of the region in cesspool-dry well systems. This has resulted in contamination of groundwater in the area (sand-dune barrier aquifer, which supplies more than 50% of the city population), which has been observed by the increase in nitrate concentration in supply wells. The vulnerability of the sanddune barrier aquifer, combined with reports of the presence of emerging interest microcontaminants in Brazil and worldwide, led to this research, which investigated the occurrence of fifteen microcontaminants in Natal groundwater and sewage. Samples were collected at five wells used for water supply, the raw sewage and the effluents from biological reactors from STP (UASB and activated sludge reactors). Two samples of each sample were taken, with one week apart between the samples. To determine the contaminants, extraction of aquifer water, and raw and treated sewage samples were performed, through the technique of using SPE Strata X cartridge (Phenomenex®) to the aquifer water, and Strata SAX and Strata X (Phenomenex® ) for samples of raw and treated sewage. Subsequently the extracts were analyzed using GC-MS technique. Much of the analyzed microcontaminants were detected in groundwater and sewage. The concentrations in groundwater are generally lower than those found in the sewers. Some of the compounds (estrone, estradiol, bisphenol A, caffeine, diclofenac, naproxen, paracetamol and ibuprofen) are partially removed at STP.


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Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.


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Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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Oil exploration is one of the most important industrial activities of modern society. Despite its derivatives present numerous applications in industrial processes, there are many undesirable by-products during this process, one of them is water separated from oil, called water production, it is constituted by pollutants difficult to degrade. In addition, the high volume of generated water makes its treatment a major problem for oil industries. Among the major contaminants of such effluents are phenol and its derivatives, substances of difficult natural degradation, which due their toxicity must be removed by a treatment process before its final disposal. In order to facilitate the removal of phenol in wastedwater from oil industry, it was developed an extraction system by ionic flocculation with surfactant. The ionic flocculation relies on the reaction of carboxylate surfactant and calcium íons, yielding in an insoluble surfactant that under stirring, aggregates forming floc capable of attracting the organic matter by adsorption. In this work was used base soap as ionic surfactant in the flocculation process and evaluated phenol removal efficiency in relation to the following parameters: surfactant concentration, phenol, calcium and electrolytes, stirring speed, contact time, temperature and pH. The flocculation of the surfactant occurred in the effluent (initial phenol concentration = 100 ppm) reaching 65% of phenol removal to concentrations of 1300 ppm and calcium of 1000 ppm, respectively, at T = 35 °C, pH = 9.7, stirring rate = 100 rpm and contact time of 5 minutes. The permanence of the flocs in an aqueous medium promotes desorption of the phenol from the flake surface to the solution, reaching 90% of desorption at a time of 150 minutes, and the study of desorption kinetics showed that Lagergren model of pseudo-first order was adequate to describe the phenol desorption. These results shows that the process may configure a new alternative of treatment in regard the removal of phenol of aqueous effluent of oil industry.


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Oil exploration is one of the most important industrial activities of modern society. Despite its derivatives present numerous applications in industrial processes, there are many undesirable by-products during this process, one of them is water separated from oil, called water production, it is constituted by pollutants difficult to degrade. In addition, the high volume of generated water makes its treatment a major problem for oil industries. Among the major contaminants of such effluents are phenol and its derivatives, substances of difficult natural degradation, which due their toxicity must be removed by a treatment process before its final disposal. In order to facilitate the removal of phenol in wastedwater from oil industry, it was developed an extraction system by ionic flocculation with surfactant. The ionic flocculation relies on the reaction of carboxylate surfactant and calcium íons, yielding in an insoluble surfactant that under stirring, aggregates forming floc capable of attracting the organic matter by adsorption. In this work was used base soap as ionic surfactant in the flocculation process and evaluated phenol removal efficiency in relation to the following parameters: surfactant concentration, phenol, calcium and electrolytes, stirring speed, contact time, temperature and pH. The flocculation of the surfactant occurred in the effluent (initial phenol concentration = 100 ppm) reaching 65% of phenol removal to concentrations of 1300 ppm and calcium of 1000 ppm, respectively, at T = 35 °C, pH = 9.7, stirring rate = 100 rpm and contact time of 5 minutes. The permanence of the flocs in an aqueous medium promotes desorption of the phenol from the flake surface to the solution, reaching 90% of desorption at a time of 150 minutes, and the study of desorption kinetics showed that Lagergren model of pseudo-first order was adequate to describe the phenol desorption. These results shows that the process may configure a new alternative of treatment in regard the removal of phenol of aqueous effluent of oil industry.