66 resultados para Campo social


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Esta tesis trata de discutir y entender los diversos tipos de redes sociales y formas de interacción social presentes en el sistema penitenciario de Rio Grande do Norte. Nuestro problema se basa en un incremento significativo en las tasas de encarcelamiento y la prisión en Brasil y el mundo en los últimos diez años. Asimismo, la aparición del crimen organizado ya, en cierta medida, el control de las prisiones brasileñas, como el Comando Vermelho (CV) y el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), una consecuencia directa de las terribles condiciones de las prisiones de Brasil y aumento de la violencia y el crimen en nuestro país. Para resolver el problema, se optó por utilizar las categorías de análisis de Michel Foucault (prisión y la disciplina), Pierre Bourdieu (habitus y campo), Ervirng Goffman (institución total, de interacción, de fachada y de equipo) y Mark Granovetter, Ricardo Abramovay e João Peixoto, entre otros, la nueva sociología económica (Redes, nodos y lazos) como principal apoyo. También construyó una revisión histórica de la cárcel en Brasil y Rio Grande do Norte hasta llegar al objeto. Esto, en términos de investigación cualitativa, se sumergió en el mundo de las prisiones Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes, conocido como Penitenciario de Alcaçuz, ubicado en el municipio de Nísia Bosque, Rio Grande do Norte. Penitenciaría del Estado de origen, las casas de Alcaçuz seiscientos cuarenta y tres reclusos, divididos en cinco pabellones, un total de ciento cuarenta y siete células. Mediante la observación sistemática y la entrevista cualitativa s semi-estructurada como las principales fuentes de recopilación de datos, hemos tratado de explicar el universo que acabamos de analizar por las Ciencias Sociales. Nos dimos cuenta de que, para cumplir con la escena nacional, regaliz viola de manera flagrante lo que se denomina en la Constitución de 1988 y LEP (Ley de Ejecución Penal), sin tener en cuenta los derechos de los individuos a una porción de una oración con un mínimo de dignidad. Se ha demostrado que las personas que permean el universo proviene de un ambiente de la prisión, la sociabilidad violenta, sedo también tienen un habitus precario. La prisión, espacio disciplinario y un tipo específico de interacción social marcada por el control, contribuye a la profundización de habitus, pero que muestra que no es también como un espacio cerrado en absoluto, sino un lugar donde penetran las redes y dinámicas muy social. Al mismo tiempo, se encontró que más de la presencia de "grupos organizados" es el espacio en las cárceles para la interacción social y las redes sociales que pasan dentro y fuera de su espacio


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This thesis, whose title is DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE: AN EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION IN SOCIAL ASSISTENCE POLICY IN THE CITIES OF ASSÚ AND MOSSORÓ/RN (2004/2008), has as main aim to evaluate effectiveness in Social Assistance Policy in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN, from 2004 to 2008, identifying its impacts and effects in life of its users. The methodological process for the research was composed by: a) Literature review on this theme, development of public policies; social public policies, public policy evaluation and Social Assistance Policy in Brazil; b) Documental research from Municipal Management of Social Development and Municipal Counsels of Social Assistance in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN about the object of this study and empirical field; c) Field Research constituted by the realization of Focal Groups with Social Assistance users and semistructured interviews with municipal managers from Assú and Mossoró. It was also taken into account participant observations in events and activities related to Social Assistance previously mentioned, considering field management and also the response to users demands. Articulating the themes of Development and Public Social Policy in Social Assistance was the theoretical purpose for this thesis. To achieve this purpose, it was performed two theoretical displacements related, at the same time, to the notion of development and to the concept of Social Assistance, which means to comprehend development as social change and improvement in users life quality, expressed in the expansion of their capacities and liberties (SEN, 1993, 2000), and the Social Assistance as an element for development. Such displacements provide a view of Public policy and Social Policies and evaluate National Policy of Social Assistance achieved in those cities. As product, this thesis presents a methodological purpose for effectiveness evaluation in Public Policy, taking into account expansion of capacities and liberties, concluding that Social Assistance Policy in Assú and Mossoró/RN, even in lesser extent had its impact and caused effective results in the life of their users and provided an expansion of their capacities and liberties, improving life quality and empowered agent condition for those subjects. The results show that this Policy has been proved to be effective, and consequently, it was considered, in this thesis, to be also an element and an allied for development


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The study of social practices aims to overcome the theoretical dichotomies that insist on separating the individual from the social structures and vice versa. In this sense, the debate between objectivism and subjectivism in the construction of social reality still has occupied much time and reflection of various scholars of the humanities. Pierre Bourdieu has extensive work that seeks to advance in relation to the theoretical framework of traditional sociological explanations. Bourdieu`s approach regarding social practices is considered by some researchers as a synthesis of classical theories and by others as an attempt of complexify contemporary studies on the significance of social life. This thesis sharesthis effort to understand the social practices of agents, aiming to analyze the strategies of social and political leaders of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi in Rio Grande do Norte, and it has as reference the theoretical and methodological concepts of habitus, field and capital, in Bourdieu. Therefore, we studied the trajectories of social leaders, here called agents as family farming in the two locations in Rio Grande do Norte. As techniques and procedures of the study, we resortedto semi-structured interviews, observations, participation in events and other researches. In conclusion, this thesis gives an account of the construction of two different relational fields for the activities of agents of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi. Although the relational fields in the territories have been structured under the same prevailing institutions, which are: church, union and political party, the social practice of agents shows itself from social position and political variety. Even with the similarities and differences identified and analyzed in different fields of construction, the social relations of the agents in the territories result in the construction of gated communities, the social capital that is the substrate which the agents called empowered .


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This study seeks to analyze the relationship between values and economic practices in social actions developed by the Caritas Network northeastern in projects linked to the Solidarity Economy over the last decade. This link between economic values and practices is discussed in relation to both Weber (Economy and Society) and Simmel (The Philosophy of Money) with a treatment of the affinities between both the economic sphere and religious ethics and the forms of sociability that bring individuals into contact with the circulation of money. The research scope was comprised of businesses monitored by Caritas in four northeastern states (Pernambuco, Paraíba, Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte where we sought investigate the influence of ethical values, religious networks, and the economic practices of associations, groups and cooperatives. The field research took place over nine months with visits to local groups in their production areas, participation in trade fairs, training, exchanges, forums and regional meetings. Through this research we saw that money, the symbol and instrument of utilitarian reason, shapes individual behavior and socialization conditions since in business practices it is permeated by religious and ethical values when confronted by their experiences, values and neoliberal practices. The data and conclusions and relates to the overall research of the regional Caritas Network, the place it occupies in the Solidarity Economy and its influence on the sociability of business


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The study of public policy typologies is still a knowledge field which lacks more embracing and applicable studies to different sectors. On that perspective, this work, Social Assistance Policy in Brazil: an analysis from the typologies on public policy, pursues to add the relevant literature to social assistance what focus on the public policy ratings. Moreover, it concerns about a study on the the national policy of social assistance implemented by the Brazilian government from the theoretical referrence of the public policy typologies. For that reason, the referential framework of the public policies as well as the analisys of its fundamentals/principles that are indispensable for achieving a bigger goal, that is to tipify the social assistance policy based on the different public policy typologies and characterize it through the main elements which are intrinsec to the social political and economic reality of Brazil. Thus, the issue suggested for the work is: what is the profile and the political trajectory of the social assistance implemented by the Brazilian Government? How it presents, above all, the features of a distributive, focused and lawful policy, the work has been done througho the following hypothesis: the social assistance policy in Brazil has been of universal, assistance, and focusing aspects. For each of those features granted to the social assistance policy, there is a gathering of changes according to the social, political and economic moment of the country and that stands out due to the different institutions within every cyclical period. The work showed that besides the social policy has gone through meaningful changes during the last decades, even though the adoption of the Organic Law of Social Assistance and its rules, some of the mentioned characteristics still remain, as long as the State s primacy goes on being the economic policies over the dubbed social policies. Notwithstanding, the social assistance will build up itself from the materialization of the growing of the social rights related to the State, but also assuming an important role on the amplified reproducing process regarding the capitalist social relations


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The fundamental social right to education has a lengthy constitutional argument, having been declared as a right to everyone in the Title dedicated to the fundamental rights and warrants and, later, scrutinized in the Social Order Chapter exclusively devoted to this theme, where specific rights are guaranteed and fundamental duties are imposed to family, society, and state. In that which concerns education, the 1988 Constitution is the result of a historical-normative process which, since the days of the Lusitanian Empire wavering between distinct levels of protection warrants in some way the educational process. Nevertheless, not even the State s oldest commitment to education has been fully achieved, namely, the annihilation of illiteracy. Even as other fundamental social rights, education is inflicted with the lack of effective political will to reach its fulfillment, and this is reflected in the production of doctrine and jurisprudence which reduce the efficacy of these rights. The objective of this work is to analyze what part is to be played by the constitutional jurisdiction in the reversal of this picture in regards to the fulfillment of the fundamental social right to education. Therefore it is indispensable to present a proper conception of constitutional jurisdiction its objectives, boundaries and procedures and that of the social rights in the Brazilian context so as to establish its relationship from the prism of the right to education. The main existing obstacles to the effective action of constitutional jurisdiction on the ground of social rights are identified and then proposals so as to overcome them are presented. The contemplative and constructive importance of education in the shaping of the individual as well as its instrumental relevance to the achievement of the democratic ideal through the means of the shaping of the citizen is taken into account. The historical context which leads to the current Brazilian educational system is analyzed, tracing the normative area and the essential content of the fundamental right to education aiming to delineate parameters for the adequate development of the constitutional jurisdiction in the field. This jurisdiction must be neither larger nor narrower than that which has been determined by the Constitution itself. Its activity has been in turns based on a demagogic rhetoric of those fundamental rights which present a doubtful applicability, or falling short of that which has been established showing an excessive reverence to the constituent powers. It is necessary to establish dogmatic parameters for a good action of this important tool of constitutional democracy, notably in regards to the fundamental social right to education, for the sake of its instrumental role in the achievement of the democratic ideals of liberty and equality


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The Theory analyzes what should know and what competes, formally, to the Professional of Social Service to act in the School Education. He/she investigates, starting from studies on the theme, and close to Council Federal and Regional of Social Service, and of the Brazilian Association of Studies and Researches in Social Service, that you know and competences are necessary for the social worker performance in that specific area. Through a research of nature empiric, bibliographical and documental, the analysis focus outlines the glance and the understanding of the professionals' category that represent the defense organs, fiscalization and formation of the profession. The importance of the scientific study is justified for the social worker necessary contribution acting in the School Education, whose political and pedagogic context presents multiple demands, you know and relationships, and when it is lived a social and education picture at the present time with order words in formation, as inclusion, empowerment, competence, that they demand other specialists in the school scenery to work with the varied expressions of the social subject. Since the years 1930 the social worker acts in the area of the Education, with an originating from knowledge the human and social areas that you/he/she makes possible him/it to contribute, undisciplinement, close to the pedagogic team of the School Education. The clarity of the you know and of the necessary competences to intervene in that field of specific work makes possible the legitimation of the identity, of the social worker professionalization and the formalization of his/her practice. The Theory ends that the profissionality and the social worker professionalism is built and it is recognized in the area of the Education starting from the knowledge of the you know and pertinent competences to intervene in that context, beginning that knowledge on the part of the category of the Social Service and of the formation organs and representation of the profession so that the school community - administration and pedagogic coordination, teachers and students - he understands and recognize the social worker necessary intervention in that field. The formalization of those you know and competences are built starting from actions and thought mobilizations and operation in the group of the category, and not for isolated actions and individualized. It is revealed, in the opinion of the ones that represent Regional Council of Social Service, a wide vision of the social worker in that space exercising, among other, functions that don't compete to the professional's profile or restricted to actions and techniques historically exercised in their work fields. A new profile of the professional of the Social Service that it acts in the School Education is possible when his/her action is visualized centered not just in the work with the family, but, doing of the school a proposition space and execution of programs, projects, studies and social researches. He intends, an action politics and of popularization on them know and the social worker competences in the School Education


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Teaching is an activity inherent to the human condition. Historically, from the institutionalization of education, the key role to pursue that activity has been attributed to the teacher, who is required to adapt to the demands of each historical conjuncture. Currently, according to the new paradigmatic requirements, the teacher must possess various skills in order to handle the complex and challenging act of teaching. Assuming the existence of a gap between what the State and the scientific discourse recommend the teacher act upon in the classroom, a decision was made to identify the configuration and structure of social representation in the act of teaching, put forth by elementary school teachers in the public schools of Natal, RN, Brazil. Therefore, the research relied on the theoretical model developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1998, 2000, 2003), which articulates the praxeology of Pierre Bourdieu with the theory of social representations of Serge Moscovici (1978). It was intended to demonstrate how teachers habitus, in its due historical context, directs the construction of social representations in the act of teaching which guides the actions of the teacher, particularly in the classroom context. At the methodological level, the following methods and techniques were used: bibliographic and documentary review in order to identify the scientific discourse on the subject matter and the official parameters of educational regulation and the act of teaching; the Procedure of Multiple Classifications PMC in order to capture the configuration and structure of the representational content in focus, the direct observation of the classroom to identify in actual terms the social representation as "guide to action" as the theory preaches. From the standpoint of the analysis, quantitative data were analysed through Multidimensional Scaling MDS, covering in this study the Multidimensional Scale Analysis MSA and Smallest Space Analysis SSA; and non-parametric statiscal techniques. Additional data of qualitative value had to undergo categorical content analysis. It was then concluded that the teachers investigated guided themselves by social representation, the product of collectively constructed and shared assumptions about the act of teaching, forming a synthesis of different sources of information and knowledge acquirement, involving elements of common sense, religious habitus, pedagogic models considered outdated, the agencies responsible for teacher training and the hegemonic discourse about education today


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Este trabajo recupera los caminos de la educación por la Transamazonica y analiza las prácticas educativas de educadores(as)-educandos(as) del campo, desarrolladas en los espacios educativos de los asentamientos, con el foco en la relación teoríapráctica y acción-reflexión-acción que involucran el tiempo-escuela y el tiempocomunidad del Curso de Magisterio de la Tierra en al Transamazonica (2005/2008), con el objetivo de preparar y cualificar educadores(as) para actuar en la Educación Infantil, Enseñanza Básica/ primaria y Educación de jóvenes y adultos y diseminar los principios y presupuesto de la Educación del y en el Campo. En la misma perspectiva de garantizar un perfil profesional, anclado en la autonomía y en la emancipación, capaz de transformar la realidad, los actores desencadenan una formación profesional Continua, articulada a la organización social, con el objetivo de proporcionar las condiciones para el desarrollo de una docencia dinámica, fondada en la interdisciplinaridad, en la praxis, en la relación democrática entre educador(a) y educando(a) y en la afirmación de la triade Campo, Educación del-en el Campo y Políticas Públicas, de manera a contribuir para la construcción del proyecto de desarrollo del Campo, según la visión de los actores sociales de la Región. El análisis de las prácticas educativas es producto de la reflexión realizada por los/ las educadores(as)-educando(as) y de la observación traducida por la participación en reuniones, talleres, encuentros y en el tiempo-escuela, en los cuales se destacan los procesos vividos en el Curso por el grupo, la transformación de la cultura de la aula en los asentamientos, la participación activa, por medio del compromiso social que se concreta por la dinámica desarrollada en el tiempo-comunidad. Ese compromiso genera experiencias y aprendizajes diferenciados, que se refleja en las prácticas educativas desarrolladas por los/ las educadores(as)-educando(as). El estudio lleva en cuenta las tensiones, los conflictos y los aprendizajes con respecto al aspecto teoría-práctica, a los desafíos, al diálogo y a la docencia


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This thesis concerns the problem about the pedagogue actuation in the social education into no scholars places. It search to understand the context and the social pedagogue role to his praxis and formation that enlarger the possibilities of the social educative practices into no scholars places. In this direction, we developed an investigation about the actuation of the pedagogues-educators in Natal city, in the 2007-2010 periods, into Municipal Secretary of the Labor and Social Assistance (SEMTAS). Considering that pedagogues are regularly attached in social educators profession as municipals public employees, we re the objective to evaluate their role into the social executed in the no scholars places, with the focus in the environmental dimensions of theirs work s places, pedagogical organization, institutional management and the professional formation. It privileged in this research the Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance II (CREAS II), the Passages Houses I, II and III, the Social-Educative Measures in Open Environment Execution Program of Natal city (PENSEMA) and the Pitimbú Educational Center (CEDUC-Pitimbú). To realize this study it developed a research with qualitative nature by critic ethnography approach privileging those information collected with the social pedagogue-educators of the mentioned places. Through the methodological procedures adopted; beyond the bibliographical review we remarked the documental research, the semi-structured interview, the questionnaires-routes and the field observations. The analytical results revealed that the politics to the social education in Brazil historically came been dimensioned by the fight of social movements demanding the fundamental rights to the excluded people; that the SEMTAS politics of social education present a relative basic social protection to the excluded children and young people specially into law view; that the politics of social education in Natal city it s close of the logic of sanitarian attention about the disadvantaged groups; that the conceptual, methodological and formatives fragilities needs to the social pedagogues-educators praxis into non scholars places made difficult the operation capacity of a educative proposition anchored in a institutional action guided by the idea of emancipator education; that the SEMTAS take face several difficulties to developed a web assistance as preview in the reception proposition elaborated by the social pedagogues-educators. However in despite the tensions we remarked the value of this potentiality to the non scholar social education in her attempt to constitute herself in a legitimate space to the pedagogue professional actuation. In despite the obstacles to work and formation quotidian, across those non scholar spaces in the municipalities institutes to the social politics, it demonstrated personal sensibility and professional creativity in learning mediations and educative action to the children and younger derived from exclusion process and the social iniquities


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This work aims at developing an evaluation of the implementation of the Program Escola Ativa as a public policy for rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN (1998 2009) focusing on the following dimensions: school s physical environment, training, follow up, and didactic usage of the methodology. In order to develop this research we refer to the literature that analyzes the cycle of policies (FREY, 2000). In this approach, evaluation represents an important step in the process of analyzing the implementation of public policies, as a way of measuring up their performance, as well as a guide for realignments and redefinitions (PRESSMAN; WILDAVSKY, 1998). In order to accomplish this function, the evaluator of policies must be acquainted with scientific concepts and methods that consist of describing, interpreting and analyzing the policies in the governmental sphere (MENY; THOENIG, 1992; LIMA JÚNIOR, 1978). In this perspective, we intend to investigate whether in its proposition of minimizing the blanks in the Brazilian educational system, the implementation of the Program would be contributing to the improvement of the political-pedagogical practices in the rural schools with combined grade classrooms in Jardim do Seridó RN. In order to do this research, we have developed a theoretical-methodological matrix made of analysis dimensions, variables, indicators and instruments, such as literary revision, documental analysis, semi-structured interviews with four teachers and three supervisors that work and/or have worked in Escola Ativa in that town in the period comprised among 1998 2009, besides notes taken from field observation and photographs from four rural schools with combined grade classrooms. With this research we have identified that the Program, at a national level, has gone through different phases in its implementation process, for the town was not ready to fully take the responsibilities of the autonomous expansion, in 2002. From that period on, the execution of Escola Ativa has suffered several discontinuities, such as the lack of professional training and supervising. It is also noted that the methodology contributes to the dynamization of the didactic-pedagogical activities and promotes the cooperation and autonomy of the students in the organization and the applicability of the components of the curriculum, especially of Governo Estudantil and Cantinhos de Aprendizagem. Although the directions of the Program (BRASIL, 2005) point out that Escola Ativa has among its principles social transformation, we identified that, isolated, the initiative is not capable of promoting the changes that the rural schools need, namely investments in the physical, material, pedagogical and technological infra-structure, besides the estimation and a career plan for the teachers. In a general draft of the results of this research, we realized that some aspects presented about the peculiarities of Escola Ativa in Jardim do Seridó as a governmental Program, reinforce the need for the public policies to be evaluated, in order to confront critic and operationally the planning with the practice, revising action, whenever necessary


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This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJA s teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each one s personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country life s social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfo s settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product . That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country life s social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge


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Nowadays the discussion about providing a quality education for all students is more and more recurrent, including for those who have special educational necessities. The discussion increases regarding that it is not enough to include these students in the regular school, but also to provide conditions of learning and development. This requirement implies changes in the educational system, as well as in the teachers‟ everyday; and these changes manifest themselves through the complexity of the functions which are assigned to the teachers and the school. The news that are generated from the perspective of the inclusive education asks for new formative models for teacher‟s performance, once he tries to (re)build knowledge, knowings and doings among troubles and conflicts as a way to decrease the impact caused by the necessary transformations. This research approached this context in order to understand the social representation about the inclusive education from teachers who work in the regular public school system in the Municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, State of Acre. To approach the symbolic content, we elected the Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) as the methodological approach. For that, it was necessary to apply the Technique of Free-Association of Words (TFAW) to 60 participants what provided data to the first step of the chosen methodological procedure. The criterion of choice of the participants took into account if they dealt with student who has special educational necessities and with public schools. Later, we applied MCP to 50 teachers from specialized course in inclusive education subgroup 01 and 30 teachers who has no specialized formation subgroup 02. The collected data from this step was examined through multidimensional and content analysis for a better understanding of their symbolic dimensions. The results from the multidimensional analysis showed that the subject inclusive education‟ for subgroup 01 involved the following facets: circulating discourses that meant the naming of the characteristics that teachers think indispensable to inclusive education; teachers in relation to the inclusive practice that was focused on the relation between teaching and included student, and repercussion to the student that showed the advantages that the inclusive education provided to the student who has special educational necessities. Subgroup 02 dealt with the following facets: characteristics of the included student that approached teachers‟ view on this student; negative aspects that regarded the naming of the obstacles in the achievement of inclusive education; and teacher‟s relations to the inclusive education that approach professional, affective, and formative elements. The content analysis revealed four categories: disagreeing concepts; conception of inclusive education; dimension of the teacher‟s inclusive doing, and difficulties and resistance to carry out the inclusion of a student who has special educational necessities in the regularschool. Both analyses multidimensional and content one showed that the constitution of elements in a social representation of inclusive education was a mixture formed by the characteristics of this sort of education and the school integration, materialized on the figure of the different‟ student. The representational field of the subject inclusive education‟ was associated to the social representation of the student who has special educational necessities, making clear the deficiency/ difference, and causing the difficulty of the teachers in achieving what they say about the phenomenon


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The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruará-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history


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En esta investigación, se busca comprender los procesos de formación de pregrado del Curso de Cartas da UFRN, de estas representaciones sociales acerca de los estudiantes de enseñanza. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue conocer y analizar las representaciones sociales de curso de pregrado UFRN Cartas sobre la enseñanza. Por lo tanto, se aplica la Técnica de Libre de Palabras Asociación (TALP) con 20 participantes, después de haber sido probados individualmente, utilizando como estímulo palabra "enseñar" y limitar el número de invocaciones a 03 palabras por participante. Esta técnica fue elegida porque es una técnica proyectiva que permite la reducción y racionalización permite acceder al campo semántico de las representaciones sociales, en nuestro caso, en la enseñanza del de pregrado do Curso de Cartas da UFRN. Por lo tanto, llegamos a total de 60 llamadas, análisis de frecuencia después de 41 y 24 después de un análisis del significado que se utilizaron en otro procedimiento aplicado en esta investigación, las calificaciones de Procedimiento de Múltiples Calificaciones (PCM). Estas palabras, sobre la base de las justificaciones de las evocaciones y significados que atribuyen participantes en la investigación, se dividieron en 4 campos semánticos: Campo 1: Aspectos técnicos de la enseñanza, Campo 2: aspectos volitivos, Campo 3: aspectos relacionales de la enseñanza y de Campo 4: Elementos del campo. El PCM se aplicó de forma individual, con 50 estudiantes. Para el análisis de los datos generados, utilizamos Análisis Multidimensional (MDS) para la Escala Multidimensional de Evaluación Análisis gratuito (MSA: Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) y el análisis de clasificación selectiva de los espacios menores (SSA: Smallest Space Analysis). El mapa generado por el análisis de MSA fue dividido en tres regiones: Aspectos de los aspectos de enseñanza, capacitación y asistencia técnica de los promotores de la profesionalización, la primera región que tiene una sub-regionalización llamada dimensión negativa. El mapa de la SSA análisis se dividió en dos partes y un subfaceta, llamado el aspecto faceta técnica de la enseñanza y la formación, la segunda faceta llamado Vínculo entre el campo y la enseñanza específica y su nombre subfaceta aspecto relacional. Del análisis del contenido de las justificaciones de la PCM, llegó a 5 categorías, a saber: Hacer la enseñanza, la faceta negativa, Escuela, Formación y faceta afectiva del profesor. El TALP aporta pruebas de que algunos de estos estudiantes ve la oportunidad de adquirir unos conocimientos en esta área, la formación en un nivel superior, como quieran, simplemente tienen un título universitario para realizar licitación abierta. El PCM nos ha hecho comprender que el contenido representacional en cuestión se configura desde el universo consensual conectado a la profesión y la formación. Por lo tanto, podemos decir que los titulares de licencias con respecto al tema estudiado anclar la representación social de "enseñar" a la imagen de ser un maestro y objetivar la imagen de la profesión