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The objective of this research is to know the conscience, the sensibility and the interperformance's vision man-environment of some residents from Areado's slum, theirs attitudes and motivations to link individual and collectively with their environment seeking ransom the diferences and compare them in relacion of an scientific look. The study to the valorization of experience from individual or from the group consisted of humanist approach of Geography having the phenomenology as underlying philosophy. The theorical formulations manifested from ideas whole, detaching the effort to discipline the use at least these concepts: landscape, space, place and environment. Opposite the importance of knowing the interelation manenvironment, we insert more two concepts: topofilia (felling joins people to the place where they lives) and topophobia, because our preoccupations in the ambit of evironmental question, immediate to the human beings. The research had been developed from interview and percepition workshop, when the interviewed people answered about they understand what are environiment and Areado's environment. The gotten results allow a reflection about the evironmental thought thinking found there, constituting in subsidy to programs of evironmental education that be worried about local problems


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Landscape one of the main concepts in Geography can be understood as social practice and also as a form of spatial representation. In any case, it is necessary to understand it not only by it s visual instance though its visual instance is an important part of its own identity , but also as a signifying system that produces meaning through many forms of representation. Within this framework, the photographic image is an alternative field for the building, elaboration, re-elaboration and perception of the landscape. Within this context, the main objective of this work is to produce an understanding of Jardim do Seridó s landscape through the reading of its simbolic text built through the photographs taken by José Modesto de Azevedo, a photographer well known as Zé Boinho , in the period from 1950 to 1980. The way in which a specific representation of a particular geography works within the photographic paradigm, considering the narrative construction of urban space and landscape, constitutes the framework from which the concept of landscape is built. So, this work has taken into consideration the writings of authors such as Aumont (1993), Dondis (1997), Cosgrove (1998), Duncan (2004) e Shama (1996), Castoriadis (1982), etc. Thus, this work aimed to highlight that the urban space photographs narrative built by Zé Boinho is an important alternative field for the understanding of how Jardim do Seridó s landscape became a symbolic representation for the collective imaginary of the city


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The research Reforma Agrária de Mercado e Territorialização: um estudo a partir do Programa Cédula da Terra em Canindé-Ce , has an objective to discuss until whas time denominated agrarium refom has capacity of territory the of families in Five from the seven settlements cmated by resourles from the prgramme cell of earth em Canindé-Ce. In this context, the present work analysis the relation sitip between power and kind of identity, in special in those settlements, trying to learn the dialetic relationship. That passes by the process and appropriation in these spaces by these families gave the beginning of buying the land. The procedure methologic used by us gave privilege to realize the interview included in this process, wita the leaders of rural associations (STR); commission clero of earth (CPT); rural workers movement without land (MST); wita agricolas tecnics, and so the local coordinators of cell of earth in Fortaleza. The analysis of agrarium reform in Canindé, infects that the families giving entrance in buying the land, they could creatieg a hope in quality of life for getting the land. Nevertheless, it did not happen, in the rost of the parts of the areas in study. The territories present in general focus, the worse process of poomest besides the amount of debiths of these families, putting in risk the territorialization of themselves


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The objective of the study was to analyze and discuss the process of urbanization in the tourist city of Natal focusing on the actions of the resident agent as a producer of space tourism. The production and expertise in the areas of the city for the performance of tourism have led to the intensification of social problems of nature that comes to few expelling the residents of the beaches. The cut space of the study included the four beaches of Natal / RN, the praias do Centro, Via Costeira, Ponta Negra beach in the Redinha. For this, was conducted a case study, using the technique of questioning, with the application of one hundred and sixteen (116) questionnaires to residents, with age from thirty-five years, between the four of the City Administrative Regions. The results show that the process of urbanization has interferido tourism on the practices of the recreation of residents in the areas as tourism has shown a trend seen in the intensifying problems of social order, such as prostitution, insecurity, pollution of beaches, etc. The combination of these problems are reflected negatively on the tourist areas and are gradually removing the residents. Through this framework problematic, given to tourist areas in the city, the resident still has not positioned the way criticizes the defense of these, choosing not express or adopting a form of discrete event, such as the gradual exit of the areas and electing tourist beaches in other municipalities. The results are of great significance for the direction of a trip planning committed with the participation of the resident in the planning process. The study is to corroborate with the importance of the participation of the resident, before the trip planning, as it is a fundamental agent for the sustainability of space tourism


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as mudanças ocorridas no clima local onde o município de Apodi/RN está inserido, em virtude da construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi. Foram utilizadas para o tratamento dos dados climáticos precipitação pluviométrica, umidade relativa do ar e temperatura técnicas estatísticas como Desvio Padrão, Teste T, Coeficiente de Variação e Média aritmética, além do modelo matemático. Para o balanço hídrico foi aplicado o método de Thornthwait (1948), considerando dois períodos em análise: o anterior e posterior a construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi, respectivamente 1995 e 2005. os resultados obtidos permitiram inferir que a hipótese inicial levantada se confirma, ou seja, a construção da Barragem Santa Cruz do Apodi, está influenciando diretamente numa alteração no que concerne à condição atmosférica local, especialmente no parâmetro umidade relativa do ar. Quanto ao balanço hídrico, observou-se a predominância do déficit hídrico especialmente entre os meses de junho a janeiro, período de estiagem; um excedente ocorrente entre os meses de maio e junho, conseqüente do período chuvoso; e uma reposição hídrica antecedendo e sucedendo este período, chuvoso, ou seja, compreendendo os meses de fevereiro a junho. Todas as considerações e análises poderão contribuir para o planejamento de abastecimento d´água, a irrigação, auxílio na previsão de enchentes e estiagens, bem como o manejo do uso da água subterrânea


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To insert environmental education in the school is a very hard task, although the question has been largely discussed since some years ago. The main object of this research is limited to the way the contents of Environmental Education are inserted in school programs, as well as to assert that, as a law, it must be put in practice not only because it is obligatory, but because it is important to school programs, especially to Acaraú´s primary and secondary schools, having in view the importance of the natural resources in which schools are inserted and the development of ways to solve problems related to the quality of life of the dwellers of these places. It is important the study of the law 9795/99 on Environmental Education, passed on July 25th, 2005, by means of the decree no. 4.281, established in the Municipal Organic Law and other documents ruling the Environmental Education. Our purpose is to give orientation on Environmental Education to the above-mentioned schools aiming at the permanent formation about that subject, in order to constitute, in the future, a real net between school and community and to spread out concepts about sustainability. This way, poverty conditions should be faced as environmental problems, bringing about the relationship between natural resources and poverty. The making of shrimp beds, predatory fishing, swamp degradation and irregular occupation constitute elements to this research. The theoretic terms are based upon principles of Environmental Education, area sustainability and inter-disciplinarily and trans-disciplinarily in Environmental Sciences, which have been applied under the form of capacities and the presentation of documents, projects, maps, discussions and reflections about the mass social movements as a positive consequence of the implementation of this project


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The city of Mossoró has been, currently, divulged and known in all Rio Grande do Norte as the cultural capital of the State, in function of the excellent carried through investments, each year, in the cultural sector. The present work is considered to construct an understanding to of the dynamics of the culture and tourism in the city of Mossoró. This work searches also , to verify how this territorial dynamics of the city is processed, by the recent years, in function of the local activities as Mossoró Cidade Junina , Auto da liberdade e Festa de Santa Luzia. An analysis of the occured territorial transformations in Mossoró has been done, decurrent of the activities in study, and the impacts proceeding from the public and private investments, that provoke a new dynamics in the city. Moreover, the perception of the community, the private initiative and the public power in relation to these practical is verified as processes of Mossoró. For this, documentary and bibliographical research has been used. It was accomplished, field research, through the comment not-participant and from the accomplishment of interviews with the municipal public power, main idealizer of the parties and with the private initiative, as sponsor. The local community also participated through the application of questionnaires. It has been concluded that the parties as Mossoró Cidade Junina, Auto da Liberdade and Santa Luzia, have demonstrated a capacity to create and to keep a tourism flow, being Mossoró projection as a tourist destination. The city has through it parties, great part of itself moving in direction to guarantee its accomplishment, what it makes with that its territorial dynamics comes being modified for and for the tourism


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The Metropolitan Region of Natal, like other metropolitan regions in Brazil, was marked by intense and rapid urbanization of the country occurred only in the second half of the twentieth century, coinciding with the process of consolidation of the industry in the country, resulting in serious urban social problems, such as the increase in slums, lack of infrastructure and this increase in violence in urban centers. When enters the reality of the metropolitan region, assessing the impacts of restructuring productive in the context of globalization, analyzing how the socio-economic factors influencing the dynamic of the population, whose configuration was shown to be contradictory according to social class busy. Accordingly, we studied the demographic configuration of the Metropolitan Region of Natal, analyzing their spatial distribution and their socio-demographic differences in light of building a type socio-space, which cuts the metropolitan space in homogeneous areas


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This is study about the Project Vazantes, as a case of stay policy on access to land upstream of the weir humid New World, in Caicó-RN. It includes social and economic aspects of vazanteiros, that in their experiences with the land, recreate structures, forms and functions. Theoretically, the work is based on the ideas miltonianas (1986, 1988, 1996, 1997) on the production and reproduction of space, as seen this system of actions that is articulated to the public policies and the achievements solidarity, to the extent that production, in vazantes there is virtually no technology investment, technical assistance and rural credit. Regarding the search procedures, we conducted interviews and questionnaires with vazanteiros applied but did photographic records and research into documentary sources Agricultural Research Company's Rio Grande do Norte S / A (EMPARN), the Union of Rural Workers of Caicó (STRC ), In newspapers and magazines, as well as other sources of information related to the object of study.Such procedures, coupled with theoretical and methodological benchmarks, helped in the understanding of the relationship that takes place in the New World Farm, in order that space produced by actors (EMPARN and vazanteiros) comprises a structure of power that involves multiple interests in extent that land and labor are appropriate mechanisms as dialetizantes


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This research focuses on raise the discussion of existance tourism policies in Rio Grande do Norte and its contributions to the integration of local communities in the coastal tourist activity. Guided by the background of the neoliberalism and its influence on the model of tourism development adopted in Rio Grande do Norte. For that, were surveyed the concrete realities of coastal localities of the municipalities of Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta covered by Prodetur-RN I and II, by being part of the tourist portion of the state that have received domestic and international investment and, because are located in the geographical area of the Potiguar capital, Natal. We interviewed the municipal managers and the residents of local communities who live in municipalities more than ten years. Also, was raised a discussion on the role of the state as the main agent of public policies and hegemonic facilitator in the attraction of domestic and foreign investments, with the main scenario the neoliberal model of economic development. Here discuss ways and strategies of socio-political organization of local communities, with regard to the inclusion in the tourist and, pointing to the critical development model in question and signaling other concepts of development model, such as local basis, for example. By the ending of the research, was concluded that the model of development of the tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte is reflected of the way of life of the society, that the communities live in precarious conditions and that the way of inclusion in the tourism is almost incipient. Also, it was possible to detect the inexistence of public politics of tourism that promoted the planning of the tourist activity, as well as, the inclusion of the communities in the decision processes and that, searched the development on the basis of the principles of sustainable and local autonomy


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The geo-environmental zoning is an important means to plan the management of the territory, once it is the result of integration of different elements of the physical environment. The Municipality of Crato has a diversity of geo-environmental systems due to its complex landscape, which characterization and delimitation will contribute to the most appropriate occupation and the fewer prejudicial to municipal area. This study, which was supported by geo-systemic theory, searched to reach the following objectives: to elaborate a proposal of geo-environmental zoning; to characterize identified and demarcated geo-environmental systems, including their potentiality and limitations of land use and human occupation; and to generate a database on digital maps through GIS Geographic Information System. Four geo-environmental systems were identified (Chapada do Araripe: plateau and hillside, Massif and residual crest, Sertão of peripheric southern depression and fluvial Plains) and ten geo-environmental subsystems (Eastern plateau covered by cerradão/cerrado, Western plateau covered by cerrado/carrasco, Northern-west hillside, central residual Massif, Northern Residual Massifs, Sertaneja depression dominated by sedimentary materials, Sertaneja depression dominated by embasement crystalline material; wet fluvial plains and dry fluvial plains). The identified system and subsystem are similar to those proposed by FUNCEME in spite of some changes due to the more detailed mapping


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This work considers the space study of the main road runner of integration of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN) in formation, emphasizing its repercussion for the geographic context of the city, where we identify the positive and negative aspects of such space configuration, as for the aspects of the urban inaquality, economic centrality and of flows, promoted for the state and private capital (national and foreign). The linear convergence and polinucleately of geographic objects in that we identify as Central Space of Attentions (CSA), promoted, and still it promotes, important repercussion in the space estructuretion of the peripheral areas of the RMN, such as in the constitution of the "Capital Value of the Space". In this direction, to endorse the analysis of such reading, choose as cientific ballast the geographic theory, in a perspective dialectic, as well as we rescue contributions of the science of the administration, sociology, economy, amongst others. From the empirical research, subsidized with the application of forms together the entrepreneurs whom they possess investments in the CSA, as well as in the rescue of information you register in cadastre in the Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (JUNCERN) and telephonic list, we construct a proposal of reading of the current period of training of the process of space production to which is rank the CSA. The analysis of the data, under a comparative space angle, presents an important contribution to reevaluate the urban space of the RMN in its bigger aspect, exceeding the limits of the studied road corridor


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thèse de maîtrise, qui a été idealizée et exécutée à partir de la réunion et les relations dialogiques établies entre la géographie et l'histoire, et l'espace et le temps, a considéré l'environnement urbain comme le thème général et, comme la référence empirique, l'espace urbain de Caicó, incrusté dans les terres semi-arides du Sertão do Seridó Potiguar, plus précisément à la mi-sud de l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Dans cet espace, à travers de recherche des fragments de mémoires acquis de diverses sources historiques, on a tenté de faire des investigations sur les transformations urbaines qui ont eu lieu dans la ville au cours des années 50 et 60 du XXe siècle. Ces transformations, dans l espace urbain de Caicó à un moment du pic de l'activité de développement de coton, reflétaient et conditionnaient les propres projets de modernization urbaine qui représentants des élites locales eurent conçu avec l'objectif de la construction d une ville idéal dans les regions isolées du Seridó: moderne, civilisé, progressive et capitale régionale du Seridó. Pour cette construction, les nouveaux équipements et services urbains ont passé du plan imaginaire à l espace réel, installés dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville en transformant le paysage urbain. Face à cette situation, cinémas, magasins, station de radio, énergie électrique, institutions de l'éducation, téléphonie, maison de soins infirmiers, usine de bénéficiement de coton, banques, politiques urbaines, hygiéniques et sanitaires, modes de comportement, sociabilités urbaines distincttes, parmi d'autres éléments géographiques se sont institués à travers la réalisation de certains idéaux de progrès social et dans un esprit de modernité urbaine, dans de nouveaux espaces et pratiques inventés, tramés et éprouvés sur les rochers et entre le cours d eau au milieu d'un quotidien urbain marqué par ruptures et permanence de certaines coutumes et habitudes antiques et de certains paysages et environnement ridé


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The process of urbanization of Natal city has been going in the last years by importants changes, mainly, because we can observe the development of a new kind of housing: the horizontal closed condominiums, from 1995 began to expand quickly on the city. In this way, the present study has as objective analyse the expansion of the horizontal closed condominiums on the urban area of Natal. Emphasizing the sociogeographic changes that these ventures engender. For this, we have done a research that was based on quantitative procedures, however, preferring a qualitative approach. So, data were gathered from sources and procedures: the first, we performed a literature search and document on issues related to the relevant issues in libraries, public and privates institutions; The second, in accordance with the procedures, or the production of informations, performed enterview and implemetation of questionnaires with key stakeholders involved with the expansion of horizontal condominiums in Natal. Within this perspective, our research showed that the expansion of demand in the city, the existence of volume of land in areas suitable for the production building, the formation of capital property, the appearance of new points of modern consumption, the actions of the state and the low cost of production of these enterprises, are factors that have been decisive in the expansion of the horizontal condominiums in Natal. Also, we can observe that the process of production of the urban space from the horizontal condominiums comes in providing the redefinition of land use in areas that appear, because they expand into outlying areas of Natal, changes in its structure and its pattern of socio segregation, observing that the condominiums put the diferents social groups living side by side, but not mantaining relationships among them, the emergence of spaces to homogenization, the fragmentation of the urbanization, the privatization of the city and several environmental problems. In short, we believe that the horizontal expansion of condominiums is enabling a number of social changes to Natal city


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Acid rain is a major assault on the environment, a consequence of burning fossil fuels and industrial pollutants the basis of sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere. The objective of this research was to monitor and analyze changes in water quality of rain in the city of Natal, seeking to investigate the influence of quality on a local, regional and global, in addition to possible effects of this quality in the local landscape. Data collection was performed from December 2005 to December 2007. We used techniques of nefanálise in identifying systems sinóticos, field research in the search for possible effects of acid rain on the landscape, and collect and analyze data of precipitation and its degree of acidity. Used descriptive statistics (standard deviation and coefficient of variation) used to monitor the behavior of chemical precipitation, and monitoring of errors in measurements of pH, level of confidence, Normalized distribution of Gauss, confidence intervals, analysis of variance ANOVA were also used. Main results presented as a variation of pH between 5,021 and 6,836, with an average standard deviation of 5,958 and 0,402, showing that the average may represent the sample. Thus, we can infer that, according to the CONAMA Resolution 357 (the index for fresh water acidity should be between 6.0 and 9.0), the precipitation of Natal / RN is slightly acidic. It appears that the intertropical convergence zone figures showed the most acidic among the systems analyzed sinóticos, taking its average value of pH of 5,617, which means an acid value now, with a standard deviation of 0,235 and the coefficient of variation of 4,183% which shows that the average may represent the sample. Already in field research and found several places that suffer strongly the action of acid rain. However, the results are original and need further investigation, including the use of new methodologies