34 resultados para subordinação direta e indireta
The present study deals with the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality. The treatment given to the approach is through the principle of access to justice. For this, a construction of the juridical content in the principle of access to justice is proposed, without losing the focus of its characteristic as a metajuridical principle, which is presented in the constitutional field as a fundamental right, generator of a new universality, destined to guarantee the prevalence of an adequate juridical tutelage. Some challenges of the concretizing hermeutics are still shown to give way to principle of access to justice, dealing with certain limitations and proposals. The direct action of inconstitutionality in face of the dissertation, begins to focus on the presentation of the tutelage of urgency, differentiating it from the other brief tutelage and elevating it to the condition of instrument which is indispensable to the principle of access to justice. In the most specific field of the abstract control of constitutionality, the characteristics of the objective process are defined, their sources, amongst which the regimental norms of the Federal Supreme Court and their role in the new constitutional reality. Finally, the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality is presented by the perspective of principle of access to justice, identifying some points: the interpretations of the principle of the natural judge to adapt him to the aspect of continuous and temporarily adequate juridical account, especially when concerned to emergency; the analysis of facts in the direct action; the bonding objective effects and the erga omnes; the effect over the factual and normative plan; the effect of the caution measure over other processes and over the prescriptional course; the polemic of the possibility of caution measure in direct action of inconstitutionality through omission
Este trabajo es el resultado de un análisis de la política de gestión de la educación básica en el estado de Rio Grande do Norte (RN) y tuvo como objetivo presentar un estudio sobre la construcción e implementación del proceso de elección directa para elegir a los dirigentes de escuelas públicas de educación básica en las escuelas públicas durante el período 2003 a 2006. Partió de la suposición de que las elecciones para la escoja de los líderes escolares mediante el voto directo de la comunidad se presenta como un importante instrumento a través del cual se debe garantizar el derecho de participación a los diferentes segmentos de la escuela contribuyendo con el proceso de consolidación del proceso democratización de la gestión de escuela pública en ese Estado. Optamos por realizar una búsqueda dentro de un enfoque histórico-crítico, basado, teórico-metodológicamente, en el materialismo dialéctico. A partir de los objetivos y de los temas que guiaron el proceso de investigación, se consideró adecuado adoptar procedimientos de estudio y de recogida de informaciones y análisis bibliográfico y documental y, la realización de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Los resultados muestran que la construcción del Documento de la Gestión Democrática definiendo la elección directa como una opción de los administradores de la escuela bien como su implantación ante las escuelas del estado sucedió basado en los principios democráticos. Además, los líderes elegidos directamente de las escuelas, la creación del Consejo Escolar (CE) y la institución de la Asamblea General de la Escuela demuestran la adopción de un modelo de gestión de la educación pública del estado que contribuye con el proceso de democratización de la gestión escolar. Por último, es evidente la necesidad de cualificación en el proceso democrático y la participación de varios sujetos involucrados en el proceso de gestión también incluidos los miembros del Consejo Escolar
In this thesis, it is developed the robustness and stability analysis of a variable structure model reference adaptive controller considering the presence of disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. The controller is applied to uncertain, monovariable, linear time-invariant plants with relative degree one, and its development is based on the indirect adaptive control. In the direct approach, well known in the literature, the switching laws are designed for the controller parameters. In the indirect one, they are designed for the plant parameters and, thus, the selection of the relays upper bounds becomes more intuitive, whereas they are related to physical parameters, which present uncertainties that can be known easier, such as resistances, capacitances, inertia moments and friction coefficients. Two versions for the controller algorithm with the stability analysis are presented. The global asymptotic stability with respect to a compact set is guaranteed for both cases. Simulation results under adverse operation conditions in order to verify the theoretical results and to show the performance and robustness of the proposed controller are showed. Moreover, for practical purposes, some simplifications on the original algorithm are developed
In this work is proposed an indirect approach to the DualMode Adaptive Robust Controller (DMARC), combining the typicals transient and robustness properties of Variable Structure Systems, more specifically of Variable Structure Model Reference Adaptive Controller (VS-MRAC), with a smooth control signal in steady-state, typical of conventional Adaptive Controllers, as Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC). The goal is to provide a more intuitive controller design, based on physical plant parameters, as resistances, inertia moments, capacitances, etc. Furthermore, with the objective to follow the evolutionary line of direct controllers, it will be proposed an indirect version for the Binary Model Reference Adaptive Controller (B-MRAC), that was the first controller attemptting to act as MRAC as well as VS-MRAC, depending on a pre-defined fixed parameter
This dissertation contributes for the development of methodologies through feed forward artificial neural networks for microwave and optical devices modeling. A bibliographical revision on the applications of neuro-computational techniques in the areas of microwave/optical engineering was carried through. Characteristics of networks MLP, RBF and SFNN, as well as the strategies of supervised learning had been presented. Adjustment expressions of the networks free parameters above cited had been deduced from the gradient method. Conventional method EM-ANN was applied in the modeling of microwave passive devices and optical amplifiers. For this, they had been proposals modular configurations based in networks SFNN and RBF/MLP objectifying a bigger capacity of models generalization. As for the training of the used networks, the Rprop algorithm was applied. All the algorithms used in the attainment of the models of this dissertation had been implemented in Matlab
Licuri is a palm tree from the semiarid regions of Bahia State, Brazil. It is an important source of food and feed in that region, since their nuts are commonly eaten by humans and used as maize substitute for poultry feeding. The aim of this dissertation is to study the feasibility for use of natural convection solar dryers and forced being compared with the traditional drying outdoors for drying coconut licuri Syagrus coronate. The study led to the construction of two prototype solar dryer for carrying out experiments proving: model Solar Drying System Direct Exposure to Natural Convection built with wood, has a drying chamber with direct cover transparent glass laminates 4 mm, using techniques for proper isolation of the drying chamber. The two prototypes were comparatively analyzed for performance and drying efficiency with traditional extractive use by the community. Were evaluated the variables: time and drying rates and quality of the final samples of coconut licuri. The fruits were harvested and brought the town of Ouricuri, in the city of Caldeirão Grande, BA for the experiments comparing the three methods of drying was used a standard load of 4.0 kg The quantitative analysis for the result of the drying rate was found in 74% yield and 44% for natural and forced convection respectively compared with the traditional drying. These drying rates represent variation 3-5 times lower. Drying using forced convection licuri showed better quality, was found in a reddish pulp, representing the quantities that were kept of the nutrient beta carotene, and not notice the flavor change from the previous system, the final cost of construction of this system were higher . The prototypes built competitive advantage and had testified fully to resolve the technical difficulties previously encountered in the production of products made of coconut licuri. Allowing add value and increase their potential use for the fruit extractive communities of semi-arid region of Bahia
O gradiente térmico da superfície para o interior do sólido depende da taxa de colisões das partículas e da condutividade térmica do material utilizado. Quando um sólido é imerso em plasma, a transferência de energia ocorre por radiação e colisões das partículas sobre a superfície do material. Dependendo da taxa de colisões das particulas e da condutividade térmica do sólido existirão gradientes térmicos da superfície para o interior das amostras, ocorrendo picos térmicos na superficie, ou seja, o aquecimento pontual nas regiões de colisões. A fim de estudar esse efeito, amostras de aço rápido AISI M35 cujos valores de dureza são fortemente sensíveis à temperatura de revenimento, foram utilizadas como micro sensores térmicos. Amostras foram temperadas em forno resistivo e, em seguida, parte das mesmas foram revenidas em forno resistivo e a outra parte em plasma. A partir do gráfico da dureza (Hv) em função da temperatura (T) das amostras revenidas em forno resistivo foi possível obter uma função Hv(T) para determinação indireta do perfil térmico das amostras tratadas em plasma. As amostras foram revenidas em plasma utilizando temperatura de referência igual a 550 oC. Em seguida foi obtido o perfil de dureza dessas amostras ao longo da seção transversal e, subsequentemente, o perfil de temperatura. Verificou-se que amostras tratadas em plasma, ao contrário daquelas tratadas em forno resistivo, apresentaram gradiente de temperatura da superfície para o núcleo. Além disso, verificou-se que as amostras tratadas em configuração planar apresentaram gradientes térmicos inferiores àquelas tratadas em configuração cátodo oco, variando de 20 a 120 °C, respectivamente
Esta pesquisa trata da referenciação ocorrida pelas anáforas diretas e indire-tas em produções textuais de alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Como elemento pri-mordial de nossas investigações, ancoramo-nos na referenciação e estudos da aná-fora no âmbito da Lingüística Textual como fazem Mondada e Dubois (2003); KOCH (2003) e Marcuschi (2005). De acordo com estudos já realizados e envolvidos com a temática, defendemos a noção de referenciação como sendo um processo de cons-trução de sentidos que se realiza no discurso, isto é, em atividades interativas entre os sujeitos exigindo, portanto, uma ação colaborativa entre os interlocutores. Nesse aspecto, a interação precisa existir, visto que os referentes de um termo anafórico nem sempre se encontram na superfície textual; muitas vezes, são construídos a partir de uma representação ou modelo mental disponível na memória discursiva. Nessa perspectiva, procuramos analisar o processo de referenciação construído a partir de anáforas diretas e indiretas identificando as estratégias utilizadas em textos produzidos em situações de sala de aula. Dizemos que a anáfora direta, de modo geral, é definida pela relação de correferencialidade estabelecida entre o anafórico e seu antecedente, enquanto a anáfora indireta é vista como uma estratégia referenci-al de associação, sem referente explícito, tendo que se esforçar para estabelecer a continuidade referencial no texto e para isso utiliza-se da ativação (referenciação mental) de elementos novos e não de uma reativação de referentes já conhecidos, o que constitui um processo de referenciação implícita. Para alcançarmos nosso obje-tivo, utilizamos como subsídio teórico, o processo de informação na memória cogni-tiva, a referência e estudos da anáfora no âmbito da Lingüística Textual. O corpus deste trabalho constitui-se de sessenta textos escritos por alunos de 7ª série (atual 8º ano), dentre os quais analisamos o processo de referenciação ocasionado pelas anáforas diretas e indiretas em doze desses textos. Considerando os dados analisa-dos, dentre os tipos de anáforas estudados, constatamos que houve preponderância no uso das anáforas diretas, destacando-se entre elas a anáfora direta correferencial co-significativa, com maior manifestação no uso das retomadas diretas por pronomi-nalização
In rodents, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are the main components of the circadian system. The SCN is considerate the site of an endogenous biological clock because can to generate rhythm and to synchronize to the environmental cues (zeitgebers) and IGL has been related as one of the main areas that modulate the action of SCN. Both receive projections of ganglion cells of retina and this projection to SCN is called retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Moreover, the IGL is connected with SCN through of geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT). In primates (include humans) was not still demonstrated the presence of a homologous structure to the IGL. It is believed that the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) can be the answer, but nothing it was still proven. Trying to answer that question, the objective of our study is to do a comparative analysis among PGN and IGL through of techniques immunohystochemicals, neural tracers and FOS expression after dark pulses. For this, we used as experimental model a primate of the new world, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Ours results may contribute to the elucidation of this lacuna in the circadian system once that the IGL is responsible for the transmission of nonphotic information to SCN and participate in the integration between photic and nonphotic stimulus to adjust the function of the SCN. In this way to find a same structure in primates represent an important achieve in the understanding of the biological rhythms in those animals
Seeing colors can be advantageous, because they are an important signal for providing information about the environment, such as the location of food. However, not every animals sees these chromatic signals in the same way. In primates, the group of Plathyrrhini has polymorphic sex-linked vision with males always dichromats and dichromats or trichromats females. Studies indicate that trichromats during foraging would benefit by seeing better than dichromats ripe fruits against the green foliage background. On the other hand, dichromats appear to distinguish camouflaged insects better than trichromats. The marmoset (Callihtrix jacchus) is a neotropical primate species that have color vision polymorphism. This species establishes family groups with highly reproductive bias, with breeding females often having preferential access to food. This work aims to study whether the social context influences the foraging ability of camouflaged and red items in groups of C. jacchus. Four groups of captive marmosets were presented to four food tasks, involving difficult, easy, reddish and camouflaged food targets. Foods were presented in a concentrated and dispersed manner, to check whether there was monopolization of the resources by the dominant subjects and if this would affect the ability of individuals to find the food targets. Success was measured by latency to food acquisition and number of targets consumed. Males and females differed in their foraging success for camouflaged and reddish items, although this difference has not appeared in all situations and experimental conditions. In general males were more successful for detecting camouflaged items while females succeeded more in identifying reddish items. There were no differences in foraging success between individuals of different social status, however, there were differences in the success of consumption of food items for different situations when food was concentrate compared with dispersed food. Taken as a role, there was a greater difficulty in detecting food items when they were presented in concentrated arrangement, which is supposed to be related to a higher difficulty to approach and stay near the food. Although it appears that there was no direct competition seems to have group's indirect influence on the detection of food items and foraging success of individuals, affecting mainly those items more difficult to detect
This study aid to understand the work conditions of street vendors located on the sidewalks of two malls in Brazil Northeast Natal / RN - Both malls Natal Shopping and Via Direta, to analyze their inclusion in the informal economy and to study the supposed autonomy provided by work as self-employment in its both aspects economic and social analyzing the importance on the condition of "masters of their own business" has for the street vendors, as an alternative to not submission to the figure of the boss, that represents the exploitation of one class over another. The theoretical and methodological aspects that support this study was aimed in discussion on the restructuring of production, considering its effects on the world of work, pointing to unemployment as one of the potencies element of excluded processes that exciting workers to engage in the informal market. Informality is presented as a survival strategy and as integrating part of the reproduction of capital. This research was conducted under a critical perspective, whish has been utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study format questions that provided during the research process the socio-economic characterization of workers, main cause of this study, and how street vendors expres their status of workers as self-employed for their work, and the perception that they have on their form of inclusion in the informal market.
Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network
This dissertation aims to analyze the causal relationship between the quality of tourist services, satisfaction with the attributes and globally, fidelity and image of tourist destinations. Therefore, it was conducted an exploratory, descriptive research with quantitative analytical approach. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire addressed to tourists at the Augusto Severo International Airport and Bus station of Natal, the main points of entry and exit of tourists. The composition was simple random sampling by reaching the final number of 400 tourists interviewed. Among the main results, is an assessment of the quality of the components of the destination. It was noted that nine are the dimensions of perceived quality of tourism products and services of ―Sun and Sand‖ segment, that is, Beaches and Facilities, Public Equipment, Catering Services, Transportation, Hotel Equipment, Hotel Services, Entertainment & Attractions, Access to the Hotel and Hospitality. Moreover, it was concluded that the Preview Tourism Destination Image has little direct influence in the Consumer Satisfaction, and only indirectly in the Post-Purchase Behavior. While the Complex Tourism Destination Image exerts strong and direct influence on both factors, in the Customer Satisfaction Process and Loyalty, the dimensions of quality also claimed to be strongly influences both factors
The Baixa grande fault is located on the edge of the S-SW Potiguar Rift. It limits the south part of Umbuzeiro Graben and the Apodi Graben. Although a number of studies have associated the complex deformation styles in the hanging wall of the Baixa Grande Fault with geometry and displacement variations, none have applied the modern computational techniques such as geometrical and kinematic validations to address this problem. This work proposes a geometric analysis of the Baixa Fault using seismic interpretation. The interpretation was made on 3D seismic data of the Baixa Grande fault using the software OpendTect (dGB Earth Sciences). It was also used direct structural modeling, such as Analog Direct Modeling know as Folding Vectors and, 2D and 3D Direct Computational Modeling. The Folding Vectors Modeling presented great similarity with the conventional structural seismic interpretations of the Baixa Grande Fault, thus, the conventional interpretation was validated geometrically. The 2D direct computational modeling was made on some sections of the 3D data of the Baixa Grande Fault on software Move (Midland Valley Ltd) using the horizon modeling tool. The modeling confirms the influence of fault geometry on the hanging wall. The Baixa Grande Fault ramp-flat-ramp geometry generates synform on the concave segments of the fault and antiform in the convex segments. On the fault region that does not have segments angle change, the beds are dislocated without deformation, and on the listric faults occur rollover. On the direct 3D computational modeling, structural attributes were obtained as horizons on the hanging wall of the main fault, after the simulation of several levels of deformation along the fault. The occurrence of structures that indicates shortening in this modeling, also indicates that the antiforms on the Baixa Grande Fault were influenced by fault geometry
The water supply and treatment is considered as a great benefit considering that, if done efficiently, provides public health. However, considering the WTP (Water Treatment Plant) is an industry, with its inputs and waste generation, they must be constantly evaluated and monitored to verify the best and most appropriate way to process and dispose their waste, minimizing therefore the potential impacts to the environment. By volume, the most significant waste is the rapid filter backwash water. It is very common the disposal of this waste without treatment in water sources, which are used, for the most part, as a water supply source of a downstream population. This study evaluated quantitative and qualitative parameters in filter backwash water in three WTP - Itaitinga, Maranguape and Pacatuba, located in Ceará State, northeast of Brazil. It was found that the Maranguape WTP, in terms of treatment capacity, is the larger. The Itaitinga WTP is the one that consumes more water during filters washing. The Pacatuba WTP exhibited higher concentration of total suspended and settleable solids, COD and aluminum in the filters backwash water. It is noteworthy that the settleable solids and total suspended solids in all three WTP are above the effluent discharge standard recommended by Resolution 154/2002 of SEMACE (State Superintendent of Environment of Ceará). It was concluded that the filter backwash water from the study WTP exceeded the allowed values for legislation to be disposed directly into surface water bodies. It is suggested as an alternative to treat and recycle the filter backwashing water the construction of sludge settling ponds.