48 resultados para reação de combustão
Nickel-bases catalysts have been used in several reform reactions, such as in the partial oxidation of methane to obtain H2 or syngas (H2 + CO). High levels of conversion are usually obtained using this family of catalysts, however, their deactivation resulting from carbon deposition still remains a challenge. Different approaches have been tested aiming at minimizing this difficulty, including the production of perovskites and related structures using modern synthesis methods capable of producing low cost materials with controlled microstructural characteristics at industrial scale. To establish grounds for comparison, in the present study LaNixFe1-xO3 (x=0, 0.3 or 0.7) perovskites were prepared following the Pechini method and by microwave assisted self-combustion. All samples were sub sequently calcined at 900 °C to obtain the target phase. The resulting ceramic powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, X ray diffraction, specific area and temperature programmed reduction tests. Calcined samples were also used in the partial oxidation reaction of methane to evaluate the level of conversion, selectivity and carbon deposition. The results showed that the calcined samples were crystalline and the target phase was formed regardless of the synthesis method. According to results obtained by Rietveld refinement, we observed the formation of 70.0% of LaNi0.3Fe0.7O3 and 30.0% of La2O3 for samples LN3F7-900- P, LN3F7-900-M and 41,6% of LaNi0.7Fe0.3O3, 30.7% of La2NiO4 and 27.7% of La2O3 for samples LN7F3-900-P and LN7F3-900-M.Temperature-programmed profiles of the LaNiO3 sample revealed the presence of a peak around 510 °C, whereas the LaFeO3 sample depicted a peak above 1000°C. The highest l evel of methane conversion was obtained for LaNiO3 synthesized by the Pechini method. Overall, catalysts prepared by the Pechini method depicted better conversion levels compared to those produced by microwave assisted self-combustion
The refractory metal carbides have proven important in the development of engineering materials due to their properties such as high hardness, high melting point, high thermal conductivity and high chemical stability. The niobium carbide presents these characteristics. The compounds of niobium impregnated with copper also have excellent dielectric and magnetic properties, and furthermore, the Cu doping increases the catalytic activity in the oxidation processes of hydrogen. This study aimed to the synthesis of nanostructured materials CuNbC and niobium and copper oxide from precursor tris(oxalate) oxiniobate ammonium hydrate through gas-solid and solid-solid reaction, respectively. Both reactions were carried out at low temperature (1000°C) and short reaction time (2 hours). The niobium carbide was produced with 5 % and 11% of copper, and the niobium oxide with 5% of copper. The materials were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA , BET and particle size Laser. From the XRD analysis and Rietveld refinement of CuNbC with S = 1.23, we observed the formation of niobium carbide and metallic copper with cubic structure. For the synthesis of mixed oxide made of niobium and copper, the formation of two distinct phases was observed: CuNb2O6 and Nb2O5, although the latter was present in small amounts
The behavior of the fluid flux in oil fields is influenced by different factors and it has a big impact on the recovery of hydrocarbons. There is a need of evaluating and adapting the actual technology to the worldwide reservoirs reality, not only on the exploration (reservoir discovers) but also on the development of those that were already discovered, however not yet produced. The in situ combustion (ISC) is a suitable technique for these recovery of hydrocarbons, although it remains complex to be implemented. The main objective of this research was to study the application of the ISC as an advanced oil recovery technique through a parametric analysis of the process using vertical wells within a semi synthetic reservoir that had the characteristics from the brazilian northwest, in order to determine which of those parameters could influence the process, verifying the technical and economical viability of the method on the oil industry. For that analysis, a commercial reservoir simulation program for thermal processes was used, called steam thermal and advanced processes reservoir simulator (STARS) from the computer modeling group (CMG). This study aims, through the numerical analysis, find results that help improve mainly the interpretation and comprehension of the main problems related to the ISC method, which are not yet dominated. From the results obtained, it was proved that the mediation promoted by the thermal process ISC over the oil recovery is very important, with rates and cumulated production positively influenced by the method application. It was seen that the application of the method improves the oil mobility as a function of the heating when the combustion front forms inside the reservoir. Among all the analyzed parameters, the activation energy presented the bigger influence, it means, the lower the activation energy the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, as a function of the chemical reactions speed rise. It was also verified that the higher the enthalpy of the reaction, the bigger the fraction of recovered oil, due to a bigger amount of released energy inside the system, helping the ISC. The reservoir parameters: porosity and permeability showed to have lower influence on the ISC. Among the operational parameters that were analyzed, the injection rate was the one that showed a stronger influence on the ISC method, because, the higher the value of the injection rate, the higher was the result obtained, mainly due to maintaining the combustion front. In connection with the oxygen concentration, an increase of the percentage of this parameter translates into a higher fraction of recovered oil, because the quantity of fuel, helping the advance and the maintenance of the combustion front for a longer period of time. About the economic analysis, the ISC method showed to be economically feasible when evaluated through the net present value (NPV), considering the injection rates: the higher the injection rate, the higher the financial incomes of the final project
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300°C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves
The occurrence of heavy oil reservoirs have increased substantially and, due to the high viscosity characteristic of this type of oil, conventional recovery methods can not be applied. Thermal methods have been studied for the recovery of this type of oil, with a main objective to reduce its viscosity, by increasing the reservoir temperature, favoring the mobility of the oil and allowing an increasing in the productivity rate of the fields. In situ combustion (ISC) is a thermal recovery method in which heat is produced inside the reservoir by the combustion of part of the oil with injected oxygen, contrasting with the injection of fluid that is heated in the surface for subsequent injection, which leads to loss heat during the trajectory to the reservoir. The ISC is a favorable method for recovery of heavy oil, but it is still difficult to be field implemented. This work had as an objective the parametric analysis of ISC process applied to a semi-synthetic reservoir with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast reservoirs using vertical production and vertical injection wells, as the air flow injection and the wells completions. For the analysis, was used a commercial program for simulation of oil reservoirs using thermal processes, called Steam, Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) from Computer Modelling Group (CMG). From the results it was possible to analyze the efficiency of the ISC process in heavy oil reservoirs by increasing the reservoir temperature, providing a large decrease in oil viscosity, increasing its mobility inside the reservoir, as well as the improvement in the quality of this oil and therefore increasing significantly its recovered fraction. Among the analyzed parameters, the flow rate of air injection was the one which had greater influence in ISC, obtaining higher recovery factor the higher is the flow rate of injection, due to the greater amount of oxygen while ensuring the maintenance of the combustion front
The aim of this work is the numerical simulation of the mechanical performance of concrete affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction or RAA, reported by Stanton in 1940. The RAA has aroused attention in the context of Civil Engineering from the early 80, when they were reported consequences of his swelling effect in concrete structures, including cracking, failure and loss of serviceability. Despite the availability of experimental results the problem formulation still lacks refinement so that your solution remains doubtful. The numerical simulation is important resource for the assessment of damages in structures caused by the reaction, and their recoveries The tasks of support of this work were performed by means of the finite element approach, about orthotropic non-linear formulation, and, thermodynamic model of deformation by RAA. The results obtained revealed that the swelling effect of RAA induced decline of the mechanical performance of concrete by decreasing the margin of safety prior to the material failure. They showed that the temperature influences, exclusively, the kinetics of the reaction, so that the failure was the more precocious the higher the temperature of the solid mass of concrete
Ceramic substrates have been investigated by researchers around the world and has achieved a high interest in the scientific community, because they had high dielectric constants and excellent performance in the structures employed. Such ceramics result in miniaturized structures with dimensions well reduced and high radiation efficiency. In this work, we have used a new ceramic material called lead zinc titanate in the form of Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3, capable of being used as a dielectric substrate in the construction of various structures of antennas. The method used in constructing the ceramic combustion synthesis was Self- Sustained High Temperature (SHS - "Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis") which is defined as a process that uses highly exothermic reactions to produce various materials. Once initiated the reaction area in the reaction mixture, the heat generated is sufficient to become self-sustaining combustion in the form of a wave that propagates converting the reaction mixture into the product of interest. Were analyzed aspects of the formation of the composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS powders and characterized. The analysis consisted of determining the parameters of the reaction for the formation of the composite, as the ignition temperature and reaction mechanisms. The production of composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS performed in the laboratory, was the result of a total control of combustion temperature and after obtaining the powder began the development of ceramics. The product was obtained in the form of regular, alternating layers of porous ceramics and was obtained by uniaxial pressing. 10 The product was characterized by analysis of dilatometry, X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. One of the contributions typically defined in this work is the development of a new dielectric material, nevertheless presented previously in the literature. Therefore, the structures of the antennas presented in this work consisted of new dielectric ceramics based Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 usually used as dielectric substrate. The materials produced were characterized in the microwave range. These are dielectrics with high relative permittivity and low loss tangent. The Ansoft HFSS, commercial program employee, using the finite element method, and was used for analysis of antennas studied in this work
We developed an assay methodology that considered the temperature variation and the scanning electron microscopy as a method to quantify and characterize respectively the consumption evolution in three 46 LA machines, with internal combustion and two-stroke engines, 7.64 cm3 cylinder capacity, 23.0 millimeters diameter and 18.4 millimeters course, RPM service from 2.000 to 16.000 rpm, 1.2 HP power, and 272 grams weight. The investigated engines components were: (1) head of the engine (Al-Si alloy), (2) piston (Al-Si alloy) and (3) piston pin (AISI 52100 steel). The assays were carried out on a desktop; engines 1 and 2 were assayed with no load, whereas in two assays of engine 3 we added a fan with wind speed that varied from 8.10 m/s to 11.92 m/s, in order to identify and compare the engine dynamic behavior as related to the engines assayed with no load. The temperatures of the engine s surface and surroundings were measured by two type K thermopairs connected to the assay device and registered in a microcomputer with data recording and parameters control and monitoring software, throughout the assays. The consumed surface of the components was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis-EDS. The study was complemented with shape deformation and mass measurement assays. The temperature variation was associated with the oxides morphology and the consumption mechanisms were discussed based on the relation between the thermal mechanical effects and the responses of the materials characterization
The aluminothermic reduction consists in an exothermic reaction between a metallic oxide and aluminum to produce the metal and the scum. The extracted melted metal of that reaction usually comes mixed with particles of Al2O3 resulting of the reduction, needing of subsequent refine to eliminate the residual impure as well as to eliminate porosities. Seeking to obtain a product in powder form with nanometric size or even submicrometric, the conventional heat source of the reaction aluminothermic , where a resistor is used (ignitor) as ignition source was substituted, for the plasma, that acts more efficient way in each particle of the sample. In that work it was used as metallic oxide the niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) for the exothermal reaction Nb2O5 + Al. Amounts stoichiometric, substoichiometric and superestoichiometric of aluminum were used. The Nb2O5 powder was mixed with aluminum powder and milled in planetarium of high energy for a period of 6 hours. Those powders were immerged in plasm that acts in a punctual way in each particle, transfering heat, so that the reaction can be initiate and spread integrally for the whole volume of the particle. The mixture of Nb2O5 + Al was characterized through the particle size analysis by laser and X-ray diffraction (DRX) and the obtained product of reaction was characterized using the electronic microscopy of sweeping (MEV) and the formed phases were analyzed by DRX. Niobium powders with inferior sizes to 1 mm were obtained by that method. It is noticed, through the analysis of the obtained results, that is possible to accomplish the aluminothermic reduction process by plasma ignition with final particles with inferior sizes to the original oxide
The nanostructures materials are characterized to have particle size smaller than 100 nm and could reach 1 nm. Due to the extremely reduced dimensions of the grains, the properties of these materials are significantly modified relatively when compared with the conventional materials. In the present work was accomplished a study and characterization of the molybdenum carbide, seeking obtain it with particles size in the nanometers order and evaluate its potential as catalyst in the reaction of partial methane oxidation. The method used for obtaining the molybdenum carbide was starting from the precursor ammonium heptamolybdate of that was developed in split into two oven, in reactor of fixed bed, with at a heating rate of 5ºC/min, in a flow of methane and hydrogen whose flow was of 15L/h with 5% of methane for all of the samples. The studied temperatures were 350, 500, 600, 650, 660, 675 and 700ºC and were conducted for 0, 60, 120 and 180 minutes, and the percent amount and the crystallite size of the intermediate phases were determined by the Rietveld refinement method. The carbide obtained at 660ºC for 3 hours of reaction showed the best results, 24 nm. Certain the best synthesis condition, a passivating study was accomplished, in these conditions, to verify the stability of the carbide when exposed to the air. The molybdenum carbide was characterized by SEM, TEM, elemental analysis, ICP-AES, TG in atmosphere of hydrogen and TPR. Through the elemental analysis and ICP-AES the presence carbon load was verified. TG in atmosphere of hydrogen proved that is necessary the passivating of the molybdenum carbide, because occur oxidation in room temperature. The catalytic test was accomplished in the plant of Fischer-Tropsch of CTGAS, that is composed of a reactor of fixed bed. Already the catalytic test showed that the carbide presents activity for partial oxidation, but the operational conditions should be adjusted to improve the conversion
Among the heterogeneous catalysts materials made from niobium show up as an alternative to meet the demand of catalysts for biodiesel production. This study aims to evaluate the potential of a heterogeneous catalyst derived from a complex of niobium in the reaction of methyl esterification of oleic acid. The catalyst was synthesized after calcination at different temperatures of a niobium complex ((NH4)3[NbO(C2O4)3].H2O) generating a niobium oxide nanostructure with a different commercial niobium oxide used to synthesize the complex. The commercial niobium oxide, the complex niobium and niobium catalyst were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG and DTA), surface area analysis (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), showing the catalyst has researched morphological and crystallographic indicating a catalytic potential higher than that of commercial niobium oxide characteristics. Factorial with central composite design point, with three factors (calcination temperature, molar ratio of alcohol/oleic acid and mass percentage of catalyst) was performed. Noting that the optimal experimental point was given by the complex calcination temperature of 600°C, a molar ratio alcohol/oleic acid of 3.007/1 and the catalyst mass percentage of 7.998%, with a conversion of 22.44% oleic acid in methyl oleate to 60 min of reaction. We performed a composite linear and quadratic regression to determine an optimal statistical point of the reaction, the temperature of calcination of the complex at 450°C, the molar ratio of alcohol/oleic acid 3.3408/1 and mass percentage of catalyst of 7.6833% . Kinetic modeling to estimate parameters for heterogeneous catalysis it set well the experimental results with a final conversion of 85.01% with 42.38% of catalyst and without catalyst at 240 min reaction was performed. Allowing to evaluate the catalyst catalytic studied has the potential to be used in biodiesel production
In last years it has talked a lot about the environment and the plastic waste produced and discarded. In last decades, the increasing development of research to obtain fuel from plastic material, by catalytic degradation, it has become a very attractive looking, as these tailings are discarded to millions worldwide. These materials take a long time to degrade themselves by ways said natural and burning it has not demonstrated a viable alternative due to the toxic products produced during combustion. Such products could bring serious consequences to public health and environment. Therefore, the technique of chemical recycling is presented as a suitable alternative, especially since could be obtain fractions of liquid fuels that can be intended to the petrochemical industry. This work aims to propose alternatives to the use of plastic waste in the production of light petrochemical. Zeolites has been widely used in the study of this process due to its peculiar structural properties and its high acidity. In this work was studied the reaction of catalytic degradation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the presence HZSM-12 zeolites with different acid sites concentrations by thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled with GC-MS. The samples of the catalysts were mixed with HDPE in the proportion of 50% in mass and submitted to thermogravimetric analyses in several heating rates. The addition of solids with different acid sites concentrations to HDPE, produced a decrease in the temperature of degradation of the polymer proportional the acidity of the catalyst. These qualitative results were complemented by the data of activation energy obtained through the non-isothermal kinetics model proposed by Vyazovkin. The values of Ea when correlated to the data of surface acidity of the catalysts indicated that there is a exponential decrease of the energy of activation in the reaction of catalytic degradation of HDPE, in function of the concentration of acid sites of the materials. These results indicate that the acidity of the catalyst added to the system is one of the most important properties in the reaction of catalytic degradation of polyethylene
Materials consisting of perovskite-type oxides (ABO3) have been developed in this work for applications in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type (SOFC). These ceramic materials are widely studied for this type of application because they have excellent electrical properties, conductivity and electrocatalytic. The oxides LaMnO3, LaFeO3, LaFe0.2Mn0.8O3 e La0.5Fe0.5MnO3 were synthesized by the method of microwave assisted combustion and after sintering at 800°C in order to obtain the desired phases. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and voltammetric analysis (cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves). The results obtained by XRF technique showed that the microwave synthesis method was effective in obtaining doping oxides with values near stoichiometric. In general, powders were obtained with particle size less than 0.5 μm, having a porous structure and uniform particle size distribution. The particles showed spherical form, irregular and crowded of varying sizes, according to the analysis of SEM. The behavior of the oxides opposite the thermal stability was monitored by thermogravimetric curves (TG), which showed low weight loss values for all samples, especially those of manganese had its structure. By means of Xray diffraction of the samples sintered at 800°C was possible to observe the formation of powders having high levels of crystallinity. Furthermore, undesirable phases such as La2O3 and MnOx were not identified in the diffractograms. These phases block the transport of oxygen ions in the electrode/electrolyte interface, affecting the electrochemical activity of the system. The voltammetric analysis of the electrocatalysts LF-800, LM-800, LF2M8-800 e L5F5M-800 revealed that these materials are excellent electrical conductors, because it increased the passage of electrical current of the working electrode significantly. Best performance for the oxygen reduction reaction was observed with iron-rich structures, considering that the materials obtained have characteristics suitable for use in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type
Bifunctional catalysts based on zircon oxide modified by tungsten (W = 10, 15 and 20 %) and by molybdenum oxide (Mo= 10, 15 e 20 %) containg platinum (Pt = 1%) were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. For comparison, catalysts the tungsten base was also prepared by the impregnation method. After calcinations at 600, 700 and 800 ºC, the catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy. The profile of metals reduction was determined by temperature programmed reduction. The synthesized catalysts were tested in n-heptane isomerization. X-ray diffractogram of the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 and Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts revealed the presence of tetragonal ZrO2 and platinum metallic phases in all calcined samples. Diffraction peaks due WO3 and ZrO2 monoclinic also were observed in some samples of the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts. In the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts also were observed diffraction peaks due ZrO2 monoclinic and Zr(MoO4)2 oxide. These phases contained on Pt/WOx-ZrO2 and Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied in accordance with the W or Mo loading and in accordance with the calcination temperature. The infrared spectra showed absorption bands due O-W-O and W=O bonds in the Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts and due O-Mo-O, Mo=O and Mo-O bonds in the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts. Specific surface area for Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied from 30-160 m2 g-1 and for the Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts varied from 10-120 m2 g-1. The metals loading (W or Mo) and the calcination temperature influence directly in the specific surface area of the samples. The reduction profile of Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts showed two peaks at lower temperatures, which are attributed to platinum reduction. The reduction of WOx species was evidenced by two reduction peak at high temperatures. In the case of Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts, the reduction profile showed three reduction events, which are attributed to reduction of MoOx species deposited on the support and in some samples one of the peak is related to the reduction of Zr(MoO4)2 oxide. Pt/WOx-ZrO2 catalysts were active in the n-heptane isomerization with high selectivity to 3-methyl-hexane, 2,3- dimethyl-pentane, 2-methyl-hexane among other branched hydrocarbons. The Pt/MoOx-ZrO2 catalysts practically didn't present activity for the n-heptane isomerization, generating mainly products originating from the catalytic cracking