37 resultados para potencial de ganho de peso


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He aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characters, herbage accumulation, nutritive value and performance of sheep in different tropical pastures. The treatments were two cultivars and two of the genera Panicum Brachiaria pastures under intermittent stocking and variable stocking rate, in the rainy season. We evaluated the masses and the components of herbage pre grazing in two layers, and after grazing. Chemical analyzes were made of the stems and leaf blades pre grazing in two layers. We used 48 male sheep and whole for the assessment of individual weight gain and area, and anestrous females to adjust the stocking rate. In the cv. Massai showed the highest herbage mass, leaf blades and dead material, and the largest volume density and leaf blade: stem pre grazing. There was no difference among cultivars for the percentage of leaf blade (PLB) in both strata, but the higher the PLB was higher than the bottom. The highest percentage of dead material (PDM) was observed in cvs. Massai and Marandu in the two strata. In cvs. Massai and Piatã were observed lower levels of crude protein in stem and leaf. In stratum 0-25 cm lower nutritional value was observed in the stem in the leaf blades did not grant the nutritional value among the strata. Herbage mass, leaf blade, PLB and proportion of stem in the residue of the Massai pastures were higher than cv. Aruana. There was no difference for efficiencies in harvest leaf and stem between the cultivars. The cv. Massai got the higher accumulation of leaf per cycle per day. Animals kept in grass swards Aruana had the highest average daily gain. The higher stocking rates and earnings per area were observed in grass swards and Marandu Massai. The cultivars are suitable for sheep meat production in the rainy season


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Abstract: Several factors can affect the development of the broiler, among them we can highlight nutrition and management. In the context nutritional, mineral supplementation is a necessary practice because, in general, the diets did not contain these elements in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of poultry. Zinc is a trace mineral essential to life, participating in several important functions in the body. Generally zinc is added to diets of birds in inorganic forms (oxides, carbonates or sufatos), however in its organic form or chelated presents more bioavailable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of levels of organic zinc (ZnO) in the diet of broilers from 1 to 42 days, housed in new or reused litter. The experiment was conducted in the poultry sector of the Special Unit for Agricultural Sciences EAJ / UFRN. 576 chicks were used 1 day of commercial strain Cobb, distributed in a completely randomized in a 4x2 factorial arrangement with four levels of ZnO 0, 40, 80 and 120 ppm and two environments, new bed (COn) and reused litter (CRE) resulting in eight treatments with six replications of 12 birds. In the pre-initial responses were linearly increasing levels of ZnO on feed intake and quadratic effect on body weight and weight gain. The levels of 72.41 and 70.05 ppm of ZnO in the diet of chicks improved body weight and weight gain, respectively. There was interaction between ZnO and the type of bedding used. The ZnO did not affect broiler performance in the growing phase. There was an interaction between levels of ZnO and type of bed used. The levels of 61.50 and 85.30 ppm organic zinc improves immunity and increases the deposition of zinc in tibia of broilers at 42 days, respectively. ZnO also increases the resistance of the skin of broilers at 42 days of age. Using Cre improves performance of broilers from 1 to 42 days old


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This study aimed to evaluate the performance and profitability of Canindé goats kept under semi-intensive management in mix farming system. 84 animals were used, being 81 does e three bucks.. The means of fertility rate at parturition, prolificacy and percentages of pregnant, kid survival and reproductive rate were compared by Tukey test at significance level of 5.0%. The kid weights from birth to weaning were submitted to variance analysis considering sex and birth type and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5.0% of significance. The percentages of fertility rate by ultrassographic were 91.36 and parturition 74.84. The prolificacy was 1.53. Independently of sex the mortality rate of kids from birth to weaning was 12.3. The average weights of offspring were 2.11 and 1.92 kg and 6.74 and 6.84 kg for male and female offspring at birth and weaning, in this order. The average weights of kids, meaning PN, P28, P56, P63, in the first season of kidding were 2.11 ± 0.46 kg, 3.63 ± 1.04 kg, 5.96 ± 158 kg and 6.74 ± 1.79 kg. There was significant differences (P<0,05) only to birth weight of kids sons of buck 135. However, the fertility at parturition for first and second breeding seasons (BS) were 87.65 and 62.96, respectively (P<0.05). The prolificacy was 1.58 and 1.47 to first and second BS in this order. The percentages of offspring survival from birth to weaning, to first and second BS were 92.86 and 80.00, respectively. From the first BS the reproduction rate was 1.28 while in the second was 0.74. After weaning the duration of lactation was 104 days to first breeding parturition and 38 days in the second one. The total milk production was 853.50 kg. The kids weight gain was influenced by season of year, wet and dry and buck (P<0.05). Were concluded that the seasons of year when breeding season and parturition occur strongly affected the productive performance and profitability of production system


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The control of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants is usually done with anthelmintics. However, due to the emergence of ever-increasing parasite resistance to these drugs, looking up an alternative control parasites. One of this is sought in pasture management, as these are the sources of animals` infection by L3 infective larvae of helminths. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of sheep to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes grazing Panicum maximum cv. Massai and cv. Aruana, and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã and cv. Marandu. The work was conducted from May to August-2011 with 48 male sheeps SRD versus Santa Inês breed. The animals were naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, and maintained in four different cultivars of tropical forage grasses, naturally contaminated with eggs and larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. Each week the animals were phenotypically characterized by parasitological examinations (eggs per gram of feces - EPG, and feces culture), hematological (packed cell volume PCV, and blood eosinophil count) method to evaluate the Famacha© colorof ocular mucosa, and the measures of body condition score and weight. In pastures was made the recovery of infective larvae in order to determine the quantity of L3 present in the pasture. The experimental design was a randomized completed block with two replications and before the entry of animals in the paddocks, they have been wormed. The experiment was ended when the animals reached 32.0 kg liveweight, and then were slaughtered and autopsies performed for the recovery and identify parasites of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine. Results were subjected to analysis of variance, t test and Tukey`s test. The animals kept on pastures of Marandu grass had lower EPG counts, higher percentage of packed cell volume and higher average weight; those who remained in the Piatã pasture had lower eosinophil counts per microliter of blood. About the Famacha©, the highest prevalence was Famacha 2, and the body condition score ranged between 2 and 3. The results of feces cultures and recovery of larvae on pastures showed the presence of larvae of Trichostrongylus sp., and at the necropsy too. This way, it was concluded that the grass cultivars influences the sheep parasite load; the Famacha, together with EPG and packed cell volume are important indicators for use in controlling gastrointestinal nematode infections. The Trichostrongylus sp. was the most prevalent parasite in sheep during the rainy season


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The low quality of tropical pastures in the dry season justifies the use of dietary supplements to meet the nutritional needs of sheep to meat production. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of massaigrass in the dry season and the effect of protein supplements in the performance and productivity of sheep to meat production grazing. The protein supplements evaluated were: soybean meal, Leucena hay, Gliricidia hay and multiple mixture. The animals were managed in massaigrass pastures under rotational stocking and supplemented daily. Were used 24 sheep ½ Santa Inês x ½ SPRD (without defined breed), males uncastrated, mean age 90 days in a completely randomized design. Performance of sheep was evaluated for average daily gain of live weight gain per area and stocking rate (animals of 25 kg/ha). The pasture was evaluated for forage mass of pre and post-grazing, the percentages of participation of morphological constituents and their nutritional values and rates of herbage accumulation. The total herbage mass decreased throughout the dry season. Crude protein and in vitro digestibility of organic matter of the leaf were higher in the upper 15 cm of the canopy stratum. The average daily weight gain of the animals supplemented with legume hay was similar to that gained by animals supplemented with soybean meal in the four grazing cycles. The total live weight gain of animals supplemented with legume hay was higher than the animals supplemented only with multiple mixing the first two grazing cycles. Hays of Leucena and Gliricidia can be given for supplementation of sheep maintained on pasture


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of supplements feeding on growth of calves grazing a Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça pasture during the dry season. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three treatments and three replications. The treatments were: mineral salt ad libidum; multiple mixture (MM) fed at 0.2% of live weight (PV); and, concentrate feed (SC) fed at 0.7% of PV. Thirty six weaned calves averaging eight months and 192 kg of initial live weight were utilized. The masses and pasture components, nutritive value and rate of forage growth were evaluated. Animal performance was measured as average daily gain (ADG) and live weight gain (LWG). The supplemental feeding was adjusted after weighing. There was no difference between periods for forage mass and leaf: stem ratio. The highest values for forage green mass, leaf blades mass and stem percentage were observed in the first trial period. The canopy height and the available forage on offer did not differ among treatments. The percentage of dead was higher for the last periods of evaluation. The leaf: stem ratio and the leaf percentage were greater in the second period. There was significant difference (p<0,05) among treatments for the ADG and were 250, 460 and 770 g/day for salt, MM and SC, respectively. The biggest LWG was observed in the treatment SC. contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA on leaf blades, thatched roofs and dead material dead not differ among treatments. The highest GPV was observed in the SC treatment. The contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA for leaf blades stem and dead material did not differ among treatments. Independent of the use supplements , it is possible to keep steers gaining weight, during dry season, since the stocking rate is appropriately adjusted


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Shrimp culture represents an important activity to brazilian economy. The northeastern region has presented high levels of production because of its climatic conditions. An important factor for the activity´s major development is related to the introduction of the species Litopenaeus vannamei. The use of an exotic species can disturb the ecosystem. In the last decades, L. vannamei has been the only species cultivated in Brazilian farms, there not being an alternative species for shrimp culture. So, there is an urgent need to developing new studies with the native species, which might represent an alternative concerning shrimp production, with emphasis on Farfantepenaeus subtilis. Another important aspect related to the activity is feeding management, once it is quite usual that feed offer on the pond does not take into account either the species´ physiology and behavior or the influence of environmental variables, such as light cycle and substrate. That knowledge may optimize management and so reduce the impact of effluents in the environment. This study´s objective was characterizing feeding behavior of F. subtilis in laboratory. For that, an ethogram was developed, using 20 wild animals which were observed through ad libitum and all occurrences methods. Two experiments were developed in order to register feeding behavior on different substrates, along 15 days, each. In the first experiment, 40 animals were distributed in eight aquaria, half being observed during the light phase of the 24 hour cycle and the other half in the dark phase, both in halimeda substrate. In the second experiment, 20 animals were distributed in four aquaria, under similar conditions as the previous ones, but in sand substrate. In both experiments, animals were observed respectively one, four, seven and ten hours after the beginning of the phase, for light phase, for the dark phase, in ten minute observation windows, before and immediately after feed offer. The following behaviors were registered: feed ingestion, ingestion of other items, inactivity, exploration, vertical exploration, swimming, crawling, digging, burrowing, and moving by the animals. Observation windows after feed offer also included latency to reach the tray and to ingest feed. Nineteen behaviors were described for the species. F. subtilis presented more behavioral activities in halimeda substrate even in the light phase, while burrowing was predominant in sand substrate. In both substrates, moving, crawling and exploration were more frequent after feed offer, but inactivity and burrowing were more frequent before that. Feed ingestion was more frequent in halimeda, both in light and dark phases. Weight gain was also more prominent in that substrate. In sand substrtate, ingestion was more frequent in the dark phase, which suggests that higher granulometry facilitates feed ingestion in F. subtilis juveniles. Our results demonstrate the importance of studies for the better knowledge of the species, specially its response to environmental stimuli, in order to improve animal management


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Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production


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Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a freshwater prawn which presents agonistic behavior and heterogeneous growth. It is known that captive conditions can intensify agonism causing injuries and decreased survival, generating a condition of poor welfare. Based on this, we aim to investigate the behavior of M. rosenbergii in the juvenile phase according to different types of shelter and frequencies of feed offer, emphasizing their agonistic behavior. For this, juveniles were observed in the laboratory in three steps. At step I we characterized the behavioral profile; prawns were kept in eight aquariums (27 prawns/m2 ), identified and observed four times along both phases of 24 h light cycle. At step II (2 experiments), we evaluated the use of shelters (brick or polyethylene rolls) and their influence on agonism by the animals. For classification of animals in dominance rank, the method used was David's Score. At step III (3 experiments), we evaluated different frequencies of feed offer on the behavior of individuals, in particular agonism. Results showed that juveniles do not present a pattern activity/inactivity between the phases of the light cycle. We identified a dominance hierarchy among individuals taking advantage of access to food by the dominant, which showed greater weight gain although the frequency of intake did not differ between individuals. The type of shelter influenced the behavior of animals. Brick shelter generated a higher frequency of permanence and a reduction in the frequency of agonistic interactions. The distribution of food more frequently throughout the day, decreased the motivation of animals for food, as well as to fight. Prawns fed four times showed lower frequency of feed intake and agonistic interactions. Thus, we conclude the shelters which reduce animal’s detection by coespecifics and offer the food four times along the day reduce agonistic behavior. This result causes na improvement in life quality of the prawns and also in its quality as final product.


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Obesity is a chronic disease that has multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by high degree of body fat; the degree of obesity will vary according to the Body Mass Index (BMI=m2 /kg). The severe degree of obesity is characterized by BMI>40 and it is regularly associated to endocrine-metabolic or mechanic clinical alterations, and to psychological disorders. Binge Eating (BE) results were overly high for this population. The Bariatric Surgery has been the treatment chosen by those diagnosed with severe obesity as this intervention provides prompt outcomes for loss of weight and clinical improvement conditions. However, recent research has acquiesced that after two years between 20% and 30% of people subject to this intervention gained weight. The main objective of this research is to assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with severe obesity that have been subject to Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past 24 months. Specific aspects were investigated: (1) characteristics of different personalities and diagnose of clinic and personality disorders; (2) BE and its relation with loss of weight; (2) the difference between the groups regarding post-surgery care, e.g. physical activity, psychological and dietician input. Method: 40 adults (women and men) aged 23 and 60 year-old who went through a bariatric surgery in the past 24 months, in the city of Natal-RN (Brazil); they were assembled in two groups n=20, Gain group displaying loss of < 50% of their initial surplus of weight, and the Loss group displaying loss of >50%. The research protocol is made of a socio-demographic questionnaire and 3 psychometric instruments: Rorschach – Comprehensive System; Millon Personality Inventory (MCMI-III); and the Binge Eating Scale (Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Through Rorschach significant differences between these groups were verified according to the kind of personality (EB) - more EB Extratensivo in Gain group and Intratensivo in Loss group – and the lack of control to express affect, increasing the answer for Color Pure at Group I. Concerning the people standardization, the sample as a whole tends to show psychic pain, denigrated selfperception, high levels of self-criticism, distorted perceptions, vulnerability to develop mood disorders and high scores regarding Suicide. MCMI-III results showed more clinic and personality disorders in Group I: Depressive Disorder and Schizotypal, Anxiety, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Thought Disorder, Bipolar- Manic and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In relation to ECAP, the results indicated significant differences, showing increased BE results in Gain group. There were found significant differences between BE severity and the presence of clinic and personality disorders. Concerning the post-surgery care, the observed differences are statistically significant regarding physical activities with median-increased differences in Loss group. There is a difference between the initial weight and the time post-surgery, indicating that the higher the initial weight and the time after the surgery the higher the re-gain of weight post-surgery. Finally, the results show that the participants with more than 3 years of surgery will have Clinic and Major Depressive Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Dysthymia. These results confirm prior studies related to BE post-surgery and re-gain of weight as well as the proneness of clinic disorders in severe obesity people. That means the results reinforce that the surgery process is a facet of the severe obesity treatment. The post-surgery process needs to be the main focus of attention and have a long-term input to sustain the care of the surgery results and the quality of life of the patients.


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The objective of the current study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance (survival and growth) of Litopenaeus vannamei post-Iarvae fed an artificial shrimp diet supplemented with Artemia flakes or freeze-dried Artemia embryos. For that purpose, 20 culturing units were individually stocked with 50 shrimp post-Iarvae (average dry weight of 0,3 ± 0,03 mg) at a stocking density of 20 post-larvae per liter, and fed the experimental diets to satiation during 20 days. The experimental design consisted of four diets (T1, T2, T3 and T4) with five repetitions each. For treatments T1, T2 and T3, dietary supplements of 5mg of Artemia flakes (T1), freeze-dried Artemia embryos (T2), and of the commercial shrimp diet (T3) were offered 2 hours after the shrimp were initially fed the commercial shrimp diet. For treatment T4 (control), no additive was offered 2 hours after the initial feeding. Shrimp survival, absolut (GPA) and relative increase in weight (GPR), and specific growth rate (TCR) were used as evaluation criteria. After the experimental period, no significant statistical differences (p>0,05) in survival were observed. Regarding growth, the dietary treatment which used freeze-dried Artemia embryos as an additive (T2) presented the best results for GPA (6,7 ± 0,7 mg). There were no statistical differences within treatments T1, T3 and T4 (p>0,05). AIso, post-larvae fed freeze-dried embryos (T2) showed a relative increase in weight (2241,4%) which differed significantly (p<0,05) from T4(1911,7%) but not from T1 (1801,6%) or T3 (1946,7%). In conclusion, the results of the current study indicate that an artificial shrimp diet supplemented with freeze-dried Artemia embryos fulfils the nutritional requirements of post-larvae L. vannamei and promotes a better growth than diets not supplemented with Artemia flakes


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Linseed is an important oilseed consumed raw as nutritional supplement, that although represents a rich source of nutrients, its nutritional value could be impaired due to the presence of antinutritional factors. In this study, protein fractions from raw linseed flour were extracted and isolated being obtained 12% of albumins, 82% of globulins, 5% of glutelins and 1% of prolamins. These proteins were visualized by SDS-PAGE and albumins showed low molecular mass protein bands around 21 kDa and minor bands, similar to that of trypsin inhibitor; Globulins presented protein bands with high molecular masses, which possibly are constituents of multimeric proteins, such as legumins. After determination of the centesimal composition of raw linseed, it was used as exclusive protein source for young rats to evaluate its effect on animal growth. The results showed negative effects on rat growth (weight gain 73% less than the control group) and reduction of intestinal villus (35%), that could be related with in vitro and in vivo globulin digestibility and proteinaceous antinutritional factors (mammalian digestive enzymes inhibitors and lectins) in albumin fraction. Native globulins showed, by SDS-PAGE, low susceptibility in vitro to trypsin and chymotrypsin, however presented high degradation by pancreatin. Thermal treatment of globulins for 5 and 15 minutes at 100ºC improved considerably its digestibility by trypsin and pancreatin. Globulins presented 93.2% in vivo digestibility, similar to the control protein. Albumin fraction had high trypsin inhibition activity (100%) and chymotrypsin inhibition of 28.3%; haemagglutinating activity was not detected. The results of this study indicate the negative action of trypsin inhibitors on animal growth, but can not be discarded its combined action with other antinutritional factors, which could compromise the raw linseed utilization as an alternative food


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American visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by the bite of the sand flies Lutzomia longipalpis.The main domestic reservoir is the dog, while foxes and opposums are the known wild reservoirs. However, identification of natural infections with L. infantum in rodents appears for need of investigating the participation of these rodents how source of infection of the parasite. In the present work the Leishmania infantum infection was investigated in rodents captured in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming at to offer subsidies to the understanding of the epidemic chains of LVA in the State. Thirteen Galea spixii were distributed in four groups, being G1 the group control with four animals and the others, G2, G3 and G4, with three animals each. Those animals were intraperitoneally inoculated with 107 promastigotas of L. infantum and accompanied for, respectively, 30, 90 and 180 days. Weekly the animals were monitored as for the corporal weight and rectal temperature. At the end of each stipulated period the animals were killed. Blood were used for determination of the parameters biochemical and haematological, PCR, ELISA, microscopic examination and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver, spleen and lymph node were used in Giemsa-stained impression and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver and spleen fragments were still used in PCR and histopathological, respectively. At the same time 79 rodents of the species Rattus rattus, Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus and Trichomys apereoides were captured in the Municipal districts of Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica and Vázea for identification of natural infection with L. infantum. Evidence of infection was checked by direct examination of Giemsa-stained impression of liver, spleen and blood and culture of these tissues in NNN medium. Antibodies were researched by ELISA. They were not found differences among the weigh corporal final, rectal temperature and biochemical and haematological parameters of the Galea spixii controls and infected. The rectal temperature of the animals varied from 36OC to 40OC. For the first time values of the haematocrit (33,6% to 42,8%), hemoglobin (10,2 to 14,5g/dl), erythrocyts number (4,67x106 to 6,90x106/mm3), total leukocytes (0,9x103 to 9,2x103/mm3), platelets (49x103 to 509x103/mm3) total proteins (1,56 to 6,06 g/dl), albumin (1,34 to 3,05 g/dl) and globulins (0,20 to 3,01 g/dl) of the Galea spixii were determined. The lymphocytes were the most abundant leucocytes. Infection for L. infantum was diagnosed in two animals euthanasied 180 days after the infection. In one of the animals was also identified antibodies anti-Leishmania. The parasite was not found in none of the five other species of rodents captured. Galea spixii are resistant to the infection for L. infantum and they are not good models for the study for visceral leishmaniose, although they can act as infection sources. More studies are necessary to determine the paper of the rodents in the epidemic chain of transmission of the visceral leishmaniose in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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Obesity is increasing, reaching epidemic levels in many regions of the world. Studies have shown that consumption of peanuts influences on weight control and this influence may be due to the action of trypsin inhibitors sacietogênica that condition increased plasma colescistocinina (CCK). Moreover, the peanut has other health benefits, and these assignments are guaranteed to increase their production and consumption of several of its products, including the paçoca peanut. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of a trypsin inhibitor in paçoca peanut and evaluate its effect on food intake, weight gain and histomorphological changes in swiss mice (n = 8) and Wistar rats (n = 6). Experimental diets were prepared based on the AIN-93G and supplemented with tack or peanut trypsin inhibitor partially purified paçoca peanut (AHTI). After each treatment, the animals were anesthetized and euthanized, their bloods were collected by cardiac puncture for the determination of CCK and other biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and albumin) and their pancreas removed for histologic and morphometric analysis. The supplementation with paçoca peanut and the AHTI showed a decrease of body weight gain and food intake in both mice and rats, due to the satiety, since the animals showed no evidence of impairment of nutritional status conditioned by consumption the AHTI. There were also observed biochemical or morphological important when compared with controls. However, AHTI led to increased secretion of CCK, a peptide sacietogênico. Thus, these results indicate that AHTI present in paçoca peanut, is able to enhance the secretion of plasma CCK and thereby reduce the weight gain associated with lower food intake of experimenta animals


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The seeds are excellent sources of proteinase inhibitors and have been highlighted owing to various applications. Among these applications are those in effect on food intake and weight gain that stand out because of the increasing number of obese individuals. This study evaluated the effects of trypsin inhibitor present in the seed of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) reduction in weight gain, biochemical and morphological alterations in Wistar rats. For this, we partially purified a trypsin inhibitor tamarind seed. This inhibitor, ITT2 at a concentration of 25 mg / kg body weight, over a period of 14 days was able to reduce food intake in rats (n = 6) by approximately 47%, causing a reduction in weight gain approximately 70% when compared with the control group. With the evaluation of the in vivo digestibility was demonstrated that the animals lost weight due to satiety, presented by the reduction of food intake, since there were significant differences between true digestibility for the control group (90.7%) and the group treated with inhibitor (89.88%). Additionally, we checked the deeds of ITT2 on biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase albumin, globulin, total protein and C-reactive protein) and these, when assessed in the study groups showed no statistically significant variations. We also evaluate the histology of some organs, liver, stomach, intestine, and pancreas, and showed no changes. And to evaluate the effect of trypsin inhibitor on food intake due to the satiety is regulated by cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured plasma levels, and it was observed that the levels of CCK in animals receiving ITT2 were significantly higher ( 20 + 1.22) than in animals receiving only solution with casein (10.14 + 2.9) or water (5.92 + 1.15). Thus, the results indicate that the effect caused ITT2 satiety, reducing food intake, which in turn caused a reduction in weight gain in animals without causing morphological and biochemical changes, this effect caused by the elevation of plasma levels CCK