26 resultados para jornalismo político
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as representações discursivas do locutor e dos alocutários são construídas no discurso de renúncia ao mandato de senador, proferido por Antonio Carlos Magalhães (ACM), na 62ª sessão deliberativa ordinária, em 30/5/2001. A perspectiva teórica que adotamos situa-se no campo da Linguística do Texto, com foco na abordagem da Análise Textual dos Discursos ATD (Adam, 2011). A noção de representação discursiva apresentada pela ATD constitui um dos aspectos da dimensão semântica do texto e baseia-se parcialmente nos trabalhos de Grize sobre a esquematização (1990, 1996). Complementamos as categorias de análise com contribuições que nos permitem detalhar a expressão linguística, textual, e discursiva das representações discursivas (Neves, 2006; Castilho 2010; Rodrigues, Passeggi, Silva Neto, 2010; Rodrigues et al. 2012; Passeggi, 2012). O enfoque metodológico é qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativista (Minayo, 1994; Trivinõs; 1987; Gil, 2002). Os procedimentos de análise utilizam as categorias semânticas de referenciação, predicação, modificação (de referentes e predicações), localização espacial e temporal, conexão e comparação. A representação discursiva do locutor (ACM) é constituída pelo conjunto de representações mais específicas, expressas nas referenciações e nas suas modificações: vítima; político; sigla; baiano, nordestino; presidente do senado; senador confiante; condenado. ACM, como protagonista, assume sempre a sua voz no discurso, manifesta seus pontos de vista e posiciona-se como sujeito ativo, consciente da importância do seu papel político e social, que o torna alvo e vítima das ações dos adversários. Complementando essa referenciação, as predicações e suas modificações se expressam através de verbos de ação, em especial, verbos na 1ª pessoa do singular que marcam o tempo presente, real e conclusivo de ações que constroem um cenário positivo para si mesmo. A localização temporal e espacial, indica as ações realizadas pelos participantes nas diversas etapas temporais selecionadas pelo texto, articuladas a três espaços principais: o Senado Federal, o Brasil e, naturalmente, a Bahia. Por sua vez, conectores adversativos (sobretudo, mas ), explicativos e condicionais acompanham e estruturam o ritmo argumentativo do discurso de renúncia de ACM
Starting from the premise that we live in the society of spectacle, as proclaimed by Guy Debbord, and, in this context, the media feeds itself off of this spectacularization and constructs a culture of images and production of goods, providing templates from which the subject can identify himself/herself as being male or female, successful or unsuccessful, powerful or powerless. In other words, the culture conveyed by the media produces material for the creation of identities through which individuals insert and recognize themselves in contemporary society. Observing the election campaigns, we can see clearly that this profusion of identities is fairly explored in the advertising propaganda used by the candidates, particularly in the propaganda broadcasted on the Free Electoral Time on TV. Instigated by the explicit relation between the media and politics within the society of the spectacle, this study aims to investigate the main identities that emerge in the discursive practices of the media in the election campaigns of 2010 for president of the Republic and governor of the State of Rio Grande do Norte that had as protagonists the candidates at that moment Dilma Rousseff (PT) for president and Rosalba Ciarline (DEM) for governor. To do so, we based ourselves on the theory of Bakhtin Circle, which considers the statement as a unit of verbal communication and conceives language as a dialogical phenomena and a discursive practice and also in the conceptions of dialogical relationships, social voices and chronotope formulated by the previous mentioned theory. Still in the theoretical field, we have established an interconnection with the theories coming from the Cultural Studies (Hall, Woodward) about the identity, which conceives it as multiple, fragmented, non-fixed, so that, the subject assumes different identities, not always coherent, at different times, depending on the context in which they are approached. The research is situated in the frames of Applied Linguistics, which considers language as the center of its studies and settles on the border of an open number of areas of knowledge expanding its possibilities of investigation by means of the interdisciplinary. Our corpus consists in 20 electoral propaganda videos aired on TV during the Free Election Time in 2010 campaign; among these, 14 videos are Dilma Rousseff s propaganda and 06 videos are Rosalba Ciarline s propaganda. We seek for the purpose of the analysis to identify the identities which emerge from the discourses about the candidates in propaganda videos broadcasted in the referred campaign, as well as realize the dialogical relations established in these discourses and even if the identity construction of these subjects is located in the same axiological axis. The corpus analysis revealed that the multiple cultural identities of the candidates campaigning emerge in the discourses circulating in the electoral propaganda aired on TV such as: the identities of pioneer woman, competent, sensitive, mother, grandmother, religious. And, yet, those are changeable as the electoral demands, in other words, the need to obtain support and votes, outline a fluid identity construction about the candidate to the position in question
O tema deste trabalho é o Jornalismo Cultural. Uma apresentação e discussão de temas pertinentes ao jornalismo especializado em cultura nas páginas do jornal diário. A partir da leitura de alguns jornais, se traça considerações gerais acerca dos caminhos do jornalismo e dos estudos sobre jornalismo com o objetivo de apresentar o jornal que hoje se produz no Brasil, em texto, imagem e cor. O resultado é a descoberta do jornal como forma, desde o texto, escolhas lexicais e sintáticas, passando pelas imagens, composição, escolha e determinação da pauta, ao arranjo destes elementos na página, em respeito ao projeto editorial de diagramação. A conclusão a que se chega que há vários "eus" que governam o jornal diário, e que fazem o jornalismo cultural inovador, porta de entrada às mudanças no jornalismo.
The infographics historically experience the process of evolution of journalism, from the incipient models handmade in the eighteenth century to the inclusion of computers and sophisticated software today. In order to face the advent of TV against of the partiality readers of the printed newspaper, or to represent the Gulf War, where not allowed photography, infographics reaches modern levels of production and publication. The technical devices which enabled the infographics to evolve the environment of the internet, with conditions for the manipulation of the reader, incorporating video, audio and animations, so styling of interactive infographics. These digital models of information visualization recently arrived daily in the northeast and on their respective web sites with features regionalized. This paper therefore proposes to explore and describe the processes of producing the interactive infographics, taking the example of the Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Ceará, whose department was created one year ago. Therefore, based on aspects that guide the theory of journalism, as newsmaking, filters that focus on productive routine (gatekeeping) and the construction stages of the news. This research also draws on the theoretical framework on the subject, in concepts essential characteristics of computer graphics, as well as the methodological procedures and systematic empirical observations in production routines of the newsroom who can testify limitations and / or advances
The transmedia storytelling is a phenomenom recently conceptualized theoretically (JENKINS, 2009), arising from ficcional mediatic products and disseminated as well by the use on other fields. This search aims to analyze how the transmedia storytellings can be applied to journalism on the basis of an specific genre, the reporting. To that, take as reference theoretical developments performed by brazilian authors (FECHINE et al., 2011, 2012, 2013), on the basis of televisive fiction, which culminated on concepts as transmediation and transmedia contents and deepened the comprehension and the research in this area. Thenceforth, this study propone a problematization and apropriation of this theoretic support for the journalism field, using, for that, a comprehension of journalistic production on a speech level, as well as its social practices (newsmaking). The empiric research also take two different paths. First, analyze a group of reportings, in which there is transmediation, in order to verifying the configuration of the transmedia phenomenom - more specifically of the transmedia storytelling - and its particularities to journalism. Then, develops an investigation, based on the etnographic method, of the productive routine on the special reporting section of the Jornal do Commercio (Recife/PE), aiming to investigate the conditions of transmediation in this range and the practices that favor and difficult the employment of transmedia storytelling. The result are, therefore, compared and related, with the goal of providing multidimensional view of the phenomenom
Este estudo busca esclarecer e discutir a reflexão de Hannah Arendt sobre a crise na educação no mundo contemporâneo enquanto crise político-filosófica da modernidade. Trata-se de explicitar de que forma o significado da educação está atrelado às condições de instituição, compartilhamento e conservação do mundo comum e humano. Com o intuito de reconstruir as análises da autora sobre os reflexos da crise político-filosófica da modernidade na esfera prépolítica da educação, esta pesquisa investiga de que modo o fim da tradição metafísica, o esfacelamento da autoridade, o obscurecimento da esfera pública e a moderna alienação do mundo promoveram uma profunda degradação das capacidades humanas de construir, conservar e compartilhar pela ação e pelo discurso um mundo que possa sobreviver e permanecer um lugar não mortal para seres que nascem e morrem. Palavras-chave: Hannah Arendt; Educação; Crise; Modernidade; Autoridade; Espaço Público.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work
This research analyses politic Project for nursing education, in its articulation with economical, political and social context of 1970s and 1980s in national level and, in special, nurse formation process in FAEN/UERN space, situating it on the context of Brazilian sanitary reformation movement and participation movement. The thesis is firmed on the sense of explaining whether that movement circa the nurse formation process has been able to build necessary instruments for the transformation of biomedical formation model historically consolidated, in the perspective of conceiving another model anchored on social determination of health/illness process, with the purpose of assuring ethical and political commitment with the SUS praised by sanitary reformation. The study visualized the object considering its specificity, its concrete historical determinations and institutional as well as organizational relationships that permeate possibilities of valorizing it, analyzing it, interpreting it and rebuilding it. Its operationalization occurred in three movements, it means, bibliographical review; documents study; interviews and focal groups realized with professors of the institution. We can apprehend as main results that the nurse formation process has incorporated widely spread conceptions by the sanitary reformation movement and participation movement, assuming the commitment with transformation of health services and social reality. Nevertheless it prevails, still, amongst some professors in the same institutional space, the commitment to a predominantly technicist formation, focused on instrumental knowledge. Opinion divergence explicit diversity of conceptions circa education and, as consequence, distinct political commitments, also contradictory to formation. Thus, there is a lacuna between what is foreseen on political pedagogical project and what is rendered in FAEN/UERN, evidencing the clash related to conceptual bases of formation project. Interpretations, divergent political attitudes and resistances to the process allowed several formation ways. However, formation under new conceptual bases, find limits on the context of social politics implemented in Brazil during the 1990s, neoliberal-based, expressed on expansion and consolidation of health private system, managed by market rules, strengthening biomedical formation model. Notwithstanding, there is a favorable to its implementation, starting from the first years of 21st century, moment when Brazilian sanitary reformation reappear on health speech, as well as facing the policy of permanent education in health. This reality explicit a process of dialectical tension between instituted and institutor, anticipating the moment of scission or adaptation and return to what is already known. Despite of clashed, knowledge, accumulated experience, contribution to services, the construction of partnerships out of university space and articulation with national movement of (re)orientation of nurse formation, have been constituted as vital instruments to offer support to formation in FAEN/UERN. Still, we consider necessary the (re)visitation to FAEN/UERN politic pedagogical Project considering the existing and implemented construction, without, yet, depreciate the norther axis of the project at the reaching of its intentionality
The research aimed two objectives: 1st) identifying and describing the metaphors of the inflation, in a corpus of 18 texts of economic journalism, from Joelmir Beting, written in the last trimester of 2002, at the moment of the government s transition of president Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva. 2nd) verifying the recognition of the metaphors by the students of the basic education of a private school from Natal. 91 metaphors had been identified, analyzed in the perspective of the conceptual metaphor s theory, by Lakoff and Johnson (2002), on the basis of the distinction between conceptual metaphor and metaphoric expressions, and between domain-source/domain-target. 10 underlying conceptual metaphors had been inferred, being that the domains-source used more frequently to characterize the inflation had been those ones according to the human being and the animals and, of a less imaginable form, to the ways of transport (car, aircraft). These general conceptual metaphors had been unfolded in other s more specific ones ( animal specifying itself in lion , dragon , dog , etc.). Another result was the identification of metaphoric expressions with two or more meanings , with relation to more than one conceptual metaphor or explicit, in the same expression, two domains-source (for example: armored dragon ) and contributes, of a relevant form, for the semantic struturation of the text. The understanding of the metaphors was verified through an activity of domains-source s identification (10 metaphoric statements and fulfilling of the gap in the phrase the inflation is a/an ) applied in a group of 8th year of the basic education (12-13 years old, with 14 girls and 17 boys) from a school of good social and economic positions from Natal-RN. There weren t great difficulties on the part of the students in recognizing the domains-source involved: about 80% to the great majority of the statements
The research aimed two objectives: 1st) identifying and describing the metaphors of the inflation, in a corpus of 18 texts of economic journalism, from Joelmir Beting, written in the last trimester of 2002, at the moment of the government s transition of president Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva. 2nd) verifying the recognition of the metaphors by the students of the basic education of a private school from Natal. 91 metaphors had been identified, analyzed in the perspective of the conceptual metaphor s theory, by Lakoff and Johnson (2002), on the basis of the distinction between conceptual metaphor and metaphoric expressions, and between domain-source/domain-target. 10 underlying conceptual metaphors had been inferred, being that the domains-source used more frequently to characterize the inflation had been those ones according to the human being and the animals and, of a less imaginable form, to the ways of transport (car, aircraft). These general conceptual metaphors had been unfolded in other s more specific ones ( animal specifying itself in lion , dragon , dog , etc.). Another result was the identification of metaphoric expressions with two or more meanings , with relation to more than one conceptual metaphor or explicit, in the same expression, two domains-source (for example: armored dragon ) and contributes, of a relevant form, for the semantic struturation of the text. The understanding of the metaphors was verified through an activity of domains-source s identification (10 metaphoric statements and fulfilling of the gap in the phrase the inflation is a/an ) applied in a group of 8th year of the basic education (12-13 years old, with 14 girls and 17 boys) from a school of good social and economic positions from Natal-RN. There weren t great difficulties on the part of the students in recognizing the domains-source involved: about 80% to the great majority of the statements