61 resultados para correlação de Pearson


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Physical Education professionals are usually exposed to excessive physical workloads that evolve into painful symptomatology and muscle and bone disorders that originate from the work-related exercises. Purposo: The goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and factors associated with pain painful symptomatology in teachers in gymnastics academies. An analytical transversal cut study was performed involving 163 gymnastics teachers working in the main gyms in the city of Salvador-BA. For evaluation of pain, validated versions in Portuguese of the McGill Protocol and the Wisconsin Pain Inventory were used. For obtain results of descriptive statistical analysis of the collected data was performed, followed by TStudent, and Pearson and Spearman correlation tests to verify possible correlations between the presence of pain and other variables which were considered independent. Finally, for the identification of potential risk factors associated with pain, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. For all statistical analysis, we cnsidered p< 0.05. Results: The painful symptoms was reported by 88.3% of the subjects surveyed. High pain levels were observed in 63.8% of the interviewed professionals, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 55.2% of subjects. Positive correlations were found between the level of pain intensity and the variables related with the workload activity and daily life of the teachers in almost all body joints analyzed. Some factors had been verified associates to the painful sintomatologia as the age of the professionals, the daily hours load of labor work, and the lack of interval of rest between the lessons. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence in gym teachers working in the city of Salvador-BA, which interfered in various daily activities of their home and professional lives. The most affected region was the lumbar region, followed by the knees, neck, shoulders, ankles, hands, hips, feet, elbows and forearms. The factors associated with development of painful symptomatology were the age of the professionals, daily hours of work and the lack of rest intervals between lessons. The high prevalence of pain in Physical Education teachers can be regarded as a serious occupational health problem, which would demand the urgent deployment of preventive intervention programs to minimize the impact of pain among these professionals


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The Back School has been used to prevent and to treat back pain since 1969, however its effectiveness still is controversy in literature. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a program of "Back School" in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain, directed by rheumatologists and orthopedic doctors to Physiotherapy School Clinic of Universidade Potiguar (UnP) Natal/RN- Brazil, in period of May/2002 to December/2003. Seventy patients, with age varying from 18 to 60 years, were randomized in two groups: Experimental group (group A) with 34 patients, which was subdivided in groups with 6 to 8 components. This group participated of a theoretician and practical program of Back School with 4 lessons, one day per week, with 60 minutes of duration; to the Control group (group B), with 36 patients, was explained that the group should stay four months in a waiting list . Both groups, had been carried through three evaluations, by a blind, to patient group, independent observer: initial evaluation, after four and sixteen weeks. The following variables were analyzed: pain intensity, measured by analog visual scale (AVS), functional disability, measured by disability questionnaire of Roland and Morris and the spinal mobility measured by Schöber s method. In statistical analysis it was used variance analysis ANOVA, the test of Newman-Keuls multiple comparations, and the Pearson correlation coefficient, with significance level p<0.05. Thirteen patients (18,6%) didn t complete the evaluations, (5 from experimental group and 8 from control group). At last, 57 patients were studied, (29 from Experimental group and 28 from Control group), it was observed a significant statistical improve just for Experimental group in variables pain intensity (p=0,0001), functional disability


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To investigate the prevalence and factors associated to painful symptomatology in professional ballet dancers. Methodos: An analytical transversal cut study was performed with 141 professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the Brazilian Northeast. McGill`s Pain Questionnaire and the Wisconsin Brief Pain Inventory, both validated for Portuguese, were used to assess painful symptomatology. Descriptive statistical analysis of the results was carried out, followed by Student`s t-test and Pearson s correlation with pvalue < 0.05. Results: High pain tolerance levels were observed in 70.2% of the subjects, where the intensity varied from moderate to severe. Pain in the lumbar region was present in 85.8% of the individuals. Positive correlations were verified between the degree of pain intensity and activities how to dance (60,3%), general activities (32,6%), sleep (28,4%), mood (27,7%), march (20,6%) and relations with others (16,3%). Conclusions: High pain prevalence was found in professional ballet dancers in the main capital cities of the northeast, and the most affected area was the lumbar followed by knees, neck, hip and feet, with substantial interference of pain symptoms in several activities of the personal and professional lives of these people


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This study examines the relationship of the types of organizational culture perceived in a business hotel with the nature of the link between individual and organization. This linkage between commitment and organizational culture has been little explored, both national and international, requiring more studies. Thus, the survey was conducted in Soleil Suite Hotel, located on the beach of Ponta Negra, city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The independent variable of the proposed model was represented by the types of organizational culture, while the dependent variable was represented by the four dimensions of commitment. It was used in addition to the correspondence analysis, the arithmetic mean, the Pearson s correlation and the simple regression analysis. The results indicated the existence of relationship of the types of organizational culture with the kind of commitment shown by the officials, where the cultures of Group and Innovative, capable of generating an environment dedicated to the work as a team, the development and professional growth of the employees, as well as the creativity and individual freedom of each one to try new things, encourage the dominance of the dimensions Affective, Affiliative and Normative of the tie person-organization


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Institution for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, a government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. It is used the annual management report of thirteen Institutions and applied a Pearson correlation analysis in order to verify a cause-effect situation between indicators. The main findings suggest that the model teachers qualification in terms of degree earned, quantity of teachers in full time job, and rate of students by teacher in full time job having good pearson correlation with the results expected of quality, throughput, social and demand response. However, the student unit cost use as the sole financial indicator did not get any reasonable correlation with the results, as so the quality and quantity of books in the libraries. Although it suggests a need for improvement in the model, the general model adopted appears to be satisfactory as a starting point to a BSC-like performance measuring system to this kind of Institutions


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with a BSC modeling for higher education institution focusing on private institution in the Brazilian context. It‟s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to for profit and non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with a new perspective (Government) and a change in the hierarchy of the main BSC perspective equaling financial to customer/society. Taking the national higher education assessment system of Education Ministry indicators a model is deployed and the relations between the indicators are measured with the Pearson correlation coefficient. As a result a model emerges with sound relations of indicators but a improvement in the financial indicators is needed


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Background: Obesity impairment to the pulmonary function related to the magnitude of adiposity and is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and snoring, among others symptoms of respiratory disorders related to sleep. It is possible that obese individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness may make changes in lung function on spirometry monitored during the day as a consequence of fragmented sleep or episodes of nocturnal hypoventilation that cause respiratory and changes that can persist throughout the day. The combination of these findings alone sleepiness observed by subjective scales with pulmonary function in obese patients is unknown. Objective: To assess the influence of EDS and snoring on pulmonary function in morbidly obese and distinguish between different anthropometric markers, the snoring and sleepiness which the best predictors of spirometric function and respiratory muscle strength and endurance of these patients. Methods: We evaluated 40 morbidly obese markers on the anthropometric, spirometric respiratory variables, maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures (MIP and MEP) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) and the measured excessive daytime sleepiness (the Epworth sleepiness scale) and snoring (snoring scale of Stanford). The data were treated when the differences between the groups of obese patients with and without sleepiness, whereas the anthropometric variables, respiratory and snoring. Pearson's correlation was performed, and multiple regression analysis assessed the predictors of pulmonary function. For this we used the software SPSS 15.0 for windows and p <0.05. Results: 39 obese patients were included (28 women), age 36.92+11.97y, body mass index (BMI) 49.3+5.1kg/m², waist-hip ratio (WHR) 0.96+0.07 and neck circumference (NC) 44.1+4.2 cm. Spirometric values and respiratory pressures were up 80% of predicted values, except for endurance (MVV <80%). Obese with EDS have lower tidal volume. Positive correlation was observed between BMI and EDS, EDS and NC and between snoring and BMI, and negative correlation between EDS and tidal volume (TV), and between snoring and snoring FVC and FEV1. In linear regression the best predictor of pulmonary function was snoring, followed by NC. NC has more obese with higher strength (MEP, p = 0.031) and endurance (MVV p = 0.018) respiratory muscle. Conclusion: Obese with EDS tend to have lower TV. In addition, snoring and NC can better predict pulmonary function in obese when compared with other anthropometric markers or EDS. Obese patients with higher NC tend to have greater capacity for overall strength of respiratory muscles, but may have low muscle endurance


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The objective was measured by surface electromyography (EMGs), the activity of inspiratory muscles during incremental test in subjects with hemiparesis and show its correlation with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Were included in the study 32 individuals hemiparetics and 14 healthy as control group. We performed an evaluation of lung function and anthropometric data. The EMGs were performed during the incremental test with Threshold ® (15, 30, 45 and 60% of MIP) and during maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). The electromyographic findings were calculated by the signal amplitude (RMS). All data were initially analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the anthropometric characteristics of both groups were tested with the Levene and then intra-subject analysis (hemiparetic hemithorax and healthy hemithorax) and inter-group analysis (experimental group and control group) by paired and non-paired Student t tests and Pearson correlation. In intra-subject comparison was observed less activation (p <0.01) of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, scalene and diaphragm paretic side in both sexes - for the Threshold ® incremental test (15, 30, 45 and 60% of the MIP) and during maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). In inter-group comparison, there was reduced activity in the diaphragm and the scalene, in hemiparetics males and females, respectivelly, during the same test. Our results demonstrate the existence of reduced electromyographic activity of inspiratory muscles in hemiparetics, including changes between different genders and suggests the need of further studies to assess the effects of specific training of inspiratory muscles.


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The clinical importance of evaluating the respiratory muscles with a variety of tests has been proposed by several studies, once that the combination of several tests would allow a better diagnosis and therefore, a better clinical follow of disorders of the respiratory muscles. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of adapting a national electronic manovacuometer to measure the nasal inspiratory pressure (study 1) and analyze the level of load intensity of maximum voluntary ventilation, as well as the variables that may influence this maneuver in healthy subjects (study 2). We studied 20 healthy subjects by a random evaluation of two measures of SNIP in different equipments: a national and an imported. In study 2 it was analyzed the intensity of the load of MVV test, change in pressure developed during the maneuver, the possible differences between genders, and the correlations between the flow developed in the test and the result of MVV. In study 1 it was found the average for both measures of nasal inspiratory pressures: 125 ± 42.4 cmH2O for the imported equipment and 131.7 ± 28.7 cmH2O for the national one. Pearson analysis showed a significant correlation between the average, with a coefficient r = 0.63. The average values showed no significant differences evaluated by paired t test (p> 0.05). In the Bland-Altman analysis it was found a BIAS = 7 cmH2O, SD 32.9 and a confidence interval of - 57.5 cmH2O up to 71.5 cmH2O. In the second study it was found significant differences between the genders in the air volume moved, being higher in males 150.9 ± 13.1 l / min vs 118.5 ± 15.7 L / min for (p = 0.0002, 95% CI 44.85 to 20:05). Regarding the inspiratory and expiratory loading, they were significantly higher in men than in women, peak inspiratory pressure (34.7 ± 5.3 cmH2O vs 19.5 ± 4.2 cmH2O, 95% CI - 18.0 to -12.3, p <0.0001), peak expiratory (33.8 vs. 23.1 ± 5.9 cmH2O ± 5.4 cmH2O, 95% CI -17.1 to - 4.6, p <0.0001), and the delta pressure (59.7 ± 10 cmH2O vs 36.8 ± 8.3 cmH2O, 95% CI 14.5 to 31.2, p <0.0002). The Pearson correlation showed that the flow generated by the maneuver is strongly correlated with the delta-expiratory pressure / inspiratory (r2= 0.83,R = 0.91, 95%IC 0.72 a 0.97 e p< 0.0001).Through these results we suggest that the national electronic manovacuometer is feasible and safe to perform the sniff test in healthy subjects. For the MVV, there are differences between the genders in the intensity of pressure developed during the maneuver. We found a load intensity considered low during the MVV, and found a strong correlation between the flow generated in the test and the delta pressure expiratory / inspiratory


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Taking care for an impaired elderly is a hard and costly task that could affect directly the caregiver health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical and mental health of elderly caregivers from the city of Santa Cruz-RN and analyze the potential correlated factors through an observational analytic design of a crosssectional. A multidimensional questionnaire was used to evaluation of the social demographics characteristics and those related to the care activity, as well as the caregivers´ physical and mental health. It was realized a descriptive analyze using frequency distribution and measures of the central tendency and dispersion to description of the caregivers. To verify the magnitude of the association between the variables was used the bivariate analysis through the Pearson and Spearman correlations and qui-square test. To evaluation of the association of the correlated factors to the adverse outcome with the caregivers´ physical and mental health was made a multivariate analysis by logistic binary regression and multiple linear regression models. The final sample was constituted by 304 persons, mostly women with a mean age of 50.3 ±16.8 years. The principal factors related to the physical health were age, stress and life satisfaction. Be a male caregiver, caring for a little while the elderly with cognitive deficit and not been spouse were related to worse mental health. Have worse physical health, high stress, depressive symptomatology, burden and low levels of satisfaction were also related to the mental health. After adjust through multiple linear regression was observed R2 values of R2=0,21 for Stress, R2 =0,17 for Depressive Symptomatology, R2 =0,21 for Burden and R2 =0,16 for Satisfaction. The attainment of the factors associated with caregiver´s health can help in the elaboration of specifics politics witch the goal is the integral attention to the elderly and his caregiver. The inability of continuous taking care could result in adverse outcomes such as institutionalization, impairment and death


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I ntroduction: The assessment of respiratory muscle strength is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of the respiratory muscles weakness of respiratory and neuromuscular diseases. However, there are still no studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for maximal respiratory pressures for children in our population. Aim: The purpose of this study was to propose predictive equations for maximal respiratory pressures in healthy school children. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. 144 healthy children were assessed. They were students from public and private schools in the city of Natal /RN (63 boys and 81 girls), subdivided in age groups of 7-8 and 9-11 years. The students presented the BMI, for age and sex, between 5 and 85 percentile. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with the digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressures (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 15.0 software (Statistical Package for Social Science) by assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'Student test was used for unpaired comparison of averages of the variables. The comparison of measurements obtained with the predicted values in previous studies was performed using the paired t'Student test. The Pearson correlation test was used to verify the correlation of MRP's with the independent variables (age, sex, weight and height). For the equations analysis the stepwise linear regression was used. Results: By analyzing the data, we observed that in the age range studied MIP was significantly higher in boys. The MEP did not differ between boys and girls aged 7 to 8 years, the reverse occurred in the age between 9 and 11 years. The boys had a significant increase in respiratory muscle strength with advancing age. Regardless sex and age, MEP was always higher than the MIP. The reference values found in this study are similar to a sample of Spanish and Canadian children. The two models proposed in previous studies with children from other countries were not able to consistently predict the values observed in this studied population. The variables sex, age and weight correlated with MIP, whereas the MEP was also correlated with height. However, in the regression models proposed in this study, only gender and age were kept exerting influence on the variability of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Conclusion: This study provides reference values, lower limits of normality and proposes two models that allow predicting, through the independent variables, sex and age, the value of maximal static respiratory pressures in healthy children aged between 7 and 11 years old


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Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly


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The Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) is the leading cause of motor disability in adults and elderly and that is why it still needs effective interventions that contribute to motor recovery. Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of stroke patients in chronic stage using a virtual reality game. Method: 20 patients (10 with injury to the left and 10 to the right side), right-handed, average age 50.6 ± 9.2 years, and 20 healthy subjects with average age of 50.9 ± 8.8, also right-handed participated. The patients had a motor (Fugl-Meyer) and muscle tone assessment (Ashworth). All participants made a kinematic evaluation of the drinking water activity and then underwent training with the table tennis game on XBOX 360 Kinect®, 2 sets of 10 attempts for 45 seconds, 15 minutes rest between sets, giving a total of 30 minutes session. After training the subjects underwent another kinematic evaluation. The patients trained with the right and left hemiparect upper limb and the healthy ones with the right and left upper limb. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, t Student test and Pearson correlation. Results: There was significant difference in the number of hits between the patients and healthy groups, in which patients had a lower performance in all the attempts (p = 0.008), this performance was related to a higher level of spasticity (r = - 0.44, p = 0.04) and greater motor impairment (r = 0.59, p = 0.001). After training, patients with left hemiparesis had improved shoulder and elbow angles during the activity of drinking water, approaching the pattern of motion of the left arm of healthy subjects (p < 0.05), especially when returning the glass to the table, and patients with right hemiparesis did not obtain improved pattern of movement (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The stroke patients improved their performance over the game attempts, however, only patients with left hemiparesis were able to increase the angle of the shoulder and elbow during the functional activity execution, better responding to virtual reality game, which should be taken into consideration in motor rehabilitation


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Introduction: The reference values and prediction equations for maximal respiratory pressures (MRP) differ significantly between the available studies. This large discrepancy can be attributed to the different methodologies proposed. Although the importance of MRP is widely recognized, there are no Brazilian studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for PRM adolescents. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to provide normal values and propose predictive equations for maximal static respiratory pressures of Brazilian adolescents. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study, which evaluated 182 adolescents of both sexes aged between 12 and 18 years, enrolled in schools of the state and private in the city of Natal / RN. The selection of schools and participants of the study was randomly through a lottery system. The spirometric evaluation was performed through the digital spirometer One Flow FVC prior to the assessment of respiratory muscle strength. The MICs were measured with MVD digital manometer 300. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0 software STATISTICS, assigning the significance level of 5%. The normality of data distribution was verified using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS). The descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. We used one-way ANOVA test to verify the difference of the averages of MRPs between age and gender and comparing the averages of MRPs between levels of physical activity. The test t'Student unpaired compared the averages of MRPs being ages and sexes. The comparison of mean values obtained in this study PRM with the values predicted using the equations mentioned above was relizada by testing paired t'Student. To verify the correlation between the PRM and the independent variables (age, weight, height) was used Pearson correlation test. Levene's test evaluated the homogeneity of variance. To obtain predictive equations analysis was used stepwise multiple linear regression. Results: There was no significant difference in mean age between the PRM. The male adolescents, regardless of age, showed superiority in MRP values when compared to the opposite sex. Weight, height and sex correlated with the PRM. Regression analysis suggested in this study, pointed out that the weight and sex had an influence in MIP and MEP only in relation to sex influenced. The mean for each PRM adolescents classified as very active were superior to those observed in adolescents classified as irregularly active. Conclusion: This study provides reference values and two models of predictive equations for maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, and to establish the lower limits of normality that will serve as an indispensable condition for careful evaluation of respiratory muscle strength in Brazilian adolescents


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The term fatigability concerns the degree of fatigue associated with performing an activity of any type (physical, mental, emotional and / or social). Recently scales for assessing fatigue in the English language were created, however, gaps exist regarding the validity of these scales in relation to oxygen consumption and levels of perceived fatigue. Objective: To investigate the validity of perceived fatigability scale in older women frail and non-frail by the expired gases kinetics. Methods: This is a study of type validation, where were evaluated 48 elderly. The evaluation was conducted at two different sessions. In the first, data were collected demographic partners, as well as assessment of cognitive function, physical health, and the phenotype of frailty. The second was composed by the test 6-minute walk (6MWT) associated the expired gases kinects and assessment of perceived fatigability. Statistical analysis was performed a descriptive analysis and then we used the Pearson correlation test to evaluate the relationship between the measure of perceived fatigue and variables oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER)before and after 6MWT. We used a linear regression model initially considering the following explanatory variable: age, Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of frailty, comorbidities, level of physical activity, distance covered in the 6MWT , the energy cost of walking and severity of fatigability on performance. Results: The final sample consisted of 44 elderly women, 4 elderly were excluded because they didn t complete all phases of this study. The mean age obtained was 75 years (± 7.2 years). There was no significant correlation between fatigability measures and the values of VO2 ( r = .09 , p = .56 ) , VCO2 ( r = .173 , p = .26 ) , RER ( r = - .121 , p = .43 ). The final linear regression model showed that the energy cost of walking, the usual level of physical activity and the performance severity of fatigability explained 83.5 % (R2 = 0.835, p < 0.01) of the variation in the perceived fatigability. Conclusion: Our findings indicate a relationship between greater severity of fatigability and lower levels of physical activity and increased energy cost in walking, suggesting that the fatigability analyses using a simple numeric scale is valid and viable for assessment of fatigue in older women