36 resultados para cianobactérias


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The Brazilian Northeast is the most vulnerable region to climatic variability risks. For the Brazilian semi-arid is expected a reduction in the overall rates of precipitation and an increase in the number of dry days. These changes predicted by the IPCC (2007) will intensify the rainfall and droughts period that could promote the dominance of cyanobacteria, thus affecting the water quality of reservoirs, that are most used for water supply, in the semi-arid. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing temperature combined with nutrient enrichment on the functional structure of the phytoplankton community of a mesotrophic reservoir in the semi-arid, in the worst case scenario of climate change predicted by the IPCC (2007). Two experiments were performed, one in a rainy season and another in the dry season. In the water sampled, nutrients (nitrate and orthophosphate) were added in different concentrations. The microcosms were submitted to two different temperatures, five-year average of air temperature in the reservoir (control) and 4°C above the control temperature (warming). The results of this study showed that warming and nutrient enrichment benefited mainly the functional groups of cyanobacteria. During the rainy season it was verified the increasing biomass of small functional groups of unicellular and opportunists algae such as F (colonial green algae with mucilage) and X1 (nanoplanktonic algae of eutrophic lake systems). It was also observed an increasing in total biomass, in the richness and diversity of the community. In the dry season experiment there was a greater contribution in the relative biomass of filamentous algae, with a replacement of the group S1 (non-filamentous cyanobacteria with heterocytes) for H1 (filamentous cyanobacteria with heterocytes) in nutrient- enriched treatments. Moreover, there was also loss in total biomass, species richness and diversity of the community. The effects of temperature and nutrients manipulation on phytoplankton community of reservoir Ministro João Alves provoked changes in species richness, the diversity of the community and its functional composition, being the dry period which showed the highest susceptibility to the increase in the contribution of potentially toxic cyanobacteria with heterocytes


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Eutrophication is a growing process present in the water sources located in the northeast of Brazil. Among the main consequences of these changes in trophic levels of a water source, stands out adding complexity to the treatment to achieve water standards. By these considerations, this study aimed to define, on a laboratory scale, products and operational conditions to be applied in the processing steps using raw water from Gargalheiras dam, RN, Brazil. The dam mentioned shows a high number of cyanobacteria, with a concentration of cells / ml higher than that established by Decree No. 518/04 MS. The same source was also considered by the state environmental agency in 2009 as hypereutrophic. The static tests developed in this research simulated direct filtration (laboratory filters) and pre-oxidation with chlorine and powdered activated carbon adsorption. The research included the evaluation of the coagulants aluminum hydrochloride (HCA) and alum (SA). The development of the research investigated the conditions for rapid mixing, the dosages of coagulants and pHs of coagulation by the drawing of diagrams. The interference of filtration rate and particle size of filtering means were evaluated as samples and the time of contact were tested with chlorine and activated carbon. By the results of the characterization of the raw water source it was possible to identify the presence of a high pH (7.34). The true color was significant (29 uH) in relation to the apparent color and turbidity (66 uH and 13.60 NTU), reflecting in the measurement of organic matter: MON (8.41 mg.L-1) and Abs254 (0.065 cm-1). The optimization of quick mix set time of 17", the speed gradient of 700 s-1 in the coagulation with HCA and the time of 20" with speed gradient of 800 s-1 for SA. The smaller particle sizes of sand filtering means helped the treatment and the variation in filtration rate did not affect significantly the efficiency of the process. The evaluation of the processing steps found adjustment in standard color and turbidity of the Decree nº 518/04 MS, taking in consideration the average values found in raw water. In the treatment using the HCA for direct filtration the palatable pattern based on the apparent color can be achieved with a dose of 25 mg L-1. With the addition of pre-oxidation step, the standard result was achieved with a reduced dose for 12 mgHCA.L-1. The turbidity standard for water was obtained by direct filtration when the dose exceeds 25 mg L-1 of HCA. With pre-oxidation step there is the possibility of reducing the dose to 20 mg L-1.The addition of CAP adsorption, promoted drinking water for both parameters, with even lower dosage, 13 mg L-1 of HCA. With coagulation using SA removal required for the parameter of apparent color it was achieved with pre-oxidation and 22 mgSA.L-1. Despite the satisfactory results of treatment with the alum, it was not possible to provide water with turbidity less than 1.00 NTU even with the use of all stages of treatment


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The water quality of many reservoirs in the world has been reduced due to percolation of contaminants to water, which can have natural or anthropogenic origin, increasing the level of genotoxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems. This fact has contributed to the reduction of environmental quality, and commitment the health of living beings that inhabit these ecosystems, including the human population. In this backdrop of reduced water quality, is the Lucrecia dam, which is a major surface water reservoirs by volume of semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and that has shown contamination by heavy metals, cyanobacteria toxic and the natural presence of Radon. The population that use this source has been showing high rates of cancer, popularly associated with the consumption of this water, with a prevalence about three times higher compared to the whole state of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic potencial of surface water from the Lucrecia dam, using the Micronucleus Test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MN) and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (CBMN) assay, as well as identify the concentrations of some heavy metals in this water. Water samples were collected on a dry season and a rainy season, in two distinct points. Moreover, in order to bring a completely view about the relationship of man-health-environment in this local, through the knowledge of knowing / acting environmental from residents of Lucrecia, and the use and perceptions they have about the dam of your city, a study of Environmental Perception was carried out with local residents. The results obtained for the both micronucleus test, showed significant results for the three points analyzed. The strongest mutagenic effect was observed in the dry season for both assays. Chemical analyses detected an increase of heavy metal levels in different points and season above the maximum allowed by legislation. Regarding the study of Environmental Perception with local residents, it was observed the knowledge of the environment that the residents have, as well as the strong ties and perceptions with the dam of the city. Thus, the combination of these two aspects (the genetic toxicity tests conducted in the dam together with analysis of environmental perception with the residents of Lucrecia) allowed to draw a more complete diagnosis on the local situation


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The knowledge of the phytoplankton community, as an integral and dynamic processes of eutrophication, provides information essential for proper management and handling. A growing problem of cyanobacteria in reservoirs around the world as a result of artificial eutrophication processes, generating a particular concern, because some species produce cyanotoxins, which can cause adverse effects on human health. The present work aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton, assessing their potential as ecological indicator of water quality in reservoirs semiarid region. The samples of water were collected monthly between 2009 and 2011, at three points along the dam Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves / RN. In each sample were measured physico - chemical analysis of water and biological components. We conducted a scientific dissemination activity, with distribution and reading primer on eutrophication, informative talk about water quality, questionnaires and performing a play in a public school in the city of Itajá / RN. The reservoir was considered eutrophic in three points, taking into account the values of chlorophyll -a and phosphorus, adopted to characterize eutrophic environments of semi-arid areas. High density of cyanobacteria, with a maximum value of 2.227.862 cél.ml- 1 and minimum of 43.456 cél.ml- 1 was recorded in lentic and semilêntico points throughout the study, exceeding the levels of drinking water (20.000 cél.ml- 1) established in 2.914/2011 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. All samples contained microcystin, and 44 % had values superiores1μg L- 1. The thermal pattern of the water column showed micro stratifications with differences of less than 1 ° C from five feet deep. The distribution pattern was the type profile clinogrado with oxygen deficit in the bottom of the reservoir. Oxiclina from 10 meters depth was observed during the rainy season (May-June) in the two years of study. The phytoplankton community was represented by 10 functional groups: S1, M, H1, Lo, P, F, Sn, P, W2 and R. The assessment of the ecological status of the system by the index Q showed poor water quality. The results of the study show that the vertical variations were less pronounced than the seasonal variations of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton community in general in the reservoir. The presence of cyanotoxins confirms the need for the monitoring of water quality and measures to reduce eutrophication in water supply reservoirs semiarid RN and demonstrates the challenge for water managers and health authorities to ensure water quality and consequently minimize risks to human health. Compared to the lecture, the primer was considered more efficient in sensitizing the participants, featuring a dynamic practice, differentiated learning, create opportunities for students to rethink attitudes of respect and care for the environment, and shall have the opportunity to learn the subject content from your reality and living environment. The knowledge generated from the activity of scientific were seen as essential for raising awareness of some of the region`s environmental problems , such as eutrophication


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Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education


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The stocking of exotic fish, especially the tilapia, has become a common practice in the public reservoirs of the Brazilian semi-arid region. The stocking of tilapias has had as its main aim the improvement of the fisheries in the reservoirs and consequently the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the families that have fishing as the main source of income. However, the environmental risks associated with this practice are high and can lead to a loss in aquatic biodiversity and to changes in the quality of the water. The object of this work was to quantify the socio-economic and environmental effects of the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the public reservoirs of the semi-arid northeastern Brazil. The analysis of the fish yield of 100 public reservoirs from 1970 to 2000 demonstrated that the introduction of the Nile tilapia apparently contributed to an increase in the total fish yield from the late 1970 s until the mid-1980 s. Nevertheless, from that time onwards the fish yield in these reservoirs has fallen into decline to levels inferior to those observed prior to the introduction of the tilápia. The analysis of the fishing activity statistics of the Gargalheiras reservoir located in the city of Acari, Rio Grande do Norte, demonstrated that the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the reservoir has not significantly increased the fish yield, the gross overall income, the gross per capita income nor the number of fishermen actively fishing in the reservoir. On the other hand, the analysis of the fishing activity statistics of the Gargalheiras reservoir has revealed a significant reduction in the captures of other commercially important fish species after the introduction of the tilapia. This result suggests that the Nile tilapia could have negatively affected other species of fish in the reservoir, contributing to the decline in their stocks. In order to assess the perception of the fishermen concerning the effects of the Nile tilapia over other species of fish and the quality of the water, questionnaires containing open and multiple choice questions were applied with 30 fishermen from the colony of the Gargalheiras reservoir. The great majority of the local fishermen stated that the tilapia is currently the most important species of fish to those who depend on fishing as a source of income and that they have not caused damage to other species of fish nor to the quality of the water in the reservoir. However, the results of the present work indicate that the alleged socio-economic benefits, employed to justify the introduction of the Nile tilapia in the reservoirs, are overestimated while the environmental impacts of the introduction of this exotic species are underestimated


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Reservoirs are the main sources of surface water in Brazil´s semiarid region. The majority of these water supplies, however, are compromised by eutrophication. A severe drought in 2012 contributed to significant losses in water volume, influencing the availability of resources (nutrients and light) for phytoplankton. The aim of this study is to understand the dynamics of the functional groups of phytoplankton and the factors that affect them during a severe drought in the semiarid reservoirs of the northeast. We therefore studied the Dourado, Gargalheiras and Passagem das Traíras reservoirs in Rio Grande do Norte from January 2012 to January 2013. The effect of drought favoured homogeneity within the reservoir, in relation to biotic and abiotic variables, notably the absence of water supply given the lack of flow from its tributaries (intermittent river). The phytoplankton functional groups of bloomforming cyanobacteria (SN, S1 and M) dominated throughout the year 2012, in both the shallow and deep areas of the three reservoirs studied. The groups were related to high concentrations of volatile solids, total phosphorus and ammonia, and high turbidity. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (SN group) was the species with the greatest biomass in the three reservoirs. M group (Sphaerocavum brasiliense) performed better in shallow waters with more available phosphorus. Our data showed that high concentrations of nutrients and low availability of light, besides the stability of the water column due to lack of flow and the system´s high residence time, favoured the dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria groups, especially those tolerant to shadow


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The contamination of water sources of public drinking by waste originated by anthropogenic activities has brought various risks to human health. Among the consequences of such activities can highlight the bloom of microalgae and cyanobacteria, which have the potential to produce toxins dangerous to humans, and the presence of humic substances that are generated by the decomposition of natural organic matter (NOM), such as vegetation. When found in water sources for public supply, present negative aspects conferring high color, odor and taste. The double filtration technology has good efficiency in water with the presence of cyanobacteria and different quality variations. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of the technique of double filtration with pre-oxidation for water purifiers the lagoon of Extremoz-RN, which currently has high concentrations of cyanobacteria. The research is summarized in four phases: the first phase turned to static tests in jarteste equipment in the laboratory and subsequent phases were tested in the Pilot Plant of Double Filtration. For the second and third stage filtration rates were tested filtration rates of 120 and 180 m3 / m2 .day for ascending boulders filters and 160 and 240 m3 / m2 .day in the filters in quick sand descendants. The last phase aimed to evaluate the double filtration with pre-oxidation. The results demonstrated that the system could produce double filtration in all trials of good quality water according to the Decree nº. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health. The use of preoxidation favored the removal of microcystin and color at the end of the tests, reaching a percentage of color removal around 60%. The analysis of variance in the data, enabled prove that the filtration rates of 180 m3 / m2.d the gravel filter and 240 m3 /m2 .d in rapid filters, were the most significant for the removal of turbidity. The ascending filter of boulder 4 with particle size finer filter layer showed the best performance and the best means of turbidity and apparent color. The rapid filter downward 1 was more efficient in removing turbidity reaching removal about 100%


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Stabilization ponds are biological treatment systems in that stabilization of organic matter is performed by the bacterial oxidation and / or reduction of photosynthetic algae. This study aimed to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of stabilization ponds in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Collections were made of the treated effluent, made directly in the output boxes of facultative lagoons and maturation (M1 and M2) and raw sewage (EB) that arrived at the stations. The variables analyzed were: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll "a", apparent color, total phosphorus, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, turbidity, cyanobacteria density and concentrations of microcystin. Variance analysis (ANOVA one way) observing the premises using the Tukey test, so as to check differences between treatments. The evaluate the stations found to COD removals in the bands of 48,8% (Pipa) to 75,8% (Caiçara Rio do Vento) and 57,5% (Pipa) to 83,0% (Santo Antônio), respectively. The mean concentrations of cyanobacteria varied from LFs density of 62,545 cels.mL-1 (Pedro Velho Roça) cels.mL-1 to 2,669,048 (Ponta Negra), while the final effluent showed range between 9,072 Cels.mL- 1 (Pedro Velho Roça) to 1,899,981 cels.mL-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) and the average concentrations of microcystin the final effluent ranged from 0.02 μg.L-1 (Ponta Negra) to 0.15 μg.L-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) at the studied the stations.


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The artifi cial eutrophication is one of the biggest t h reat for the quality of aquatic ecosystems in the whole world. The expectations for the future climatic scenarios in arid and semi - arid regions are intense and frequent droughts enhancing the risk of eutrophicati on and cyanobacterial blooms. Restoration techniques of eutrophic lakes were proposed to reduce nutrient loading and improve the water quality. A successful technique used in temperate regions is the biomanipulation by benthivorous fish removal . Our hypoth esis is that the benthivorous fish removal reduces phytoplankton total biomass and change the composition of phytoplankton functional groups, improving water quality. The aim of the study was evaluate the impact of biomanipulation on phytoplankton function al groups and in the water quality. We applied the technique of biomanipulation in the artificial lake ESEC, in a semi - arid region of Brazil and analyzed the physical and chemical variables and the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups monthly during November 2012 to August 2013. With the removal of benthivorous fish we observed a significant increase of the euphotic depth, phytoplankton richness and the recruitment of green algae (groups F and J ), indicators of good water quality. However, we did not observe significant differences on total phosphorous concentration and on phytoplankton biomass and diversity. The drought effect in the region during the study was evident , promoting a drastic reduction on water level which influenced the availability of resource and affected phytoplankton community before the biomanipulation. To evaluate the effect of severe drought on the dynamic of phytoplankton functional groups and test if the drought periods are favorable to dominance of cyanobacterial groups, we stu died two artificial neighbors lakes (ESEC and Pocinhos) in a semi - arid tropical region during May 2012 to February 2013. We observed a temporal differentiation of biotic and abiotic variables caused by drought. Both lakes presented reduction of 2 meters of water level and increase on conductivity, turbidity, nutrients concentration and a reduction on water transparency, during the severe drought. The deeper lake (Pocinhos) increased phytoplankton total biomass and presented cyanobacterial functional group d ominance (group S N ) and the shallower lake (ESEC) reduced phytoplankton total biomass and presented dominance of mixotrophic and flagellate functional groups (groups W 1 e W 2 ). Summarizing, the knowledge of the effects of benthivorous fish removal in semi - a rid tropical lakes still unknown and this study had limitations caused by the impact of drought. Thus, it is necessary a long term monitoring to investigate the real effects of biomanipulation on the functioning of the studied ecosystems. Otherwise, period s of drought could have opposite effects (increase or reduction) on total biomass and composition of phytoplankton functional groups. Drought not always leads to dominance of cyanobacterial groups.


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Droughts are climatic phenomena whose frequency has increased in the last decades and also compromised drinkable water supplies in semiarid regions. The lack of rain combined with high evaporation rates promotes a significant reduction of the volume of reservoirs in these regions. Shallower conditions favors nutrients concentration and phytoplankton overgrowth, including potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooming. Therefore, there is a tendency to the intensification of eutrophication in those reservoirs during drought periods. Phytoplankton can respond quickly to environmental conditions related to light and nutrient availability by changes in algal biomass and composition, therefore it is considered a good predictor of environmental variables. Two functional approaches - Reynolds’s Functional Groups (FG) and Kruk’s Morphologically Based Functional Groups (MBFG) - were used to assess which environmental variables were responsible for phytoplankton dynamics, in addition to compare which functional approach explains environmental changes better. This study highlights that the reduction of 90% in the volume of a tropical reservoir of Brazilian semi-arid region, as well as light limitation and nutrient increase, can promote phytoplankton overgrowth. Multivariate analyses using both functional approaches indicated a clear separation between high volumes and low volumes conditions, showing that light and nutrient availability were the main variables that better explained the combination of functional groups. The composition of phytoplankton assemblage changed from species of meso-eutrophic habitats (FG: F and J; MBFG: VI), to organisms of eutrophic and turbid environments (FG: SN and M; MBFG: VIII and VII) during shallower conditions. Both ecological approaches described properly the phytoplankton dynamics according to light and trophic state alterations related to the water volume reduction, therefore they can be considered as equivalent approaches for using in similar environments.


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Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.


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Eutrophication is the most common cause of water quality degradation in the world. This process occurs by excessive nutrients inputs, nitrogen and phosphorus, to the aquatic systems resulting in algal and cyanobacterial blooms. In shallow lakes these effects are pronounced due to the higher interaction of the lake with watershed, air and sediment. There are innumerous restoration techniques of eutrophied lakes with a range of successful results but there is only one case of successful lake restoration in Brazil: Paranoá Lake in Brasília city. The Brazilian semiarid region has many artificial lakes, named açudes, which are mostly eutrophic and shallow lakes. The eutrophication in these lakes is reported and the phytoplankton community is dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria species, mainly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The aim of this thesis is to test techniques for water quality management which can be easily applied in Brazilian semiarid lakes. Results from a laboratory experiment suggest that the addition of a phosphorus sorbent clay associated with an aluminium based coagulant is an effective technique in removing soluble reactive phosphorus and reducing C. raciborskii growth rate – cyanobacteria potentially toxic dominant in reservoirs of Brazilian semiarid – but this effect is dependent on the biomass in the application moment. Results from a field experiment in mesocosm in a eutrophied lake showed that the addition of aluminium based coagulant and removal of benthivorous fish is more efficient in removing total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a from water column than the isolated application of one of the techniques. Lastly, laboratory tests showed that aluminium based coagulant exhibited good performance in removing turbidity and total phosphorus from water of six reservoirs but the efficiency was reduced by algal biomass and pH. The results of this study showed that the improvement in water quality of eutrophied reservoirs in semiarid region is possible through internal loading control by phosphorus precipitation and inactivation in sediments or inhibition of phosphorus release by benthivorous fishes, and also that these results show are additives in water quality improvement.


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The main consequence of eutrophication is an increase in algal biomass, mainly cyanobacterial blooms. The high evaporation and low precipitation, characteristics of semiarid regions, contribute to the nutrients availability increase in drought periods and consequent aggravation of eutrophic condition in reservoirs. Climate changes tend to intensify eutrophication symptoms, mostly in a semiarid region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of an extended drought in algal biomass in Parelhas’s Boqueirão, a mesotrophic reservoir located in a semiarid tropical region. The low volume was associated to water quality degradation and to the high nutrients concentrations and low water transparency. The increase in nutrients availability in the water column, consequence of reduced precipitation and low reservoir’s volume, provided the necessary resources for algal growth and allowed a change in trophic state in Boqueirão reservoir. This study showed how an extended drought decreases water quality. The effect of drought in Boqueirão was late detected due to the reservoir´s low initial nutrients concentration. The reservoir´s volume reduction increased the nutrient availability along with the algal biomass increase and the reservoir´s trophic state change of mesotrophic to eutrophic.