21 resultados para chromatographic fingerprinting
Bacteria trom Shewanella and Geobacter ganera are the most studied iron-reducing microorganisms particularly due to their electron transport systems and contribution to some industrial and environmental problems, including steel corrosion, bioenergy and bioremediation of petroleum-impacted sites. The present study was focused in two ways: the first is an in silico comparative ecogenomic study of Shewanella spp. with sequenced genomes, and the second is an experimental metagenomic work to detect iron-reducing Shewanella through PCR-DGGE of a metabolic gene. The in silico study resulted in positive correIation between copy number of 16S rDNA and genome size in Shewanella spp., with clusters of rrn near lhe origin of replication. This way, the genus is inferred as opportunist. There are no compact genomes and their sequences length varied, ranging from 4306142 nt in S. amazonensis SB2B to 5935403 nt in S. woodyi ATCC 51908, without correIation to temperature range characteristic of each specie. Intragenomic 16S rDNA sequences possess little divergence, but reasonable to resuIt in different phyIogenetic trees, depending on the sequence that is chosen to compare. For moIecuIar detection of iron-reducing Shewanella, it is proposed the mtrB gene as new biomarker. because it codes to a fundamental protein at Fe (III)-reduction. The specific primers were designed and evaluated in silico and resulted in a fragment of 360 pb. In the second study, these primers were tested in a genomic sample from S. oneidensis MR-1, amplifying the expected region. After this successfuI resuIt, the primer set was used as a tool to assess the iron-reducing communities of ShewaneIla genus under an environmental stress, i.e. crude oil contamination in mangrove sediment in Rio Grande do Norte State (Brazil). The primers presented high specificity and the reactions performed resulted in one single band of ampIification in the metagenomic samples. The fingerprinting obtained at DGGE reveaIed temporal variation of Shewanella spp. in analyzed samples. The resuIts presented show the detection of a biotechnological important group of microorganisms, the iron-reducing Shewanella spp. using a metabolic gane as target. It is concluded there are eight or more 16S rDNA sequences in Shewanella genus, with little divergence among them that affects the phylogeny; the pair of primers designed to ampIify mtrB sequences is a viable alternative to detect iron-reducing ShewanelIa in metagenomic approaches; such bacteria are present in the mangrove sediment anaIyzed, with temporal variations in the samples. This is the first experimental study that screened the iron-reducing Shewanella genus in a metagenomic experiment of mangrove sediments subjected to oil contamination through a key metabolic gene
In this paper, the Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH s) type hydrotalcite were synthesized, characterized and tested as basic heterogeneous catalysts for the production of biodiesel by transesterification of sunflower oil with methanol. The synthesis of materials Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH s) by co-precipitation method from nitrates of magnesium and aluminum, and sodium carbonate. The materials were submitted to the variation in chemical composition, which is the amount of Mg2+ ions replaced by Al3+. This variation affects the characteristic physico-chemical and reaction the solid. The molar ratio varied in the range of 1:1 and 3:1 magnesium / aluminum, and their values between 0.2 and 0.33. This study aims to evaluate the influence of variation of molar ratio of mixed oxides derived from LDH s and the influence of impregnation of a material with catalytic activity, the KI, the rate of conversion of sunflower oil into methyl esters (biodiesel) through transesterification by heterogeneous catalysis. .The catalysts were calcined at 550 ° C and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy of X-ray (SEM / EDS), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and test basicity. The transesterification reaction was performed for reflux is a mixture of sunflower oil and methanol with a molar ratio of 15:1, a reaction time of 4h and a catalyst concentration of 2% by weight. The physical-chemical characterization of sunflower oil and biodiesel obtained by the route methyl submitted according NBR, EN, ASTM. Subsequently, it was with the chromatographic and thermogravimetric characterizations of oils. The results of chromatographic analysis showed that the catalysts were effective in converting vegetable oil into biodiesel, in particular the type hydrotalcite KI-HDL-R1, with a conversion of 99.2%, indicating the strong influence of the chemical composition of the material, in special due to presence of potassium in the structure of the catalyst
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute a family of compounds characterized by having two or more condensed aromatic rings and for being a class of substances that are widely distributed in the environment as a complex mixture, being very persistent in the environment due to its low solubility in water. The application of chemometric methods to analytical chemistry has provided excellent results in studying the solubility of PAHs in aqueous media in order to understand the mechanisms involved in environmental contamination. The method consists in analyzing the solubilization of PAHs from diesel oil in water varying parameters such as stirring time, volume of oil added and pH, using a full factorial design of two levels and three factors. PAHs were extracted with n-hexane and analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy because they have molecular characteristics fluorescent due to the large number of condensed rings and links, and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results of fluorescence analysis showed that only the stirring time and pH influenced the solubility of PAHs in diesel fuel. How is a non-selective technique for the study of fluorescence was performed on form and semi-quantitative. And for the chromatographic analysis the results showed that the solubility of the different PAHs is influenced differently so that you can classify them into groups by the results of the effects
The cultivation of microalgae biomass in order to produce biodiesel arises as an extremely promising aspect, in that the microalgae culture includes short cycle of reproduction, smaller areas for planting and residual biomass rich in protein content. The present dissertation evaluates the performance and features, through spectrometry in the region of infrared with transformed Fourier (FTIR) and spectrometry in the region of UVvisible (UV-Vis), of the extracted lipid material (LM) using different techniques of cell wall disruption (mechanical agitation at low and at high spin and agitation associated with cavitation). The technique of gas chromatography (GC) brought to light the success of alkaline transesterification in the conversion of oil into methyl monoesters (MME), which was also analyzed by spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, proton magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and carbon (13C NMR). Through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were analyzed the lipid material (LM), biodiesel and the microalgae biomass. The method which provided the best results concerning the efficiency in extraction of the LP of Monoraphidium sp. (12,51%) was by mechanical agitation at high spin (14 000 rpm), for 2 hours being the ideal time, as shown by the t test. The spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR) confirmed that the structure of methyl monoesters and the chromatographic data (CG) revealed a high content of saturated fatty acid esters (about 70%) being the major constituent eicosanoic acid (33,7%), which justifies the high thermal stability of microalgae biodiesel. The TGA also ratified the conversion rate (96%) of LM into MME, pointing out the quantitative results compatible with the values obtained through GC (about 98%) and confirmed the efficiency of the extraction methods used, showing that may be a good technique to confirm the extraction of these materials. The content of LM microalgae obtained (12,51%) indicates good potential for using such material as a raw material for biodiesel production, when compared to oil content which can be obtained from traditional oil for this use, since the productivity of microalgae per hectare is much larger and requires an extremely reduced period to renew its cultivation
Recently, marine organisms have attracted attention because of the complexity and potent biological activity from your secondary metabolites. Our planet has 80% it surface covered by oceans and seas, therefore, housing a wide number of different forms of life, among them, the sponges. These sessile and filtrating animals, according to numerous researches, come showing like true chemistry factories. The substances from these animals, sometimes show as news targets to therapeutics agents, and some countries has already use them for treatment of some diseases. Further of the secondary metabolites, the polysaccharides of marine origin also have been target of studies, because the presence of the sulfates groups in its molecules. Polysaccharides with differents biological activities have been related in a large number of researches. Actually, many studies show the sponges as source of promising medicine. These studies inspire new researches, because the few number of sponges species studied until now. Because of that, the present work shows the chemistry prospection of the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. Chromatographic methods in silica gel allowed the isolations of two secondary metabolites: the known β- sitosterol and a ceramide, no reported in the genus Callyspongia, previously. The analysis of the their lipid extracts show different kinds of fatty acids with a variety of chain length (saponifiable fraction), and others metabolites like Lupenone and stigmasterol, also unprecedented in the genus. The Polysaccharide characterization and the elucidation of the secondary metabolites acquired through of chromatography analysis (CC, molecular exclusion) and spectrometric (NMR 1H and 13C, mass, IR), respectively and comparison with literature data
The development of more selective and sensitive analytical methods is of great importance in different areas of knowledge, covering, for example, food, biotechnological, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors. The study aimed to employ the technique electroanalytical differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) as an innovative and promising alternative for identification and quantification of organic compounds. The organic compounds were investigated in this study oxalic acid (OA) and folic acid (FA). The electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid has been extensively studied as a model reaction in the boundary between the organic and inorganic electrochemistry. Since the AF, an essential vitamin for cell multiplication in all tissues, which is essential for DNA synthesis. The AF has been investigated using analytical techniques, liquid chromatography and molecular absorption spectrophotometry. The results obtained during the experimental procedure indicated that the process of electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid is strongly dependent on the nature of the anode material and the oxidation mechanism, which affects their detection. Efficient removal was observed in Ti/PbO2 anodes, graphite, BDD and Pt 90, 85, 80 and 78% respectively. It was also shown that the DPV employing glassy carbon electrode offers a fast, simple, reliable and economical way to determine the AO during the process of electrochemical oxidation. Furthermore, electroanalytical methods are more expensive than commonly used chromatographic analysis and other instrumental methods involving toxic reagents and higher cost. Compared with the classical method of titration and DPV could be a good fit, confidence intervals and detection limits confirming the applicability of electroanalytical technique for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid. For the study of AF was investigated the electrocatalytic activity of the carbon paste electrode for identification and quantification in pharmaceutical formulations by applying the DPV. The results obtained during the experimental procedure showed an irreversible oxidation peak at 9.1 V characteristic of FA. The carbon paste sensor showed low detection limit of 5.683×10−8 mol L-1 reducing matrix effects. The spectrophotometric analysis showed lower concentrations of HF compared with those obtained by HPLC and DPV. The levels of AF were obtained according to the methodology proposed by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The electroanalytical method (DPV) proposed is cheaper than GC analysis commonly used by the pharmaceutical industry. The results demonstrated the potential of these electroanalytical techniques for future applications in environmental, chemical and biological sensors